HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-16, Page 7it
THE �� I fl . fir FJAM. T Es. ,F{ . v1DAY JAN, 16
raPt and Ga on, cattti'x±te.a. UAW I'Vtlittfoont.
The butternut is excellent for folic^ Perhaps the most extraordinary
being very durable uetdefi' the success that has been achieved, in mod -
ground, •Farieers who. have proved ern nlediciue flits bees attained by the
their vet" now aSst their butternut Dixon treatment for cotacelt. Out of
trees for Malting;: pests °vet''to. the 2,000 patients treated dining,/ the
limbs that stye large enough for that part six IYlotithR, full utuety per pent
purpose.• • gayer is hunted the ashes should have been cured of tine stat)) .rn l ill.
1tdy, This is noise the less startling
be tekeu'to tlto henhouse and swifter. when it ie retuetnbcr+d tout tint five
ed under the perches. 1hi,s , Will per cent, of patients presccntllr'tliem
prevent loss of amliioula, and in the solves to the regular prntititionets are
spring;, if the lienhoube is free from benefitted, while the patent Inetlicines
suow,the manure wil ue in tine coil- and other advertiha•d sures never re-
(titian. cord a euro at all. Starting; with
Potatoes may be assorted in the the clans now gpuerlity believed by
cellar on the stormiest day ji in winter, the most sietitilio ,Hien that the dis,
even' when the thermometer.: is btlew ease is due to the presonce of living
zero. This is One advantage of sto1- parasites iii the tissue;. :11t. Dixon at
fig iii cellars rather than ilt pits.
13o111g this now, will save mucic more
labor in the spring,
The bogies that accumulate every
year ea.:the farm after the full butoli-
ering should be carefully saved. An
easy way for farriers to reduce them
is to put theta in the stove and spread
their ashes, Tliis loses the ammonia,
but it at 'east saves the phospate
All open drains should be cleaned
out every fall before they till with
water. This is necessary nut only to
Once adapted hie our to their extor-
iliination—i.liis acec.mplished, he
claims tiio 0ittaerli is practically cured,
and the permanency is unquestioned,
its cures etlitcteed by hint four years
ago are cures still. No gine else has
ever attempte:l to cure Catarrh in
this inttltt,er, slid no rather tretitlxtent
has ever cured Catarrh. The apprise,;
• tion of the reined) is simple, and eau
be dope at home, rancl the presets;
season attic: year is bile most, favor.,
able tor the speedy and permanent
secure agood ogtlet for under rants cure, The makwity its caskw being
that empty into them, but to 60Qyre eurtnl as, one tl•+ ntui net. Stlfii''rers
the sediment, whish is an excellent should Correspond with Messrs. a., H.
fertilizer, nspet,ially'for grass lands, eopcf_ tr & ;ewe, aaa King stroet,west
There is rarely any profit in )okra, 'Toronto, O uuu.de, and enclose stamp
butter for higher prices. Theconsum- fon their tie•intibei ttti Cat•enrt'h. fMon-
ar w"nts. none except the very best ;leaf Star, :;i,v. 17, 188e,
unless he wan buy at prices for grease
or cooking butter. Itis yery Moult A 131;11 lliliewlJ1,E LSt;Ai'P.
to keep good butter;yin poi • dltion
for- ftny„ju13 1•.lf''ti`ne, au dally •a ,.
Mrs. Mai Davey, of Ttuikhan.
st, which is made in Jun a., v w `t�Ilii:=cal for six year
has to be kept through. the hots:
weather of the ear,
td nchitin,
y ytg, i p iysciaiis could
If a desired, plantation
eseeds should be ed trees, is .whty n
he planted wive no r ehet `1'l a lifewi..s despaired
fit the fall. It is not necessary to ofuntil
Dr. id O t''lee she Discovery,iaud
plant .where the trees are to remain : a when i Bottle of te tug'srelief was f
'but with most sorts it is better, • pro -
vided c,qually hood care can be given. coutiunin g ire tone tor it. short time she
They should be planted thickly, and was comLile. ly eu;'tar gaining to tlesh
than lett it ,roper distances by this M 50 Ills. il: a 1'"\' iuoiittl:s" .
Heng out the superfluous plants, which • Free 'Tr'ial Dotiles ref this certain
will pay expenses up to this stage. guru of all Tarat and Lan; diseases
at 0.
Where grain is largely grown the E li i,liaw'r Prug Store. Large
straw may be used as shelter for stock Bottles
in winter. Our fanners generally • vont .forge the stray c¢#yttlr If
have not learned the knack of thatch- you Don't
ant tr find the owner, tie. advertise
ills, but marry old country laborers them to '1'to find
• cau thatch .a -stack sothat it will keep
for months and years if needed, with
° out wetting it. The abundance of tim•
l)er tor boards and shingles has been WARR
our excuse for not thatching:, but
this. is not true of the west, where niil- xsf hone everybody knows as the auecessfire
Mons of differs have be.'n lost theoristauusagerof the
season b,,/ the spoiling of grain iu poor-
ly wade stacks. • - Largest Hotel Enterprises
The uusightly piles of stable man.
ure around dwelling houses are un-,
necessary. 'They answer the pt#t•poele
of excluding frost from cellars, but
not better than putting ttrow.of studd
fig inside the cellar on all stdesalittle
be:ow .tli.e surface of the ground. ar'n 1
Lfosely sealing it. The object is to
make a space of confined air, which
is a nearly perfect non-conductor of
heat. Tile advantage of this inside
,sealing is that it is always in place
-Fund moderates the heat of summer in
the cellar as well as the cold of winter.
Horses. should be bedded with chaff
or finely out straw. This will absq,ro
the liquid droppings better than un-
cut straw will. The manure in this
fine condition will ferment very rapid •
]y, and with a very llttly heating will
• be ren 'y to spread evenly on the land.
If the horses are bedded • with. coarse
straw the fermentation will be uneven
Some parts of the heap will be dlled
un and "fire fanged," while the coarse
straw is net in good condition for
It used to be thought that the frees
itig of water cleared it Of all impuri-
ties; this is not enttiely'rue. When
ice is made from water too heavily
charged with iatpurities some of these
tvi 1 be fr„o?eli in, The water • froth
dirty ponds where cows h,,ve stood
during the setninier is not fit for Irak•
iiig iso- -Though it may be clear to
look at, there, will be some odors from
the exermeut of crottle dropped in the
Water whish will be apparent it the ice
Is melted and the water boiled,
.ss ti rA.7400 0
This, Craivers.tl Mediciu
X -i ettaPhnt.l: Remedy
PI=.t ,S
PURIFY THE BLOOD, impart toile
the NERVOUS SYSTEM, and act mos
powerfully yet soothingly en. the
and endowing the whole bodily frau. ^ w i
STRENGTH and vigor, Nervous Ile
ache, Tremblings with Lassitude and GEN
ERAL DEBILITY g,uickly yield to th
potent force of these well known Pills, au
-they are unrivalled in heir
Has World -v 1e Reptittio x
?f heals every icird II SORE, 'ULEBt
an" 'orOUIIJ) more cortau..y than an,
otbn► snown salve. Its marvellous pens
crazing powers render it invaluable in all
TH13uAr ANJ) CHEST Di6EAsi s,
Qunseys, a i Astlint. 1
reducing Glandular Lumps,elsoing ar
Healing ABSESSES awl FISTLLAt , ski
cor alleviating the excruciating
never fails to remove Scurf and -v
hies of skin disease.
Manufactured only at Professor HpLLo.
wAv's Establishment,
;;old at 1s. lid., 2s 9d., 4s. 6d., 11s„2s 3,
and 33s each. Box and Pot, and in Caaadt
at 36 dents, 90 cents and 01.50, and tb4
larver sizes in proportion.
r CAUTION.—I have no agent in tt 1
'United States, nor are lay Medicines sold
th re. Purchasers should therefore loc*J
toehe Label on the Pots and Boxes, le
th tddress is not 633„ Oxford Etreet, Loi...
doe ahey are spurious.
n, t Trade Marks of my said Mediciay.l
arTheistered in Ottawa, end also at Wasps.
estreet, Txgndon, ser+t.. ” 8 .
of America, says that While a passenger from
New' York on board a ship going around Cape
lions, in the early days of emigration to Oat
Honda, he learned that ono of the officers of
the vessel had cured himself, during the voy.,
age, of au obstinate disease by the use of
Ayor's S. rsa,parill r.
Since then Mr. LELAzrD has recommended
AY ER'S SARSAPARILLA in many similar
eases, and be has never yet heard of its fait
aro to effect a radical cure.
Some years ago one of Mr. LELAND'S fans
laborers bruised .his leg. Owing to the bed
state•of his blood,, an ugly scrofulous swelling
or lump appeared' on the injured limb lion
rible itching of the skin, witl), burning and
darting pains through the lupip, made lite
almost intolerable. The leg became enor.
musty enlarged, and running ulcers formed,
discharging great quantities of extremely
offensive matter. No treatment was of art
avail. until the man, by Mr..LELAIrn's direa
tion,, was supplied with AVER'S SARSAPA•
itiuir,A, which allayed the pain And irritation,
healed the sores, removed the swelling, ani
oompietely restored the limb to use.
Mr. LELAED has personally used
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
for• Rheumatism, with entire success ; and
afiter careful observation, declares that, i
his belief, there is no medicine in the were
equal to it for the cure of Liver pisorder6
(#out, the effects of high ljyint, dal
atltout's, Sores, Eruptions, and all tbl
various forms of blood diseases.
We have Mr. LELMND'a perigibsior, to invite
all who may desire further evidence in regal(
to the extraordinary curative powers et
4YER's SARSAPARILLA, to see hila persol
ally either at his ma,nnioth Ocean Hotel
Long Branch, or at the popular Leland Hots
Broadway, elm and lath Streets, New Yost.
Mr. LELAND'S ostensive knowledge of tr
good done b jthis unequalled eradioateea(
blood pofaone enables hint to gine Mild
snob valuable information.
Jr. J.C.Ayer dt Ca., Lower,, Mate
a: • . uZt Draggiete• r41, sla'a'ytlee flora
Perfect beauty is only attained by
pure blood and good. health. These
acquirenitnts gave the p )4sessor a plea
Sant expression, ti fail' t.1 ar Skill and
the ,.rosy boon of heal ' Burdock
l3loocl Bitters pu ify tete bldod and
tone the entire systetn tri iu ' Healthy
Iiillhantls, earils,,circulars, , peretet''.
stud .all ;kinds, elf 7.,1) }frosting f *catty.
F111a gheaply exectttea at Tog Tilt,
a'.t .Irl Le
Plo.••i it,, t,s Crit
ure., e... Thor
• se lt�a:.r;+o
Now to January 1st,
1.25 11 Ye
:- CRiBE
I Y 11...111•1111. 1•11Lila.. I.. „ 1,. ttik'r+ltti::'aitl
re Recommended by Piratteletrel
Catarrh f the Nasalvlty—Chronic and tllaerat }I
Cele , the ar, a or 7 h I is f;ltrfi
5 (ihNALity, acts Di itiLY pins,
iysslecns. and
t e best Blogems
d :', n59
la tite that I harged Ifo It, for
THAT alone.
TS - 11.4
Com' 174 Ttiirc M.Aii1 ET
, 174 I SIQO int soy mane eit,
• • (bunk 1t mesittsoseucam•net Own 1 $ p
W4nLLA1,D, IPA,M unit a>
f0 tiittt1e dangh•tarwao troubes, ':.its 1.444,
ed yestrs, e4p.i wag very moot! belie,, J,'
aaeurStrft" Haire Catarrh Carer" lien >r ;vy
a'.:btrt eared. W. K'. fro catme
acts eatee oat,Finartii`t/ i
mere need," i v+,il's QAtsarh De ,,,ash; lo'
cult iroin the good resells I etirtived f..i.1i
itott10. hes Ove it will cure rho r. {t nsettrt
reaGS 1atmtr:l if its use be cou..nlred fir
sonable Meals of time.
W. H. liLi.i1VarFM
.LAit , Oat.dlioavt125. .
• le. rY` +3rramtre dr tie., Toledo, O.
par , ave solei hales Catrrrh fire for: (
Wee lea .,'ud ft glees entire c.etivf.trbmn.
Yours trills
H, W. flOhioe)N, Drug
Hairs Cat rrhCurd
Fs WM by all Wholesale and Eataii Drug",!
thees la
Un tedrs iStreess ntand 6"eu da
1'luds>;t i
T a Coats s Bottle. $3.00 u D(
The only gessidne Hate's Catarrh Cure li e4t
*fastered by F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toie3•.it
sst'Beware of Imitations,
%etfsied for the Ontario trade by
Ni. W. HOBSON, W ltland, a•
l 1 yr it' site&
AU to Vki. tiooitetttht r tr"
i uY;.r•+"e, le a life, [AM, ,tuff reiniye�t�to,
00016trepta' el weraim its(sauce ot",...1I.�