HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-30, Page 7THE W 1 G .AM TIMES, Fi U DAY JAN. 80 �..._.._.......... [ gT T23E RIGHT HOUSE 1 HIGH SCHOOL EXt3MINATIO;v • Sunaec'rs you wrie EWAMNA.TioNs FOR ENTRANCE, TO 1liGi1 1%I1luUL8 IN JULY NUM'. `elle subjects of the next Hi;h school entrance exatnination,July,1885 tiro : Orthography and ortboeipy—Tile pro- noutletation, syllabification, and spell- ing of common words, o rrection of errors, and distinguishing conunin words in regard to spelling, laronounci- ation and meaning. There •w ill be 50 (narks allowed fur this sul;ject. One quark will bo deducted for for every mistake in spelling in the papers ell liter tare, gramma4r, geography, com- positiou, and history, r'ritiug—Besides a piper on this subject,, for which 15 marks will be assigned, A. rnaxium of 5 marks for Writing, literature, gra miner, attli- metle, 'composition, geography and history, papers, malcdug 50 narks iu all for *iting. • Ariti inetio—As fee rte per centags e. and interest, '100 marks. Grammar—Definitions and inflec- tions—grautinatical values of wards ; phrases and clauses; the government; 44greement and arrangement of wards; correction of errors with reasons there- for;; t 1e parsing of simple sentences ; the predicate and its adjuncts. -100 marks. Oorapositiou—Tho nature and con I3argains! Good Yalue. lt.a '1't, i�ulpi+a '•ter.---•\VIrittir,r: 11. Tile Battle ot the Baltic— flatnphell. 12, The Incident at Bruges --Words- worth. The total number of marks assign- ed is 750, the minimum required to pass is 875, and the one third in every subject. Teachers should.cut out this curriculum, and post it up convenient- ly for reference. Lyles campaign. The Toronto World— says:—One of the most active anti Scott act workers in the Dominion is William Kyle, the wholesale liquor dealer of Wellington street east. In all Scott act campaigns during the past year. he has been to the front, and victory or no victory he always corny; up smiting after the contest. The earring of the act in Guelph, However, has put Pim on his inetal and now it is war to the knife, no clatter who falls. Sir John or Blake, the 1131411 who says •repeal the Scott act' gets Win. Kyle's support. Speaking to a woelel reporter ou satur- d:3y leer. Kyle said : 'Yes, we shall go to Ottawa. I have chartered Grand Trunk trains; all we want for the second week in February, and have requested every brewer, distiller or licensed hotel keeper iu Ontario to come with me, I have arranged accommodation at the Ottawa hotels. The fare will be Toronto to Ottawa return $5, ai d I can tell you we pr - struetioii of sentences and paragraphs,pose to make our claims heard. viae varying expressions by changing the shall wait on Sir John 111 a body, a voice and by expanding words and couple thousand of us, and make our phrases to nlausee, and contracting to demand. It will be a straight quos- phrases and words; changing from tion of yes or no. We want the direct into indirect eiarratiou, and vice repeal of the Scott act, and we are versa ; transposition and paraphrasing; bound to have itIf air John won't -expanding heads or hints into a Com— give It some one alae will. If Sir position ; short description ; familiar John will give us no satisfaction. we letters; elements of punctuation -80 marks. Besides tee mar given on the composition paper a niaxirnutu of 15 will be allowed for the composition A on the 3 istory and Iite.ature papers, making 100 marks in all. Geography—Form and notions of the earth; chief definitions ; chief physical and p ilitie.al divisions ; circles on the glob. ; snaps of America, Eur- ope, Asia, Africa, Canada and Ontario; railway systems ; products and cotu- aiereial relations of Canada and On- tario. -75 marks, Drawing—A paper on draining for which 25 marks will be assigned, Uau- didates for examination inust glace their drawing books in the hands of the first day of the exatniuutiou. Every exercise must be certified by the teacher as being the candidate's own work, and should show at least three months' work; 25 marks allowed for Vann Life the books, making in all 50 marks. One-third 3f the marks !Host be oh- Century Magazine : It is a ccoinnoii -tabled in drawiuo and also iu all other comp'', int that the farts life is not subjects. , appreciated by our people. We toile History—OutlinesofEuglishllistory for the more elegant p'.rsuits, or the —75 marks. ways and fas.eious of the town. But kteading—Intelligently and intelligi- the farmer has the crust safe and rely, et4l1 correct pronunciation, cut natural occupation, and ought to find g)hnsis arid pause -50 marks. life sweeter, if less highly seas)ned, Literature—The meaning of words, than any other. IIe alone strictly phrases, and passages in the selected speakiug, has a home. How can a lessons ; distin,:tion of synonyms ; ex wan taku root and thrive Without plainatdry or descriptive notes in re laud 2 Ile weites his history upon his pane to n: mel ; to gtlnte passages of lie.ds. Hew litany ties, hew many special beauty, 'incl to. reproduce sub- resources lie has ; his friendships with stance of any of the lessons ; to have his wattle, leis team, his (lig, his trees ; Sofas llcowlt'd';e ot the authors of the the satisfaction in lies '_rowing crops, banana. —100 marks., iu his Improved fields; h sintimacy with The tw Ave :loleettons " for..tho July nature with bird and waist, and with and December, 18850 examinations quickening elemental forces ; his co- are::- operation with the clouds, the sun, L The Stale Coach --Dickens, . the seasons heat, wind, rain, frost. 2. '1 it3 :,ark at the Digging— Reacto. Nothing will take various social die• The t,i•eysers of Icelatll---Dutferin tempers which the cltt and a tit'ci 1 4. The Story of La Fevre--Storue. life bread out of a lean like farming, 5. The Skater and the WVo:yes— like direct and loving contact with 'Whitehead, the soil. It draws oat poison. •1 8. !JThe Ocean—Byron. hramlll .-. bttu : teaches situ patient: '7. Autumn 1Voods- 1 rpm' t. reverence ; ant restores the prer SieS.eim Tutt kin' toile to the system. Chug to he '9. 'fire Incident .tit .Xlatisbon• fariu ; mala' 111 tell c:f it ; bestow your 13, owning, he..rt and scar brain up n its sa that shall hold a mass meeting in tho opera, hons0 iu Ottawa and pledge ourse yes individually to oppose to a man the government who enact measures to the prejudice of our trade. I tee, you we are booed to win. Mr. 1 yl,. ave, the report -r a sketch of what the deputation propose to hty before the premier. It is its follows ; A coinmiss ion to be composed of two disinterest- ed isinterest ed parties and two members of the government. .They to investigate the matter from a strictly comerelal point of view, discussing the subject with bankers, insurance companies, loin companies, business me», etc. .Mr. Kyle says he is confident that if such a commission be appointed thas they will be enabled to t!eigovernment that the caeryinc; out of the act is detrt• mental to the business interest of the country. S; 14% 1� it ,hull savor of yon and radiate your lir. Jacob Dopp of this town lorry virtues after your d y's work is bone. next week fnr Kentut k: . Who Poor -house Question. Read the ai.vartiscm.ints of our int: The fullowi:'g document seri to the ehaiits 111 `I'IIE TIb1Es, and then go an county clerk by the Women's Chris inve•t. You w 11 secure bargain,. Mr. D. Patterson painter for Nick & Dore, and Mr. T. A. Mills havii gone 13luevale, January 15th, 1885. to see the great Ice Carnival at Mon. County Council of llurun : tree!. GENTLEMEN,—We the undersigned, Al exchange says : "The dude li: members of the Bluevale .\I' omen's two watch•ellaiel( and no watch.', This Christian Temperance •llnivn, submit is to distinguish him from the spec;cis, Prof. St. John Hyttenrtt'Rehm •uu • , (Director of the London Philartnnuie so- ciety, at ALMA COLLEGE,) is prepared to give PRECENTOR WAN'V#+,',. 1. Precentor wanted for the Bluevalo Pres - r byterian Church, Salary $50 per annum it Apply to either tnaua;ers or session. pin Temperance Union, of 131uevale,� speaks for itself :— l:• MUSIC. Miss Ella M. Brockeneli is •• who for the past year has been under the tuition of the following proPositioufor your 001 that goes - bout with the organ grinder sideration : • andhich leas but one einem, 1. That we think that ono of the/ great necessities ill this, our count On Thursday evening. the :'.:.and, of 1lulcera•is a refuge for the pour. William James Coreyn of this. town 2. That. without it persons who won the silver cup for Bruce county, are endeavoring to live Ohristiau in. a three mile race on tho skatil.g lives, having been reauced iu this rin . at Lucknow. world's goods, aril unable to suppeet t is said that a gentleman from theinselve•, are thrown Leto the ceuu- Walkerton is endeavoring to purutit,ae ty ,fail, where they are compelled to the sk trop rink here. in , rder to i•t LYS -SONS 2121113 PaND, ---To— ADVANCED & JUNIOR PUPIL a .For particulars enquire at the reoitleuwt corner Francis and Victoria streets. we the an atmosphere of evil surround- traduce roller skating, 111,• price he, - lugs, and even ii they are inclined to has offered is $1200. evil they will not have influences sui..- rs farmers & f brig jicrs ed to reform thele. Awomau btu Der in Cincinnati le 3 We petition the council to coo- talked five husbauds to death, mid cider the mutter or procuring funds for boldly crying ".Next." a• � Woforwill do our utmost to assist the Valuable Farm 11" .,..w � Sale ooniety coulleil ell procurlug those funds, uy getting tip errter,aiumeuts,The undersigned offers for sale that vat - in cauvassiug, or order cleans We cable farm in Lot 4. Cell. 2. Carrick. in think it impossible that you will re- the county of Bruce, oornprisirg 100 acres fuse to consider the matter, if for no 80 cleared on which there is 20 acres of wheat. On the farm there is a large frame outer reason titan a love.fur your fel= house, agood baro 40x00, With atone flow:: n. - The Union will be greatly datdation,ween 80 ll stand l ed oftrees.h It is con-pr nlsciwety h thein spurns railway station. Schools and churches obliged -- J "v "• answer th "`a watered and is within 5 miles of Mildmay with a dewsive answer to the for propositions through the Lica,' press. nonvenient. Easy terms to suit purchaser i -Yours Most respectfully, For further partiottlars apply to 1 Do you want to borrow money ? To bray more land for Yourself or Your bons. To. l 1 I a House or Barn• To Fence Clear, L,icterttraiu, or otherwise improve Laud To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. OX for any other Purpose, If you do the un- .lez:•igued are able to Loan at the lowest 3.11,-,4.of Interest and more reasonable. Torahs than any one else in this section of the c;ruutry. MEYER & DICKENSON, Barristers, Winghatif 1 :solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Si;;,,,. I I.y ,ilrs. A:ox. Muss, fres., ROBERT FRAbEIt proprietor 1 Belmore P. 0. ' . L ••1. MEN WAN'Ih,D Five or six good men wanted by the 1111 The first meeting of the new County dersigued to out wood and saw logs. rap pry to GEO. T.(HOMPSON`, ul Council coulenued its session at SVinghten..1 Goder•ich on Tuesday last. air. P. — Kel y, of Blyth, was elected Warden I JitR's PILLS) ' for 18.M. .A. report of the .proceedings will aijipear in next week's 'I'IMEs. c t•. ,:. S e., a .•l t v.uty lady /4he vo ing on the Scott Act in the city of Guelph took place on Thursday of hist week, and resulted 111a Majority for the Act of 169. Guelph is now the banner Scott Act city. Iit :,Tile ot all opposition the temperance char- iot continues to roll steadily ou. CLEARING AWAY TIIE 'WRECK. Lo ;Dox, Jan. 27.—The work of re- movi 1g. the debris in the White Tower war coiupieted this afternoon. The hole made in the floor where the dyn- amite exploded is ten feet lone and five feet wide, The masonry of the building is practically uninjured, but much of the solid oak soodttork is torn or split. The Ontario Br Much of the Dom- inion Alliance 1 as appointed the Rev. 13. 13. Ke fer general agent of the branch. The exports of the United States c,xereded the imports in value last year by ono hunared and twenty millions. The infernal manhine1whicil was die. covered in the Mon;,'•eal Postoftico up- on inveStigatiou was found to he a toolbox, Custom frauds by which the United States Uoverntnenthas been defraud ed out of three million dollars have been discovered, Two you've men, who became An a'ti inred of the same lady, fongl t a dual with pi :toes mil knives, n err Quebeo. 11100 were wnnnded. es/itis 0 Tait Scott, and favi ly tilt's week for Detroit. A't'.i •vgh :t b al►np is lilt it e untn.l14 11011, yet t110 ttyns are ofse 1 , h• •rdted Lb t,:. If A. large proportion of the disease, which cause human suffering result item derange- ment of the etomaun, bowels, and liver. ATER'S CATITA1u'lC PtaLs act directly upon these organs, and are especially designed to cure the diseases caused by their derange- ment, including Constipation, Indiges- tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, and a host of other aliments, for all. of which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these PILLS by eminent physicians in regular prac- tice, showy unmistakably the estimation is which they aro held by the medical proles Mon. These Pima aro Compounded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious Ingredient. A Sufferer trout Headache wvltes: "Avaa's PI ,r.s are Invaluable to me, lied aro my constant companion. 1 have been a severe sutfercr from Headache, and your Pitts are the only thing 1 ernud look to for relief. One dose will quickly move my bowels and free my head from pain. They ate the most effective and the easiest i.hysic 1 have ever found. 1t is a pleasure to rue to speak In their praise, and 1 always do so when occasion offers. W. 1,. 1'm13, of W. L. Pogo & Tiro." Franklin St., RIchmoud,Va., dune 3, 1l(2. "I have used AVL'R'a Pti.t.s in number- less instaunces as recommended by you, and have never known them to fail to accomplish tie desired result. We constantly keep them on hand at our home and prize teem as a pleasant, safe, and reliable prize mCdlciue. ?Olt 1)1 S1'Ll'SIA they aro invaluable. .1. T.1IAYEs." Neale, Texas, Juno 17, 1882. The REV. FRANCIS B. HARLOW., writing from Atlanitt (a„ says: "For some yearn pest 1 have peen subject to eon:tipntion, front which in spite of the use of Medi- cines of various kinds, I suffered increasing inconvenience, until some months ago began taking Avaa's Fitts. They have entirely corrected the costive habit, aud have vastly improved my general health." AYER's CATHARTIC P1LL9 correct irregu- larities of ttie bowels, stimulate the appe- tite and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action ante tone and vigor to the whole physical oeouomy. PREPARED BY Or. J. C. Ayer dt Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by ail Druggists. Y011116, All experience the wonderful beneficialett.xta of OMidot ND • Ay1 is Sarsaparilla. AGED. Children with Stwe Fs: ••, Sore .'ars, or acv Pet4ah:met Sips Ilitle taint mp y he mute tesa.ul t{r.0 lett pe, by its use. $ol.tbyell T:ruggis;s, t3, six tei.i.;:r.f0t ,w This: space reserved for race Ctae L:'a.dine, Undertaker and Fuwni tune .Dealer in i% inghaw. NO`VC'] As Dr. It.,.o hos mit•. It in lei., all past cin; tin :,a i, .0 ..utltid itlilnediti'