HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-02-06, Page 9oar seeseee. I . • rrn IfirtGit,AX TIMES, 111:1111),Atint /4 f ACtioago.Xan'tgenaros Ciourriz--4 flew Tr onent, The Ohicago eOsreSPOadellt of the Perhaps the mast extraordinary Pariners Tribune says success that has beenaohieved iu mod. An ex -4 dermal' of this city made ern medicine has: been attained by the litanya human neing,happy on Christ Dixon treatment for catarrh. Out of vias day, by inviting the poor of Oa. 2,000 patients treated during the veto 'to mune to 4$ North Clark street past six months, full ninety -per cent T. at 10 a. in, ana buy Meat .sild bread have been cured of this stubborn nial, without IMOAR437 Witt without price. ady. Thia iOUO the less, startling They eotne. The doors were opened. when it is rein that not Aye Mr, Jona a himself was there and five per cent, a patients preaontiner, them assistants. By night eighteen quart- Selves to the regnlar practitionera are ers of beef had been, distributed, one benefitted, while tbo patent inediernes liundrei and fifty she(tp had found 'Oa oteit adtertised Mires novei re4 their way into new folds, twenty-five owed a 3.ire ittall, Starting With barrels k Qhickens would. never go the . claim now gendally believed by ' home again to roost, eighteeb barrels the most seientifid then thel•the die. Q. of turkeys.. were missing, waggon tase is due te the presence Of' living is4.41 load ef broad hed.-.beon dp;st upon Parasites in th tisane. "Mr, iron at . the htinvy svisers.. Wan pinched, once adantect his cure to theit'exter- faceS looked their gratitude ; flushed, thination---this scownp1ieh4d; he beeroyed countenances of seine les .81iiiins the Qataiirli is practical/kddred, worthy received a portion es es dry and the pPrmarrency is Unquestioned, from hushed tears gresir pangrily as cures effetited by hi na four years bright, parcels Were .doue up.for thein; oago are cures still. No one else has. tongues thathad not Cm ring 0f ever attenipte3 to mire Oataith iu Sincerity uttered :prOttise, thanksthis manner, and no ether treatment ' Others silently took gifts, but their bas'ever Cured Oatitirli.'' :The dpplida- looks spoke volumes. No le were de.' tion of the retherly is Ample, and can Med; Blessings were peurecl.into the be doneat Aorne,*fritrid:thii keserit doimr's ears, and, I've no doubt, trick. Season of the year is the Most favor - led down into the inner consciousness able for the speedy and permanent of ths man—we call it heart. mire. The majority of eases being ••,‘A.rncl, may the salute bleep, ye! may Mired tit one treatment. Sufferers yJur years be long, arnd may ye hvn,e should correspond with MeSsrs. k. H. ine.ny Christmases and happy ones, I)IXON & SON) 805.04 gtpet,west shure ; arnd may you have many child- Toronto, Canada, ahcl enclose stamp ers, and may they be prettiand good; for their treatise on Catarrh. [Mon andbless your givin, han 1' and the treal Star, Nov. 17, 188,2.; , loquacious ced Irish woman Drudged tat of the,stora,witli a basket of meat ABL]l• ESCAPE. • under her arm, testing suggestively upon the hip', as thougn other bur - des had been carried in like manner. Mrs. Mary 'A. Davy, Of:: Tunklran.: An American lady stepped quietly to c", Ramq was ainw" fd.Sii Year a the .counler. , • with Asthma and Brenchitis, during 'Is there anything in, our line 'that . which time the best physcians could . Sea ,w3uld prefer more than another 'Li aive no relief. Her life was ,despaired inquired one of the assistants as she of !until in )ast.Qbtober she' procured waited hesitatingly •. • a Bottle bf D. King's New Discovery; 'Anyth n t you may be" willing to when immediate relief was felt; and by ., . 0 g.er i me wili be gladly received,' shecontinuing its use for a short tithe 'she sadly replied. A. nice bundle was *as completely cursd, gaining iu ileSh made ready, It was heavy. A glance 50 lbs. in; a few months. at the 1- 11 jlit'woman and they proposed Free Trial Bottles of this certain tending it to her home. The abun- cure °tall Throat and Lung Diseases dance of ;the aift, the kindly word, the at 0. B Williarn's :Drag Store. Large , t friend'y interest, touched the, heart, Bottles 81.00. andthrough turwillino• tears she told •••.' • Mr. Jonas that 'it was tlie first kind- Don't forget the stray cattle. , If ness she had received since born, in you want to find the owner, advertise Ohicage,' which was some ihontilti. themin TAG TTMES „,,.„. ' . ,:-4-.4 t A. - • - Well, my little man, \iliat can I • do for you to -day?' said Mr. Jonas; as apale:facul lad came shyly up tQ the AYER' counter. The boy looked up, then, down. He moved one foot. then thedl, ' csaparilla L1) ocao11 let. Slowly tae tears came his eyes, he commenced to say : • 'Johnny is dad—arid' cares Elaeumatism, NOurg al Rh o s monient a bystander stepp: Gout, General 'DeWitt'', Cat =" At this anda)4disorders caused by a Mita and impoverished, cd up and Mr. Jonas Shid this was o dead brothers 'at hem°. Hisy pal.... thtei:111'16°d-s" 4ng fro m " "ric"renewing' blood, and, ratitorin it Me s er corrupted, condition or n000 blood; expolllog a partioularly 'sad case. The bo had tints were destitute and the father , fling l'ower' 1 35 DguriAng ma long period of unparalleiod useful - was completely broke down with hard , e, -i luck, sickness and death Of his child: perfect radtZ;:atttnitatti'tlin4.". lim Prwren its ren, and no Work to bei had to better originating in PocItblood ae Lit'tirel or 241 d15845" the condition of the rest of the It is a highly co4pt, 11 a Tf".1"6"11'italitli , tratod osttact of Sarsa- parilla and otheS blood-purifi ifyg roots, fa Ill ily, combined ,wlth Iodide of Potassium and 1111,. ..Tongs took a $5 bill . and Iron, and in the safest, most reliable, and-moo plated it in the hands of the boy, etiOnommal blood -purifier end blood -food that . then ordered a lame basket of every ":" be "" • kind of meat and a sheet of loates xmiewannatory Rheumatism Gurtati. home. fi:A‘.:..mYratt'ttio .S.SterAltri.LA has cured me of the of bread to be sen,, ot the sad y eyneamarst.ism, vi,te4ti ix?. ro 1 have Tho hors wan features lighted in • $uirel'Ilf°rIm5nY Ditrhem, le., March 2,1&12. "u.' • to smiling tears as he heard the , , .. mar' gisnAtey4gmatt,Iclzidim attack ,ff Ithointt.' • words. He Meant to have said 'thank r.thiceiteii yop as he ldoked upon the money, or witliout help. I tnrfett°yeefr Icirt!ess, - but he didn't. He kinder got up on sitil&rattil, %VC 1,lou'lotir tiwriZN,T-4 his,. t'p:t ma toward his benefattor, rt1;)figVii;.9ftt°tTrittall cup..;i7iiit' olint17,'''ir". ';'),.4 add witli ft lobk that made every one 'largo quantities Of your oa6mits.tivat.h.LAavaana it 126itgaittaArstliTtgeeZt1":afplgatir. The matty cry slid :, 'I'm glad, Tin awful glad 1' Yinee 'ti,t that it is the beet b'leoti mligiiint :1%1.2 - and went out, mid lie Was Seen to a si. F. lanais." run as fast as his ravaed . shoes would ° rgedtta,,IStrile. c laud, Mass., May i3i 1282. oo • • tarry him tO honks and mother. imomi co Weals from general ts. e . . . 'malty that i could sot walk 'without halo Fol- tigt:tbsotatittl:siinfree°iialltniliul°t=ifia,:=1 A e ntertamed unnztlw- lowitui the advice ingly. Who knows but the kikd less cast upon the drifts of time mav r have been at mvoilitiv;IL7,76`14.216tITzli think yOurth0 greatest ilea return when the years have numbered medicine in the world. J.Amits MANI:Alto " • • Anther Christmases tci be I Wet 424 $t.. Now York, July 12,1862. live hundred. families were the• ASZIVS B.LitassAattrat Mires Scrofula anal -.• all Scrofulous Complaints, Nrystpdas, ecip)nts of the generous alder: coma, Mingworta, Illotchoe, Sores, man's btunty. Tumors; and Eruption, t .•the Skin. It clears the blood Of all Impurities, aids digestion, ethnic. lates the action of the lierivels, and time restores many and strietzthfius f 11.*bole arstAtin. A ConiA101.1. Intake, t ,••11, •%•14 A very common mistake or fault is DriAmt, 0. hYer �'4;b4i laatakuil. .00Ilitilibted by farmers it permitting tt"74111k144--. •••-•-, ...- all kinds of stook to run together in 'one yard or enelosure. It 8eS, CORS which are frisky oreatures--buils,. bows, sheep pigs and fowls all run in • cos yard. or field. The horses worry the colts ; the colts chase.the °oars and Sheep; the COWS 'hook' the colts; the hulls gore the horses ; the pigs worry the cows awl shelm, and often destroy the flaw born calves and iambs ; the 0. f )wls and duet are trampled Oat and there is 6 Sad. tune all around. And the farrner-,he nys 11,1 has bad luck in't *ascii )w or tither somothihg iS al. LV!tys gi ig wronLi.--t [ltural ' lotkort ••••—• Burdock " 0d id `1A :•111?it 81.cold . flat et lig Pet 8 Firr 7)1: irit;hirtx It,' CO. Sots Atueetu, Topotron 1W1J2 CUN2VThEAM4 Inewrance Aged Grnit,-11-thtt .• • • • Bucceithi13'64V ofThe \rid -1601IBtg0. 4 . . • •1.11i§.. irtiveroal . edjoine, ia" a 1:::#1:113: SCRIBE, Household heroe inftlym SUBSCRIBE • powerhilly, yet sbothingly on the LIVE R AND BO W ; prometiog•DIGBSTION and assinmhbtio; and 'endowing the whole IV ally frame wit BTRENGT11 and vigoi. Nervous Rene ache Tretublings with Lassitude and GJN ERAL DEBILITY quioltly yield to th potent force of these well known Pills, an they ire dmirivalled in their efftoacy in al FEMALECOVIPLe4INTS;' Removing all obstructions, skin talent ishes, pimples and boils, bettor 1.1w any other family medicine known. VIC IN VIVLEN • • Has a Wqr14.-wt1e Hepmatio • Jt hfials ti'vory, kind 11 SORES; in.b.ro, sad wou NDS 'inote cortataiy tlytal au other knovat'salve;' Its marvellous.pem brazing powers render it invaluable in mil THIWAT AN B QHEST I)ISE A Eli. purh.ig Bronchitis, Qttinseye, and A.,Ithm reducing Glandlilar LuMps, ttleoing 63 Healing ABBESSES Ond. FISTULAE ;:a't alleviating the excrutiiating tortures of RHEUMATISM, GOUT. and NEURALGIA itis unsurpassed. 1 r never fails to remove Scurf and eve.,.'y spa °hies of skin disease. Manufactured. Only at Professor tioLne ws Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD ST, LONDON' sold at 1s. 10., 25. 9d., its. 6d., Us., 2s 2 and 33s. each Box and Pot, and in Oanad ; at 36 cents, 90 cents and 4)1.50, and th larger sizes in proportion. 1Sr CAUTION. --T halo no agent intI: United States, no are my Medicines sol • there. Purchasers should, therefore to ,he Label on the Pots and Boxes. It the address is not 533, DxfOrd Street, Lon don, they are spurious. • • The Trade Marks of nig said lgedib?aita are registered in Ottawa, Dud also ail Wad ington. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, .538, Oxford Street, London, $e )il„ 188% .• TEE • $ ONLI 0 ea StIBSORIBE, •SU13SCRIB • • . STIBSORIBE ri H tLL: 1 TAlin lURE , caksiszoilaldr.E..4162 .0.fial.12=01' . ;Is nocomuinenaed by Ity,rid12. C31:173ECIP.3 Wept? the Nag ity— 001 SI VLAWITc04 ) li e' $31et , igtont 9Atr ' 0 I',"• MOOS s,li 0 i7, :ow 1 . 10e testctee1igudit•st ')-iii ti;Itl% D4 atimi Is wrth o,ALL 0 l'Irg:14;mnekr ib for UDR DIY 11Ttrt141 EntCATYPIC a 1SZO 115V 4t8T As31 , WS Oar WM la kw epref it ;.vy trej meat it vtittin• Nt9 ettorecvsranoralIMMX1 • ,,•••••••••••1.. k'Ntord. thsgt.,$ Ifinzaro, fint,; Match lt464 tfiV co;Orotr,,ars owfizezo YliterY, ouvetutiewh:: ri? e.itoltalft).11•2i1.a.mil 8,)O01 43*%01. e— • tfrato 05,4 ketkr..iolervtazi.' 4141.14earao,"?1`62h..,1*-#7,) iackimee rots restate I &save& ttlatt biittlA, 1 4. aff'e Vi ottre too ' Mat4.•"ttO.Z4 of aser9,41:it0 ate be Oon:Stroo.t *I. M. ros.Moliable bila of time. 404a4,00,•ciat.„TiAriti 2ft, V'ely A efortrare GO.. Toted°, 0. 4330,0 tom gam cmihneh Care foo flmfifebe eatimeal&aotiou. Dra9 Hairs. Catarrh CrIc 0 said by ell Vilaoletrade and Metall Dr.ttIgi*. end Daleis la Patent Metticha all in tho 'Oohed States end Canada. Piff011t 75 Ctsats a none. atoo tiTh Jettr.illre°11:bygettlit3,0111142141TAT'll uTe—.1.44 14' 11814h"Bireare of traitations. totaled tor the Ontario tied° by /1 eN. W liaritl CI • HOOSOND ' , I r • ,•; , t:,44 • !.• 4.7t=i • • 82 •••••••••••• Ast Coasasii to te2M. no& . V.4•81.,ctitc. is h sat., nia, u.tC..)1•4 t e'fr.itIktteed Waridel re