HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-01-31, Page 16c a Copy $2.50 a Year No. 5---,The Horrie Paper With the News CL.iNTON 0 .ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY al, 1952 ,.........0....••••••••••••••••••••••/ Home f KAF Stat ion 2,126 Copies A Week 71st YEAR nt THE NEW ERA-87th YEAR ewspii THE NEWS-RECORD New Building For:Legion This Year Erection of a new memorial hall by Clinton Branch No, 140, Canadian Legion; still is a live topic of cliscussioh among mem- bers, and ,the Matter came up again at the monthly meeting in the Legion Hall ,Monday even- ing. Although •rie definite action was eeeem at the fneeting, it was agreed that the nevA building should be .constructed this year, if at 'all possible, The Branch has. Purchased va- cant land on Kirk Ste near Huron County Health Unit, for the pur- pose. This plot has a frontage of 132 feet by a elOpth of 165 feet, so should be large enough fbr the purpope: In this connection, the Branch will continue to raise funds for the Building Fund, the latest be- ing the sponsorship, of "Stage Crazy" in the Town Hall Friday and Saturday evenings of this week, • Dr. R. M. Aidis, speaking in behalf of the campaign for the Blind, was assured that the Leg- Death, come to Wafter John Mc- Ewen, 23, Brucefield, about pine Sunday,. in Victoria Hos- pital, Louden, following seven days of anxious vigil on the part of his family, many friends and the hospital staff. The car accident in which Mr. MeEwen was fatally injured, oc- curred during a blinding snow- storm near Exeter, on King's Highway 4, Saturday, Januaryi9. The car struck a context culvert and nosed into the ditch. Mr. McEwen, who was driving, was pinnedabehind the steering WALTER J. McEWEN wheel for half an hour before a doctor could be summoned. Later, it was discovered that his back was broken, but it was hoped for some time That he might recover. Funeral Largely Attended Largely attended funeral ser- vice was held quietly in Bruce- field United Church, Tuesday af- ternoon, conducted by Rev. W. J. Moines, assisted by Rev. E. R. Stanway, London. Interment THE WEATHER 1952 1951 High Low. High Low Jan. 24 19 6 31 17 25 32 8 25 14 26 35 32 24 15 27 33 25 20 3 28 27 • 5 15 4 29 10 8* ' 19 8 30 16 2 13 4 Snow, 6 ins, Snow 8ia ins. Rain .31 ins. beim* zero was made in Baird's Cemetery, Pallbearers for the funeral were: Robert Allan, Douglas Cleland, Ross Dining, Robert Ir- win, Jack Steep, and Gordon Van- Egmond. Flowerbearers were: Mel Graham, John Moffatt, Fred. McGregor, Arnold. Taylor, and Harold Talbot, Roy -Croolter, St, Thomas. Lived in Stanley Entire Life Mt. McEwen was born in Stan- ley Township, near Brucefield, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mc- Ewen, and attended S.S. No. 14, Stanley. He had lived on his parents' farm all his life, with the exception of two years in London and Woodstock. In, May, 1949, he married Dallas Brink-, low, St. Mhomas. At the time of the accident her was working at the Air School, Clinton. lie was a member of Brucefield 'United Church, the Young People's So- ciety, and the choir there. Walter also was, a, member of the Junior Farmers, and of its male quar- tette. Deceased is remembered not only for his work in chorus, quarr tette and solo work, but also for his cheery smile, sparkling wit, and gentlemanly ;bearing. Besides his wife and parents, he is survived by a daughter; Marlene, seven months; a sister, Margaret, Mrs. Russell Zurbrigg, Wingham; and grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Stevens, Brucefield, He was predeceased by a brother, Duncan, who died nine years ago. COMING EVENTS '`• 4c a word; 75c miuimium Legion Auxiliary Bingo every Saturday night, Town Hall, Clin- ton, 15 games 50c, extra cards 15c. Prizes $1.50 for each bingo. 3-b Wesley-Willis Sunday School children will have their sleigh ride and party on Thursday, February 7. 5-b Come to the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, for an enjoy- able evening.. You'll feel like dancing on top of the world. 5-6-p St. Andrew's Presbyterian Girls' Club, Bazaar and sale of Homemade Baking, candy, ap- rons; Church Sunday School room, Saturday, February 9, 1952, 3-6 p.m. Afternoon tea. 3-5-6-b Huron Producers Ask 50-Cent Levy Each (By Gordon M. Greig, secretary, Huron County Federation of Agriculture) Huron County -Hog Producers' Association held its annual meet- ing in the Agricultural Board Room, Clinton, on Friday, Jan- uary 25, commencing at 2 pan. Guest speaker for the meeting was Norman McLeod, Waterloo Comity, who is a member of the Ontario Hog Producers', Market- ing Board. Mr. McLeod outlined the posi- tion that the hog industry is in at the preeent time and steps leading up to the present decis- ion to set up a central marketing agency for the sale of all hogs in Ontario. Following his address Mr. IVIcLeod answered many questions concerning the market- ing agency and the future plans of the marketing board; 4 Set Up Levy A resolution' was passed by the meeting asking that the Ontario Hog Producers' Association press for legislation that will enable the Association to make a deduc- tion from the price of hogs, to set up a fund large enough to be used to stabilize the market. President R. S. McKercher of the County Federation, stated that Huron County had been re- ported to be opposed to the tent- ral Marketing agency for hogs. Be advised that if the Hog Pro- ducers of Huron County were not satisfied that the agency was a good thing for the industry, they should oppose it and make their opinions heard in Provincial meetings. However, President McKercher advised the Hur on County Hog Producers to -throw their weight behind the Central Mar- keting agency if the majority of the producers within the proVince voted for the central agency. Last year's committee was a- gain elected to represent the county in 1952: Orval Taylor, Belgrave; Harry Sturdy, Auburn; and W. R. Lobb, Holmesville. The annual meeting of the On- tario Hog Producers' Marketing Board will be held in Toronto during the early part of "March. (By another writer) Resolution Adopted The principle of a fund to sustain hog prices by taking sur- plus pork products off the market was approved. At the suggestion of Robert Welsh, Goderich Township, who took a leading part in drafting a resolution, the group decided to ask the Ontario Hog Producers' Association to try to establish a system of assessment against hog producers, to build up the fund that would be used for price stabilization. The resolution adopted by the annual meeting read: ". . that we press for legislation whereby it will be legal to deduct 50 cents a hog, or a sufficient amount, to finance a pool` to take surplus pork products off the domestic market in periods of surplus marketings, and move, this .sur- phis in periods of short supply, and therefore stabilize the do- mestic market; and that this re- solution be forwarded to other county hog producers' organiza- tions for their support," Interesting Discussion 'During the discussion period Charles Coultes, Belgrave, said he agreed with Robert Welsh that some system for handling surplus processed pork is the only answer to the probletu of dealing with price dips caused ,by a surplus of hogs, W. R. Lobb, Holmesville, said he believed the plan for a central marketing agency is not yet clear enough, or well enough defined, to be accepted by the hog pro- ducers' organization. "As soon as the scheme is in such a shape that it looks satisfactory, then I'll be for it, but it's-not in that shape yet," Mr. Lobb said, Approved In 1946 Vote Questioned by Robert Welsh on the fact that no general vote on the central marketing agency idea is being planned, to collect the opinions of all hog producers in Ontario, Mr. McLeod explained that the central marketing ag- e,ncy plan was included in the group of proposals to which a favorable majority was given in the vote conducted among On- tario hog producers in 1946. 0 CLINTON LIONS MIDGETS WIN FROM MILVERTON Clinton Lions Midgets scored another win Tuesday evening in Milverton by the score of 4-1. "Rickey" Elliott got himself three goals. At a meeting of the Official Board, 'George Beattie was ap- pointed Recording Steward; Nel- son Trewartha, representative to Presbytery and Conference; Mis- sionary and Maintenance Cofn- mittee, A. T. Cooper, Edward Jenkins and Lester Martin; M. and M. treasurer, Lester Martin; captain of Ushers, • Wesley Hol- land; pulpit supply committee, H. C. Wilson, George Beattie and N, W. Trewartha; look-out com- mittee, Wilfred Jervis, M. T. Cor- less, T. 3. Riley and 3. A, Sutter; auditors, James Vessey and Wil- bur Martin, It was decided to hold the An- niversary Services this year in June. Holmesville United (By Holmesville correspondent) The a nnti a 1 congregational meeting of Holmesville United Church was held in the Sunday School room, with about '70 mem- bers sitting down to a delicious pot-luck supper. After the supper, with Rev, M. G. Newton as chairman, and El- mer Potter as secretary, the usual business was transacted. Reports were given by .Rev. M. G. Newton for the Board of Ses- sion; Edward Grigg for the Board of Stewards; Elmer Potter for the Trustee Board; Mrs. S. Walter for the WA; Mrs. H. Cudniore for the WMS; Bill Norman for the Sunday School; Dewar Norman for the YPU; Rota Yeo for the M. and M. Fund; and Mrs. B. 3, Trewartha, for the Flower Fund. Finances were in eecellent con- dition. E. J, Trewartha was appointed to carry on as chairman of the Board of Stewards for 1952, with Bill Norman as secretary. Edward Grigg as treasurer and Lloyd Bond as envelope secretary, The Meeting closed with prayer by the minister. Carmel, Hensel! (By our IletiSall correspondent) The annual congregational meeting of Carmel PreSbyterian Church, wits held 'llitarp. clay, Jannety. 24, With a Splendid attendance. The chair was taken by Rev. Donald It Sinclair, VXd+., ter, interim moderator. Splendid reports Were present- ed by each organization and the PRICE STABILIZATION FUND FOR HOGS FAVOURED Stanley Young Man Dies Alter Accident Two Autos Collide At Brucefield Intersection A car driven west by Russell Dallas, Brumfield, was struck while crossing King's Highway 4, at Brucefield, about 10.15 Wed- nesday morning. Mr. Dallas had stopped at the corner, but since a truck was parked on the highway in front of Christie's General Store, he was unable to see whether any ear was coming from the south. As he crossed the highway, a car driven by Freeman Pebhl, Lon- don, came into collision with the left side of His car. The .snow piled at the northwest corner of the crossing prevented possible' damage to the house there, when, the cars slid in that direction.' Two passengers In the London car were Edwin F. Wheeler, Dist- rict Supervisor, Canadian Nation- al Institute for the Blind, owner of the car, and another man, both of whom are connected with the CNIB in London. According to police damage was approximately $350 tp both cars, but although the occupants were shaken up, no one was ser- iously injured. Provincial Constable Helmar. Snell, Seiforth, investigated the accident, Sequel to an unfortunate and near-fatal episode in Goderich Township on December 29, Laird W. Schilbe, 23, Goderich laborer, was fined $200 and costs in court at Goderich Thursday last after pleading guilty to discharging a firearm while hunting deer out of season, and causing greivous bodily injury to Thomas Rath- well; 35-year-old Goderich Town-, ship farmer. , In imposing the fine, Magist-, rate D. E. Holmes, K.C., said he would recommend to the depart- ment that no firearms licence be issued to Schilbe for five years. Schilbe was tracking down a deer with a ,12-gauge shotgun. Mr. Rathwell and his ,brother were working with a team on a log on his Goderich Township farm. The deer tracks angled across the, river to a thicket op Encouraging Reports By Delegation, On Housing "The trip was very encourag- ing," Mayor G. W. Nott corn- merited, following return of a deputation representing Clinton Town Council which paid a double-barrelled visit to the On- tario Parliament Buildings, To- ronto, Tuesday. in addition to Mayor Nott, the deputation consisted of Reeve W. J. Miller, Ald. C. W. Draper and Thomas Pryde, MLA for Huron, who introduced the local men. The group interviewed Hon. William Griesinger, Minisier of Planning and Development, with regard to the Province's partici- pation in the „propdted 150-unit housing project in Clinton. "The Federal Minister, Hon. R. H. Winter, was*coming to To- ronto Wednesday, to talk with the (Atari() authorities regarding housing," the Mayor reported. "We're hoping for some develop- ments.1 The deputation also interview- ed C. A. Robbins, Chief Prigineer of Maintenance, Ontario Depart- ment of Highways, regarding in- stallation of a stop-and-go light at the main intersection in Clin- ton, in the absence of the Min- ister and the Deputy Minister. The Department will send a man to Clinton to make a survey In this connection. No promises were made by the officials. ion and Auxiliary would look af- ter the canvass of St. • James' Ward. • J. H. Murphy was appointed official representative of the Branch on Clinton Community Centre Board, Members of standing commit- tees were appointed, the chair- men, being as follows: Relief, J. W. Counter; Sick and Visiting, Ed Gibson; Poppy, 3. R. Butler; Constitution and Bylaws, M. J. Schoenhals; Membership, and Supervision, H. E. Kingswell; Property, K. C. Cooke; Social, F. M. McEwan; Entertainment, R. R. Fitzsimons; Indoor Sports, Bert Kirby; Outdoor Sports, J. E. Dale; Building, J. W, Counter; Ways and Means, K. C. Cooke. -0 RCAF ASSOCIATION Clinton Squadron, Huron Wing No. 125, RCAF Association, is holding a general meeting in the Legion Hall, Clinton, at 8.30 p.m. Monday, February 4. All RCAF veterans are welcome. Sequel of Recent Shooting Accident is Fined of $200 and Costs the north side, where Mr..Rath- well and his brother were work- ing. Schilbe fired two shots, one of which hit Mr. Rathwell, who, Provincial Constable Helmar Snell said, still is in Clinton Public Hospital. The accused had rendered every assistance teethe Rathwells and the police. "It will be a long time before the farmers of this county will be in favor of deer hunting if men go up and down it with a gun and fire at something , not seen; and then to shoot a second time is stupid and silly," Mag- istrate- Holmes told the accused, Supposing it had been a deer, he added,, the accused -was in the wrong beeseese he couldn't see it when 'he aired` twice, and might have wounded it, leaving it tp run off into the bush and suffer, An al Reports Presented Indicate District Churches In Thriving Condition (13Y Our Auburn correspondent) The a n rt u a I congregational meeting Of Hnox United Church, Auburn, was held in the Solidity' School auditorium With a large Attendance, After a Pee-leek topper and seeial hour,ReV, C, C. Wathing.4 ton took charge and conducted devotional exerelatt. A Sheri Monitorial service was held for those in the eotigregria fiat Who had died in 1051, dent; Boy Scouts, Clendon'Christ- ie, scout leader; Board of. Trus- tees, Ross Scott, chairman; Board of Managers, John Broadfoot, chairman; Treasurer's report and Missionary Maintenance Fund, Miss Eva Stackhouse, for J. W. Stackhouse, treasurer; auditor's report, T. B. Baird. Officers for 1952: three new members on the Board of Man- agement, J. Broadfoot, A. J. Mustard, V. Taylor, to work with W. D. Wilson, E. Allen, W. Burdge, Russell Dallas, J. Mc- Donald, W. J. Stackhouse and W. D. Wilson; treasurer, W. 3. Stack- house; auditors, T. B. Baird, and A. 3. Mustard. Members of Board of Trustees, John A.. McEwen, Ross &oft, A. J. Johnston; organist, Mrs. J. Murdock; superintendent of Sun-, day School, Norman Walker; treasurer of Sunday School, Ro- bert Allan, Jr. The choir's firiancial report was given by Robert Allan, Jr., and the president, J. Xe CornIsh, made an appeal to the congrega- tion for new member for the choir. He suggested the possibil- ity of having a junior choir, where youngsters could get train- ing for the senior choir for.. later years. Mrs. W. J, Maines was appoint- ed representative from the con- gregation to work with repre- sentatives from the WA and WMS to determine ways and means of raising the allocation set for the fund tor building a new training school for women. Missionary and Maintenance Fund committee, Walter Moffat, member from the Session; A. J. Mustard* eepresenting the Manag- ers; Miss Edythe Bovvey, the WA, and Norman Walker, the Sun- day School. . The congregation decided MI a substantial increase in the salary of their minister. Rev. Mr. Maines voiced his 'thanks that they should show their apprecia- tion in this way. Problems of insuring furnish- ings and contents of manse and church Were left to the discretion of the trustee board, After the meeting was adjourn- ed, a social evening Was enjoyed, veryorte enjoyed the sandwiches Which the ladled of TilckersMith provided and the tarts which the Stanley ladies baked and brought. Tea brewed in the kitchen added much to the pleasant atmosphere, Knox United, Auburn -*0 Brucefield United Church con- gregation attended their annual congregational meeting in good numbers, on Tuesday evening, January 29. Rev, W. 3. Maines, acting as chairman for the meet- ing, read Psalm 46, and led in prayer. Minutes of last year's meeting were read by A. J. Mustard, sec- retary, and several other special meetings throughout the year were mentioned. Reports for various organize, tions were given. Robert Wat, son, clerk of Session, reported for the Board of Session, and Rev, Mr, Maines gave a report on the doings of the church throughout the year, including number of members, resident and non.,resl- as neighbours got together for a dent, baptisms, marriages and *hat. funerals. Superintendent of the Sunday School, Norman Walker, reported briefly on the work of the school, whieh Was open 52 Sundays in the Year, Robert Allan, gave the treasurer's repent. Reporting for other organiza- tions: Woman's Missionary SO- ciety, Mrs. Robert Allan, presi- dent, Mrs. Ross Scott; Mission Band, ird. Edgar Allan, leader; Weinan's Ataoeiatien, Mrs, Lorne Wilson, secretary; Mrs. Hugh C. Berry, treasurer; Adult "Fellow- ship Group, Cleriden Christie, for Mre, A Dutton, treasurer; COI% WS, Williarn Scott, Wale send greetings to: Rev, Andrew Lane, G. R. Foster, Mrs. George Saville, Mrs. Howard Fowler and Mrs. Alice Robson. Congratula- tions were extended to Mr. and Mrs, Ed Cook on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. During the evening the 'follow- ing program was greatly enjoy- ed: piano solo, "Jesu' Thou Joy of Man's Desiring," by Miss Doris Grierson; vocal solo, "Breath of God Breathe on Me," by Miss Margaret Holland; and a chorus by the men of the Choir, ac- companied by Mrs. M. R. Rennie. St. Andrew's, Clinton St. Andrew's congregation in a representative meeting on Wed- nesday evening last gathered for its annual meeting, and after a brief devotional period by. Rev. D. J. Lane, the minister, the con- gregation appointed Dr. J. W. Shaw as chairman for the even- ing's proceedings. Reports were called for, after the minutes of last year's annual meeting were read, and secretary Ed. M. MacLeod's motion of adopting them, was unanimous. Mrs. Frank Mutch read the re- port of the Girls' Club, revealing many projects undertaken, and a balance of $221 on hand. The secretary of the WA, Miss McPherson, hi giving a review of the work of the Association, spoke of many necessities being supplied by the women and still had a good working amount in their account, viz. $300. Mrs. James Makins and Mrs. Robert Scott, treasurer and secre- tary of the WMS, respectively, noted the allocation to have been exceeded, and reported interest- ing' meetings of an educational type conducted during the year. E. M. MacLeod, superintendent of Sunday School, was greatly pleased to inform the congrega- tion of a steady growth in the number attending Sunday morn- ing school, and the treasurer's re- port showed sufficient funds for all purposes, had been received. Mrs. D. J. Lane, supervisor of Mission Band work, told how a new method had been adopted for study hi missionary activity during the latter part of 1951. The method consists in having the Mission Band leader take over the entire Sunday School, on the first Sunday in each month. The Men's Club work was pre- sented by the secretary-treasurer of the organization. It pointed but the various, types of good work that had been accomplished through the club, both inside and outside the church building. The Board of Managers report- ed having arranged for the re- decorating of the school rooms, repairing part of fotiridation, completing the building of cup- boards in the kitchen; the instal-, Wien of a second furnace and other smaller needs. The general treasurer, Alex Cudrtaire, supplied the, financial statement; indicating the largest envelope offerieg of the years— the largest missionary contribu- tion, and the largest plate eel- lections in the history of the con- gregation, with a balance of $65007 on hand at the elese of the year, New business !handed me re- election of the board of Manage- ment, with Howard Cowan, tak- ing„ the place of Frank e. tae- Donald, removed, ivkinbbts of the Huron County 1VIedieal Services Were reminded of, their faethcorning proteetiVe (hitt, kid ethers; Were given the opportunity of joining before the end of January. The trustees of the property, both of church and manse, were re-appointed. Dr. J. W. Shaw expressed the thanks of the congregation for the steadfast efforts of the min- ister and his wife, The ladies of the congregation furnished refreshments, and the members of the Men's Club serv- ed' them, as a social hour was enjoyed at the close of the meet- ing, St. Paul's, Clinton St. Paul's Church of England, Clinton, held its annual meeting in the Sunday School room of the church last week with a good attendance, The rector, Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, presided, with W. H. Robinson as secretary. Various reports of the church's activities during the past year indicated progress. Total con- tributions from all sources were approximately $8,500, including receipts for general account am- ounting to $4,653, The Budget appropriation to the Synod was reported as 'being paid in full. Donations of the Parish to the fund for the rest- oration of the church totalled $805. Reports of organizations were presented as follows: Chancel Guild, Mrs. Clinton Staniforth; Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. W, H. Robinson; Choir, Gordon Harrison; Friendship Club, Mrs. Roy Fitzsimons; Girls' Auxiliary, Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel; Sunday School, Herbert Bridle; teclies' Guild, Mrs. J. M. Elliott;.' Harriett Rance Memorial Fund, G. M. Counter. The following officers were re- elected: Rector's Warden, L, G. Winter; People's Warden. John Livermore; eecretary-treasurer, 3. S. Sileock; vestry clerk, W. IL Robinson; auditors.-3. G. MeLay, W, V, Roy. Members of the Roarcl of Man- agement of the church were ap- pointed as follows: Herbert Bridle, R. B. Campbell, C, V, Cooke, G, M. Counter, W. X. Counter, C. W. Draper, Gordon Herman, Sidney Jones, J. G. MeLay, K. B. Meltrie, W. E. Pere due, W. V. Roy, T. G. Scrib'bint, C. Staniforth, R, Thompson, J. J. Zapfe, Mrs. X. A. Crozier was appoint- ed to the Board of Management as Friendship Club representative, Lay delegates to the Jamie meet- ing of the Synod were named: Zapie and W. V, no, with C. V. Cooke and 'C. G. Il/fieldleton as alternatee. The parish tebstantially creased '.h. annual etipend to the rector,Rev": R. M. P. for Whith he spoke in appreciation in behalf of Mrs, Bulteel and himself. Grace, Porter's Hill (By our Porter's Hill correspondent) A goodly number of the con- gregation of Grace United Church, Porter's Hill, attended the annual congregational meeting. A pot- luck supper was held prior to the meeting, and this was enjoyed by all. Chairman of proceedings was Rev. Peter Renner, minister of acted as secretary and read the minutes of the last meeting. Good reports were given by the Woman's Association, and by other organizations, Rev. Mr. Renner reported for the Session; Argyle Lockhart for the Board of Stewards; Donald Harris for the Missionary and Maintenance Fund; Reid ,Torrance for the Sunday School; and Mrs. Peter Harrison for the Woman's Assoc- iation. Officers elected for 1952 are: Session, Rev. Mr. Renner, John Torrance, Reid Torrance, Wilmer Harrison; stewards, Argyle Lock- hart, Elgin Cox, Donald Harris, James Cox, Allen Betties; parson-, age board, Reid Torrance, Argyle Lockhart, Wilmer Harrison, Mrs. Peter Harrison, Mrs. Donald Harris; trustees, Ray Cox, James Cox, Milton Woods, Keith Cox; organist, Mrs. William Cox. Sunday School superintendent, Mrs. Wilmer Harrison; assistant superintendent, Reid Torrance; secretary-treasurer, James Cox. 0 Brucefield United Reports of the various organi- zations indicated encouraging growth in all departments. It was especially gratifying to learn that there is a substantial bal- ance on hand, because during the year .improvements were made in the church property. Miss E. Mutch was re-elected church treasurer; Miss M. R. Jackson, church secretary; Wil- liam Straughan, missionary treas- urer; J. B. Jackson was re-elected to the Session; J. Roberton, F. Toll, and S. McClinchey re-elect- ed to the board of stewards; Mrs. G. McClinchey and Mrs. A. Grange re-elected auditors; and H. Webster's name added to the following list of ushers, H. L, Sturdy, W. Washington, K. Ar- thur, S. Ball, R. D. Munro, C. Scott, and H. McClinchey, 0 Wesley-Willis, Clinton Following a well-attended con- gregational supper held in the basement of the church, the an- nual congregational meeting of Wesley-Willis United Church took place Thursday evening last, with about 160 members and adherents in attendance. After a brief devotional period, the minister, Rev. Hugh C. Wil- son, acted as chairman, and Lorne Jervis was appointed secretary of the meeting. Reports presented respecting the various activities of the church, indicated progress during the year just closed. Total con- tributions were $11,925, including $8,434 for general purposes, and $1,832 for Missionary and Maite4 tenance Fund. N. W. Trewartha presented the report of the Session which was followed by a memorial tribute to the members who have died during the year. The following reports were given: .Sunda y School, I. A. Stiffer; Junior School, Mrs. W. M. Nediger; M. and M. Fund, R. B. Sutter; WMS, Mrs, Charles Nelson; Mission Band, Marilyn Miller; Girls' Club, Mrs. Milton Steepe; The Young Mothers' Study Group, Mrs. Percy Livermore; Woman's As- sociation, Mrs. A. V. Shaddiek: Young People's Union, Donald Andrews; Choir, R. N. Irwin; Church Treasurer, A. B. Corless. Those elected to the Session were: J. W. Nediger, Cree Cobk, Lorne JerVIS and Benson Sutter; elected to the Committee of Stewards: William Jervis, George Beattie, Leslie Ball, Fred Potter, Wesley Holland and Norman Shepherd. Trustees, aPpOinted for a three-year term were: Dr, J. A, Addison, G. H. Jefferson and Lester Martin, Reeolutiens of courtesy were Made: for the Choir, by George Beattie; to Garnet Cornish, by Lester Martin; to A, T. Cooper for his Work on the reports, Min Nediger; to the ladies fer a very fine supper, by M. Cetleas; and to the Minister by James Vessel.. The eerktary was instructed to treasurer's report disclosed the finances of the church in good condition. Mrs. W. R. Bell was appointed secretary for 'the evening. ' Four new managers were ap- pointed: Garnet Mousseau, Russell Moore, Harold Ben, Melvin Glan- ville. George Tinney, superin- tendent for the Sunday School Tor five years, tendered his resigna- tion. Other appointments were as follows: Mrs. Lawrence )3ayn- ham, secretary for the Record; Clarke Kennedy and W. J. Jarrott auditors for 1952. Induction services for the new minister, Rev. John B. Fox, Bran,. don, Man., have been postponed from February 4 to February 8. Trinity, Bayfield (By our Bayfield• correspondent) A pot-luck supper preceded the annual vestry meeting of Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, in the Orange Hall Tuesday evening last. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the vestry clerk, Mrs. William Parker. The reports of the various or- ganizations were read. The treas- urer's report of the church was read by Lloyd Scotchmer and the Sunday School by John Parker. Rev. H. J. B. Webb gave his report on the year's activities of the church. Rev. H. J. E. Webb then took the chair for the election of of- ficers which resulted as follows Rector's Warden, Leslie Elliott People's Warden, James Cameron treasurer, Lloyd Scotchmer; en- velope secretary, William Mc. Dool; Lay delegate to Synod, James Cameron, substitute, J. E. Hovey; Board of Management, M, la, • Corrie, Brown Higgins, John Parker, William Parker, 3, E. Hovey, Leslie Elliott, James Cameron, Lloyd Scotchmer and William McDoole vestry clerk, Mrs. William Parker. Sidesreen, John Parker, Bowl". Higgins, J. E. Hovey, William Parker, William MeDool, M. P. Corrie, R, .1% Larson, Alfred Scotehmer and John Sturgeon, Sr.; auditors, Mrs, A. Bassett and J. E. Howard. A vote of thanks was rendered Mrs. J, E. Howard for the flow- ers which were placed in the church each Sunday and to John Parker and the Sunday School teachers for their splendid Work among the children of the Sun- day School, A letter from the Bishop Was read by 3, E. lloveY. During the evening, Glenn. Sturgeon, Margaret lionzard and Merry Mack were called to-the front. Ott behalf of the junior choir Glenn expressed the regret of the junior Choir at Merry 's- departure front tts and Margaret presented her With a photograph album containing scenes of Bay., field and her friends here. Merry expressed her thanks to the choir Rev. Mr. Webb closed the meeting With 00'0,