HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-23, Page 8LC CAL NEWS
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• . ..444..44.-4,-••••••••+44.44.4 • •••-• 44*, .4•,4*. . . . . ••••rn,mor•.•
• ••••••Mr • • • • •
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ai,AtrounAls iti4tikusi,(f.or riiVA
smolt Condert 4,2unvermari Services:
A•coOrding to..announcentent a meet- The annivorsaty Ser`vices of the NEW OUNCIL.
ting was,beid iu the Conned 'Chianti -sr Presbyterian chureir here, will bcflield sse ••
Pettinent Paragrapht on Tuesday evening hist for / par. on Seedy next, the 00til inst.; Wien er-xhe Arst meeting ‘of the Council
ode o M 1411•7arraneemeets for livid.sermons will be prdiisilied morning and .elect for the.year 1885, convened ao,
-tIthy Feints Presented by the Patten
madding, Perieveritur Pencil Pusher
/se' Sleighing parties are now being in-
• These,are,onxious days for the mild.
,1.1Tiuop .propzie,s. • ?„.. beu
'John' Eloddii has returiied-lome
ing an et/wrists-sweat far the ifit. militia by the if • as, ti Isiiiii;rani. Cording to statute at 11 o clock a.m.,
cf those in ueei in 94 fowls After Bs A., of asoronte: ' Collectione atter liii the members prOSeut, viz:—.Mayor,
discuss.ng thi. matter,' the 'folio • lug egos seeviee likes of the rounding futtd, ',John lipelancis; Reeve, 'Win. Clegg;
gentlemett .were appuiete4 ti, Oele4.11 . t, t s g ,
tee .0 arratige t 10.pri.tgratnine.. for the rank jig eiPalpit".pOti.iil we have no' :00tutellinrs.A...Dawson, E. F. Blacks
1 eutertatainens, vie: .s1,4ers, c)siii..": 1-#64br ibtke i41.4,,Valtric congiep., , W. •Gannett!.T, McClytuont,.0. Lem- •
clitoyclen, Ilitrk,' Meyths:'tinit, ItiOcitid, 'tieterat 1.,(iiiilitik,t. llo'tne 4.afteimoon ninli • W. iF. ABrockenslin ei 'E. .13owers,
*t•-, Ah rev n6114-111,1) OcOlvies it, 1.-)pputy4teeve, •Win, IlleOlyieont;
a4i(i NY" let.t.t9 tliWool.1,Pitt4s1 at t1Nliver'an, 11.!'14rrol. fiiintlia13. Willsen,
1I IV t rr e the ago tor tiie cocq:t• to i3eng. conntioaenilWith. ateludoo and J. &der seho, soierelly
oved by W Clegg, secended
Nen, that it police office be eStrt
liehed in :the toLIIMot Winfaime, and
that the police spurt he lteld in the
COtineil Olutsaboteeeetirril
IVI ayor then ' appOint 1' A
MilTs auditop
. The standing committees reported
that they had ecteli appointed their
ehairmans'viz „...Stalariesw:Fine»ce. aud
• Bysfirws. • W Clegg, $treetb,
wl* Elder; 'Fire and Wateis B u;
Cherity..W F BroOlibrishire;Pittrietty,
E Bowers; PrintiogsT McOlytnout
; Otir tiea the followines.sweit ,tus- tlieAts•tiei,ey'$e'lle)el tilbte elasii,d1T? Inikde and SUbSPribe t let' declaration 13y wreselesSesaS:she,Q,eieeil wise ail,
• •-• to M10U . ••• poin ,ed gettera pixanwi ng 00 a i e'keifi'34gt; of. qualifieation.and °Mee. ei ,jetiriodtttil not tegnlai meSting,
Oracay ,is at 'present ,on .a teee-eMessrs. .0.....4cinnis, T. f..No,i's knitital.Vsa j5edtosie,wjlk.fbettelAI: 'MQved,bY W. Cle,secoluecl...by H.'
t r mother Mrs. q T"Scet.esed W. &Hai, the Milyor, J. S. servqd iirtlie• 'Church Kerr•'t the Ceunci new proceed to visivrb iviiktelEANE
• 4 •
this town. 'E. .J.. Smallhorn, Dr, TamlYn 11; frelik 6td`7;99 After tea an • ball° er t selecting committee.
9 e •
Ash, of Michigan, is the guest
, f his father-in-law, Mr. S. Youhill of
'this town.
/Mrs. Alex Holmes left this week on
el visit •to re:atIves and friends near
_se Miss. J. Baxter, daughter of Mrs.
- :Baxter, of this town, is recovering
-from- het late Illness.
Er. Wm. Smith, of Stratford, was
in town over Sunday. Ile was a for-
; ;slier resident of this town.
Partio§intending to. travel wil. do
-well to call on 0. E. Williams, Agent •
'Canada Pacific Railway, Wingham.
Ars. Wm. Buchanan is spending a
few weeks visiting her friend' and re -
datives at High4ate, Kent comity., .
We are pleased to learn that Dr.
Towler, who has been unable to attena
10 business during the past week on
account, of sickness, is getting round
acid hear the Rev. G M Milligan
B. A •of Toronto, in the isresbyterian
Church en Sabbath next. He is said
ltioSne one of the best pulpit orators in
the detiourinaticir.
Many of our exchanges . contain in-
terestias items about the performauce
of la.dy voters ou election day. It
would oppear that in every muuicipal-
-hy the fair ones turned out • strong
ind •reeieweled ,their votes for the best
Look vat for next week's . Tnass
Etilarged to ten pages, making it the
largest pi•iper published in Winghain.
-Those who do not subscribe should
get a copy, and after reading it, call
and leave -them subscription for a year
f h
Davis, Dr Bethune, if, Brennan awl. adjournment will be made to the
al C00$11. ' • • ehoreli When itn`ild'ffres6 will be given
, The following ladies in- each ward by fltev. Slilbian, and addr.essw
were appointed a committee es are also expected from the Rev. 4.
ickets and find out those who . slew* Auclerson,,, B. 44. of Whitechureh;
ui need in their respective wads— 'Rev: ' Gee. Levi, asBelgrave; Rev
No. 1—Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. Mr. Hartley, kif_Bluevale,, and the
.Ellison rad Mrs. Ritchie, resident ministeri'd the town Choice
No. 2—Mrs. Towler, Mrs. James selections of roue* will. be furnished
Davidsoirand Mrs, Baxter, htLe choir, and' a pleasant and en.
No, 3—Mrs. Dr, Macdonald, Aire' joyable tii e may be expected. We
Brennan and Mrs. Smallhurn.
hope to see a la*" .ittendance at all
No. 4 --Mrs. McInnis, Alm R. the services, and trust they will result
le/ciao° and .sw iss Bray. in schnidatiug ' the 'members ot the
On motisn, the Rev. Mr. McOcsli church to inerettied,keel in the work
Mr. E. Ed• of the Mister. I :
was appoieted chairman;
wards, general secretary, and Major . .
. •
John Neelands, treasurer. Weed. dealers, are reaping a harvest
Th. entertaiunient will take place this weather.. . . . .
in the Town Hall on Friday evenine We are having-reenlar old fashion-
usixt, the 80th, ii.st. Every effort will ed o • • '
be made by the committee to present
anactian.wintor weather this week.
an attractive- programme, • and WO Now, is the One -for the young farm -
trust every one will. take hold and e.„ era, td-deCideqwlio. is the 'fastest &W-
all they can to make the affair a grand 'Vera the doncession.,
success. The object- is a worthy. one, Don'"6 forget to purchase • a ticket
and a handsome sam ought to he- ren- for, the beitelit'coneert Iii aid'of the
lized. We hope during the next few 'poor of the Mil. • • ' :' •''
days the tickets will be disposed ..of ,,,,,er ' ''n.n.' • '
tr. John,. Arquharson; who has
i•apidlv, so that on Friday w'ening lately Iowa ediiiiitd. in Seaforth is at
next the chairman at the &insert will
present at tb,,e residence of his mother,
arrie . •
The result of the vote showed that
the following five members were duly
elected, the selecting committee being
tho live raceiving the highest number
of, votes, viz:—B. Wil.son, . 14; W.
Clegg, 13; E. F. Black, 9; W. A.
M.cillymont, 8; T. McClymout, 8.
oved by B. Willson, seconded by
. . •legg, .that D. 141, Gordon be ap-
poin. ed auditor. Carrieq
Moved by W. McOlymon , seconded
by R. McInt'oo, that we now adjourn
till 7;30.this eveuing., Carried.
EVNNING sant oN.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted. •
, • A communication from the Secretary.
of the Fire Co., giving the manes of
16 members in good standing now
composing the Fire Brigaed and re-
questing that the money granted the
company.by resolution this Council
ou the 4th of August lust be paid to
the secretary be read.
Movsd by B. Willson, seconded by
E. F. Black, that the Captain of the
Fire Brigade having complied Nt,t1
the request of a motion passed at laic
meeting of the Council for eighty dol.
lars be drawn payable to the secretary
be able t ----------------- ver $100 Mrs. k f this town ver f tl C i d
Surgeons from the International
Throat arid Lung Institute,1780Churelt
street, Toronto will be at the Brans -
wick house, Winghare, Tletedpy,
January 2,7th, 1885 By their now
treatment the ekAnticeptie" and the
application of 'cold medicated air to
the diseased parts, they are. restoring
to health and vigor scores of sufferera
who were pronounced incurable by the •
family physician. They treat allw dis-
eases of the air passages and their
complicatons: such as catarrh, deafness,
asthma, bronchitis, weak lungs, lose
of voice and consampietn, They aro
physicians of large experienee and de-
vote theii entire time., thought, in
energy to the above diseaeeit.:: By their
new treetnaent all Of filviiii;ditSeawsets
a1r7e3.conhraubilaie. .s.tteuta, axbolre6srittoo,ofirolrl
questions. A Candid opinion Aiwat
given. Consultation free,
The Council of the Corporation of the
County. of Huron will meet in the, °dart
Room in the Town of Goderioh on Than -
day the 27th, inst. All amounts'. agaitts8
the eoutit tnust be presented before this
first session of the seccad di' of meeting'.
County Clerk.
Jan. 8, 1885. •
has been raised. for. the benefit • oil , y o • the company. Carried e
The accounts of J. Barkley, Robin.' • . .
arqa as n o
those who are in need and distress. 111
Our subseribers would do us a great
our town. Tiekets may be had from
favor if they: woul diulti ea. their neigl--
members of the committee or at the
hors, veiro..borrowsT.ne TIMES regularly
Tiros office. Le..there be a generous
to subscribe Only $1.25 per year.
response to, the cry of the suffering N „
Efc t''ignies or outsides, but
son'.4 Beteg and re. .51anuel were laid
before the Council when it was moved
by W. F. Brockenshire, seconded by
E. Bowers, that alt accounts now be-
tore,thesOeuecil be referred back to
, eveiY huh Iit atipe ars iti it printed at the ginanee Committee. Carried
home.. , . 1 ,,.. ,trirhe chairman of the Selecting Com -
William MeCutcheon clerk in plains that durinitibis enforCed absence
tuewrnedrafsraoyil,''—turned 'f:ielortwrZell , . .
Mr. Jas. Thom, who' bar; been visit- fed his,report whaen,la ;AO
ing friends in Lower Wiiigham, left zjilataniete,titealalsey,Od,SatonriN,
this week for Dakota. : . Salariess.-Fmance and By Law
the s,,one east c , o ern ..
1.. 11 40 G cl "h Ile com -
w ' OiiiiMfeii; B. Willson W. Oler It.
'‘i. I d E F Bl C.I ' 8
Mr. 'Wnt•Barkwell left otArecletes- Mr. J Hanna' store 'shad :returned
day meriting for London, where he from his visit to Ctosshill:
hinds startiegbusiness in the drier ,4,4
r. n Redmond, of Wawattosh,
line. His 'massy friends here
° Joh
as very seriously injnred last week
with us in wishing him every- success w , •
by tallthg off a lead of grain..
itiShis-new venture. iais Surnmer •
'Irein Oakville, is Mr. Barkweli's sue. "'Miss II. Scott, 'daughter of Mr
ees r at Tho Pharmacy: . John Scott, Edward street, who has
been residing in' Malitoba; for the last
Lately the offia of the station
two years, returned' home last Friday.
Agent lwre has been much imprOvad
-by he,1114, ettiar:ved.;., repisstered,. re- We have received a very neat cal -
painted, &c. fprivate waiting room ander for 1885; issued by Messrs. Mc. who w witikit,puniber of other little J. Sinitti, A. Dawsoja The Leading Undertaker and cal -
4 -1 e I sties has . also beeti opened,
• Coll Bros of Torento. it is not onl
. Y girls, breseAlirtiegh.the Cue of I Moved by E. Bowers seconclecl by ture Dealer in Vtiinitham,“ '
his wifeenevediellshis por• table effe es . , E. F. . " / J. S. .
Street. Comncuttee.: -.T. kIlder, H.
..h!sNt,a, kgenne,ut:phoewr iallbobdel'A aini W, atilil._ " K
err, 1-1 Lein ex W. Gannett„ W.
sorry rt“6,iia.. 4k. op his abode C.legg: ': '' ' • • -
I ,. Firetand,Water Committee,B. Will-
there;1clinekiero ciao.'"
• '• ',I., '• ..)11' ''. ' • . 1 Mt Ws. Meglyrnont, T. McCiymont, '
What. nrughtshay.e been a,, serious : A. DaviSone W., Brookenstiire. .
• . 'I.,. .
accident occurred; a few days ago on • Oliarity' Committee, R. McIndoo, Thie space reserved for
the prairie...is:A, number of . ska- W. McOlyinont, W.:Brockenshire. . - . , . .
ters were enjoying the hue 'Property Cemmittee, J, Elder, E.
ice there i3,914;:e, , Zena, the you tig- BoViers. E.:F. Black. it
est daUghtep oRev. G. H. Comtism', 1 , krinting,Committee, T. McOlymont
. ,
Precentor wanted for the Bluevalo Pres-
byterian Church, Salary 850 per admin.
Apply to either managers or session. "
As Dr. Bethune hasinade a change,
in his business, all pasti tin%
must be settled immediately., -.•
' •
• °.;11.• .
;which will no doubt be 'Mitch approci- useful but orna mental. the skater. notated. her perilous posi- Breckerishirdstbat the report •
sated by tem having to wait for the : don and -it bij'eg skated back and res- of.the selecting committee as now reads- • ,
trains. .: One of. our subscribers says that le
3,.e lope to see the day when cued ber 'IA Aull'...sende of:a slight be adopted. Carried.
is nmell pleased with the improve -
the railway company will erect a new cold bath to ficitt Iii'view of the late , Moved by B. Willson, seconded by
ments that have taken D ice in THE
he DJ -ns ey Rouse• TIMES lately After nextsi.yeek he -4/11-1 serioutiliccidest-on Toronto bay, lovers E. F. Blaok, that each commitee elect
emssenger statiou on the lot, opposite
f the spfendidand healthy amusement its own,chuirman. Carried. .
41 better pleased. There are many
A gr nal masqueeade carnival under good papers published in this county, of skating 'should he very careful On 'areved by W. Clegg,, seconded by,.
but our objwill b toI hall. the open ice of the livers and prairies. =err; that the Clerk and Treasur-
lthe aukiices of the town band will beeet e 8E30 t em
belcOss the seethe, rink this (Friday) •prepare a return to be laid before
On Friday evening last a tea, meet. et.'
:evening. This will be the first carni- The attention of the readers of the in,this Council at its next regular meet -
TIMES is directed to Mr. ill. Elliott's . 1 and liteutry e u tertai nine' t was
-valof the season, and the members of Tura. ; ing, showing the following particulars
heidin the .settool house, No. 6,
'the baud have made every prep/1r .- mammoth advt. which appears in this in re speot to each debt, of this munici-
issue. Mr.. El fott is*a firm believer berry, under the auspices of the Pres -
'ton in order to make the affair a Although pality, viz: 1st, the original amount
byterutu Sabbath school.
grand sticce,s Prizes will be given in advertisless, having realized that it
-Thr the best; costuntes,,and the Zetland pays, and !like a sensible imsiness man ;le evenieg tiiti,very cold ann.stortny, of the debt; 2ud, thecdate at which it
Brigade' 'band will be in attendance uses the wimps of Trim 'rIlk:H3 This there was a goodattendance qtlit,,i a Was contracted; 8rdethe day fixed for
Ins of ninsic. we.Sic he announces that ill oonitectiori number being pr,eient frinfi WingliaM. ; its payment; 4th,-Ilie intere°t to be
:end give choice selecti a tho !pald therefore; 5thsthe rate fixed • fer
Tile efficent sopflittLendent
'There will also .ie a three mile with his great cash sale now going on, :its redemption; Oth, the proceeds et
skating race, for particulars of which Ile 'has decided to give away a spien- school, Mr. A, pewson, occupied the
Isuch rate eacu year and. how applied;
'see Rtogratiitues. ' We have ro doubt diii Beaver Cape aucl Muff, worth $84. ciaair, performiii,g -his duties to the
satisfaction Of all present. Addresses7th,
the amount still owing in respect
the rink wit be welt patronized to- to the 05511 purchaser of $2 worth of ! 7th,
were daiivered by the Bev. NieQuarrielthereof.—CarriV
-night Those appearing in eestnthe goods or over who :menu the number and Eakins'end' Mr. .J. Srigley. of Moved hy. B. illsoit, seconded 4
+are requested to hand in their names (or nearest to it) of butions in a vasei pdee island each ltddiess being short, E.F., Black, that the treasurer be. re-.
,and character they represent to the • iuthe window. For pa. Coolers of.
+door •k..ener: fur publication in next, the manner in which this gift will be
'week's Dam. disposed of read the advt. No matter
open temperance meeting under
win the r you try tor the gift or mot,
fele anspiees of Excelsior 'Council, You can secere a good bargain by ur-
alMal templets of Teraparanee of ehasiug your goods at his 41/ata' (11411
and inspect his immense stook.
Ore WW1), was held in MacKenzie's
Hall en Monday evening !last, Al The tricks if spaniel dogs are pra-
t, :ctitgh the night Was stortity, there verbisi, and ow which took place the.
irits 'a ,very fare isttenclairces The" other week itay be -Worth noticeing.
.'shalr' was eeettreabY Mr., 0 Varney, Two men were sawing woad down
and addresses Were Oren by t 0 View. near where the "skating was on the
Mr. Totten Rev. tfr. Eakin, C. L. prairie. Mitt Of them being the owner
Ioyandt d the 0 h airla tin VO0a1 and of a quintal. One of the skaters
luttrnmehtal Intl +t wets given by skated out to them along the windings
Viestirif. Park, Orr,. and Smith, Mrs., of the ice, alai when-akating back held
areith preaiding at the organ A a pair of gloves in hie hand. The
and full of interest. A song by Mrs, quested .to hand in. a•staterneat at next
Eakin was well reeem
ived, as was also a regulartweeting athe council slowing
song entitled "The Irishman's Toast," amount at credit of the town at the
by Mr. L. Fge.' Becitattons entitled date of suet) meeting, that he hand in
the " rental NI' &IOW " and the Our. a staternent previous every regular
few Bell "were given by Miss Jennie meeting of the Council showing funds
and Miss Maggie Cargill, Thee were received by him iron ail sources in the
well rendered and thoroughly appreel- mean time ;that the Clerk open a book
ated by :the audience, Mr. Bee.roft in which he shall enter on the credit
goo in good style a reading entitled side thereof all Buell amounts 644 be
"The ()AP lterse Sled," and Miss Owe on the debit side thereof
Jennie rtiVce also favored the audience all OM pea by the. eounoil in pap'
with an eMcelleilt reading. The choir 'ilea of aceonnts of alt and every kiud
under the leadership of Mr. 14 ryfe, and idialj at every regular meeting of
allied MO to Are oujoyinent by their the (bluetit filth,/ the lthlattba at (imam
rendition or foomitil citoace selections or debit as thoOase may be. Carried.
of Musio, Altogether a very leasatit oVed by 'X' 11,1001yittOnt, seconded
Tila4 /mimeo given by W. Kitts. /Tartlet folk .ed him until he had re. tune was Fpollt, fitta the trin)e ere of bY F Bleck. Oat A Dawson. J
Vet iustrdmontal selectionS ea fling ftp snatched one of the gloves lateil on th.r sneonss Whidh attended dominittee to ?nquIre Int() the matter
pechilly being r"..--;ncb enjoyed and ran naok with it through the their annual ieiterta'tsieent. The of the exemption Of certain manufact
apprvoiated hy tbe auiPeneo, W, Woods to his master. The skater fol . vellool is in 41, prnspattuit ,doucluion, tries and if ti t bylaws exempting
-hops will have enrol er lowed, but the Spaniel' could take tlu. teest ditritig the year we havo said tfittirfaotorivt have peel, fully
4eppoilroulty iiPrillog this tape al ,horteet eats, arid got to the wool just vommonend that it will inoreaso in , complied Witb, stud committee shad
quartet Ca ail•benefit eonem to be ,awera first, when the glove wee rf, Inlinhers 4111(1 ugolultiess, and be a hand ovor debentures to •the, colleetor
letate Tne progratn was well carried turned to the toldiP/ &ha then run. the sabhath 801061 are to be conitratu Alder and IN Brookenshire be a
f I i I torte COMO ler the pityment of /tie tax eamptiont
ivn ---------------.1 ; of 'tip poor tared to the owner by big InitiO Pi or pont n t 10 tiS
in the Netter 0E Xolin bleGratteit er• the
Town of WIngham.. In, the Cou ty of ,
Huron* infer° -and Tinware. Arch...,
and itanafootiirsr.
The gi.iye natted loin) MeGrattan' has
by Inagiiiere bearing date the 'lira day
Jahuary A. D,,1885, assigned ' transit.
!erred bis estate to the undersigned ail a.,
trustee for the division thereof entono,the--
ereditors of the said John 51cGrattan and'
all .persotts haying claiinS against the'laid'
John MaGratban, are requested talsehd itt
theirnames residences and partieulareof
claim, duly.verified, and.tha nature of Se-
curity (if any) held by them on 'or before,
the 14tb day of Febraary, A: D. 1888: ane
as soon as possible thereafter, thel:1144r. , --
signed-will proceed to distribute thc.aset3ts.
and estate iu his hands ratably. erf'dlitet
the parties entitled in accordance with the,
provisions of the said trust deed apd °hap,
107'oirthe revised statutes of Ontario.
having reference only to the claims, notice
of which shall have heeOligiTee, 0.1/0Y6
41411B8 WATSON`,
Wingliata 0,t Ont,
Creglmeet 1104 eatate,
'Artery, 7. PAL,
WINGUOI *atIc.1117,
NVioightkok, 4u, 23rclk
lot to 2
79 to 01;
70 to Hi
° 20 .to'
66 to'
66 to
.35 to 9 toil •
Batter per lb. in, 4411i 11‘$ 6114 15 10,
Has per dos 20 to. 'II
Wool per 40 to It ' •
nay per ton-, . ... w•. w 8 00 to 104.4
Wood 1 25 te 1 2o,
wheopt* tits
Spring .kk
Oate. '441 ww,V
Peas 4.4, 6,at
1)0tattOetk"i kw,
fl 011e „tool. ,1 at whoselect it lad been laid. ' in the coatinuaity. Varrie .,e(1*#(1r.104...t • % Q Q0 tu tt4t,