HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-01-31, Page 3THE. pital Auxiliary -"Games Week" has been snow- balling into quite an event since we reported last Week'. . More and mere ladies, in both town and district, have been opening their Bonzes or making donations, so that the Games Week has be- come a real community effort and a most successful one--under the energetic leadership of 'Miss Win „ * * • TWO organizations sponsored parties in aid of the Auxiliary this past week , They were the :Catlesillc Women's League, of St. Joseph's.` Church and the Officers' Wives Auxiliary . of RCAF Station, Clinton . . . Fur- ther details of these parties are found in news columns of this paper . • * REPORTS from the various wardsein town have been excel- lent.'. . The Games Week ends Saturday, so the ward conveners ask that all, money be turned in by, next Monday morning, so ful reports can be given at the Auxiliary meeting, Monday af- ternoen . . * HERE is the list of all who have, assisted in this worthy pro- ject: since last Wednesday . * MRS, Gordon Cuningliame, Mrs. M. D. McTaggart, Mrs. Lillian McKinnon,- Miss Florence Cun- * * MRS. Walter Newcombe, Mrs. M. MMroy, Mrs, Sam Mc- Donald, Mrs, Burton Stanley, Mrs. C. V, Cooke, Misses W. and B, Thompson, Miss Mary Turner, Mrs. Tom Morgan, Mrs. Bob Morgan, Mrs, Wilfred Jervis, Mrs. Morgan Agnew and Miss Norma Bentley, Mrs. Elmer Hugill, Mis- ses Hattie and Sybil Courtice, Mrs. Norman Shepherd, Mrs. Dudley Pegg, Mrs. E. H. Epps, Laf-a-lot Bridge Club . • * 5, * MRS. George Rumball, Mrs. R. M. Aldis, Mrs. 3: M, Elliott, Mrs, H. Glew, Mrs. A, Shaddick, Mrs, Biggart, Mrs. C,' Cooper, Mrs. W, T. Herman, Mrs.. Reg Ball, Com- inercial'Inn Hotel, Miss Ward and Miss Stone, Mrs. S. Riddick, Mrs. David Wilson, Rev, and Mrs. H. C. Wilson, Misses Wiltse, Mr. and inghame, Mrs. Clara Rtunhall, Miss Mabel Rathwelle Mrs. Jim Lovett, Mrs. Adam Cantelon, Mrs. IVI, T. Corless, Miss Stirling, Miss Shaw, Mrs. George 1VIcLay, Mrs. F, Newland, Mrs, Don MacDon- ald, Mrs. Alec Inkley, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. Claude Daw, Mrs, William Grigg, Mrs. A. •Glen, Eagle, Miss Rena Pickett, Mrs. Frank Andrews, Mrs. Irwin And- rews, Rev, and Mrs. 3, E. Ostrom, Mrs. Grant Rath, Mrs. R, J. Cant- een, Mrs. IVI, Addison, Miss Grace Addison, Mrs. Robert Ir- win, Mrs. Murch, Mrs. Hugh Cameron, nr• CLINTON HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Friendly Persona! Service. . DRUG STORES Annual Meeting "Council Chamber Town Hall, Clinton Thur., Feb. 14 at 8 p.m. All those interested in the affairs of Clinton Public Hospital are cordially invited to attend DR. W. A. OAKES, E. E, WALTON, President Secretary-Treasurer 5-6-b "The Greatest Night Spot In Town!" Beattie's Mattress Department, Second Floor YOU Can Have One Also With an "Arrow" or "Goodyear" Airfoam Mattress Priced $22.95 to $89.00 Beattie Furniture I George B, Beattie PHONE 184W )11111IDEDHIREWITMITIfillf Iii-ualuu 1 muulmuumummuummummumuumuum oullummumumummuu immlluummulimmut uumult u utuomulullmumus IN .11 I I 11111111M1111-3141lIFITIIIITIMIIIMiliTA 1111111111111111MMO1111111111111N11111111111 New. Milk and Cream Pric s Effective Friday, February 1 By Order of The Milk Control Boild of Ontario (No. 52-27) made January 2 4, 4 952, and filed ,January 24, 1952. the fol- lowing prices for dairy products become effective Friday, Feb- ruary 4, 1952 WHOLE MILK Quarts ea. .21 Pints ea. .12 SKIM MILK Quarts ea. 15 CHOCOLATE MILK Quarts „. ...... ea. .22 Pints ea. .12 8-6*. ea. .07 TABLE CREAM ns Quarts ea. .85 Pints ........ ....... , ..... ea. .45 1/2-PintS ea. .25 WHIPPING CREAM Quarts ea. 1.25 Pints ea. .65 1/2-Pints ea. .3$ BUTTERMILK Quarts ea. .17 Your Local Dairies: Fairhohne Clinton Dairy Dairy Imam' millusuilluum ell F111111111111111110 nrna i II1111111»111 1 CD 11111 )1111»111DIMII 11111111111'1111 CLINT-011. lirWS •ZCortr).. Couple Reside in 1$1h. r--' A FINE cLIANgli Cantalls LA554 45 « 'poem w4iting agont with cfrqP ,Og fo4.444t14. 4 tectrotng White Teeth 9 Sweeter Viva* . 9 Frethor, Cleaner Feeling Stops bad breath, body odor, etc. 25c, $1.25 I.D.A. SHAVING CREAM A small amount yields a rich lather. 49c F"99" Capsules $3.00 Ointment „ $2.00, $5.50 Starlac Powdered Skim Milk 48c,$1.17 FLURADENE Chlorophyll Tooth Paste ..... 69c COMBS 8c — 2 for 15c Wash Cloths Reg. 2 'for 25c 2 for 19c Meads PABLUM Jeanette Talcum Large shaker can .19, 2 for .37 Mercolized Wax Cream 89c , '••••-.99 4,-,4544—A e-9554-9,•«— Cupboard Material f or The Handyman LARGE STOCKS TO CHOOSE FROM Fir and Birch Plywoods Chrorntrinx Mouldings Arborite and Walltiles , This- Week's Special 1/2 x5 Dry Spruce Bevelled Siding 5c per bd. ft. This is a matt economical siding for your Chicken Shelters and other Light Construetion 1540:154.,5,5.. BABY CEREALS Mixed, Rice, Bar- ley or Oatmeal. Precooked, fortified with Vit, B Com- plex. 25c, 48c BALL- MACAULAY fit'.0"::°947, Builders' Supplies SEAFOItTH LUM8E11, LIME, TILE, PLYWOODS ANDMI&0AL18I Clinton Electric Shop ma* W Cornish " WEST1NGHOtiSg MALE PHONE, 479 Eteadente 358 "Every. House Needs Westinghouse'!" .+41-14-4/-444-44-• Mrs, Johnson, Mrs. Harold John- son, Mrs. Cree Cook, Mrs. W. A. Oakes, Mrs. W. 5, R. Holmes, Mrs, G. W, Nott, Mrs. Wilfred Seeley, Mrs, W. Plumsteel, Miss Emma Plumsteel, Mrs. A. E. Bond, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Bert Boyes, Mrs. Harry Ball, Mrs, B. Cox, Mrs. C. Fremlin, Miss A. Steepe, Mrs, Johnston and Miss Luella Johnston, Mrs. F. Fingland, Mrs. Frank Chapman. * * AT Adastral Park—Mrs. A, E. Sturgess, Goderich members of the Officers' Wives' Auxiliary, the Victoria Blvd. Bridge Club, Mrs. Thomas Bangs . . . * * MRS. R. M. P. Bulteel, Mrs. George Walker, Mrs. E. A. Fines, Mrs. C. Connell, Mrs. W. Welsh, The Manufacturers Life reports Business in Force of $1,444 Zion, The new business in 1051 was $18 million greater than that written. in 'the previous year and amounted to $198 million, Payments made to policyholders • under their contracts totalled. $26 million and were distributed 19 beneficiaries and policyholders in • death claims, matured endow- ments, annuity 'laments a n d other policy benefits, including $3 million in dividends to pol- icyholders, An increased scale of policyholders' dividends has been declared for isn. • The Assets of the CompanY grew to $449 million. Govern- ment and Government guaranteed • bonds constituted 20 per cent of AsSets and corporation and muni- cipal bonds 39 per cent; mortgages constituted 10 per cent of As- • sets, preferred and common stocks 11 per cent, cash and other assets 11 per cent, Interment member, conducted the service, who passed away at her home BYAM ROWCLI FFE in her 62nd year. Rev, A, Glen Eagle, Ontario Street United Funeral service was held in Box Church, where deceased was a ton, for Eudora E. Crich, belov- ed wife of James W. Manning, and Mutch Funeral Home, Clin- Pollock and Edward McConnell. day, January 35, from the Ball lager, • Harold Holman, Clarence MRS. JAMES W. MANNING London. Funeral service was held Fri- !William Waggott, Otto Qchlenoche was made in Clinton the home of his daughter, Mrs. Funeral Home, Seaforth, on Mon day, January 28, for Byam Row- January 25, in his 72nd year, at cliffe, who passed, away Friday, Orville Oke, Seaforth. _Death Pallbearers were; Frank Smith, -- came after a long illness due to cancer, Rev. D. A. MacMillan, North- side United Church, Seaforth, officiated at thee service. Inter- ment was made in Maitlandbank Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Garnet Miners, Exeter; Ezra Willard, Russeldale; Nelson Crich, Goderich; Fred LeBeau, Crich. In 1909 she was married in Clinton, where she and her and James Nott, Clinton; Clifford P husbend later lived. She was a icard, Seaforth. Flower-bear- member of the Ontario Street ers were two grandchildren, Ro- bert Wright and Douglas Row-'United Church, Clinton, and a cliffe. tmioenmber of its Woman's Associa- Mr. Rowcliffe was born in Us- Her health had not been good borne Township, near Exeter, and received his education in that township. On Christmas Day, 1906, he married Perla Batten in Thames Road Church, and in 1912 they moved to live on the Lon-survived by two daughters: Mrs. Clarence _ don Road, Tuckersmith Town-Down (Dorothy), Hen- don sall; Mrs. Howard Hyde (Lillian), ship, near Clinton, Mr, Rowcliffe Hensall; one brother, James W. remained there until the death of Crich, Tuckersmith: one sister, I his wife in' March of last year. Mrs. Jonathan Hugill, Seaforth;I Since then he has lived with 'his and four grandchildren, Robert daughter in Seaforth. He was an and Helen Down; and Eudora and adherent of Ontario Street United James Hyde. Church, Clinton. Surviving are one eon, Car- men, Seaforth; three daughters, Thelma,Mrs. W. G. Wright, Sea-GEORGE CLIFFORD POLLOCK forth; ilma, Mrs. Orville Oke, (By our Bayfield correspondent) Seaforth; Wanda, Mrs. Hilliard Friends in • the village were Lawrence, Hensall; two sisters, shocked to learn of the sudden Mrs. Joseph Crich and Mrs. Jo- death of George Clifford Pollock, seph Shipley, Clinton; two bro- which occurred in Victoria Hos- thers, Phillip, Clinton and Ern-pital, London, January 20, 1952, est, California. following, a heart..attack. 0 Deceased, who was the only son of the late Mary Jane Castle and Huron and Erie Has John Pollock, was born in Bay- Increased Assets field November 7, 1890. Here he attended school and grew to manhood. He gave freely of his A record $6,000,000 increase in• musical talent on the violin at assets of The Huron and Erie , local patriotic functions during Corporation is • shown in the the First Great War. A barber company's eighty-eighth annual by trade, Cliff, as he was famil- statement issued today. This in- iarly known, resided in Port Mc- crease brings the total assets to Nicholl before going to London $64,185,000. about 35 years ago. He later re- The public now have invested sided in Byron for a few years. in debentures and on deposit in At the time of his death he op- savings accounts with the corp-erated a barber shop at his home, oration, $56,015,000. 120 Highbury Avenue. He was a Net profits of $551,454 represent member • of King Solemn Lodge, a slight increase over the preced-No. 378, A.P. and A.M. ,Surviving, besides his wife, the ing year. Distribution of these former Edith Peebles, are two profits shows that $100,000 has daughters: Misses Margaret and been transferred to the reserve Helen Pollock, both of London; fund bringing the total paid in and three sisters: .Maude (Mrs. capital and reserve up to $7,500,- George Holman) London; Flor- 000. ence (Mrs. 3. M. Stewart) Hamil- ton; and Evelyn (Mrs. R .B, Johnston) Sault .Ste, Marie, Ont, The remains rested at the A. SEAFORTH—Russell T. Bolton Millard George Funeral lrome, was re-elected chairman of the London, until Tuesday, January Seaforth District High School 22, at 2 p.m. when the funeral Board at its inaugural meeting. service was conducted by Rev. Gordon MeGavin 'was re-eldcted George W. Goth of Metropolitan vice-chairman and M. A. Reid United Church. Interment took will continue as seeretary-treas- place in Woodland Cemetery, user. uPHOTO F. B. PENNEBAKER PHONE 14 SERVICE DRUGGIST .A. 04....4...116. f Westinghouse CLOTHES DRYER \ \ II 1141P, (41/g411416 FEATURING THE NEW \ \ I DRY DIAL ,,_......._,.......,..........___________, THURSDAY, JANUA M 31, jou Lees Chat A Woman's Viewpoint oarThis ant/ That By MBA. AID BLIND CAMPAIGN BRUSSELS_ — Brussels Lions Club decided at its last, meeting to canvass the village from Feb- ruary 1 to 10 in conjunction with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind campaign. The nuptials were solemnized recently of MR. A.N1Mrit. JAMES JOSEPH MASON. Mrs, Mason is the former Miss Irma Dorene Bean, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David Bean, Carlow. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and' Mrs, Walter Henry Mason, Blyth, Their marriage was solemnized at the parsonage of the United Church, Blyth; Rev. Charles Scott officiated. They will reside in myth. —Photo by MacLaren's Studio 4-44-•-4+44-11,+++ +.• • +444-04-•-•-•-•-•4-470.44-40-$1-.4-4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-4- Obituary Manufacturers Life Closes Good Year 1.0.A. sPfciAt.! ALMOND LOTION 6 oz. Tteg, '60e „ , 49.c I.D.A. SPECIAL! Beef, 'Iron & Wine 16 oz. ryry Reg. 79c 63 C I.D.A, SPECIAL! FRIARS BALSAM 1 & 2 oz., Reg, 25, 45 19c,, 37c SPECIAL! IDOL-AGAR I.D.A, Mineral Oil and Agar 16 & 40 oz. Reg. 79c, $1.59 59c, -1.29 I.D.A. SPECIAL! Seidlitz Powders Box of '7's Reg. 29c-23c I.D.A. SPECIAL! Syrup, White Pine & Tar 4 & 8 oz., Reg. 35, 60 29c, 49c , I.D.A. SPECIAL! Tincture. IODINE 21/2 %, -1 oz. Reg. 25c 1 9f e PAGE VIM •••••••••••••... Cemetery. Mrs. Orville Stanley, Mrs, George Six nephews, Clarence, Elmer Beattie, Mrs. John Middleton, ' and Harold Hugill; IVIurray and Mrs. A. J. Holloway, Mrs. F. Ted Crich; Carman Haines, Blyth, Pennebaker, Mrs. F r e d 0, were pall-bearers. Flower-bear- Ford, Miss L u c i 11 a Grant, iErs were: five nephews, Donald Miss Edna Jamieson, Mrs. D. ' and Alden Crich; William, Clif- 13artliff, Mrs. Harry Bartliff, Mrs. I ford and Wesley Hugill; and one Alfred Crozier, Mrs. A.—J. Mc- cousin, Ernest Crieh. Murray, Mrs. F. Townsend, Mrs. 1 Mrs. Manning was born in T.'Nay, Mrs. F. Tyndall, Mrs. Ed- Tuckersmith Tbwnship, daughter ward Farquhar, Mrs. 3. A. Sutter, of the late Mr. and Mrs, Louis' Mrs. F. Middleton, Mrs. George Roberton, Mrs. MacLennan, Mrs, Morley Counter, Mrs. B. S. Atkey - . . for some time previous to the stroke which she suffered on Sunday, January 20. Besides her husband she is 0 SEAFORTH OFFICERS I.D.A. SPECIAL! Soda Bicarbonate 4, 8 & 16 oz. Reg. 15c, 25e, 35c I lc, 19c, 29c 411110M51:051113110115421111111MOMMIIMIEWSI Rain or shine, every day is a perfect drying day with the new Westinghouse Clothes Dryer! Just drop your clothes in the dryer, set the automatic Dry-Dial anti forget it! Your clothes are gently tumbled in warm, dry air—and come out soft and wrinkle-free, requiring little effort to press smooth! dune ih today for a free demonstration!