HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-01-10, Page 1No, 2—.
he Home Paper With the News
First Baby Born in Clinton in 1952
6c aCOPY $2.50 q Year
A Week
The first baby born in Clinton Public Hospital in. the
New Year was born about 3 a.m., Thursday, January 3—a
son (Robert Patrick) to F/0 and Mrs. R, F. Cowden, Kirlc
St., Clinton, formerly of Bruce, Alta., who came here in
September 1951. Dr. J; A. Addison was the attending phy-
Edelen. Mrs. Cowden as an English war bride, coming to
Canada five years ago. F/0 and Mrs. Cowden have another
son, Ronald, four.
—Phbto by MacLaren's Studio
News of .Bayfielci
Miss Mildred Fraser returnedpurposeof selecting trustees for
home after spending a week in the Police Village of Bayfield.
London. was held on Monday evening,
Jelin Pearson «returried to his December 31, in the Town Hall,
home after spending a week in with the following being norn-
London. inated for the coming ,year: Ben
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews, Rathwele jack Fraser and Grant
Port Dover, are spending a few Turner,
days in the village. United Church Ladies
Mrs. L. NI. Burt and family,. The United Church -women
London, spent a few days last held their January meetings at
week with F. W. Baker. the hothe of Mrs. J. McKenzie an
Miss Elizabeth Weston returned Thursday ,last.
home last week after' spending a There was a good attendance
few days in Holmesville. and both presidents, Mrs. Rene
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray, ner and Mrs. Makins conducted
Owen Sound, spent a couple of their meetings. Mrs. Sparks read
days last week in the village. from the Study Book, "From
Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards, Jr.,
London, visited Mr. and Mrs. T.
C. Bailey, over the weekend.
Miss Betty Lou Larson, Lone
don, spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 3. Lar-
Miss Janet Manson left on
Thursday of last week to spend
the remainder of the winter at
LAC J. and Mrs. Lameriande
and family returned home last
week after spending two weeks
in Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon,
Preston, spent the weekend with
the former's perents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon.
F/0 Walter and Mrs. Frieson,
who have resided the past few
months in the village left on
Sunday for St. Hubert, Quebec,
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Mack left
on Sunday to spend aementh in
Florida. They were in company
of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Batkin, The election of officers for the
Clinton, formerly of 1Bayfield. coming year then took place with
$158 Donation Rev.H. J. Webb in the chair.
Bayfield Branch of the Bible Those being elected were: Hon -
Society wishes to thank the con- crary president, Mrs. H. J. Webb;
tributors and all the collectors president, Mrs. A. P. Scertchmer;
who made possible the generous vice-president, M i s's Audrey
donation of $158. Brandon; secretary, Mrs. M. F.
Successful Dance Corrie; treasurer, Miss Berthena
LOL No. 24, Bayfield, held a Sturgeon; program convener, •Mrs. I
successful euchre and dance in Robert Turner; soalal convener,
the Town Hall on New Year's Mrs. P. Worth.
Eve. Music was supplied by Ir- Mrs. Webb was assisted by Mrs,1
win's orchestra, Seaforth, and R. Hisler in serving refreshments,
lunch 'welt served in the base- The next meeting will be at
ment the home of Mrs, A. F. Scotch -
Trustees Named mer the first Tuesday in Febru-
A Nomination meeting for the ary.
Lakes to Northern Lights," the
chapter dealing with the many
lines of work being undertaken
by the United Church in the dif-
ferent cities of Canada. The WA
reviewed the work of the past
year and planned its activities
for the coming year.
Lunch was served by the of-
ficers of both societies.
Trinity Club Meets
The annual meeting of the
Trinity Club met at the home of
Mrs. H. J. Webb on Wednesday
evening of last week, Rev. H.
3. Webb opened the meeting with
a prayer. The secretary, Miss
Berthena Sturgeon, took the roll
call and read the minutes of the
last meeting, Mrs. T. H. Mack
gave the treasurer's report.
The guest speaker was ' Glenn
Sturgeon who gave an interest-
ing talk on his ten-day stay this
past summer at Huron Church
Requests 150 Additional Houses.
Government Urged
Jn View of Need
ounty 15 Requested
Issue Debentures •
Clinton Town Council, .at its
meeting Monday night, decided
to request the County of Huron
to issue debentures to finance
the Proposed $285,000 addition to
Clinton District Collegiate In-
R, L. 1VIcEwere town represent-
ative on the CDCI Board, stated
that the Board would like to pro-
ceed with this work as soon as
Possible, and also would like
authority from the 1952 Council
to go ahead.
Dr. W. A, Oakes, chairman .of
the Board, said that the Count!.
must issue the debentures beallee
of the financial condition of the
Town of Clinton,
H. C. Lawson, secretary -treas-
urer, CDCI Board, wrote stating
that by an amendment made in
1951 to the High, Schools Act, the
County may be asked to issue
its debentures to raise funds 'for
the erection or enlargement a a
high school in a High School
Area. The funds required to be
raised to retire these debentures
will be levied in the area which
benefits by the debenture issue.
"The Board of CDCI is anxious
to proceed with its proposed ad-
dition to the Clinton sehool, and
it seems to the School Board
that the. most logical approach
toward raising the necessary
funds is to ask the County to
issue the debentures for that
The Board suggested the fol -1
lowing resolution, which subse-
quently was adopted by Council:
"Now therefore be it resolved
by the Municipal Council of the
Town of Clinton that the Coun-
cil of the County of Huron be
requested to raise the said sum
of "285,000 by the' issue and sale
of its debentures or the purposes
of erecting au addition to Clin-
ton Distriet Collate Institute
and furnishing sane."
Church .Deal Closed
The Official Boerd of Wesley -
Willis United Church wrote ag-
reeing to dispose of the old
church shed at 000, as proposed
by Council, and: consider the
matter closed. Council approved
this b motion.
Taxi Licence Granted
Chief of Police Joseph Ferrand
rerommended granting a second
taxicab license to Clarke Stan-,
ley, whose application was before
Council. Application was granted.
Fine Police Report
Chief, Ferrante presented his
police report for the past year.
Due to increasing population of
the town and growing personnel
at RCAF Station and civilian
workers, police duties were in-
creasing. He said it would not
be long before consideration
would have to be given to in-
creasing the Police Force from
two to three full-time officers.
Mayor Nott complimented the
Chief on his report.
Mrs.D.J.Lane LalpcerteeZzinsi951
Arrears $5,i73
Group Head
Tax figures presented at the
Town Council Meeting Monday
evening indicated- that 1951 cur-
rent tax collections were $84,-
423, or 95,2 per cent of the total
of $88,659, as compared with $71, -
Mrs. D. 3. Lane was re-elected 380, or 95.5 per cent of The total
president of the Clinton Hospital in 1950.
Auxiliary at the annual meet- Tax arrears at January 7 total-
ing held in the Council Chamber, led• $5,173.91, made us as follows:
1946, $27.74; 1947, $49.25; 1948,
$95.88; 1949, $126.78; 1950, $660;
1951, $4,220.26.
Hugh R. Hawkins
Monday afternoon.
Other officers elected were:
Mrs. Frank Fingland, honorary
president; Mrs. May Rance Mac-
Kinnon, lst vice-president; Mrs.
Harry Ball, 2nd vice-president;
Mrs. C. M. Shearing, secretary;
Mrs. Reg. Ball, treasueer; Mrs,
n. S. Atkey, press secretary.
Conveners of committees elect-.
ed were: Mrs. Gordon Cuning-
hame, membership; Mrs. Frank
)Fingland, social; Mrs. C. H. Epps.
'nurses -in -training; Mrs. Alex
IHaddy, hospital supplies; Mrs.
W. H. Robinson, buying; Miss
Win O'Neil, finance and Mrs. H.
A. McIntyre, sewing. Mrs. May
MacKinnon presided for the elec-
tion of officers and Mrs. Gordon
Heads Commission
Hugh R. Hawkins was re-elect-
ed chairman of Clinton Public
Utilities Commission for a fifth
term at the inaugural meeting
of Clinton Public Utilities Com-
mission held in the Commission To Interview County
Office Tuesday evening.
A. J. McMurray was named
secretary to succeed W. E. Per-
due. Other members of the Com-
mission are Mr. Perdue, C. M.
Shearing, and Mayor G. W. Nott Cuningheene read the report of (ex -officio).
'thenominating committee.
The president, Mrs. D. 3. Lane,
called for reports from all con-
d these t diselos-
ed a year of success and accomp-
lishment. Mrs. C. M. Shearing
read the report of Mrs. Sam Frank Falconer Again
Castle, the treasurer, and stated
A. F.',Cudmore Head
For Tenth Year
Alex F. Cucimore was' re-elect-
ed chairman of Clinton Public
Soloed Board for his tenth term
as such, at the inaugural meet-
ing of the 1952 Board in the
school Thursday evening last, It
is his 33rd year as a school
N. C. Lawson was re -appointed
secretary -.treasurer, and J. A.
Fletcher, caretaker.
Standing committees were
naed as eollowe, with the eirste
eamect chairman;
Property — R. S. Macaulay,
Lorne J. Brown, Leslie Ball; Fin-
ance—Fred 0, Ford, Percy Liv-
ermore, J. H. Murphy; Study and
Welfare—Leslie Ball, R. S. Mac-
aulay, r. 0. Ford; Purchasing—
Lorne J. Brown, P. Livermore, le,
E. Holmes; Sports—R. E. Holmes,
Realizing the overwhelming The above add up to about
need for new housing units in 3,000 Perigees employed or living
Clinton, in view a the trernend- on tile Station in the forseeable
Qus expansion of RCAF Station, future,
Clinton Town Council, at its The impact of a Station of this
meeting 'Monday evening, adopt., size en a coriununity of thin size,
ed the following resolution un- is coesiderable, both socially and
animously: economically,
"Whereas there is en acute It is interesting to eozripare the
shortage of housing in the Town figures given, with past records
of Clinton, which is caused by of population growth:
the national growth and clevelrn- RCAF Station
extent of the town, but more pse, I • Population
ticularly by the increasing de Toven of Clinton (Servige only)
mend for housing accommodation! 1947-2,248 „ ..... 412
by married personnel of the ! . 1948-2,409 657
Royal Canadian Air Force Sta- 1949-2,475 '731
tion, Clinton; 1960-2 405 0
F. 0. Ford, J, Z. Murphy. "Now therefore be it resolved 1951-2'495 1 354
Miss Edna Jamieson was re-
appointed the Board's represent-
ative to the Public Library 13oard,
Regular meetings will be held
the first Thursday of every
month at 8 p.m.
Residepts Hie Selves
To Sunny Florida
How would you like to be
sunning yourself in Florida? It
just could be that six residents
of this disircit are doing that
right now.
IVir. and Mrs. Joseph Becker,
Clinton, left by motor Friday;
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 3. Brown
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Zapfe, Clin-
ton, left Sunday morning; and on
the same clay, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd
l Bat, Clinton, and Mr.and M
Ted Mack, Bayfield, left for the
They will be absent from the
"snowbelt" for varying periods.
R. S: Macaulay Suffers
Nasty Accident •
Royce S. Macaulay, partner in
Ball -Macaulay, builders' supplies,
sustained a painful accident about
10.15 a.m. Thursday last when he
lost the ends of the three middle
fingers of his left hand down to
the first joint.
Operating a planer in the Ball -
Macaulay plant, the glove on his
hand got caught in the machine
and dragged in his fingers. He
was taken to Clinton Public Hos-,
pital where he was attended by
Dr. J. A. Addison. He was re-
moved on Saturday to his home
where he still is confined.
Oa Deputation Pans
News of Brumfield
4-44 444-44-4 ++4.444 4-4 +4-0-4-4 44-4-4-4-4-4-4-4,40-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4•44.4-4-4-4-4-
Miss Shepherd spent Sunday
with friends in Goderich.
A. J. Swan is ill at the home
of Mrs. Grainger in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. .George Henderson
in Stratford on Tuesday.
Cora Taylor spent the week-
end with, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey
Ross' Scott and Thomas Baird
made a business trip to Wood-
stock recently. .f.
Miss Leiper, Leadbury, has
been visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Clendon Christie.
Orland Johnston has begun
work at en acetylene welding
shop in Goderich.
Dwayne and Gaye Elliott are
/recovering from a severe bout
with chicken pox.
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Laird and
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh P. Berry Were
in London, 1VIonday.
Miases Marjorie Mustard end
Cora Taylor, London, spent the
weekend at their homes.
Mrs. Bessie North. London,
Visited her rnaher, Mrs. Clara
Dutot oeet the weekend.
CG1F Meets
The regular meeting of the
'CGI T Was held Saturday after-
noon in the sehoareom. of the
church when anneal repotts Were
Officers for 1952 ere; Presi-
dent, Thelma Baird; Viee-presis
1052 1961
nigh LOW nigh Lbw
Ian. 3 29 14 40 34
4 30 13 45 24
5 82 25 31 25
6 31 15 29 16
e 27 1 20 '7
28 24 19
9 32 24 28 11
8riow.-4" Show -0)
dent, Shirley Moines; secretary,
Margie Zapfe; assistant, r Olive
Aikenhead; pianist, Shirley
Stmeessful Pageant
On Sunday evening in the
United Church schoolroom here
the Varna choir and others, pre-
sented the pageant, "Visitors at
the Dan" to a very large con-
gregation. Both choral and
speaking parts were presented in
an excellent manner and acting
well done.
Fine Choir Concert
Members of thr choir, Thurs-
day evening last presented a
concert which was much enjoy-
ed by all present. Four junior
choir members — Thelma Baird.
Ruth Snelling, Verna Eyre and
Margie Zapere—sang. Misses Wil -
me Dinnin and Eve Stackhouse
sang duett, as did Mrs. G.
Benclerson and Mrs. A. Johnston.
VocalSo Os Were given by E a ne
Taylor and Walter McEwan. Miss
Eva Stackhouse presented read-
ings- and also played violin solos
tied Mrs. A. Johnston and Mrs.
W. McBeath played a piano duett.
A play. "Let Mary Do It", was
Presented by a cast of the mem-
bers. of the choir was given and
Was very humorous. Taking part
Were 1VIargie Zapfe, Eva Stack-
house, Leola Taylor, Donee Tay-,
ler, Ruth Snellihg, Verna Eyre,
Donna Mc}Jride, Thelma Baird,
Wilteue Dirieln, Margaret IVIce
Queer), Mrs. J. R. Murdoek and
Mrs. W. MeBeath, Rev, Maines
acted 'as chairman. Mrs. Murdock
and Mrs. 1VIel3eath ver 6 accomp-
J. W. Stackhouse underwent an
operation In Clinton Public
Pita yesterday morning. lee
tante through surgery Satisfacte
Arlie and reported to be doing
as Well es exPeeted•
T h e Commission decided to
meet regularly this year on the
last Tuesday of every month at
8 p.m.
that a balance of $560,82 had been , Heads Murphy LOL
year, the money taken in during. At the last regular meeting of
herear from feest money -mak- Murphy LOL, 710, Past Master
ing projects, donations, ere., ad- Garnet Cornishinstalled the fol-
ded to the previous balance lowing officers:
brought the total to $2,839.29. 1.P.M., William Cook; W.M.,
Expenses were $4895.07 — the Frank Falconer; D.M., Douglas
large part of this going to buy- Freeman; chaplain, Mervyn Fal-
ing necessities for the hospital, coner; recording secretary, T. M.
There was a balance of $944.22 Faleoner; financial secretary, Al -
with several outstanding bills. bert Shaddick: treasurer, Henry
Mrs. H. C. Lawson for the buy- Stamen; 1st lecturer, Clarence
ing committee, outlined what had Freeman; 2nd lecturer, Ervin
been purchased during the year.
This included vases, blankets,
mattresses, foot stools, inhalator,
with automatic control and stand; Georgeelectric refrigerator, hot plate, a' The fi.
child's cot (ordered but not yet will be
delivered), roses for the patients January
cl ift t th it t
carried over from the previous
1st com
tyler, L
Hansford. structed to recotrunend personnel
rst meeting of this year of standing committees at The
held tonight (Thursday), next meeting. This committee
10, at eight o'clock, consists of G. L. Reid, County
Council Wednesday
Dr, W. A. Oakes, the new
chairman, and Dr. George S. El-
liott, a new trustee, along with
H. C. Lawson, secretary -treasur-
er, will interview Huron County '
Council Wednesday next, January
16, with regard to the County
issuing $285,000 debentures for
the erection of an addition to
Clinton District Collegiate Insti-
The delegation was appointed
at the inaugural meeting of the
CDCI Board in the school last
week after the members had de-
cided to press for action with re-
spect to the wing, in view of the
great overcrowding that'exists.
Dr. W. A. Oakes, Clinton, one
of the two County representatives,
was named chairman of the
Board for 1952, with George L.
Falconer, Tuckersmith represent-,
ative, as vice-chairman. H. C,
Lawson was re -appointed secre-,
mars a ,Harry ric , tary-treasurer, and Lawrence
eitteeman, Lloyd Butler; Denomme, caretaker.
eonard Cook; sentinel, The Striking Committee was in-
an gs o e super n end en
and assistant.
Mrs. C. M. Shearieg, read the
reports of Mrs. C. D. Connell for
membership, which showed 419
paid members and 25 donations;
of Mrs. Alex Haddy, for Hospital
supplies, which showed eight
rolls of gauze and dressings pre-
pared; of Mrs. H. A. McIntyre,
for sewing, the latter committee
had made 25 draw sheets, 13
sheets, 34 surgical towels, 22
sheets and 29 pillow came
Mise Win O'Neil, for the fin -
ante committee, outlined the net
profit from the money -raising
activities. These included: Gain-
es Week, $500; RCAF . concert,
$75; Tag Day, $168,25; second-
hand and auction sale, $706.07;
,Christmas dance, $44.
I Following the election of Of -
fleets, Mrs. Lane spate briefly.
She felt there Was a real sense
of accomplishment in working
for the Auxiliary and praised the
excellent support she had receiv-
ed from Members.
Miss announced a ten-
day Games Garnes W'eek, the latter part
of January and asked for the
co-operation of all to make it p
I A Motion was pessede'tO do
• away with the consulting cones
neittee, now that Mies Sinclair,
the superintendent, Was reports,
ing the needs of the hospital
directly to the Auxiliary. Miss
Shiclaie thanked the group for
Christmas presents to herself and
the eursee-in-training. She else
spoke of 6 teed for suitable
lamps for the patients.
Prior to the annual meeting,
Unfinished lushness for 1951 Wag
completed, With reports from Mr.
Lawson for the buying crepitate
tee, and Mrs. C. IL Epps, for
tiurifes.‘bl.‘training and the Christ -
Inas &Ate,
4e a word; 75c minimium
Card Party in IOOF Hall,
Monday, January 7, C.P. & T.
Fund. Special prizes. Lunch.
Everyone welcome. 2-p
You'll enjoy the fun and good
dancing at the Crystal Palace
Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday
night, with Don Robertson and
his Ranch Boys, and Jerry Rennie
and his Rhythm Jesters. Danc-
ing 9:30 to 12:30, Admission 50c.
representative; G. Le Falconer;
and Dr. Elliott, Clinton Public
School representative,
Meeting Tonight
An invitation was extended to
the Mayor, Reeves and Council-
lors of the eight municipalities
comprising the District, to at-
tend a meeting in the school at
eight o'clock tonightto discuss
the proposed addition,
Regular meetings of the Board
will be held the first Wednesday
of every month at 8 p.m.
New Man Heads -Council Poll
In Tuckersmith Election
In a total vote that was less
than 55 per tent of that cast two
years ago when there was a
three -cornered race for Reeve,
Tuckersmith Township voters on
Monday elected four councillors
and two schoce Area trustees, to
march along with Reeve Arthur
Nicholson, previously reelected
by acclamation.
A new man, James Doig, from
the east side of the Township,
Was placed at the head a the
poll with 350, while Cowls. Alfred
Moffat, William Rogerson, and
Andrew Crozier, followed in that
order —the same as two year
ago—with 813, 309 and 256 re-
speetively. A new mane John
Wood, with 212, did hot make
the grade.
An upset took place in the
School Area Trustees' race when
:antes McIntosh, 1951 cheirrnah,
was lew man hi three, Wilfred
Coleman. of the 1951 Board get-
ting 276 and 4 new man, Wilmer
Brofidecert placing secora with
260, IVIcMcIntosh Was last with
For Reeve
ARTfielle NICIIOLSON (acciarriatiori)
, For Councillors 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total*
JAMES DOJO ....,....„--103 68 27 45 34 '73-350
ALFRED MOPPAT 7/ 65 36 89 86 40-413
WILLIAM ROGERSON 6e 69 62 442? 40-309
REWCROZIER .... 68, 17 28 35 17 31-256
John Wood— • 39 32 14 32 21 73-212
—Dag, Moffat', Rogerson and Crozier elected
For School Area Ttustees 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vitale
WILFRED COLEMAN ....... 66 4e 41 20 23 62-2/6
Wiwi= nneArootyr 48 41 41 21 34 63-260
James McIntosh 41 60 28 8 6 18e-187
eeColerhan and Rroadfoot oleeted
Polls Were located ae falowst 1-4eirliee house;
0; 4; 4—S.S. 3; tr—S.S. 1;
that this situation be respectfully
drawn to the attention of the
Minister of 'Resources and De-
velopment, 'so that consideration
may be given by him to the
pressihg needs for such addition
al housing.
Lint'assistance might be Oven
"It is respectfully suggested
through Central Mortgage and
Housing Corporation, or in such
other way as the Minister may
deem advisable, and it is believ-
ed by the Council that an ad -
d' 1 150 housing't • are
urgently needed."
Supported by C. of C.
Adoption of the above resolu-
tion in favour of ,e50 new hous-
ing units, followed receipt of a
strong resolution from Clinton
and District Chamber of Com-
merce recommending that 100
units be proceeded with at the
earliest possible date. a
The letter pointed out that lack
of housing facilities in Clinton
necessitates 84 RCAF families not
to live in the Clinton area at all
and approximately 125 families
to live outside the town, making
a total of well over 200 families.
President R. S. Atkey and
Vice-president If. E. Hartley of
the Chamber of Commerce, were
present as a deputation in sup-
port of the recommendation. They
presented a carefully -prepared
brief, based on authoritative in-
formation from RCAF Station, to
support the Town Council's ape.
plication to Ottawa for 150 ad-
ditional housing units.
The deputation reported that
Group Captain E, A. D. Hutton,
CD, Commanding Officer, RCAF
Station, Clinton, ehad requested
an audience with the Chamber
of Commerce regarding matters
of mutual interest and benefit to
the Station and the community
of Clinton.
As a result, G/C Hutton ,,and
S/11.• T. R. N. Duff, Chief Admin-
istrative Officer, had been invit-
ed and had attended an execu-
tive meeting of the Chamber last
week, when a full and complete
discussion had taken place.
From the discussion had emerg-
ed the following facts:
The present strength of the
RCAF Station, in round figures,
is as follows:
(1) Service personnel ...1,500
(2) Civilians in RCAF
employ 200
(3) Civilians on DCL con-
tracts 150
(4) Service dependents
living an Station 650
Total . 2,500
The Station will increase to
1,800 Service personnel by mid -
1952. It probably will levet. off
around 2,000 by the end of 1952
and remain constant.
Civilians in RCAF employ will
increase proportionately. Civilians
on DCL contracts are estimated
to increase by 200 in 1952 as new
contracts get under way, grad-
ually decreasing in 1953 and 1954.
Dependents of Service person-
nel, living on the Station, are
expected to increase to about 800
during the same period.
1 With the present S t a t i o n
strength, we have a financial pie-
tuxe somewhat as follows:
Total Service RCAF
payroll 5190,000
Civilians in RCAF
employ 30,000 monthly
Civilians on D C L if
contracts 30,000 monthly
Total . $250,000 monthly
"Our analysis shows that one-
third of Service pay and allow-
ance, bbth married and single, is
spent in the area having a radius
of 25 miles around the Station.
We estimate that two-thirds of
the payroll of RCAF civilians and
two-fifths of the payroll of DCL
is spent in the same area. Thus,
we could estimate the monthly
expenditures in the area alined
Service personnel $63,000
RCAF civilians 20,000
DCL civilians 12,000
Total . $95,000
"Added to the foregoing are
the expenditures for official and
Station Fund purposes which at
present total:
Clinton area $ 3,500
Outside , 47,000
Total . $50,500
"That means that about $100,-
000 monthly is spent in the Clin-
ton area on account of, this Sta-
tion. The above amount does not
include the expenditures by con-
tractors engaged on the consider-
able DCL projects on the Station,
"It is reasonable to suppose
.that this figure ($100,000) could
be increased to $150,000 monthly,
or even more, with the growth of
the Station population in pros-
pect, and with improvement in
community facilities such as
housing, retail and wholesale
goods outlets, recreational facil-
ities, and the like."
"The question is often asked
as to what degree it is intended
that the Station be self-suffic-
ient, With regard to housing
accommodation,it is laid down
that the married occupancy be
25 to 40 per cent of married staff
"Presently, there are 145 houses
on the Station. Therefore, a max-
imum of 200 to 250 houses could
be expected. (This would repre-
sent construction of 50 to 100
additional houses during the next
five years.)
"There is opportunity for ex-
panding housing in Clinton —
apartment houses as well as
houses; improved store facilities
—especially to permit more pur-
chases in area as opposed to out-
side; better recreational facilities
—ice rink especially.
"There can be no doubt about
the Government intention for
RCAF Station to be permanent-
ly located in this area. We are
part of the community, and it
seems entirely desirable and es-
sential that we consider how
best the RCAF Station can fit
into the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Josling
Mark Golden Anniversary,L
Mr, and Mrs. Charles eostiftg,
eanies St., quietly Celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary on
December 20. They were rear -
tied on Deem -abet 25, 1901, by
Rev. G. W. Gifford at the hoine
of the bride's parents in Gode-
tech Township.
Mrs, Joslibg was formerly Miss
Ide Izzard, datighter of the late
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Izeard, and
is One of a family of ten, five Of
whom are still tieing. At '19
she is Very active and does all
her We hotigework.
Me, Josling was born in Clin-
ton, a see of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Henry jesting, and is one
of a ferrety of eight, two a Whom
are Still living, and although
confined fa bed is remarkably
well considering his 91 years.
They have a family of two
sons and three daughters: Ralph,
Oodetich; Elgin, Rullett .Town-
ship; Mrs. Leslie tall (Olive),
Clinton; Mrs. Norinan Wright
(Ida) and Mrs. George Wright
(Edith), GOderieli Township; and
13 grandchildren.
After their marriage they
farmed oh lot 20, concession 8,
Mullett for 42- years When they
retired to their present home.
Their family -gathered at their
home where a sumptuous fowl
dinner with all the trinurilte;
wag served including a three -
Weed wedding cake decorated In
They were the recipients of
Many lovely gifts and rememb-
rances including a basket Of 60
Yoilew 'mins presented be' the