The Wingham Times, 1885-01-30, Page 6TT1l'1 1'1'1.1,.E (,FTAli T1111E8. FRIDAY Y JAY",
Wet. '�tive .'t extea to Rendez*. ;Y. A 90,00. B b1e RgW,ard, , NAw4.44'x'#1•,
Dr'ii t 'Meet an adyertisetntint to The publishers of Rutledge's Mouth -
tear fruit in out; night, ly offer twelve valuable rewards in
Bread is the staff of human life their Monthly for February, among
and advertising is the staff of business, which is the following':
You eau's eat enough i. a week tq _ We will, give $20,00 ttl.the person
last you a year, f111d yuu eau's adYtl .tise tecling us dad longest verso.iit the Old'
on that pian either;
1esttltlaelit Sexiptures by Febuttry1.0tu
The ettterpriiitig advertiser proves ];"SSO. Should two or more toi'reat
that ke underetauds-how tu,bill, reciilyed, the Tier, 'atili .wi.l
be ',aciverlti "It; Ile linli+vex ,bulvi fie div,tfed, `The tuoney Atilt be foe,
to se :,: *.. , s. n,. ., ;-1'..,:'-;.w,Zried ti'(hts with 'r February '1 ,tb,
•.1f IOK Oa. ,,lir, use ail 188$ti . 1'orsuus hying for ilia rewind
anvil' tllf nnia1t1t it ls'a'ngr0t41)010 gain- 11UUSt scuff 20 cents iii silver (no 'post- '
nliii* Ti'' l,exdun't 14lr1'0 ilia ago'staml,staken) with tll('ir answer,.
uuriosit1y ia,Ut�ti�e world. '. t• . ;,4 for,nvineli thy' *illrec i.'e the Mouth-
Peoplleei`tthell,udvMrtise.Qtly:'onbe in ly'fox�i1f16roh, in•v1,11ielithe name..' and.
three i ont11,#tfurget that Fest folio . allijress of Niriniyelre, of'.the rew(trtl�ll,ncd
cannot r e ber• • anything longer . the carreet huswl'v' will be p.4)1ialled,
than atbent ,evth days. ;. and iii wliicb several more valuable
A.apt. droppnlg,;wil , wear.a.. inwards; will be. offered. A(1(lrsss
rock. Keep dropping your advertise- RUTLEPGL •;Pu1ILlsilit(ti• .F ComPAIM.
meats on the publicand they will : Easton., ,Pa, , -
soon melt under it litre rock -salt
(witting advertising in dull dines. Clinton. ' dew Era has the tol-
ls like tearing oaks dam *amuse the ' lowing :—The following cir,ulustanue
water is low. ,Either plait; ,will ,pre, 'occurred some time agoi yet it is never-
vent good tine's' from ever coming. theless worth relating. A Stanley
Tr • w.' ll
in . o business ltho
to ass # .,
3, .g . [ fanner, having occasion to use a late
advertishazis like winking' at:a.pretty I stun of money, drew from a bank in
girl througli'a •pair of 'green goggles.1 this town the sum of'': 10 000 Gott -
You Indy know what,, you are doing, fug a sinall Salt bog, he placed the
amount therein, anal carelessly threw
it into the bottom! of his cutter: Af-
but nobody, • else, does: ' ;
It is a mistakn notioii,that, a fine
store is'an eligible joc,ation;.i surreaud ter transacting some business around
ed bq attractive sighs;,,lis a supperior town, the horse in the meantime being
advertisement,: for,the experienee. of tied to a post, ho: drove to Goderiuh,
the most enterprising ' merchants and put up at a hotel, simply hanging
is that it ploys, better te- spend less, in the salt bag and its con:ente on. anail
rent and more 'oh advertising. in the ear -room, until he got lus din-
Enterprising•people,,are -begirliiig to ser, where it remalued in perfect se-
Iearn the value. Or advertjsing the year curity, as none of the 'numerous man
round. Theperersteup ilf f se who pants of the room had the •shglltest
are not'fittipl.dated by the•ery of i dull idea so 1
urge an “mount of money was
times," but keep their names ever be- enclosed in so common an article as .a
foie the public, wilt surely place them salt 1rag,
outhe right. side i'nthe. ehd. "•','
Thi# Groat Carnival.
Thousands upaa thpusands of peoplo
from All"•parts of. the continent are
going to the 11lonreal caruival, at ,tire
end of' ;sanitary. `; We hear the Mom`s;-
real,-yaily btsr is briiiginb,out •a rriaa-
nihdent Carnival number, something
that.: will eclipse in artist merit and
absorbing .interest every illustrated
paper heretofore Issued in this. country
It will have • the attack on the ice
twelth anneal meeting of the county
of Huron Sabbath School Association
will be held at Seaford' on Tuesday
and; Wednesday, February the 10th
and lltfl. The following topics *ill
be discussed, introdueed by the gentle-
men named —:
'The Sabbath School, its outfits, ar-
rangements, and conduct,' .by, W B
Hutton, Winghaln. 'How the Sab-
bath School should be supported"li;
nanctally, and how its moneys .should
pall;ce,.aild deteuce, 1iy, the Gairrisou•in be expended,?''James Scott, ;i t. Olintou.•
all 'sag ihcntp'o pt•and„bill'ancy ''Modes of maintaining regular atten
the •ta'boi .ening fete ;ire' it;s true neat- dance in the Sabbath School,and of rt -•
ural`b: auty; the Ice•Condora atter the erniting scholars,' Horace Poster, Gill
Egyptian: -Models; inaptnrated with ton. 'Mhsic ill the Sabbath School,'
electric aud•pyrotechnicilluminatiorts; Rev. A E Smith, Varnia. •'The Sala -
the ;mailmosh ice lion's British) ; the bath school as a snfeguarc' against-'
great.Aleighdiive,ernbracingthousands 8daii'ty,' Rev. 7,112 Campbell, Goclt:
of superb equipages, and probably the rich.. '"the Bible the world's light.alicl
grandesb thing of the.kind of modern pu:de,' R D Bayley, Clinton: " Teni-
times; the farcy dress entertainments, ,pergtnce teaching a part of Sabbath
true`ta' latttre; 'tilde Magnificent in: School work,' Rev G B. Taylor•, Bay -
set -plate of the ice palace in ; 'tints—a I field. 'The teacher's preparation,' J.
fine pfetare for fraln'iug• , It will be Mitchell, Goderich.' The teacher's•
remeuibereii thatti[ere was a tremd responsibility('. Rev Colin Fletcher.
ous fi rore'•oyer the'last year's
,Caval, Exeter. • 'The teaclier's:,reward,' Rev,
number' ' of. the lifoi treal Star, the John Gray, Clinton. 'Illustrative
issue .rlihrtiu,- itip'neareiv c(uarter of a aids inteachjugy'„ first, the „primary
milholi: ; It is said tliat`this year's class, '1 McGillicuddyl Goderich. Sec-
nulnber•w,ilibe.far ahead'of;last. The• ond, the intermediate class, J•• C Ste
artists are' Betigoug.;;', .Ju'lian, ' Harris 'venson, lllintoli. . un Wednesday .af
nd Haberer. • The writers,d George ternoon,'at 3:30, iy:inftss meeting "of.
Murray,,• John Reade.- Dr:- -"Deers, the Sabbath" School children will • Le.
" Adirondack " Murray, and W. H. held, and addresses•given as follows -
Turner. Grip sends for production in --'‘Doing goad the best means of goat• .
the Carnival Star a doub e page which ing good.' W J.Clarke` Exeter. !What
is said to be the—rho: side-splitting should we expect -from the scholars in
cartoon ever this country. the sehool,' Rev. P 'Musgrave, W ix" -
Fifteen centsin stamps sent to the - throp. ,: Appropriate., singing .hy the
publishers, (*raham 8; Co., Montreal, children. It is expected that'Hol'i,
Fd►uunc1, About is dead.
" PpQrciN'7ons %if , co ttit'e SIi'111neilgetl by '
1laltf;tx has been. ;v;tined to regulate
tll>ltstorage of petreldtttf) I
l.leltnox:- and tl clnigtun gr,' e 28
t' . . g' I•, I
r1• ac,utt Act Agitation. has bMkx,C;
,corntnencel fu the Cihy •Quebec.
Snow and frost have ,d'imaged the;
orcps iu the Slaliixh 11°Y„1 .9("1.''' ,
'Helie Socialists o obit' ea i'ioutrol two :
hunched thousaud Kotex iuPiF.1s
. The e (lncse agxadl(in l4
a;;fiole to
Pertness, to annihilate tlle;rrovell fleet.
The tribes are•.. reported to' be cle-
sorting the 1Qadhi for Gordoh.' and Wolkel-
majority for thu Satztti Aut.
.• F'+itrthquakea,:in Sean' .have :causecl
maiiy residents 1Srtawns to forsake their
Moses Oates says he was the captain
of the second lacrosse team oyer formed iu
Ontario. , •
A. wrestling match' at Bostou 'on
Saturday night for 1200 a side between
Dufur and Sage Wa's won by the
latter, -
MP. John A MacD'onnld has retired from
the contest with Ifs. Dowling iu (3outh
Gerinuy, Austriie. Iturisia aucl France
are in unison upon `Egyprlan fivancial
questions. •
The 27th, of February is fixed for
the subtniSsion of the Cauada Temperance
A.ot to the electors of North am ber.aud and
Pat Speedy, hide'b(cicer of John L.
Sulliyau, says if Dotninia!t YuCaffry is
anxious to meet the champion ho will have
an opportunity to Spa`,( liim on Feb. 4.
Notice is given—in the Canada Ga-
zette that the T'emperanee Act will go into
force iu Stormont Dundas and Glengarry
on the expiry of the present liquor licenses.
The 100,000 eggs ` 'of iioch Leven
trout, sent out by Sir 'James Gibson Mait•
land of Scotland,:: e'to be planted in the
oamp streams of tlier North, Woods and the
hatcheries of Michigan. '
George Nterris.,n ai1J.. Ilnetlly
soy, Teal's about the vo.years of. age, .1lroke
thrqug)i:.the foe rybal,skat`ingbelow eater.
alui.bridgeat 104', atou late Saturday
night .antrifi,O11,e dro ,tie"d, '
1t• v
' A'fi is hound .wbioli iliac] beam •sent
to a gitizen O gore o1 , Ga., a week or, so
point•within 30 Ilourgi _after. its departure
'having trayello t}le ,entixe.disjtance, about
128 miles, through's, oinintry it held-uevor
•been through, and w th uo' one .to guide it.
•The dog tsdy boxeI up befpxe, it was,ship-
ped to its new dW;rie;,'andfor'a. portion. of
the journey ;was kept iu a dark,aar.
The postmaster general states that
the reduction of postage to n two cent rate
would cause a;.heavy loss of revenue, and
if that were done postage on newspapers
would have to be'eliarged. Zt lus beau
brought to his notice that:large quantities
of correspondence -are'lbeiug'sent ` over by
express to the Unitgtl Staten to be, posted
at the two cent rate, whivll throws into
the United States treasury that which
,properly belonvi'to• C5i add: F3e'says there'
hi no remedy. , , . •
• . On Wednesday night at Rutledge,
after an exciting. county election • and a
plentifrll supply of whiskey,a quarrel arose
between Bob Brewer and Tom Estee led to ;
'others taking sides and in' a, few' minutes
-at least twenty five Men were shooting,
cutting and cursing at' one another in a
confused mass., • ',Nearly etery. One was
wounded in some. way before the melee
was stopped. Babe'Temkin's will, probably
die from three stab wounds in the back.
One Churchill had a , knife 'driven to tii'e
hilt in his breast and has since died, Itis
tliouglit that "alittlie "others exceptTht wkins
will recover. ' •
''.The Salvation Army - meeting one
t3,iinday evening last, at Harnilton, was
,preceeded by a disturbance caused b, some
cayenne pepper -,on the stove: Sneezing
and coughing followed, and it was found
necessarytta openthe dors and. windows.
Alfred Green vdas; arrested> charged Iwitll
e.ti •ad• a out`•tMo dozen
will secure,a; copy of what is said Obi -H'$lake, of Tor-Onto,'will be present
the greatest:illustrated paper ever.i!'s= Wednesday afternoon acid. -evening, ,If.
present he will address the children's
mass meeting. and subsequently' con
duct a Normal chtss for workers;:
;tile evening he will, delivers ars address
on 'Cart'eecrated, Workers' ; Mr: Blake
'teaches the largest Bible -class in the
Province, and 'is widely known'
active Sabbath School, worker. Th t
•as many,people as possible inay take.
,part in the discussions,:, del), . addressee
in the day sessions aro limited aa. fol-
lows :—Those who 'ilitro'duce topics.
15 minutes; others 5 ,minutes. • At
,tfie,evening sessions a uiiionclioif will
sued in. this country.
Should a.poor nlaii marry, 1 Certain-
ly. 'pvei'ty..:Is 'slaiser"y dile 'misery.
likes .company,. r
An', ordinary 'trails of . passenger
coaches is ;said to be Worth $88,000.
This • does not include the porter • of
the sleeping car.
Speaking of the cold in Nevada, a
resident says, he ,couldn't blow the
Dandle out ; the blaze had frozen and
lie had 4t beak it off;; ' `i• , '. • •
David Davis ba*s,• that !hig worst
friend is a woman '(whose poetry he
once laughed at. That was' 28 years
ago, but site still hates him.
Floating saw tniils are common on
the lowpr,,,,Xisslissippir,.• They, pick-up=
the fli t s f legs, tatro:'tberh. into Wa in..
ber, and sell the produc ,ilia plant*:
along the shore.
An absent husband telegraphed to
his wife: 'Send you a kiss,' He re-
ceived the reply: 'Sp ucelyoung•mnn'
called and delivered the kiss• ter goof
A Boston physician ali�Yvises every
er;on to ascertain whit ii8easel 1i1ts
have charge%of the sineina: Delegates
and others intending to be present
will please sent their names to iVlt, J.
A Wilson, the Local' Secretary, ` Sea
forth, not later than February '$trete
and homes Will be ,gladly' provided for
thtp13.;; ?elege,res, upon their 'ai'rival.
in Seafortlt 0111 please report theta-
'selves;to:the Local Secretary, .at the
1vletficrdiAt church: Reduced fares oin
all railway llfnos`irn"the dottnty, ' good
front Monday the Oth to Thursday the
''nth,' iticlt+afve, will ao matte toe . ail .
delegates fttenllilly the *invention
(Bu'bt�oori7aor Wil], Fi.ac0lve+ Ys
'i,'hs i n. sus clewto ixs Clalsh.
• Thplft111diving Ilst'bt<I'rizee will lie gaXp>;t1ed to the pereolfp who subxclille fprohr paper between this date
and the :tem day of Murch:
?0,4ONE D_ O 'i) We will enter sour name on our subscription books, and
.Dt/LULL hail Yon regelarly twice a month for One 1'enr the
ceIpta;good fol Ibone gf-tile fu114wing presents;
The .List .off`Presents to 1e'.,Gjyen'Our Subscribers:
elflit:1A1'@rltnio(k.iionttsof.5I;50teael0.,,....$5000,.''•"ioi,scslisilverTable *mu, $250 _
U 8 Greo116ucks of $lU0 cat71 2100 (09•Solil Silver Desert bpeons 20D 0
1,r_ 8 Government Bowl stun 100 Sets Silver Yorke (6 to the set) 1100
20 8 Greenbacks of $;Il cavi
loon 100 Seto Silver Plated Dinner Knives (0 to sst) 250
5D• V 8 Greenbacks of 20 each .... 10)10 100 silver Su{mn Shells „- 01'1
100 U 8 tircelubneks of ID each loon se Silvur lce l'c, )urs 510
100 U8'4roenbacknof $5 each 500 ltgl YhnWgrn11ph Albums. $Ranch 2000
5 Grand Parlor organs • loop 1gi0 Pocket Silver Fruit liuhvv1 100
' 3. (iiund,Plunus _ 1010 t;Untptnena Porkot l tie'
,l Twenty -Soot StoutI,Sall-Boat;1411)1111 20 GCnaMnops if Wntelwn 1tlOD
1 Bob ltoy Figteen• 'oot Canoe ono 2t Ladies' Gold Watches 11201 :t
1 Fuer-Oa�ed ltdw-bait gm 20 nese, Marilee 'to
i Oolumbla Ilk'yplo , „ 1)1) t Snhta�,,, Diamond Finger itings 100
•pp 1'hwtnt,tl• ' 5)10 2)100 Souvciali• Art I'ur[foliue 11)90
G Top Bugales 1(1110 500 L adlcs' G(Adr Lockets SOD `.
5 Llugmtt lilnck Silk Dress Putletns 200 000 (cold Finger /Bugs 500
2 VilhtBo Carts 200 ant LntlIe9 ]ircnst Pius 40D-
•5 Bc. L SIn orBuwhlgAlauhines 250 200 Gent's Scarf Pro0 and 'Watch Chains--..- 200 )11
2 Raw Silk Parlor Snits 400 200)1 Fine Mounted Gold Toothpicks 2000
2 Plush Silk Parlor Snits (100 50a Beautiful :Nickel Clucks 90(10
5 Silver 1)innerServio, 5114) 2500 Cold Toothpicks 1000
1 Black Walnut Marble 'I'm) Chutnbesr Solt... ion WOO tulct Penc(Io 500
109 Sots Sonic Silrpr Tcooppons-0 to the set,-- 6110 104 Tohwcepeo 520
Every subscriber who does not get ons of the above valuable prizes will 1(1(3,0 a present of Twenty.
Five Cents in cash. Remember overy,sno who subscribes for ono year will receive our twenty -lour large 1
elegant illustrated paper for one year and Three Demists good for three of 1111'8110V° l,,•0Metllar 4
ranging from 25 cents 111 cash to One TIonnaud Delhi i s 111 Cash. Our raper has now u heuwede eir-
cnlatiott of 150.000 subsa•Iber1. Ras been established eight year,. All of the a1:ov1 presents will Lie 'warded
March :0th, in a fair and impartial manner. A fall list or the award will bo 9,irato-hs d rotwerlbers free, rcr-
sena living ata dlstunro will have presents scut them by mail, express et freight, es may bo required by the.
article awarded.' Positively no postponement.
•X'Z3t: 14'14- 2D J�+�C+.tt11EL which yon send ns is the Pea ear sabsoripttan price for a yearly
subscription, and therefore we charge nothing for the presents..Do not let this opportunity gab . W o believe
yeti will like our paper so well that you will remain a regular subscriber..anti say with othe[xthat ybu would
not be without it for five times the cost. Y OUlt tit?Bgf Iii 1'TIt1N hltls'5. (int tivo of your friends to
join you by cutting this out' and showing It to [them, Send us 115 and we wilt weaves the paper for ono yeari
and three nutnbcrcd receipts fur each of your snhs(ribels 111111 two extra for vote• trouble.
SEM!) TEN SUJIStlJ.t1151s11i+ will.. 10 and we will wend 11 papers one yeltlr and 36
numbered receipts good lin' 1flirty-six presents, and In addition we will scud you at omen
solid hunting cased dell Aluminum `IVatlh free. 'Phis wnteh Is a fine tune keeper and cannot be
told fros, a genuine gold watch. You am trade this watch for from twenty to fifty rollers. You can have
the papers sent to you friends awl we will nmke,the receipts all out in your acme. We could not make this
watolt offer die we not control tho entire pro(hu•t of the tactor)'.
FARM FIELD AND STOCKMAN !mune of the oldest and ablest edited Family and Agricultural papers.
and cut. Ion e[nvintlon lx n101.111•1111110
on 150 twenty00.four
LE paw.. The
S 117' er I I0E1. ine Stories,
4to form,
Sketches, Poetry, learuy Garden, Ilottsollofd and .t rieideut'al D1'partraeuts by the brat
Contributors 00 the day. In short, It contains that which will Interest, instrtct and 111111100 oho what)
family. Our reputation is fully established and the people aro satisfied that we have capital enough 10 carry
out and fulfill any offer we may make. Can it be possible that 0ou will let such an opportunity go by?
ONE l)OLLA.1i secures the FA RIE HELD AND STOC'Kl11AN for one year, and
three numbered receipts which will entitle yon to three of the presents in
the award. The paper Is worth' double the subscription price. As to our reliability we refer to any Bank or
Ilspress Company in Chicago and the Commercial Agencies. Wo are now known the world over. Stoney in
tams of $1 nay 0 sent In ordinary letter at our risk ; larger sums should be sent by Registered Letter. P. O.
Money Order. or Express...: ,
1.I11EMJE1t these aro i'renente to our Snbscribors given to them absolutely�1�F�ree: eta
lib This islaa11 �grreatlopportunitytanile youushould acquaintances and
advantage as it of this ell xtraorpdinary offer.
Address r FARM. FIELD AND STOCKMAN, 89 Randolph St., Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.
ti )11
A. FINE DISP1.,.',.Y of . the ,Newest, shades and Sty'es 111"
dies •' Silk: Lace • and line.
a •,
In Dress Geode; ;111d Velveteens, in tIlA Latest Shades; we' LEAD'•
11(3'Trade ..• Bea.13tiful Fur Sets away, price. In
NV iv L
.Oan,lan Ties
.a ind Gents' •Furnishings, ne usual. out Stock. is fresh• and
seasonable; and we are offering extraordinary .
. bargains in -this -cl' partnient.
In 131iots and S'.lneg, Choler F1Imlly Groceries, ate., . our Mocks ore
eoliiplete,'hurl We take pleasureiiishowing our goods. •
\Vingham 'I`'oi'. 27, 1884.1'
Tit • Space Rese �ved
tie man that SELLS stoves
th : ff `d ;arrested
'I'111 Vv are, •z c� very oiliea
teases aerooalledto testify in the caro at 7. p,
the police court on Friday, iglus,} tile, nnagts
trete found `Grain gui'tteaucii ($lied Olin"•. 1'!4
81:0'and costa which is `aI a'
1 mounted to
about 1123. Mr. '$adlen, who is, Green's.
lawydr,,)3asgiven z of oe'ef ap'peal. 'agaipst
the magistrate's dociaiou, ..
Tftt, `•TIMES t{Itilt;s gOoft tc0rJ'e6poit:
ducts iii dvery • Bawl section iii this
surrounding townships. ,: A11y one ie•
at liberty to Bend id ' itetnl3•of' news,
and "we;ahall the pleased at all times t(3
receive nontribut ons lrottr;any 'tit our
readers, 6 'All'lotters , intended for pub
'Hoe tat .should'•reach ;.this b::icii not.
t1,tlen by.' Vednesday-..nn8rning and`
iihould bo eigned by the name of the
writer ---not necessarily tor publication
hut simply a.4 a. guarantee of good
ivithotl't ahtbel'ti*Cltte from the ,Secy -
�atary...i i , 4 .
car, W led off his•ancest a , With &a view 'r A California prospector' oil %Tea
to guarding himself tiiiiinst inherited Year's tnorning .found that he had all
tendencies by adop,.in -the regular told, just five dents. This he threw
manner of 'ife, place of residence and into a ravine, saying: ''].'hero, here
general 801f treatment. ' . goes for an oven start its the world.'
_viii riV:�,te
'• Store and dwelling for -sale or to relit
'Cheap'. I'oesesaion' given about the 15th
March. -, Apply' td D. STswAl(T. Akio a
farm of 100 acres for sale or•to rent. Ap-
ply to-
,. 1 D.13TE'iW2IRT..•
x"! rtrtttirsnrtrltr.nsyrxfw ,.
-. Berk' hi
shire hoar
Will be kept for service on Lot 1, con. 4,
Morris. Tetras, $1 payable of time of ser•
vice. Privilege of retaveina if necessary.
.1, McLBAN, Proprietor, llln(sval e. Jun. 7th, 1881
The adjourned annual meeting of the
Shareholders and patrons of the Bluevale
Cheese and Butter company will be held in
Patterson's hall, B1uevale, on friday, J au -
nary 23M,18811, at one o'cloek, p. tn. The
whop' for the season of 18S5 will be offered
for sale and the delivery of a certain qua».
tity o£.wood at the factory, the drawing of
the milk on the different routes will be let
and the confirming of certain bylaws and
any other business that may be brought
before the meeting. By Order,
JNO. 13U1'EG1.1.lSS.
4' i, ,
t 40: ,.,�