HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-02-06, Page 34
I n IN G,1141Y1. TIMES 9.R1DAN FEB..6.
,whiell hod,.. Veen erected beyond the tie story a broken ati • uniutellige • '
allLawry for the carveaifelice ,f wvnlrtc• xbloone; but 1 gathered slowly bow
wit, Who were at worlc;jtlet then. it Guy -.-in the ace of a. great and Jule
projected moil than lttgl>r t<'dozen feet mtnont clang --read 0eved. laic ei eniy
,from, the s allery:` aid ot*t'hnng the in tlui t last x beitent 'r Jjow " t Bird° l
the °vitet cures ii L4oww'the tIcane. Gap, with thea utithest angor and c i culty,l
tittle jelitut 1 too ;; t )Ikinra'. near this .dragged t hbP f in,i a t, ti fling,
Bele fulditig Whensnddeliilly we—wale stcradtly`andetkillfulleel k 4,9 tx semi
Were both watching now—saw him gallere;Veieff laid line there alive :inn
move furwerchend climber out upon it, sate, anadltad then himself, without a
The foreigners stood and stared in word left the cathedral,
sheer amezemeait, oue or two of them 1 saw that a group hacl gathered lar-
3tughing, one muttering. that only ound Qaptian Dtliett who looked white
arw English roan could be so men. 1 as deiatli, end utterly unnerved ; and
glanced up. into Guy's face; it was the 1 left tite•gallory myself,• group-
stern Ind, rigid, bat a- • light tike in- lug "'y way steadily, fear 1 felt•. weak
"teem joy buruea in his eye. Quite and unsteady, and my bend was throb
perlesely; though with slow . caution, ixil;'ivith pain. .
l+ llxntt
had troclderi. the se t.fl'oldiaar, Guy, at flip risk of bis own life 1lacl
end was standing now over tile' vast • resulted from a. fi:ightful cteeth tine
extent of spTee lookiug welly beak iitait whom he had tracked for the
into 'the faces of the 1w1iatt, who watch.- purpose of slaying, At the last mo-
•ed him now with' a pal.w of terror; n., trout he had saved the life wliieti he
1t:e evidently had not seen- `1 Nett one had for a year been bent upon tak-
e:Om:lliueu spoke out loudly his hor- lag. '
ror et tele daring, he answered with 1 kept repeating this to myself.
an easy smile aid bow. wondering and rejoicing over it, as 1
Then, apparently on the 1ioint of male fitly way back' to the hotel; long. ^�
returning;,(lliett lacked be.ow biros lug to sire acid' speak to my deal old. • Of , j1 4in,., a o inter Goocls. fob'
--,a fatal tiring when he needed • Lis friend again. 1 had hoped to find him
;;Ttieacl so cool and steady, and ,his step eiu int• room; bad almost fancied 1
so firm auri sute.. In ea instant I might meet lieu, just the same Guy of
could see tliatk that one ;;;lanee • fete% of old times. But Wiry room lied net
the- vest, awful chasm below, wits as a been visited,
• call to death. I could see that bis All that evening 1 waited in for him,
;nerve was gone, his head had grown longing to Seo hits ; never despairing
plight, and his faculties become para[- of his coming until they brought me
1sotl in a great startling fear: It +vas word chat tug Signor inglese, wlio had •
only a question of tnouaeuts new, for been so bravo, tied left, Benne btietily,
he must fail into the space that. held .juss after returning to the hotel at
this fasoiau !;ion for .leen, and be daslir+cl zuidclay.
to atone preeeittiy • on the marble 11 ad a Visit £roi i Eraptoiti Elliott 7
payexneut so fair bralow, +air whi h the that night. Hearing, that, eti.r. Iy e%vton � j
movingtrigures looked bite rtes. One had been with me ho conolncleit 1 Was 5 y d
xnoveuteut of his eves .Prow from, the to friend, and. he .Cain) to a tpress a
opening below and the stnper or would little of his gratitude. Ii trd ae 1':httd
be over until he must' fall. p felt steeled r ggeinst him,' both tar his
Die foreigners stood wriugia g their eehninal jest m the runts at Rossiya a
hands slid crying out to hire. 1 crept year ago, and for his boatfttl vanity to
'tip to them, bidding the ';iii a whit- St. Poter'e that day, 1 could not :but
„lei•, to l,)e silent, unless they wished to feel touched by has ' piteous anxiety eto
'neaten the fatal :fell. Then I Stood show his gratreucle to his cousin; .and
liclples,t awe miserable, waiting for Ilio his conseioutness of how deeply lie lull. •
end. I oavcn knows I would have wronged him.
frisked Guy own life at that moment, if 'Next inornir,cg' this letter carne to inc.. .h.� �I4 ,gyp Er .g : pig �r y
1 •haul at
had the f::aiutest Hopes of being from Guy ::t.e be r'
tl s
We must sell our FUR GOODS.
o comp 'an,4. Secure Bargains.
All remainin.gs of an kinds of
ahle,to save this Tau, even though lie "Wheu you reach England, Ha +. LESS /i 9-'7 r COST..
-had rushed so heedlessly and boastful- coarse to see me tea home. I4et us have s P �a
ly to meet this horrible death. But of a alio pse of the old tithes, if we can.. ,
what .use could, I have been—weals of y work tie done, asyou know, and Sr. °
and nervous and lanai : ash god s' home; for r said that I would '
grease— glii h were yd filled witlicer, whit .leshrenit at last; but—though • •
'Minty a to'th? fatal er,tl;, were later. He teen only Ic active w•hv!—u, re'i en p' may i" .6
byafromll z h Out. to i Howl
" w my Days 'and ' rear Bargains
'Agee few tninutes.of horrible sus-, ,rises, , gave myself a tsask to do,; from
5 expected fo �^ th6 net .t Jo
s y y �.�
rnpte a cry'" aft old +re o crtesou o me no iio'u. au we 't;^ �,
lady who ct�unlit eagerly at my coat measure ,joy. 'cad saffering •,for' , each 'I ed.E
. sleeve, other'? What my darling suffered dur • •
'Sec• 1 see 1 he is falling. Bee liis ung these death moments in the tower A 'Melee to s f i� eem
-.fee 1 Ah•1 mon Dieu 1 ;est. trop on' --What l;. have suffered even tlirtaligh• ���
tard.' all this year—se':?rned actually nothipg t d °A. p T . t i '
1 drew my hand across my eyes, for besizle that pa4se of Ins,when death
't lie agony of by concentrcted gaze stared him in trhe face, wlieuh his :sin •
,`aeenied turning me blind, ; 'aiitist have been'so`" ividly. remember -
'Ah now, I see no.w 1' • . ed, weighing hien demi,. as he , hung ,
; The words vele tittered in a kind of above that vawning•cbasm. 1 sa+emed
tearless fob, • from• see tral hearts and . to see it all, as 1 saw his danger. , 1
lips; end I looked cnce more at the think 1 did actually see the haunting
male who stood wetting for his death, fiends about )in.1. Well, he live's, and'
with .that ghostly white terror on his ruy revenge is-1do not know, 1 can -
few and in his startling eyes. not tell, whether it is lost or taken, .
Could 1 see clearly l hill 1 was not illy • work is ;don?, atany rate, and 1
{this only an embddinent of tae ;terri- ant going 'Home Meet me there as..
ble fear which had been hatinti,n me ? soon as you clan, old friend ",
a, Along the projecting scaifuldjn1, Guy it"isin Gal's own root» that 1 write;
;was, stepping fearlessly -up to the man, this story. ':lin is as ktod and warm-.
who, utterly paralyzed, gazed below hearted an tnglish squire as .ever;
• him : The group loolc:,d oh, who knew rode to hounAls, but there is ,a certain
aiothin , save that Guy'seeme l brave • thoughtfulness and solitaryneas ahout
,uiri,eold, muttered words of rejoicing, hire which puezles' those who clo not
1, who kaew'all, felt my heart throl'ib-' know the story of his love, and 'the
reason Why the warm, hospitable o]d
marsian will never httyalt mistress at
its head whi1t G ily lives, It is a real
bachelor ho lie? liild the study, always
cella Mine, aixd kept sacred to me be-
tween my visits, is exactly the counter-
part of lily okl• room at Oxford, where
he and 1 used to he so happy together;
and of the tithe 'between vita never
Zing with fear and horror, as 1 watched
'high. Two more steps and Guy would
have reached his enemy, the signal;for
•lits dea,t ..escn it hp were .eft .uiatouoh-
&l, for in that. parte of 'numb and
.helplesrititFeter, even the sight only of
Guy •,,i o'gicl prov,.e fatal,, and death
would, he as qui:.al.',as , lieu lit. • So
gititt'lc it must be eiow, ths.t con]d Guy
—even though fol tt yt'e•" 1,'., 11,4 be r•.n
'Waiting and watching tortilla moment
llastcan It? Eternity so ion;;, And
this moment's spam eo terribly short 1
;Guy made one quick, firm step f we rd ,, wit for the treatment of Blood and
,lie had reached the man he hated rte diseases, they never cure, and
now. and pipe roaognizingt;lfor 1 would near y always injure or.totally gulf} the
;be enough. The moment for his .re -
11 lth
of the continued use of mercury an
venge 1p}ld' come. the'. moment for U , • - .
a Staves, Heading and .iarrels of every de
which he had tracked this man afar. A �i+iirtY:•itNdWi iifl JCGl;s`. seription always on nand or made to orclos:
1 'law that, 1 remembered With What I have soon n great many cases cur Our facilities for making flour Land salt
stern 'menace he had acid it was foreel with Shaker. Cloud Sjtrup• some who barrels sre inferior to noun in Ontario
iliim' to tarengo hi's darling's death. 1 leave tried all tort's of treatment., in
new him stro„ g and detortninecl, . with fact, 1 bave never known it to fail,
all the.power 1e needed; in his l tl.cls When taken paojtcrlyIe 11 a la.
> ,• J fi elliiLith'1:`L!ii;:rLn31447. ..ln_ 1 ti3C•a�.•t ' +aiti*rtt!lt+l0!4+'su„friss;* ,26=7- .
,pirturC.S.r�Jt,” nr'bs, Appetite; IndijeSt6Olia B
'.2.w7,,spe$ a; ,iatl:arite'C, AfeCi.iun3(.f ft'/IC.Ltvet and Kidneys, r
, Z 1 C;%es,i t,iis, IiUitau)',;, A• ;a 1 i'h.i rn, Scroi=ula, rt.
fr .-::,r y/si ielc:s, rani ai3 diseases arite'n;J front Irrupt re Bload,
:Deranged sed Siontach, or ir'reyular ac!Coa of the TCX6ts. �y
Z «' ' id`'as . ', '4IC,.,k x'i.t4§taNZWSit'" VRa," '`:"ci?' ', • - .
Lumber t.jmner
T i Hemlock, Cedar, Tamarac, Au.
ElmLumber of all sorts
stautly on pend or manufactured to
oustomers. `
Lath and Shingles of all grades
1 to No.,3 at Bottom Prices,
Chea per than ho Cheapest.
at, last.' Then the vast 1Suiding reeled quantity of it, and for all diseases tbilt HISTO S.t,wing• 11o3o usual,
nr' encl ine, and 1 fell 'against the are dependent on blood poison or slain And at Lowest Pricer..
htinaor. 11 cures • Cistern Tanks made to order. highest
rails, blind miff eniconaEioiis.
6, 'tit•v tis bravely ,dole, Only an 1 x traits Am:), BLo'rcilrs 'ex TIM. Seen''
' langlisillAttn.could liaveldone that.' melee complexion fair and
Theta Vi�c,ti'it tilts :t'oi'ls whish rocall. ands : ,t o 1
Com s
ed. me 0 4yself at lash .. rosy. As.hleod taint, there is no eUeb
qin%v tN&.s at It i. stantn a ea, as 0il1 Word as fall, 'It cures ensos teat have
,. , aid ''e neh ady, who peel seized tele i long withstood other sorts of treat
is, :tile Q;�'ti 'iii her own 'fright, went oil i merit, and ivithotrt any of those rectrrr
. It%84.finnitig rne, andrapiely tacking' log tiloubles t1,;tt generally follow mot,.
4 oth to myself and her own frteiads, clitait sznt1 other.scl•c,alletl caal'es.
.1 hardly ltnnw lio�v sli• told it to hie.1 . .'.a lhi1$ STAli+oot, 1)ttaggist,
f tar others joined in atic: Ulatia 'f; ltd .iiia '.l'+,bfit Tlos3to1, Ness,
p>`fees paid for ,1,11 kind of'logs.
Glad to see every one, Gail and see tv.
ezlaw mill and workshops arijoining the
G. W. talbroacd stttiou, Winghten.
.1, AT 1 Efl$Olw'',
A 1')Otil#LE. lUtt1'OS1t.
• Tito 1toprolarr'altledy, Haggvavi's 'YellowOil, urns,, %"tri•intcpnaily ,itl$ external.
ly, for aches, 'g'sc;,., and diseases- of an in.
i}aWeht'4 ' pftgtrgt
.0500 t+ O1 F1-11vI'
Raving the uttnee coufidet to in the
superiority. over all others, and of thon
sands of tests of the tnost coniplicatod ate s
severest oases we could find, we feel justifi-
Oclin offering to forfoitOno Thousand Dol -
tars for any tato of coughs, colds, sort
throat, influenza, hoarseness, broncllit:s,
eon'+ttm' 1t0n in its early stages, whooping
uou,,...,, .cl all diseases of the throat, fund
lungs, except Asthma, for which w.' plan
claim relief, that we can'toure with tV'e,ts
Cough Syrup, when taken accordiut+ r,o di-
rections. Sample betties pv and 00 cents,
lalge bottles one dollar. G811111ltit wrap.
pert' ouly in blue. boa! by all Drttgai t,
or sent Ity express, on receipt of price,
3011N 0. %GEST & 00., 81 and83, Xing et
East Toronto, Ont
•9'.'r ti
a d a
-„4,,c1.60100.26, 4
,x„kitoo te oueuar
4,,,t, . 0, lots atfro 6 to a tl
ar t�l
tot ar .
awr4e �td �pN xegity „0,
aft' w„ vtt°
' t'l l w,yi opg0,,,,,
of n ettii,'-naj,rxts of Opw�;.:,„.,triatitiorrist.
t:ua gov„.out rAttf• at,�y!t oa t¢vlQ,°,�e �5a•{pCFl ;�i� �rn,�'tt�►
riaaRionst t'g`{l•'
' f 0 ,
Curea Completely Hero;ul ,
6iryilaiiis, ,C'skfieer, Iilleuinati8m
4'u*urrle, [`)iiia arr,q. igrin• and
Blood I9isease s el eery aterscrip,
$1find,Qi0n a l pia es Itt) bot ae'stprfilt will
Jtk' 0 ,Nyrnp, one particle raf Mer! •^.•
iodide of i'otessium,'Or anyrrrinlrni
*rice, -1 QQ Per Rettig, or Ci; pr $a.0a,
Solo Agency for .. ,1'ingbane tat Thtt
Pharmacy, Dr. Towler• s drug store.
POSE To move the bolo,
!f' els gently, 2 do 4 Pills;
therouj7ilyl, 4 to 6 ,Pile,.;
A r ,l'xperience will decide thv
JL 4- p erri.dose is each ease.
• For Constipation, or Costiveness, nc
remedy fa fp oifeetibe as AYER'B PILLS,
They insure regular daily action, and re-
store the bowels to a healthy condition.
For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, ATER'S
pxLLs are invaluable, and a sure cure.
Reart-born, Loss of Appetite, Foul
4omaeli, Flatulency:, Dizziness, newt -
ache, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved
and cured byArER's ?mix.
In Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders,
and' Jaundice, ArER's PxLts should be
given in doses largo enough to excite the
liyor and bowels, and remove constipation.
As a cleansing' medicine in the Spring, these
PILLS are unequalled.
Worms, caused by a morbid condition o!
rho bowels, are expelled by these PILLS. '
Eruptions, Skim Diseases, and riles,.
the result of Indigestion or Constipation, aro
pared by the use of Alma's PILLS.
For Colds, take AYER's PILLS to open
the pores. reiatovo inflammatory secretions,
and allay the (oven
For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, paused by
sudden colds, indi 'istible food, etc., AYnn'S
• PILLS aro the true remedy.
Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and
Sciatica, often resultfrom digestive derange.
Ment, or colds, aiiii disappear on removing
tbo cause by the use of Armes PILLS.
Tamers, Dropsy, Flidney Complaints,
and other disorders caused by debility or'
obstruction, aro cured by Aim's Pmts.
Suppression, and Painful T,Tenstrna-
tlon, havo a safe and ready remedy le
Fell directions, in various languages, aw
company each package.
Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
Awarded at Toronto, London anal
que!ph, in 1883, for'
MACHINE.: Oif.$,
I'or Sa10 b7 all 'i¢irit-Claris Tie€.,l^r;
Every Barrel Guaranteed.
r. r
20 Trout St. East Tnroutp.
T%• t
�pcx.n tY� iltLp��''�
Ltg�{nsg Pug
'i iL.L cuiN OR I ; LjEVE
.i:,• 1,
iJF Tei" 1/1 i 1?x:
°�'C1vad >, r
,41it� Nit=tld; i'IdE 8PQMi9CN,
irttlYal$Nf.,t' ,
a1 � ^PCN'S'IA,
If 01350rNi1I
lY6IPfLA ',
And tstiov toneii'ot .1% tit! paldr ethtrin ^Fangs
.. • pltetra,,,red i. :. : ,w, '*'n'!
�- N 1 •tt 1 Otos roundOtthie fi�+ q•.wie.e t+ G• , ,
7a�S:,Xenn�'JG",i�.F�a.kl,p (tOwc::dt�.n'eNeHr1"• '
lett,'rtaeingDcl,saWr•^•4,rKeufit,.. tM}i;' nd p niton pt' +�A�. to
arca(ag fru%. Vin'„rOdp $prig 3 i ;iw Axk .ai u it.4\' d r +•d +it,