HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-01-17, Page 9Airmen Lose 54 To Goderich Team Rough Game In one of the most closely fought hockey matches seen in Goderich Arena for some time Goderich Pontiacs defeated Clin- ton RCAF 5-3, Penalties were the big factor in the loss for the Airmen, with a total 04 18 hand- ed out to both teams and a ten,- minute misconduct to Carroll of RCAF, • The Opening period saw Pont- iacs gain a two-goal lead and held it for the remainder. Air- men fought back hard in the second period and came close many times to tieing it up, the period ending 4-3 for • Goderich. The third period saw New- combe of Goderich notch the lone tally. ' Clinton RCAF; goal, Cook; de- fence, Carroll, Webber; centre, Garrow; wings, Starcher, Rouleau; alternates, Walmsley, Petrie, Thompson, Jette, Skinner, Grant, Paulichuck, Guinn. Goderich: goal, Ginn; defence, Biggar, Beacom; centre, New- combe; wings, MacDonald, Mer- riam; alternates, Gould, Miller, Dubick, McPhail, Bisset, Duck- worth, Arbour, For Your Mrs: Michaud Winner Of 'Motorways Contest Mrs. Joseph Michaud, 24 Re- gins Road, Adastral Park, was adjudged the Winner of the $10 cash prize donated by Western Ontario Motorways Limited -tor the best Idea of a shopping ser- vice from Adastral Park to Clinton. The contest closed Fri- day last. .As a result of the contest, a new motor coach service was in- augurated on Monday, January 14, leaving Adastral Park at 0,45 a.m, and, returning, leaving Clin- ton at 11,30 a.m, Fare is 15 cents one way and 25 cents re- turn, with children below school age carried free. The new service is proving both convenient and popular with residents of Adastral Park. connection with her Air Force duties, F/L Campbell has spent her annual leave visiting such places as Mexico and Panama City, many parts of the United States and last year she took a leave trip to England for a two- week period of sightseeing. The future looks just as bright for the RCAF's airwomen. Re- cently Air Force Headquarters announced that airwomen would now be stationed at such places as Whitehorse, in the Yukon; more travel and adventure. Results in detail are: For Mayor: Votes FM PFAFF „ lee WQ2 Round $6 Woe °estop. 31 For Council: 'Ward I-- F/0 STURGESS W02 Kennedy F/S Turnbull. Ward I Councilwoman: MRS. HAINES 46- Mrs. Turton - 34 Mrs. Pfaff .. 24 53 21 This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup Clip This Ad Out, Please, For Reference! BUS TIME CHANGES Effective January 7, 1952 IMPROVED CONNECTIONS At London for Chatham and Detioit TO LONDON: TO WINGHAM: Lv. 9.20 a.m. Daily ex. Suridays 12.20 a.m. Daily 4.45 p.m. Doily 6.05 p.m. Friday only 9.00 p.m. Sundays 10.50 a.m. Sat. &,Sun. ' 3,55 p.m. Daily 7.25 p.m. Sundays - 9.30 p.m. Daily COMPARE TRUE PRICE MEOWS DOPING THE PAST TER TWA Ow DP ut,' 1740 SEMI** 35: rkrail 4114*.•• ."•.•,•4• i•,••• ••••••••••1444.4 telephone ervke iS one of today's beit boys UST Of tnqnc• Ur 65% CLINTor\T Nzws-avcoup MAIIMAIrt ;AIIVARY 7, 1952 PAGE xmg RCAF Station and Adastra ark News Editor: 110 V. IL 14001111E41). Station PRO Phone 382 Local Gbh O. 61 FREE! FREE! FREE! With each Record purchase, we will CLINTON'S RECORD BAR Come again Roundel Terraces CAF Station, Clinton, was 'filled "WeePeetter Ise hundreds of Air Force -person/eel' and tbeir :guests -who attended the Saturday night 'Airforce Amateur 'Sheer and. Dance. The entrancing music of Aub- rey Haines' Dance Band kept the 'stance floor well qccupied duping -the evening, Indluded in the Band's number$ was that famous song "Jealousy" The first contestants in the amateur show were A.C1 Red 'Bones and AC2 Wally Hopkins 'who went all out in a comedy :skit. "Red" looked very fierce in his trunks and huge boxing gloves. Vocalist' Airwoman Lambert accompanied at the piano by F/S -Vern Boyk was very - impressive -with her versions of "Solitude" and "The Janson Rag". T ii e 'second number also gave 'Vern "Boys a chance to display his 'great talent for tickling the :ivories. Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor "what a *din Bony Raabe All out; ugly bellows 8II up* nook no longer scrawny; body loses belt. ritarvad. Sickly "bean-pole" look. Thousa before, vilrls. women, men, who never could gain 'are now proud Of 41149011'.. healthy-looking bodlee. 'They thank the special vigor-building, nosh-building Ostrex. It. tonics, stimulants Invigorators, f Stan. vitamin Bs. caesium, enrich blood, improve `appetite and digestion so roadWOG you more MUenftIe and nourishment: put desa-On bare hones. DOA t leer letting tee fat. sum when You're gained tebtepb, ID. It•or.g0 Ibe. you need Tor normal weight. ,Coete'llittle. New "keVaceualtiterl" site only oda. lire Yamous ,Ostrel Tonic Tabling for new vigor "esadLaddettrtoUlads, Ibis very day. At all druggisti. It is intended to carry on with the amateur contests as there are many talented performers w h o desire a chance to display their talents in the entertainment world. , 'All winners' names in the fu- ture will be turned over to the directing body of the station stage ,show for auditioning. Many thanks to the following for their wonderful work in handling the show and dance: Va., Don Kyle, LAC Bill Christ- ensen, Cpl„ Wally Sargalus, Cpl, "Red" Keen. • In The Air Force Canadian women who deplore the lack of.adventure in their everyday tasks, could well look toward the ,Air Force it they desire life with a dash of adven- ture and travel. For the more daring of the fair sex, there is the parareseue course that several RCAF Nurs- ing Sisters have been undertak- ing in the scenic country arqurid Banff, Alberta. For the woman who desires travel and a really worthwhile occupation the role of the Nursing Sister who ac- companies the wounded soldiers aboard aircraft taking them to hospitals in their hometowns across' Canada, is a rewarding and eventful job, Many other women of the RCAF had very rewarding ex- periences during the past year. Leading Airwoman "Bobbie" Richards, of Edmundston, N.B., a stenographer who only recently joined the RCAF, had the wond- erful "duty" assigned to her of accompanying Their Royal. High- nesses across Canada during their recent tour. Air Transport Command also has a career woman who has had more than a fair share of excit- ing air travel in her job as Com- mand Messing Officer. Flight Lieutenant Agnes Campbell, Wolesley, Sask., has, flown over 700 hours to points as separated as Resolute Bay, 600 miles north of the Arctic Circle, and London, England, Regularly she travels from coast to coast and into the far north to visit RCAF instal- lations, supervising the feeding of thousands •of food-conscious airmen. Not satisfied with travelling in Trustees. Elected By Rural Sections Elgin Nott was elected the new trustee for a thxee-year term for S.S. 1, Hullett, replacing Ernest Dale. Other trustees are .Elmer Dale and Ross McGregor, the lat- ter being secretary-treasurer. Bert Irwin, O.E.A. delegate, gave his report, Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Irwin were appointed representatives to the Hullett Federation, The enrolment is 26 and teacher is Mrs W. Livingstone. S.S. 3 Hullett Don Buchanan was elected the new trustee for S.S. 3, Hullett, for a three-year term. Other trustees a r e George Hoggaith, and Kenneth Thompson, the latter being secretary-treas- urer, During the Christmas recess the school's interion was re-decorat- ed, and the floor_sanded and re- finished. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale were appointed representatives to Hul- lett Federation. Mrs. Norma Sills is teacher and enrolment is 30. S.S. 3 Tuckersmith All trustees were returned by acclamation at S.S. 3, Tucker- smith. They are Fred Boyce, Seldon Ross and Wallace Haugh. George McCartney remains sec- retary-treasurer until a new one is appointed. Miss Margaret Stevens is teacher and enrolment is 25. • • . • • • • • • • • January 16 Was a,• day to remember for the classes of Tele- type Operators, Radar Perform- ance Checkers (Ground) and Communications Performanee Checkers (Air) who successfully completed their courses at the RCAF's Radar and Communica- tions School. It was a day to remember for the class of Teletype Operators who graduated. The Teletype Operators' class consisted• of AW2 Blais, AW2 B. G. Hart, AC2 K. J. Rubin, AC2 E. C. Brennan, AC2 J.-.Cote, AC1 R. M. Dumont, AC2 R. "E. Girard, AC2 Jej. Savoy, AC2 3. M. Linz, AC1 W. G. Pelchat, AC2 S. R, Giroux, AC2 V. C. Vuozzo and AC1 J. 0. G. Lapointe. T h e Honour Student of the class. was AW2 L. J. Burman who stood first in the graduating class of 14 students, 'obtaining a "Pass With Credit" with an average of 80.5 per cent. These graduates have success- fully completed a twelve week course in teletype operating and are now qualified to take their places in the National Defence P/5 Pfaff was elected Mayor of Adastral Park, over two op- ponents in a keenly contested election held last evening. 4 record vote in the Park showed keen interest on the part of the electorate and the enthus- iasm of the eandidates. Unsuc- cessful candidates - were W02 Round and W02 Ogstoe. Successful candidates for Coun- cil were; Ward I—F/0 Sturgess and Mrs.. A, Haines; Ward Sgt. Pratt. Sgt. Butler and Mrs. V. Boys. RCAF Basketeers Lose toi St. Marys St. Marys, untied and ,unde- feated, won their eighth game ht the London and District Basket- ball League when they defeated Clinton RCAF 00-42. St. Mary's big three were Hendra, Timms and O'Brien with 14, 14 and 13 points each respec- tively. Clinton's chief scorer was Wiper with 16-points. . St. Marys--Henclra 14, Timms 14. O'Brien 13, McLaughlin 4, Maxwell 3, Fletcher 2, Cline. Total 50. Clinton RCAF—Wiper 16, Gair- ance 0, McAndrew 8, Woodruff 5, Eagan 2, Senior 2, McKeheie. Total 42. Amateur Show Is Top Entertainment Courses Graduate From R-and CS Commenication System. T In e y will be going tq RCAF Stations and units acre& 'Canada. The folloWing were members of Course RPC (G) 44: AC2 F. J. Abbott, AW2 M. S. Cressman, AC2 F. eTeMercer, AC2 A. F. See- thaler, AC2 G. H. Sheard, AW2 M. J. St. Hilaire, AW2 P. A. Wright.`, :AC2 A. F.,-seetbaler Wes th Honour Student of the classes very highly on their ex- Credit" with an average of 82.7 Per ceet. Graduates of ComPC(A) were as follows: AC2 J. 3. Bourget, AC1 G. D. Brouillette, AC1 R. Dickner, AC2 .1', R. Guay, AW2 J. L. McKay, AC1 J. L. B. Mer- cier, AC2 A, Mitravitz, AC2 C. C. Smith, AC2 L. E. Strople, AC2 J. G. Turcotte. The Honour Student of the class was ACI. 3. L. B. Mercier who obtained, a "Distinguished Pass" with an average of 85.5 per cent. W/C B. G. Miller presented diplomas and commended the class very, highly on their ex- cellent standing achieved in -this school, and .wished them every success in their new career` ,-^-•!-Yr, • give a record, absolutely free. Moore's Upholstering Rebuilt Furniture PHONE 62 — New Location, Three Doors From Roxy *4-10,1•4104•10,4141,44-10-•-• "r% Cpl. Ronald Ross, one -of the outstanding "Pipers" in Eastern Canada gave the show eoreething unusual When he Played "Road to the Isles" and "Moneyniusle. ,EY Popular request he also play- ed "Mrs, McLeod". Songstress Airwoman Marion Archer and pianist A,Cg Daley, members of the RCAF stage show "Stage Crazy" also participated in the contest. Their numbers were "Talk of the Town" and that old favourite "Blue Skies". Judging of the contestants was done by an applause meter and four judges to verify each read- ing. The judges were Airwoman Y. B. Udall, AC1. J. Levasseur, Cal. T. Ogilvie and Sgt. Fred Barkley. When the contestants mounted the platform to received their ap- plause, it was concluded that Cpl. Ronald Ross was first, Archer and Daley seemed, Lambert third and the comedy team fourth. e Master of ceremonies Lou Vil- lenetive presented t h e winner with a $10 cash prize, and the other contestants $5 each. MacLaren s Studio CLINTON and GODERICH Telephone At Clinton Studio Clinton 401 Tuesdays and Thursdays Goderich 401 and Saturday evenings 3-b It's not too early to make your appointment now. Valentine Gift Give a PORTRAIT S 9. • 41 ' • YOU ARE INVITED' TO SEE THE a •. -• • for " .:•urIthOrfflew$ItockAbsothers • • .2 new adaptation of the hydraulic principle. Only a demonstration ride will show you how the '52 Plymouth • • $4.1-0-0441-5 ow, any read . rims ;the roughest road. • • • • • • • es-a.. PLYMOUTH „. .',The long list includes such advancements as: Electric Windshield Wipers; Safety- Rim Wheels; long, 11 81/4" wheelbase; "big-car" interior room; rustproofing; insulation against toad-noise pad Weather; and many other "plus values." -Litait Pirotiv o 21°4 brf t) F/S •Pfaff New Mayor In Brisk Election Ward II: SGT. PRATT 134 SGT. BUTLER • 63 Sgt, Grant 58 Ward II Councilwoman: MRS. BOYS 46 Mrs. Colwell 41 Mrs. Fretts 32 The newly-elected mayor and his council will fake office Jut- mediately. The retiring council, Welt bias carried on ably during the .past months include; W02 Bennett, Mayer; F/S Baptie, Sgt, Stooke, Cpl. Doonan and Mrs. Agnes Mason. TO STRATFORD: 9.20 a.m. Daily ex. Sunday 12.20 p.m. Sunday 4.40 p.m. Daily 6.40 p.m. Sunday 4 4 TO GODERICH: 11.35 a.m.Saturdays 1.40 p.m. Mon. to Fri. 4.00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 5.20 p.m. Mon. to Fri. 7.25 p.m. Daily 9.30 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 10.55 p.m. Sunday 12.30 a.m. Mon. morn. SPECIAL BUS TO ROUNDEL TERRACE Lv. Bartliff's Monday to Friday 7.45 a,m. Return, leaving Roundel Terrace 5.10 p.m. The Western Ontario Motorways Ltd. 2-3-b 4 ' AY Y011it *PLYMOUtilef Ilttrlt Is Comas be Ctaystor Corporation of tanada, 0 • • • • • • . . IOWA( .. ,Lumtrious.rew fabrics, * • llnishes.and trim .. : o . tasteful new colour- . harmeriles ihot you'll . • want to see. 4 .0 • Plymouth 4-Cylinder brakes Can extra . brake cylinder on • each front wheel) give maximum brak- ,Ath, Adomptit. leg with a minimum of pedal pressure. • • Just turn thd ignition key! The electric automatic choke provides the correct foal-air mixture for fast starts In all . kinds of weather. 4111110:01111utifo„,„,,,, vka • - • 1-NLAIt' ▪ • • ALIA' • • • • Etw-tivut, a. dm.f. • improved interior styling and ten, • eye-delighting, exterior colours • for you to choose from. woo teittliett$1 NO • • • • • • 1 4 • • II Ross P. Merrill ++.44....0.4• ++44-.4444, Take advantage of the saving while we make room for spring stock ' • eg;ele, 40, Merrill Radio and Electric You Can Save up to $100 oil a Modern combine. Owl, fully uaranteed You pay up to $15 lese on a table model radio alit OM "'RANKINE 'COMPANY OF CANADA YOUR TELEPHONE is one item that takes a smaller part of your budget than it used to, Its cost hasn't gone up Ss much as most other things. in another way, too, the telephone is bigger value today than ever before. Now you can reach twice no many people as you could ten years ago and more telephones are being installed every day. If you haven't service, we want you to know were working at it. Your place on the list is being pie; tooted hnd your telephone will be installed just as soon as possible. MURPHY • BROS, GARAGE. CIIIMSLErt.PISMOVT)I-PAROO SALPS AND SERVICE PHONE 465 CLINtOht • • • 'elm '$2 Plymouth Is at your dealer's nowt We soy •I.. it's the finest Plymouth ever built, and that goes for euality, for value, for engineering features, for everything about H. But we verOuld Sooner let Plymouth speak for Itself. Plan to see It soon, and .try Plymouth's sensational hew Safety-Plow 'tidal •-. 9-40-40,1,••••• Only Thurs., Fn., and Sat. to take advantage of BIG SAVINGS at Merrill's January CLEARANCE SALE RADIOS and RADIO ,PHONO COMBINATIONS George J. COIClatigh •