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The Wingham Times, 1885-01-23, Page 4
r : WIN(' 1' .M TOPS r+'iljn, Y JA,N, 28 tart lasar-pa That Notorloaf mama"( Cacti. way of being'l,nshed up, when I decid- To the Ed1to of the•Qliriton New Era, ed to have juatiee idd•. rt_rht in tine __-_ _ ._ ._. •notorious cable. Our "typographical imp," after Sit',, -111 reply to • an item which Mallory is out on hail to stand, his readin alga -udgenient of the. Suprefns apUeate4 in the Godctriolt Stier. refer• trial on the following ,bargee. Ifo g• f3 J 1' ' f the Donliilion ring to Y )ur report of the above case, in , the llrocu$s of the. Division Court, Court oft the validity o 1 would say that whoever the writer obtaining money by false pretences, 'AIM' Alf c old now Ineaii , a • m a straight- r ' I ala informer •in Inv, " Great (7usl titutil?ilgl Bungler: "• forward report of a pilb'lie case, which neighborle 'id, who have been imposed, _ secured at the 1lagisarato's Court, upon and deceived in the salve way; The er'ut•, r'6.41 Am s•tys: If in the town hall, In \Vingbaltl, '1'he awl t have determined to. have thele �'1 there is itavti,in; ilii email til to It ,,.y Riots of the coact were exatotly as you indicted, if the endo of justice aro stated, if your esteemed contemporary, not "satisfied, independent of any at the Godericl) Sttar, will now make little truckling and underhand influ• inquiry at the ofllee of bile Crown grace of this loan Mallory. I am, to., 'attor»Hy in-Guderieh, he Witt find the THOMAS FLUKER, papers i11 this notorious and uu ruse- Complainant in, criminal Case PUS oaEe lire properly' and carefully against one M:. B, Mallory, , 'filed there, and shown even strut,ger Jan. 14' 1885. facts against the accused, Mallory, of - - 'Blyth, Than then stilted in the` raw • ' °',' Mori is. Era, and if .necessary we will l)avfi tt;. full report of the''e3iden,aecseilt you, -Very cold stormy weather prevails. for l ublication, if we hear of any Tho thermometer has been 24 below more ravines or bravado from elle License .Act, things sir a ol that report wits, I respect hila, as extortion. and frond, There are rev donnl4's t'G- C. Ii," alto it v` as a most 1lt p t tit 3 e 1 ,� oral p a. ties, , Blare illi >titi t.l tri a i 1 11 "' it is for a man to take :> la 1, l aria when' 1t" is walking with mem 1 ar, .of the, nrti a sli.'•tio f, in ty, c!utehiyg the arin of I.t,liea uu, our j��ulk•• Lc streets; lc>a.litt4 it's tht-y \\ere llllarcti- ins the ileac eeeaturas home to their mammas; but it is only fair to say that the habitis by no means a Can- adian one, but a inissrable importation. On Thursday of last week the , Sloan Act was carried in the . counties of Rent, Lanark, Lenuox,Addington and l3rome. In Kent' the linajority was 2,229, in Lanitr1412, in ` Br .me 550 and in Lennox and Addington 914. Yesterday the Alit' was voted oil in th• e Mellor ease,within( the •addltlona .l 1 cit of Guelph: 'At the time of going Y kn'ow i here: Y P g 'facts, which brought to ,fight at. ,, to press we had not learned the result preliminary examination of the else, Mr. A. 3. Crosett, relieving station but we hope next week to 'as able to 'before the bench of magistrates, at agent, is going away this week, as Mr. announce that the Act has been oar Wingham. Here they are:—,some Gates is expected back. glad by a good niajority, months ago, this Mallory, who keeps The store Un the Wawanosh side of a little fish and grocery stole in Blyth. Belgrave seems•t by Wang the lead, sent a notice to nze in appearance as they keep a \,et°;.• large stock, and The opponents of the Scott Act resembling a division court notice. have already piles ui lit•w Spring goods and. their organs are • labouring hard and claiming expenses, and costs of in, also a, large itiami at i tun of new' just,now to prove that the unconsti- 'application to court, and dated from teas. . Success itis •the c�i terptising ..tlztiiopality of the McCarthy Act in- Wingham. Beit we poor people; to•.:pz piietoe, ,' yoives the unconstitutionality of the whom this thieatetdng ;itucl vlielgallv,' rphere &Lie's great number of babies Scott Act. If they will reads the re- printed, notto'e;wtis•sent, ,, reth iiv&I at in the village ,of,.. Beigrava; and all we sent our little giri $o ;E lytl, t{.to., ;h{ve=„thelr.•turn of a severe• cold.v that Dont di cttssidn of the Supreme Gaup:. make a a ,cent on the ch btu, and- ., payment is.going around. .. again, and read it more carefully this Mallory took $2 from her, and gave A large (woad k expected on Thurs- time, they will find that the decision her a receipt as follows : Recd, $1 day at the meeting for the purport- t.f e±tpreSely lays}clown that the Meer- ;011• debt, and $1 on costs of court. sorting a cheese and butter factory. ' thy Act is ultra vires except so far as My wife at once went to Wingham. relates to wholesale and vessel licenses court 12 miles distant, to the division January 20, 1885. and "except also in so far'as the said court office there to pay the claim zero this weak Blyth extortionist,or through the slush Our grain market is.taking the lead columns of the crank Iibeller,the late Farmer are coming in strings from Blyth Review, the a.titlior 'of which near Goderiich with their wheat, audaciously aspires to the rank of a journalist, whi(h he was never fit to .occupy. You cannot Mr. Editor rightly .appreciate the atrocious, nature of the Ver Yanormau has purchased Wal- i ter Allison`s .blaeksrnith shop,'nun as he is 'a first-class p,eolianic witn a great deaa of experience, no doubt he .mill do. a. gQocl. trade, its he is well and costs, believing the case had beeu acts respectively relate to the carying entered against us there, as Mallory' + Hun.xin•gflilli into effect. of the, Canada Temperance stated to my, little..gtrl. The division MARRIED.-In*Hawick on the 14th Act, 1$78,"'otherwise the Scott Act.• court- clerk: informed us there was ins(, at ` 'tit' id nc "of ''the bride's no such case entered and he could father, by Lire=v, A. G. Stewart, , not receive the money from us. Mrs. Belgrttve,'M� Jglial a3lidrty to• Mise The majority of 2,07:, cast for the Meryl. Pot teacy'i"eI eat'iclaugh%er bk Fluker, my wife than returned to' Jelin Po,uero both of Hawick Ssott Actin Kent is the_ most remark- •Blyth, to see Mallory about it' when : y' r i 'Lisem' "� s able vote in•ttre history of • the agita- he informed her- amain :the Glenn A lanai( acciden` oc tted.„recentl•y ..L '• A CHANCE tTO MAKE $1,000 -. ON A ONE DOLLAR INVESTMENT. :/boll°i71Td].*:E3©o /3000 '004.0,32,. 20 Class((®( 1'00 C7aeb.. Tho foilowlisc lint of 1'i izea will bo•awarded to the rations who subscribe for our !'aper betwomt thht diat2 and Ole 8004 day of Nardi: t 7}} // ,, ��77 [1,i L Wo will elttor otic name on our mlbscrip0an book('. rn;1' Fi4�lL vl, ' n W(2))Jl eti iinii`sendaou hawed lwlyby,enlcli'nu111114eulauWibetvn',d,rc. Farm, nt, 7 told null htoelur an - T 6 ). Y Y -9 eelptb.mood ftu',tltroe of t1,0 loik,whpg pra1000441 ' ' • ' • -Tie -List of Presents 'to Be Given mill` Subscribers: 10' U s eine tltnent amiss off 50o each $5000 ' 100 Solid Silver Table S]gong:• $ to' ' 20' U S Ureenbacks o4 .4100 Gael, 2000 100 E011,1 Silver Desert SpaAus 2a 0 1 17 S Government itnn.l 11Un0 ktq Sets Silver Forks 01 to the set) 1000 20 17 S G1:00nbadts of $011 tat -it • 111110 • 100 Sets Sliver Plated Pinner iinivea (0 to set) i 00 17 S (v,,dnbnekn of 41.!6 dole 11)00 100 Silver Sugar $helix - Fa 100 U S tlrceldate to of, 5)0 . w h WW1 FU Sliver Ica Filcher* , °Oo 100 U S Greenbacks of $1 dub 1100 1000 Photogrl t 44010 5 (lagan Parlor CrSmn 1000 100)) 1 orket Silver Albums. $2 cult Fruit knives ...... ......... 1000 3 Grand 1'inne9 ' 0011 1000 Gentlemenai'Ocket Koh .4+ 1(111) A; 1 Twenty.Foct Sloop Sail tont.— .-. n. 200 20 Gentlemen's (cold Wadies 1011( 1 ]bob ltoy Flftemt+uo` timer 100 20 7,adles hold Watches 1200 ,rt, 1 Four -Oared 1t0*-btati.•.......... . 102 f (h Beta Watches200 yt 1 Columbia Riot chi 100 I Solitaire Diamond Fingerltings .r...... 400 2 PTokwGBms 1 • ' F00 2:,00 Souvenir Art Portfolios .. ._ . 1200Q 0 p uggies 1000 51)0 Lades'(md Lockets 000 tt, 5 101egat)t Black Snit Dress Panetta eta 200 500 0old Fingu Rings 2 ViilageCurls 200 4011 Latl',es,Breast 1'11111„ 5 Bost Sieger (boning Machines - 250 200 Gent`s Scarf Pins and \Vntrh Chains 2 Raw Silk Parlor Snit, 402 I 2000 Fhtebfounted Gold Toothpicks 2 flus,( Silk Parlor Sulu) 6)10 ' ran Beantil114 Nickel Clocks 5 Silver U1tu1'rStrvires 500 2(40)) Gutd'l'o0thpioks I Black Walnut Mudge :'op 011uu111or Suit—. 100 2000 Gehl Pencils 100 Sets Solid Silver Teaspoons -1i to the set.,. 600 los I' 1,1 open Every subscriber who does not get one of the above valuable prizes will retrive a present of Tvs•eno•. Five Cents ht atop. .t.mt.euiltor everyone Who nlbsuriben for one year will receive our tweed v-fenr page elegant illustrated laver for ane year and Three ltcceipts good for three of the .,bare presents ranging from 25 coats 11 rash to One !I konunttd Dollars in (Inds. Our raper hen now a bona -tide cir- dilation of 150.010ubsoribers. lino been established eight years, All of the al ave presents will le awarded Murch 811th, in a fair and imported manner. A full list of the aw•nrd x ill be fore ishan tets.,vibers free. )4•l;. sons living at a diatoms, will have pr•,seuta sent them by mall, exproos or freight, as rosy bor,.tlriatol by the article awarded,. Positively no postponement. *1'15310-• Cr :1Uti-1'1C,..tx-t ..X•Y. which' you send us is the regular nnbscription priorfara•ycariy subscription. and therefore i clients; nothing for the presents, 1)11 not ist this opportnnity go b>•, lfe believe yen will like oar paprrso'.v,-I(t ret you will remain a regular subscriber. and say with otbersthat you wont.. not bo without it for Oyu bun's the cost, YOiJII $UBSUlt 1"j`Il i3R} 1;,. Get five of your4riundrto• join y0,, by cutting tint, rig nu,l' showing it to them. Send us $5 ond Wo will send you the paperfurosu year, , azul three numbs, ul1 v 1di'tu for earl: of your subseritwrs and two extra forourtretamlr.. , SEN1)'1'E, "•i 4114')I1110I1S With $10 nail we will pend 1`L papers one year sad 50. nnmberokl receipts.. good 011` shirty -Mix *treading,. and in addition we will Mend you at mitten solid luuutnfr tttst.tl gold(( t1Aimninant \Vateb free. Tiis watch is aline . time keeper and cannot he. told from a genuine gold want. Yn1) can trade thi, watch'for front twenty to fifty dollars. ':4001 c.,n hale the papers soot to you frl•11,18 and we will make the receipts all out in your name. Wo,tauld rot make this watch offer did we not cnndel the; entire product of the factory. • ' FAR( FIELD AM) STOCWl11M is ono of the oldesk�•uu d ablest edited Family, and Agricultural rapers. It contains twenty four laria mitten. Tho atkr is mn azino forfn, bound, stitched and cut. Its riretlati-)I1 18 now 1:x0.000. taint Ills COPY SENT FELE. Stories, Sketches, Poet ey. Furst, (inrdc'n, 1ilnnMobold nod Aricniturnl Departments by the best Contributors PI' the don, in 1t. it contains that which will interest,, Instruct ,wd.amnse t),o,wholo faintly: 0111 reputation in folly estabiish_4 and rho people aro satisfied that wo have capital enough to carry out and fulfill any, eficr tr:1 may make. Gan it be tensible that you Will lot such an o rtunity,pr by? �7�, plJ n r,ires the FA1t lI i?IEfd)_ANI) STOCKMAN for ono year: and a:v 11 L.1)()L-1_,I A k li 0 three nunlbored re,xipts which will entitle von'to.three•of the'preseats.ia the want. The paper 1s worth *1,1,0 c rho subscription price. As to our reliability ore refer to any Re*. or Express Companv. h1 Ching,. and the Commercial Agencies, Wave now known the world over. ltfom in Bums of ti 1; may le snit in ordinary letter at onr risk; larger sums should be sent. bY•I istergd Letter.,P. 0. Mono Order or Express. • • • • R1131111:1111N1.0 t loom wee :Presents to our Snbecrtberswiven to thorn absolrnely Free. Eat this onr and Mbaw to friends, orunalnta.nces anti neig11bors, ns It will not ep tent rgutn. '& This is n rent orltortnutty and you should take nd,na vnnc or ids extraordinary offer. Address FARM., 1 )4)04.0 Alin STOCKMAN, 89 Randolph Ct., Chloago. 111., U. S. A. ., 400 ,' 200 i✓ 2000 10(10 1000 • 500 520 • '":?,)1)0";4., & McINDOO — ARE f i dh r* is7 Y .4 BINE DIS;I'LAY ton. The nextjlargest majority that against us was entaat% an court, and to a young filen nafi rd;l Wm,.' Nleteen; ,..,7 ••i t:.: 1. • has Weii winged by tte'Act'was'tliat hel;taime'tt ousts Uf court, and insist- who formerly resiued ablaut tWo miles " P ” of 1,656 given by Heron cour,ty.'Ac ''eel` on.payi'nent., Mrs•Fluker objected east of herr, 1-1.e) ,vase workli,g in a - car to the municipal returns .but as Mallory continued to thre,.ten grist mill at Ethel. wlieit he got his ling P , .her, aad demand costs, she was per- arm caught •in Bili( iftring,' teta'ng liowev r'r the papulation of 1Turon in suaded to pay, and got' a receipt, show nearly alt the„Ileshoff it, and injuring 1:893 ;wits 65,234, while that Of Kent Ing so much paid for debt and so his other 1atltl.•° A was oirly 45,488. If, therefore, Hur- 'much for costs of •court -when no . VIXCx. on's testimopy, to th e growing power such case was ever ,entered. Mallory of the'telnperance -issue could,as it' un• demanded front •Mry Fluker the notice. )'• ` 1 ' . l ••::i• sen was yery -• • Qat it, but. she ref -a s+ed. to gate it up • 0 `r l • - doubteily did, provoke s uch enthusi t toher,and y r anxious to Neighbortrig News,' ism hi the ranks of the temperance when he bec tine -abusive to her, for The fall what 1s looking well :111 reformers, -;roti much greater. •cause not bringing it i i • to :him, showing the vicinity. OtjI 1gr`h'pe'- . ; . have they for rejoicing ails •c.. n rata; evid(:ntle that h'4, feared the con- ''The receipts of the Clinton weigh lotion in gent's nificent •r4'cor a'. mag.— sequences of the outrageous imposition, scales for the qua -4.1f Ef .December• am - Globe. ' o and his despicable conduct. This ounted'to $8.80. evidence and a great deal more of the Jeremiah Foram, West Wawanosh, strongest kind of evidence was given says he ploughed all day on the 31st against Ma•lory, and when asked is of December, 1884. the usual form, and after the usual • The Misses O'Laughlin, of AshSeldr legal'warllin , if he had anystate 1 ent,to make, he Hesitatinglmade a have returned home aEter'a 1'2'mouths. ranolinu statement about reading` iu visit to th? United States. The following, which we quite agree with, is what the G'obca thinks about Mose who have the fraftchise and d ). not use its—"A man ine, free country who has ttfa franchise has quite alit tle right to allo.v that franchise 6 re- in -un untiaod`i0; ha has to salt it for money or m )nay's w) th. He has it in trust, and is bounds by all the sac- redness •ofan oath 'to use .it ill the way in Witold he :believes. it will best contribute to the good government and oJtiseguently to the greatest pros - parity of the country. He has no choice. Not to vote to to efface ;self, and ni-iy have all the injuri-its in- fluence of voting ou the wrong side. In fact it has been in this way in all the past that liberty haseventualy lost for the non-voter has always shown n3elf to have boon a criminal as anl in stn t respects more contemptible Via I the von tl ono, gni bas surely. p wed the way by his feeble cower bee . mil his "self•tiiielcing in. itiorenoe for the 'i n')itio is an 1 the u'lprinciplert h ruin, it eventually all their own wary." Tile ladies p) ovidiug provisions 'far the daily papers that one Fenton, 7 At the annual meeting of the E st courity:attorney of the county of York, .Wawanosh Agricultural Society, r. stated that lie (Fenton) regretted very. J ,hn.Robertaon was elected Presioteut much that the sending of such deep- and Mr. Finlay Anderton, Secretary. tive.notices was not actionable as a - The. Saved•Army:.have ystrui,k Lon- crimival offence, •etc.8 and that he :desboro' and ar'e lielding very success - (Mallory) was advised that neth,pg ful Meetings 'tliat`:viYlage. : 'They could be dons against him for stick.have •crowded, houses- every evening:. despicable conduct. When ' asked -'by -« ,.t . c. ' their worships if lie would sign 'tlirtt Mr. Henry Bushert, of Fordwtcl,, statement, -he seVeral tulles nervOus4y• l.is setting an engine into his planing took up the pen, and looking aroutld• 'lain wadi a view of running that 11510' anxiously to the counsel he had there. loggia in the old 'L+'1rltbaunl stand, he asked him if he should sign it, the cotni:ng season. of the Newest hinnies and Styes in ilk Lace an O �.'1e-s • J 01to 1..-.,,..00 i_. 7. .. 3 .. In Dress.'Cogds, Silks.alld Velveteens, in the Latest Shades, we• LEAD,. h e Trade. Beautiful; Fur:,`.huts away down in price. I11 • • Sco .. &Canadian' r Tweeds.. • •.and!iicints' Furnishings, as ustial,•,our'Stock'' is -fresh and% • • ' . setisunable,'an(w.e are Offering extraordinary, ' ,, ' ; ,. bargains in this di 'pertinent. • In Boots and SlIoes,; Clioace Flin!Iy Groceries, &c., 'our Stocks are complete, and we take pleasure in showing our goods. . -GORDON '& Mee N'D061, ..1 N t. Wingham Nova' 21, 1$84. This $pace Reserved s. ARK LEY The sententious reply • was. 'I doll'( • `Mr. Chas, Jeltnstton; of the 9t1i con + that i1'j' _'j' i . ' of >; 'W 1 f , t+�� 'man Uha U ��.1._I,lJ�.Jk7��ve� care whether you sign it or not.' My cession +esti; awatiosl, a few days ' counsel than asked their worships to ago, caught a large owl ii, his barn note the evidence that irf.allnry had that had killed a Number of his fowl, Ti: n ware Ai r>fused to sigu his own statement, itrneasured four•£eet,six inches across • - which was acoordtlily 4loue Mallory th? wings. (�1 srwas, by unanimous decislcn of the The farm in East Wawanosh, near I ry Tl1, i i JPs., committed to stand his trial, and Blyth, occupied by Giles Jenkins, and •- • belougnl, to the ('state of the late Wto 'pni-t SALE. . ball was at:cepted to $1,000, for Mal. logy to appear at the next court of Jenkins was Mold by auction. last n r-, Competent jurisdiction. week, Mr. Clr. Jenkins being, the pts The el :i'k of the 8th division Cotirt chaser at $3.440 The cheese factory swore punitively to the fact of the re• at Lotidesboro' belonging to the same sembla11 a of the notices used by Mal estate, was eold'to b i';',Vlias.: Meyer loft, to those of the Division Coity(, at. $880. ' ' Mel),” Yrt sbyt(ritrn tea meeting' n Mona and also such notices • were calcullited to deceive flan injure poor and Miter - )(lay next Erre requested to have their at haskc:ls sent to the church not later 'thee people. caused iri the prosecutionso fitate hof than 8 o'clock p. in. 'Mallory, oats thatrthe clerk" anti bail. .Barkley,: the man diet sells shoveso iffof the 8t'1 Division C)nrt under- 1 inware, 'Itc,, very cheap, wail have stook, the proseeittion at first, told for- eamethitig to say to the readers of Warded the pap 'ro t) the in itzz a TIRES kelt lro*k Wsitch far sputter of the Division Court' Miro announceiimnt.„tent it Vitts Iflpp)iQEf.4fk7 r in the • Oranges aro retailing at a cent each is Southern cities. . MEN WAN` LD rive or silt good mon wanted by the un •dorsigaed to crit weed a:.d saw logs. Ap ,lily :to Cleso. riioM.PSON. W'inghrdot, Bt4rS'and.dwellingfoo reale et ''to. rant cheap. ](SosSeSsiorl given about the 16th March. Apply to 1). STEWART. Also a faro -1W 1(113 odes for lisle or toeent..a. Ap. ply0 D. ATEW,1.1tp. THOROUGH -BRED, E 3rin hire Boar Will be kept for service on Lot 1, con. 4,1 llforrie. '.Perms, 111 payable of time of ser- ' Nice. Privlloge Ofrr0ta'e'attnaif neoossary.,V Aa 11ici41iAt , Proprietor, a very cheap, F.- IllU'C1ielE The adtouraed annual .meeting of the Shareholders ana;patrons of it)ite Bluevale Choose l iia i0ittter company willbe held 1* lrattorson's'hzlll, Maw/ale, en Friday, Jan. nary 28rd, 1885, at one o'clock, p m.'The v% hey for the season •el 1885 will be offereti for sidle and the .delivery of a certain quah- titya4,f wood at the factory, the drawing of the rgalk un the different routes will be let, and the ca)ntfrmingof certain by-laws and any other business that may be brc,rtthl herieava the .westing- B:V .Order, ' .Hiro. >lfir3:110 Tattfslw'le. 64.7tflc 1886. r''• t':4 My At