The Wingham Times, 1885-02-13, Page 9zr
v-zw—'- tetreAi
,1 ,nl.I� ,.
ycytl F)k f 7 srrY
r r w. -e �..+K. M, 't, • t firKArq Ns 1'4-1' .�
, llo.imnttt,:•d hpeceiiio for Ity teriet,
;12"."-,c. COI vitisionH, tits, eye rveu,UNeu.
t ti„1lditclnl, Nervous 1 euaration,
sett 1 Vf11(, use Of )alcohol ta- tclhaeari.
1.,,.'ultains, 11](el)tal 1)opie!,:,'(eo, Soften -
of .1u' (l1'alll. resulting lit h p•ttl)Ity and
(''1,n)iHLra. decay and d..atlt. .t'ro-
turc Olcl ;yIe.J ,)1'(•nn(Sl<.1',0i.s Of 1,otvc r
'itlier sox, Involuntary tio',•,es said stilt, •
latorl1 Pv. caused by over-o;.or'.ioit t•$
b, hi11, ri 1f.ilhuse or over.iudul ,'(+nae,
h )'` Will dire recent ettintS. I acd'1 b x
1 .., 1 one tor:nail'st)•o:,tuient- (Me dolt,
tlo:x, or iivo dollars for mix. ho CCH.
t ll� tn,1.1 Y)i•t'pai1• on receipt f -prices,.
• idtr:U1t('t) h1X boxed to, cure taliy CUM). •
tit 0401.1'1'I,er reed veil by u:+for six box-
tieco 11I1LI,l:)1 ghat five dollars. 'v.•0 will
d til Inireita.her nate woilton gliarantt)>
refund for tzrtaney i, tlln treatilltllltdoes
e'fiet't is t'u1•C' (i 111t1'a Ilactes ir•Sare.(1 0111y
7011N0'WIIrl'1.' & CO. Solo 1'rolute
SI and lien, film,' St. t4yt, Torcnito Opt,
rw•,) 7.. 7E'R7S ..
.1,1100 v 0,
114.111.1 6 Ur
.est l'es,. with the gluts and 1t'esioters or
y'11 1, tutted or gray hair to a natural, delk.
brown etil8r, or deep blaele, as maybe doeirod..
fly.s.t use light or red hair maybe darkened
111111 Mair ti ti'1 oucd, and baldness otto»<,,,
though not allays, o(1(111,
it checks falling of the hair, .and sting
Imes a weak and sickly growth to vigor. 1,
prevents null cures scurf anti dttnlirut1, mak
]teals uoarly every disease peculiar to the
scalp. As a Ladles' Bait: 1h'eaciri?, tho
V1rUIW,�js unequalled s it °cattniu9 steiria.t' n••
nor dyye, renders the hra it, .tz10Ssy, ata:.
silken 1n appearance, and imps.'. A aZ•*lloate,
agreeable, and lasting perfuwo.
rite, C.1' 13131031E0 writes from .1i'bbll, t
114132. ” Last fall ley hair conitnanatal.
falling out, anti In a short time 1 genome
nearly bald. 1 used part of a bo.tle of.
,1.Vieten HAIR Moor, tvhiob stopped the fall-
ing of tho loth., and, started a neer growth. I
have now a full head of hair growing vigor.
ously, and ant convinced that but for the -
use of your preparation .1 should have been
entirely bald."
r. W. Roti 1:5, proprietor of the dttArthtir
(Ohio)1.'ngrr:rer, says t"AV11t'd i1AI1t.yleorr;
i1 a most e1cellaut preparation for tate hair..
7.speak of it from. -my own experience. Its, .
Mut promotes t1,orowtll of new hair, and
Intakes it glossy and soft. Tito V tafints else,
n euro caro. for dandruff. Tot,'vit u lily
Itnoe'le.lgo Win tltu prepal;ltiou over failed
to give entire Sati3fOCLlen,"
4111..act's. 11'A1tnlAltt:X, leafier of the
Ncelebrated "Irairbni u Pamllt " of Scottish
w:alists, writes front• I1.)stotai.rlfuss.,'
1$.,p :., laver since mm. y hair 1eg:to KIva 31)1=
very eviileneo of, the change which tIeeatn)
time prcefu'0Ch, 1• have used AY131)7s limit;
rut, and so have 1(008 010to• mahtrain,
an appearance of youthfulness --a matter of
tlonelderalllo consequence' to ministers, oi•a,
tons, hotels, and in Met every ono Who Bros,
in the oyes of the public."
'lues. 0. A. Plwseorr, writing from t4 Elan
S. m:
leChar/cton, Sloss :Ifni/ 14, 141(2, says
, i o years 11;o about two -tilde Of my .nab''
came n1r, It thinned very rapidly, and 1 was:
fast growing bald,: On using At t•.tt'e lint(.
Shies the fulling me})ped,alltl'a 1(00 U1'e,lNt)t
Cotr)ut0.ucod. 318,1 in alxlut a 1)14)341.1 my heath
was.eonlplet.e)y covered with short hair, it.
ham continued in grow, and is now is p<,od'ss•
bnioro it fol. I regularly used but one bottle.
of tho \' 10011, but now use it 00casi0:t4lly arta
a droeslag."
We hove hundreds of 33)181101te timonla.ta
to• the efficacy of Avr*n's HAI 0 Vlnou. 1a
needs hot a trial to convince the most skepti-
cal of its vain.
Y: 1t1CrARSt) 17Y
fir. t:t1s.,,'
ssoY_ ,,y all Druggtrtr,
THE KEY TO illEitt.nts.
,�+li e 3 ettel Wads V *,analeel*PeasvtrwrrrstxxlwlwkA+7> :1s«grnrimeq I M".4••- siN;lk
t1 ',r.'4.WL i ?ro gttf4r.. CAturrit—L l.'cw Tzetauratzt.
AlletJ,ter oitizen of the great Repuh- Perhaps. the most extraordinary
lie vale.'" went wrnlif» and flitted front suec0ss that hens been achieved in, food,
the land of 1110 free to (iranallrt With t'i'll 111t'diCi)I() 12140 been attrained by the
Goo hope o'i finding 1.31 tlfavr'll ,lf 314 tl :', Datil) trt'rttlnt')lt for catarrh. Uut of
has learned to his bare() * that it it; Not f ,0f10 patients treated t9,i1'ring ilio
rllwo, s possible to escape. the 64ie;0 part six 21100t11R, full ninety 1)t+I'. cent
11t)01166 (lf tn3Stl•'lllg, sal' h(‘ 011v have been cured of.tins stut,1, 1')) iii t1•
,.noel) in the clutches oil the law. T1)i' atty. This .Is none the leas startling
particulars of the (1? -it? 1073 b1w1+'f ;s re: Mien it to remembered that not five
(„ntlr.('d iu thin s)rtiul(,. About a pal,. tin cot it, of patients presenting' theta-
(111Ct' a con'n)trrcy SV60 ortfd)u)''.id ticires tr) tll(1 rCgulitt• 1)rant7LiUne1's 13X01
Dallas, ill t111)) states of '1"L exact. I1y fait, lic.11(titLoll,1Vhile 1.1lc: 1>lttenr, tact ictzies
or six 1tet'al t(1 defraud a. railway corn.' laid other advertised Ctlres itvor 1C
pan y',•oTl1. in alticlr to efle(It the -1P lxl1l'• t;t1r41 to care at ,all -Starting with
110S(( they managed to secure the -ro• 11)13 Clain; now genera l,y b('lit'yecl ley'
operation of 1110 i a)'ti'7 ix agent, fot(1 1 the most seit'ntitic 03011 111311// the des.
1:3otween the party bilis of lading ••were ease is dui; to the pr('solicr. of 'Twin$
ivated.for a largo 1)1)Ut1;er of Man.'s of par kites iu the tis.ilto. 111r, l.:i.eolt'nt,'
cotto'a),v!,,alnfl of-wlhieli ,arnil 11l11)t- once ad apt(ed •his cur.• to their exter-
c'(I t l
ever .$1.00,000. Tlio ililit5 141'10 loblat ion--i.11i.v acet,huplishl'd, he
tirC;el1, as no cowl), was ever '12('1(1 or 01-dIns'the Catarrh is pr.tCtiotallyr cared,
;hipped by the parte' bat, soother. and•tho permanency is unquestioned,
tarty—• -4i 7elvr--'t'a) lnr,UCP(l. to (11 lo31' ata caress• eirecte 1 by Iain four ,yi'ars
of the • intalllent bilis, and having age ago Clime,; still, No one 1lso
uncured the mousy it divisitn, Nun eeser fattetllptF,1 to cora Catarrh,, int
1)111(le between t3( t;, leu' r'catl\vay'. Ibis manner, and 130 other treatment
.agent and three lights of t}1r legal has over cured Catarrh. The appliollr
fraternity, who were taken 111ta) their tion of t.11(' remedy is simply, and can
eenfalen.e. When the nli1 ter ('tune b(l' done at horse, .1nld the p?(esr'10
to tL t'' ncl1110(1)'! the T'if7ticlrl)nt. season Of the year is the most flavor --
t Ick s, 1?xsty departure to the 301*i0ns able for tho hpe"cdy and permanent
s where the wood113n0 twineth."7, There euro • The; 1111 j01'ity ,ti en808 being
was. -10 (lxrepticn, l7 I4•OVar12
. razlc131 c111'(1 al,' 011e trelttlnenl, Snf orers
1°toum:,did uo* f411'3 so forttlnittt'ly 'tlh .should correspond ;Whit ('errs. '1... 11.
311s 'coin pan ions 711 crime, for 1)(' 'wfts frl\ON i}i silly 3',0.3 hint 4tt'eet,vrerst
taken) into eostody rl on the charge Of Toronto, (; Iriado, and enclose stamp
forging fund uttering forged paporfi. •f•5r tleur tri-'rtise en. Catarrh. [J,+ien-
•'Elta was hailed in he sum of $fill,.O110 9rcal-Star, Nov. 17, 14)72,
to appear for trial—tyhich waa to come
ft' few'clays ago—Mr. Bouin quietly
'dipped away and came to Chill hap.
mutter was nli(Pcl in tho ll�nils
Of a Detoititito 1l'i>,r'oiig, or officer em-
ployed. by the Gould system of :rail-
ways. and that gentleman traced the
lflsheila� mart to Canada, Upon ilio
arrival at Chatham be consulted Chief
Baxter, when it'dl'as ascertained that
- .L3oum bad sojourned there for three
of four weeks, hut that, an Ow -31,t
tilt, lir'came. to London. Accordingly
:Furlong-. au%3 U",,it'f .Baxter 011131e -to
London on Saturday.. after obtaining
t warrant from Jude, Bels` ander the
;Extradition • Act for Bonin's' arrest.
They explained the matter to Chief
Williams, and detective Ryder was
detailed to find the man, .whose p11o•
The only Ti"-PAGE,q and the BEST
Mrs: Mary A .:Davey, of Tntih tan -
04 k,,i- l.tl1., W1114 0fflletad for six, yt'tlr,v •
with Asthtnla and .i',•ronchiiis, •d0 ring
,.,.lien time the lest pbysclaus c0331d Ai
)Slut' 130 relief. Her life was despaired
of 'until in last October she procured
a Bottle of Dr. Ring's New Discovery,
when immediate relief was felt, and l)
continuing its lie, for rt,short time she
w:tit completely cured, gaining to flesh
'50 lbs, in -a few months.
Free Trial Bottles of this certain
curt= of all Throat and Lung Diseases
nt 0. i, Willittntlls ])rug Store. Large
Bottles 01.00.
. the county, only
togrewph was shown hying by the. officer
Don't forgot the stray cattle If
Itt n, short time Ryder repaired to you want to find the owner, advertise
Fux's pawnshop. where he found g them 11) Inn I7I limns.
roan whorl lin recognized us .1.3031,1
slid he Sv(d011tit'tlp taken into c ,(lady.. v
.lit, wag identified by' Ir arbor as the
fllr2031, and was itllinediately •liandesl.'
over fp Chief Baxter a11)1 taken 1)ac1)
to Ch,ttllaln for examination. Bourn -
in Advance.
CO) Bopait:i:owi
is a (Toruiitn Sow, tinsel, thick -set and .etstrs Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheumat:o c' the ri:11 DC has
apparently about fifty years of (3g(. Cont, General Debility, Catarrh, fund ail of .ddA... 0.0.11 Gr L) Jj_( 4,4 L I j e best
llel Lived +itaorderB con=ed by a thin 1 �•-
'.':th fL Jewish resident of. the Ciiy of blaodtedlsoonlnidi on of tho blood; expelling 1 T 1 �"� , '4?' ec'l i t o'9"'1
er CeC11i, , f
Ie po' ,
faca s o
and impoverished,
Daring his stay in Louden
: Press.r t the system, m onliohsr e•-
1' end renewing the blood, and rtcwring rte vital- �f every �
•lain; power.
I3ubaccrihC for '. un r ems and rift t the ` Itarittg a long period of nnparallol'oc1 nodal.
pets, AYRn'e SAILOArAR)r.!A -hag proven its
i perfect adaptr1.tlon to the caro of all dismates
or13+In0Cltg in poogtlond and a weak1ned vitality,
It is a highly crtritilentralinti extrrrt of Sorsa- I
par1110 ant outer blood-pnrifc•ing• roots,
,snmbined trills .Iodide of I'otaes1nmt ani
Iron, 510(1 is the Baines, most reliabin, and m'--
otteno)nlcal blood-pnriler and bawd -food that i
ate, be used.
21,0"w story i •
'11 ills a ) '•�c.) avenues of
u f111S, K, ,".,ttey1 and. Vro'E!t`• , lrryt0,r.
c1I1 gradually v1.'hout weakening the systont.
all the impurities and foul hl800rs of the
Secretions, i a.t the sante time Cor'r'ecting ,.
.Q•cidlt • of the aiioraach{ curing 1111-
0usll.ess, D:/ pepl11 t, Iiea•u.'3cb es, Idia-
s?nese, Hotw learn, Constipation;.
Dryness of the. Skin. Dao-ps'i Thal.
ncss of Vizion. Jaundice, $alt Itheuat.
EIyx3ipolas,` icrottth i fluttering of
the l;irlarl, Netitersters R51fi. (9eenot'
Debility*;.rill theao 011(1 many otner 90110,1'4re
lar Complaints yield to tire llot'nv i31fiu111'
t1,' attn,p10 Bett?ea lec 3 Ttegi tar sixvto,14
e w 'tor sal b/ all dt'ak:rs.
Pe* $lu7tv'7lnali 42113 (1, . I Ie orieteta, t',Trrti'r'
l tre.veil into the 1lteruiaerl of the stats
rotthet, lot, stu11tit part nor, it hali!•1G, (felt;
• 1, ltitorris nom- tine to t.1ru fnoutl).,of
silt hot, a ted b'%fer, tcitll 1Dllttll 641
.utzintg yeum old. Tito owi,or chin
lava th(1 tote"e utf tl1'ovin4 t. tioper1p lif
?+yiageit,>pi . •
Stook.SOV 14
li 'S£i(N,_7 ana,1r
es ens ofeau l
effectual rer„edi(a
ever dirco1ered flea
'cleansingthe rty3•
tens antpurifying
;tile blood. It ltat
,',✓ stood the tett of
: :41,Nr;y(v 4s'(3'('� t'eal's, with a eon..
';'.1' (3 (1yyrowing,rei,
la 't1 Iste ntatiuh1, ba.!011 on fid
;Intrinsic virtues, and bll{{i5t0iile('1 by Its r1
to al•'., a11ia 011113s. Sot881:1 as to be safe and
1's11Cilr4xt to children, and yet so starching
ff) t•1 ell'ertit111t Julrge chit the great cora
t+upt10111 or the 1,1(md, inch its the ecrofutow
flan i syphilitic nitanuntitioll. Impurities
or d1131. Ase; 11lat ia813 lurked in the system
for years, soon yield to this poirerful anti
stole, and. disappear. Ifencc its rvonderfll
3)1.113. 1fl0) 01 0,lii'1, are publicly known
of Scr(a1'itlrt., and All serofuluus (1iscarel
(peers. Eruptions, and terupii'fe dit
Tumors, seders of the rkln, luc)rs, g310#Cl ltti9
£1'i1i1M, Pinl ,les.1';1Rl;ulc s, soros, at
All tit4)lly'3 Fire, e, Inose or ,1 i ysi ire
iris., o1'citer; Salt i het.iltr Seal(
&3.e.14.(1, :1<viBfr•tv(I, Iia, mat 3lIir'r.3,a 10'I
aM31r1Lt3()tts Of Zile L'14'r1I$, Stomach
whit 1Liver. It also cures other eo81
plaints, 10 wbieli it would not !reels etspt+a
oily tttiapteti, !liefn as lrni)ity, Dyltpell
ta1. rite, %Tett. rt,4':c ". `', lie tet l)iseiz~'+e
+`esllcialtr %V'ealette 1. Debility, an(
•' *.tlnt)rtillei3,ui, when they aro lnitllifueta
*env tri the, scrofulous .pLisons..
• it x,..141'4.'11vnt restorer of he lth iati4`
'1 1,. 1..: Spring. I3y rent wing t11
"lid 'rigor "'ht. ciige3tivt' orgnrs
i.'.:•. 1;• .,,:.,1', •an and 3113t.lelw len
Elven ',Alert no tliSorde
' i•ydatI pe, rel better al..1 t've ?en;,c
Ili' cleruenli the blood The uystete *soy
le with ra; a wed tiger soul a n1W tcliar. i.
P1,431) trey" .
>'r, .l, C, AYR to. CO; Lowell,14M
.rfOl1itntwl 0034 413n4)I}iienl I:hiMis4MM.
IOW SrALL 7trlGIUW:401141 Irtittrrittlifti
tnfl1-ttlrnatory l henium::tlarm Cereod. 1
j "A2en's'5AneArnr)J.I.A has eared me of t ,
fri1almna•tory Itheunaztism, :wide )thiel i h ,•re.
sulci ted for ninny years. 'dt'. 24.141ooatti
7Ntrhunio la., :larch 2, 1 .
'" Eight Tears ago I bail an attatelt of Rh e•tlrna- Bill He ``, , d. o; r
Y5 sen so sov0ro tint l couldn
not ave from the bed,
01' )dress, u'tthort 1te1p. 1 trial several remedies •
without Mach if any relief, until I teolt Avra'o
SA1t0At'AR1t.1,A, by the Ilse of two bottles of
which I was completely cured. 7 have not been
troubled with the Rheumatism shwa. /lave sold
]311.310 gnantlilra of your 1Art1ArARII.t.A, ani {t '
81411 1031141 s tui wonderful popularity. Tho many •
notable cures it has affected in this vicinit'y ion-
1'h,aa nuc that it is the best blood medicine ever .
01i'rrcd to the public. 1C. Iv. Il AhtRIO. " -
River St., IiuektaI,dilt{AAL., Plat VI, 1E'32.
"Lout March 7 Was so weak from gtruoral tltt•
billty that .) could not walk Without betj1,, Fol. •
lowing the xdviee of a friend,'" e0ttlmaricetl taking
011;. t r< 3.3313ArA}tiGC,A and bet03l•01 had ueod
'three bottler 1 full aewell as I my life.
I have been at work now for two months, and '
think your 1iA1tIArARII.LA the grouted blood
medtetn in the world. ,IAMMI(S ii3Avl:nxb
aro West 421 St., Now Toth-, July 19, 7E'b!. •
- Artrn'e B.1)10.1'RARIL.r.A cures Scrofula arta
all bcrof'lntra Complaints, 39ryslpe3an, Mc- 03:t liet%
• some, Riagworra, Moieties, Sores, Doris.
Ta'rnora, nntl Ernptione of tido Shin. It cleat*
1 rttteB ands df
n same, :'
all impurities, the blood of 1 , A f
latex the notion of the bowels, and thud rssteaeo
vitality a,td srronp'thans the 'whole ilr.'irteit.
Success the 131st OR The World.
PILLS a.�.iz-'
This Universal Medicine 11f a
I'ousehold.I;0lnt'(1y •
T�Z P-11.0...74. '
PUltlt+'Y TfI] BLOOD. Irrrp4et tone t 1
the li.E1lVOUI3 SYST.IIM, (1(1,1 mit mot
poworfullv'yot soothingly on th+"
LIVER ANI) B �,? tt,i L E,
promoting DIG.bISTION and aisisnulatiex
wed endowing the whole bodily 4ra)no wit
•i'J ttl?1NGTil and vigor. Nervous Item
ache Tremblings with Lo1situdeand GEN
SitAL DEBILITY iquicltly yield to tit
poterlt`force Of these: well known fills, an •
• flew Hrn unrivalled in their efficacy in el
EHAL; C4i1rfT'LAI�i'1'�1,
[,..ennui,.t,1t cal o'botrllwtious, 311; i'. bI03o1
tshes, *ivies les (end boils, lyei.;0r thtti•r
any other family medicine kn'nvn.
"t' FIE OIN 111.11;.:N 1 -
Etas a h'•aria•-wijs R("1) :{tli;O '
•It hoitls every 'dr.2 �f SORIa., l/ LL' isl t
• 11 11 WO if .N17:5' snore ^.orttal,.,y .lt:1)1 31:3
:ather ktlo•(vn ,.cove. Its marvellous Holt
tracing 1)uw•�r3 re ear itit)t'alltetta i11
Ourit,gBroncititis, Quitlseya, and ;S=lime
reducing Glandular lhunlph, t:l1oin,g at,
EtentingABSESSESand 11'1' I'tiL..'4an
alleviating the excruciating t.c•i 0lt'rK c 1
RHE tJMVT'' ATISMt .0013T.
and NEUIIALG1A it is tulclir)): ,•tl4".. 1
never. fails to remove Smart shin..very spss
cities of slain disease.
Manufactured only at Professor 1101a;.e
wkr's Lstablisl,nhent,•
-(old at 1H. 11d., ,2s,.0d., 4s..61" UM., 2s a
and 33s. each Box'and Pot, 'awl ilrCanal
at 36 cents, 90 cents and 61..30,' and th
lart,or sizes in proportion.
rt? CAUTION.—I have nn tweiit
United States, nor are nu 111Ict3ieines sol
there. Purchasers should therefore loot
to he Label on the Pots and boxes.. IA
the address is not 533, Oxford Street, Lou
ion, they are spurious.
The Trade Marks of my said Modic•t113a
aro registered in Ottawa, and also- es
Ncias1 ington,
633, Oxford Street. London. Sept., 1882.
Letter .Heads,
• 'Business Cards,
Manic Forms.,
Choc ques,
Circ ul rs
,, ' •,.'•�. i b y..., 4
Dr. J. 0.•rityer .rx AAP., lt.ttreetii'tta`i,io b141.
r$4:,l'))' gill AIY'}'k;a:rti aA.....t w....., (mill .
1:,,eti,) tl sb st. Wlsittt... t should to
Vail l-.7! r it il1014 Miters is
.k 31,10-• 304'e*..t, 'tr.. r ('000 ere. Prto
e 1; • h.,n f ei1L?1tIlt:Gc t':)r- '...•1.: )v.+ a
0ITV.(' x'i 01144 M.
OW. '1 t.till0.10(I
Lsbt'1a, ShippinTit toVisitirl Cnrtlit, ;11.0(1 I;iile,Plytittr4, tete.,
(:VOD L7; 1y AC; SIMS WA'1 TUD TC)'WW1: oI{
Corrtikpo111lnttt1 w4r:rt:4 to a'verq aehool *4140* Ile 4b31•>w)''' l,iit9r�lsi
ritt wr(eltltrsiiied bp. ri)s-slc,12411
C443.ttw't lit meet Ctyti-ftr-C100.11v w,4 lrq ,,
{,met p1 1 E'er. la o rg _ l� +h' 't�
I,Y. • li 'i�iLl,�•/• leaf1 eV; 1)-3 :L. t 1.; erp�
1114ui n td ATaeon iew.tee) of a
lJV 4 1. re tfte best too! )tease
m 1.
O til. (.rgeed Is f r lb for
Tei i1
ago }II3I-ALCUE FICUl .:
tom' rI1 1:1'01 14).01' S'Il' , a
1710lI SW* kit cay oras 1s I ea
)t4fi j ., last il., l la
ghrubAt'1v, (pt,, 0Soaou SA, 1
Wit Acetlalster wan cCtsi iwi .fah r,..,.
p:,,,„„, 5' 111', �Id di*xl eerp 0=0.00,w'Ot
f"�1, nI " 11011'1 L'tztaerh 4 r , ..nt t
autJai%fl>d. w•V. ta
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