HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-02-14, Page 4CWL Discusses Plans For Coming Year Ontario St. SS Plans Sleigh Ride Feb. 18 • r • • • • • ...11•111.11k ST. 'PAUL'S CHURCH PARISH HALL • Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 8 p.m. COLOR SLIDES AND. LECTURE on all branches of Landscape Gardening and planting Trees, Shrubs and Fruit By Mr. Frank Coughlin of TH'E H. C. DOWNHAM NURSERY CO. LTD. Strathroy, Ontario Come and you may win one of the choice rose bushes, several of which will be given away during the evening. ADMISSION 25c PROCEEDS FOR CHURCH RESTORATION FUND 7-b Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce MEMBERSHIP . DRIVE now in full swing FEES: $5 per person per annum Join the Chamber and help the town progress! Contact any member of the Board of Directors. H. E. HARTLEY, C. 0. MARTIN, President Secretary-Treasurer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Chairman, Membership Committee 6-7-b 4-0-4-** I Gigantic Lamp Sale 8 only—TRILIGHT LAMPS— complete with shade and bulbs, . .1.1. . . . ‘ea. $14.25 OTHER TRILIGHTS-- 10% and 15% Off BOUDOIR LAMPS— • 1/2 Regular Price 18 only—TABLE LAMPS— . . . . . . .. . ...... . 25% Off ALL OTHER TABLE LAMPS— ,. ... . . . . . 10% Off BALL & MUTCH D. G. BALL W. MUTC81 Phone 301-,W Phone 01,1 Hardware and Furniture -- Funeral Directors PHONE 195 CLINTON 4444-M-414-44444:4444-644-4-.4-4-44-44-4-44÷4 - 6-0-44-4+44444-44-44+ • 1 • • I • • ertnces SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Stock Reducing Sale • YOU WILL FIND VALUE HERE! LOOK THEM OVER SWEATERS and GLOVES—all 20% off WOMEN'S LISLE, CASHMERE and RAYON HOSE— Values to 1.25 Special at .49 pr. CREPE BLOUSES— Sizes 12 to 42—Slightly soiled-1.00 each FRILLED CURTAINS and COTTAGE SETS— Values to 4.75 Now only 1.69 pr. CHILDREN'S COTTON PANTIES— To clear at only .25 1/2 Price Items Include CREPE DRESSES — STATION WAGON COATS and WOOL COATS. LOOK — For Only .59 HOUSEDRESSES — House Coats and Smocks, as well as many other clearing items. REMNANTS-- PRINTS BROADCLOTHS — TOWELING DRESS MATERIALS, etc.—Look Them Oveir. n I M P • lv • " P " • I tt",'I I • V s' " * r•t•tvr r • v r LEAP YEAR TEA 1 ST. PAUL'S PARISH HALL Wednesday, Feb. 20, 3 to 5 p.m. AUSPICES FRIENDSHIP CLUB— PROCEEDS FOR CHURCH RESTORATION "Leap" into your car and come— We'd sure appreciate your patronage 7-b Specials for February 14-16 M.L LARD 2 lbs. 33c C.F. SHORTENING lb. 25c VEL—Large 2 pkgs. 69c ORANGE JUICE-48 oz. tin 25c CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP 2 tins 25c HEAD LETTUCE-5s hd. NEW CARROTS 2 bunches 19c N.B. POTATOES 50 lb. bag 2.69 N.B. POTATOES 10 lb. bag 59c SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES—size 252 doz.. 39c FLORIDA ORANGES—size 250 .doz. 27c P.M. COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 55c Extra Special McCORMICK'S GRAPE SANDWICH COOKIES-1'2 oz. bag 25c Thominon's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver Fresh From Our Ovens CHELSEY RINGS BUTTERSCOTCH TARTS 25c each 50c doz. CREAM BUNS 60c doz. JELLY DO-NUTS LEMON PIES 50c doz. 50c each PARKER- HOUSE ROLLS 28c doz. CHOP SUEY LOAF 30c each CREAM ECLARES 8c each TEA BISCUITS 30c doz. frgY0414444,1411,10441," ** ?AGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS-RECORD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 195; ?AGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS-RECORD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 195; .41111111.maiglilltagginsmagr VtaillaCell= Mr. and Mrs, R. S, Atkey were PersOnals cousins, Hattie and. Sybil Cour- tice. Miss Wade is a student at Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Miss Olive Brigham and neph- ew,Lloyd Adams, left by motor las week to visit the fornier's brother, Dr. L. W. Brigham, Star City, Sask. The former will re- main for a few weeks. Town Clerk and Treasurer M. T, Corless has disposed of his residence at Princess and Shipley I Sts. to Harold McPherson, and, has taken ownership of the lat- ter's house on Orange St., south of Joseph St. Percy Brown attended t h e RCAFA Convention held last Saturday in Toronto, as a dele- gate representing Clinton Squad- ron, Huron Wing 425, Mrs. A. F. Inkley accompanied. her son to Toronto, and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Scott, and her grandson and grand- daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace MacDonald. Nutrition Conference For Nurse Personnel A nutrition ' conference for Public Health personnel was held 'at Huron County Health Unit Centre, here Thursday last. Mrs. Marion Voege, Toronto, On- tario Department of Health nu- tritionist, was in charge. The conference was a refresher course to the Public Health nur- ses of the county and to repre- sentatives of the Huron County Children's Aid Society. Arangernents for the conference were made by Miss Norah Cun- ningham, supervisor of nursing, Huron County Health Unit. Nur- ses who attended were Miss Mary Love, Wingham; Miss Dorothy Wick, Goderich; Miss Jean Mar- shall, Goderich; Miss Margaret Shoebottom, Clinton; Miss Eliza- beth Read, Seaforth and Miss Lois Baker, Exeter. heard an, interesting reading on the by-laws of the League as given by Mrs. Joseph Flynn. Miss. Patricia Morrison, presi- dent, opened the meeting with prayer. Miss Mary Phelan, Blyth, treasurer, reported a balance of $231.14 in the bank,. Letters of correspondence as read by Mrs. George Carbert, included a let- ter from the diocesan director, Rev, J. L. Hennessy, regarding the finances of the national lea- gue. A request for religious papers, books, stamps and greet- ing cards, was received from Rev. H. Westropp, S.J., Patna, India. Members were info.rmed that all used stamps must be cut with a quarter of an inch margin around them. I The social committee included Mrs: Lloyd Medd, and. Miss Mor- rison, and winners in" contdsts in- cluded Mrs. Lawrence Denomme and Mrs. G. Carbert. A mystery prize was won by Mrs. J. Wilson„ A delicious lunch was served by the lunch committee including Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. J. Scruton and Miss Eileen Tighe. For the March meeting, each member is asked to donate a tin ' of canned goods, which will be raffled, with proceeds 'Ming used for League work. Mrs. J. Marcot and Mrs. J. Ross were named the visiting committee for March, for St. Joseph's Parish, while Mrs, Cronin was named for St. Michael's. Mrs. C. A. TIOtt will prepare a paper for the next meeting, and the social commit- tee will be Mrs. Joseph Flynn and Mrs. 0. Priestap. 0-- ST. ANDREW'S WMS The WMS of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, Clinton, will meet Tuesday, Feb. 19, at three o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Nor- man Ball. 0 Wesley-Willis WA Refers to Royal Lose The Woman's Association of Wesley-Willis Church met in the church parlour on the afternoon of February 7 with the president, Mrs. George Beattie, in the chair and Mrs. H. Charlesworth as pianist. The president opened the meet- ing with a prayer' for. the Royal Family in the great loss that has come to them and to the Empire, through the sudden death of King George VI. Hymn "Happy the home when God is there" was sung and the title of the devo- tional period was "What God ex- pects of Christians in the Home," Mrs. John Nediger Jr. read the Scripture reading from chapter 6 of Deuteronomy. Mrs. Will Vod- den gave "Lesson Thoughts" and Mrs. A. T. Cooper offered prayer. The secretary, Mrs. F. Fing- land, and the treasurer, Mrs. A. E. Shaddick, gave their reports. The flower report was given by Mrs. Charles Nelson; flowers and cards had been sent out to the sick and those shut-in, some in the hospital, a large number of thank-you notes were read by the corresponding secretary, Mrs. Benson Cox, from those who had received these gifts. Mrs. Wilfred Jervis reported for the property committee, and Mrs. Will Pick- ard for the manse. Some plans were made for the St. Patrick's tea which will take place on March 15. A hymn and the Miz- pah benediction closed the meet- ing after which afternoon tea was served by Mrs. Harold Ad- ams and her group. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS MEN The Wesley-Willis Men will meet on Tuesday evening, Feb. 19. Rev. A. Glen Eagle, BA, will give an illustrated address on his work in the Peace River District. All Wesley-Willis men are cordially invited. CLINTON LODGE A.F. and A.M. No. 84 G.R.C. BRETHREN, I am directed by the- Worshipful Master to request your attendance at the lodge room at 10:15 a.m., Fri- day, February 15, for the pur- pose of attending the commun- ity memorial service for our late Most Worshipful Brother, His Gracious Majesty, George VL Service at the Town Hall at 10:30 a.m. Omit regalia. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Fraternally, 3. A. CROZIER, H. E. RORKE, W.M. Secretary 7-b •-•• 4-4-•-• 4 -0-4•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-4-0-1, 44-4 HOCKEY OUTFIT for the hockey player that reit quires the bast In quality and comfort. Step into one of these hand made Kangaroo feather shoot, fitted to a rivetted, chrome plated Picket alloy skoto and fool the difference. They are light and durable, and will give you the confidence only a well fitting she* COO give. i Aken's' Luggage and Shoes .+•-#444+444-44-41-41. St. Andrew's WA Bazaar Committees The Women's Association of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs, John Snider on Tuesday, February 5, with an excellent attendance. Mrs. William Shaddock, the president, was in the chair and Mrs. Snider at the piano. Hymn 494 was sung and Mrs, Shaddock read the 148th Psalm and offered prayer. Miss McPherson, secretary, read her report of the previous meet-ing. Letters of thanks for baskets of Christmas Cheer were read, Mrs, Maxwell read the treasurer's report in the absence of the treasurer, Mrs. Robert McEwen, and the members answered to the roll call. Committees were named for the annual June bazaar as follows: Apron committee, Mrs. Roberton, Mrs. Snider, Mrs. Gauley; home made baking, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. McEwen, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Hall, Mrs, Ctaimore, Mrs,; McKenzie, Miss McPherson; candy — Mrs. Cowan, Mrs, S. Castle. ' afternoon tea—Mrs. Farquhar, Mrs. Ball, Mrs. McTaggart, Mrs, Nott, Mrs. McEwen, Mrs. Roberton; kitchen assistants—Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Max- well. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Edward Gibson with Mrs. Gauley and Mrs. Lane as hostesses. Hymn 770 was sung, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Snider served a cup of tea, assisted by Mrs. Shaddock and Mrs. Farquhar. 0 Initiate New Members Into LOBA Group The LOBA had a good'attend- ance at its meeting Tuesday even- ing. New members were initiat- ed into the Association. General business was taken care of. It was decided to sell tickets on a blanket to raise money for lodge work. The meeting closed with a delicious lunch, served.ly members. The card party ' and dance scheduled for Friday, February 15, is cancelled and will be held on Friday, February 29. Every- one is welcome to this party. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, February 26. All members are urged to be present. — 0 IOOF NOTES 21st Birthday Huronic Rebekah Lodge, No. 306, Clinton, in observing its 21st anniversary since organizing, held a birthday party in the lodge rooms with members of Edelweiss Lodge, Seaforth, as guests. A welcome was extended by noble grand Mrs. Martha Wilson, and Mrs. Hazel McGonigle, noble grand of the guest lodge, replied. In a brief business period, a donation of $5 was voted' to the St. John Ambulance, and $5 to the Navy League, for ditty bags for Canadian sailors in Korea. Bingo was played; and, lunch was served by Miss Marion Pickett's group. A birthday cake with 21 candles was cut by past- noble grand of the Clinton lodge, Mrs. J. A. Sutter. The first ' noble grand, Mrs. Ethel Gould, blew out the candles. 0 ST. ANDREW'S GIRLS' CLUB St. 'Andrew's Presbyterian Girls' Club will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesdays February 19, at eight o'clock in in the Sunday School room of the church. St. Paul's Anglican . Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. • J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service and Sunday School. Mr. F. Hal- lett, Commissioner for Huron College. The regular meeting of the WA will be held in the Parish Hall, Friday, Feb. 15, at 2.45. All members are requested to bring their donation for St. Paul's Residential School shower. Please note change of date. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School period 11.00 a.m.—Public Worship, Children's Questionnaire; 2,30 p.m.—Knox Church, Bay- field You need the church more than the church needs you. Huron St. Baptist Church REV. J. E. OSTROM, B,A., B.Th. Minister 11.00 amt.—Worship, "The Sacrificial Life" 12.15 noon—Bible School A. Welcome Awaits You. Come. Ontario St. WMS Hears of Missions The. February meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Ontario Street United Church was held at the parsonage on Tuesday last with a good attend- ance, The president, Mrs, Mc- Murray, presided. The meeting opened by the singing of a hymn followed by repeating Psalm 101 and the prayer of general confession, in unison. During the business period the sending of supplies to Korea and arrangements for the day of pray- er were discussed, Two poems,' "Sunrise" and "Be- cause" were read by Mrs. F. Townsend. Hymn 511 was sung, with Miss E. Wiltse singing first as a solo. The study book was given by Mrs. Reg Ball, who dealt with home missions. She spoke on the work of our 'church for people from other lands and referred to the vast work carried on in -many languages and in many ways. She also spoke of the work done through the church, which extended spiritual guidance and enlightenment. A temperance reading was giv- en by Mrs. C. Radford. The meeting closed by singing "God Save the Queen!" and pray- er by Rev. A. Glen Eagle. A delicious lunch was served by members of the executive. 0 Bride-elect Honoured Prior to Marriage (The London Free Press) Mrs. George Wright, Hamilton road, entertained at her home at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Miss Ruth Hazel Wright, whose marriage to Arnold Lloyd Makins, Hayfield, will take place Saturday afternoon (February 9) in Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Lloyd Makins, mother of the groom-elect, assisted in re- ceiving guests. Presiding at the tea table, which was attractively set with snapdragons and daf- fodils in a silver bowl flanked by tall pink tapers, were Mrs. J. W, Standen, Kingston, and Mrs. Roy Scotchmer, of Hayfield. Tea room assistants were: Mrs. G. C. Harris, Miss Alice Miller, Miss Queenie Saich and Miss Bernice Gilbert. Miss May Wright, sister of the bride-elect, was at the door. Miss Arlene Fagan, Mrs. Thom- as Twiddy and Miss Marion Ma- kins showed the gifts and trous- seau. Miss Wright was also honored at a miscellaneous shower ar- ranged by Miss Fagan, at her home on Homan street. Presenta- tion of a gift was made to the bride-elect at the home of Miss Alice Miller, Lorne avenue. Expected to be in London for the Saturday afternoon wedding of Miss Wright and Mr. Makins, are, Mr. and- Sirs. W. d. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly, Mrs. G. M. Sellar, George Sellar and Mr. and Mrs. John Wright,' all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Reg- inald Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Brandon, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Tal- bot, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scotchmer, and Rev. Peter Renner and Mrs. Renner, all of Hayfield; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Makins, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vodden, Wood- ham; Mrs. Mayme fralbot, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cameron, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Webster, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Reid, Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Standen, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, Island Falls; Mr. and Mrs. William Smart, Totten- ham, and Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wright, Napanee. Pentecostal Church Victoria St. K. L. SWEIGARD. Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Friday, 7.30 p.m.—Young People's Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME -WESLEY-WILLIS United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11 a.m.—Morning Worship "Honesty in Deed, Thought and Word". 11.20—Primary School , 12.15—Church School 7 p.m.—Union Service in On- tario Street United, Church. "Come to the House of Prayer" Gospel Hall Maple Street, one block east of Albert Street, north of Par-Knit 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 10.45 a.m.—Communion Service 8.00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting— Speaker —Mr. John Martin; Mr. Martin is lecturing on the journeyings of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. Tuesday, 7.00 p.m. -- Children's Meeting. 8.00 p.m.—Prayer Meet- ing and Bible Study. Come and Bring Your Friends *44 44 Legion. Auxiliary Hears About British Queens Comrade Grace Castle presided over the meeting of Legion Aux- iliary, held Monday evening in the Legion Hall, Clinton. duOtiwesi.ng to the absence of Com- rade Dell Jervis, Comrade Betty Stanley took over the secretary's After opening exercises, the charter was draped in memory of the late King George VI. Minutes were read and adopted. George Jefferson, principal of Clinton Public School, gave an interesting and educational talk concerning the queens of the British Empire, their lives and works. The treasurer's report was given. $25 is to be given to the Legion Scholarship Fund. The Auxiliary plans to hold a banquet for the Girl's Baseball team in the near future. An invitation to members of Clinton Auxiliary to meet with Brussels Auxiliary on February 21, was accepted. The Auxiliary decided to buy a new flag and pole for use in meetings. The Auxiliary blazer was displayed for those wishing to purchase same. Members de- cided to send a card of sympathy to the Royal Family. Comrade Violet Managhan gave a humorous reading, The meet- ing closed with a social,half hour, Members of the Catholic Worn- weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs, ens League of St. Joseph's day School executive of Ontario W. E. Tuer, Harriston, Church, Clinton, and St. Mich- St. Church met at the home of Miss Jane Wade, Nipigon, vis- ited the past weekend with her al's Parish, Blyth, met in the Mr., and Mrs. W. B. Olde on. CI t Parish Hall last week and Thursday, Feb. 7, with C. Stew- art prbsiding. A hymn and pray- er by Rev. G. Eagle opened the meeting and the lesson was from Luke 18: 18-30 and Luke 19: 1-10 was read by Miss S. Courtice. The minutes of the previous meeting were received as read; business arising therefrom duly discussed with the following results: (1) The committee appointed selected Mrs. Roy Connell as Cradle Roll secretary; (2) Mr. Martin to be assistant superin- tendent; (3) Mrs. G. Shipley to be Mr., Powell's assistant; (4) Mrs. Reg. Ball to be Mrs. Gil- bank's assistant. It was decided to accept the Bibles chosen by Rev, Eagle—the larger ones to be stamped aqd the gift ones in- scribed by Miss Grant. • The treasurer reported -a sub- stantial balance on hand. It was decided to have the sleighride party, on Feb. 18, weather per- initting. The social committee to b'e Mrs. Shebbrook, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Sly. Tables—Mr. Stewart, Mr: Wheeler, Bob Elliott; pictures —Mr. Martin; teams—G. Shipley, Mr. Aiken, Pictures were shown on the new projector and a missionary film ordered for March. A delicious lunch was served by the host and hostess and a pleasant half hour spent. Fourteen members of the Sun- ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR—REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST—MRS. E, WENDORF 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 12,15 p.m.--Sunday School 7.00 p' m.- Worship "Operation Ilospitalit TUANER'S CHURCH 2.00' p.m..--SerViee of Worship 3.00 p,rn. Sunday School OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL— From Our Store Only BRAN MUFFINS Reg. 40c doz. for 29( WHITE LAYER CAKE ft Reg. 40c each, for „, .... BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners Silyerwoc•d's Brick of, the Month--CHERRY.VANILLA