HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-23, Page 1VOL XIV. NO I ROI WiNGTIA1V1 FRIDAiT JAN, 23 WHOLE N() 651 . . , . EDWARDS & KERR iwxs DARRISTERS, $w. SOLICITORS FOR BAN__E OF POLICE Pounrg, • .. 1 dill* complainant was on the way %EVEN, is DICIEWSON, to the door when he said this or is published J,JI HAMILTON. Commissioners for taking Okla- , rim for Manitoba. Private funds to lend In straight ASSAULT AND BATTERY 0Ase-MoKis-, near it. Defendant than said he did loans at lowest stet. 011icee-Kent's 13iock. Wing BON VIE1I10114ES. not want any .impudencepudence from Wuxi, • II, .w. a itilYxkt. 8. 4,. owItmoN. 6 4 to.lo, Luolum and Gore°. 277.E Y .7.Z:t.rgfi • and told him to go out of his Mike. the 0 Winekain Nev.18 1880 1.1v ..*/#'0'n Wednesday eveeveninglast an: 08- I think complainant dared him to rl'om men a lintel Block, Joseplline.st Wirkomii, thy rolio. %Wolf; of Oullsoription. Ot.t.6 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. , not snill the expiration of em*Year PLIM wf1 Nluage LI. No piper dine:1000yd usitilail arrow. PsklexecAnt the*entionet. the pulnisner, ,. Verna oz Advertising . . --.4..,--- ---- 8PACIL • 1 1Ye1r, il 41 Aar. 1 i year ---- --.- --. (re Colgtan 010 I 01 ets ono -ht. .l htit mil. 030 OS ;MO 01•8 *to 0 0 evi ow . $ 4 DP G-12T1\Ti\l" One-elg/ ------ -4--- ••t.:.-' --• L. E. 0. P., Edinburgh, and, L. B. C. S., ED WATMS a- nun, Boin., tiootlaud, 41, A. MORTON. BARRISTER WinghaM Ont »RS. RETRUNIC As YOUNG, • tHEYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Offiee, corner Centro and Patrick streets, [WIngham, Ontario. ALIN. BEYHM UNE.. D., W. .1. YOUNG, M. D Y. R. 0. P. 8. X. U. 0. P. 8. o. sault and battery case was heard; be. vat a band On him er something to fere Messrs. Iieelands and George that effeet. Defendant then shoved f McKay, J P's the coma p men e comp a nail aut theoe01 0 ce. ern- Mr:Geo, McEibben and the detendant plainant then asked for bis rent or Mr. R Holmes. The case created no receipt in a civil manner. Defendant little 'excitement, and the court room took his coat off in a hurried reanner. was inconveniently crowded with spec- He might have struck complainant if tators anxious to hear all about'the I had not been there. There was affair. The complainant Charged the delay in offering complainant the defendant With having Committed an cheque. 1 don't think complainant assault on hini on the morning of the •yrs in the office more than five 16th. ins The following wits the evi minutes. lf complainant had got his deuce given on both sides money when became in he could have The complainailt, Mr Geo. McKib7 went out 2- mantes sooner than he bon, on lasing sworn said -1 am land- did. Defendonthslioved complainant lord of the law offices occupied by the out ofitlae office Very lively. To defendant.--Derendant used no more force than • woe necessary to shove complainant out of the office. When complainant got the money he started for the door. complement did not leave the cffice immediately after he was told to go. Complainant dared defendant to touch him or put detendant. 1 sent in on Thursday e: Editors and Publishers. Licentiate of Midwifery. Rdinbargh. • receipt ly r• McKibben to eat my CiWiCH nat.GT4R . • Fresleie* fr. .0113138.TH SERVICES AT It A. M, AND P. M ; Sunday &Meal at 234 P, M. I'Lrayer snoptlia; Wednesday orening at 8:30. ILEY. H. mequAssis ,pantor. la • And late of Hospital for Diseases of rent. Phillip returned, stating that . • Women, London, Eng. thedefendint had peeketed the receipt OFFICE -DE. MACDONALD'S REST- without, ;paying the rent. • The next i DENCE, WINGliAllf. morning (gradity) I heard Mc Petty. p:ece's voice in defeastit'soffi,.e. and • Award defeeciant threateniqg to kieic . .7 • me out if I came in, , 1 immediately him out. Complainant bad the time went in on account of • r. . - e typ eco it took en an go rom e sa e being there. .• Detendant to*: off his - to the door to leave the office. Cow ii„lAsanr, sTit BERMES AT il A: M, ANDtaint7ing o. ai. SURGEON minas overimat, laying it down on•th'e,. ehair. ptainant asked me to go to defendante 4j• Sat 2f30 p. Prayer , Wednesdayundaysmotl evening at MI HonorGra,duate and member of the Royal beside him, and liquored lunisaig„and I. office on the morning of thin affair. • ' Owls& of Deutai Surgeons, Toronto visits believe only 11L PettYpiece. #as, there When defendant was ordering cora IV ingham every Wedoesday.- ; he would have assaulted rae..• I.' told .plainant to leve' the OfArle the door ilsitaillot.. , .. QADRnday ATH seavioas AT School at 2;80 pII m. tMand 7 meetiP.n.: site the Drunswiok Houselle Office over MeIndoo's store .A.11 woYrketgi !marl him 1 had called fox- my rent : xi . the was npeu. If defendant had given •• ‘,3 Su' oe . 1 wednesday •eretking at 7:30.. IOW. G. IL ColtNiso, °loss, charges moderate- Gold fillings a retUrla of the receipt he had takenirom complainant the Money When he ask- . B A 11414, fal.11.sOch v cy vast& r. • • ,biktorable length of time withiangunge have been any fuss. I dont consider The defendant, Richard HO Ines. being- " rnis brother. Ile detainer -me ed for it I believe there would not manner aui, being osjoeted. If otn33P1141I' ant bad come Into an office of n. On and have given me lip 1 would, nave put him out Defendant gave me 'to under- stand that he and complainant Were not on good ternis. Charles Williams sworn • saith-Was in the office of defendant when tie affair ocourred, In my estimation ooroplainant came into the office in an insolent manner wheu complainant came in defend- ant took his overcoat. off; Conn plainant said "Infr Mohnen, demand either that receipt or the rent." Defend. ent opened the este and handed Yids paper saying "here is a cheek for the a- mount:, Complainant said Ise would not take the cheque, Defendant said some- thing about has cheque being:* good as his er the Thank of Hamilton, Defendant laid 0, purse on the safe and took a, Ave dollar bill out of it and drew it through his Angers. Complainant took the bill Mid went towards the door, and put his held on the knob. Ile then turned round „and said to defendant that he would have, to hunt him up when he wanted to pay the rent again. Defendent Bard he'would net and ordered him out of the offioe. Com- plainant did not move, The door was closed. Defendant then went towards him opened the door and told harn to goaut or he would put him out. Complainant dared defendant to put a hand ou him, and. then defendant shoved him out. Dont tnink defendent used any more forSe VISA WaSooressari', 11 he bad net shoved cot* plainant as hard as he did doot thinE he would have went out, / am in the Toots Office learning the printing as an appren- tice. Complainant went into the office in a manner which would go show that he , was something better than ,defoodant. De, fendant did /tot talk to me shoot giving' my evidence. 1 was in Sae office satin• " time the agair was going. on. Defendant did not ask Mr. Pettypecc toput com- plainant out. 'If complainant anew itato be Tamos or any other office and actedlin the sanae manner he would be nit out.4 tionatesallamil. SABBATH sHavicts AT 11 A. t fply tavern said: --The oomplainant snama;ipto . Sunday school at 12:3e p.ot. Prpyer ,not ng, GA VIN WILSON, •P that was offensive tom,-; telling' me corn lament gave defeedan . . ., I my office on the 'mewing ofthe 15th iost that I tnust come in civilly a,n&hellare reason to put him out. umnpiamatie ; I have a witness te prove thatiacoordiAg to 'Wednesday evening ei 7:30. am*. Ma. Tornor, pa. - 'dor. AljCTIONEER, T ;134./f, whitili I •o'ansiderefl vq1r011eh told defeneent he, Would not go out i our bargain, &bent the latoba 1 the g o uncalled for. fte opened. his sak and on4i1 he was ready. Ile went •out in mires OronOY, the rent was Payable .11;t•- ' gPlieepll. fferial me what hesaid was e, •«««- fi reasonable time aftdr getting Ilia tnI ,office and nowhere elect, Niro. scavr.cm AT it P. 21. AND.*•• .Prayer meeting, on We.inusaayovenlag at county, Alt arrangementa for sales can be '773114e.;-:.....-taY d.) /1114 ‘1.111144f' 4ate t4e tiP4e 4441R6t149414'14 P Sip McKibben called on ma fon the reat,.. sunt,fay school -In 31,t6Kenzie's 21 twin. sa.eh htin atteitaea vat., of the Ilitv•it4.0 had bills la litajarld: "• DeikOdfm,t seta irk .a holitY be handed me a. Meeipt athaela4 did`Unf,- . 31V00141'.'Flut. , -inacttow,ticyfr, G. wiraon, Lot Ib 1. oi inc 'godsc.,3,A .on comp antant1W,Iieif he Was gold 't4;irlfteut ofilve dollars ter,l'eul)., .IYe ore' •• ; •• • •;,i .• 'Bast Wavoitrosh, •or on v,polielatieff Vila „ter • iatAligg 'the bilt'Itrough halmeg out I thitik wbulcl ;11diVYWetlf. '..tPc/itat:nry' • 41 9 e • • • ; ••• 41/ice cot the day of"tlinPooealya0040, corn. , • ov zo et after •eiaPt* cor e. - Shed niliiin istted \Mr' • • "? ' ji V - J. ' W' I on 'Vete ' arvAur ne , .' Jaandied at to ine. o • iim then that Newten Orormion sword said -pe- his rent or re himself without any trouble; , receipt. I then took OM iny '"•ffl'il'ittisa'seitO 'at lirol fr" " ' • ' I 5 ' "r1" fii; - !for a bousiderable• length of time, he r • .... 'titttinant came in aiadlniolelatW deninnded q... , i . ; '• ' ,in.''. future he would have to cell and f mtlant told me that he had put cont. overcoat and laid *Wan Ja chair, .1 did 400 . • . _.--. _ if17';111 hefd seivacsontasfek; . icy woo L11. FA3SA • WM, ralett • • • geon; Wingham, or at TUB Tr$40 4 ee. , I t ldi • • t 30ciEuEs square up towards tooxoplainatiot,or atteMpt • 'pay Eke tille rent, that I cOnid not Plainants brother out of tha'offiese IU • to strike biro. - After he relaised OW. lerr.e5 u-.,pleasantutterviensse.th; 0 NAM erday, and that •he had •Pat 00112' cheque he took.the money, Jae ctelde,?, "•'•• il'a68. 11421'44h 2b6' A. "" atifiCES hfidownell * .1) 'Y I d .th3 t 16 1" Arans u•VERY TUESDAY, ON OR BEEOVE . ; /him, Ile said he woukt not do lie • • 'thiewof the kind. J. sta wa rte tor ti s cn the mining efen malt put up IP pavans . ren o e g. 1- I ant out to -da... thialc this that in fonire 1, would bays to hune'bon• r sera t the full of the AtoUic-in their 11.0l, Kent effect, then told laina several tiesto, ..tsvauk. • ' :door to leave when be ordered me out • . complaitant out get out of my' office, Be alarse On Ile yon Avant to borrow money? To buy r This closed the evidee,ee for the • • - • of his office. When 1 peached the door teach him. and..said be wouLd not go/ lint Maitland 1.ndge, ile.1119, I. 0. F. IL/kited in order to open tim door; omipiainitit• The following were till he was rbeitly,, I then pat nay kande more band for Yourself or Your Sous. To EETS.EVERY THURSDAY EVENING AT 8 O'- clock in their Hall, M 80110 Lucca. buiad a. House or Reza: To Fence, lindordrairt, or ether:wine improve Land. 01). fue' and Pushed Clear, When I liad the door open he closeT coed for Cgs, .detene0.1.. me viciously into co his shoulders and _removed bim from hisfaee, When ho went towards the door office,later which 1 shut the doer ha. • ' ' To pity off a. 3.1o.rtbgage icrothar Debts. Or .the hall..way.- • Had he given me the E D McMillan sworn or loY Pa Encampment 330 41, I. 0. 0. F. far any other Putenseee. !ff yen do the un- roberate the evidenee of Mr. Petti- I thought he WAS going out, but he stopped • money • when I went in I would not - piece up to the.tinie that the cheque at the door anafused 4). go eat natio 1 41Ewrs AVERY S.ECOND AND FOURTH MON- Hermigned are ddle to Loam at the lowest it •• day i1838,081138, Visiting Patriarchs coral. rates of Interest and mere reasonable; ave, been „t anbwili e ee two minutes. Was handed to --------------esniplao tht put him out. , Ally invited. - Terms than'any one else in this section of rw-as in abentilye or uix minute.; alto:- 'time defendant was not aggressive to- Thisolosed the.ctiee ifei def413430, and the court was thee ,afeared. MAO the bertott 13, LE. r. , • the country. ;getlier. • 7 wards complainant .Corplain nts ha0011,toprs4 tattaix4/440400. • iviratelZV,gav eXtioso ANI) "LAST FAIDAY nag, tit ,D.ICEENSON, „ actaittsv la the tuontu,111 taco man, • Boiristers, Wiegham To deLenttallt- Plait) McKibben manner in refusing the cheqiie, I c ,,a4razrt4,:laeteszi.4:pn,,hatoltat9iO4xeittenotaa,Bnetn.cfilint:g- ,3,:a. Solicitors tsr the Bauk of Hamilton. rot tell Inc that you ;old nim for eider was leaning towarde insolence, ,41 ' to office I, aw A fter complainant refused to mieept kko .0,14100eta, amouutiae altogether to Meehan Lodge, No. 138, A. 0: V. W. • • "LrEETS EVERY TRIM) FRIDAY EVENVeG IN AL the month. Lodge room, Tamlyn's Block. • Nunn Couuctl, 10.'ilntor of Choosy frionds. ••••••••••• NEM LIZtlfrg1111211,4Patlyrl'IrCe 'NkG. IN Mico Elia Brookensla nae n g - , lir l'ettYpiece ea the morning of this the cheque he was immediately tem- gldandsot feu announced bit in ‘t taffair, 1 am not aware that I told dered .$5 tell, When the4omplaln, entionotappeaneg against the decision r kr Pettypiece to go itto your team., ant got the itionsvh.e went as far as Two P's. hleers.. 17 Corrie a ,t1 ;LA 1 went hito our olliee civilly. You the door, and then toki. &gouda/at that heicriwag44.14 fwiljae° ov,141;ee1;elnftr wro dunfluitittatLii •• liad•your; ev...ecoat on when - i Went ho would liege to linnt L31133out after eirthe Bench, after the (064611 Wan given . . • , in. 1 don't know that you had yew this, Defendant told hire fo lat;ant ,efil ige.eoertitee.teot disnamoitot the .1. Ce: as780 ' *R0 for thelPbst year has been under the; hat ou. your partner NA. He, patty, of the offiee. Conaplainalit 'repeated lauclant. cern/Ong that they flOnsidel..8 ETS EVERY FIRST FRIDAY EVENING IN ' ttutiou of , he onia h6ste to he t hire qn th.e obaree.frivatens and et,„dit th e (i.. . .Is... , thomiontli. ' ;-- piece were in your offing Winn). 1 Went - that w i, rr „,,toi‘.4 with cfmtgaipauto ,_, . _,. , ,,_ . iiitoestorniewii ProfoT Na 000 gelid 7solalsra of linesman.... ______, .0toiud 1.,. . . . SC, 0110 lifitentitlitela • did 4303.t 4I3314I331 ftny goo else the.e future . A few words then pasesd'he- 7- / inI 1130,ree..,tor of the Loudon Plailarmonie o- at the thne, • After you took your - tamen them; eomplainant nie, 0 no :111NOting of the Ltikninien Anteitee." . e„ 01_ robin MacKenzie's Hall. . motif., at Al -,ma, ontr,„' LEGEt) is°. overcoat oif yon Woni, to the sake and fort to leave. :Defendant then 'went .iloi EE'r8 EVERY nONDAY Evainveli THEIR • • • • orspoosd to ;give opened it 'apad UNA ;tint something . to the door and opened lt a,n tolid "he anneal convention • et 'the Otit,- maimed; isitams. • Beaver /week, Reading room open on; Moadays, SUL I"' "rilia TAN.OP 1.1161.,14101.11 • ,41 .4. 002..14a0•110. you sn.id wet a 011908 WO held it in . oomp i t f'• a re laiitaut *rjo hraoal, Di the Dtattioion Allio.t *is , ontinent:ea in seesion at mem on I le ,.• yeur hand, , 1 told yo i 1 did not want , said ho would not go out till he got TualIYetioilWat'1811ParPgeeggae."(;41e714rittgli. orlf‘urW°04:::. the eheqne, .1 took the $5 bill from regdy. Defendant then caught 1m yoa. • No; may have Raid that you arid put him out, Ile used •ne more 444 n witaless to the effect that the farea than was -actually neoessety to era_in filo galliie• vent .waa payaole. in your olliqe, I. do so, Ile ata no'.; attempt I:0 etrike rrof • roger delivered a stirring ad., openeci the door, when 1 Was going hiM, He then closed the deer. Ism dream 031 prollibitiOn, He urged that Mit You told ma to leave your - a partner of the defthe Ponnuien („ieveynment sliould he p l %hal Beni telt? r;,tiohrtcatt, office, I, did net turn round to give toriaplehmut end defenddint. tarried on 4roilthtitinlinwitbin t thota, Weauesusys, Thursdayn bnil Fridays from t;`'11,91.01o'eleolt,p. in., and on Saturdays from') a. ni. ,i lu p. Ati. 1,,eritry open on Tuesday, oiyenitios from 1 to 8 o'glock add Oa datUrtlay ;BIEN, ADVANCED & auxton euriL* ,. ..,90Q 4r9n) 310 6 o'clock. . Vet' particulars enquire at the residence , . fon if Nu, oornor Francis and Viet:ratio streets, Aritxpit p NOUES PROW 8 A. N. 'tel 7 P. E. PIM*. FOStIVaitet, . yall impudence when 1 Wan Otling•Oate a conversation from 0 t MEETS FOR PEACTION. EVERY TUESDAY and Friday hightli W. NICOOLLS. President. L opened the door, ehegne VAN offered complainant yearn, ono that temperance °whim: yank flood. , . J A.. WiLSON1 blj • tinos eliould use thei,k utmost etictel, y. 11 I floo, rettoisioo worn F/ wits got the money. t144 complainant • ve email urlemq LOCIU. RAILWAY TIME, USI.E. • sii•the *Atoning 4oilo WAii &reception era tO enforee the bentt AcL, tlit4 m defendant s of.geo at tt,e tIMO of this some trim before tine affair that he d • id counties where it WOUld ceine 1,40 01.),.. in -1 talked. • 4 . . • alfaif,' 'Defendant was not . ia tbo :had bettqr come IA Ole an Won • • • , try rind' settle with him, , 'rho 01110 0r4,,ti°11. ' • Collage, and registered members of Voter? liillitti.defernlaut.'s first wonotivrtior fie. abnstahl war+. .thve oport tho 01'111 to dioefittos ity $iolittiovri• who, ..1tonpr'ed Graciqpites ;j ;v;: . 044444 Airive.-10:20P• 111.. • Popari-10128 P. 171, thi• 118W0 AMA -Moat sciOritilie Ifif104,11011, • 4, •• . 0 • t • to onnittIONVI the .0hoiluo Offered,. ItAba se° t • fe• 'km! .‘ : t Nisrlts., 814 ' Depart- 3:10 p, IL13, NO.104 AgadOi01101):RPO propiired. einw Jae, Defendobt" , 1 0.i ,t1,1114„ !littd uf,11, sadrett401, woo ditikioc04 s4v#41..,, 4,,,,,k•-nho kat. , napart-to:to ni • 'Arriv•""OP` In' 4. 11°P.14-' tre" 411 qi""4")f 1)°D/C/41° 0.4464811dllg IS41111P'Wh044ViHDPIMirlallt ealt•tib ine .81" MI akers ,14441) 'SoAntot ••••:; t- oinplamPli canto LP Ito (A 'W. ro • • *AO sknt • rIeT 11) • " IMIglith0$414110 0010itliesd0U.• .0140/3.014. WJ4Cre 9.e../VP • tr 1.1113ind.:11015*'..:441.1: udia°f;014111:1:3,70:1 look .t)Aiott. :,!t't 44, 91.119°C.' •Valic 403 ova v cattle into riso es tt c • • DOW •dik • kit& saki" Untidy, AIN 111 'attended*, to daY:and niglog t.e---dent 'end t Vora...talking. gm- 0.001.„ 14imist • intiained fOr. teat Preoi.vita k., - „ • :0" eat - vorldnd PH 11.71.,% r„ . lintiary, in the stand -lately- deieria#4t, • &it t me dace ationt A 4. *tionaap seetionittitten ,Iterr V 8, opposite hlorriileld's'llosei Oorailsinsait,Aken asked for is camp ainaa as. 733s. in.• .1)1:1164-1:25:::•:1441#631- "66* 1'rr 414', Wictg,lit4.11?. • DO- 611444t *0/7' titlwards sidis tfb_id 17:iyanuiruit.6 hePdtfOrtod011ittliatt:t wite°11111-el.,',,,,bnnarnl‘ W,C4oV; °V°0A4diffat' roehnotimelI'41AtellOttecfhP: COO a in. Friva-11:10 6.63. • Tippler- . „, , ( „ , saiy Itita• *Lora paper in ins, ,11411a did no *volts IIIMIWat Wh011 00701IPPWIt e • 0. 'W. • 1,40 . • Arrive.- 710p, 0, Depot,- . p. •• „ ; Complainant -said •t,ould not talcf mono into the Ace, Defendant gantrA prolnintie,o, afire War MA 01 Pr *sin leaving at 8:843 Tuesdays, Timms:Ism 4 14OBT,' 0111,N.ILYGRAill• • • • ' It 140TOklatat4 13fild the elieque W8S 'WO the nifil)0 in 111.1Frlecli INIMIOF stride*, „ and Saturdays only, • as WtOd Jug, Defendant got the cletalant ordered complalna t ftflhI Complamant then told defendant to t ofeeditot ordered liitn ant. illreidt a s. o the 111,83,41,atted Agent tr tl ,a x131441„T\t"t Ohitte, ;ey,.(lottia about tlef) Arriva-10:413 tn. Depot- 7!411 a, in, ition0Y haild" it 'I° c°111Pis'inftift'ir hitttoell la A thresPfelktUVAVvPvt. v6rn iflita Ivo at it, aliA. 8:C4 p. Depart-, 2,55 p m„ smOon &Tint Gino 411 •itIO VOIDO tu 14/III to tyq till) oil tomtit', ur. partioN ceiniAlg inhittiticett,ih, 1410 th,00 ci. lisattitosv, , •?, atk Am. • 54•••• 4, r•• • .•:•••8. • 1