HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-30, Page 2•
genie. or the ItIoneero '
Junes 8tonehouse, of Goderfolt
township, is certainly entitled to rane
as ono of the pioneers of this seeCtim.
in 1833 Ile. and his father walited
trout leamilton te what wee then tails
eit of as "The Huron traet," airid. his.
Other settled in Goderioli township -
on what was so long Known is theO
Stonehouse farm, The tramp from
Hamilton Was aonompouled with hard. -
slops that are unknown at the present
eito... Stratford was only begintamg
to eolet,and from that place to the -
wasa. almost *broken forest, Tho
rued t. Groderloh had been chopped's
hot not oleared, and the London read
was iil much the same centlition..
Phu n then consisted of a log tovern
—eV inierhatc'e comers" -7 and telt
amt. of chopping. St voley and tho
mot, a the other townships in thte
uty wera not surveyed, When
- ritoneltonee left England, the
()toy railway to existauce wets from
eLlli 7 it,dtOrt Liverpool --now the
whoio country is covered with a net-
work of railways Mr. Stoneheeee is
motet 05 years of age, and as • bale
anti tearty as tunny much younger
• ,, VanEdinond, of the Huren
is tato another plapeer, and hasa
recelletetion of all the important
eese:.e equneeted with the develop
•rf this neteniticent country. He
is tie o!der pioneer than Mr. Stone-
v',havine been a i•esident of the
e :easy foe neoriy 55 years. His
fu i oppesod the famous Dr. Dun -
Ise) ni perheenentary eleetion, when
ot oievoters in the county did not
more than a dozer. The
!• V ottlemond" homestead was au '
to !louse to all and hunter*, but
veto few of those who shared its hos-
p;tela v then are hying now. • Mr.
Vao1 eenond is physically failing, al -
then te his intellectual powers are still
good; •ie is lul action member of the
H tit ioa Army, and knows that
teitil re Ins cleys here must soon draw
to 1, eeeta he can look forward to an
etietoottt 'etternal in the heavens."--
IC a w elea, - - • !fie wanted them to sell oysters,
didn't lie?'
box your e.trs if you don't be-
7 7
primilserds Dotage. hived yourself. •
N. ilville despatch says. A. mon be good,' moving away froin!
n oft el amain, who lives near- Lune his father. Mr. Mtltitsle took up a
L tee, tpwoohip of leungerford, two cf paper and began to teed.
w se daughters were i.1 with the • tete you Want me to be a preacher
setelet fever, sold hie lase cow a few the boy asked.
TAU Outtfec)1( !Mite
• , no. P.OV ,U17 1lUdt11o, hoeing sue-
esefully organized a ehorell Mir, was a
very hay man. It lied been hitit-
ed ,that the .coultregation was a little
'phortonroising 'toe ReV. Gentleman's
salary, hence the satisfostion Zie reit
when he saw that the proceods of the
fair would more than supply the des
ficieney. The good man 4fter return-
ing from P. profitable afternoons work
.doring whiett be had aetured rime!),
Mee that pato soled would not limo
them—sat by the library fire when the
youngster euterea ;—
'Where hove you been, pa?'
'To the fair,'
'What fair ?'
'Our church fair.'
'Did they have it out to the fair
grounds I
'Where then?
'Down town in our churole.' •
'Did they have horses and cows?
'Oh no. They ditto% straw any.'
;What dicl.they do ?'
'Oh, they sold toys and something
to eat.'
'Did they sell to the poor?'
'They sold it to anybody who had
mop ey.'
'It was the feast of the passovcr,
wasn't- it?'
Mr. Mulkittle looked at his son for
a moment. mid said : 'No, it wasn't
•the feast of the passover. Where s
your mother?'
'Gone out to sew for the church.
Does the chureh want money ?'
'Of course,'
'But they don't want to make theie
fathers house a Oen of—'
'Will you hush up sir?'
'But they made the tel a den
thieves didn't they'?
did y ?'
'By selhog cattle in it.'
tAnd the Lord dilit't like that, did
hty, shaking Ws head,
• '\Velli be re's a quartos,' ee:ST the
cQn11' etroeg enough,' replied the
boytlilthig the money end hui harrying
Speaking at Montreal Sir Jolla
Macdonald described the proolises
made by the Tories when ii opposit'
ion, and said
itelc you, gentlemen if the promise
then made to the country has not been
fully curried out,
But there was a sneotre ab the
hattquet—there was a fly in BirJohnle
pot of oitment, but it wae unnecessary
for the Liberal press to answer the •
;interrogation made by tilt; Premier..
In a Mootreal d' spateh to the Oitizen
we find the followilig answer :—
A meeting of the unemployed work-
men was held in McMillan Hall,
ISome 400 persons asseMbled end the-
' following • resolution was movc?d nud
• corded :That a deputation ba anted
Iby the chairman to present resolutions
to Sir John Mecdonahl, and to e -
quest his consiaeration thereof in the
lworkieg class, inasmuch as the present
State of legislation is a crying griev-
ance and berden to the thousands out
of employment who were promiseu
constant empleyment in return for
their support of the National Policy.
Is a more. striking end effective
answer to the Dominion Premier's
.eleee :teto tn procnre food, but, spent 'Yes•if the Lord calls you.
the meney in a tavern and went leneel 'Did the Lord mill 3 ou ?'
dreier About midniet he quarrelled 'Yes.'
vitL iiis• wife and took up a heavy -'What did he. sty?'
cii f tr the purpose of killing ht -r. •Told nie to go tend preach the gos-
Thetd.leat of the sick girls sprang ant pet to eveeteliving creatura.'
of I a.,1 and threw open the deer, thus ‘Dielit't tell pan to prt sic .1 to niggort
ollowiee :her mother and sister...to es- did he?'
awe. ale brute then-struek the girl. That'll do now.'
with the chair. The blow proved 'You thought that the Lord called
the girl died a few hours you again the other clay didn't you?'
later. The mother, who, reached a don't know what you are talking
ithhet's house in her night clothes, abont,' said the minister.
alin died from. the effects of the expos- 'Don't you know -the other clay you
. 'met, it mother and daughter were told ina that you had a call to go to
bum) L ./u the seine dav anethei• place, an' you would go ir yon
could get two hundred dollues morel
• Wouldn't the itiord ore you the two
tee 7,3%3 Coors from re :cash% hunched dollars?'
0 !I! tin that are proeerly protected Didn't I tell you to hush, sir.' throw
.fro u feost by light underp.mme, and ing down the peper, and O. wing at his
n •eded, hanks of leaves or -evergreen son.
thou oetearaly freezedut•ing the coldest ' 'No Biz*, you Paid for uie to behave
weiteter M. winter, but sometimes an ' myself.'
utiutual cold snap, Dr a long contiuued 'Well, ee that you do.'
re,te a of e:1& may enchinger the po- • wish you'd tell me.'
tutoes or other stores even in pretty , 'Tell you ohet ?
tight collard, Pspeoiaily if plenty of 'Bout the ecu'
s tse not kept burning in the rooms 'Well, a cherch in another Own
ahov Wo have placed an old cheap wants d ire to come aid prcaeh there.'
etvoe t stove in a cellar in which the ; y di dn't you go there ?'
chineety reaches the ground so. that' afford it.m'rto-y don't pay
the pip o can enter itand by burning a enough money,'
few basket $ of wood save the good : 'Call was ft loud uneugh, was itt'
thinee storee. This is often praCtical ;1 'Well, !lordly,' said Mr. Mulkittle,
ridiculous boast nig about tli e operation
of the N. P. needed ?-0ttawe pone
Dmorettute casettes oil:emu's Grave;
Waking thrt ugh 'Westmimster
Abbey thi,.other day, says a correspon-
dent, 1 noticcd that fret h flowers bad
been laid upon the ton b of Charles
Dickens. They cern all bright flowers,
such as Dickens loved through his
life, and though they have been hero
somo day @ now they retaiu their freeh-
oess in marvellous degree fled make
bright thiR one spot, the first which
Englishmen coning from all parts
of the world to visit the Abbey ask to•
see These are not the kindly meant
offeriegs of a passing :stranger. They
welts plac d here on Ohristmos eve by
the Io ing hands of Ins grandobildre i.
Twice a year they come, some a them
grown up now, and place their
garnalis on the tomb of hint who to
the yorld is a man of imperishable
reeditItinut to them is also a friend
aed playmate who et Christmas time
never failed, whatever his state of
health nogl fte or whatever the pres-
sure of his 1 usiness that lay upon him,
to make the setteoneenterry' Within hie
own .househi hi, Once ugnin be June.
when flowers are mine plentiful, on
tae 9th —the anniversary ot the day
ho died—the sample inscription upon
the stone is covered under a wreath of
$20.08 Bible 1toward; ,
The publishers of Rutledge's Month- '
ly i ffer twelve valuable rewards in'
their. Monthly for Vebruary, among XXX Peppermint Lozenges,
r it r;%, • ?: -"Tr,
• t5•A'VYZ'‘T,I.,
ICE A L'I'Ll W K A 1.4 rii
Do, E. 0. Wssr's Netter. eni Bette 'reeve
!seer, guarauteed ope9ile for Ifysterio,
Dizziness, Convulsions, Vats, Nervous Neu:
Ileftclaelte, „Nervous Prostration,
,caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco,
'Wakefulness, Mental Dept fssion, Soften.
' Mg of the Brain, restltillg in Insanity and
leading to misery, decay and cleatb, Pm.
mature Old Age, Barmen wee Loss of Power
in either sex, In voluntary Losses and Sup,
ern/Am:lima, calmed by over-exertion of
the brain, self.abuse or over -indulgence,
Hurrah Otte hos will cure recent cases, b x
contoirs one month's treatment. Oue dol.
lar a box, or re d01111,115 for RIX 'boxes;
sent by mail preppie on receipt of price,
We guarantee six boxes to euro any case,
With each order received by u
s for six boa.
es, accompanied with five dollars, we Ala
send tit purchaser our written guar
to refund the money if the tres Oleo t does
not effect 11 our, Guarantees issued °My
• GRA, 01 PL
ND 3
Still to the FRONT. This time
with an Immense Supply of
_ 1 • _ • .
pest in the County of Huron, and
Than the Cheapeet.
Call and See for Yo4rseif,
Only 20o. per lb
Only 30e. per lb
which the followiug 80c. per lb
We will give $2.),00 to the person
telling us the loogest verse in tuo Old
Testaineet 'Scriptures by Felonry lOtn
1880. Should two or more ,orrett
answers be received, the REWARD wi 1
be div:ded. The money will be for -
tended to the wiener P1 February 150,
1885. Persons ityiug for the rewaid
must send 20 cents in silver (no post-
age stamps tat en) with their antwer,
for which they will reeei ke the J on th.
ly for Menlo in which the Lame and
address •of win or of the rewardand
the correct answer will be published,
eiid in which several more. valuable
rewards will be offered. Address
BUTLEDGri l'untaShiNG COM pAxy,
ii.stoos mush of the heat from no with a smile. eft wasn't lb ud enough 'Easton
stovne gone tip the chimney and i5 to he very interesting.'
pra.:tic illy lost. it had been louder world you TE
Trene wants good correspon •
A cheap and v ry effective way to have, gone ?'
raito the temperatnre in a cellar thee I sienna heve gone if they had offer- detits in every school sectiou in tan
surrounding townships. Any one iS
is d ingereusly near the freezing point ed Me enongh euneev.' at liberty to send in items of mews,
is to stir one or more commit kero- It wasn't the Lord that called yon and we shall bo pIFcLsel at nil times to
Pen- lamps ott the cellar bottom dur- that time ?'
11>0 dey time, when not wanted '1 think net.' receive oontributions front ony of our
•liting the room above. We have 'flow much money did the Lord i.f yo10(1 on should reach this oice not
• • then by
'Which onel PAWednesdayre
tuorna ono
,r0)111 Ill tile hveni iv! when '11 tho!
a at burrittrz than in the clay
e atone !
soneith the ainotnit of, fire ht1
tit s love ne. fneneee. -All tee bent !
11 banking lamp ht root:led li!
t t artarttn,mt. T sten tpliva cents i
• w •)f tier gone 011 will 'throw one;
gimp ioing otrionnt of beat, and itt
mane A. ,:gon uPlf.14 blIft -Cliffitp"St
.171(11,11; ring t if' 10,1).11 ..1; 4 ee Itte frorn fte oz.'
I I, tieth mot
• ne e of 'an extra :
,com v we, 11waves Feirintn last
toll. -Yin tat , three anti they I
are :teat follew el by tenth witolt and ;.
o von s>'e e on
Fitimild be eigned by the mune of the
'Z, On
writer—not nf cesSarily tor lutbi 'oat len
'Yee sir.'
'Well, go out f nd ;' ut net simply as a guarantee of good
'1 want to stay ha
• Lemons,
Malaga Grapes
Christie Brown & Co's Choicei
Biscuits, tee, itic,
At tho "ZINC
. RS
•You cannot.'
'Why V J & tr.. WILSO7t1
Mtt% fotlislily ingoisitive.' rtSweet
, A.sking so many restlons ' . 1 CI I q .'11[[(E.Fi
'You are too feolishly ingaLitive,' t
'Row inany must I af,lc 9'
'None, •
"Then I couldn't Nilo crud
'ft would be better for yore if yon
etoe a brit w.1114 they 1 M.. tlin`to May 001111 110t t alk so 1U011. '
winter s striro >sf v, gr‘f,11,104,, if i• 'T1'nv trench ' Must 1 tallai
pot, nutnitfj,1 tec, ii till 'Ttorci I'll give vott tett cents 110iif if
*rid !Into servecily Nigro 1>) iptire you'll 'to on away'
plate its p'(±trth, ain't strorg etriugh,' said t1 le
TIonored Orradttates of Ontario Veterinary
College, arid:registered members of Veter-
inary Atria:foal Association, are -prepared to •
treat alt diseases of Dom estie Animals on•I
th& latest and, most seienttfie priettiples. '
Calla attended, to day foul night., Iterf as
bought and entlit on commission, Offite and
infirmary in tho Mond lately oeenpieff,
Kort, v. 8., opposite llierrilleld'a Hotel
qesephintt• Street, "%Ingham
Qyafers only 30e. per (psi
Cider 250 per gallon,
by JOHN 0 WEST Se CO., Sole Pro/ma;
tors, 81 and 83, King Si. ast, Toronto, Ont.
air Vigor
restores, with the gloss and freshness of
youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rielt
brown color, or tleep black, as may be desirod.
By its use light or red hair may be darkened,
thin hair thickened, and baldness diem,
though not always, cured.
It cheeks falling of the hair, and stimu-
lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. is'
prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and
heals nearly every disease peculiar to the
scalp. As a Ladies' Hair Drescinc, the
neon Is unequalled; it„outains neithe3c71
nor dye, renders the lir s glossy, anti
silken in appearance, and imph.:12 f1_>0Ote,
agreeable, and lasting perfume.
Mit. C. P. BRICTIER writes from Kirby, Q„
.711,1ii 5, 11383 : ” Last fall my hair commenced
falling out, And in a short time 1 bee tne
nearly bald. 1 used part of a bottle
AvEtt's HAIR Ttoott, which stopped the fall •
tug of the hair, and started a new growth.
have now a full head of hair growing vigor
Imply, and ant convinced. that but for the
use of your preparation should have been
entirely bald-."
.T. W. BOWEN, proprietor of the MOdrihur
(01i4o) Enquirer, says : " Avun's Hain Viroolt
is a most excellent preparation for the hair.
1 speak of it from any own experience. lig
use pro:notes the growth of new hair, and
makes it glossy and soft. Tho VIGOR is also
sure cure for dandruff. Not within my
knowledge has the preparation ever failed
to give entire entlsfucLion."
Mn. Axons FA:mama:4*, leader of the
celebrated " Fairbairn Family " of Scottish
Vocalists, writes from Boston, J1fass., Feb. 0,
1880: "Ever since my hair began to give sli-
very eyktucs df the change .which fleeting
time proeureth,' I have used A VIM'S ICA110
Arlon; and se have been able to maintain:
(0:appearance of youthfulness—a matter of
considerable consequence to ministers, ora-
tors, actors, and in fact every one who live
in the eyes of the public."
Mts. 0. A. PRESCOTT, writing from 18 Bins
St., Charlestown, Mass., April 14, 1882, says :
" Two years ago about two-thirds of my hate,
catne olf. It thinned very rapidly, and 1 was
fast growing bald. On using aR'S IlAilt
Vloon the falling stopped and a new growth
commenced, and in about a month my head
was completely covered with short hair. It
has continued to grow, and is now as good as
before It fell. 1 regularly nseci but one bottle
of the Vino; but now use it occasionally 51
a dressing."
We have hundreds of similar testimonials
to the efficacy of AVER'S liAla mon. It
needs but a trial to convince the most skeptie
eal of its value.
Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Self .,yr all Druggvits.
-joloceo '11 the c,,,wred ave„ es o
Bowels, Kitneys an. Liver. entr
off gradually wialotit weol<ening the system,
all the imperities and fiall hmao s of th
secretions; at the some time oorteet:334
Acidity of the Stomach, conog
ousness, "Dysiepsia, hoot:fetches, Diz-
ziness, Heartburn, Constipation.
Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dun
ness of Vision,Jaunclice, Gait Rheum.
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Pluttering of
the Heart, Nerveueness and General
Debilitr ;;alt tbt'se aml many other simi-
lar Complaints yiell In the henry influence
Sample Bottles 10e ; Regular Sin $1,
Por sate by all tattlers.
'tea AIM. 1 1 (rowan; 1' wont
Strayed 1 te 1 ret..
Strayed into the premises pf the Pth
scriber, let, south port noels half 1(3, con'
3, Morris some time m the month of Aug'
wit loot, a red h titer, with white feet
corning three years old. The owner oan
'have the stone ori proving property and
paying expenses.
• Xus, :101.1X Tr2v4,