HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-23, Page 2THE WiNG11,01 TIMES FWD. k Y 'TAN, 23
tta,'.,I3 h 43474; What Rata w111 do.
,The 19tu•14140011 siawtteye maws advice Farmers who have large amounts of
.0 Irving sm. tora do not realize whit( quantities
Hobart J. Burdette, the famous l3ur- rats will take Away tpa tik iz' petits and
liul;uau kiawkeyye man, lectured recent-
storing places, Thoesands o$ heehels
lv before a Y. M 0. Association. lits are annually consumed by the poets,
toib Cut was Advice to Young Men.' and ads it le the witstI itrautagos
1.. is more blessed, the lecturer said, to util{ally which tape off the profit of
gi ve thou to receive advice, The onl farwnin;,tllc� matter of securely, storing
mau I ever knew who felt that he was Dora shptilci he attended to,
too young to advise otherpeople was 98 An exchange gives an aepount of
yeas old, and had just begun to learn the works of rats In a hardware store,
th..t tie •+isn't know anything. You from which something of an estimate
,it1ways pay for the best a' vice. Really can choice e made.
eft'e a pounds of
box on:
goad ;Loewe is never free. Did yon even the fop ear the contra of the store.
nate your lawyer a question, my soft 2
Aud what did the lawyer say ? Fifty Next morning the box was nearly
emtdollars if you wan' to bo somebody fool ci that dt r ug the u , and uponatic.ight the rats
i )t nie wuTldi, yet mast begin by being
conveyed off thirty one pounds of rho
.e ours. ll . 1. our great -great greed -feather
curl't h,ttli you, utscaosu he is dead, find. porn and concealed it in three differ-
L;lid is a live world that wants !,Dios ent parts of the building. About ton
;nen. When 1 !tear a elan teltting too }rounds ward taken through a email
'nasi( tlhugt 'lilt Ancestors, I, say: ''1'lle;re lu the door, betweep the store and the
id a ruse Vida needs them.' • I have Warehouse, some of which was con-
kuutvn some 'lieu who were very proud
Of their ancestor, whose aucestore
wu.11clwive been must dismally ushant-
r,t tit teem. We Care more for the pedi-
gree of the horse ate buy than for that
of tlu, 111.1,11 alto sells' him. After all,
'lard warn is the great secret of success.
ati ac:eomplisbes more than genius,
tl't ere n:.: white crows, but there are
j o rear.' useful than black ones. Herd
avers kill 'nen. ; Fun' kills •
ineu. Toe ` good titles' the boys have
it ..y thr.in out, The hard workers have
ow time for dissipation aethey 11ye l' ng
..taus w.,rk goes un forever, but eyt+ry
,ni:t11 doesn't go on forever to do it, fi'e
cl.,adu't de it while he does stay here.
A vein -g roan must do his best and hie
Ira J's eetk now. When you get
$50 a 1,1e for your poetry, my boy, as
air, Tennyson dues, then yen can.
;awl to write as floor poetry ag Mr.
T,:nnysutl cues. t, oaring a Burnside
hat eoe..i1't give a }clan a war record.
1 weet.%.ei:•ht inches of coat padded
across ti et sixteen inches of shoulders
doesn't wake youa gymnast. Men
do not value a turkey tor its plumage.
Dont go }uto debt. If you 011't get
aloe., w, tilmlt more than you hgye,dont
burrow , g e;tl. .rt would glut wgrry
yon pelf so much, and if yen steal
enough, you gen go to Canada and be-
come a (,filing light in p,oeiety. 'Does
to pay? you ask, t to b: honesti' No
wy sail, no if you're honest for pay it
doeen.'t. riot if you are honest merely
because yell thrllk it will pay; not if
you are honest, because you are afraid
to be a r;gee 1 nut.if you are honest
because yuu believe it} that mean old
saying that 'honesty is the best policy.'
.H. il:styy isntb a policy, it's a' prin-
ciple, and if you can't be houeet be-
cause your soul 'rtes a lie and despises
a mean nation, if you can't be honest
for the sake of the clear white Truth
ilerselr, : don't try to be ho}}est i bp a
rosea, th it's what you're inteuded for.
Get 'married, toy son l lyook me in
the eye ; if yuu never do anything
else in th,: world, get married, Don't
he iu too . big a lltirry spout it, but
don't 11 tog deliberate. It is your
duty. U .q't think the girl(' all butter -
ties offashion. If you want to marry
n laundress, do your courting in the
laundry, tent if you want a wife, really
the girl you l.,ye. Be honest with the
world. Llozi't sail .under false culors.
Don't repine oyer your poverty, it ris
godd for you. We get most of our
Presidents from Illinois tanyards and
tiartas mid Ohio towpaths. Don't
envy any great man. my bay. The
creat plan, with his weight ,.f yars
,and care, envies you every time he
passes v 1q by. And if you can't be
a leader, double leaded, a column long,
on toe second pegs, you can be some;
thing knit'ts useful. You can be a
little paying four•liue solid nonpariel
ceale'd ender the stairs in that part of
the building, while four pounds 'were
carried up the stairs -composed of
twelve steps—and hid away iu a pile
of palsy rags lying on the hoer of the
semi( story of che warehouse. The
rats evidently worked faithfully all
night, and no doubt o luokled llugel�f
next day:over the princely supply of
corn laid away for the winter use.
t` ad'on the inside, down under, a
• Tracquitlityt
Prohab!y nothin; tires one so much
as feeling hurried. When in the ear-
ly morning, the day's affairs press en
ones attention beforehand apd there
comes the, wonder ilgw everything is
to be accuinplisl:ed—when eY.ery in-
terrupt.,,ga iii receieved ;impatiently .
and the clock is watched in destrees ah
its moments flit past—then the mind
tires the body. .
Wefire wrong, to drive ourselves by
whip and spur in this wily. Each of
us, is promised strength for the day,
and we must not wear ourselves out.
If only we can 'keep pool mid cam we
shall be less wearied when we reach
the eventide. The children may be
fractious, the servants trying, the
friend we love may fail to visit us, the
letter we expected mtly not arrive ;
but if we can preserve our tranquil
lity of soul and demeanor we shall get
through everything creditably,
A Use III Temperature;
A wealthy and charitable lady, re-
turning from a drive on a bitterly ppld
day, calls for her steward and bids him
send some wood instantly to', a poor
family that is almost freezing to.death.
Then her ladyship throws off her
wrap and wheels her easy chair up to
the blazing flee, ana soon is warm find
Enter the steward to ask hew inpch
wood he shell send the snfferers.
'Well,' says the 1pdy reflectively, 'I
don't knew. Never mind—I'll tIlirk
over it unci let you know. There isn't
really any hurry about it; you see it
'las grown much warmer since I (same
Igor itn WIngbam.
Mies McLeod, doctor of magnetism,
is now staying here; aid solicits a call
from all Who are suffering. Tier treat
;Dents are successful in pinetynino
eases out of a hundred. Positively no
medicine used. Consultation free.'
Cfliee in Royal Block.
IMPORTANT NOTICE.—All parties in,
debtecl, in any way, to I. Ireland,'
blacksmith, of this town, are request.
ed to call aid settle the same on or
before the iirst day of February.
All accounts not settled at the ex.
'ration of that time will, without fail,
le placed le other hands for eolltotion,
pietULe of Iiydia kinkbam, and that In order to (educe my stock before
will 'lain the matte tilt', and till its place stock taking, I ant offering for the
it1 the n,v t, Bethat
anything in the next two weeks special inducements
world, ,ny_l,oy, that is alive erloeeful,
1, ,,allytl. ng but a `ideal ad." to ct}iih buyers in all the lines. Fine
. stock of whiles, blen;cets, trunks, and
valises, and a first pinss stock of hoots unlock., 11 the 1 ,1t;.'ed avenues of the
geeerve so ralueh Love; and shot's and alt warranted. Har Bowels, Hi..neys and, Liver. parrying
flp melte 1+ ciN"sperate effort to colt ,Suss made to order as usual, and spec- offgradually without weakening the system,
atl the im ursues and foul humors of the
RI A LTH IS W E t I4 ru
ttt!tl;T, a guaranteed ereeiile for Hysteria,
Dizziness, Convulsions, Pits, Nervous Neu-
ealgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration,
chased by the use of a%obol or tobacco,
Wakefulness, Mental Dept esalon, Soften.
ingot the Brain, resulting in Insanity and
leading to misery, decay and death, Pre.
mature Old Age, Battrenness, Low of Power
in either sex, In voluntary Losses and Sup.
errnatonccea, caused( by over-exertion of
the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence,
One box will cure recent oases. Eaah box
contains one month's treatment. One dol.
lar a box, or five .liollars for Aix boxes;
sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price.
We guarantee six poxes to cure any case.
WW1 each order received by us for six box-
es, aocompanied with five dollars, we will
send th purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money if the treatment.docs
not effppt a cure Guarantees issued only
by ,TOII110 WEST & CO., Sole Proprie-
tors, 8,l and 83, King St, ast,, `Toronto, Ont.
Hair Vigor
restores, with the gloss and freshness of
youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich
brotyn color, or deep black, as may be desired.
By its use light or red hair maybe darkened,
thin hair thickened, and baldness often,
though not always, cured.
It checks falling of the hair, and stimu.
fates a weak and sickly grotyth to vigor. It
prevents and cures scurf tett dandruff, and
deals nearly every disease, peculiar to the
scalp. As a Ladles' Hair,. Dresainn, the
Vlgoa is unequalled ; it "ontiaine neither oil
nor dye, renders the hrs. eta.(, glossy, anti
silken in appearance, and imp.:;g a d. licate,
agreeable, and lasting perfulyye.
Mn. C. P. Batorrsa writes f o:n Kirby, O.
July 3, 1882: " Last fall my ,�ir commenced
falling out, and la a short me I became
nearly bald. 1 used part o a bottle of
Avza's IiAIR Vicon, which stopped the fall-
ing of the h it and started a new growth. I
have now a. u'l head of hair growing vigor-
ously, and a convinced that but for the
usp of your reparation I should have been
entirely bald.'
J. W. BnwEN, proprietor of the McArthur
(Ohio) Enquirer, says :"AVEa's HAIR Viooa
a a most excellent preparation for the hair.
1 speak of i fret my own experience. Its
use promgteb thegrowth of new hair, and
makes it glossy an ,4 soft. The yIaoa is also
a sure cure for dandruff. Nat within my
knowledge has the preparation ever failed
to give entire satisfaction. "
1iIR. ANona FAiRUAIIN, leafier of the
celebrated "Fairbairn Family" pf Scottish
Vocalists, writes from Boston, 'Arad., Feb. 6,
m : "Ever
lv1 r silica my hair began to give all-
y e of the change which fleeting
time profttreth, I have used AVER's HAIR
Vt tit', and so have been able to maintain
an appearance of youthtuln{pis'8—a atter of
considerable consequence tq•'ininiaters, ora-
tors, actors, and in fact every pqe Rho lives
in the eyes of the public."
MRS. O. Passcoer, writtng fr fi�tu{ �8 Sim
St:i Charlestown, .Mss., April 14, 1882, Says :
1 tyd years ago about two-thirds of my hair
Dain off. it chinned very rapidly, apn, t I was
fast growing bal On using Avna'e HAIR
Vtoon the fallil stopped and a,iyw growth
commenced, and n about a month my head
was completely covered with short hair. It
has cobttnued to grow, and is now as good aa
before it fell. I rbgularlyused but one bottle
pr the Vicon, 11Rt now use it occasionally as
a dressing."
We have hundreds of similar testimonial&
tq The efficacy of AVER'S HAIR Vioon. It
need but a trial to convince the most skept-
calof its valve.
Dr. J. e. Ayer dt Co., Lowell, Mau.
bp1! ,ly
all Druggi, ts,
Look LtoI� L4OI,
ring a_ei
Of All Kinds of Winter Goods Or
;1...7 i,
`t i 41
ViTe must sell our r la.ltt GOODS
so come and. Secure Bargains,,
Ali remainings of ali. kinds of
KNITTED GOODS to be sold at
Our Stock Taking Commences
'la Twenty Days and Great. Bargains
i may be expected for the next TWQ
Choice Stock of Fresh Groeerieq
a r i t e' ntr s+a
f' l (?jh ,' ' •e k' �• Yet she was a lel at enttor to collars. All acco}t}}f8 secretions ; at the same time Corrertin�
trifle tins fresh Mimi she attracted his
latent:ien mi .he street tllei:Aker even
init.. She wound bet arms around his
lu'ck iron perinittetl. her love to I;o o. t
.0o him, lied in the estacy of Ins delight
lie coil id only exclaim
'I dut,'t deserve ab then
This seemed to inorease•ber•,dPvot-
On° to hoe, a t4 her warn tears of love
'washed - hie ie unshed cheeks.. , .:
'tar y dot deservetitll tills.''
. , 4".yreee.yc.0 IIn,..dearie, I .know :1 oan
.ntitl v ere love,' .o- nd•inoralovet and. tt
t 11t4'ir7 I r�,illl.rati follfttvetL
'7' eWON'. tightly- do, 'my darling,' she
RAltrltttf ria...•,' ; •
f 'ltlr'f,'
'\iv'.y *fos,'t you tiPterve It,
'lot`s+ "•
' l a4tl4t got n .nit Coll ,t
mist, be settled without delay. A.cid,ty of the Stomach curing ECi_
i liN IL Ousness, Dys letisia, Headaehes, Diz-
lui.Izinesa earth
urn, • urge Constipation.
, ` I1Y0 HARM IN IT. Dryness of the Skin, Drops. Dims
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of
i o hand•', can come from tieing the Heart, Nervousness and General
'Hagyard's a ectora1 Th sarn ; its Debility; alt these and many other simi-
remedy for t dont 1»auchial and linfluence
un}r of )• p ODIC )3LOODto eEITTERS.
complaints lt`dt 'la eye 'reliabl'e and
positively aticli°r° ;., ple,Bottiet10e;Regularsize$.
nese of Vision;Jaundice, Sa. t healm,
" . For sale br all defilers,.
7,11IT attnaal 4 aei.. rbejrietpra, %lrwy n
Strayed Heifer
• Strayed' into the premises of the Aut•
scriber, lot, smith ),art noel; half 16,• con
8, Morris some time to the month of Aug
ust lab(, a red hlifer, with white feet
coming three years olcl. The owner can
have the same on proving property and
paying expenehs.
Mics. 201111 Tirrop.
DEl1,L,rR IN
Jugs, Taus & 1:owolr
i4'.les hi; many Customers iu town, ng country