HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-30, Page 104 WINGITAM TIMES FRIDAY JAN 30. • LOOAL • NEWS • f7ero. Ear Muffe., Marveet yOur lee. Beware of shoddy pedlar& Frost bites have been plentiful of of let°. 'Hew (la you like trrtz Two this week? • New to Wineltam, . Hausa of commons Debaters. Afluivirviary • • . . . orvtoii The Misses Bogen Of billigantlete Mies McLeod, 'doter •of magnettiern, To the Editor of THe. TIMes. • le. eriniversary services in eonnee. are 'Visiting at Mn Mainprizes, is,now staying here and tiolietts. a 0.101 SnteeeNince 1. have been elected , that with tilt Presbyterian ehurch f 0 Mess .I• ekson of 011 t 0 viit ' a r. ne e. l ments are sueceseful its .1stnetY,suisu° 18t35, 1 he velluseght it my duty to 04.41 suer:est' There Was a large at, Mr. Jno. MeGrattan and (inlay ins. OREM out of a hundred. PoititivelY nO try and' 'set if 1 timid, pot -study" up tOtlattliee 440 raCritinq.ana afternoon 'inedieine uted, Onesultatton 0•°• somethirig•te improve the s • • - 1 P" tend moving to Owen Sound this week, (Mom It.oyill Block., . , , our readers in sehoOl• Ib littsitesrntrUuck) %%Weil:Mb(' to .. itSutmost capacity, _Ursa quantities of Simi* 460ile vices; and in the svening the ehureh arrivieg at Gordon St MOI0400's• Xn. inc that the debatee of the [louse rf i Ties *services were (urethral:d by th • The Oolsiert Te4111/11!, .,. 0bnnnotter would just be the veiy thin.: Rey, .tr. Milligan. is A., of Toronto, tending purchasers will do well t6 calf The c' ncert to-nIght in the Town iceintroduce,,and more respeeiallAi futii 1 who 2014 susteined the reputation he and ex:swine their stocks have per - HO; ia aid ef the poor pronsiees to lie our High schools. I threw this nut 1)8'4'3 4-14 being an able and eloquent 1 ()hashing elsewhere. r • ' e 0 ie viSitin4 erem ail who sre mitering. Her teent. trustee for Our school in Winglia for' this town on Saohtills /eat W(09 t MJohnS II ' --4LT 4001°We are pleased to leritli that tinder? and it is x oeted a RS a seggestion and woeld like to Ilea preaelter of the- Word of God. • • • areild telecess, e p Mr. Olms. Ilatisilton of 13lyth; wile handseme sum will be realized for tPe the (*Pinion ,of these interested in eau. text in 'the. Morning was taken from s. , :Yours, &c. ' 14th ehripter of Hosea—" From me is 8(qond eoncession of Morrheyelio sortie ent et VI. °Pith, OE the skillful treatm Miss Bella Simi:Mud& of Lertde'e, Programme has been preparedscons6t. . . . lesusT ! thy fruit fsend." ' In i.lse afts•rneott 1 time ac o was thrown out eta leiggit, 4 n EE. iq in town this week. , .. hie, of Indian club swinging fly young • . s . ladiei of the publics echool, ,under •the Wingham, sten 28, 1886, .(1 e g ).ve an earnest and 'approPriate .encl badly injured:is speedifly reeoven. , • MARBIPD. ' , ne latter part of the 8th verse of the this town, Mrs, Wm. fritullater, of the 1,4 teen lest week. .• • , a tigiSe in, teed. An attractive ca tonal matters ou this eubject. • 0/51r, 8extus Kent returned home lerdership of Miss B. Beynoldce. a ' • ; soenree to the members ot the Sabi), lug. • Irma Manitoba ..Frinaylast, , charade in four acts and the laughable Tho Carnival. 1 al; school from the words fouLd in • The wingham skating rink resetit the, 17th ere- of the 8th chap. of Saturday last. s's'ess a buss, • day in dialque entitled " &int Betey's ' P .1 4,11 vett i• Wit love m • town and our merchants were happy. (Beeux," toget . _ __ _suiv,.... 7 .i , xcepein,so y gay 'ar•Pearance nu • her with solos, and ed an e I ' HENRY—HENDERSC.E.--, &t the seir- quartettee by Misses •Paling. li oh ru ay even sig rest; the occasion being and these that seek ane early • snail , deuce abbe bride's father, lin the r fl(it' o , tind me." In the everting thes key A large nninher oftiekete have been ton, Paterson. Reynold* and Messrs. the . first Jaesey aress carnival of .the • 28th inst„ byti .11 V 1-1 IVI Qo r ( fe e . - e a e s,, the ibe about 30 b • I 4, e '• ' " qu • ins text twine taken' from the 2nd ' s • . of ss ( te f his discourse wee "eivation " . Mr reed fur the entertainment to -night.• lin, Mr. John tlerii'V, of Ilderton,' Cline, Park,Orr, Snuthand the Devon- season. Nearly 200 perscins were t is said that life insurance agents shire Irishman and . instrumental se- to Lydirs, eldest (*neuter • m cilia li coss.uin -1 era doing a' thriving business just • •leotions bythe string ban . e Silie costerners were of the most varied , . , 80_;,11.ow 'hall d Th. . 0 • chap. of Hebrews and the first -part • we es- Thos. Hendersons'Merris. s :, . •;•'• chair will be ta ,n 1y f ' ke 1 M. • N elan& • •• t• u aym. Neelands Aiescrip oii,. ,. any grotesque e Hulse- , - •e . 1 i 1 of the 8rd so , e D140. • t I t' ",e, • b•h all Ile 00cure . The giantess • 0 t lig•ods instructione, eminently practi- Tuesday, Jan 2T, 1886, Rosarliond, week. • ladies, Everybody is reqees e o •e e. m iss„s spry h h 1 1 1 • at the hairearly in larder ,to..secure. the Italian organ. grinder, afforoed who he A. --.'"' '''''.4'41"Ig", V1'114) "WY, eel mid foicible throughout, mia those Frances' wife of Mr. Robert grans Ur. Hurl and Miss rrank Porter, seats: • • lots of agmeement to everybody. The te 'are thorn could not but have ston, aged 60 yeacer • /Mre., j• Charnans of this fowl), d the boneeet will commenc 0,1:1 eat -8 ters were renresente id man I v au h- . cape ; we meg eat so glee • se va ion. • Ti g All the sermons' were 11( t(. with re- aaysTow.;---In Lower , u, o was friends God -erica last estl?ek, Front seats 'reserved for able see ; • • of Belleville are visiting friends and . • Telaesves in this towns. • . • Watch for Gordon • •M• eindon4e k aPpripl7aTticleeeter teifletb.zeeetviaenedhlgiZitd1•1:1,ntli; heard. , The rev. gentleman rs • MEYER es DIOEINSON, a sensational hut a practical BARRISTERS, Sm. soupiToasrou eaxx een profited and benefited hp' what ... • ' chan e.of alvertisernent next wee . • . • . •07'is xiliting friends in town a present. / Miss Mary E. Tennant, okiiitiswel, g . s Band, l'‘,1 in. nember, Pity the poor: but don t stop there, and instremental• selections. Mir the.: • A' .theie v°°24 113t-eacher, and is deeply in earnest in vie' rellerneibtTetle• 1,9riaviVillitneeProttnt4eldesilteniiiit the cause of Lis Master, This 18 as it loans at lowent ates. 9flicoe•-lioan BIM:, Wind $lie is evie-80 years of ,age- , Your simple pity isn't worth two cents three mile, sketing-raoe .there were 6 should .. • • • • entries,Jas, Cloynytt taking let prize 14 d be, and if we .had less sensation n. bun, Lnoknc, and Gorrie. , o. %MM. ' Z. L. DIMINO*. Parties 'intending to travel will 'do en am. . a isms an •more earnest practical Wintrha,n Nov.18 1880 , . ' •,.. . , . . an o. „s ()Iva e . In the one eveit to t11 an C. E. Williams, Agent 9enetla Pacific. Railway, Wingharn. . . •EiCeelsior Council, Royal Tempters of A full .attendanee of the members.of 5ruilo skating rime for leiys there svere preaching in•our.churelies, we believe , • entriee and the race was vergke .1 grender; and more blessed spiritual •The thermometer fiend who Insists Temperance, requested • oii Monday 4— , eli-Y results would follow. • , • contested, Harry Scott' captured let ne proclaiming how cold it .is has e.ening next'. , • . • prize and Joe Roe the 2nd. Otir town TEE TEA MEETING. ... . leientibroad le all his glory a uring•the Counterfeit* Bank of'EnIsland •riotes •• °and tinder the liadersh• of1V1' I) On Monday evenine the annual tea . past week. .. • • are in circulation, but don't get a,larm• Kincaid, contributed . much to the ip r. . meetine was held le the basement of }mice Mc • church., and notwithstaeding the very • sy Neelands was*chairman at ed. They heve never yet been very evening's ehies y my e t then. • J. A. MORTON.' RARIUpTETC, Winghanr *ARS. EETIIUNE &NOM* . the Foresters grand concert and oyster thick about Winghane • • ,• selections of music. ThepriZes for• .stormy evening proved very successful. YRYSICIANS ANA) SLTIKIONS* ti Pad t Suppe r is the Town Hail, Teeseater, Several of our citizens are con- costumee were d cl t 11 Five leree tables extending from one • awar e as o owsi— . • . . . • . temnlating taking a trip to the New Lady's .httsf.falley dress—rst, Miss Es end of the tviseterie°- 4-14643' thth"l' basemen to the other, were eines corm gontro MP, etas. H Kerr, of Dakota and Orleans Eiteesition. The ..• fare • • ie Roo, 2redstiiis 'Bella isli-hol' Ln I 1 ., • .... , , ., . ...cy s• . .. • wel ioaded with the many good things s ALEX. ' ' . . . ' 13ETEIJNE„X. D., W.J. YOUNG, 11,211.. - ..ertSir. Hedry Kerr, of London township down low, and those •whisgo,we, ,h,ave. best character dtess—lst, Mrs. S. W. provided by the ladies The edibles F. R. 0. D. N. K. ' . LL,C. • ore tee guests Of their hrother„ Mr. J. no doubt Will be amply repaid.. for Galbraith s 2nd, Mies Mary Nicho:1's were,excellent, stud Abe numerous : here eights . - • • end- Kerr of this town, •• .Gent'rebestSchirecter' dress -1 st. Wm. waiters bad -their hands full in att - ••••: • their outlay. . • Peopls who dislike to have their windows frnsted this •eold weather eau prevent it by rubbieg the. glass inside tied outside with glycerine., •We'w v Alive -rel ble correspondents fer Tns rates, in all • sections of the -4 ny r. erry Hiseox, Ocean! Lake or Rail, oed tick* tee :••• • „ss: • . • were prompt and attentive and none L.E. C.F., Edinburgh, add, Lit, es, es. Cot tr 2 d M J in to the • visitor's wants yet they • any part of the world can be ebsained w t • • went away unsatisfied. The ladies .gfit11.• $cotlanl, • from O. E. Williams, TiAtet Agent, m er,Reco Amu helf.pene. deserve «rot. credit for the qiuslity of Licentiate of 3114wirerY.Zdthburb Wingliani. intending trasellers will. • ‘'Ss•desq.d.S .016=puelirir no6 +seam. knew the eatililes and for the mintier hi And late of Hospital for Digeitires ,of do well to procure rates befor6Purch- thaft'hey4if be fined.ferdriing with which they lonked after the hungry Women, Eondoe. Eng. ones. After the wants of the Inner oFFICE—DE. -11/140DONAELes Sr -i lg elsewhere, . . ' . . ..•' -• . .oh47.bellpz• ied '4,ccitnitry. Send in yotir. name and we iwill fnrilieh•you with stationery, &e. • ' -." • • . IVIrb. Tilos -WrIeht and famil man had been amply satisfied, an a DENCIE. ING-Hast. this locality who has !seen pushing the moray ot.twingnain are in town - The f?. Tv!,- MeCosh delivered an Scott .A.ct Campaien Ilennox, has irig friends. . The chair was oectipied by the respect- • Rev. B. B. Keefer, well known in p , . . Y f°• 1 journnient wall made to the church, • t. where 'the intel ectual feast ivas•held: .arldrees the interests of the upper sued the Anti•Sco4 Journal of Nap The -Slating eeSseri ought •to, be ..r1 -.•.:ea pastor, Rev. Mr. '.111equarrie, and . G. La, BALL, L.D.S. G tuo, •u erre on A bn ay evening . •• 81711,GEON DENTIST. . , 4 s 40 night have been disPosei of very last; when 12, were admitted into Visitfrig'dt 4Mr•,•S YonhilPs-of this town Is it'l 11•11.11;'... .LieV .tur.t.u.tingan. was also present told Winfficeamoveerv;r1Y4don'sesitot, nearly;pece•- "sestlidly"ana a large audience is eipect• fellowship, 6 by letter and 6 ou pro . left t.niew„,:e.tc.ft. r their homy in Mich- ' gave a very practical 'address on 'the site the Brunswick, Howie. A.11 work first ed till:int:eliding to be present ;should fession of their faith . Thi e makes. a igan. , • . subject of 'How to ., make a class, charges modero.tc. Gold filings o. be at the. - town'hell early iri order to- total of 82 since last Conference, specialty, . „ . c.'g, 41ms sells tickets to any congregation erosperons." • 1t; the • • • Rural school trustees should bear Part' of Ain ea Butes to California . course of his remarkiche congratulated 30; and ,Wetc;rn States very low. Call his hrethree upon possessing Such a • GA VIN W ILSON : .. ,see.nre Mood seats. . /Mr. J as Ferguson, late head maSter lit thud that section 4, Chapter' woo a on lipp, , , .• . r • f the ' .1)dblic school here hes been 4611 Vic., requires them to beautiful churclione which was a • . 1: Canada Bible Society in the Methodist anee for libel. laying &tillages 'at f5,- harvest lot, the' phrenolceriets. on after the openine exercises short ad. • • . • aecouno.,the in.caease, ef,bumps. dresses were .delivered the Revs. Joist: s • s. • A receptien service wns held the ' • • As the tickets for the entertaint-ent Methodist. Church on Sunday Mr. snd;MrsrAsh, who have been town,- and hir. 149.W, of Belgreve; The Meeers: Cornish and Totten, Of this HonorGraduate and, minaber of,the Boxal Oodegi! of DentelEurgeols, Toronto visits :.aPpoiote.1 heed master, oi the Tees- returnin writine to the c'erk of the Aur Reeve o.nd,Deputy, "Messiu Wm. pleasere to epeek in. in order to .tkUCTIONEER •, eater ephotU The School Board of, township in .wh7ch there section is'Olegg, and:. Win. 11cOlvinont, are make conp,regations prosperous, am- • • • • s . • - for the membersto be loyal to their Sales attended to in all paj of , •that ere ,te be congratulated on situated of the name and pest office attending the comity. council at God- ongst the conditions required were, • salting ittalin first elassulati for the addresses of the Several trustees then erich.• . • • ,pc • own ehnreli, loyal to its doctrines and county. All arrangenientsfor sales can be in Wilco and off the teachers eroptoy- •made w.th 'Mr. G. Wilson Lot 36, k!ou.14, ed by them. It is notic'eable that -when 'persons loyal to the truth. They 'should look East Wawanosh, et on,ap'plication to his • will.sell his stock of Fruit • • r make their atteuiPt at skating upon everythingswith 9, favorable and brother, mr. a. Wilton VotericarV SAP- . Confectienerys ares at the Eclipse, at The Methodist, Csngregational •ani in the tiny; :tbey' express satisfaction hopeful eye, and cultivate aspirit of geon, Winglam, or at Ma TIIIPB office. -a bargain or will exchange 1,r a house Baptist churches were .eicieed on Sum with the; skates frirmshed, but soon - unity.. between ... a 1 denominations. and lot., There is over 00.00 worth day • evening hiss in - order. that! .the• !get. "down pit" the door. of tirtik, all new and in first class con. - members ;night have ad. opportunity . • . . Thershould also be loyal to the dieci- In the Matter or Jelin MoOrattan. of the Town 4litivn. Cash sales last year about of attending tho .service in. the Pres- .' . ' ' For the benefit • of those ,who 'nay - . pline and management of the- church Airvoebaerd. Idetroembeeumnetreer: an- cl loyel• in preparing -for the church, *. arit ang sianefaeturer. :::.,.....- be curious -to take observations, we „Ili d• ii , . .•$4,000,00, • byterian eliurch.• . We are -pleased to • • e it less •was full 0 . of's rind counsel • • tl y • kue • • - • • 'The Tines and Weekly Globe only see su.eh n, feeling of unity existing give titne1 notice attls ilext tot eclipsed the sun wi•t1 °ecru Aus ist 19 and advice, end contained some hard The above named Cahn tly Indenture Wiwi:least° the McGratton: haa 2 per year, Those wishing to est ainongst* the various denominations, a s A. D, 1880,..assigned) 1999; and:,:ea-n be seen all over, l• hits at 'some of the evils which churn frill report -a' . of the Doinieion Par- seeeioushoeld sebscribe at °rise. The limns' and Leeal l'sgislatore now in crease more and more. and trust that this ',feeling. •may in- We••are glad this week to. iigiiiii See • • ' ..., • es are -beir to. It was attentively tanudri : listened to, alacl we hope•st. will be trustee for e . will et:V(1111a "itphairatrtacluagy. erre me estate to tlie undersouird as; a Sometimes there is a diecussion a • Mr. Win lticld our geniat veterinary •.rrienibered and prove beneficial -to the creditor4ottbth is. eonnogations worahiping in this neigh all persons hosing:440ns againg:irinegsatsili re- SCI44pognonmons also appear iu the ro the right of o Mayor voting • twice surgeonon the street. . Mr. • Ridd .john MeGrattan, areSequested.1 to send in Weekly•tilohe, ''• on a motion. We publish the 'follow. rapidly irepreving, in health Ana ‘v,iii - , , borgood: their name, residene,00 and pailtiotilara of Lost on SatUrday evening -last, some. 1110 swhere betwiren Mr( A.. Dawson's store Statutes,:--“Tlie head' of ' the countil •• • •;,. Inch e P copy hom th . uteri() Noon be as. hale and bearty as usual.: Mr. •Mowat, a gentleman froin Mon oat • . treal, Who wits present, giro a humor- cur)ItY4 ilaYn-vvreoahnitoinTalaubqurralb°01tele' the 14t i day of Velipue,ry, A., D.- 188,. Anii ' ii w • • . • 0 0 • Messrf.:-.7ohn . Wilford and. Henry 'ous Seoteli roe -ding relatine the trialti .• and Mr. ,Win. Elliott's house, a Golu or the presiding officer or chairman of Locket and a Two and a half dollar any Tneetin,q, of any council, rimy vote Knight of presshill, who has e beers vi and difficulties of an old.tittctoh last, We join with reading.ereated lunch inerrime :eiliegdreoedsetiktisieliPu°rbasiibli: thereafter the under, • 'Gold pi, ce. Any iserson finding .the .`• $3;•Mae wilt be mutably reworded on any question on which there is an ith tne members on all questions and t wcfor Prt ThursdaY return. 4 ''' ' . ''' their friends in 'wtabing them aside: The choir under the leadership of , iee'.4eg them at Mr. Elliott's store. . 1107 of the reviabd 'At:tuna:a sdeeodfanOinetia113. ' . Mr. Clint,'Mrs. Wintney Presidineeit fesreferenee only to the olaims, !logos - The „yeirnr people's Literary • So- behool Board has, howeiier, the right .. iety DI (tethhAPti019 with tile Methodist to vote twice. .. . . Next tinclay the quarterly meeting the orottiVrou ed excellent • music, di etrweobtiaLlehEasll WATSON, as atm it *4 . Akrirch heti their regular , ineeting and sac.railiental service will be held in 11014 the ,a, th •sorviees and • at en Tueed ly ev riting last, 'The pro The %outings of 014 Winglutin Band the Methodiet church, The 'usual •Lbe•fteas 111°6111Z villiell was • tuna • Cruetei of esie estate, yl iughan; r. 0, Ont. Partinuno Wft8 gOnd.• espeeiailv the illus. of Hope 131ue Ribbon Associetion, quarterjy LI and eqloyed hy the eon, anusre, fr. 1804 • write to be • wet atterider by tie love feast will take pia'ce aPtkeglitte ' . ' 'l • After Votes of thatika had been sc. A debate has been errenged foi• held hi the hall over M. Dell's store, ft tl ' " 1 1 a er )e vaorn,ngsorvme, and +1.,. ae elega Ions, • '•1•, . evieh •inusie etc. It will be well worgi young folk and are very' :loving. 'Every one cordilaJr in vit ing servico:, ,, ,.. evening, thepregramme eneeisting of , feeling well pleesed with- the. whole PVlour per owt...7.„... $2 25 to 2 21 mush,. reedings, recitatione magic ' Tar 1,:itdas wants good ••Correspon„ elegy, mid the anal:nee dit)peried. e We varticuritrly rerest tint; weeir'..)antren scenes. ,Ire. All interested in dents in every : school section in the.. all Sheen subscribers to Tut TIMits t;lte.cause of temperance are eOrdielly surrounding townships. Any one is services eonneeted With the'annivor. Four per bbl ..... ......, 4 50 to 4 5n. who have not p 1;1 lip For 1886 to, do invited to attend. „,It is the intention at liberfrto send in items of neive, wiry. 'The toiel proceeds amounted Pall Wheat per Ons...„ 80 to 0 82 at 011E4. as the ferule (hns receives otthe asiseeietton to give a- pnblii. pn and we Shalibe pleased at all times tO to abOht $1130, - kvilt- enable US tes 41'I I further improve iertatittieUt ill tliel.ilifAiii hall shortly riti%ive..otifitirimitioitt from any Of Mir A imolai-for the chilaten: ;as, bold Oats8Pring . '''' ' ''''' ::: 3,,8 OK° It °° fi! •.." ;the 01,01,uter .nfone riper. • We trust WitiOn 'We trust will ho ivell patronized yeacletO All hitters intended.fOr phi' in the same place on Tuesaay evening Barley ",. " ' .., ov to ,,,, itliti: tiki4 appariintly A tall matter to lay ottr eitizetiti We are Plinttioa Lo flea on B116nla .ret‘qh tris °11i66 1114 . proving also a 8116068% the little folks Peas " 08, win roeogo ei4pnoriti rind goner- enee work by our young folk, um) eltenld be ,eittnyil by the name iif the --. ..., i ' anti respime% Onr cbjeei utter lull Touts the ttet.,t riper 5,plIblifined i to inerease and the aseociatieti go • n ,,,. 4(41 'rrimpli• 0 #11e deadly, make, hope dolt this Seterest will eolitiele, la (I tex---not tiatoessarily tor pubi teation 1prosperino dud tolproiper, • ' , 4414,1 . *." fjuata'4°'2 °f gnlit is recent 5,,Vere illness as to 14 Ala Ray pet ton..,...i. ...... 00 to so If to bo oot opitit r. Tow'o hts so fto rks,vere,1 from Eggs ppr doz..... ..... e. 2186 totSI W4P+AllIt7simt.trittt, 4 1 34 t? t SO Butter per lb rotatoeS 41 « at:: 357 tot° 0 81 raeb tribqeriber, bat %tory Imenstant to see such an interest taken in temper- "than by .Wednesday naorn?ng au° foijoying thernsek,e4 inarierwm.31 'for the next tner4inc• interspersed ° interesting rament ot the Lord's Supper. wi I be The meeting,s are bela in . speakere &tithe meeting Was brought , T1 ' • h F 'd administered at the close a the even, tendered the radios, the choir the : WING8AM, • ' siff. • to a' close hy the singine• of the doit- Wnghant, an 301i 186%. .estattias. — •