HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-30, Page 1iz VOL XIV, N O.5 Tcz is publiehod ',tom the Otllce, Queens Hotel Block, Josephine.st Mfinghant Ontario. • 7a'.orms of Subsoriptlon. •, =1,25 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE, not paid until the expiration of onsyear•1;t50 wit Charge d. No paper data-oitinated upti1a11•arrears paidexcopt at tho option Of the publisher: . Terms of Advertising' 1' erAoit. 1 Year... 1.4 year.' ° 1' t year •one Column' .: Ntnc hf. `•' f'ne•6lghth cel,. $310 $18 " . '. 'S10 83 18 18 510 . $ 0 $0 1 : a 8 8 4• 1' EDWARDS & KERR,; Editors and Publishers IiH IRcu DInECToay,. Presbyterian. '. ABBATFI SEAVICES AT ii. A. M. AIM 7 P. M. 07 Sundayipalionx+•gt 2:50 PP !M. ` Prayer meeting,., Wednoeday evening at ? llnv. H. MoQIAnsis psytor. , , • • Isptiot. , 51.0BATS' SERVICES AT, 11 A. M. AND 7 P. M. Suu kayachool at • 2'80 p. ai, Thayer meeting, dnea4ay eve a,Utlat 7,30. a blhodlol• -t ADBATII SE11YIOES AT 11 •AM. • and 7 P.' I.I: 'Sundal,Scheoliit 1.30p• m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8yoning. it 7;80. lbw. G. H. Conn,i0n, I.hatcr. r0laprop;tboae. ABBATH'SERVICES AT 11 A. M. AND 7 P. M. ► Sctiday'gehoolat '12:80 p.m. Prayer meeting, ednesday evening at 7:30. Llay. Ma. Torres, pas- . Nr1 lT4.l . W 1NGiJAM FRED. er JAN. ' 4 1885 err NEWS a,T.xl+'A'47N l The Weckiy Ronnd of Life in the Ceun9:y *furred • and Vicinity, • • MLYT}1, Snow thirty-six inches deep here, Fall wheat' 78 to. SO; spring 72 to 75e. per bushel. k Mr. Webster, lessee of the Cer tral hotel took a quiet leave sf the village last week. Mr. Gibson, M. P. P., addressed a meet, ing is the Temperance Hall, on Saturday . evening last.' ' • • • • The Presbytery of Huron met here last week. ''The attendance owing:to the severe. weather was small, It .is rumored that s s • tsps are to be tAlrea foe the contesting of Mesera. R. Symonds and J. Gosrhan's Smits as eoun°`71ors on the ground• that they have not the properqual. • Episcopal. A:DBATH SEly1'10ES AT 11 P. jot. AND 7 P. 31 filundaya riJ,0Dl r Maiikenzie'a h411 at 2:80 Pp m. J'rayor meeting, wnT ailtieedayevenpig 4 7:5 115V.. a• Ha. Mapopn, pouter,;"' •Ch■reirtdi.thtr riQ1ld Kana t11.Iinld service anSunclan Feb.8thtrext at. 10:80 a. na. FATn1ya ti'SST Priest. .01.4 :SOCIETIES &c•, .•, W1oglao Lodes, No. 26o, A: F. N.A. M., 0•. Il: 0. EFTS EV 1 TUESDAY, ON OR BEEQo: the' nail of the Moon, In their Hall,' 11cM 10014 . ttaatiand Lodge, No. 1111, J. 0. O. F. -(BETS EVERY TtZURSDAY EVENING AT 8 O'- clock In their hall, Mason's glop%, The Encampment No 47, 1. 0. 0. F. A/FRETSS EVERYSECOND AND FOURTH MON. day ,ineach month. Visiting Patriarchs cords. invited. one Maitlah4, Si. Et, 1.0. f. EFTS lVJI) SECONH AND LAST FRIDAY et enings in the gr,ontll, in their $ell, Tamlyn's Hook,, *Ingham Ld3s, No. 130, A 0. 13. W. EE'rS EVERY•THIRD FRIDAY Ftvgtria to 4N • the month., Lodge room, Topil;Yn'p B1093. Nurse Connell, No. 10. Inter 51 ChoM■ reloads. V.LEFTS EVERY FIRST MONDAY EVENING IN the month, in their Hall, Taunlyn'a Block. . I,. 0. L. No, 704. • `* IEETs EVERY FIRST FRIDAY EVENING IN . Vthe ua4,>Jltlir Excelsior Council No. 000 goys) lielnplero,.1 Temperaocs, I► LEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING IN THEIR IVL room ibinolteniie's ifull. Mecha■Ico fnatimto• • jestion of the luugs. Waver 111ook, Reading room open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wedncsdaya, 2hirsdays and Fridays from. , P4164 of woc4 lying at the station for J to 10 O'clock, p. m., and on Saturdays from Oa. in. meat te1U.p. Lu. Library main on Trladav, and Friday. • . orenlugsfrom 7 to 8 o'clock and Saturday uftcr• / Mr. McCellutz] is busy shipping uord pools jrgn} 3 to ¢ 0 c10okE, wor d to London. ifientlpone. • rhe annual missionary services in eon• 'neotioh with ,the"] tethodiat church of this 'village; were most iiitoieeting and success ful. The work of the society and its claims :were forcibly presented 'by the Rev. Mr. Chown,iof Bslgraye.'• 'The •. amount collect ed and subscribed at . the meeting was $87.97. • , • 71RUSSESil, The jubilee singers had a good house last week.. ,• A reorganisation of the batallion band is in order,' '. The revival meetings in the Methodist church are doingmuoh good_. . Mt:. T q. Rogers, of this place, has. sent a box of his prime salt to the New Orleans Exposition. .. . • The'. Post • says: • "One of our 'residents was, seen wearing a straw ltat on Thursday of last week. Kind of rushing the season as it .wOre..!, . • • EAST WaWANOSH. Mr. J. Fills, one of the sold .settlers -of this township, passed away stidde ly last week. He was a little over .70 - ears of, •age. The fuaera,wasvery, a g,ly eaten k ed • OuiMonday Mr. Arch. Brant, of the 13th con., met with rather a painful accident.' While in the mow of his bawl he accident• ly fell, and his hip struck with terrific force on the corner• of the fanning mill, which was standing on the barn floor. Mr. Brant is able to be able to be about. 'blab the Injured m•tmber gives hitt much pain. WROXETER •' HIL= T. J. Gibson has returned home from Manitoba. • ' A. purling match between Weal teams . is on the tap's. A new tailoring estiybliehment has been started in Sanderson's brick block. • the concert given by the Ball Family in the Methodist ohursh he e was much en toyed. , • peaty of snow, good sleighing and the temperlatigre • as cool as Ulf) most cold blooded could desire. J3ELGRAVE ' ,r. J. B: Golnaore Is laid up with cop - ppm Mine, Mr. W. Allison has sold his blacksmith • 0""c 1I0t1R$ PROM 8 A. M, TO 7 P. M. shop tom Mr. Vannoran. • .P' Ficosis, 1'oytnlaster.the cheese f tyitory meeting hold here • Town •aa4. on Thursday Thursda of Nat week a company was lrETp FOR 1?IiAI:TICE. EVERY 'CITESIIAY formed for utilising milk either for the 11/ jai and Fridayhight. W. marrows, President, pFtiductio2i Of cheeiteor butter, aud. 9800 in stock subscribed., Mr.” Wray was ap. pointed president and Messr3, Russell, 13fley, opypns and Coultoljs, directors, LOCAL RAILWAY TIME TAKE. We Mirth. Arte -40:40 a, its. Depart -10:40-a. n3. ptrr ve—'3:10 p. tn, Depart- 3:10 p, m. rrlve— 13:00 01, Depart— 8:00p. m. arrive -10:20p, n1, jllepart419:lUp• in. Trains loavintt 1Ai20 mine Tuesdays, ' hyrilty Yp tjly toloo SoonM Wag. fell. MA' a,sur ft R, 0KYo nrpJy 650 a. in, Arrive 11:88 4,m. Orr re -t. 2:5531. m. 'Arrive -10p. n;. grain looting at 6:50 pd gaturdays only, 11. arrive-t0:40A. m, Ii7Tlve ff tea p, at. flint Depart- 0;04 a, nl± popart=-L1:18 a, m, pepart--, 7:40 p. ni. THeaday4, Thuradh 1, N, a 0, Depart++. 7:45 Depart-. 1:4d is {, J. Sao ►09P API"' dl 7 -aft,"".•r.. •, The little son of 'Rim. Spence, of laurel vflro Was badly frightened by a dog 'some time ago, and from the fright became partially rsralysed, .is still quite helpless, altbotig}1 the bravo little fIllow makes every effort to help himself. On Friday evening last a number of young people, about 130. and ono of *the Wardeng, Mr. I. Johnson waited On the Bon. G. 4. Taylor, of tb , ps,reentigg, flap field, and present d hi,u v.i it 2.11 iirimense load of clots, ts he cui,i: - :'tion though erten in number, is sale v a torgicist in - .0107 go04 hOriigptl,rl,Work. At the Grand Trunlc railway known as "Raneford'a,'a mile and a halt• east of this town! an accident happened on Wednesday morning .of last week, whereby Mr. g, johns, a respected farmer of the 2144 con. of Tholseramith, blatantly Lost itis /tie. The road 1e.a,dng from there to the Huron ioad,.wee only opened Iasi *Inn tour, itndris an eitsy ontlet for farmerlivliib the and con., ••ninny hauling wood and •d n• stuff by title hue, :rl,'s,J ohms wag'driving a load of woo , Co 'trial:ton, and either thought he oou.cl get, over the track hdioro tlio morning traria going west (Pethiok•s) or else diri'•,net:dieltr•the shrill alarm, "Lis the engine caught tfie sleigh" on which he wits'soated, fairly iu.the centre, the 00Th oa'tolier al>pareptly s4ikiug Mr. JOhus a a' terrible blow, tori lining him lip op the tilatfotin'beneath rlio.lie>Ldlight; where lie teas oiti•ried before the train was brought do a slunld. `The:tre4,q.,h:i.,ds found hint, dead, ihaving beoii. .l.prueutly' ir,s;ar sly killed.' He was beads k1 somewhat •nbout the head, while mail of the horst, ni Ida body were broken: His ro:naios Two brought to I{elly'a ,'etel.where they were viewed bw large uumha r•s. Iieueas' U had his head wrappe : in •,e„, rug, .which • na4 account for`the teat that. he failed to heat: the whistle 4 the epning, and being .slight 13; near sighted, may ,,list. have seen- •tale train,,although the train dianda alleged, that hurged the horses by using -the linea A' man stiocling near the back also *tatted to him, 'hut' without„effect. • Tho hors . escaped without a seri:toli,. s,nd were Eosin standing la, slaert disbanee from the, track. The aneidebt` happened within. a half- • a inile of liar: Selina, owe residence. , One side of 'the cow;,eatoher was all smashed by the''aco•idents''the headlight= knocked off ai d`thrown s$yeral rods, '. It happF,ned to; belt load• of Short woad. that he'wttahauling, ;butliad it been••long the probaljility' is that tib traiu would• have been thrownf'bm the'. track ' So far ao can be learned, uublsttnnie,ataached•to tin`vone but'hi tuself/brib ec dent je' Deceased was•a, brother' of Mrs John Jaclllion and'Mre H Andrews, of 'Clintoq.. He was married:to a daughter of Mr Roit Laudsborougb,' who, with a' family of senGla Children'toinuurn hie fate, .New Era WHOLE NO • Neighboring News•- A runeway, team jumped into the alefgii Of E •Robinson, of Kippen, striking him ort Wood is selling iu Gorrip at ipi. far green , and 51.25 for dry. Wroxeter now possesses a musical and iterary society , • I A sxati•ig caruivaI will be held pn the Wroxeter rii,jt on Thursday °veiling, Fob, 5th 5'Ire. 1 atria has sold 50 scree, rising west hod of lot 14, on:l.''6.'flatlet-4, to Mr. ' Thos. Wnrwicls, • • Dr. Wort}.ungtou, of. Clinton. has been I appointed medical superiuter dent for that i;et t1vn of the Grand Trunk Railway. : Mr.. Arch, Ue'x'er, son of the late Inspec- tor Dewar, of'.Soaforth; severely at his, foot while cltoppiug in the bush, last week,' e1r. John Churchill has sold 40 acres ou the what half o#lot 35, 14 con„ 'Goderich. tr.wusiiip,,,tp r4 . John Jenkins, for the sum of 2,€00, • Richard Meters, of Hibbert; has sold his celebrated imported stalliou "Young alopsou"•to a gentleman In the township 'o£ '81eI(illup for 51,800. • : • . The Howick Agricultural Sggiety are :raking an effort to re -unite with the WVrozeter Horticultural Society. An am- alganiation would be beneficial to both. - 'At sheeting of the ,congregation of Cal- vin Presbyterian church, Exeter, held last, week, a committee ryas appointpct to ceednvith the erection of a new manse. ebile a boy named. Patrick Kelly was playing at the 'wheel in section No. '1, Morris, a few days ago, he•had the misfpr-. tune to fall and break his arrant the wrist. and dislocated his thumb. fir, Thee. 'East, of the Hullettbrick yards, has already contracted to- supply bricks fqr eight farm . houses this year. This dose tot look as: if farmers are suffer, ing from.lotp price$. A+detatchment of the SavedAr,.ny, from Blyth, are ,holding meeting, in. the. Tema; p©rane;shall,.Manchester. They are meets ing.with considerable success' and intend making a stition there. • ' ' ' The Brucefield” Oddfollows are having tlleirhall fitted up in fine style. The up- holate ing.will cost about $200 and When thi nentemplated improvements are finish- ed, it will be pee of the handsomest balls in the county. • ' WDRPWICH. The correspondent of the Listowel Bean ner says:—"Amongst our most enterpris- ing and thoroug going business mon of this sectionof the country is Mr. Wm. Hamil. ton, tlae.great lime king of the county of Hurpu, whose base of operation is situs• tea about mile and a half from Fo}'d- wich. He has now.. been in the biisrnesso' for Ave years and has made. it a financial suoceas to himself, and has also been a great benefit to the working classes, as , he employs 4 large number of men the year round. He turns out about 96,000 worth of lime annually. Dnritlg the winter o 1883 he paid out 92,300 fpr wood, and he expects to pay out a still larger amount this winter. There are others in the same business in this vicinity, but pn & small ocale; hut the masons all prefer, Mr. Jam-• ilton's lime,as the stone aro of better quali- ty or better Skill is displayed in the mode of manufacturing. - During the last season he had employed Messrs. treo: Gough, titrilliam Gilkison and Jas. Vitie, all prac- tical and well experienced men in the busi- , near, and the farmers of Mi:ato, Wallace, Howick, Elm, and Grey always find a au- - rsarior quality of limo on Band . equal to their respective demands, and most ef'the lime consumed in Harriston, Palmerston and Listowel and in surroulidtng villages being manufactured at the Hamilton kilns. He is now considered a man of large enter=, Prise in Howi°kr •and it is estimated that his resources will fact up to ten or twelve thousand 4ollara. He has a large farm and owns a large amount of village proper- ty in Fordwich. Mr. Hamilton isa native of the county. Armah. Ireland, and is shrewd, calculating and 'strictly loyal to tin British Coostitutfot.; he is a, bale, cor- pulent gentleman weighing three 'hundred. pounds, possesses a broad •Anglo-Satou counterance, and has all•the charaotorietic eatures.pf the real Irishman,• •; - • Tito Goderiohi nzotiof,school master ana the ``Vest Ruton i;tepector have NW - out . and each declares the other iiacapable of performing his duties: , Masa 1X- Kinsman, 6.1 000 sol' of II. Rine* Ki n man, of Rioter, fiat been reengisnect fig teacher of ebhool seetloli No. 117, Morrie it a Calary of 085, Wing An advance of "028 PA 105 ,)1 llafr Miss, Bate Macara, fourth daughter of the late Jolla.Macara, of Goderich, died last week in,that town at the early age of 18 years. The Signal says Mae was' gifted' with beauty, an amiable dispesitign,,• and had many friends. •• , Mr. A. Duncanson; of the 17th ogpces- sior of.Grey, . recently sold to Mr, Rpbert Graham, of Brussels, a Suffolk sow, the dressed Weight of whicb was 510 pounds, and for which he realized the sum of 934.- 50. rs.'Cassady. of Auburn bad seven head of cattle buried beneath a straw stack, which blew over on them, on Wednesday of 184 week. The neighbors turned out and• removed the straw, getting .them all out alive, altliough some of them were pretty well used ups. One was wounded with thestraw knife in cutting away the straw, but nothing to hurt. Great anxiety is felt regarding Mr. las. Henderson, of 6th con. Goderich township, Who left for Alpena, Mich.,somewhat over Live months ago. He was heard from a few days after his arrival, but 'since then no trace or'tidings can be had. Mr. Geo, Montgomery loft fqr Alpena this week tq make Inquiries. About half past three o'cloek on Thura day•morning of last week, the grist and flouring mill in fipucefield, the prorerty of Mr. Adam Smith, was discovered to , be on fire.w. When first noticed the Are was 'so far advanced that notbing could be done to save either tho building and everything is lti eompl©te wreck. The progrosp made by theVictorsr Methodist church, Godorioh, during the the past year deserves special mention.. The following figures speak for theinselves :=Membership at a.beginning s 1884, 361 present membership, 881 average congrega- tion, beginning of 1114,. 80; average. now, 170, The eveningcongregation numbers nearly 300. 'Vile increase in the Bltnday geb091 has been proportionately Target Air• the beginning of last ,year .there was ono . Claes 'with' an average attendance of 10; now there are three rlaeoes with a total AY, era; a of 4r The salary of the minister 14 made up pf weekly oigrings through t114 envelopsystoln atld a redaction has been . made its pew rash, Which iscosti'180fsst $ Iallt - the. head and otherwise injuring him. •• Qlintou Town Fatherit are made :up flax trill owner who is also a gonveyencer, 2 fanning mill wanuf acturers,,1 yrsining, • mill'owner,1 carpenter, 1 brieklayer and, bujider, i dry goods merchant, 1 grocer, 1 butcher, 1'1a*yer, 1 iaiuter, evidently a1. fairly representative toddy of men. • A wing of the •Salve,tfon•army.has t,8404: up quarters in Listowel: The Sartre t gays: at their • first meeting in the a% Methodist church a numb • er ea ill bred young reek were present, who' ren- dered : dored themselves a perfect nuipaiitle'.by.,., laughing, chattering •while tlie"'.aervieelat.• .., "'ore bei o The c n u to to ' n d c d. h 2 e eke g P„igategd of a'churcli, would be a preferable, place., for this °lase, for. some time at least, W,e•'. understand the. army, intends td remain in ; • town for some time, and if they can;bas. oof.,. • any service in doing ^good ' iti any . gest'. they s;could rather he egeguraged'than fu; - a •terfpred with, - Word ,had been received from, that - Education. Departient that the admisiiio}1 of the pupils whoa@ named were pdbliehea, Its having passed tat Goderielt and Exeter , has been confirmed. In addition, they De; partment has sttllptionet Ilia admission of• the following candidates recommended by local examiners: john Bain John Berry',, Blake More, Chas. Simmons, Edith Campbell, Minns Halls and Frances Fulton ' at Exeter, Three "°there on the Goifeirigl1 list were also recommended but not'alfowed', . by the Department. •- REMARKABLE RESTORATION, Mrs. Adolaid Q'Brian, of Buffalo, N Y-; was given up to die by: physician with "eon- aumpiion, it proved livercomplaint, and was oured with Burdodk Blood Enters„ •'' `A WISE I4QNCILUSION. If you have yainly tried.;hiany edree :fo.*,.$ieiiinabisWitabTii ba wafer Qoriclus- lon to try Hagyard's 'faqir( . (ail It curse • ell paiuful diseases when ether predicince f til. • A PERFP'.aQT BEAUTY. Perfect beauty is only attained' by pure blood and good' health. Those acquire- meats give the possessor a pleasant estates, Sion. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood and tones the entire system to; At healthy action, 4 DoUBIaE PURPOSE. The popular remedy, Haggyard'e Yelloka Oil, is used broth internally and external-. lv, for aches, ,aro.. and diseases of an, io,. !#amatory nature. •- A SAFE INVESTMENT, • Investing twenty five dents for a l3ottld of rlaggyard's Pectoral Balsam, the rest, throat and lung healer known. Cures caught brmnhitia,asthma and all main iu qry complaints. SERIOUSLY IL1. A person suffering with pa;i11 and heat over the small of the back, with, a weak weary feeling and frequn:i Headaches, f; seriously ill and should look outfor kids• a disease. Burdock Blood Hitters regul•t the kilinevs, blood and liver, as 'well as the stomach and bowels• The Government i$ oornsiderilrg. the question of iriclictin; P.ir.iell f ,r trcabon or libel.' Thirty-one millions of gold wt^r•i. obtaitied`Irom the mines of.the Unitu,l St:1tes last year. in Wi•inipeg on hithiy Jtln. 28:'d, two poung girls named it4ay andJess,i'i Thomas, tlle•lattnr. only 15 met twa. young men, The men took the Ole about town ijgring part of the day and. got them in a state of intmiicltitiotiT then drove to a hayloft about tnrect Tildes out of the city. After assault" - mg thein they abused the unfortunate girls)... a most wanton manner, titer, tltrevii thorn oitt of the loft and left them to their fate. rh11e little•giri Was thrown into an empty elelgh. The night was terriOly eeld, and the .girl s haci very little a .1tli ng ' Omit their ' persons: The little girls "ninitaged to r„aoh tl►e •.house of her mother .>;n toL4.tho story of ill Usage, A party, at °nee started to the tone of the ' atropityr'a mile rr so di),;,ynt, itud relboliod the other go to tiled her in a - cTyrng n u.dlti;,it. Every Hairs f tr':1. Jody WAlI' 644.04 S.11'' was :ak'('11 to her mothers lemkte 51111 'every put f,►rtli to save flint life, She ill it steal:ty. 'kilo ttr}Jite;ijit t? ia1'oiyvtl ,1s lllltf £3'1!i'; •. ' • a{!