HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-01-17, Page 5CLINTON SQUADRON, RCAFA, APPOINTED COMMITTEES At the first meeting of Clinton Squadron, Goderich Wing, of the Royal Canadian Air Force As- sociation, in the Canadian Legion rooms Tuesday evening, three committees were appointed: Ways and Means committee: Don Sym- ons, chairman; Les Henderson and James Cooper; Membership Com- mittee, Hal Hartley, chairman; Gordon Herman and Cain Proc- tor; Refreshments Committee, Andre Deseck. Officers of the Goderich Wing are all Clinton men for this year, and are anx- ious to organize a strong, squad- ron in Clinton. S/I. G. J. Bury, R and CS, Clinton RCAF, ad- dressed' the squadron. Cards of Thanks Artificial Ice Plant For Lions Arena ' To Be Probed Clinton, Lions Chib is investi- gating the possibility of installing artificial ice in Clinton Lions Arena. Realizing that schedules could not be maintained under natural ice conditions, members of the Club, at their dinner meeting in St. Paul's Parish Hall last week, appointed a special committee to investigate the matter. This committee consists of president Lorne 3, Brown and the three vice-presidents — (G, B, Beattie, Dr, R. M.• Aldii and R. S. Macaulay—and also W. E. Per- clue and R. Athey. It must report back not later than March 1. The Club donated $50 to the pre-Christmas party for the child- ren, and $50 to the Christmas Seals Campaign. It also spent $43.20 on capes and belts for school boy monitors assisting the police. Dr. J. A. Addison was appoint- ed chairman of the Easter Seals campaign for crippled children. Arrangements were completed for holding the Skating Carnival in the Arena Friday evening. 0. W. Montgomery, Huron agricultural representative, and Wilfred Parker, of Par-Knit Hosiery Limited, were inducted as members, those taking part in the ceremony, being R. Y. Hat- tin, chairman, Membership Com- mittee, Past President Frank Fingland, and Deputy District Governor Hugh R. Hawkins. In the absence of President Lorne Brown in Florida, first vice-president G. B. Beattie was chairman. Second vice-president Dr. R. M. Aldis will have charge of the next meeting of the Club on January 22, when "Burns Night" will be celebrated, with Rev. R. G. McMillan, Goderich, as guest speaker. Miss Gloria Palmer Meets Dr. Johnson l•••••••••••••••• Miss Gloria Palmer attended a coffee party on the evening of 3a/wary 9, at the home of Pro- fessor Sipherd, University of Western Ontario, where she had the pleasure of meeting and chat- ting with Dr. Edward Johnson, former manager of the Metropol- itan Opera Company, New York. Miss Palmer is singing the Cherubin Aria from "The Mar- riage of Figaro" at ConvocItion Hall, University of Western On- tario, on January 20. BIRTHS LITTLE—In Clinton, Puhlie Hese pital, on Friday, January 11, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Little, Londesboro, a daughter, McBRIDE — In Mrs, Farwell's Nursing Horne, Zurich, on Sate urday, January 12, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert McBride, R, R, 1, Zurich, a son (Ronald Al- bert), a brother for Gail, and Judith Arm. NEWLAND—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, January 13, 1952, to, Dr, and Mrs. P. M. Newland, a daughter. MARRIAGES SINCLAIR-STURDEVANT — In Central Methodist Church, De- troit, Mich., on Wednesday, December 26, 1951, by Dr. E. Shurley Johnson; assisted by Rev, Arthur Sinclair, Marion Wilma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Haven H. Sturdevant, Three Mile Drive, to Norman Arthur Sinclair, son of Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair, Windsor, formerly of Hensall. SCHILBE-COLE—In St. James' Anglican Church, Goderich Township, on Saturday, January 12, 1952, by Rev. H. 3. E. Webb, Doris Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cole, R. R. 3, Clinton, to Albert Alvin Henry Schilbe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schilbe, R. R. 1, Dash- wood. DEATHS GREGG—At his home in Cal- gary, Alta., on Wednesday, January 16, 1952, S. G. Gregg, formerly of Fordwich, beloved husband of Edith Penhal and uncle of Mrs. H. C. Wilson, Clinton. Interment in Calgary. WALLIS—At Westport, Conn., on Thursday, January 10, 1952, Abigail Mary Stewart, beloved wife of Fred"J. Wallis, in her 50th year. BABY CHICKS .BRAY HAS CHICKS, immediate :ehipment. Some started; pullets, mixed, Size up your needs, ask us for price list on wide choice. 'Get good chicks for 1952—Bray Chicks.. Agent, Mrs. Alex Pat- erson, Brucefield, BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE , ARE YOU THINKING l,of build- ing a home. A number of fine lots for sale, Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones; business '448, residence 5993. 7-btfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FISH AND CHIP BUSINESS for sale. Good yearly turnover. Buildings, two lots, equipment, ;and gas pumps included in sale. 'Wonderful spot for a dine and ,dance, L. G. Winter, Real Estate, ,Business Broker, THRIVING BAKERY, Building, 'business, trucks, will sell separ- .ate or would be interested in :farm trade. Other business trade listed with me—restaurants, gas station, tourist camps. Leonard .0. Winter. 38-b-tib CLOTHING FOR SALE 'ONE SEAL COAT, Size 16, in good condition. Only worn two seasons. Phone 325. 3-b CORDWOOD WANTED SIX DOUBLE CORDS HARD- wood. Will accept five-inch limbs and up, if priced right. Wood to be cut by March 1. Please state price at farm. Box "3”, Clinton News-Record. 2-3-p Imployment Wanted Female YOUNG GIRL wishes employ- ment lit Clinton. Waitress, or factory work. Box "a", Clinton News-Record. 3-p TART-TIME WORK WANTED, Lady seeks ..two or three days' work per week. Had several years' experience in departmental store, both in sales and office work. Box "R", Clinton News- Record.' 3-p Employment Wanted—Male TWO EXPERIENCED WOOD- cutters went full time work cut- ting logs and cord Weed. H. E, Flanigan, R.R, 5, London, Ont. '3-p FARMS FOR SALE PROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. Conlidential information. Leon,. rend, G. Winter, Veal Estate, phonte: business 448, reeklence 5993. 5-btfb GRASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot 15, concession 5, Hullett. Thome Carbert; R.R. 1, Clinton, phone Clinton 801t21, or /a/nee Phelan, R.R. 2, Blyth, phene Elyth 31r9. 13-15-ptial 'FURNITURE REFINISHING MR PIANO, FIJANTTUIIE, Ant) radio eithiriet refinishing and ree 3afting, see W. G. Pickett, Box $51, Clinton, • 2-3-ri llomenlosor* ROXY THEATRE CLINTON, Now playing (Jan, 17-10 "TULSA" In Technicolor, with Susan Hayward & Robt, Preston MON., TUES., WED. (Jan. 21-28) "STARLIFT" There are eters galore in this musical drama, the story of "Operation Starlift", that brings cheers to the hearts of the fight- ing men. — Doris Day, Gordon MacRae, Virginia Mayo and Ruth Roman THUR, FRI., SAT. (Jan, 2440) Clark Gable, Maria Elena Mar- ques, John Efocliek and Adolphe Menjou, — A new and wonder- ful Technicolor adventure, a year in the making and with a cast of thousands, brings you all the thrills of the rugged west, "Across the Wide Missouri" Coming: (Jan. 28-30) "TERESA" A. film you must see: NOTICE Beginning January 1952 my office will close Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday evenings. W. A. Oakes M.D. 1-40-1-1-•-•-11-4-0-•-•-•-•-•441,-,1-4es11-4-•••• SAWS PARK THEATRE GODERICH—phone 1150 Now "ACROSS THE WERE MISSOURE" In Technicolor with Clark Gable MON., TUES., WED. Stewart Granger - Pier Angel George Saunders Dramatic photography and a sterling cast transform an en- thralling story into a vivid and exciting screen treat "The Light Touch" THUR., FRI., SAT. Lucille Ball - John Agar Patricia Medina In Technicolor—Comedy with a new twist, in which flights of fancy find a bewitching niteans of transportation. "The Magic Carpet" Coming: "I'LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS" -- Doris Day and Danny Thomas 94.0.41414/.....f4sp.04.0.4r.fym, .4,1"/W4P., commas at ....L sEAVICE Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI CAPITAL THEATRE GoRnavit — Phone 47 Now: oTog .BARgtv(Yr MAID,. A/Arp, Robert thintenings and Ctheeolor MON., TUES., WED. Barbara Stanwyck - Joseph Cotton - Leslie Caron A first-rate east brings to life the incidents and characters that made up the life of indigent, but famous Edgar Allan Poe "Man With a Cloak" THUR., SAT, Gene Autry - Gail Davis and Frankie Darro In which Gene ties in with a • military school and leads the cavalry cadets on a triumphant ride, "Sons of New Mexico" Coming: "Abbott a n d Costello Meet the Invisible Man" at the Park CAR HAYES EZE-CHANGE All-Aluminum Combination STORM WINDOWS and SCREENS of All-Canadian Better Quality Materials 12-24 months to pay 2 weeks' delivery Estimates and Demonstration Given With No Obligation Also ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS Box "W" News-Record 1111111116111. 4-0-44-1/-44 •-•-•-4-0-4,-.-•-•±4,-. • You Will Spend Eternity! !—Where? If every living person knew what every departing SOUL DISCOVERS—EVERYONE would be SAVED TODAY. "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."—Heb. 9:27. "For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved."--Romans 10 : 13 CHAS FULLER, Box 123. Los Angeles, 53—TUNE IN—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST ALL SAWS FILED, JOINTED,, SET, RE-TOOTHED, To Any Size. Precision work by power machinery Earl Doucette Queen and John Sts.—Clinton One block east of Hospital CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and` CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb „ Clinton Horticultural Society ANNUAL MEETING Agricultural Office, Clinton Tuesday, Jan. 22 at 8 1.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME Pictures of Clinton Gardens will be shown 'Fees for 1952 are now due ; 3-b 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lea 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 11111 fill 1111111111 111111111HIMIIIME 111111111111MMIRM11111 MIZIM111111111 dl fi' Annual JANUARY SALE Down go the prices still lower. These articles must be sold; at prices far, below cost price. WINTER OVERCOATS . . 22.50, 35.00 and 49.50 MEN'S SUITS 25.00, 39.50 and 49.50 Station Wagon Coats .... • .. 15.95 to 29.50 Socks, ankle or regular length . 39c, 69c, 99c, $1.50 41-41.4.-4- • -44-4-*-4-0-•-•-•-•-•-• 4-.44-0- •s-s-++•+ DRESS SHIRTS Doeskin SHIRTS Work Sweaters 2.98 2.95 Cardigan 2.95 444-0-41-•-•-1-••040-04- 4, 4-4H-•*4-'1- ^•-++.40-164.4-4-.4-44-40-1µ4±4.44-41-.• 4 4-11-•-•-41-4-4^•^.444-0-•÷40-0-4-04 4-14. 4- 4^+.0-4.-•-0,-6-*-.4-4, +4-, I 4:4,4-4; Boys' Breeches I 'White Nylon' I Boys' Pants 3.75 pr. i Gloves 75c pr. 3.50 4.50 i 4-4-0-41-#44+444-4-4-•-•-•^W 44-4-M .4444-•-•-•-0444-41-4-4-4-44-04-11-•-• P44-0.4-444-4-s44-4•44-•-•-• s+4.4.-1 -.. -4.4-4044-0-•-•-•-•+44-•-•-•44.4-44- 4-•44-•-•-4-4-4-44-•••-•-•44-44-.40-4- WORK SHIRTS ' STANFIELD'S and Salt-n-Pepper PENMAN'S 89c each Uts1DERWEAR -.4-44-e÷e444-e-e-ess-e4-0-4.44-•-• -•-•+*-40-41-dehe-0-e , BOYS' PARKAS BOYS' STATION WAGON COATS BOYS' BOMBER JACKETS BOYS' SURCOATS Pickett Campbell ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS PHONE 25 (opposite the theatre) CLINTON 1 11111111,11 111111 111 11111111111 1 111111111 1111111111111111R 111111.1111111111111114111111112111 11111:1f111111111111112211111111111111111111g1111110111111111111111111111111111111/ 1111 BR' I 1 III onfor 0,1,w *144 4 4-4-4-.44-54 1-s-*4-5-F 4,44 Men's and Boys' UNDERWEAR Clearance $1.00 per garment We wish to thank sincerely all those who sent us gifts and cards during our recent illnesses. — GEORGE and ELEANOR PICOT. MR,. AND MRS. WILFRED HEARD, Bayfield, wish to thank the neighbours, Trinity Club and all who were so kind to them when Mrs. Heard was ill, Also special thanks to the Reverend and Mrs. Webb, and to Dr. Oakes of Clinton. 3-b Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Castle, Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore wish to express their sincere thanks to kind friends and neighbors for their sympathy and kindness shown during their ,recent sad bereavement in the death of Mrs. Herbert Castle. 3-b Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE — FLORIST — Phone 66W JP.1101111.11111114 10-41.-•-•-•4+ 4- 4-> +4+4-4 4 -• -# • Police Warning to Property Owners Property owners are hereby warned not to part with money to strangers who call and estimate for repairs required to their property until such repairs are carried out to the owner's satisfaction and at a specified cost in writing. (Signed) JOSEPH FERRAND Chief of Police Clinton, January 9, 1952 2-3-b 4-0-4.44N-0-4-* 444+. 4- 4.4-4 4. 4414,444+ 4,-+/-4.01.4-410-4. ++4- 1,-4-0-4.4-10-40.4-•-•-•-•-•44.4-11-4- January Specials Here are a couple of real "buys": .012 Pails Reg. .95 for .85 BEATTY ELECTRIC IRONER — Reg. $239 for $175 Hugh R. Hawkins Hardware; Plumbing and Heating Eavestroughing Sheet Metal Work A. Heel° Furnaces alANU,ARY VI, 1052 CLINTON .11EWEeRECOEI) PAGE PPM News-Record. Classified Adlets BringQuick Results LAUNDRY SHIRTS LAUNDERED, 18 cents each, Wightman's apartment, above Ruby and 13111'4 Snack Bar. 3-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NINE CHOICE'PIGS. Bert I3oyes phone Clinton ai)5. 3-b THREE HEIFERS, will freshen right away. Phone 633r13. 3-b ELEVEN LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old, James Cox, phone Clinton 903r34. 3-p YOUNG DURHAM COW, due to freshen in a month; two head yming cattle. Zanies East, phone Clinton 807r6. 3-p 'THREE-ROOMED APARTMENT, ,partly heated. Will rent either -furnished or unfurnished. In .Brucefield. Phone 625r14, 3-p FREE THERMOMETER — Plus cash at your farm for dead or disabled horses or cows. Phone eolleet, Seaforth 655r2. William Stone Sons, Limited. 43tbf ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer Prices. Harlot, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 1136r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb FOR SALE: NEW IDEA Side Rakes, 'Tractor Mowers, Spread- ers, New and used tractors and equipment, Forage Harvesters, Weed Sprayers, Manure Loaders, Hammermills, Pumps and Stable Equipment, Booms, Wagon Un- loaders, Gibson • Refrigerators, Stoves, etc. See us last, it pays. New Idea Distributors, Goderich, phone Carlow'2821. 3-4-5-p ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at reduc- ed rates from 'the licensed Grow- ing Co-operative Association from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Hereford, Beef and Dual Purpose Shorthorns. Bulls of top quality. Life membership $25. Members $5 per cow. Non- members $6 per cow. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association, R.R. 1, Waterloo. For service contact Charles Brandon, Clinton. Phone 633r5 before 10 a.m. 45-47-tbf -Classified Rates CASH RATE (If Wei by Wednesday follewing date of 14- eiertien)eeTwe cents a word fir$t dnser•tiint .(minimum 50 Pent,a)i subsequent Insertions 'Ilk cents et Word (nMnimann. 35 .cerias)•, 15 yenta e*tia 'for box number or for direction „NEWS-RECORD Office, DEADLINE—l2 CHARGED---15 cents eiitee, DEADLINE—la neon, Wednes- ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 'THREE ROOMS, FURNISHED, ?heated. Phone 463M, 2-b .ROOM TO RENT, centrally lo- cated. Two gentlemen preferred. Phone Clinton. 295. 3-p MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CORN SALVE 'for sure relief, 'Your Druggist sells Cress Wart Remover—leaves no'k scars. 3-b A HEATED APARTMENT FOR .rent in Seaforth. Elderly couple preferred. Dr. E. A. McMaster, aSeaforth. 3-4-p LARGE DOWNTOWN APART- anent in Seaforth, 50x28 feet, two ,bedrooms, automatic, heating/ re- -frigerator, garage. Available Feb- „ruary 15, Apply Dr. J, A. Munn. .2thf ,SELF - CONTAINED, HEATED -apartment, recently re-decorated, -modern, kitchen and bathroom, .bedroom, large living .room. -Phone Seaforth 41 or 364, or iwriie Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 2-3-x 'ARTICLES FOR SALE .SUNSHINE BABY CARRIAGE, complete with runners, in' „ex- cellent condition. Phone 163R. 3-b ,ONE USED APEX ELECTRIC washing machine with new motor, _an good condition. Phone 692M. 3-p t GASOLINE WASHING Machine; 'one african gander; 10 six-months ,old pullets. Goderich 932r15. 3-4-5-p -ONE SEVEN-PIECE SOLID OAK dining room suite; one antique rocking 'chair; one pair of velour drapes. Phone 49IW. 3-b '•AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE :1940 HUDSON SIX FOR SALE. Good condition all throughout. :Phone 585 after 7 p.m. 3-11 BABY SITTING ,ANYONE WISHING ,A BABY sitter for evenings, please contact -Barbara McMichael, phone Clin- ton 499R. 3-p — NOTICE NO TRESPASSING OR HUNT- mg—Persons found trespassing or• hunting on Lot 14 and 15, Bay- field Line, Goderich Township, will be prosecuted. By order— G. Turner. 3-4-5-b PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and ..212 in Hensall. Apply Albert" Walff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb WHY PAY RENT? Immediate possession, three-bedroom house, full basement, hardwood floors, three-piece bath, heavy wiring, low taxes. $1500 down. Asking $5500. 137 James Street. Write F/S K. E. Saddlemyre, RCAF Station, North Bay. 2tfb SIX-ROOMED Bungalow, one three-piece bathroom, one two- piece bathroom, full ?basement, small attic, oil-.burning furnace, fully automatic; two lots, small barn. $5,000, with $3,000 down. A bargain if there ever was one. Possession December 1 or possib- ly before. Three-and-a-half bloces from centre of town. L. G. Win- ter, Real Estate and Business Broker, Clinton; Business phone 448; residence 599-3. 39-tbf SMALL HOLDING for the fam- ily that wants to retire; four bed- rooms, double living room, dining room. kitchen, heavy wiring, full basement, good furnace, pressure system, double garage; one sere of land, more optional; two miles from Clinton on good read. L. G. Winter, Real Estate and Busi- ness Broker, Clinton, business phone 448; residence 599-3. 40-tfb PIANOS FOR SALE NEWCOMBE UPRIGHT PIANO. C. M. Shearing, Gibbings Street, evenings. 3-b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call 0. W. Cox at Clinton 550R. 43tfb 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock-Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; all work guaranteed. E. C. Nickle, phone Clinton 330J. 20-21-ptfb TENDERS WANTED SECOND-HAND PIANO. Must be in good shape. State price delivered to S. S. 2, Hullett. Bernard A. Tighe, secretary- treasurer. 3-p TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED until February 15, for ten cords of 12" hardwood to be delivered. to S.S. 1, Hullett, before August 1, 1952. Ross McGregor, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 2-3-p TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up until Febru- ary`' 16, for New Boiler, complet- ely installed in Blyth Public School. Tender to be quoted for both blower coal with stoker, or Oil, to be completely euternetie. Inatallatiort to' commence July 2, and to be completed - in July, 1952. Information may be ob- tained from any Member of the l3lyth School' Board or the under- signed. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Signed -- Bernard Hall, secretary, Elyth. Ont. 3-b WOOD WANTED TWO OR Tiintt CORDS, green toeclewood, beech or hard maple, body Wood, T. S. Yelland, Bice- tee, HELP WANTED eovisra MA TO tinAtti AS Op FOR SALE elemnau, 13right future assured ONE-FO " OT LENGTH IVIAPLE anbitiotta fellow, Bolt "Z", NeWse and beeth mixed. Phone 55r23. teeord, 3-0 :SWIM, 3eb