HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-20, Page 9'2
IlVideawalto Tunes Correspondents Oommurnoate — Other
Items Clipped From Our Exchanges.
ST. itlitaVete.
Mast Ql2ItrOi was °petted for service
Sunday last, Rev. Mr, Shaw of
vedette* preached three excellent ser -
pet Sunday, to crowded. holism
leotions amounted to PO. A sac-
Ot comma was giveu on Monday even
ng, Addresses were given by Ile's.
Vbaley of St. Helene, McLeod of RIP'•
ley, Miles ef Kincardine and, Hall of
Ripley. St. Peas churole choir of
Winglitem rendered some excellent se-
lections. The proceeds amounted. to $80,
)petty wedding was celebrated on
Vhursela,y at the residence of Mrs, The• e.
Wilkinson, when her daughter, Miss.
. Nellie, was niterried to W. K, Whaley,
•' The ceremony was performed by Iteva
A. 11, Browo. The neatly ttiends of the
Toting ' COUP wish success and
Don't get the grand entertainment
and Christmas tree in Connection with
, the Beglish church, in the Foresters'
halt, on Tuesday evening, Deoember
'24th, at 8 o'clock. The principle feature
of the evening will be the new Coltlin-
, bian drilland tableau, "For King, Flag
and Country."
It our sand duty this week to record
he death of Christina, beloved wife of
William .Patton. The late Mrs. Patton
had been in poor health for some years
but during the past summer her condi-
tion grew worse and in spite otldncl
attention ani care she died on Wed-
nesday morning of last week. She was
the daughter of Mr. Geo. King of the
• boundary east and leaves a husband son
and daughter to mourn her loss. The
funeral took place on Friday afternoon
to the Bluevale cemetery and iu spite of
the Very unfa.voeablo weather was large-
ly attended, The bereaved family have
• the sincerest sympathy of the commun-
ity iu their affliction.
The Turn,berry Council met in Blue -
vale on Monday last.
Rev. Mr. Ballantyne of Molesworth
preached in the Presbyterian church on
Sunday afternoon. There was no ser-
vice in the evening.
• Thci annual meeting of tho missionary
society of the Presbyterian Church was
held on Tuesday Dec. 10th. The report
for the year was read by the secretarY
and found Hatisfactory. The followhig
officers were elected for the coming year
• Pres. Mrs. (Rev.) W. 3. West; vice Miss
Collie; Secretary Mrs. •Wm. Messer;
Treas. Miss M. Black; Councillors Mrs.
J. Diment and Mrs..R. N. Duff.
A branch of the Wingham Public
Library is being opened iu Bluevale.
A meteor was' seen by sonic of our
townspeople on Thursday night between
ten and eleven oclock. It was large and
brilliant and was travelling in a south-
westerly direetion.
The manual entertainment of the Pres-
byterian Sunday School will be held on
New Year's eve instead of the 27t1i Dec.
as formerly announced. A pre -engage-
, extent of the hall for the latter night ne-
cessitated a change of date. An excell-
ent program is being propared by the
young people and it will no dotibt be all
the better for the extended time to prac-
We are, glad to bo able to say that
Mrs. F. B. Scott is now in a fair way to
Jewitt of Brussels shipped a car
load of hogs to Palmerston last Thurs-
day. •
Mr. A. McEwen has purcha.set3. Ira
, Eteher's farm on the 1st line of Morris
for $3,400. •
Frank Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs, F.
E. Scott, is a victim of diptheria
Tama, Iowa. His friends here will hope
17 for his speedy recovery. •
Mrs. John Burgess and Miss Mabel
Oliver are getting around after their
severe illness last week.
The bills are out for the S. ‘0, S. eon
cot in Wingham on Jan, 9. There will
doubtless be a large number in this vi-
cinity te avail themselves of the oppor-
tunity of hearing the great Miss Mao
The many friends here of Mrs. Soho i.. .Mossrs. G. Kirby and. Menne Sander-
Robertson of WroseteWere sorry to s= were at Gorrie on Tuesday evening
bear Cif the bad accident from Which she last,
is suffering and will hope to hear cif her
Mre. Donald Fisher M Harriston
quiet recovery. with her brother, Mr. Otietehighant, who
The children of the Methodist Sunday
nas undergone anOther operation and is
School are preparing for •a Christmas
tree entertainment which will be held very lov.
in the chureh on Christmas night. A Mr. John Hopfer who has beoli at the
good time maybe expected. Soo all stormer is expected home next
• week,
Thomas Wright; on the gravel road'
had the misfortune last Monday to out
his foot with an nxo While cutting wood.
WO hope to see Toni able to be around
Miss Nana ryanti of Morris was
visiting her uncle Mr. -Alex, Bryans ou
the gravel road.
Miss Mary Simion spent a couple of
days at Wroxeter with Miss May David-
son. She took in the ball while there.
Mr. Isaac Tennant and Walter Hag -
gales of Manisticine took talventage of
the cheap excursion to Outario to spend
Christ:nes with their friends.
Mr. Hubbard Millar of Turnberry has
returned from Clinton whew he has
been attending -the Model Sohpol. Ilo
has secured, S. S. No. 10, Morris, for the
•year no at the salary of $800. Train
the children while they're youug,.flubb,,
and they won't forsake it, when they're
Miss Raymond on the 4th, C4rey, was
visiting her friend Miss Martha John-
Miss Tenn Smith was visiting her con -
sin Miss Aggie FOrrest.
dumb, held a sale of worke in the base -
meat hot Friday evening. Oytpgte
the weather the attendanceWas not
large, but a good tittle was spent. The
Bev, R. S. G. Anderson entertained the
gathering, om bow people travelled in
the good old days. The choir rendered
a few nioo pieoes. The handkerchief
drill by 18 little girls was well done,
But tlie doll drill by 17 little girls was
best of them all. They were drilled by
Miss =tax (Awl, who we regret to say
is about to leave us.
There is considerable spouting about
atir town hell, and there is every pros -
Peet that it will he a leadiag plank in
the election ef QUr Col -Weil this year.
But whet looks to be great vanishes at
nemination like Silicate and no ne ap-
pears to be hurt.
Minutes of Council ineetieg held hi
the Clerk's office Bluevale Dee.
Members of council all present;the
reeve iu the chair. ,
Tho minutes of last meeting were read,
approved and signed on motion of Mes-
srs. Mitchell and Musgrove.
A communicatioli was read from a
number of ratepayers of Wingham town
plot, complaining of parties removing
sods off the streets of Lower Wingham
and carting them away. Filed.
• Mr. Coupland reported having let a
job of putting tile in culvert on 10th line
ooposite lot 7 to James Weir at $2 50.
The Reeve and Treasurer laid the fi-
nancial statement. before the Council
for examination.
Moved by Mr. Musgrove seconded by
Mr. Mitchell that the annual statement
be received and adopted, Carried.
Moved by Mr. Mitchell seconded by
Mr. Lovell that bylaw No. 13, 1901 for
holding nomination meeting be read the
third time and passed. Carried.
. The following accounts were passed
• and orders issued on the Treasurer:
Wm. Cruikshank, road commissioner,
salary, $60; John Musgrove do $45; Juo.
Ooupland do $45 Will., Mitchell do 345;
Thomas Lovell do 845; John Burgess
salary, $60; Peter McLaren salary $50;
Paul Powell 330.50 salary and postage;
Paul Powell error in roll of statute la-
bor $2; Jas. Showers road machine re-
pairs $1.25; John Ansley gravel $1.80;
Guttericlge concrete tile $10; Wm.
Holmes repairs to road machine $1; jno.
Tervitt guards on boundary $5, Wawa -
nosh to pay half; MeLean & Son lum-
ber $10.84; Wm. Mitchell returning tile
25c.; Richard Armstrong extras Arai
stroug drain $17; Duff & Stewart, lum-
ber 50o; Robert Hogg repairing B line
bridge $2; lohneMcKinnori gravelling
Oulross boundary $20.48; Jas. Powell
culvert cin 6th line $2.50; Frank Wright
culvert $1,33,
• John Burgess, clerk.
',Me. Alex, Patterson its on the Sick list
this week.
Mr, Mel; Con t
Wel mount but did not
te a letter, Told hi
thority to write a letter,
M. MOKeuele was here brought
task for the prioe of the letter, lot it
was finally overlooked,
The general opitilou of the 00111011.
seemed to he that there was no need, to
put their feet on the Pack of the Share"
holden and crush theta by a forer:asare.
It they wished to buy the Works when
it was put up for sale the ..eaviell would
nourish them in every possible way,
A lettee Was read from a gentleman in
Detroit requesting aseeemation about the.
disposition of the Iron Works or the
terms of wile fox' removal er to be Tun in
Wingliare. He was experieueed in the
manufaotere of waterworks supplies and
was desirious of !minting in °amnia.
The tone of the letter was approved and
the Mayor iustruoted to write to Wm,
A, delegation of the directors of the
Mechanics institute waited upon the
Colwell. They stated through Mr.
Morton that in order to get the 011itowary
Government area it would be oecetsary
for the Council to grant them $50 ab ve
the usual amount. By the, Corotoil giv-
ing them a grant of $50 they 'wont... get
$40 from the Goveruznexite Mr. Mo
Kenzie wauted to kilOW if more books
were necessary. Or was •it not tlarow-
ing mouey away, Ur. Morton showed
that in order to keep it membership we
must keep up with current; literature.
He would liked to have seen a great deal
more spent than there Was its there were
a number of good volumes that should
be added.
The Mayor --asked why it was not
made a free library, To which Mr.
Morton replied that he would be pleased
to see it.
MeIndoo•—Bell—That ah extra grant
of $50 be given to the Mechanics Iasti-
tu te. —Carried. •
Mr. John. pennett is cutting. •wood
and straw on the 3rd, this week.
Mrs, Wro. ltoss who lute been ill for
seine titue is reeovering,
Mr. Milte McLaughlin is cutting wood
wilh Mr Wm, Waldefi.
The Calvin chureh Ohriciamis enter-
taiument which was to have been held
on Deo. 23rd has been postponed..
On Monday John R.'Salter got weird
of the death of his sistai, Mrs, Wm.
Mills, in Ohio. Re left for ()hie on the
afternoon train. Mrs. Mills leaves a
husband awl seven chilclrenfour boys
ana three girlie, the youngest a bey two.
month e old—to mourn her loss,
• Misses Lottie and Agnes Haines will
spend. Christmas with friends in Lis-
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Haiuna sr., and
Edward Haines, jr., will go to Grintaby
for New Years to attend the wedding of
the torratetat neice, •
TIte „Closing Meeting Sties a Lot of Dust -
twat Dotte.—Grant to radio Library.—
Offer to 13uy N. i.Works.—Taxes Pretty
Well Collected.
. .
The Town Fathers got down to hard
work ou Monday evening and tried to
linuaa up the business of the year, but en
adjournment uutil Thursday. .night was
necessary. •
All the members of the Council were
present. The Mayor ,presided. The
minutes of the previous meeting wore
read and adopted.
When the questiuu or exemption of
the factories was up it 'a its found that
the personal property of factories was
exempt, according to the bylaw.
The following accounts were recom-
mended to be paid :
W. Holmes, supplies & rep 9 4 50
Firemen, salary, 13 men • 05 00
V. Vaiinorman, salary 43 00
D. Dinsley, attending fire station
in case of fire , 10 00
J. D. Burns, supplies,w.w 80
H. Ker, N. I. Works, valuating, 10 00
E. L. Dickioson, legal work . 36 65
75 1 00
T. Hall, printing
W. & T. Moore, repairs
A. Ross, statkenery ..... 1 65
Relating to a question regardiug the L. McLean, lumber & teaming, , 44 08
National Iron Works the Mayor stated Thos. L. Jobb, repaias ..... . . 1 10
that the Works are ruouing still' as the
Southampton job is hardly finished. Jno. Ansley, services, specifica-
The discrepant invoice s
stead of $855: The one is in hand writ- 7 0hows' $1759 M-
ing of the company from which the pur-
chase was Made, the other is type writ-
ten. Whether or not the latter had been.
done to try the new typewriter is un-
A. letter was received from the Hospi-
tal for Sick Childreu requesting a grant.
It reported that 5922 children. had 'been
taken care of—orte of these from Wing -
ham. They were $13,000 in debt, It
was moved by Bell and McIndoo that $10
be granted to the Hospital.—Carried.
A letter was read from the Town
Solicitor sayiug that Mr, NICKenzie had
called upon him and suggested that he
advise the Council regarding the 1 or-
clostire of the mortgage ou the N. I, W.
without waiting for special instructions.
He said they eould not make a sale to
anyone bends° of the terms of bylaW.
The proper way would be for the town
to foreclose, by the first clause if failure
is made in any payment the whole be-
comes due, and $1000 is due lst of
January. It would take abotit 7 months
iu the generil comse to close up, bnt
this is usually shortened.
• Mr. McKenzie—thought we could not
get men to take hold et the X. L Works
under the present batgaio with town,
therefore he Moved that the Solicitor be
instructed to foreclose mortgage. That
then we Will be ready for auyote who
wishes to -buy. The 'auger it was idle
the harder it would be to sell.
Mr. McIndoo—hi rising said, Mr. Mc -
McKenzie was too swift. The share-
holders really own the property. Did.
they request Mr. McKenzie to make this
move. It should be left with the share-
holders to see what they intend to do,
and until they request the Council to
move. He felt niore sorry for the in-
dividuals than for the town.
Mayor Ciegg-aSaid foreclosure was
very tedioes. An Assignment had already
been made. The property would be
offered for sale subject t0. town mort-
gage. •This was au easy Vali for any
purchaser as they would not need much
capital. The price would not be $17000,
as the present value of 317000 is about
38500, The anneunt to pay each year
was only $1150, which would be a small
rental. Be had received comniunica.
thin from a good iirm„ which did not
objet to the number of men but would
add' other lines and add more men,
They might be able to have the bushiess
• hunting withiaix 10011th.
Mr, MoKeuzie—The first step Was to
give notice -of breach of contract regard-
ing insurance,
while out driving it got away. After • Mayor—We should at least Wait until
running a short distance lb turned and • payment was due.
walked towards hoine. Mr. MeIndoo—Who authorized Diek-
The.Ladies Aid of the Presbyteria on to write this letter?
Mrs. Thos. Sanders of Manitoba ar-
rived last Saturday, and great was the
meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sim-
mons, her parents. She has not been
home since her wedding day, almost 8
years ago, and she brought with her a
son. Mr, Sanders is expected about
New Years to spend the winter.
Mr. James H. Brethater of Regina sent
his parents a life-size picture of himself
and wife. The latter they have not
aeen. °
Mrs. Ames Donaldson of Bayfield
was in town hist week,
Mrs. Gallagher of Salem called on
her daughter lea GoodfellOw last week
Mr. J. Carson was in Wingham last
week on business.
There is to be a Christmas dinner at
Mrs. James Alleles. A large number
are invited to commemorate the first
Xmas siuce their anima
tions, deo
-W. A. Johus, poll room
W. Gannett, 4i
We notice Mr. Ecl Barnard 'is proper -
baud Edwards, an unmarried man, ing to put in ice in the rink. If this
aged 50 years, an employe of the Xingfrobty weather continuos ice will 'be
sten tannery was missed from his usual ready shortly.
place by his fellow workmen this Thos. Sage is breaking in a colt and
morning. He was finally found deal
in a vat ot boiling water used to bleach
tanbark situated itt an upper story, and,
soul away from the part of the buildiug
where he worked. '
J. B. Cummings, poll room •
J. B. Ferguson, sal. and. postage, 115 00
A. Youug & Sons, supplies
4 00
4 00
4 00
Jno. Brock, labor, streets • 2 50
J. W. Davidson, Ref, House &o 14 35
W. Bell, labor, stree 81
Mrs, A. Coati, salary 17 00
Public Library grant._ ..... , 170 00
Mr. Wm. Robertson said Mr. Gordon
had offered him $5 taxes, ou hielate stock.
as healed sold it about 1st of May. It
was moved by Messrs. Mclndoo and Bell
that $5.00 on R. G. Gordon's stook be re-
fuuded. ,
Mr. Robertson made his statement
showing that there was only 3481.29 to
bo collected. He also called the atten-
tion of the Council to the fact Wingham
pays $60 less to the Collector than any
other town. Other towns pay the Col-
lector more than the Assessor.
Bylaw 450 for holdine, ensuing election
and appointing polling places was reaC1,
and passed; Ward No. 1, Elliott's
office, F. Patterson 1). R. O. ; No. 2,
Advauce offiee, Jas. Plenty; No. 3, Town
Hall, J. B. Ferguson; No. 4, .Jrio.
Lougheed,'s, W. Robertson. .
Tho Council adjourned to meet, on
Thursday evening.
It w 11 he to your ntereet 10
see n Lerge ,an Complete
Stec cif
.N velties
hefoi4niakrng v
Our pr es. wp
utereet yew,
Christmas Presents fQr Ladies
P4adies' lianfikerelliers—Embroidered 'and tact; Trimmed,
Fiala Linen and Iiijtialed, hem stitehed, sills and fancy !ordered, We
have thein all. Prices are 5,10, 123,15, 20, 25, 80, 35, 50, 60, 75o and $1.
Ladies' Silk. Ties. in plain: hea stitolied and fringed, and new,
Plaids, 25e, 35e, SOe, 750, $1.00, $1,25,3
.., • •
LadieF.4' Gloves, bleak and colored Kid Gloves in the beet Makes.
Lined or -unlined. See our guaranteed glove at 31.25.
r alley ice 'Wool Fascinators. *Wool Shaarle,FencY SliPPOrs.
Silk Waists, Freuch F1anne/0 Waite, jackets- Fur Ruffs, Boae, CaPet-
ines, Gauntlets, Muffs, ,Caes, Qapes and. Coats. °
The Liquidator of the 3. Crealy
Dairy Company has sold the Conipauy's
factory at Clinton to Mr. John E„ Mc-
Gregor, butter manufacturer, who will
shortly remove to Clinton to make it his
home. Mr, MoGregot is a thoroughly
practical man taut will give his entire
time and ability to the creamery busi-
itess in aideto make it a success. Ho
has paid cash for the factory and intends
to conduct, his whole business on a cash
basia, having available cash to pay for
supplies without waiting to realize osi
better manofactured.
Christmas Pre,sents• for ilea and 'Boys
Men's Ties in the very latest styles. , Bows, Flowing Endo,
Puffs, Four-in-hanti, Knots, Derbys, Pte. A1.1. prices.
Men's 'Unifiers in the ne stylee; prices are 25, 25, 50, 65, 76, 31.
Men's Gloves and Mitts. A big stook to choose front in
Kid, Mocha, etc., at 50c, 760, 90c, $1. 00, $1,25, 31,50, $1.,75,
Men's ifyaces. We , have thp best makes, from the cheap web
up to fine e5c to $1.25. •
Men's KiAlippers, Felt lists, Fur Oaps, Print Shirts, Vinbrellas,
Fancy Top Shirts, Hockey Boots, Cardigans, etc.
20 lbs, Granulated Sugar for ..$1 00 ' Choice Mixed Candies,,. .10e,
22 lbs. Coffee Sugar for 1 00 New Dates. . , . • 10e
3 lbs. Bt at Raisins for • 25 Lemon Peel • 15o
3 lbe. Best Currants for. 25 New Figs .. .... — ,05e
. Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, 8 oans • 25 Fresh Salmon . .... _ 10e
it E. Rilrt
D Go.
Wingham's BriAhtest Store. Opp. Batik ) ) I
Serving the public "with care, atten-
tion, honest goods and low vices, has
given us a Digit position amongst the
draggists of Croanda. We look for your
trade, aocl will use every endeavor to
make you a regalia. oUstOlaier.
Our supplies of pure Dreigs, Medicines,
Toilet Preperatioutt, Perfumes, Brushes,
Combs, Sponges, Eta., will interest you.
15A1TE'S Ottattea Coareoonte.
We are fully prepared to fillyour
Ordera for this popular disease -banishing
medicine. Knowing its powers and
virtues, wo stroggly recommend it as a
blood purifier, eery() bracer anl flesh
blender. Paine's Celery Compound is no
new remedy, it has been tested and sue-
cessfully used Juan parts of Canada by
teas of thousauds, end has never failed..
�t ,A. CAMPIUtt,t, toraggiStt
Wifigglialt) Out.
Everybody •
Our prices are log and our stock
is very complete in
Ladies' ilSolid Cold, Gold Filled, Silver and
Enamelled Watches.
Ladies' Fine Long Chains, Gold and Gold,
Pifled Brcoches, Stick Pins, Bracelets.
• Ladies' and Gent's Solid GM Gem
Gold Filled Cuff Links. 01 arms, Scarf Pin; etc)
Also Spectacles, Silver Noveltif s,
SilveriAited Ware,
A reasonat:e a.nount of
on all goods b)ught from
me, except spoonl
and forks
Jeweler and Optician.