HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1885-01-16, Page 3tlf the continued use of mercury an id Mash for the treatment of Blood and slttn diseases, they never: cure, And near'y always injuree or totally ruin the general health. A VirkIL a•$tTQlyx umlaut IT. I have Seen a great many cages our ed with Shaker Blood Syrup - some who have tried all sorts of treatment,. . In. fact, I have never known it to fail„ when taken properly. I s ll a largo. quantity of it, and for :all diseases that are dependent on ]decd poison or skin humor, It cures PIMPLRS AND BLOT'0111111 ON T11111 SKIN/ and makes the complexion flit and rosy, As blood taint,;there is ted Biel] word as fazl, It burea' cn,ses that have on; withstood other Orts of that giant, acid without any of those re'ciirr ii►; troubles that generally follow mer • Cuiti' and other so-called <iures. Join S'rnxwoon, Dl uggist, • East Denton, Mass. Tilt B11Axnit BLOOD Sxain? • curbs completely Syphilis, Scrofula, IZlieuteatism, Cancer, Catarrh Ul'etlr and tktn and 1 I t'(i cis' 'ses of evbry 'tles6Piption. S. td ove.ywliere. $f per bottle or 6 for $5. ADVICE TO- SMOTHERS. , Are you. di,tilrbaci at night and broker of your rost by a sick, :liild suff-rieg and cr3 i ig with pain ,of cat- iiug teeth f if so send at ones and',Set tai, buttle of. 1 IC y`h 114° 1 t11'6 lyrnp inp.gbillrerr Teething., .Its e eat s ire lieuttl,ble, It will 1441ieve the poor little sufferer. immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is go mistake abet; it, It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the:stornnch and bowels, cures 'aiudcolio,= softens the guns, rerllice:s 5ntlarn dation, mod gives tone and ent'i y to the whole sy> tein Mrs, SVinslow'd;, Soothing iiyinp For Children 'Teething is plea- e,'it to tie taste, and is .the prescrip- tici'n of one. of the oldest and best fir male phvscians and ••nurses''n the United States, and is for sale by all dfu gist;t thi-ou'.houe the world. Price 25 cods'fi bottle. , 4 NEVEM. GIVE UP. y7u'are suffering witi Ir -TM tine depressed spirits loss of appetite,, /general debility, disorded blood, weak. iconstitution, head aolie, or any disease Of a bilioas nature; by all illeans pro - euro a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow ; you will be inspired with new life ; strength and activity will return; pain and misery will cease and henceforth you will. rejoicer in the praise of Eleetric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by G. E. Williams. ,THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. On account of its parity and conn- Odentrated strength and great poier • tot t,. disease, Burdock Blood Bitters is the cheapest and best blood dean .sing tonic known for all disorcled 'dent/Wows of blood, liver and kidneys. GOOD Il'OR AIt•It. For all diseases of the blood, liver•, 3cidlieys and the bowels take Burdock •Blood Bitters.. It is purely vegetable, ba=r; do no harm, -and is always beneficifill. A GOLDEN OPINION. WU G A. - 1:. t P., FJUDA.al. + AN. i 2_ + DD 10 T T .ASTONISHING BARGAINS in order to clear out the balance' of his Fall and Winter Stooir comprising Full Lines of -i,' rS a SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS D Woolen. Undershirts and :brewers, Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, '!.'weed Suits. • Mai, in Ladies' Capes, Astrachan Coats, Setts in Seal, Beaver,. ,Astrachan and Persian 'Lamb, 'l.lgle Muffs and Boas, Mantles, Wool Shawls, Wool .Squares, Clouds and Scarfs; Hoods,. Men's, Boys' and Children's Caps, Brussels, Tapestry, . ' • and Union Carpets, Gloves and Mitts. Boots and Shoe;. - -•A Complete Stook in RUBBER, FELT AND ° LEATHER GROOERIES GOODS. --- New Raisins and Currents, none better in town, Fresh Teas, Choice 'Tobacco, aha prices " eut down." So exceadingly low, you may search•the town o'er, The cheapest you'll find at The Corner Store. ,,ii k.'i? Y AND GLASSWARE, tt Large and Well Assorted Stook: ,14,•14. • 7;,, ., FRESH S & SALT WATER F1SA Now is the time to Secure Bargains, as all the Winter Stook MUST BE SOLD WITHIN THE NEST 80 DAYS. Space will not: permit to quote prices. An inspection of •our Stick invited, and remember We consider it a pleasure to show ;r :cxlz•, Mr. Vm. Allan, of Aotoni declares that Hrtgyard's Yellow Oil is ;nest hhusehoid remedy in the world `for colds, creep, ore throat, burns, staltic and other natant complaints. •.tier opinion is well founded. A BTl,Y1WETfY FORTUNE. ....o.... ..,.... .,,.,.w.. 1414.., Luiber c Elliott, Corner P•.ne, Hemlock, tt.•d:ar. '1'anlarao, Ash flLai and. E1ni Lumber. of :Al sorts con- stantly on liana or manufactured to shit customers. Lath and Shingles of call , rades frdin 1 to No, tl at l3ot t cn l?rices. Azr S. L'=' Stwvcs, '4e..,im, ut:d Barrels of every de sArip io.: ;,tua.y,<,,;, made toorder 0 or im:ati410: b u d iug flour and salt barrels mLH inferior to none in Ontario Cheaper than tlzc Cheapest. GUSTO Sawing •.iaue as usual, ' And at Lowest Prices. Cistern Tanks made to order. I falsest prices paid for all Riad et logs. • Glad tc see overt' one. 041 and see ne. Saw mill and workshops adjoining the G.W... railroad station. Wingham. d ANDERSON. 5530 FOJLF17r't (laving the utmost confider -to in the superiority over all lathers, and of thou sands of tests of the Most complicated au severest cases we could find, we feel justifi- edi-n offering to forfeit One Thousand Dol. lars•.for any naso of coughs, colds, sore throlat, influenza, hoarseness, hronolutis, condom' 'ion in its early stages, whooping 1n116.4,4.,d all diseases of the throat and lungs, except A+ttlima, for which we nan (chain relief, that we atiu'teuro with WeF is Cough Syrup, when taken according to di- rections. Sample bottles 25 and 50 cents, •large bottles one dollar. Genuine wr'l- pers only in blue. bolt: by all Drtte;,•it or sent by express, on receipt of price, JOHN 0. WEST & CO., 81 ani183, King fat Bast Toronto, Ont, A mall may possess the fortune of n prince blit can never possess ;lap• pit:^ a ar.tli utgood health ; to secllr•i which the biobd must beltciit pure and +vet`y organ in proper action Burl clock Blood Bitters purify the . blood and regulate all the organs. ']ilio 'tint 'it*. Grip's.Cornic Alinanao for 1885, is just out. - It 'consists of 24 pages uni- form'in size with Grip, midis Mied with fttnand pictures,' The literary matter is entirely original, and proves deetdecly, .tlttt>; C1anadtan talent in the tunny line is a cual to any in the world. it 0.Tila uo s, ti aro AO.qe iaotes oyopl"ropot,i m¢ he MtIti n6eell Tg 'ai.. , iitatottottatticetss.bal:to.ifintrgittrei,:silicti:itt4 meIdal llyn 1161,wOg,fl4 ,9111Virl SHEt0 IMPROVE YOUR, PIG The uedersignoa has still for service on lot 000. 14Bast Wawatiobh, thitc'e. quarters of a mit west of Wingham, his thoroughbrrd Chester 'White Boar was ilii sorted froze Philadelphia.. Peal- / gime can e seen on appliotatiolt. J'orms,11:1 at time of service, with privilege of re. Store, Wingham GOLDEN CREAM, I YQR, 1, Thohes tprep arationknown toscience forbeautifying the CO PLEge IOAT ONE SINGLE APPLICATION is warranted to Beautify the Face and give to the Faded or Sallow Com- plexion a Perfectly Realtbr, Natural and Youthful Appearance. It Conceals Wrinkles. Freckles Crow's - 'IA trl',, 'v. Feet. and the Evidence of Age, leaving the Skin 'Jeff, _ Smooth, and White. U.. PRICE -50 cents. Sent to any address. Postage . "1Y stamps taken. Address allletters to • CREME D' OR, Drawer 2,678, termite RA;; •1414, Ask your drtu;3ist for it. Wholestilo by all whole- 1 'L: ad e Mark. sale druggists .I .1..I.:: ...Ili.... E.:m .. a rsanmr9lFffiiLNG:a,::.dn-mur ,1414, ..u.J a-,r",,-./,.J...,w.i.u...., . '1414. J SHAKER DL000. SYRIJP. Curers Completely de'rorso , hyhlliq,. cooper, Rheumatism. Cavirria. Clcera and t4L-iai woo, Direiikel or every aloactili,. • Sion, X11100 reward to any chemist who will find, on analysis of !141]0 bott..os of Shaker Blood Syrup, one particle of Mere Iodide of Potassium; or any mineral ,6 stance. SOLD EVERYWHERE pricy • $L00 Par 8ottia, or pix fa, $0.vio. Sole Agency for Wingliarn at Tlia Pharmacy, Dr, Towier's drizf; More; GET YOUR IL PRINTED AT THE TIMES °: ``ice, Win gh %n - Bultscritro 'for 11117 'trAtrs. $1.6-.51 turning if ueoessery, W to Jan, tit f2.8,. - It, tdrj,Rfl, proprietor. cures T]izzatem, Los t f Appcttte, Indigestion, liiliousness, .Dyspepsia, Jaundice Affections of he Liver and Kidneys, mm). , i lotchet, Boils, llunwrs,. Salt iiheurn, Sci"oftr'a, -' , ",'ysillcicrs, and all discescs arising front Antra 13iood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action t l%tiic Pewee. _1414 ,u.iiWy riWalltl. A FEW HINTS FOR THE USE OF '$DOSS.—To 0»iota the'boio: As els gehtiy, 2 le 4 Piltz; tltoroiig1ily, 4 'to 6 Pills. 1 ,Experience xperience wilt decide tiks / proper dose in each case.. For Constipation, or Costiveness, iiti3 remedy is soeifeotiv"e a§ AYER's Pmts. They insure regular daily action, and re: Store the bowels to a healthy condition. • For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Antal PILLS are invaluable, and a sure cure. Heart -burn, loss or Appetite, Foul ,..'onaach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Read - fiche, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved aid cured bj' AYER's Pita: LiverCiimplaint, BUioUS filsorders, and Jaundice, AYEB'% PILLS should ba given hi doth large enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation:, Ad a cleansing medicine in the Spring;' these Plats are Unequalled. Worms; caused by a morbid condition of. the bowels; are expelled by these PILLS. Eruption, Skin Diseases, and Pileli the result of Indigestion or Constipation, ari cured by the use of AYER's PILLS. For Colds, take AYER'S PILLS to open the pores. remove inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, indlgstible food, etc., AYEa'tl PILLS are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, often result from digestive derange- ment, .or colds, and disappear on removing the oatitid by the use of Ai ER's PILLS. Tumor6 J Dropsy, Kidney Complaints; and other di§orders caused by debility or obstruction, are cured by AYER'S PILLS: Suppression, and Painful Menstrua+: 'tion, have a safe and ready remedy la AYE ID'S PILLS. Fun directions, in varlets languages, ac. oompang each package. PBEI'ABED- BY tr. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Massa Soldby ailDruggists. QUEEN CITY 011 C01 GOLD MEDALS Awarded at Toronto, London ;rid Guelph, in 1883, for PEERLESS QAC 'OTHEt; NAI KINE OiLS. For Salo by all First -Glass •ae1;1a.~i Every Barrel Guaranteed, SAMUEL ROGERS, Itanagez Se Front St. bast. Tarawa. WILL culla OR RELIEVE 1"ILIOUSNESe, DIZZINESS, DYCPEPSIA, DROPSY, 1NDlGESTION, FLUTTERINQ JAUNDICE. OF THE fflYSIPELAS,, ACIDITY OF SALT, Baum, THEE STOMA011, HRASTDUl? , DRYNESS HEADACH, , OF THE 8011, And evary epectet al# disease lariats frr u e •diterderc g31lyVV i. f ',CONEYS, ES YYOD19'TO V1A." COO `rrlprlatz+ !fie ILBUD i I C.t r arnta k