The Wingham Times, 1885-02-13, Page 714
T 3.J.. WIN ITA.J,VI. TIMM, 1111DAt FEB 1.3
a 1
G 1111
News RMS.
A Canadian regiment for the Soudan
ia;proposed in Montreal.
Bisiaarea is again t1L He has been
ordered to Leave Bertin for a rest.
Harlan defeated Clifford in Austrra-
.ia on Saturday last by six lengths.
It is undertstood that the Manitoba
Legislature will Meet on March 10th.
President-elect Cleveland is guarded
' by a special detatohmcut of detectives
Germany annually pays England
$85,000,000 for transportation ser-
England's supply of coal will be ex-
uuseed in .2145 at the present rate of
On Satu*day afternoon Capt. ibhie
presented the Ktngston Salvation
Army with colors.
Australia has a cave larger than the
Mammoth cave, in Kentucky. It is
called ti tun 4 an.
A bill has been introduced by the
social democrats in the•German Reich-
stag, providing for the appbintment
of special authorities to arrange h'
fereiices between employers and w.,rls-
The owned of a toboggan slide. 11.1
Ottawa has been sent up for ,..
charged with manslaughter. Ile
placed a plank acro*• his shde,against
which a boy ran and•was killed.
0 Donovan Rossa about thirity years
ago, says the' New York Tribune, was
a candidate for the position of Cus-
tom's Inspector. He was examined
under the ()MI Service rules, and his
percentage was far below the mean
required. He' may be consoled, how-
ever. with the encouragement given
to hits by one of the examiners that
if he would devote ten hours a day for
the next ton years in hard study of
the subjects especially inquired into
there would be a bare possibility of his
ati aiuing the standard of 64 per can
A. Hartford man is shipping a ton a To the Editor of the TIMES.
a month of ground oyster shells to Sate,—On Wednesdaf e'vtnttio of
Sydney, Australia, as 'egg feud.' last Week I happened to Beret an en -
The potato introduced into England tertainmont given in the Saved Army
in 1650, was first eaten as a sweet- barracks here, and was unexpectedly
meat, stewed in .sited -wine and sugar. called upon by the chairman to take
A fire in the Signal office of Wash- ed T hardlart in y 1 new what to rate. o ivebu in be re•
Kington, destroyed a lot of Metero- quest sang tliat old song ntitled'a cur
logical records that cannot be .replae• on my heels. Since the entertainment
• it has come to my knowledge! that
Yokahams advises state that" the some • parties who were not present
gunpowder works near Canton expbd- have had a great deal to say about the
ed on the 22nd Dec., and . killed 250 song, stating.that it was not appropti
employees. ate, and should not have been allowed
It is announced that Prince Albert to have been given, &c. Perhaps the
Victor, l:he Prince of Wales e'dest son, ,reason these parties have criticized it
will 'nary Princes$ Cleuteittine,, of. so much is that the song contains
Belgium, several lard hits about baekbitipn and
Westerngrain shippers . faultfinding, and no doubt treads on
pp complain their corns too much. •Te following
of the exorbitant charges for trans- are the words of the song :—
ferring grans at Buffalo as compared
with rates at Canadian ports. I like honest pluck in this warfare o1 life,
• Ne matter whoever I meet, Trench, of Dublin, is I like a man boldly to say what he thinks,
reported to -have joined 'the Cathol ° And not fill me with hollow docdit.
Church. The Arehibishop immed- It may not be plesant at all timeato hear
iately denied the truth of the report. The truth plainly told in your ear,'
Ioresideut elect Clevelati a is tired Yet it's better to know you are prepared
of the constant strewn of social callers for the worst •
who visit ilim,anil expresses a desire to Mian.trolnbIo like children wi�li' fear.
h 1 t ' we business..
ave a c lance 0 C(0 so
A tiew York collar and cuff mann- Ido' like a man that will boldly stand up
china er
46u 616 Y, 1.. I1.6.1I I JL016•60sS66•6.1.6611666 L...G nI. 6 Y Y 616 a .
ateh for hiS
n u
eat next week
Auction Salo of Clyd eidales,
On Wednesday lett the first miction
sale in the county of Huron, of im-
ported and Uanadian bred Clyclet closes,
took place on the farm • of John Mc -
Milian, Esq., near Constance. The
extent of the sale and the quality of
the animals brought together a larger
aniotent of the one and sinew of the
country than was ever convened for
a similar purpose. After a good and
bountiful cline» had been partaken
of by nearly three hundred persons,
the auctioneers—Messrs. Oke, of
Exeter, and Brine, of Seaforth—oorn-
nleuead the sale by stating the terms
and conditions. The proprietor resorv-
ed'to himself the privilege of ore bid,
which was given openly when thought
advisable. The animals were not sold
as catalogued, but in the following
Black Champion, stud, foaled May
16th, 1884, white face and feet ; fine
colt, bought. by Alex. Robertson, 'at
$256 .
Medo e Jook, stud, foaled June 2nd.
1884, jet blaek. rather rough looking,
bought by David Fisher, at $101.
Rtosie, bright bay filly, foaled April
7th; 1884, neat and well got up;
bought by W: Wilson, for $183,
Maud, bay filly, foaled April 28rd,
1883, John Snell, purchaser at $215.
I (tie, bay mare, 7 years old next
BS IL 1r
Iii the most oomplea work of the creator/
and when this complicated strudel'',, , ad•
exquisitely wrought, is disturbed by Xie -
ease, the moat efficient aid should be cough 1
from the most skilled physician—for the
human body is too precjous to be neglected':
It becomes the question, then ; "•itriatee
phfsioian shall bo emihloved ?"
Dr. Omen Jou/amuse, of the University
oYBerlin{Germany, has made a lifelong'i:.
study of aiimeute of. the Nerious am
Genie -Urinary System
Any Debility or derangemet4 of the isreir
vous System, including Spermattiz6reat
Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Stricture, tmpoteri66i
„ _ etc„ eto.
it BECAUSE you may have been cheateaai
and fooled by quacks, who claim to sere'
this plass of disorders, do not ficlsitate?
give DS Jobaruteseti'a methnel it fair tris
before your case heroines cl.zof:ie and rti:
A valuable treatise, expl.eT:a'ory of IPr
ni.iiib: 8 years old, iuiported' bought by J°)ianueatn's system, will be sent ly r. ,+i
J.ohn Bennett° Hallett, for x$50, post paid, and securely sealed from obi r
vatiou, to any sufferer addreseifie his c.c,r,,
-Y':'oung Roseberry, blown' stallion, authorized agent for the LTniteo ert,wics ars'?'
comnTing 4 ' years old, imported, bid : Canada:
111 at �c800. HENRY YOGI:l'.RII.
49 South 8 t:•oe t. Now Yens;
Knockdoh King, ft.' fi n o importedCDtnplicatcd agmptSpeciaonsRl ptreresetc.teid £iurc::;r.,sa.
4 year old baJ stallion,_ bid in at'z78.1111:11-e.Johnnnesen's l�+
$1500 ;..only, one bid of $1000 was under advice of a duly gnstiifie #' eo+usu° e
ing physician.
given on this animal. All correspondence held eh strictly car L'`
dentin!, and advice by mail' of oharRR'
The sale was considered a tolerably
good one," considering the financial
depression existing.—New Era.
In the eh ll'n ; winds, the damp at-
mosphere and tincide ly cheelte l perS-
phettiou, colds ttPe In•••king. 11 . v -O's
I'eutornl Tale:ttu ell'•es colds, e•:.l;rna
and bronehiiia, met all centp:aiuts
ten ding towa•ds cit usuuYption.
Everyone should know that H ag-
yard's "Yellow fill give prompt
relief ; applied 'externally wilt stop
any pati ; and taken internally, cures
Bolds, nal lima, croup, sore throat and
most ief amniatory complaints.
• Winghani, Feb. Gth, 1895.
'factory keep; ninety different styles And tell me at once what he feels; May, Chas, Monteith, parc1Iaser;• at 1 Fleur Or clue $2 it; to °,j'
of collars in stook, and the dudes go loan fight with the lion that roars in ray $.1.95. i Flour riot' bbl 4 50 to
right on grambl ng for something face, Nance, 9 old mare, dtilrk bet.wn, (Fall Wheat per bus80 to 0
That 1 don't like a our at my heels. bought by Geo. Dorrance, for $17G• ,i5pring •` '• 80 to 82
... ai
I•Iiketo be told of my faults like a man, Dolly, 7 year old dark cliestnut ' Oats " " „ 30 to 31
It pays the Missouri farmer. to shell
thei a corn and sell the cobs separatelyFor I never know the man who had mare, bid rn at $245. • ;Barley "
The dertiand for cob corn pipes -hes none ;Young t3orelaud; stallion; two next Peas If
raised the pricey of the hitherto worth- Hard words mai be spoken, yet 1 like him June, David Fisher, purchaser at • Potatoes 1g "'
less colib to $24 a wagon load. the most x;000 Butter eel' lb
Who has pluck all my faults to make
. Hon; john Costigen is to beprrsent- known.
ed with a tehtrnioural of an elaborate If wrong, I can euro the font slander nt
nature'liy the civil servants of Ottawa • ' onto
yy who and of the same creed and nation- • And destiny every venomous part,
' F ality as himself. Yet I feel when a Judas who smiles in my
The Prinee of Wales has shovtru his face
£hareldtol'istically keels eeuse of neces-
Gives a stab at my book in the dark.
sity for oven royalty to cultivate the So behind a mar's back always mind what
eletnoar1Gy ilr this age by ordering his
you say,
eon's first appearance ata bays refuge If you can do him no good do slim no
in the most squalid part of London.
the • m
The Young Prince was as shy and if you don't like baolcbztt g don't do
nervous as any of the juvenile ati'd yourself,
tome, And your good name will spread like a
A Quebec paper says :---The Govern'
meat of this Frovitiro is f'o'dead broke We all have to live, so lots try and. make
t life
O desist that wt hero been. compelled ,
from our cif tits to collect au accoutat A goad open field for tl race,
now two months overdue us for And if you have cause of complaint against
Adv.ortieitig the Lieutenant Governor's marl
levees. do tell him right straight t»' his lace.
John lttarwood an cid man who has '1'hankin you, sir, fol' the space al.
had 01100 of the London' stnal.l•p'o ' I lowed me, I leave the public to judge
f^ospital for sortie years, but ,who was! for thole:le:Ives whether the sentiment
tligelrargrd recently tar drunkenness,expressed in the above Niles. was ap.
wss foul►tl deud in iris bed at.the 1►t s -
oe not fur Ail entertainmentpita! oil Saturday rvorning, Old age of that kind, and > enrttin, yours Rc.,
and thestp tiler amarine ea kers t�ssignett l+ieuniaittrlx Vermont. •
dor ills' death. Wingltt m, rob.. 10, 101
King John, brown s(al ion. two in
May, bought by James' Fitzgerald, for
$237. '
Daisy, bay filly, two next April,
bought by John Mason, for $150;
elm pest animal sold.
Grace, 15 year o13 bay mare, good
breeder; Janies Snell, purchaser, ate
i Kate, 11 year old mare, with a few
day's old foal by her side, baugki+t by
J, Britton, for $145.
Clara Mni,rhead, imported bay mare,
not sold ; $500 biri,
Jessie, a fine six months' old fril'io
out of the above, bid in at $275. •
Kilkorran 13ellas a black imported,
3 year old filly,• bid in at $375.
Ayrshire Lassie, a 4 year old im-
ported dark bay snare, bought by Alex.
Grey, for $575.
Daisy, six months' ol'd' dark bny
filly, out of tiro above; butrglit by Joh
4.lttrctock, for 5325.
Mitii•head, bay, stalpion, two years
old leaf ,'lune, imported, bought by
d' L. Ttt•rnlrull, of :List'owoll; for $900.
Lord /lake. birown stallion,. bods'..
60. to 65
... 57 to 58
... 35 to 035
13 to 18
Eggs per doa:.,,...: 20 to .20
Hay per ton 8 00 to `.0 00
Wood...... . . ....... "4. 1 25 is ' 125
Notice' to pteditors.
Th6 creditors' of Mol glia CaMpboll', late
of the township of Culross in, the county
of Bruce, who diel ou or about the 15Th
dayeo!l August 135.1. aret'horeby required to
send by post prepaid to the office of Holmes
and McMillan, '4Sringhatn, Ont, liolicitors
for the administrator of the estate of the
said 'Malsoltn Campbell, deceased, on or
before the ith day of March 1884, their
Cliristiatr and surnames, addresses and de-
scriptions with 'ctrl ppartioulmrs and proof of
their claims audstatemeut of theiracconnt
iffau held bytheta
and of the aecut;itie•t ( y) e
And notice is he)eaby given that after the
said 7th day of Attcich"1895, the ad:n'natra.
tor will (nuranint to the provisions of 11. S.
0. Chapter 107, and the Act of the Legis-
lsttttre of Oatnrie passed in tyre 40th yeti
of Het )fajest3'e reign Cht+pttr 9) proceed
to distribute the assets of The *aid deceas-
ed among the parties en titled•thereto hiv
int'regard only" to fhb claims of which they
shell have notice. And the acid adminie
triftor will not be liable for the aaid`assets
or Ley part •thif4eof to any ltersoil•.or per'
eons of whose claim or otaitist he shall'not
have uetics at the time of such distribute"lilt
Wifigha n Ii'elt. 5th, 1885.
nottvtEm& mestitinAv.
$olicitoraidr thaAdmiuistrabe
Thie spade re'serve•id ?for
Thb Leading Undertaker :tud• tu'+iSri'
ture Dealer in• TSV inghuanr
»,rt ,:y
G7AwA ,� 1w tO
Lam`' a w f;
O .......:c.,,,.,:::...: , ,. les?.
ti et) �'p r u*n?
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o 1'L000 r•.^• s:1
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m r lwag1'
ci. Li 02 52 0.
itn cmo
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„-::,: ,,.....Y.a...._-6666:,,.:..
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As Dr Betlinice suit. ,.n• eirs.•w°,
itt Nis boniness, all pa at a+ 4'i ii.1N '''
. allla't besetWled'tulan.+,le;tt 1+11
• l