HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-02-06, Page 10.R , 1 A L 'NEWS
0W4 Coustoti,
The regular monthly meeting of out
The concert held in the Towri Hell Tow I+athera Wee held on. Monday
The year eeee ,wa have two •colter' oo Friday eye•njtig last in aid of poor evening last,',. All the members Kee.asst of the sou arra two .of the moon, " : I of our town was a gratifying succuss, eat except Coutts. T •MeOlymont and
I both finanoially and otherwise. The Elder:
"The ice Manivay not be much of a halt was tilled to excess, wally beuii Minutes of teat meeting read and
1 T adopted.
ikatar but he it able to make fancy ;unable to intent seats. The xeault tivias
figures art toe, wary pleasi g to those•, Who were ht. The following,• reports were read
This: year Fehrurry hes. tour Ful' etzu*nental in getting up the entertain- "arid ordered to'1te fyled;
.even weeks. It tionimenced on sun• extent, as it was an evidence that a tall ' Thorn Chairman of Fire and Water
Jetty and ends ou Saturday night, fire hole for those in distress in our - Committee in referance'ta watorvrorks,
1'h d' d that by-law '>
Parties intending to travel wind town will never be made iu vain. a an recommen inlrl
to a y. aw e
Well to cell on C, E.Wil'itnnis, Agtenx chair was occupied by mayor Neelands , sassed appointing Ballet engineer and
,anada Pacific liailway,.l,>'Itamt who made a tew introductory reniarl.s deaning his duties.
expressing tne, pleasure he felt at wee- . From Clerk and Treasurer, in ref-
Theladies of the Wingham Presby ing such a large audience') The ;first erenee to indebtedness of town, and
neriine church have aeali4ed thee= Of part of the programme consisted .of monies loaned. for Sinking Fund.
$1,200 since the old church was burn , ndian clieb swinging be theyoung
ed down.
ladies of the Public Sohosl,; ender. the
Itlr,. John Coad of Wawinosh hes leadership. of Miss li Reynolds, which
;h ought the residence lately oconpied Was umeh appreciated aid heartily ap.
by 2Ir Jas. irergueon. He moved he plaude le 'Then followed; an . iiistru-
to it'cin Tuesday. , • ' mental selection 1►y the orchestra
We want live re9iable oorreapandenie under the leadership of ,Mr.D.Eincaid,
and the charade and dialogue liresent.
for Tzry nam
Tiro in all sections of the 'ed latlily,at the school etrtertaletment,
illf r. Send in your e and we All the characters were well represent-
•trill furnish you with stationery, ,lze, ed, those taking part giving enttive
invitations have been issued tb,y kr satisfaction to the audieeice. The
And .Mrs. Smallhorn, of this tows), for second part of the programme consist
ilj fir quilt wedding celebration on the ed of vocal and instrumental music,
.16th Met, Iii very enjoyable time is those taking • part being Mishes
expected,• Hoggliton,Paterson, Paling, Reynolds,
• 'IVotwitksta>;eding the .present frozen Mrs. S. Smith, and Messrs. Clinei0rr,
(rendition of" the fields, woods and Park, and Smith. Those' who
streams, it is htated that a milder of were of the . opinion. that ,we
• young people are already .preparing had no musicaltales , eh. town
spring. poetry. Our rates are 25cts a after hearing the above .must have
We understand that the Goderich
e rliug club has arranged to play the
clubs • of Wingham, Wroxeter and
Lueknciw. The whole of the .matches
argil! bike place in a few days in the
, kating rink here,
Oct au, bake or. Railroad tickets to
zany part of the world can be obtained
'from 0, k1. Williars, Ticket Agent
W'int;ham, intending travellers will
,do well to procure rates before parc =
q►. ng elsewhere.
Extensie';e preparations are being
anatYe by the Orangemen for the
,annual meeting of the Provincial
.Grand Orange, Lodge, to be held
here on the 16th, 17th and 18th of
4his•month. It is expected that 300
1elegaatre veil) be present,
The Tress and Weekly Globe oeriy
$2 per year, T[tase wishing to get
fall reports of the Dominion Per-
leuneet and Local Legislature now in
eseion should subscribe at met. Th
-Spurgeon sermons also appear in the
Weekly Globe.
v*"QriWednesday last a young, an
frons the country was brought thasee.
the Mayor and fined $1 and cost's;a-
mounting in all to $4,10, fur using
profane language on the street, This
is •a etip in the right direction, and
we hope to see the law in this respect
share strictly enforced in the future
than it hes been in the past.
Mr. Holloway, shoemaker, late in
' the employ of Mr. F Buchanan, has
started business on his own account
M the store next to the Times office.
1-te is a good workman, and guaran-
:tee:sperfect satisfaction to all wishing
,Anything done in the boot awe shoe
.l:pe. Bo.:ts and shoes made on the
.4oi to -t reticle. -A trial is respectful -
Ay solicited. •
• The latest wonderful incident which
•we have heard ofis the attempt', of a
tramp• to rob an editor. We have
'often wondered at the lamentable ig-
Moved by Coun. Dawson, seconded • raoutreere Oroat rse rn,v ; ' ` 7. s
by Couue, 131aok, that the by=law .ap- Otte of the toast notteef, ,le f'eatti ' '!
pointing the clerk, tt'eesuree and oluof of the Montreal Winter` xu i a,
constable' be referred to the Salaries tnngnificent, epootat'Qarni
Oche mitteo, with tbu request that uaid issued by. iMlsssrs, John tl
committee will recommend any change -of the Weevil), Witness.
that in t)feir opinion will be tO eh• Ushers have pry{sped into
interest of the municipality, Oar tnoaa talented Canadian.
tied, consequently the twilit
The Cos noel then adjourned. been equalled. in made,. '+ ed lutirlti
ber fairly teems with illustratio* it
Lecture, has a gignatio tette-pageettir4
'btornaing of the Ice Castle • y j (r 1
Omen (butlert and Lecture on the 13tk. ..designed by dr. Robert HeideA, ,
last•-Vlret•otass Talent oxpea tett
as aarllontATu.tealtra Att. . It, C. A. 3leetiacs this there are felt
A grand concert and looter() will be page pictures by Mesas. Harington
given in the. T H Il Lfi •`d, Bird, iiaphel, Walker, and other lead.•
.own ca on a ty
9t11'ii st tlee sub put be- rug
St The Finance Committee reported evening, the 1 e ', 1 the. Poen", apkropriately illustrxated
recrmmendiiig that in future no sup. ent datClotohainAtious1gAfu and the Pro est utisein,. for wlricli a prize -of $I00 has ",ben
les •bei purcleased or labor employed
artists, and. the number oo4ltaiiisr
on the order of the chairman compered as to. origthis
in, comrnissioe,
of the eemntliittee to which such sup- cloctriires, diaciplina, ceremonies and
plies or labor belongs, and •.that par- del unto subject, time and oeverye." lteffortti will he.
ties leaving accoutre against the cur- made please everyone and est itt}
Oration render them monthlylanal al to preligion • Some excellent
so that the following accounts be, poseany g
musical talent will be present'from
Reading, etatronery, ;$4.70; •J A Seaforth, Clinton, Blyth. Gocler'olt
Cline hardware $23 69. T Itianttel and Wingham to take, part 1u the pro-
salary to ;Dec, 81, 1885, $25; Nickle gramme and a splendid time. may be . Yore in which theyare received by
Ss; Dore, minting
I'inting sign for Clerk's office; expected, See large bilis and pro- John Donau 1 eh they
neV e.. o ,
. 1Sort.
' itu ss' til e
$1; Georgetbypeece, salary to jan, grant Ines,
p id, and a special Supplement repre .
senting various athletic . ;Clubs: and
their leading men, The lette*pre$
page have been tai tefully prepared",
and contains a very large number: of
engravings, representing. variotis
phases ef.our Oanadian winter apart .•
The pri,;e of this gorgeous nutill. r
is but ten Bouts per copy, , postpaiid, R" .1
Orders are filled strictly -n the ratan ' ' .
21, 188.5, $100; do., weed for hall and . Palate Scheel.
piling wood i^. paned, $9.25; Bradshaw The following is she report of the 141rea P. 1fcHrsrtiv., of LuOaiin}g1 r.
S; Kerr, works= streets, $1.87; John., gp spending a few days at Mr: Georgi
eton de.T,ureer, paid charity older, $1. Public behoof for the mouth et Jana. i)lacKeueie's.
75; F Ru,eltanpn, do;, • $4,55; John a•re•
• Miss Mary McConnell and glee ;1 • ;
First De artment -I To re ort,
Dickson, do., $2; E F ]:licit, work on Seconal Aeparcment--alarks obtain- Henry are: at pre ent the ;geiasts of
able 2164. Senior form—Clara Risdon -11i W. B. Hutton, Lower: ;'jVinghani.
2,007; Maggie Hastings, 1955; Maggi,. =y An exciting runaway took p1 tee one
Cargill, 19$2; Martha Tipling, 1884; Satarday:last on Viet ria and Jase
Joseph McDo iogh, 1801 ;u George phine streets. . No serious sigh a;,e
Wells, 1186. do e,
Junior • Forte—Marks ' obtainable,T he skating rink intro leis• been,
1840—Charles Bradwin, 1664; Jane purchased by ;ter, Armen.; o1r:Wallcer-
Reid, 1021; Eva Dawson, 1543; Iiia. ton, who is going to introdui:e roller
Read, 1528; . John Dallas, . 1487 ; skating.
thought different. All tiro selections streets, by•J Groves,$0 75; P B Flan:
were well rendered and roach enjoyed nagan, week at .pump lrouee, $5; A
by the audieucc, Miss Paling and gr. Anderson, supplies ler fere alarm, ex-
Smith receiving hearty encore. The- press and .cartage, $lb.15; W F Brock -
programme erased with the mirth pro enshire, paid indigents, $7 ; J Hurd -
yoking trio entitled "Dame Durden. ! beets, banking pump' house. 40.54.
by Messrs Park, Smith and Orr,which' The report on beirlg read ivies de-
brought down to.. whole hcu^e. At glared adopted; •
the close of the programme on motion /,i3y.law' ''o.' 98 for 1885 appointing
of Messrs Myer ted Elliott a vote of D M Gordon and T A Mille auditors Annie Henderson;.' 1488, •
thanks was tendered z to those who had was'read tree trmestatheneit_wa •eins,i hard Department—Senior Form—
taken an active part m getting up the • Moved:1,y the Reeve, seconded by Marko obtainable 1568—Annie Bisdon
entertainment, to the .ladies for the
m Coun. Kerr; that said by-law having 1275; Willta Mallagh 1064; Sophie
assistance they had rendered,' and: been,duiy.rerd be now passed, Car= Moderns, 1002; Willie Pettypiece-978;
to those who had taken part in tl a rick w•. Jaemea Loutit, 957; Sidney McCullough
programme. • On motion of Messrs Applications froth J Coad for ring- 948.
Scott and Hanna a vote of thanks seat ing• the town bell, •and 8 Youhill for Junior Form—Marks obtainable,
also giveie the °haire:Ian; after which asp essory were also• read: i856—May Croydon, 1146; Gorge
the concert was brought to a,oleee by /;blovedsby Conn. Dowers, seconded" Cotter, 1100; Clara Chapman, • 910;
all singing the National: Anthem,CThe by.,Conn e`'•:Brockeeiehire; that • John Pootta Kerr, 906;' 'Fred (quest.. 864;
proceeds amounted to,$983 ;Cr ,Suter ,S. hell be".rappointed assessor for the year Etntna Campbell, '834. '
day afaernoonaMeeting .sof'the corn 185' at weederyof$70: Carried:`•' Fourth Department—Senior Forel—
mittee and ladies appointed in the edo.edely,0eiuneDawson, seeonded ,,Maika obtainalile, 1188. — Robert
different wards was'beld, ill the -:Coen by Qonnetierrers, that a bylaw sp.Black, 852; -Jessie Cummings; 849;
oil', Chamber. On motion the pro. pointing John Snell ;jammer and fixing David Until, 819; •Cliarlie Cargill,
ceeds were banded over to• the., ladies his selarybe passed 819;Lizzie Marra, 804, Harry Angus,
for distribution by them, •:and .Mree ' t.On the second: reading of the.by 741; Frank $anon; 741.
McInnes was appointed treasurer of law it Wee''.. Junior Form—Mavka; obtainable, ,
the relief fund The names of those c: Moved tin' anis ndment by . Ooun. 10118—Jennie Hastings, 684; Charlie hut eimtily as a guararrteq o£ goon
itt need in the various Wards were Seethe seconded Ir Oonn. Bla.gk, that liai se 681• Rupert Mcgtbbon, ' 588;
faith • -. e
John Kerr wilt sell his. stock or Fruit
Confectionery, ego., at the Eclipse, . et
a bargain or will exchange f•,rr a House
and lot, There is over $500.00 worth
of stock, all new awl in first class eon.
'fiitiuri. Cash sales last year• abouts
The TIMES wants gdocl correepon--
dents in every school section. in...tite.
surrounding; townships.Airy pato
at liberty to seed it ,sit"'ens of noivs, t,
land we shall be pleasid et all ti•nr''a-tn,
receive contributiotn. f m nt'y ,of otrw
readers .0-::l1.ttelte i • iLi j fir pit s•
lice on should reitelr trite. <e::it,.,i - rase ..
than by Wednesday' inir be and
iihonld be eigrr,;d by the name ,.f thee
writer—not neceaa'rrily tor pitbireatithe
submitted,and arrangements Made for the nart►eSTohn Snell be struck out and David. Wells, 576. ;.Gusty McLuucWien
at once relieying their wants. After that of Samuel, Youhill be inserted 561; Niram 13e11, 54' DIED.
i vote cif thanks to the ladies who had instead thereof. . Fifth Department --Senior Form-- powELL—In urnberry =on -Friday,
worked so hard to make the entertain' The motion on the amendment was Marks obtainable, 1710—Win. Mc Jan, 30,13 5, 1r, Robert Pi+welt,
ment a success, the meeting adjourn asfgllowete •Donogli, 1665; Jatxaes Dawson, 1656, aged 38 yet+ 11 months arid` 1.$.
ed. Yeas Deputy:Reeve_, Conn. Black Lottie W.elis, 1561; Allre Linsley days.
and umith-. 3. 1570; Miriam Robertson, 1450; Cora I;ORN.•
Mr. John Sheffield, of Scott. street Nays-e•Reeve, Conn. Dew son Gan- Robinson,1440. ,
is very ill. nett, Lennox, Broairenshire. Herr, Junior Form—Marks obtainable,
There is a great deal of sickuess' at
present in town and neighborhood.
A new hardware store is to be open-
ed in;town in the cutins of one or two
weeks. '
After all the weather prophet may
comfort himself with the reflection
that this is an: open • winter—open to
objection on aieoj t of e, continu-
sty of the coed.
C. E. Williams sells tickets to any
part of America. hates to California
and Western States very low. Call
ou hint the,idtreete. 01M111 f I.
who call et a printing office to get a fir. J. T. Mitchell, of the Wingliam Mo•ved, ip, •,aexien roan by gun, there was to be ern open winter, We Fi „
Bowers, Winson and Mclndoo.-9 1740—Walter Bisdon, .1695; . James Axiserreier•—At •Galuenet 11:ioii,1 cin
• iThe,aun+irtdnlent we therefore der. 1!•ast►ugs, 1660; Wm. Farquharson, Sunday, the. 18th ins#,,, ..theebtiife of
clared le,st•a1d the motion carried. ,1660; Atholl Griffin, 1425; Geo. Mc- Me Robert Abralriini, Meet son of
Bylaw To• 84 for appointing the ase Donogh, 1510; Debt. Eakin, 1500; Mr. T• :Abeairenl, 'of this town, o> a
seeeer on_ .fixing his salary was 'then David Hamilton, 1445. daugllerie.
reaa .the della' number if times and --- -- _.--
passed, .. . • e, . WjGHAM MARKET.
Mr.,Mokineny addresses} eleQoun- The stage between this town and
cel requesting the•opening npoo :let. Teeswater,has failed to connect sever- • ' Winghem,Feb. Bth,181$
rick street between Frencessand Cain. al times lately on acconnt -of the roads
herine street..
`1 being blocked with snow.
Flour per owt.v:` .:...: $2 $lt to 2
Moved tic Coun.. Willton, s eondad Flour per bbl,...,...,... 4 50 to
lay the Ree,ie, that the matter of open • predictions are to to the effect Pall Wheat per bug.,.. 80 to ` 0
ing up l' brick street be .referred 1a that next sn unmet is to be the hottest Spring , ... 80. to 8$
ever known. If the predictions were ,F a 39 to 31t
't ' 60 to 91.
Vedette who was able to be out last herr, secoaadrd by Loon, blclndoo, will be in leo harry about buying a • Bas " " ,.. 4. 57 to $$
Potatoeg 3A to 0 >!'
,eioraiice displayed by some individuals f, , made by the came prophets who said Oats y ,,
]ki d Amendment C Barley
#eve collar bill changed, but the tramp
who undertook to rob an editor must
;wave been fresh at the business.
the meeting of the Methodist
- church Young Peoples Liternery • So-
:piety rsn'r resday'evening port an inter:
•s itiilu debate is on. the programme.
The eui,yi'ct • is •'Resolved that paver
week, has hada relapse and is now that ilia opevtiug up of Patrick street straw hat yet•awhile. '
very low again. be,referred to a apes• 1 o¢mtnittP Butter per lb ,..,.. 18 to . 1$ •,
consiatieg pf,:th•. Mayor and Spoons.. The services in the Eaptiet -church .Eggs per clot............ • 2U to, 2111
The Ontario Branch of the Domin- Tjrockenshire lied De,tesatt. here on Sunday next will. -be ponduot Hay. per ton iii. 00. to :0'00
ion Alliance has appointed Rev- B. B. .On a• vote feeing taken. the amend- ed by -the Be'. Mr. pock of Toronto. Wood,.,,,.,..,;,, 1 25 is , 15
Beeler, formerly of this to,vie their sent wits declared lost and the•niotiori . The Rev gentleman will else conduct ,
General •Agent. carried. , special services to be ' held • •in the
Ane tchatioe remarks : "Ta it not Moved ley 411e Koerte, secondedby , oburoh every evening nett week. A '
Notice to Creditors.
ty can -est more crime than riches' a singular filet that when hard tithes Coun. Kerr, that in every ease the cordral•invttation is extended to every
!lie champions of the affirtnstive will
-be Mosrs-1?. Holloway, • John Norris
and Miss 1,. Lloyd. and for the neg.
•eative Messrs It. Orr, J. Karr and Miss
•;f3 lleynok1,,) Eveey bony itxditerl.
000re open at 7. 80. Meeting to corn.
dense at 8 o'clock.
• A meeting of the Young People's
4terat•y ociety of the Preebyterian
Qhnrct was held in the basement, Of
that Church on Tuesday evenineeiest.
4Ite programme* Was as Fido a i s Rect.
.rations by Misses Met3nire.11feKagiie;
' 'indlater, Clargitt rind tl enderson,
all nf enrich were well received, a t was
',,alga a, a e et from Miss flawsere Mr.
;1I•reeev •,ing pfeisent gave a reading
+rt his ire ial gena style. Mesitrs. l'ip-
,ilitw .nttrl tlnllotvty of thie atctliothee
ji-httre li Y. P. t, S., beim present,
Nell! 411 ell twin i►nd gave short ad-
adresses, The meeting Vas then
eunte a mare wit' etesree 1 emend ratio chaireieu of the Charity Committee oho to attend these services. 'Theeredit►re of Malcolm Oempboll, late
• er tltun hie stomach by y' ejiping i give orders on stores to indigents, and AnroTater. supper was given in' the of the
die art! or about the couhe nty
local paper, rather Clan, oi:tting down. that they do personally. look into and offices of Messrs. Holmes &- McMillan dap •cit Auparsst1881, are hereby required to
some treeless luxus; to eat. report on every person receiving week on Thurslay evening of last week, the gond bypoatpreipafeltottro •oflineof floltcots
1y aid. ,Carried: occasion beryl the meeetinof a• few and ito nd len, wiugham, eat, Solicitors'
We are now in the legend month Ma ed by the •Reeve, seconded by friends. trot to the de g for the administrator of the estate et the
s n c>ltttr growing the tit 1 of the only
Coun.• Tiers, that bars. Melvine't taxes Holmes for the World's Fairain of
New bolos litho 7th d p b a'ro ios ot,.o r
y C f atxeountutn to $3.88; be remitted, and; Orleans, end a trip through •Florida, Christian and eurgam•s,,►del 01744. Anrl tie•
the Sweet month of vs ,lentinee and leg- that en order on the Trensi'wrr be giv- ,ser'iptionswith full partloulttrs red proof of
ishtive speeches, a t ,rntli of skatitl ' . ` Texas end 'Marco. Mr. Helmet; their clarity. a»r KtRtam9ni of 111eir1MC account
' en the iollccior for t. -'a, attoutnt, ,
and s sigh riding; and. of the cora- !eerie to+nsrrrowe and will probably and of the securities Of anyy tesla bybd'a
me ycenient too,. of tl; lesi;ten Fust. Catned, spend tied remainder of this cold Anil -notice is hereby given that attar the
Moved by Cowl. Willson, seconded W ter tt; the .enure south, stoic{ 7th c",uy of teareh 1885, the itdniIustr+a
Messrp Wattet and 0119,114 Lloyd by Conn Smith, that the case o4 Mr. y ee tor will ( a;reue.nt in the provissionr of Xte ti.
and Jas. Dayton returned home on Morr's taxes on the tato reaiderige of The hquse next to 0otitts dt Inglis' t3.Oltai O7. and the Mt of the Logi*.
t,a ro:nutted tit thegtoU Lti
Tuesday last from Texas. They left Bev. 'Jtr.111.Cosh be referred to ilio carriage works is`laow i being thorough. o iar 1`;>Mjoaxj'o ceietr (lhe ter'A} prooee,i
here about two years ago and emcee P4naneo Qirnmittee And if they report' .ly repaired and fixt 1 up by Mr, todietrihun,e the assets of the raid deeavet
that time have visited /slew York the regidenac- to be e'anept that en Coutts, ,As 'straws show, which way 91 +•moire tiao parties entitied thereto haw
Florida and Texas. They have done order' -be istaed on the Treaanrer for gra mind biose, this may be taken as me regard only to tlih olnims of which they
well ainso they left here , and intend the amount of the taxes. parried, an indication that "Josh"" ie going to '' or w;l! ri t bel `t'tg thea"id i"rlmieeis
p g lY ' y i t ua1 ltthe iia d asdelet '.
in the a rill ' oiir to herein America, Moved by Cot;n, Lerilimex, gecanded take the tries man's advice sit not re- or soy r thereof 1104144 person or
We ate pleased to learn of their sue- by Colin, Smith, that the appointment mein Mingle much longer. Due notioo Rous n. wheiseolaitn or eiraitns he shall got
cosi, aiid hone their next little trip, of a d`hief engineer be referred to the, will be given • of the timer apppcinted for heron.+ti,'p et the time of such dietributlilt;.
will resew in then pile of wealth beingFptra. etid Water Committee to report thin desertion/reel the lasttlre o beet• 'Wlsigbar F nt,bi :; 4 omoutt Apt.
j 1Stah(11t to at 001.31 r of y ipereas lit next iueetI: g pf Council, Carried,. 'eloraOgt, .. 604404 lat tlo4,4galtrirtra
ora,. .