HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-20, Page 8a'
. Ibla
*It Q R 0 8 S .
AXES at Right
for Saskatchewan
and Gauntlets.
Dom, Whitechoreh
t or matter
i*q by any person
Vek:stNg lverlifolictch:41=1,
-avetsc in proem
events. in tate
veal invariably be
new deviation from
otoontraets of 50
*ice will ha charged
is to be
of the
in case
No no.
zott,,, advertising err
by wittelt money
or cause will be
without elutrgt! except
to ;It? importance
the prices or these
5 cents per line. Pasitively
these figures, except
lines and upward.
less than 25e.
Was. A.
. 9 tO
Terms Very Reasonable.
E. PRIOR. E. Patrick
Came into our shop the
other day, and. after leav:,/
ing us an order for a suii
of clothes, said it was worth
at least.
To have a Snit made to
your satisfaction, and in'
the latest fashion. What
we can do for one, we do
for all.
Try us and see.
ow the tire is over I am upstairs in
Have You a Favo
Co•oking Stove
In your kitchen? if you
are worrying along without
change atonce. Life is
toOlellort to admit of any
trouile in the kitchen. We
know and can prove that
Surpasses All Others. To
13ake, to Broil, to Roast, to
- lloil, as well as being More
k.:111 -Arable, Convenient and
•Economical in the 113e of 7
A Line of Down Draught Air
Tight Seaters.
The liVinAharn Times 1.o(
The Montreal
Daily Herald
And a Splendid Picture. et
king Edward VII.
Now York Fashions
Evening Dresses individual
Gowns: Christmas Presents,
In view of the very pretty thin
materials, such as net, mousseline,
polut d'esprit, tO.* quite tasteful
1>arty (trews are Practicable at rea4
Scalable cast. Li:w
ght eight evening
Silk% are also desirable and, if rade
at home need noti render the (Welling
gown very expensive, Among the
Four hundred. however, priees reach
high 'figures, 'by reason of brocades,
fine jet or other finishings on the ord-
er, while the realmof Lae being
touched upon, expense may become
fabuleus. Qrepe de Chine continuos in
very great demand ter, the more
and one recently ordered\ by a young
lady; guest of the Astot' family is of
pale blue crepe de Chine, •tucked
lengthwise at intervals and finished
around the lower edge' by laeo. The
corsage; is suede low, round, finished
by i lace, and a beautiful succession of
small white rases with pendant loaves
and buds, quite encircles the should-
ers, with corresponding completions
around the ar/nholes,from which light
falls of lace constitute simulated
sleeves, The sash is of white chiffon.
AI second lovely gown, t to be warn at
the opera, by Miss( Kelly, who is soon
tel inarry Frank Goulcl,! i 0.* delight-,
ful creation in pale pink satin under
white lace. Another 'dress in black
net glitters in a mese of spangles.
indeed, aro a rage and an elegant cos-
tume of finest black net over crimson N
satin Ls one among: a number of oth-
ers prepared for Mme.Nordica in her
song recital teur. Like • royalty,
travel:A this Qun of Song, attended
by a ,euite of cooks, waiters, maids,
secretary, pianist..
Burnt leather remains fashionable,
but is rivaled or exceeded by a burnt
wood completion, wherever practic-
able; neither, however, being so novel
0 small articles in Swiss: work on
wood. There are many quaint devices
chiefly peasant figure S in gay colors,
and, the articles therasolves are often
miniature reproductions of domestic
utensils, such as kegs; tubs, eto. Cal-;
enders remain extremely popular and
are shown in the mosb tempting ark
iety, and to .s.uit all tastes. whether
sedate or fanciful. )
englas, is in a high tide of popular.,
ity and this year, for the bureau,
fancy runs to individual! bottles that
are small when: compared to the im-
posing pair which formerly were thou-
ght e,esential. peittonery is again
this season, a prominent feature in
the attractive display of Christmas
presents on the counters of all leading
dealers. It certainly makes a most
acceptable gift.
ALL Fen $175
his i'S the greatest coinidari 'on offer CVO'
by any Canadian journal, and we are
fortnnate in securing the sgteltishe privilege for
Odailistriet. The Daily Iletrad ii one et tan.
egreat papers. Ilstalitis'.eil in ISM. it has
g been the leading' Liberal tlper of Ve.sterit
;amnia. It is now a great fa,,sry new,dv,iper.
th day giving full hews of the world. dim ril.-t
lag numb space to in:Mitts of r:veidiar in
t to the family. 7,ts co It aiAl linen.
is contrilete nod vet 'Aid.,
Mt ICINO'S DORTItAIT is the tont
tallied in Canada, and will VIP.... 0 11,,' 0.
to the IVATIS of ;my .1i1 ,It t.. Et i• ...,..
. by a irOW pewees. Itnd 14 1,1' 001' .. lb I
colored eortreita PeYtimii.4f,‘T .
As the reenlae price of 'Pl.,. T, .r•'.• i.: ... .s,
SIMI the liberality of reir Uri: : 1. . :,
41,1>titoot ALL 091,. It.
for: powder; salve or other toilet ac-
cessory have silver covers. For hair
brushes, too; silver backs are very
popular and ,silver shoe horns, button-.
er,s, silver finished- scissors, etc., lie ont
trays of 'silver. Ebony! remains fash-
ionabla for brushes or. .handle e ,of
,snaall toilet •goods, but is hardly in
good taste, as the appearance is
gloomy. Photograph or small picture
frames are still preferably in gilt and
axe either square or oval. Chains' or
purses in gum metal; are seen without
end ;i belt clasps are; wondrous to be-
hold, so numerous and frequently so
tastefully ornate is the presentation
here is the Veritable, home of the imi-
tation jewel and, while some clasP4
are in mode,st' oxydizcd or standard
silver, a greater number, fairly, glow,
in color. H'at pinsr come in for much,
attention and they, too, are speciali
exponents of the imitation craze.
—Lucy Carter4;,
8, DEC 111) 1901,
A'PROCLAMATION. Stops t*ie +Dough
and 'work* off tb.e Cola*
Laxatiee Brozno-geleine Tablets pure 4 eeld iu
0.41r.NUChuthuu kAtir. itiC0 oeute.
i ,, ,
We p eSSS an he modern end tip.to.
date fe idea or oouclucting a relieble
and hrs 'lase drug bneineee. When yon
favor vith your eoctorispreseriptidn,
our beseaort aro put forth to undo)
that preeiription What your physionie
nteuded it .shatild be—professienally
correct he the minutest deteihi.
PArit's OELSitY CoNeonee.
This medicine is giving marvellous
results to sick people all over Cauada.
The mires alTeeted by Faine's Celery
Compelled during the past spealts
volumes in favor of the popular inediothe,
Thousaud who have suffered from rhete,
niatism, ueuralgia, nervous.troubles and
dyspepsia 110W sing the praises of the
medicine that has given them such
happy results,
A. L. Ilaittieroa, Druggist,
Winatton One,
The Muesiteba liquor act, which, the
court of laet resort has declared, te
withinethe eorapetenee of: the
islateee of the P,r(evince, bas for its
preamble the following, words r
"Whereas it is expedient to suppress
the liquortraffic in Manitoba by pro.,
hibiting Provineial transaetions in
liquor." The means by •which thiii
purpose is e.ftecte4 is virtually eon..
tained in clauses 48 and 49 of the,
"(48) No Rerson shall, within: ths'
Province of Manitoba, by hireself,his
clerk, servant or agent, expose or
keep foe sale or direetly .or indirectly
ar upon. pretene3 or upon tiny. device
sell or bar-M-4''br i oonsidereation of
the purchase qr transfer of any pre,
party or thing,. or at the time of the
transfer of ; any property or thing,
give to any other i-e...eson any limier
without having first obtained a
druggiati,s wbelasale le n_e or a drug_
gist's retail lieense• underthis act
authorizing him to do so, and .then
only as authorized by suoh 1:cense and
as preseribA, bY•this apt.
'09) No pQrson within: the Province
of Manitoba by lthnself, his olerk,ser_
vent or agent enall have or keep ,or
give liquor in any place whe.tsoever,
other than in the , private dwelling
house. in which he resides, without.
having. first obtained a druggist's
wholesale license or a ainggiat's re..
tail license under this not anthorizing
him be dose, and thenonlyas with..
orized by such lieense.". :
The usual exceptions follOW forthe
use and sale of spirits or wines , for
scientific, Mechanical or sacramen-
tal purposes. In. no case shall liquor
ba consumed on the licensed premises.
Breweries ender Dominion license are
free to store liquor for export in
warehouses. There is striet provision
niade against violation of the act he
connection with soeieties,a,ssociations
or clubs. Physicians, dentists and
veterinarians are allowed to keep
small specified . quantities for pre-
scziption purposes.
The machinery for .tha enforcement
of the law ineludes the appointment
of a chief inspector ,and a number
c local inspectors, who, are given
large powers, and policemen are also
empowered to enforce the provisions
of the act. Licenses can only be
granted to "chemiets or druggists
duly registered and licensed to perry
CO3 busin.ess as sucle" and 02.0m:oust
make periodical eturns of their
sales under oath. The litenses are
yearly renewed, ancl the local, inspec-
tor must report on the premises and
en the character and repute of the
applicant. .Any ten. or more . rate-
payers near the wareheez„se or store
proposed to the licensed nay object to
the granting of the license, and the
chief inspector mast investigate thase
objections. At any time after the
granting of a license acomplaint in
writing .may b2 made by ten rate..
Payers living near by and the County
Judge shall hear the colinPlaint, and
it it ±5 established he shall_ se report
to the Attoamey-General, who shall
forthwith caneel the lieense..
,The clauses ;which deal with the en:
aveentent of the aet, make it very
clear that liquor tcannot ba oaten.
sibly given away under some eubter-
Aug°, each 0 is fannilia.r in. Simla:ix
eases. The presence lof beer pumps
or sinallat • paraphernalia shall ba
prima. facie evidence of intention to
sell liquor. The , penalties provided
for breathes of the Ter are severe:
lonera a reading of the act it is quite
apparent that thereis nothing to pre.
vent a private pereed having liquot
shipped tc hitr,. from outside the Pro -
Once fe'r the Coneurreption by himself
or those who enjoy his bona fide hos.
pitality. Clause 119 speeially excepts
eueli transaetion& from the purview
of the act :—"While this ti at is n.tend.
ed to prohibit and shall prohibit Iran.
eattions h liquor which take place
Wholly within ;;he Province of Mani..
except Under' 4 license or as
OthellWise OpenittilY provided by this
Winghanz - Ontario,
List to the story! of a seribe,
And wonderinot becloth nada°
IrreM out the flowing bowl.
This scribe once scrawled a paragraeln.
Regarded, it with cheekting laugh,
And joy doop ht his soul.
He. had evolved groinout his braip
jokelet, winding up with "train."
D'ye wonder he said,
The mon behind the Linotype
All mirth from out the joke did wipe;
Tho proof thereof read "tram,"
in hiersilOynhiel style again(
The man behind the pen wrote"train."
Trya wonder he said d ---I
For on' the freshly-pullclk revise
The jokelet now appeared thnswise:
The. type Z1 wore changed( to "ham."
In, trembling rage—his 40rowl a-blot—
The man behind the pen was bot!—
He scribbled at great; 'pace.
The mare behistd the. Linotype .
wore a few, and ,said, "By snipe
11 mestf be xneardl for "trace."
The writer' gavg a frantic yell;
But what( liasaid—I'll, never tell!
Ho wrote the joke again.
He typed! it all ho used the "caps,"
And muttered( things, and. said, "low
1 '&3.14 r
That foorlI get it 'TRAIN.' "
He hit the keyboard( with a swipe—
The man behind, the Linotype --
11e juggled his machine,
And see the, line whore should.
f "TRAIN". . I
In fashion that was quite insane:
"hartut lunlibms csrmn 'mum —
• 0ARNIT0$' " •
Whatever that may mean.;
Attend the, .sorrow;s 'era scribe;
His "facile pen" he insist proscribe;
He's learning, to typewrite.
But he behind the Linotype,
With cinch( akin to laden pipe,
Is .sitting tight—is sitting tight!
A rood; for Drain and Muscle.
Whether it is brain fag, Iasi of
memory, inability to condentrate the
mind or bodily weakness andd •general
debility Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Will
restore your old. time energy, strength
and health. Through the blood and.
nervous systems, it reaches every part
of the body and overcomes weakeess,
irregularities and disease,
Itehnits earner for Iran.
Syraduse, Dna. 11.—Lovis H. Hayes,
of New York, is undergoing {treat.;
Inent at St. joseph"e Hospital for a
remarkable operation. igo is alniost
entirely blind, owing to the destrue.
tioo, a the oornea ef his eyes. The
cornea, is the covering which is to the
lenses of the eyes what the glass of
a, watch is, to a watch ; it pretette eCi4 sad restrict the emieumption of
them froth' injury. Whe4 the corneal
b.,comes hardened,. or obscured, the
sight is Jost. Dr. F. W. Marlowe,whe
late charge of Mr. Itayee, proposes to
graft the oornea of a rabbit's eye
into that of hie patient. The opera.
ma, although rave, is. by no means
unheard of iet,the annals JO eye treat.
• On Magnetie Meeting, .
Much is spoked and written during
these times -4.ahout this mysterious
method .of treating disease. The mast
truly remarkable cases of magnetic
healing whioli }'ave come. under the
notice of the writer have been those
in. which Dr. Ohase'd Ointment was used.
This preparation seems to have magical
powers in stopping the dreadful itching,
burning sensations of Salt Rheum and
Eczema, and when used regularly makes'
the cure thorough and permanent.
• Since the question of adopting the
referendum in connection with prohi-
bitiom has been, in discussion, several
have. asked .The Chronicle what is
meant by the referendum? Without
elaborate explanation, it might be
Stated, that by-laws for. raising de -
ben tureS for bonuses,: and any extra-
ordinary work in municipalities, are
passed under their system. *First the
eonneil drafts a by-law, and gives a
couplo of readings, in' which change$
cant be made,' if desired. Then it is
referred to a vote of the people, and
if it be. carried at the polis, the
comma gives it the third reading,
and it becomes law: Should the
cpxestionl of prohibition be decided by.
tho referendum, the Government
would' have, to prepare a. bill which
Would get a couple of readings in the
Legislattire, during whiell. time it
could ' be dikussed and altered, if
necessary.( Then that bill would be
submitted to • the people for their
sanction or disapproval, when it
woUldbe passed, or 4dlled, according
to the vote. •
'In municipal by-laws a mere major-
ity; of a: ismall vote; will not carry,
and the law ia strict ill requiring. a
full votese' that those who stay at
home actually count against the by.
law. Se! -probably. it would be' in
this' case. •1.
V-- )bo--- V-- V—
THE TIMES announces the • fol.
liquor within 'the limits of the Pro..
vittee Of Manitoba,. it shalt not affect
bona fide trnosattions in liquor be..
twee. a person P
in the. .roVinee Of
MatilItpObj, and gt person itt another
ProVinee or in a tottign .eountrylehd
the peovisions of this not shall lei
ast...rued ateardingly," Toronto'
°nor air
" AbOUt a year ago my hair was $
toming out very fast, so I bought
a bottle of Ayeet, Hair Viten It
Stopped the fallirig and nettle my
haiegrow very rapidly, mail now it
is 45 Inches in length.”—Mrs. A.
Boydston, Atchison, Kans.
There's another hunger
than that'of the stomach,.
Hair hunger, for instanee.
Hungry hair needs food,
needs hair vigof—Ayees.
This is whywe say that
Ayers Hair Vigor always
restores color„ and makes
the hair grow long and
heavy. $1.0 a Wk. 11drossies.
If year dniggi4t Oittneit sopP1s. you,
seta at one stella Ind *0 *ill °winos
yet bottle. Be lure Ind 1010 the name
07oatnKr.lt /*VOSS *me. .&44e0.&44e00,dess,
• 0y. oh AVM 00, woo mes.
lowing clubbing offers for
The Time
Till January 1903;
$ I
Times till end of i902 81 00
Times and Weekly Globe, with two magnifieient pictures,
• "The Dake.and Duchess of York," and •"The Farm
• Pets," till January 1st, 1903 • — 1 60
Times and Weekly Witness 1 60
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium 1 75 '
Times and Weekly MO and Empire 1 75
Times and Western Advertiser ..1 50
Times and Weekly San ... . • , 1 75
Times and Daily Globe .... 4 25
Times and Toronto'Daily Star, till Janauary 1st,.1903 .. 2 50
Times and Farmers' Advocate1 85
Times end Daily World • 3 00
Times and Daily. News 2 25
Times and Daily Mail and Empire • 4 35
Times and. Youth's COmpanion 2 75
* With the Toront Daily Star subsoribers will get a beautiful
,picture of King Edward IT in nine colors, by paying $2.60, or on
payment of $4.00 the premium with the Star will be a book,
"Picturesque Canada."
The balance of the year is included FREE in. case ' of all
weeklies to New Subscribers.
Wd could•extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can
give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published.
Every subscriber will receive a copy of the Handsome Illustrated
0 AN A DI AN ANN LT A L for 1902. - The above are
our 'FIXED RAT s, marked down so as to admit of no
reduction. Therefore, there is no use asking for cheaper rates.
When we can afford to give cheaper rates to one, we can give
them to all.
Call at or address
Wingham, - Ontario