HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-16, Page 8. 1. 4 i' . I)4.gs, 'FRIDAY e fail. 16 �,, . -• . ,.� a., ... etc l THI! Irmo LIN KS ineefollewee rentertatrimeut 'toil, the Tovia wee *maw N vonkolt. Lo;.,.t ICZYS Pet tinent F!aragraght et,tby. folntt Prooented by the raven .A.toddies, forseverlaet Pencil rusher. ,rhe new. • Council will meet on •onlay next, A. meeting of the school board was ;told last evening. Mrs, T. Matched, of I,randon,ae vis• sting friends in town. Wiggins prophesies a big storm far the 17th and 19th lusts. The Reeve of Blyth, Mr• P. Ie11y, was in town on Friday last. Mr, and Mrs. Ven Allan, of „Blyth, w ere lu town on Wednesday. The Bey. Mr. Campbell, of Tees- water, was in town yesterday. • ir, J, T..1,1rtche•l, of the Vidette, ltas been very ill during the past Miss Bell, of Belgrave, is spending a few, weeks with friouds iu this reftesvn.. ' • Parties intending to travel wil. do welt to call on C. E. Williams, Agent Oanadti Pacific Railway, Wingham. Mr, Sanies Walker, formerly in the employ of McOlymont Bros , now of .brussels, is visiting friends in town. ;I?r Llliott, of Brucefield,' was in ow•a tlle.,other day assisting his part• xier;' Ihr. Gunn, sib a surgical operation. • We are pleased to learn that the Rey. Mrs. Ealcin lass reeoverel from her Este severe illness, and. is • able to • be out again. • Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Smallhorn, of • this town, intend celebrating the 20th ailn versary of their marriage on the ••1titleof next month. i l N 1 -paten x arrlston, en Wedresday, at - Now in Wengbam. Hiss IvIoLeed, doe :or of magnetism, is now staying here, acrd solicits a call. from all who are offering. er treat meets are successful in ninetynine cases out ofa hundred. Positively no medicine used, Oonsultetiou free,- Ofdoe in Royal Block.. Remember the Poor. A public meeting will be held in the council chamber ,un Tuesday evening next for the purpose of making arrangements forthe hglding of an • entertainment for the benefit of thea poor of the town. We bGpe to see a large attendance at the ' meeting, as; the object is one.whish all should' take a great interest. 'Let every body take hold of this matter 1n, ,tile right spirit, and the result will be that a handsome sum will be realized for theta in want and distress. The meeting will ,commence at 7.30 .o'clock,. Rev. Mr. Hill from Kincardine, was in,town on. Tuesday. Ma'. Strong, of London, ie visiting his daughter;, Mr. 0. M. 1 divans, of this to rn. A Young People's Literary Socilety has been formed in connection , with St. Paul's church. C. E. Williams sells tickets to any part of America. Rates to California and Western States oily low. Gall on, ' ltim. It is not often ive see two f n]1 moons du;-iug :one •,month. On the Ist of ,,january�' a had a 'full Moon 'itnd ori the 20th aliother will ;come `;to- the; front. • Mr. Win. 11foOutcheon of Mr. ,John .Hanna's store is spending his 'Holidays with his relatives in Oro ss Hill. We join with his many friends in wishing 'flee .Mayor -e ent, A' r: J. ee ands, him ar safe return. tern tib: e e nation o the new Furester's hall thet'e .ii'lrhe'English church Sabbath school ;WeIT TO Vt IN( A11ti Surgeons from the Intornat.anel Throat and Lung; tlstituto,178,Ohurcl street, Torento, will, ba at. the Bruns. wick louse, Wini;hem, on Tuesday January 27th, 1$85. By their rcew treatment the "Antiseptic" and the application of cold uredieeted air to the diseased parts, they are restoring to health and vigor scores of sufferers who were ,pronounced incurable by the family physician. They treat all dis eases of the air 'passages and their complioato)it zilch as catarrh, deafness astlinta, lti'onuliitis,, Weak lungs, loss of voice and consumption. They are phyefeilins,of large experience and de- vote tlipir'ent're' time, thought, and energy to the Above diseases. By their new treatment all of these diseases are curable. If unable to call write 173 Church street, Toronto, for list of questions. A candid opinion always given. Oonsultation free. �' Atlnual Supper. 01‹.ri Thursday evening of last week a supper under the auspices of the Turn - berry Agricultural,aud Wingham Hor- ticnitural Spciaties was held at Meri- field's hotel ,a- verx,eenjoyabl , it u was ant li thoso . 'resent dates elm someivhitt lessened 122. 41,e eral. • dt a-en1 ertauiweuts.,..40.1ug held at the same time. Tho table wa oa tiwit ifttnl"!ie V igii" e or.i -Hoare begin;: f'ii_:m.R e o alt.= Y re ai.. d'"tliazt.. tt-era�constlined. Mr. W. >shister, President of the 'urn berry A..grioutttral. Society was •electec' chairman, anal elated in a very be- couriig;inanne On account of the number of short. addresses delivered, we are unable in a report to do justice to all;•.be it sufneientto say that every- one Went in for having a good lively time which Will be long remembered by those Who were so fortunate as to be present, S Steen, 'of Blyth was in •towii, on Tuesday. re of tlie,most enjoyable of, the Many enter,tainmente hold here this season was that given by the members of 1Waitland Lodge No. 119, 7. 0,. 0. .F., in the Towe: Hall on Monday even: ing last,' on tl►.e occasion of ilia aflicial • visit of the Doputy (fraud Master of the Order .1n Canada, the Rev. N, Martin, of Chatham. The rev, gen. Haman arrived by the evening train from London, and was met at t1i station by a number of the bretlirel>) and the tbwn band, and escorted to the Ball, wliero a large . gathering hacl assembled' to hear what lie h.4d to say ea the jsitbjeet of. "Oddfellowshipt Besidesethe members of the Order here, quite a number of the brethren and lady friends Froin Teeswater and other places.wete present, who before the en tertainmen t was over were amp ly repaid for their visit. ').he ebair was occupied by Bro. J. A. Morton; P. G., who performed ids duties in a pleating manner, and over the plat- form were the words in large lettere, "Welcome to our D. Cr, iVl►rater," The first part of the programme consisted of Vocal muss. by Miss Billingsley, Messrs, .J. Stephenson, F. ilili�!sley and others orad instrumental selections by the orchestra, under the leadership of f4 , D.I incaic" Ail the select- ions were well ren ered,and thorough, ly enjoyed by the Audience, judging from the generous applanese bestowed upon the perforrners. After :. tit conellusiol. of this part of the: progru the chain -owe ie humorous tatroduaed the; bei: Mr. A es, in, whq nu comingfort rd eceived with hearty applause. After thanking, the audience for the kind and entre reception they had, given him, the rev' gentleman for three quarters of an hour spoke on the subject of "Odd. ;fellowship," ar•d, not only entertained, but instructed and ;ratified, his, hear' ers. He is a very pleasing speaker, The anneal meeting of the • Huron ose many expressed ` the parasites in the tieehe. Mr.:Dixon nt 113eaioal'Assopjanon w k"held at,Clln. -•. q'na,.;'r;i us .+nr is good correspon towns,wish people some future time our since' adapted his ouze'tc their exter- ton last'weeil h the f it" `d ' lx' P e ill have another oppor* t i h' lishecl he ficers for the sesame year woof) elect- sureotlndiug •township • Auy one is 1 th d d f and at the el ,entertainment held on. Thursday even - of lest week was a decided suceess tIle attends :ce being large, and the proratuine being well. rendered •and • much •eltj'yed bytl o§e present, The, -union evangelestic seirvi. es held this week in the different church es in town have : been very largely attended, rind vei:1 no doubt be pro- • •ductive of good results. The meeting to night wit be held in the Oongrer- :•g,itioual church• The Presbyterian " Sunday school, Tun/harry, intend holdiug an enter- . `talnment this(Feiday) ey.enrng. A good program* has been prepared, and Seri: enjoyable tine is expected. Quite zi �1uui fl r from Wingli_arn will assist i u the 'entertainment.• Thr 1Vingbam Times has much im- Welled finder the management of Mr. ;clwdirds. °. We notice he has•taken Mr. Ken! into !partnership. " If the ua.lity ,of proprietorship Means the e out,lieg of the attractions of the paper ..the ".pries patrons will be made happy indeed.--011inton .1j ews-Record. 'The Directors of the Wingham Her- , vaI Sot iety held their first meet• iu be. 1885 in the store of Mr. W. Elliott, on Tuesday the lath of Jan., • to orgeelize. Mr. Wnh. Elliott was re- „,plected Treasurer • and kr. Samar 1 .Nowlin re-elected Secretary for the oarrerit year. . effOn. Tuesday evening the 18th, Min- ervia Encampment, No. 47, I 0 0 F., was visited by three of the Grand En- ;.oatnpieent officers, viz ; Grand Petri- )iroii, Oliver, of Toronto, Grand sr, • • 'Warden;Iliddel, of London, Grend jr. a gieVaniati,.Sitt4fair, of Petrolia and a ? imb .r of visiting Patriarchs from' I3rurssels l neaopinei The. Grand Petriere field a camp of ii trnetion: lifter.thetbfi'siness of the a reiisne was. over tine Patriarchs entertain't the • Grarirj Officers and visiting brethren to su'p tier at the Central.• At 1t meeting of the, nzelrrbers of the e'` Fire Brigade on Wednesday evening the following officers. for the ensuing year were elected :- e ..• J.L.Ooutts. 1st Assiot►ttit•..... ,.rame.• Mimes, Intl " J Itrtrtibese. H. Fairfield. Treaeurer ,,,.,,,A. Dawe'ni. 'y"tdt Tirigade commnienees the nett „Aar, -rider very favorable ausptees,thd amara of members on the roll being lavnrvi-btr . is In g'ooa rtiorkitig ser e ettizenss 1n y rest essti - orr or , l our py r ,Wt t!t.rt whenever their ;services Are iequiecel, the members of -tire brigade, Jig it .lite pant, will do their utmost ,j►on'q� t s rinj,liro,porty from los rue 1 the Natipnal Anthem the plrooeed. lugs were then brought to a .chose. `rhe D Cr Master, visiting brethren r' send invited guests were • then eater tailed by the members of Maitland Lodge, at' an nyeter supper, .m the Royal Hotel block. The su'pj)er• was provided by mine host, 112r, 14Iu11int and, fully sustained his reputation as a caterer. Atter a pleas$ni and sociable time had been spont, tile company separated, all feeling that the evening's. proceodines had been it most enjoyable one, and that the Members. of the order were to be con- grattilated ou the success• which liiid attended their ef3orth and the band mem manner di which they had enter taiued their visitors. We have'rto doubt that Bro, Martin's visit here o Monday last will be attended. Witt good respite, and be a benefit not only'-+ to those whir aremembers of_the Order„ but also the means of largely inereas. ing the mem tership this year. On Tuesday evening Bro, . Martin paid;an odlei ni visit to Luoknow, and on Wednesday vieitedTe„ swater Lodge No, 183. He wag accompanle•i: by about•40 members el Maitland Lodge, Brussels Lodge and Minerva encamp - =tent, and our town band, The bona think that'the Teeswater..irethren a r e the ',ie plus .ultra." torch : /4 n Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in mod-. ern medieinti has been attained by the, .Dixon treatmei►t foie catarrh. Out of. xo"a'ett,t,eeied dui ing tlia' pact six mouths, full 'hw'ty p •vt have been cured of‘tlris stui,bori ady. This is cone the less startling when it le remembered that not .five per cent. of patients,presentinr theme selves to the regular preetitioners ate benefitted, while the patent medicine,, told other advertised cures never re- cord a euro at all, Starting with the claim now geueeeelly believed by • the most scientific, 3,,t@u that the die,. ease is due to the presonce .of living Ca now ! reat:neap. z, •When to 0 owing o el 11i;tiYery school section it i the; wins io s --t• is aeet.ntp ed:—President, Dr. Taylor, Godsrich; ' at,i,libetrpy to send in items of news, Vice -President, Dr. Gunn, Wiughe n: and we shall be•pleesed at,all timesn•to Secretary, Dr Worthington, (Minton receiver contributions froth any Of our ` 'reage itt-c, All litters iiitelidettfoe Ohm Amongst the Wingha:correspond- lice .on . could reach this o 1ic., net ence in the Clinton News -Record is than :hte.1'ednesday morning and the following: -"Mr E. W. Groves, should. e. signed by the name of the Principal of:the Wit -Them Central .writer,i-not iieoeszerrily tor publication School, will have' to play ifeeoird'.iadle bat _ei'nultlyy;, e$a guarantee of good after this. He has gone and taken. a faith. • better half, formerly a Miss Harper of Norval:" IttPORT RT NOTIoa.— A.11 parties in' debted, in any way, to 1:. Ireland, blacksmith, of this town, are request- ed to call and settle the same on or before the first day' of Pebrualy. All accounts • not settled et -the ex, piration of that' time will, without fail be placed in oth4'r .lands for:eoilection ed building proved: of no ova and In order to{red'Sce my stock befc r A: 'when it was seen that the wilding alock'taking, :. I lain oslering for the. could ]lot be saved thee -nen who were next two weeks special ijiduoements :working with night and main to- sere to cash buyers iu all the lines. Fine the property their attention stock -of whips, blankets, trunks, and to the driving sheds in the rear of the valises, mid a first bless stock of boots hotel, and by herd and diligent work and shoes and all warranted.' Har- managed iu saving that part of the nes,,} macre to order as usilnl, and spec. property from the destroying element, lel set ention to collars. All aceounts'All the contents of the hotel were env - must be settled without delay. ed With the exception of one or two 1{. 73rtoIreNAN. bedsteads. The building was insured for about •$800. Loss $1,2f1 • Oh. Sunday evening laat the Rev. • Mr. McCosh, Rector of St. Patil's Vitt yen. --About 8 o'oloek• on Sat- urday evening fire was seen:to • break out neer the chimney in the;baar room .of the Western Hotel, lovvei{ •.Win- hath, `owned and rung by`Mr: Richard Porter. .&s soon es the alttt•ni, was. ' given the crowd coinrnenced to gather and ire about five minutes nearly one hundred_ people had gathered.on the stone.— All efforts. to save the doom - church, concluded a series of sermons 1i.YMi,Nn.tL.- 1 Wednesday last a oil tics subject of -The life of Jonah,,, very pleasing event took place at the Kin - During his discourse tits Itev, gentle- restuence . of bent Angns Clarke, loss ,the. occasion ''bein r the marriage man showed both the strong and weak of 111 r. Gavin. lVi]srn. son of Mr. James points in the Prophets Christianity, \Nilson,: of .lit �4rawatigsli, and Miss and in refering to his selfish t�ispo 'Oh.istin> . Clarke. 1'be Rev, D Da sitiori, said that:th'h, clrurciies of tu.ai.y vid'soli performed the mystic ceremony wore too much like Jonah of old in of transforming two into one, the thio respect.. There was too much of ata .fish feeltng,eittslitlg in the church- . hurch bridegroom being supportedheM.dining eu instead of It vii and harmony ; sec- the ordeal by his brother Mr. J Wilaan •tarianism was by far too prevalent to v terinary sureeou of this t own, and 141iss. may th ensure a Ohrjst-like and humble spirit. Quarrie, of Colborne, c<uairi of the OpisN bitt;'cYz~a.-Ort Mondayoven- bride acted as bridesmaid, Tlie cere• loony was witnessed by a number of ing next, an open temperance meeting the relatives of the contracting part - under the auspices of Excelsor Ooeuucil ies, the happy conplc at the.clo o, re• Royal Templets of leniperance, of ceiving their hearty conga ulatio si`�"�,. i this town, will be held in Maelenzies' After the. oeremonv Mr. and Mrs.. hall. The programme will consist of Wilson, proceeded to the v'esidenee of vocal music, readings, recitation,.tc., the bridegroom's hither, Fast Wawtt- and addressee are expected by the Rev.: nosh. where a number of relatives tied Mr. Totten, of this towel said Rev, invited guests assornbled to eeoeive M.r Hartley, of Biuevaie. Irlstru- them, and a very pleasant and 'enjoy instal splectinee will Also be given Able evening was spent by all. The by the popular musical quaff tette. tom. many friends of the niewly wedded posed of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and pair utiite with us in wishing that 'Mosta. H. Park and R. Orr. Doors their wedded life may hooka of bappi. open at 7410, entertainment to corn• nese ana prosperity, mono At 8 o'clock sharp. Adinrissio free. We expect to see a largb .. attendance and We have no doubt all '' Now A the time to rave r. Mir ,Sill ,.enjoy: theiprogrcmmo promoted. srlt,�lcriptions. h tunity of oaring him. - .In his address claims the Oetacrh ss practieally oared, he clearly defined the .principles of toad the perrnanerit'y is migil sstioned "Oddfellowship," and strongly urged .,as enures ell ,cted byhers four years and commended them to the auoienee• ago are ,A111. 04 osis else has He reviewed the history of secret so- ev r , p to -t . -' c 't Q- .�atY�e�,p,..d. >f.,,, dire Cntal rh 1 i. cleties, and of 0ddfelluwship %ii Ainei� this manner, and no otliei• tree:63ettt, has ever cured Catarrh. The applioa- tion of the remedy is Simple, and can be done at Tome, and the preset!: season of the: year is.the most favor- able for the. ,:speedy Miles 'permanent;•. cure.. .The `majority et cas'Rasv • being cured -.'at None •treattuent. Sufferers sliould correspond with Messrs: k. 11. uIXON & 'SON, 305 King streot,west Toronto, Canada), Sigel enclose stamp for their teeatise oliw0Satnrr•1t. • [Mon) :,rear Star, Nov. 17, 1882. ica iii particular, and stated that . be- ginning with a membership of five in tum Baths nore over h&1 a can y ago tt10 Order now., numbered 500,000 teem= bees, In the 1ominton it , had a membership of 15,0610, and as a proof of how rapidly . Oddfellowsinp had grown, he said that one out of every' 14 adults on the continent, wore .,the emblem of the Order. •' He referred to the benefits derived by being an Odd• fellow and the large sums that had been expended for the benefit of the widow and the orphan. In connection tjrith this Society a lodge had been BORN. formed for the ladies—the Daughters r ,..we of Rebeckah, and the speaker, said one' Giruoits.--In Wingiham on the 8th pleasing feature of this lodge was that hist, the wife of Mr. R. Gilnnore of there never had•been a single instance ee itaughter. • on record of a lady divulging any . of •#67nAelly.e7te Wingham, on the 10th, he secrets, Hethen alluded to the . irist.,'the wife oz Mr. Saai-iei Gracey weak ani. strongng points of the Order One of the•o'hjections raised against it �4►-of it daughter, was that it was a sceret society. The''GILCilnis7',—Ill Wiilgllam, on the llth only secrets were for the absolute pro- inst.,.'the wife of •,Mrr, Oliver Gil- tection of this Order. They were . a , Christ of a daughter. necessity in i.rder• to avoid being R victimized by tinpostels.: "The objects •. , li1A11RIP17 of OddfelloWship were patent to thee,' ' „;;'.,e.- Whole world. Anther objection ILsoN tAulte.-At bC residence urged by the ladies especially was that of the bride's fathFp, -Kinloss; on it was an Anti -borne so iety,it'kept the 'WW cdnesday, San. 14, •1885; ''by the brothers out late at nights. In Rev, D. Davidson, lir:. Gavin Wtl- connection with this;., the Rev. 'soil, of E. Wliwanos}ie ft) Miss. . gentlemen read a. humorous piece Christina Clarke;,; about • a lady who wanted a divorce DIED, on from her husband •becai?se he was a ,,,,�� • "jiner." one•who•was always ,;atuing,>'CouLTun.—'Itc Morris, Tuesdsi somethit)g—the I£now-Nothing's, Odd-.. - Jan. 18th, 1884,. Mrs, Ann Coulter, fellows, Masons., Knights; of Malta, kc., aged 78 yetis. the reading, of which provoked roars •of, laughter. The speaker said his experi• 11Aitx*rds.•--rn Wingbs,tri, on Saturn. day, ence was Chet the ladies in. the end Jen. 10, 188 , Belle, daughter were the gainers and not the losers by of Mr. Tlroliras lgaatitlgs, of '.Garai• these societies. :Among the many . berry, aged 20 years,' 0 lnontlei and strong points in favor of Oddfellowshtp 2 days. were that it was a society of long standing, a solvent' society, one that had 1} ,forge amount of assets at. its • 4IN(1•l<IAlkt 111<AR%ET. heel., end thig it was a benefit and help to men while in the land of the. - swinghaiu 'Jars, Otis, 1 to living. The speaker ben gave some .,. . excellent counsel and advice to the I`leur......,tir .,....,..$,2.121 to" 2 Y2Ji mernlierre of the Order, cautioning them Pall *beat per btis,... 79 to 0 81 to be 'hey careful as to whom they Spring '' 79 to 81 got in their lodges and whom they Oats ,, 'r: • 20 to 3i'Js kept t sore. In eoneiusion he express, .Barley " ''_ ,... 05 to 40 ed the wish that the lodge In W irigham Peas " " ... 56 to 57 would go on prospering Mind to prosper • Potatoes " rr 4414 35 to 0 8fi that the members would do their, 13utter•per 1b..4..4..,..4 15 to 16 vork faithfitlly and welly azid that Eggs per doz .....,41 20 to » the entertainment held that evening Wool per ilii ... 18 to 1a would be productive of good roeults. Hay per tori ft 00 to "0' CO On resuming hist peat he was YWood.......,,,,,,,,,,,, , 1 25 to 1 13 ;1 1 applAudatt After singing Porleper 100 *,41K.9 0(! ter 4 4.