HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-30, Page 3Whv Some 8'nrm3rs do not Suooeed, Thy are- not active and industrious;. They are slothful in everything. They clo not keep up with illtpreVe• rnejits. They They Thy tact. Tl y They They They They down. The They. They Ahoy They They They 4111 They are wedded to old methods, „eivouo attention to details. think small tliing'i not itnpbrt- t,tike 110 pleasure in their work, regard labor as a misfortune; weigh and It stisure Stin;Ji'y,. are wasteful and improvident. let their gates sag and full will not mrtlio compost. let their towis roost in trees. have PO shelter fur stock. do riot cur'r•y their horses. leave their plows iii t to field. linog the harness ill the duet, pint elf greasin ti a wagon. starva the calf and milk tl#o cow. They don't know tl:o best is the •(1ioapest. They have no. method or syste r!: They have no ears for Ware enter- prise.. They see no good in a nett thing They hovel' use paint on the farm. They prop the barn door with a rail. They milk the cows tate its the day. They have no time to do things well. 'limy do not read the hest books and nee spapers. A Farmer's Liability to ht Elrod Men. There are duties of a plaster to men, which, if not faithfully performed, reader the roaster liable for the injury resulting to the teen from such fad- rire : • 1. To exercise the care in the hir- ing and r•ention of employees. 2. To . exercise duo care in the purchasing and reusion of machinery. 3. To ex- ereisti due care in keeping his build- ings and premises in a bafe and proper - ond:tiou. 4 'T„ exercise clue care imp to expose his 'nen to other than I the ordinary risks of the liminess for which they are hired. Among :Ice i general duties of the last group are One of the risks winch a svorktnan as sunles wilco he engages in an employ- ment, is that which arises from care- t lossuers on the part • of his Fellow workmen. If two farm bands, pre- rkumably competent, arc set to work to - ether, and the one carelessly hurts I the ether, the injured man has no claim therefor on the master. But if the master failed in the first duty above set forth, c, e., if he hired a loan whom he kn,)w to be inc elnpeteut, or" if he.did not exercise this care to as- certain. .that the ma t was competes•., .thou he, the master, would be liable x�ue injury suffered throllgIt such iM- competence by another workman, a'itho tit fault on the part of the (atter... To illustrate this point : Suppose a farne. hires a careless boy and sets him to diving a spirited' team; if the boy by his carelessness allows the tear to run away and injures another workman, the farmer will he liable. He has here failed in his duty to ex- ercise proper care in the selection cf his employees, But if be had used the eauti'on of an ordinary prudent. roan in selecting a person competent - to drive the team,, and the plan so se- tected still prov, d careless aim allowed the team to ran away and i• :jure a workman, the mister would be re;iev- ed from the liabi ity for the damage done. [American Agriculturalist. y,Jl..:l.. ak 1 1► -N ct:A 11�,..iVi LT l 1. .11 , I iU to L JAN 30 r.rr r Catarrh -Ik new R•reain7one, Perhaps the most extraordinary succuss that has been aohievecl its mod- ern medicine has been attained by the 1.11xou treatment for catarrh, Out of 2,000 patients treated during the part six month:, full ninety per cietit •have been. cured of this stubb ern m:tl• ady; This is none the less startling 1 when it le remembered that not five per i;ent. of patients presenting them- selves to the regular practitioners etre beuelitted, while the patent medicines and outer advertised cares never 1•e= e all a care at all, Stttrteng with the claim new genera ly belieyittl by ale most soientilie moon that tlit; die= ""`i ease is due to the presence of living P... rear isites in tilt; tissueAir, Dixon at muco adapted his euro to their extor- teinati.ott—Lille at:ct.11rplishn1, he claims the Catarrh isprneItri lly cured, and Lite permanency is unquestioned, as cures etiiected by hitn four years ago are cares still. No one else has et•er atteinpte1 to (taro Catarrh its this manlier, and no other ttr'atinent has ever cured Catarrh, The applies. - tion of the remedy is simple, and tan be done at home; and the prt'sen% Season of the )(lir is the Most favor - aide for the spe;dy and permanent cure The majority '9t cas"q being cured ai; one treatment. S'uff'erers should correspond with ill.essrt. 1. 13.. EIIXON t' SON, 305 King streot,west Toronto, Canada, and enu'lose stamp' for their treatise on Gatafih. [N otr- treat Star, Nov. 17, 1382'. The Prattlers, "Mamma, is that old turke:C a gob• leria "Yes, my Cllilf'." "Well, then, is a baby turkey a gob. let 1" e Ma, what do they give hens lime .or 1 " Oh, to make the shells of tbeir' lige•e, rt Well, did tits' hen thattlaid the golden egg have Ivor teeth 1tilet1; lid;e papa's?'' A 11i ARKA13LL+'.ESCAPE: Mrs. Mary A. Davtay, of Tunkhaii: oelc, Haul., was atibeted for six years with Asthma and Bronchitis, during; which time the best pllyseiaus could Lave oo relic£' .Efer life w.,,s despaired of, until in lust October site procured a Bottle of Dr. Icing's New Discovery; when int inediate relief wits felt, and by con tilining its use for a short time slit' was completely cured, gaining cu flesh 50 lbs. in a few months. Free Triall3ottles of thin Certain cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases at O. E Wil'tiIul's Drng Store; Larpo Bottles 1+1.001: Don't forget the stray eattl'e If you want to•find the owner; advertise' them iv TEN TIMES. 'Little Dick ---•'t' 1Vrlilhtt i9 Hose tirzic mals in that big wtfi'alo'ty, gltg'elntlrl'tsf'l. Manimii—`t The, i t% if6,e,Otte' 'wall' ' dilw and thle ai i!tutel4' ate Begs. thel br'at's," "Is they'a'ive Oh, no, They weed' stick a'ucc ssltt:N• edland then' stood up t`or oolit a& it it Y I wore Alive." Who .ire those ialt'es iiz tli'e ' Odin • ow by thein, mamma ?" ' They are dress'�dl up>fi;, i'1'i'> glow ow new styles 111 flus," Ain't the ladies alt‘e i t. o, pet," " Was thy shot and &Fuffed'l too " , Parties intending to travel wil do cued to call on O. Ye Williams, Agelttt 14ttsitl��da, Pacitie, XVI way, WIngham. i III GETA8L� 1Cf I.IA. EN EW BSORITS , S 1, ► 3 SCRIB.3:Jl.i SUPSCRIBE j 11 \ 1tao been in constant use by the public for over twenty years, and is floe bast preparation ever invented for EIISTOki- Thb IMO CRAY HAIR TO ITS State Assayer \, LIFE. , and f0hernis u 1- It supplies ilia natural !of MSS. food and color to tete hair , a•..d glands without etalning tho I leading skip. It will increase and Pllysi- thicken the growth of tho hair, prevent tie blanching and falling otr, and thus AVERT BALDNESS. / / It cares Itching, Erup- tions atm Dandruf: 'Is HAIR DRESSING( It is very desirable, giving the hair a silken stances which all admire. It hoops tho stead Olean, sweet and healthy. YOUTHFUL COLOR AND signs endorse and mem- mond it Gil a goat triumph iu medi- cine. r.�ij Lt1lV i Nw AYrt byz y� roll THE WHISKERS Will° change the beard to a into -m.4 or IttACK at clisoretion, lacing in " one pileparation It ld easily applied, and pioduaes s perhitanent' color that will 1 alit wait*i' or. PItEYAItI::D Ess: 1 P. Oa. &, CO„ IIASHUA; NAL Sold by all boners In Medicine. Pttinalt t.ir u^ .11iix slims'":;it should' be' ' �..;, , with Burdock r;loud ltittett kr -u•'teg Ente ( Akmce,se,, fevers, Soreti, &c Pita, •-t r • l'us: 1' A11LIiURN 3 ( Q ... .,, Sots dogma, roitotOrd, • ONLT SUBSCRIBE, SLTBSORTBE S u .•1...► \./, RrB • n .�: tit:.. .�. ..._ iuccess the Best of The World. PILLS and UINT11' ENI This 'Universal Mediciuo is a ILcusehald Remedy • PURIFY THE BLOOD, Impart tone td the NERVOUS SYSTEM, and act most powerfully yet soothingly on tate LIVE R AND BO Al LS, promoting DIGESTION andassiuculation and endowing the whole bodily frame with STRENGTH and vigor. Nervous Head- ache Tremblings with Lassitude aud GEN - ERAL DEBILITY quickly yield to the potent force of these well known ].'ills, and they are unrivalled in their efficaoy in all FEMALin COMPLAINTS, Removing alt obstructions, skin bleltt- Isltf s, pimples and boils, better chats any other fancily medicine known. THE OIN 11'MEN 1' Has a World-wide Reprttatioin Jt ':eelsevery kir...? 11laORES,UL` ER 1 al d WO ti \DS more ^ortatt.,y tit oa au r other known Wyo. Its marvello is pett I- trating po w.terd'ander it invaluable its all 'Irlllt .Air AND CHEST DISEASES. Oaring Bronchitis, Quiusoys, and Astlins a roduoutg Glandular Lumps, dieing an 1. Healing ABI,ESSES and FISTUL 14 an t alleviating the excruciating tortures of RHEJ.MATISM, GCllT. Elia -NEURALGIA it is unsurpaa•te 1. It iiever fails to remove Scurf anda:ary sps• clues of skin disease. Manufactured only at Professor ll.oLI.n WAS's Establishment. 78 NEW OXFORD ST, LUNDt1'3 sold at 1s. 1 d.. 9s. 9d., 4s. 6;1.,11 .., 'e c:, and 33s. each I3ox and Pot, and iii fi tit t,14 at 36 cants, 90 cents aud 01.60. ,and tt s larver sizes in proportion. irtr CAUTION. —I have no agent :n United States, nor are say i1ediuims s l d there. Purchasers should theref,x•o loo t to he Label on the Pots and 1:):es. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, Lm Boit, they are spurious. The Trade darks of my said .g aho a s are re=gistered in Ottawa, ond also at Wass iugton. THOMAS UOLGOtV.A.Y, 533, Oxford Street. Loudon. San:.: Id 32. IAAL enalartrAl [ATARRft 1K itsaeortsl+4!'fld 'il 19s t li ; ci'_i. atr: s Cat.rrt et the Pular 031(1 - Chronic zssrl I?i•:r,-ai+ q (VIA, of the liar. Lys or Throe it Is t.,,,wr INTERNAL, cot a is 131'3j4 II? oven tart Blond and elor, dos Surf:tcts uyttn.t. It •^ the best Brood + ;:r.:3 fu (to V01,4.11, J', Ind 1s ,v,rth tied 14, nd for It, fur a alone, f ff1Y IITE LLL C'pE raj •'t1 itife I IV% Pg:Ikn44.tMti' .: r W t OW S1911 to oaa tciott o .. L1 ctttN"e i rlit av' "v», kj as,vsseautl,,,'w ea:...e.z., Wtr.o&t'.Tr Zkyt, acre daeghter rata broad o ! i•. r I' tu,n.e eetar:no • '::•e' r, +• }1 �; snout carol. W i , to RJ;etr,Ars+, Out... lin., ,, .1, l`, ry Y'LtoU3d"PulteL,t.tsa'rh0,r,,' .,i1 infgant R%o goo,' resents t}ar•v,ni t .0 O4atttt btpt'%ts it 'wits eon, U111 t+. t ,c 1'e tat' l.'t.tt ria ifits so be en.. ..tet ,,asontble tenl;tir of tiuee. W., EI fir. '•1lIC' T. Cat,, ?Card.: t If. 4, (1-rt.N�r d. 0+ 7 et do, 0. tta$i :Ela, sold Haire Cuttt.rll jolts 14.1444Ica 18ai:tWivo a it Ifotentire t,ai'.:t't••t Yours 'fruity, H. W .std:;iON, )sings*, (nF tee, room, ,.ltd was eery o1c.211 tr t t. Hall's Catarrh Our is er1,l by ait Wholesale mets Doted 11}it:gift sad Deatorb in 'Patent 1tft'nenlere iu the United Ststes encs. Capone. P iseu� T Cents a Bottle. $4;00 it ETt The only genuine Piall'e Calerrh Cur. is ^cif% ahatured by F. J. CIUSN1:Y & CO., Testi.,, r a -L -Beware Of Iaritattone. 'twos led for tho Ontario -Erects by 'L W. HOSSON, We lam J, CI Art rslaaw,.ta', 9t, i :x, eentai" ;hetc cis, ^a.t.li e . • euro, and eII tett , a rt ...4• ,..:].,ce ia'Cbtldl:dil Ole ilvikOV 4-