HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1952-01-03, Page 9,!!•.!m.•
Life No. Longo A thitil BiOttiegs
A cast of nearly 50 male and female personnel of Clinton
RCAF Station recently presented a high-class variety show,
"Stage Crazy", in the Station Theatre, ..to packed houses for
two nights.
ABOVE picture shows the Chorus, the female section of it including (left to right)--AW2 D. Ghikas, AW2 r, Suerette, AW2 D. 'Nussey, AW1 E. MacDonald, AW1 Meade, AW2 E.
Snippa, AW2 B. Hutchison, AW2 R. Fubre.
—Clinton RCAF Photo
:!,PE,t4o.good-- ,A9
Radar d Communications
School saw another graduation as
four courses successfully com-
pleted their training. The cour-
ses, which graduated were Fight-
er Control Operator 44, Com-
munications Performance Check-
ers (ground) 42, Radio Operators
36, and Armament Systems-Tech-
nicians 27.
The Armament Systems Tech-
nicians course. was led by ACI.
MiChael Dupley, of Gilbert Plains
and Grandview, Manitoba, who
Stood first in his class with a
"Distinguished Pass" mark of
85.6 per cent, AC], Dupley en-
listed in the RCAF in March of
this year. Prior to this he serv-
ed two years with the Array. His
26-week coursen consisted of
training at 1 R & CS in elect-
ronics and certain types of
equipment, With the course
successfully completed, the grad T
%fates will proceed to RCAF
Trenton for additional• selected
training before being sent out to
stations across Canada to put
their training to practical use.
Other graduates in this course ,
were airmen: H, J...1. Duval,
Windsor; J. R. Searfe, Port Rape;
L. E. Pomeroy, Regina, Sask.; K.
A. Semrau, Vernon, B.C.; it. B.
Lee, Vancouver, B.C.; and G. E.
(Continned on Page Eight)
biiss of
your farm:
VOR many a farmer the farm is
boss . . . it runs him, instead of
him running it. Too many farmers
underestimate the worth of their
time; too few know what they are
being paid for their work.
Let the B of M help you make a
fresh start in '52 — . so you'll know
*exactly what your farm is paying
„you . and which operations are
sinaking or losing money for you.
"Your B of M manager will gladly
'give you a simple Varna Account
Book that will' help you run your
farm foresnaximton profit. Call or
write for your copy. There is no
And, when you've planned your
Farm Improvement Program for
'52, you may find your B of M
manager a handy man again -- if
you need extra money to make those
go-ahead plans come true.
Whether it's for installing more
electricity or doing some other ina.
prevenient job suitable for winter-
time . . sowing more seed next
spring . getting more machinery
to speed the busy summer . . . or
arranging for more heat in the house
next fall ... And your' B of M
manager the man to see, Have a
confidential chat with him soon.
He'll help you all he can in '52,
.e4tattred.:, 9ota
working with Canadians
16 every walk of life
since 1St?
Clinton Branch: WILLIAM /2.013/MO14f Manager
LOndesborough (Sub-Agency): Open Mon & Thurs.
Depend on ns for
every printing:teed
from -aletterhead
so a complex adver—
tising piece. Estl•
mates given on
Lwg., EI NE ram ctILA
Don't hesitate to ask us for advice en your next
printing lob. Just call Clinton 4.
Clinton Nems-Record
From the 'stroke of mid-
night on — may your
New Year be bright with
happiness and g b o
The Brown Derby
Phone 295, for Orders to Take Out
Bruce R. Fleet, Proprietor
intxla tracingsataatatirtialatimatatuaanaaatlaatikittatatablootamaigtatatanZial xmigrx
Be sure of steady egg production—through-
out the year. Feed your birds a well-
balanced "Freshly Mixed" Feed. A laying
CONCENTRATE — a completely - balanced
mash, With essential proteins, vitamins,
and minerals.
Keep your birds vigorous and healthy
—producing eggs week after week—by
feeding a "Fresh Mixed" laying mash,
made the NATIONAL way.
cxarrotr Ngws-Ar,conr)
1.•• IMIRSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1933
CAF Station and Adastral Park News sow=
Station PRO
Phone 382 Local 69
PAGE mrtst,
Christmas Messages
Frrini the Commanding Officer, G/C E, A. D.—Hutton, CP
"I am very glad of this opportunity to wish. the personnet•
of this station a Merry Christmas and 'a Happy New Year..
"The end of December is a time for stock-taking. To
many the present situation tmay appear sombre. We iive in
a troubled world arid the future is obscure. The unrest of
the times is not leaving our .country unscathed.
"As part of the Canadian contribution to world freedom
and order, the. RCAF is required to undertake ever-increasing
commitments within and beyond our continental limits. Per,
haps there is a danger of allowing -iiinmediate problems to
loom too large and of overlooking the more important long-
term objectives. The difficulties that lie ahead of us may be
'great, but we have successfully overcome difficulties before.
"While the past accomplishments of the RCAF should be
a source of pride to all, we must also realize that the future
provides an even greater challenge and opportunity to the men
.and women of the Royal Canadian Air Force, '
"Let us demonstrate that the RCAF is one democratic
organization in which ideals are realized and objectives
From the Minister of National Defence,
Hon. Brooke Claxton, PC., CMG
"Christmas 1951 finds our Canadian Forces spread from
Korea to the Continent of Europe,
"These overseas Forces represent part of Canada's contribu-
lion to the United Nations and the ,North Atlantic Treaty Or-
:ganization and indicate Canada's determination to play her part
in meeting aggression, in partnership with her democratic allies,
"All of us at home have been called upon to increase our
effort in building up expanding defence establishments and
Vroviding reinforcements for our overseas units.
"The wholehearted support and co-oPeration of all Ser-
-*ices has been most gratifying and I know we shall all continue
-working as a team towards the common, goal.
"To the Navy, Army, Air Force, Defence Research Board
and all civilian members of the Department I extend my very
hest wishes for a happy Christmas and a hope that the New
Year may bring us nearer freedom and security in an un-
:settled world." * * «
° From the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal W. A.
Curtis, CB, CBE, DSC, ED, LLD
"Once again it gives me much pleasure to send Christmas,
:greetings to each one of you and to your families with the
very best wishes for the New Year.
"During 1951, the RCAF has grown in size and strength
and much credit is due to your good, work.
"It hits also been a great pleasure during the year to
-welcome our airwomen back into the force.
"I know that you will all continue to keep your shoulders
to the wheel 'so that in 1952 we may reach the high objectives
at . which we aim."
May your glad tidings
and good cheer • t)e.
plentiful as the stars in
the sky this corning
Clinton Monument 'Shop
Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth
Airwomen's Christmas
Party Enjoyable One
A twinkling Chriatinas tree,
eolerful decorations, Christmas carols and vines, were the key-
notes of a Christmas party giv-
en /or the airwomen of Station
Organized, by some of the Wiv-
es of RCAF personnel living in
Adastral Park, the Party_Was
held in the new, modern om-,, Wom-
en's Lounge, This was the first
gathering heldin the new, lounge eh* it opened •a few weeks ago.
It gave the airwomen an oPpor-
tunity to test its hi:vile-like fa-
cilities amid tinseled decorations
of Chriatmas. The decorations
were supplied by the Station
Entertainment Committee for the
The gaily decorated Christmas
tree, donated by Padre Harding,
formed the centre of attraction
with its array .of Christmas par-
cels underneath. The unmark-
ed gifts, brought by the individ-
ual airwomen, were later ,dist-
ributed by an impromptu Santa
Claus. The rest of the evening
was devoted to playing games
and singing and concluded with
refreshments donated by the
three messes on the station.
The ladies who took on the
responsibility of organizing -and
planning -the party to make it
the success it was, were Mrs.
William Refausse, Mrs. E. Rich-
ard, Mrs. L. Michaud, Mrs. M.
Bowman, Mrs. T. Cook and Mrs.
M. Patton.
"Kelly's Tavern" fdrined a
suitable background in the RCAF
Station Theatre. for a two-night
pre-Christirias stand of "Stage
' Craiy", a rollicking revue Which
packed the auditorium 'for both
pregentatioha, and which met
With Mud and etithualastic ap-
plause as each act was staged.
rattzt.i.iiiing-kid action 'predom-
inated thretigticiiit, With the ,result
that -the. entire 26 acts *ere run
off in slightly over two hours.
It was a quickly-Moving panor-
The "tavern" scenery by LAC
M. McDonald, was realistic and
aparopriate for such a variety
The show Started off With the
Station OrCheatra „,under the
direction Of F/Sgt. Aubrey Haines
playing an introduction. The
Master of Ceremonies, Sgt, J., E.
Miller, announced the opening
and the curtain rose with the
`Whole cast, -lavishly, .dreased in
costumes Made by 'Mrs. (Fisat.)
G. Kelly and AW2 Marian Heller.
The make-up ,WhiCh was rift on
by Sgt. Coombs would have
justice to any professional --show.
He had the -girls looking like a
Ziegfield Chorus of beauties.
had been excellent spirit arid
would encourage the .prealtiltion
talent; He _honed .its 'success
of Others of the same type,
It is planned to present tha
-show on other Units, such as
Centralia; and Westminster Iles-
' pital, London. If arrangements
can be made, 'it may be staged
iii rifuten.
The dhow Was *reduced by
Sgt, J. E. Miller; directed by Sgt.
F. Hanlon; agiistant direetor,
Q. Kelly; sound and lightning,
W02 J. Woods, AC1 Thorne;
make-up, Sgt, Cootnbs; scenery,
LAC M. MacDOnald; costumes,
Mrs.G. Kelly, AW2 Marian
Cad included:
F/C K. ,Daly, F/C J. Belgrave,
F/C C. Knight, TX D. Ireland,
F/S Aubrey Haines, Sgt. M.
PIttnlott, Sgt. 'F. Barkley;
AWl 3. Meade, AW2 M. Archer,
AW2 J. BroWn, AW2 S. Fawns, AW2 L. Smith, AW2 S. Thomas,
4W2 G. Thriirias, AW2 Lobse,
AW2 Guerte,n, AW2 Bristol', AW2
Leslie, AW2 Ghikas, AW2 E. Snippa, AW2 B. Hutchison, AW2
3. Suerette, AW2 E. MacDonald,
AW2 D. Nussey, AW2 R. •Fubre;
AC1 J. Hunter, AC1 R. Patzer,
AC1 F. Graham, AC2 W. Hop-
kins, AC2 A. Levesque, AC2 R,
Hadley, AC2 H. Knight, AC2 K.
Gurnsey, AC2 B. Sones, AC2 B.
Airwomen Visit
Homes far Christmas
More than 1,500 girls, wearing
RCAF blue, noted their first
Christmas as members of the Air
Force, and in many cases showed
off their smart new uniforms to
"Stage Crazy" Produces
Excellent Entertainmint
The cast, which consisted of
43 airwomen and airmen, pro-
duced a tremendous effort in the
,short space of two 'weeks and
their performance proved what
real. talent exists on RCAF Sta-
tion, Clinton.
The show was produced by
Sgt. .1. E. Miller and directed by Sgt. Frank Hamon and was a
credit to their combined efforts.
It was plain to see that their
years of experience paid off by
the very reason production of
amateurs was equally as good as
most high class professional Mom and Dad as they arrived
shows. home for holiday leave. For
There were laughs, galore, many of them it was their first
skit's, duets, tap dancing, vocals, leave at home since joining the peppy chorus numbers, a dazzling Service.
bevy of dancing beauties, recita- The RCAF opened its ranks to
tions, in fact just about every-
thing that one could desire in
such a show.
Officers Congratulate
At the close of the first per-
formance, G/C E. A. D. Hutton,
Commanding Officer of the Sta-
tion, expressed the feelings of the
audience when he stated that such
a fine show was a credit, not
only to the RCAF in a general
way, but also to the airmen and
airwomen of Station Clinton in
Similar sentiments were ex-
pressed at the end of the second
performance by W/C B. G. Miller,
officer commanding, R. and C.
School, who declared it was "a
wonderful show”, and that there
women last June and the new
members come under the 'same
Service regulations that apply to
male members of the Air Force.
Service leave plans over the
holiday season provided for short
leave periods in conjunction with
either Christmas or New Year's,
in addition to Christmas Day and
New Year's Day. In addition,
those entitled to annual leave
were able to elect to augment
their Christmas or New Year's
leave by taking extra days to be
counted against their annual
Newspapers selling for a penny
apiece were originated in Eng-
land In the 1830's.
Just as you turn the steering wheel of your car to left or
tight as needed, so vary your feeding methods to suit
flock requirements.
If the birds are losing body weight on good egg
production, increase their' weight by adding more grain
to their feed. But if egg production slumps, step up the
weight fed of protein-rich mash.
Always aim at good steady egg production which .the
flock can maintain rather than at high 'egg production
which burns the birds out early.
See your NATIONAL 1:0•01.0 fo day
Look for the bright Orange and Slack Sign:
fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL Weil-Cured, Properly-Blended $ERtILIZER
S. Riddick and Sons
Cl1rton Phone 114
John Aldington
Varna Phone Clinton 626r5