HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-01-10, Page 4CLINTQN NEWS-RECORD W-W Girls'. Club Elects Miss O'Neil The %PO), of Wesley- Willis Church held its December meeting at the home of Mrs. C. WI, Shearing. The president, Mrs, J, lanes, was in charge with Helen Cook at the Piano, The singing of a hymn, followed bX Prayer by the president opened the meeting. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were read and , adopted, As it was the last meeting of the year there was some discussion as to the dis- pensation of funds on hand, All outstanding accounts were settled and, in answer to an appeal from C.A.R.E, $50 was sent to that or- ganization. The president declared all of- fices open and vacated the chair. Mrs, Wilson took charge for the report from the striking com- mittee. Mrs. H. Jenkins as con- vener, reported all offices filled but that pf president, After some discussion, Miss O'Neil agreed to carry on with last year's groups for the month of January. Mrs. Innes again took the chair and conducted the program. Miss E. Wiltse sang "Away in a Manger" froth. a new setting, which was much enjoyed. The Scripture lesson from Luke 2 was read, by Mrs. Jefferson followed i by prayer by Mrs. Paisley. Miss Wiltse favoured with another solo. IA hymn followed by the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. A delicious Christmas lunch was served and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Shear- ing for opening her home to the club. Members Received At Holy Communion The Sunday morning servicein Wesley-Willis United Church was featured by the administering of the Sacrament of the Holy Com- munion. The following were received into full Communion on Profes- sion of Faith: Mr. and Mrs. Hec- tor E. Kingswell, Lawrence Haughton; Sgt. Albert Mineault. The following• were received by transfer: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bond, formerly of Holmesville United Church; Mr. and Mrs. E. 3, Jenkins, formerly of Chalmers United Church, Ottawa; a n d Harold E. Hartley, formerly of Memorial United Church, St. Catharines. WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of Wesley- Willis Church will hold a pot- luck supper in the church base- ment on Tuesday evening, Jan- uary 15, at 6.30. Come and bring a friend. .-4-4 Wesley-Willis United Church Minister: Rev. HUGH C. WILSON Organist: MRS, M, R. RENNIE Choir Director: iVfR. M. R. RENNIE Sunday, January 13, 1952 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship, "Thou Shalt have no other Gods before me." First sermon in • a series on the Ten Commandments 11.20—Primary School .. 7.00 p.m,—Evening. Praise "Life's Extras" Come to the House of Prayer . St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. 3. LANE, B.A„ Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 13, 1952 10,00 a.m.—Sunday School Hour 11.00 a.m.—Public Worship s Sermon Subject: "Journeying in 'the Night" 7.30 p,m.—Knox Church, Bay- field. Annual Congregational meeting at Bayfield, Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2 p.m. Resolve to attend some church through 1952. AR Welcome 4-14. St.T4PcireWvso'smPenre'ssbYAtriaeniatalinrchcl met at the manse on January 2, with a good attendance, The president, Mrs, William Shadclock, was in the chair and Mrs. John Snider at the piano., The meeting opened with sing- ing hymn 697, and reading Psalm 150 and prayer by the president. ;The secretary, Miss Mcphereon, read her minutes of the preceding meeting, and letters of thanks for Christmas cheer. The treasurer, Mrs, Robert Me- Ewen 'read her financial report for the year 1951, which was most gratifying, The following committees were appointed for the ensuing year: Social, Mrs, Farquhar, Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Roberton, 'Mrs. Me- Ewen; quilt, Mrs. Cook, Mrs, Clifton, Mrs, Hall, Mrs, Snider; visiting, Mxs. Roberton, Mrs. Snider, Mrs. Gibson; flowers and cards, Mrs. Shaddock; press sec- retary, Mrs. Maxwell; property, Mrs. Shaddock, Mrs. Roberton, Arrangements were made for refreshments to be served .at the meeting of Huron Presbyterial Executive to be held 'in St. And- rew's Church on Tuesday, Jan. 8. Readings were given by Mrs. Snider and Mrs. Lane—and very much enjoyed. The February meeting of the WA will be held at Mrs. Robert McEwen'e on February 5 with Mrs. Farquhar and, Mrs. Shaddock as hostesses. The meeting closed with the singing of hymn 696 and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Lane served a cup of tea, assisted by Mrs, McEwen and Mrs. Cedmore. Baptist Church REV. J. E. OSTROM,Akar Sunday, January 13, 1952 11.00 a.m,—Morning Worship, 12,00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship, Communion will be observed Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of K, L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, January 13, 1952 10,00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Young People's Service. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer, ALL WELCOME St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector ,Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, January 13, 1952 11,00 a.m.—Morning Service and Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service- ONTARIO 5T. OIRIM The Girls' Club of Ontario St, United Church will meet Thurs- day, January 17, 8 Pan., at the lime of Mrs. Jgiui Lair/S, W•VV• MAN'S 10X•70$ • Wesley-Willis Men's Club wit; meet in - Church, Thursday, Jen, 1,7, at 8 p.m„ instead of .previous ;evening. 2-b Ontario St, WMS Presbyterian WA Instals Officer* Names Committees FOR WARM AND DRY WINTER FOOTtlEAR Choose Yours From Our -Selection Aiken's LUGGAGE and LEATHER GOODS The Wernan'il MiStiiellarY See Piety -of Ontario threat United Church held their January Meet- ing in the Church Ifall on Wes- I day last. Tim moitient, IvCclvictl BY, PI asid@d, The meeting opened with a oat to worship and the _singing 94 a hymn. Rev. A. Olen Eagle tool; charge of the devotional period. He spoke On "Co-000rgtion t n d friendship. Rev. Eagle conducted the installation of officers, also, A solo, "Take my Life and Let It Be", was sling by Miss X Wiltse, Business discussion followed, and yearly reports were given. Allocation for the year, was ex-ceeded, the amount raised being The meeting closed with Pray-. er by .the president, WESLEY-WILLIS W1VIS The Woman's IVilssionary So- ciety of Wesley-Willis Church, will hold its January meeting, Thursday, January V, at 0 pan, in the church, Mrs, ff. C. Wit, son's group will be in charge of the meeting: Roll call will be responded to by a favourite verse pf SeriPture, and the Far-ing of dues. _LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion will meet in the Legion Hall at eight o'clock on Monday evening, January 14. FRIENDSHIP CLUB The annual meeting and 'elec- tion of officers of the Friendship Club of St. Paul's Church will be held in the form of a pot- luck supper in the Parish Hall, Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 6.30' p.m. lattices -44-11-11.4-0-44-40-11.4. ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR—REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B,A., B.D. ORGANIST—MRS. E. WENDORF Sunday, January 13 11,00 a.m.—Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Union Service in Wesley-Willis United Church THURSDAY,, JANUARY lOs 1854. January Sale Ladies' Coats and Station Wa.goreCoats „ .... 1/3 Off Women's and Misses Better Dresses Blouses and Skirts A fine selection at One-Third Off NYLON HOSE— Orient, 51 and 60 gauge, 1st quality, Regular 1.95 Now only 1.59 pr. Orient, 42.45 gauge, 1st qualify, Regular 1,79 ,Special at 1.29 pr, MEN'S HOSE— Sizes 101/2 to 12—Plain arid Fancy Regular 1,59 Now only .89 pr. Children's Wear Specials All SNOW SUITS 20% off STATION WAGON COATS 20% off All 3-piece Outfits and Chinchilla Bunting Bags One-Third off SNUGGLE-DOWN GOWNS and PYJAMAS— Values to 5,95 Now only 3.95 GRANDMERE, TAM and GLOVE or BONNETS and MITT SETS—Reg. 3.25 and 3,95— NcoW ONLY 2.75 and 3.25 Fuzzy Wuzzy Yard Regular 1.00—Y2 oz. ball Wabasso Bleached Sheets— Size 81x100 Regular 11.50 pr. Special at only 875 pr. Plain - Frilled CURTAINS And Cottage Sets— Values to 5.75 , Special at only 2.95 pr. Women's and. Misses Ski Pants— Values to 8.50 To Clear at only 2.95 pr. *A•-...ahr...11•,..4•111,411t eSeiss-- BENEFIT CONCERT—Proceeds to Campaign for Blind "STAGE CRAZY" 'Presented by RCAF Station, Clinton Londesboro CominunitY Hall Friday, January 11, 1952 at 8.00 p.m. Don't miss this big show-23 novelty acts—dancing girls—magician 'acts—songi, dances—specialty numbers-2 hours hilarious fun. ADMISSION-50 cents If you need clothing, yog can save money by buying nown CHECK THIS LIST FOR YOUR NBgPS— ,e 1/ 3 off Now .75 ball Thompson's Food Market 11 We Deliver Phone 40 BALL & MUTCH FUNERAL DIRECTORS ,24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Dealers and General Hardware and Furniture PHONE: DAY 195 NIGHT 361W 361J DUTCH APPLE BALLS HONEY DIP DO-NUTS A Variety of Cookies - Delicious LEMON PIES tri • Send Flowers Worldwide .essp•e0 K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phones: Greenhouse 66J Residence 66W .14.1.1•0•11•1111•11MORTIOMMININOIMINIIIIIIMIIM.Y. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend s GOSPEL MEETINGS in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, Clinton Town Hall EVERY SUNDAY 8 p.m.. Wilfred A. Munnings SPEAKER "It pleased God, by the foOlish- Hess of preaching, to save 'them that believe." 26tft, EVERYONE. WILL WANT TO SHARE IN THE Hospital Parties January 21 to 31 Open up your homes, any afternoon or evening, for all kinds of games, after- noon teas, dances, etc., during these ten days. The surrounding country indluding Londesboro, HolmeaviiIe, Bayfield and Brucefield, and all other societies are invited to particiPate ,in this big. Hos- pital drive, Do not 'wait for soincone to call yon, contact now for farther partietilars: Mrs, Atkey—St. Andrew's Ward Mrs. McLay—St. George's Ward Mrs. Burton Stanley—St. John's Ward Mrs. Tom Herman—Ste James' Ward 11-9-0-.1-11÷.-.4,14-404-•++4-1p-0-0-**.***-4 PERSONALx Miss Kae Sniderhas returned From there she went on to Wind- from a few days' visiting, at sor, and spent New Year's with Brampton. '' her other son-in-law and laugh- Mrs. Edgar Thompson, Detroit, I ter, Mr, and Mrs. James Rep", spent New year's weekend with olds, and with her mother, Mrs. her parents, Mr. and. Me. G. P. I V. Bondy. Mrs, Henri returned Roberton, i to Forest on Wednesday, Jan. 2, Mr. and Mrs. DOnald Rom- I to attend the funeral. of Mr, bough, Gananoque, spent a week's Scott's mother, Mrs. Livingston vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Scott, who died suddenly Now Year's morning, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ralph Foster "*-7.^1*-,-.0-,."..,-*.—,-. ]*lam J. Ross, James Street. and Corson and lielen, left Tues- day, to reside in their new home LOBA Holds Good LAC and Mrs. Frank Evans Initial Meeting on Fairview Ave,, St, Thomas, have returned to Trenton, after spending the Christmas holidays The LOBA's first 1952 meet- at the home of the former s par- ing Was held Tuesday., January ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, 8, in the Lodge Room. A very Sr, good attendance was noted. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stewart, care 6usitness matters were taken Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart and Mrs, Wilfred Colctough, daughter Margaret and Mrs. Worthy Mistress, was chairman Glenn, visited with Mrs. John 'of the meeting. Beaman, the framer's daughter, At the conclusion, the ladies in London, on Tuesday last. served a dainty lunch. Mrs. W. S. R. • Holmes has re- A card party is to be held in turned home after spending three the Lodge Room on January 15, Lunch will be provided, hy the weeks with her son and daughter- to-law, Ms, and Mrs, G, Holmes, members; everyone welcome, Toronto; and with her s -in- o law and daughter, Mr. and s. . ST. PAUL'S WA Carnegie, London. The regular meeting of St, Miss Irene Snider, London; Paul's Woman's Association will Mr. and Mrs. M. J, Snider and be held at the home of Mrs. G. Small daughter Janet, 1Vleaford; M. Counter, Tuesday, January Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hetherine- 15, at 2:45. s ton and daughters Margie and Mary, Brampton, were holiday ST. ANDREW'S GIRLS' CLUB visitors at the home of -Mr. and The Girls' Club of St. And- Mrs, John Snider. rew's Presbyterian Church will Mrs. Irene Henri spent the hold its regular monthly meet- Christmas vacation with her ing on Tuesday, January 15, at 8 son-in-law and daughter, Mr. p.m. in the Sunday School room and Mrs. J. W. Scott, Forest. of the church. EARLY (LOSING The undersigned Clinton grocers are. closing their stores at 9 p.m. SATURDAYS during January, February and March. REG. BALL G. E. RUMBALL W. L. JOHNSON C. M. SHEARING AND iSON T. R THOMPSON T. J. RILEY 2-b h..+-4.-•-•+ Specials for January 10-11-12 FLUFFO, SHORTENING lb. 33c Fcy. COHOE RED SALMON-1/2 lb. tin 35c I.G.A. PEANUT BUTTER-16 oz. jar . 35c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 for 33c BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP-2 lb. tin 31c 5 lb. tin 73c CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING lb. 29c M.L. LARD 1 lb. 23c P.M. COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 61c Blue Bonnet MARGARINE, Yellow Quick-2 lbs. 83c SUNKIST ORANGES (Sweets), size 252's .... doz. 39c HEAD LETTUCE-5's each 23c FLORIDA CELERY STALKS-4's 2 for 29c TOMATOES (imported) lb. 23c BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and confectioners •-•-•-11-4 1111101111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111141 D. A. KAY and SON 1 VENETIAN BLINDS — WALLPAPERS and PAINTS Phone 234W Clinton Large Stock 1952 Wallpapers Just Arrived ALL SHADES AND STYLES Suriworthy Suntested and Washable As a Special Feature we can now secure Drape Material— Thus it is now possible to select Wallpaper and material to match at the one time. LARGE STOCKS ON HAND IN ALL COLORS OF: LOWE BROS. PAINTS SUPER ITEM-TONE PITTSBURG PAINTS RUBBERIZED SATIN FINISH We are at your service at all times Select your paper here and either to assist with your decorating probtems, hang it yourself or we will hang it Drop in at your leisure and look around. for you. No obligation of any kind. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, With over 38 Yea& experience in this bueifiees, WO can give yon good suggestions for re-decorating every room in your home. FLOOR SANDING Let us give you an estimate on having your floors sanded 2-3-b Ili MINIM M111111111 1111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111i Ill 11)11111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IfiR(1111111111111i1 4.-44.44444-4-44-0-4-.4.44+4k+4-‘4,4444-4-*-44,4-w,+444.44-0-..4-+4,-++ .1KolovlitiOn10011.4001.044.0.1 1111111111111 111(11111111111101111111111111 IHI G4.