HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-16, Page 5NEWS ITNIVIK Workmen in the °dark. Rolliug Mils at Hamilton are out on strike. , Hon, G. W, Boss was banqueted at Stretitroy on Monday evening, It is said that Duncan Q. Ross, the Itthlote, will enter the ministry, Twenty seven charges of itlegol. lignor selling were ventilated at the Toronto Police Court on. Monday,, Iltents in Winnipeg have fallen fifty per cent in eighteen months. Whole tefraces are for rent there. The Salvativn Army has made over seven hundred converts in the city of Guelph. Phalan alleges he oats prove tbh existence of a conspiracy to murder The Protestant Ministers of Guelph preached sermons on. the Scott Act on Sabbath last, • !/I ,, • . TE WIX6HANt TIMES .6110,y JAN. 16 Entrance Exaratnatior4 The following is a list of thosewho passed the late entrance extnnination to the Clinton High Samar Vircancli dates wrote, and out of this number 41 passed and 5 were recommended. The number required .to pass was 810, Name School Marks. Nettie Alexander, Myth, 887" Retie Brown Martha Mollify No 5 ?orris 41.' 488, Ramat Holmes Clinton Model 823 Oarrio .Johns 4 Tuclmsmith 313 Lucy Johnson Summerhill 348 Mary E Keys Stanley Anna Knox 6 Hullett 865 Minnie Leslie • Cliiitpu 362 Maggie McLean Blyt11 353 Mary Me T ean. Blythi 814 Minnie MeQparrieWinghanr 859 Maggie Morrison Wingbadi 409 ! Eno ily Proctor Iiolmesville 845 Esther Proctor Holmesville 817 ! Jia T Thompson Summerhill 1,1008 Edith' Young ,Blyth Robert Agnew 8 E Wawanosh°168 John Cornyn Winglia,m.r. 489 ' Duncan Fisher 12 W Wawanosh011 ;John R Gratify Clinton 327 Fred, 0. rah am Wirighani 387 Tho S Gray Clinton 404 Thcs TT Hardy kilummerbill 368 Thos Henry 81 wawano8hr407 T Holdsworth Holmesville 358 James E Hovey Clinton • 368 Arthur Jackson Clinton 401 Ira J'ohns' . 4 Tuckersreith 319 Jebn.LowrY Suinmerhill' 457 W McCullough Wing:ham-we 334 lltleGre5tor 7 Stanley 8171 IV Mogi-lame Blyth 391 Wrn McQnarrie Winghaer' 358 41' MeTays1z 11 *Stanley 336 ler Whitechurch! 389' Robins° 1Ving,hatu;te 445 John Ross 0 PWaWahosh.812 Ify,...Sheppard anton 810 Alf Switzer Clinton 329 Al Williams Clinton 420 It will be noticed by the above that the .candidates from Wingbain gave a good account of thrmselves';* 'John' Oornyn heading . the hst amongst all who wrote rt Godericb, Sea - forth, and Exeter with a total of 489 out et a possible 620. A Robinson ,comeg 5th, while F Graham, W Mc* Quarrie ard W MCbullough also, did. 'exceedingly well.. We congratulate the boys on the success. which they achieved, which speaks well for the exbellent training thePpupils receive at our public split 01; • . . .A. END' 1TY BONF SCRA.PING hclward Shepherd- of :Harrisburg, , 111.. says: HaVing rece ved.so much benefit from Electric titters'I feel it my dety. to Lt suffering humanity knew it Have had. a running ser- a, in", leg fog eight. years ; my don* toia told me I must have the none • imped or leg amputated. I used in. stead three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen1 Arnica salve, and my leg is now sound and glectrie Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 25c. per hex, by 0. E. Wi hams. PRECENTOR ,WANTED. Precentor wanted for tho Bluevalo Pres- byteriau Church, Salary 450 per annum. Apply to either managers or session. Arrangements have been made at Qubec.or the printing of 100,000 eoptee ot the,Scott Act in the French funguage, At a meeting ot the Toronto Presbytery Rev JoLn Kirltpatrica, pastor. of Cooke's Church, as a means,: of, ending the troubles in that church, 1. tendered his resmnation• ,A. two year-ot son of Wm, Bates, living on. lot 6, concession 3, Grey, wae.cliuked ht. IAA week ..by a ce of tnreiP, Whith hiS fatliti. "gave /Ara to. eat. The term**At 11,1390-14s„ for Which tleeCanadian contingent e aectrti ser' 'in Egypt, will wlpire next month, but it is expected that they; will" have te' be reeriva,ed' for at. least -another' terin of the same MOSUL Wm, Saunders and J. M. penton Lave collected m the London World's Exposition. at New (Medea'. The exhibit, which has:just' :been fov 'Warded, filled six large cast, and enibracee choice:specimens of 50 var- ieties a -winter apples. President Arthur' said tea friend 'net loggitgo . "I think I am an unus- ually strong man, yet after I have freerr receiving Visitors for two hours I am ag limp`aq as deticent uf mus- cular strength as that rag.; strip ine of •all my nervous force" Philadelphiv dry -goods dealer her offentled the retail booksellers fiv getting'up a book counter in his. shop. But his sales sometimes reach $10,000 in a single day, and on that ground he claims—the right to be *counted a hocigseller. Ilont R. Laflamme, of Montrettl,. has entered an action otlibel • against, the Toronto for. $10,000. • The offending article NV a4 4 leader publikthed' on the. 8th ultl, and was entitled "Improved Methods." The object ionable paragraph refers- to the -methods of electing a canditlitte; an peaks cu improved ballot' box invent - .ed by tine honorable gentleman,. and which was designed for "standard elevating." The articlealso alludes to 'rniliar affairs adopted for receh ing ballots as 'restketicontrivances:r better to be born lucky than rich,' says all old,' proverb. A resident of Toronto nowvrelizes the truth of it His name is Wn. Churchill, he is a 4arpenter, and Des on Harbord sire, between ' Lippincott and Borden streets. He- has idoptation whieb: leaves hiinlittle'roomt4'doubt_that he one of the heirs to a vatst. forttiue amounting to sumethinglike $35,000, 000. The legacy will be divided between. Mr, Churchill and his five brothers: Action was talre4at Torontn for malicious prep:edition in haying ' plaintiffs arrested and tried for fraud pa President and Secretary ot the Muted Marriage .. Aid Association because the defendant Gairdner was not paid the policy .for which he, had subscribed and paid The evidence of the defence set forth that plaintiffs the President and Secretary,as officers had done their duty till tne policy holders ceased to pay calls, and they were unable ta settle Volicies coming dee. The jury awarded a verdict to plaintiffs --ten cents each. • 16te AiSiSt vet. Grip's Comic Abilene° for 1885, just out. It consists of 24 pages uni. form in size Atli (&rip, and is filled vith filn and pictures. The literary /natter. is entirely onghial, and proves eleeniedy that Canitanin talent in the funny line is equal to any h4 the WS when the knookootaes, THGROUGII-BRED • Berkshire Boar Will be kept for servioo on Lot 1, con. 4, Morris. Terms, i payable of time of ser- vice. Privilege of VA:Iris TIC if newsman'. A. Mc1.4111AN, Proprietor, WI LL CURE OILIOUSNE4 DYSPEIVIA, INOICEVION. IMUNDiCE. ERYOIPELAt .ALT RHEUM,. OR "FIELIMM: DIZZINESS, DROPSY; FLOTTERINO' OF VIE meAkr, AMITY OE THE .1TOAMOH, 11FAVOIlithc DRYNESS HFADAOHE, OF THE And' byeey lastta, ettiiitte ielsiht_ trona lillispedered LIVEe R, It laNEV0D8i mew" soweLon. 040, T. MILBURN & gt• E"PrIttgaftici, —"Good 1 telt taps at trte`o door (Mots h o 0111,11'S an 1 11108i mon havo just gone over to the neigh, '4 Uff 100,0013 PRESENTS THIS OFFER GOO') ILL EEWy 22ad. Everybody who anti to directed gets Protest worth aont 20 cents to 000. Tb.proprigtor 0,21111 rerunnasioss, hoins disirisao of heriny the already wo11 knewand pop0111. Ponitfy PIO/ more widely elfeuleted end IntrodumS4 UM bowies wham I ljhot already kriewn, hos. determined to Utters off ell prod* Iblo year, end ha addition u8�pertion of his capital for tlio mit purpose of bore...otos hi. olsoulotion ht 1000190 dot,iSis, AMR shielding to odsortfsesnord iiatonalooly ihoso meg 1tekre, the following pian has boo adopted by us: 19114:101:74r113E3V14111t 3E3INITIS W. wlfl enter.your newton our sabsoriptionhook and mail till PUINITITENSFE.11. rogutstly to yo0.0011 TEAR end Mano*. h hhinberhIl Ref Je414 Which willontitioth. hohlor to one of this following pr080881. Jf anynusdesinta two pa., *phi they will he oant foci, end their etlbseriptiOn Will be entered Wrier' twoy8005. LIST OF PRESENTS TO OE GIVEN AWAY. 10 V. Revenuer:A Rode of 0500 000 1 Pony Parton 100 19 El, Greenbacks et I100,,..,.,,,,,.,•',,,.,,,5.000 11,000Puicet Sliver Fruit Knifes...• ,, s ,, 10 V. 0. Greenimeks of 4109 1,000 1,000 tient'. Pocket Knives,. .. .. 1,000 1 Eldred plated Coiled& Moot. . ....... 160 2,Q001Y.8. Oreenloseks of 21 ;nett .. . . ...... 1,000 1 Grand rigiter0 rhtne•••••••••••• f Pl• • 800 10 Sontepold ilistekeiA ief4nOtte 800 1Th...reseal Itockeway 200 go oiker ft Amnion &fiS 2 6'444 C61144t °Mita .... ..... ... 200 isnot.. .4 ti Miter Mauer ...... 100 ktilare tot •. 400 - 5Topgl, 1,000 akt.t 1,000 ' 2911.8. Ormisbaelm of $50 each ' 1,000 2,000Klegant Art ... 1,000 1000 Autograph Mil,tiss, #2 ' 2,000 • 51taw Silk l'eplor butt Farniture„,,, •0,000 3 Ellice ....... o ... . .... .. 200 1,400 U01# F10100 Lodi..' DrOMV 2104 tienIV Sear, Pins, !motet., FUN and Chahar. i.o 011.421 otherwretente, 'valued from 25 canto to 51, makes a grand sarssatisu of 100,000 nresetsts, thus guannAesitst present snob and every new onlicrIber trim mime p. 40' cent,. a of tho above presents will be ;warded in a fair and impartial manner. Presents will be gent to any s part of the Urged States or Canada. No postage will be asked from any subscriber to forwolit presents, t747.-X2s2' aea c.,3m17ivaues which you send iss le tits regular price for it year's subscription and therefore we charge 00011118 for the present, ors mein will (2, 0.. your futdre palmate and the increased rate we will got for our advertising space. TOUR SUBSCRIPTION PREZ. Oot five of your friend, tii join youby cutting this out and showing it to theM. Send 0)S2.erien and wo will send yonif115 POVialtY KEEPER rot One yeas, and one nuniberod receipt for each of your subscriber., and One extra for your trouble, SEND 1011 sursparquits wait sa.cocr and we will send yen xa autiecriptione xa. reeelpte. 49 DAYS ailLY .3h.'41.°J.14.40"744t1,:g1TX,":17.11.7141.rds'eagain11.4;12:::Vit.rviirSal.'; RS in no cue will they be received leer than February 21. TE POULTRY' KEEPE9 I. the best and eldest edited Poultry Paper in tb6 country and greedy has s '• latMn of 50,000 copies, end requires. only 80,000 more. 00 bassi the desired numbeti% It contains sixteen pages, beautifully illustrated. Tells how to mak. poultry pay. 500 STEM-WRINIDINC WATCHE'S FREE. In order that we mpuitively Mt there 40,000 mosubscribers required by the 224 Of February, the publisher 00.000004 uits 000014 500 6tera•windiny Watches, and these 500 Watches will be given army to the drat 000 people who answer this ad. Yertisement, If you send us Go eenW yon be entitled. t.*. of these old, well known and relieble wesises aril one receipt good for one present, There watches are warranted to be good time•keoperc. We will print in MI in the February issue of TI1E POULTRY KEEPER the names and eetresserof the winners of the 500 Stem•winding Waterbury Watch,,. This offer is bona Ade end will be curled out to the Mate. Send now, don't.wait. THE POULTRY KEEPER z.11.es, ia.b0li.sheid, having already 60,00iLlybserilensand4f,,bteeked ,ty • email not afford otherwise. UndoullalToorne 0whO ;e0tietutiir newer5ducritero-u•Z•117 I.Vinknigen OM"; ingitVoiat' ift presents is moat unreasonable and unprodtable; but let sta soy to all anob4persons that it goats anywhere frnin P25,004 44.4151,. 000 tote:Urea large stimulation to paper. We know 0( 12 pnblisher that ;spent 1150,000 tOsono ,veek in Plying away frre espies and advertising his papers, and the money vise well spent, for it secured for him an established eironirdlon thet paid good interest 000 00. investment. Publishing nowadays must either be done on an extensive scale or not at all. It costajest much for matter, and 0210 10 much for illustrations, electrotypes, editorial services, rent, and for eetting op the typo 10r. paper of 100 circulation u it does for a rimer with 300,000 circulation. On small editions end, ono ad,* above items ;wells the met of a single parser slarminslY• hat On Urge editiOne the expense is spread over ea 00041' Papers thet it is almoot entirely lost. Thus yore see that large proilte can be outdo only by doing a large business. 7(28, 1. precisely what we propose doing with T11E POULTRY NIEpRit, We will tend ri Printed list of the Awards free, and all presents will be torwarded to holders of receipts a. they may direct. 01118 01.13 PATRONS AND SUBSCRIBERS, whom we number by thousands, should 00 1. worko . et onto and Lela us to increase Cur Ibt-.• by this grand and generous offer. LY -50 CE TS S,°.'.urz.Ti1,grAY,IlrpiPpref.V,',.?Tut).0471f:1111:0.',1::=7;118.,ogitr.. reassbaity, '.8 .51.1 000.1/ who do not Maio eie co any Bank or Arerefloillo Agency.s".• VP ENE/1111ER these mime Presents to our Subscribers given to theta absolutelyI0ree. Pree, Xra (3 -Cont Postage *1tmnip. token.) kioney in sums of $1 or Ices mo,* sent m an ordinary letter at our risk; (00901 00011 should be sent by Regiatered Lettor or Postal Note, find addresafol to THE POULTRY KEEPIC.Ri, 39 Randolph St.,, Ohlonco, . • . . . , . This Space Reserved for The inanthat sells Stovesi Tinware&c., very cheap. Try ui - .41 Eip '8 urr•hf GRAND, DISPLAY,. --THE—" Still to the FRONT. This tlink with an Immense Supply of ' ..• o.00Dsj. st in the County of- Ileron,..aq Selling CHEAPER Than the Cheapest. Call and See far Yourself. GORDOT & McINDOO No 1. mull ----ARE -- se : 1 MIXED CANDY, Only 20c. pet lb, CONVtRSATION LOZENGES, Only30 m'c. per lb - ' 1 XXX Peppermint tozeliges, 0 JIi ' Only 30c. per lb A FINE DISPLAY of . the Newest Shades and Styes in • A GOOD SUPPLY OF Ladies S#k, Lace and Fine Oranges, Wool Ties ' In .Dross Goods, Bilks and Velveteens, in the titt'est Shades, we' 1;EAD the Trade. Beautifulgut Sets away down in price. In Scotch & Canadian Tweeds And, Gents, Furnishingg, as' list al. our Simi '• is fl•Sali and ' densonabie, and we are offering extraordinary bargains in this cif partment. • s . In ritiots and hoes, 'Choice Familt Groceries, /10:', our Stocks are complete, and we take plasure in showing our good Lemons, Figs, Dates,. Nuts,- Malaga': Grape, Christie BroWn & Co's Choler Biscuits, *bc, &c, 1t th GORDON & McIND00 JOHN KERP„ ghatn. Nov. 27,4884. • GET YOUR SALE 1r IL 9 PIttisITE'D AT T1131, TIMES 0 face W co vs" ) • POS Oysters only 80c, per qi:„.t Sweet Cider- 25c per gallon,. s _ 4111111111 ...,•:. .