HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-02-13, Page 3^^44110140,44.44*.4444.K.10.4"*""Arwm "'•••••1.",..1"••! -••••••••••••44-•••••••••••*••••#...•••••-,.,....... *n lirgiag him to =apt the General's TILIT Ni D 1'1 '4%Y2 4 r 4, „ Oa proposal.; while Earliest, himself, t•tin g whatTinti willed a • little soft,' r, solved its lie waltrecl to tlh) railway, that for lila beloved Mother's sake, he vnithd try to accommodate himself to the old Gt,T1'$ whims and svishos. in order to leave the dear ones AA home as largo a'sbaro of tho bank. to aa possible, 110 had arrlingen to travel to 8 tuthatoptoir by third-class ; and ttlitier .,,is motet, be stepped quiet- ' ,ly into tho open door of the ttpointed linietly, indeed1 that:. two 111 III whowere its sole ,inulates., kLaa who, 0.11verping .eaZ12eat1x, aid net ! Vett It re at; 1 rg after Inialliglit, a tt"' rri • , minutes wire tilicl,log by th 1101 i•s„ "1 love a graceful elm tr.-10., she tine. "1,14. f wish I: were an. elrii tree; lierespenden. quieltly, ••:f wish you were, too,q. WI . iv ilroyou '?" he inquired witb.4 ., world rrf devotion in his. N•oiee. "Becamte," ttIto replica, "f roc% ' a I once a year at geast."-r[1.)rsikes Mg. ,sine BEWARE', hear hiln enter. One of Until) was upcleuhtedly a °f 'Ow contiouSA 138° tor-ourY Yrol'Obluallt and his.eoarse blue suit ,po+asit for the treatpient; of Blood awl awl straw hat wrIte,tboar,f a fiajlee,,, Otto ;•'diseo.ses, they never eure, and Tile form of the other was nearly always injure or Vitally ruin. the • ett•upetely concealed liy a shaggy cum, geueralltealth the . collar of !Nell was drawn UP • Wat,-)C.NOWN •Dituff a, nrouiel the lower part of his face, ilave seen a groat many cases CUP WW1° Ott rtbill was hidden by ts broad. rid with Slioltt•T Blood Syrup. sinne who hrinitned wideawake drawn doWit twer htMI1bVO all sorts of treatment,. • be Continued, foot, 1 have iitivor known it to fall, tro when trawl' properly. I.5 II 'a largo • quantitytof it, and for all diseases that p:cr4to Gymnastlos. tare .clependent 0111)14)0d poison Or skill Rbuna „shoulder:I. a stooping' gait tumor. it cures and a Vat A:lest it& Vuluett11t4 gtrls , T.Sir1,101 ANT, BLOVIIIIIS ON Tail bIflN you 'to cured a very sliort time ov id teen mina tea -x t •o uit1it aria and makes the et.imploxioI1 fair aid the open air or. in It well rw.Y. As blood taint-, there is no such iventileted rootn, 1.110 inermug exer- word as fail. It cures eases tout have 0180 bad1&1kC.0fint,10,thuwly 1°1'4 withstood other sorts of tryflt ofter rising, before dressing fur the merit, and without any of those reeurr • day, fts tight clothing will interfere ing troubles that generally follow leer., iIi tho ,fr 0 move moo ts required. enrol mid other so-called zures. tirt-rt thing, to be done' is to stand ''..":q0LIN Si v, Druggist, c eJ1 witli the bests toget4r, East Boston. Vase. Jinni throiin back, the ziet.t. verywit, ,oUt, atia the Iitt11jwtintlooaviy 11$•- A ,11M(131. the it les. Teen DIM' ill11;pi cores ,coinpletely 3ypbtL, Sorofula titaro.ighly fillet) with air it/id ilowly B11eu1nft0;41„ Or ; Catarrh Meer' plrh tips inkif a dozen times ild'Skin ItI 1 Pi^d )liteSSOS of t mibluntiti iio y be brought fol - eseriptiort„ „.h td oVet•yivheie, wird nt, full Itlii,Sth i1:kfroLlti OJI i. 10Y01, .$1 per bottle or Wier' $5. .. svIth the.sitoattlera t`b,"e pales of the' fiat 104 111 eoutact. „Keeping the ' Legit ..es...1 ,ex.entleti, the hands should bo " . forcibly thro wp. „haok warLis Until tiln hacks of the hands touch. tlia ehoulders, v,Itilo the palms conic to- il:ether before 'the ;chest. Let this tuotoion ).0 gone. through with rapidly sothe thirty in the urxi move, hold. tiro arms straight above the head with U10.1)1.11118, t, hands f`)rward ; , »ow bowl ng .the 11ip.A, bring the antis 41) s'U fy tat, Itt,eplfig theta Straight the 44 int3 lingers touch,' . 'gaw. too then return the bands to erigitialpositien above tlie, heria. Ohs inoiioti shotihi be performed L•try stowly t4venty or thirty times. A Ara.. L. will be almost impossible to touch the floor with the 'tinge- tips ;without benhing the bob 1.110 cue rsu ti it • Wil I performed retiAtily: Iii the third movement the lady should hold her hands close to ber sides, with the thumbs still for - wart. Bring Dim 111'11.18' up from the th whits for Ward ; theft t re. turn them to their tirst,position. TIio qrms Inuit not be bent at tho elbows. .11 persisted this moydrnent will • straighten ont stooping shoulders. •A-1.-.Y.le0,y.who v igorOU 131Y Pkae- lice theee;'ittoyeineato twice a day for fifteenonikupes, willipresexitly „have..0 full elies', straight shoulders, ani ;sound hings, talletis her CtIple is Su far advanced as to be . incurable. far tourao these same exercises will /ive effect...on the frames of men 08 well,; but, as a rule men do net mieq 411 atrything lilfe the „same degree ne ',Women, Tjlo'!‘4411 4$••t40 (too§ bit4, duty in the world h sionipePod to take a, ;legr.cia of thief pito ..quknelyn to the other sex, 4:very lady is ambitions to be the ptmessor well rounded )..ausele. aini a full chest ; and Where st)0 it not possessea of them, sho tries ago? till': zurbito into behoving' they 4re }1c1r4 nicaus of pads! or 015c sho resorts to tillisekt vi•Itartd.vi..se nostrums fop the dovelopment of the furs. 'Take the Weeps muscle of the arto,for instance—one of the most noticeable features of a woman is full dross „ti thadeslotl roSult. e conStantly keep t tent every • Grafal Concert mad X,tactae on the 1.8eh inst.—nrot-ela,:es, Talent oxpooted— An 'lkawollont l'aufacal trout, A grqi.ld Conceit ani leetUre vigil he given in ''Own on Friday /ironing, the lath inst., the. subject be- ing. c•Catholic yelicien and ,thecilfl oat denomiliations of Pr&rstautisia, coppatod rei tn. origin, commission, (41c:trines, disci)line, cercononiesand Oltenia existence " In treating this siforple A a)) ----GRE1 AT ---- . "f! 1.11 'Kids of Winter avods fcr ed rr A -9 11. T. PT a fl u e must sell our FUR, GO so come 'and Secure Bargains. 11") All remainhags of all. kinds of KNITTED GOODS to be sold et).i. LESQ THAN COST. Our Stock Taking Commences ii Tivdnty:Days and Great Bargains may be .expected for the next Two del i Otte 'cm lijeet, every elforb. Will be ,I,74",1•10,pirci• =Lae to Pitase.everyoncr and 1 -ICL jai.. v Choice Stock of Fresh C.3-roceries TEAS A.:SPEC:III TY. pose 0 &U1 religion. Some .excellent musical talpitt will be present from Seafortb, Clinton, Blyth. Godor'eli and tVinglititu to take part in the pro, gramme aud sitae.ndid time inay. be expected.. See largo bills and pro,. gram tires. . 11.0*.do- you lijtg-ettr TieW story, "'The Lady of the Ring." 4,1 yet( Ln PILLS. 4. largo uroportion of the diseases Which oamie hutroul go:Tering, xextikt. frau der2.1140- Mont of ' the stormich,7"bowels, and livor. •AYnti!s: ()AVIA IMO YILfss'aet directly upon these organs, and 4440 otnecially $1eSigno4 to %%ire tht6iiseases =used by Utelr delluiga-• nient, louluding Coustipation, IndigoV. Cori, Dyspepsia, headache, )3yseut.ery, and a boo other allments, for fill wittah they aro a We, sure; piputpt,. jilcosant remedy. "J.Fhatixteusive uso of Litoa it744. by cipinobt Physicians regigitr VO;31lOwf•etkinisPik)thly the estiniation iF whioltllte7 are held by tho medical prefe? 81011. ' tifites614TAA are eonmounded ,ef vegetable , sub4tatices obly, and oro absolutely (roc from , isalons el or ,any other injapous ingreilitin • 4. SniTerey front he'adaelm 11100 ' 'f...tynnt s Pna.0 are (valuable le mot.and ere 15y gotont uoiripantop. ,nave been • a severe:Malaria! from Iteadaelle; sad year ).11,1,s aro the oply thing could Took ,to for,P-4/10ft , 000 410ep VII) (NOkly /110Ve ray I.AV014 011,I rOP, 1117 head,from pal ». They ere t he must elicit:Live and the easiest physic have cyer retold. Iss a pleasure to am to eoealt 10 their praise, and 1 al w)t's de so 4ilen tankosion otters. W. of Mr, 1,, rag, Dro.411 4/1.4111C1 III iticIlinend,Vii4J two 11, 1142. )101r0 used AVIM'S 1,11-4,5 in imbiber. less instances SS recommended by you, mut have never If nown them to fall to acconi dish en ham at our hewer, and prise them as a feW In 1.1.1Utele exercise ear 11 day—for a acasion, sato, stud reliable familY madielno. year will increase tlio „girth of this . " '''' " ' 1 "Y n't4- muscle two inclies—ettotigh to, matte Atagia,"roxas,.linio 11, 1882. ' ., . All the differentia between a tItin ' lir a ..v :'x.)11llgy. avlIctS"e'SA5J, ‘ti.t)rrAwtn, ?ar4a 1Illtfp ono, 4111 the 00810 it:,)igeZsrgiVet 4.4) 01)1711)171)111171, h-nwinlb Pf °401ro,ho A'ivi3o to tho ohojit. ori2; /ottlligitiait'lls '04711,3garrigreni..6gri will inci•ease it zrunt four to silt niches' illepurenIllicet Until some tumults itto 1 Ill adilitiell 110 the beauty given fjo the igfrgr7,11yt404.0citt:filile 1;t1I'ilf‘'.0 'itilllieirt, :4`.11.11 figure by tho full 01(.0, tlie increase' )iose %Fanny 1.1,1,1m4441ti my general health." hl lung power will servo to viti tigo 4 V Int'i4 OAT,/ M.914:1 PILO Correct irregu, es or the bowels; stimulate' the !unit. every organ in the body and will rtillstai ctrrostainj inic by thaw promo. ttha bring with it a cleat eye,good 1)100(1, toorOirli salmi frlva wog Mel Vier to Ow Alla its attendant, a fair coniplexion, wh11aPb4dlet4 00011.P,10. , # springy step, high spirits and a ottp.. • knato.tilitlf if'r ritiii0./ tif enjoyment unknown before., Coo.41,10„Ayor&04)„,1Lowell,MatIc , , :11 4dt1itip14' of three inchee to tho Isold Liy all Drogglatti, :0141.1?' 02 the chest, 11.1011:101 fifty itlehea —4---1--- -.0-- •.. • 1.0 011 additvIn f ourfaao in the lily 1 All optnerlence the, ttenelerfel tit411 a of thoOtinge,tt tianatial41 effects of 0,.....r..00.,,,,a....s, Ok,G, At+0 .,.. ILE. Ayar 0 '',arot,tpar)110... X! *riles intending tO travel will do NIED. *.te‘Tet/111:°P,1;fiyil.triF:f"tItitit/YSrit'sS;;11.14! ,.' ell to oall au O. It. Wil ixtwa,',Ikent Witiffil: *barbs e1io4 lieettlareedrtreet „*.ii P*10,40 It4il"141 V? ihiiii.,41, . hem ivy $1 r,1104140 i 014 01,7 u444447 s 4 „ a 4 A -Agraa-gematazatorgrvagiourzzien.4,7Z ii.f4a*F kV2, col iti•- 1,- • i.31"6.' ' 4 .1):"" i • e..j. ' '' ' ' ;''.. .,jf/ r$ ,,t7t-t..,..4, ..,;o4 e./ '.:ipe• ,t., .1..at.;je.).. Mt, .,,,,ittfattet4., '1,!‘„. '.191 •ThOrPeP§14. tit/ilidtett. 4-liar/wilt y (14 Aner 4nd ..1:1.11n.tayit, ttiii ID' -.•,ifhL 4"' 4 t.•: ,nn,t4 rzyg; a!? rker:qe$ of ' *I I 2;' "a. •% i4.ny j 'Offi Iftf,Vit't. .t.s... 1.9.111700 „tioicfhts, fispaura, Bere14'.44, -Der tnIged ,k15'1.01:41(rit, iinjzt(11* ty‘ t,10 4 ttelfarf.to.P!,..A.WWWW,M17,17M2.3,:$7 111 r • IL . g r ,, "1. nit il I'M lop tyliTii i ifi„ 0 6c, Eo 58ot-1ir • 1 SC : klai i ei al him 4 Ri . aaving UM utmost coornier.ro In tlif superiority over ag others, and of thee sands of test. of 114e most complicated an'. ,u,i vcros,f, oases` Wo (multi find, we feel jaw at. edin offering to forteit One Plionsand Dol. Jars for any case of coughs,. colds, mke o throat, inilumil-,tt, lloarseuass, bronollit t.., ectr,inii- "ion in its early stages, whooping, 31;,,,.. awl 4411 diseassfi of the throat: end lo71A.,, (wept NS th /I i d.. 10 r Wil tell WO '71, OA ,, - t relict. that we eall'teura 454 111 XV Ej. t.^. 00l).:.4 Kyrup, when talon necordhur 40(14. • . ino, Hemlock, Otidar, k 1 and Illm (41 1)11 sorts eon, stoutly oil hand or foatinfaoturod to suit elastomers. Lath and Shingles of ail grades from .1 to No. 8 at DotL1tu Prices. - 1'430t80041tt14 4441411 o,) e01114., 44: Earl,' large bottlea ono dollar. thilinino ors onl hi r b gtityp, ac 13 trrols of ovary do. always oa ILIMA'Or Made tio order. • , %for' taoilitios for naking mr.• atol salt norms are inferior t. 40113 10 GUM/1A, Ohapor than tho Cilealso4 CATSTO‘4 ilaw'ing I:ono ea ttaua,l, And at Lowest Pritkoa, Cistern Tanki Vold° to gait,. I:Ugliest i 1 micas paid for all,knul of 10:p. 1 - Glad te see every one, 40 7.41 and ge.,3 qP 1 4a1V mill MO wo..kilo(s attionting the - 1.. W. railroad 4tati m, Whig)0,1a. J. ANDIntsoll, 11, rogroTog, , The p,,puloor roma ty, gl.vara's , isna(d bora y and °sterns). .iy Lit.ttt 94 es, ..14 9.. alit tt.k tease; Al an in. .11,tut.ija 11)14.10. y 1 tit 1)11 or sent by eixpe•e!4.4...;()i reaoipt of JO 0. WEST Af (O., 81 44.810 88, King s1 4w8t Toronto, Out SYRUP. Cores Completely Nerorutn, Syphilis, 4'nuoor, 141141)4outtlans. catarrh, nom; and WWI and Mood 111seesifes of emery doserA,o• ittoss„ ..0.. 411010 reward to env elicialat Wm will rod, on analysis 0( 5)71) ki0440a 4+t eiluther Mood &rue, Wig particle of Nor • Iodide of Ancssiuna, Or any mineral '.:-.. stan(e. '47114,4.) SOLD EVERYlitfliglia„ IA . rrlao, - OZ.42 ?sr Edge, ar Mx for ;Icy Solo Agency for Vinglialu at Tile Pharmacy, Dr, Towler's drug store. A FEW HINTS FOR THE ME r Ta onaoe the 'ea:v.,. •`. eta geotly, 2 1 4 Pills; zS thoroughly, 4 to ?ILIA przrop,pele;igelleiccolcinffe/aticeztzsie e. t/4e, 41 For Constipation, tle Costivenees, 7)9 =wetly is so effective 51 .41'.EZeg They insane regular daily ifotitat, 410(1 ro store tho bowels to a healthy conditi:tn. ForTruligestlen,nr Dyspepsia, .S.r BE'S *PILLS aro invaluable, and asure cure. .. Heart-hurn, Loss of Appetite, Foul Flatulenoy, Dizziness, lavad- ache, Numbness, .-Naasea, are all relieved and cured by ATErt's 19La8. ' 111 Liver Complaint, Unions Disorders), and Jaundice, Avnies PILL8110141a 'bo given in doses large enough to excite this liver and bowels, and reitiove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, these are unequalled. VT) arms, caused. by a morbid contrition of the bowels, ttre expellee by these PutAs. Eruption, skin Diseases., and alia8,. the result of Indi4e4't1on 04 Constipation, are cured by thealso of A.Vr.it'S For Caide, take Art:airs 1') 41141) tr.) ant'n ' the pores. rnmere ..Inflantatedory scerett,ns, alirtY tee fever For .1)JarrIma OJAI Dysentery, caused by sudden pokls,iodirstible food, cte., ExT.T.s are the tzue remodY. rthetimr.thon, Goat, Neturaigtat,, 841441 ficiatice,ofteu result from dige4171e ;dent, or eolds, apsi disappear on removing the cause 1 y the U88 Of Ask.at'S P114.34 , Tankers, Dropsy, 36:1chiey Coin/11)411'gs and after disorders caused by debility or obstruction, are curcid by Avtit'a prixs. Suppression, and Painroi Menstruka- tine, inwe a safe and reedy remedy P v E P'S P total directions, in variouS iangts3os, coniztuy each package. ;Mr -TAMED .1171 Dr. J. 0. Ayer:E.L Co Lima, Kee% Sold by all lin-inlets. oroc9 LP ‘7"; y •44,4 tcytiiKENSINC Ur GOLD, MEDALS Awarded at Trento, London and Guelph, in 1883, for Insf fIrs 0,4,0, , AND DINER MACH time' c !LS. PO Sale by 2,31 nest -01144o Deraezt Every Barrel Guarttetsed. • .SAIVIUEL TIOGS. Manga ea.rraut 1141. Zast. War0t;70i" $10 blt1 U!' it,t4 ;1145. • 3.1 ttSr V0,r11R"1443,4,7,44,* 41.111.,..r ng A1.4,^4100.0.4130^444A Vt. ,6 N0ll."0 ad ‘.44^..414.4.6 444.41 ttal 41*.44.4 441 4f Vet/ WILL. CUR::: Oil rtEuEvE 411.104.01Eg P,' -.V.:US, Dr.;PEP‘914, ilegersrfox to77ortro vmUNDICE, dp rkot" REARA,.. I471W8IPEL4t , .. ACIPIP' 1 4.41P RH Etj; ' THE lYttnit.1014, 1/1:11..11r0A% Oyu" 96 . Itlitt.v1111/..7,. It! '79.4 SPI, 400 wet's, totWel,v, At ritoefotik 4,444fitig ^r, */*Rtlittt4 )71., j‘ ..,. ,„ 444'44 04.;"$'4:i4;#.5 .41 b.. • `.:Aw. aRii.