HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-20, Page 7DEC. 20, 19(
"It is a good thing to decide what you are going to buy, and
..get it Off your mind, Most of you who responded. o our last
year's invitation to visit our store,andi inspect our stock were sur-
prised at the showing we made--ut'tthe lowness of our prices. •
Come this year and you will be doubly surprised.
Here are some hints;
Miscellaneous Books, board_
ae'i'er, good authorsand copy-
opyrighted editions from 15e to
Boy's . Own, Our Darling's
Chatter. Box, etc., at regular
Poets and holiday Books.
Our stock in these lines is ahead
of any proceeding year.
lroy'Book from le to 25e.
Also + good interesting Books,
'board,eover, for older children,
'11)e to $1:00,
Bibles and Testaments from
6e to .$,1:0,00. '
1Melhodist, English Church
a.nd Presbyterian Hymn Books,
' \Englieh Church and Roman
Catholic Prayer Books,all prices.
Purses from 5c to $2.00.
Wallets and Card 'Cases.
Scrap Books and Scrap,
Nancy Cases, Baskets.
Phot, Albums from 25c to
Dresser Cases in Leather and
Chatelaine Bap.
Collar Boxes from 25e to
Handkerchief Boxes from 25c
to $8.50.
Work Boxes and Shaving
Dolls from le to $2 00.
China, Bisque, Jointed, Kid,
Wool, etc., dressed .and undress-
ed. Go carts, Cradles, Beds,
High Chairs, Rocking Chairs.
Carriages, Doll Houses, Trunks,
etc; •
Dishes—Tin and China.
Wagons, Sleds, Tops, Build-
ing Blocks, Games, etc., ete.
Cups and Saucers . from 5c
to $1.00.
Japanese Ware and Hindu-
stan Vases, 5e.
Christmas Globe..
Views of Wingham.
Christmas Cards and Calend-
Berlin, Zephyr and Andalusian
Wools, 4 oz. for 25e.
The county council web on. Tuesday.
Deo. 8rd. Warden bolt Was in .the
chair .and all .the members were present.
Tho Warden in. his address to the
commit referred in terms elf regret to the
death of Dr. G. C. Shannon, who for
many years was enmity jail surgeon. He
stated that lie bad appointed Dr. Hunter
temporarily to tate positionuntil the
meeting of the coined. The completiou
of the jailer's residence was also rerer-
red to, and the Warden stated that a
;full ,report of the building couuuittee
would be placed before the email, The
Warden thought the coenoil should• elon-
eider the advisability of elutriug in the
Psovincii ,Government's apliropriatiAu
for road improveuteent, and suggested
that a cotnntittee lie appoiutewl to report
in the matter tit the Jirtitlary.seasiau.
Applioatiens for the position of jail
surgeon from Drs. Taylor; Gallow,.
Whitely, Cassidy and Hunter were re.
,ferred to the executive t tetim1ttee,
A memorial from the county elf Wel,
liulttqu reg rdin etneteb wuts.:to. the.
Railway Act, arld asking, cu,gpore-
tion of the Huron eennede was sent to
the special committee. •
& Ptter front A, A. Dupe,,relatisig i ? way'orossi
auctioneer's license, WAS referred to the coinmencl'e
executive committee, he•instVnr
Oommituteuta or two boys, Browu and eel:were it
Kelly, to the industrial house (the 'first
by J. Beattie, P. M., the seemed by' 0.
Seager, P. M) were bent to the executive•
Have you had it n your
ltetuoo Itis, cou'h and
cough and cough, apd then
that:terrible ;rrible whoop.1 Don't
e upset. thv stomr c •more. pry
giving rlutiFeonts rut tit, ine
'lust 14: tj e, cl'iiltl breathe'in the
sQQl1'llai 'vapor oI Vapo•Cresoleue.
gt., right. to i to x•},Ot thee', (lee
ease d, Relic f. is.'innuediate, and in
a vary fewdaystho cure s s;9trlll:pt.te.
You •can',t.say tit(: octet: Of anyotht.r
ttoatment. • Por a.ttuna, catarrh,
and colds itis eq Ally food.
eee ea'Fetene ie pest he simerIF's Ptereseesr
"he vaporize:a 4 Lamp. whl,'t s du4t. ! 5e r •
tiwn9, apo •t bottle , f ,.riseicoc e,ntpu e, ou• r
xtru Fuppttews' pr a rcaolt,•,s ag c.•• is ii tit'si
lthraratn4 hnokiet nmf.aniltg p••,FIsIanF" t.sti.
*sweats tra, upon resew.; , VA,•t,•t..ahhULItNC •.:G•,
trio hulton;;t., NOW iv,,.. *• fee.
drrtliecoggii;tmmo,.Wingatlediltarttr. ands. t,etdtr li A• L, Hamilton,.
in favor of the changing f,f the finencistl
year of the house Ott'refs-rite to end with
December let iustear3tof J'auuary 1st, so
that the report of theinsfitnttoii may be
placed before the 'emtr+4il'at the Decem-
ber session:. In.rete'rence to the petition
regarding the betterr guarding of rail -
two hewell ehr -....
The report lens adopted.
A large delA $tion waited on tbecoun-
cil to Urge thy` iet,tiou Of a bridge over
the; Maitland Riser letwsseu the .tuvrit-
i lwtf. r
tt Aid to il. <:. .irt:
Nothing lin de s
sim ,t5'y'
pleasantly nal quereerhersme.
chips of Colbert IN Intl adderic'h, Flied the inspector of larva :"era' Nova, Apiae
following gentleutell uddreesed tlwer' uu• • Neville, says. eelatiiirriseernie is the
oil in favor of emit a tieti: Milera•rs. remedy 1 betev.tmeg wren. 1ztfidoo
Johns, Burne, Jewell, aitllwtiite,'Bieek, of Catarrh et the Head fuel Throat,, .a
lolixtew, M..P,, turd > ltll. Pleased to rernnttrwea*I'such a satitlfati
i'Keremedy.'" Ce are olsoo i t a tea
A vote wait tnkt t? 011, t'he apppl4rnt'itt s duv t come. orme a and Orrice; h,
of ti jt;►il9uau to huet ,•Pd the Ar. r'ntr'l1Aused while trotvs*ArL iittlua(s.?arix,
G. 0, Shannon. Pr. Tovlor rect•ived the theatre, or street care, yivaply in hale
Caterr'hoeone anti it cores. Price, $1,00.
appoietrnent. Small size, 25 Cents Draggist.' silt
The rend 111.01 ridge voniinittee advised
that tho recot awmleliou of the Bounty
en iateer regarding thte,•Win; him and
sta'le' bridges be.:t.<loflte(1 stud that
tcirderis. for the tante I e titk, rl for ,and
lain, before the mimed et the ;sensory
wildest. legerditter, thu. Aux Sanble
bridge on, the boesidary tifMinetioseeeed
Lllwrubton, the. committee telvist'tl that
the report .t4 the e7t;.gi!n•er be eccepted
atld thnt..ii,e lies iustrtent:4 to re'por't to
the councils cif jl'.atubtou and Middlesex.
The committee advisesl'teat the stetute
rem:tr it% „forams ,dlivi iee over minty
bridges be eut'os ead;. 1t was, recetrutuetrcl-
et11t1, o a bat the propustot bridge betwerttu
the t,,wuslains of CAlberue and. •Gotterieh
ugsi etc..,; 'the couatnittee re- be built on condition that life recede lipe'
d that•theWarrieii and Clerk melte the roods fui l the ttpeseetclies. iw.t
ted to sigh' the petition and.'.there own expense.
tot the. House dif Ootnmona. The Teptn•t ryas. prsed except the luta
ort was adopted. dense, regarding' . the prgpoeeel ut W
so of refuge• committee report- •bridge between Colborne and eeedericlt;
hey' had met twee •tlinec the t iwnships, This citt.u:;t) was stannic out.
eon. Ou'September 12th they a.ud.tist; nl ltter istirl river until the Juue
d tkle•house'end made thorough '.sesw:ida, tvheu the esenitel.•nuiy visit file
and foit11ml everything satin- lueality.ai which it is proposed to build
A. directed by tl'ie :council, the bridge,
eurrthasetl n.rt orgiiu from the Tile, following, bylaws were read three
1t•Co: for $5si, just one-half the tures awl passed: No, 7, to: appoint
e of the•iustrnetent. On Decent- Alexander Taylor, M.D.,. jail, .surgeon;
her agai;u, ntet and examined. No. 7, w atpoint albitrators in the
lits,. and found that the tb'tal matter of the propuesei union reboot se'ct'-
orthe•year to date of audit Was tion at Belgrave
$3;302.07!. ,.tuamber of iecumtitteidue The mulled then adjourned.tu rneeton
tions out tumor matters were made. the fourth. Tuesday in Jauutery next,
The report was arlontecl. according to statute.
The report' of tho .finance cotutuitree
regarding a large number of aceonute
was passed..
Messrs,: Mitchell and Allau addressed
the council ire the iueerest of the Poultry
A petition from Frank Wheeler and
others relating to the foirmatioti o1 a
union schpol Sectioli at Be,1greve, emu.
of the ,townships of , East
Wawanosh cud :lfurrir'„wits referred- to
the i daeat•iou committee.
A motion by Messrs. Miller stud Kerr
. that theSluancia1 y;eiu for tine houee. of
refuge close ou the first.clay of Dece,uber
in each year, instead of ou t;lie first day
of January, iu order that.tlst sepert for
that year may be laid before the council
at the December seasiou, was sent to the
special committee.
The council adjourned until Thursday
morning to allow several memberis who
reside in West Huron 'to go home' and
cast their ballots in Wediiesday's
For Sixt
are giving Special
Prices 011,
PARLOR slaws,
Our $3.75
Is a Puzzler.
COUCHES FEOIVt $3.75 TO $35.oa
Good line of all kinds of
Easiest way to get proper
'price is to call at our store.
post O c;e
The rep
The lion
t.d that t
Jane Ness
had visite
they had
Be11 Orga.
cash pric
bee 3rd t
the accon
expense f
codon. FaIDAY.
The county council suet ou Thursday The• members were all present except
pursuant the. adjournment. All the Mr.. Bowman, who was called away on
members were present and the Warden account of sickness in his family.
was in the chair. ' ' An application from A. McNabb, presi-
An application from else Huron Poultry dent of the Walton pablic library, for
Association for a graut wee sent, to the the usual grant was sent to the executive
executive cotnntittee. committee.
A letter from tete treasurer respecting The edecatiou committee recomnieud-
,' , t h following a
'hl securities Ra} c. n to tire, county was ed tlir, appointment ofthe g
referred to the seine euuivaittee. Cratere to adjudicate it: the formation of
Sheriff Reynolds asked the council to ,a new school section comprising parte of
put iu a telephone at the residence of R. 'the townships of Morris and Eitst Wawtt-
Henderson. turnkey at thejail. Referred nosh.; Ii. E. Huston, of Exeter; W. S.
to county property committee. MoKercher, of Wroxeter; and Isaac
County Commissioner Ansley in his Erratt, of Varna,
report stated that all the contracts The report was adopted.
awarded during the present year had : The committee in commotion with the
been, satisfactorily completed. In building of the new jail residence re-
uonwpany evict _several persons front ported that the buildiug•was practically
.Huron stud Latnbton, .he had examined completed at the time specified in the
the Ani SanUle River at the bopudury of contract, namely, the 15th clay of
the counties of Hurou and Middesex, October. The contract with Buchanans
I and he was of the opinion that a bridge & Lawson was for $2,800, the contractors
should be erected there, and that the receiving in additiou the stone in the
three counties should coutribute to the walls, which the committee had solei to
cosi;. A good wooden. bridge, costing the contractors for$200, making the cost
about $1.1;00, would be sufficient. With of the building really $3,000. There was
tho county clerk, several councillors and stili epee the contractors the sunt of $562,
others be had examined the proposers under the coutrace, and in addition there
were extras autountin;; to $49.55. There
was a deductiou for prison labor of 17.80,
leaving e608.55 ,due to the coutracturs.'
some extent and found it .would require Electric lights had been placed in the
a bridge about 800 feet long, 20 feet high building at a cost of $81.50. E. Sher-'
and 16 feet wide—three. spans of 120 man had been engaged to superinteud
feet each. Ine1nclitlg the approaches, the above work at a cost of $57, and vs
the cost would be ,bent, $0,000. There was due the architect.for several consul -
were tivo wooden bridges which should tatious with hint. •' There was some
bo replaced during the uotniug •year. puiutieg to be done ou the wing walls in
One were called the Stanley . bridge, the early spring, and a sunt sufficient to''
situated ribout a mile and a half west of coyer this work would be retained out of
Clinton over the .Bayfield Riyer. This the sum payable to the coutractors. '
bridge should be of one span, 110 feet `211e report was adopted.
long,. stud l6feet wide, ou concrete Moved by Mr. Miller, seeouded by Mr.'
abutments. Tho other bridge was Hays, that Mr. Ansley, our engineer, be
situatecl.over the. north brauoh of the instructed to have the proper netictis
Maitland Ii,iv .1 between Upper and against furious driving properly placed
Lower Wrnghaui. This bridge should on our county bridges, and have the law
be of one taws, 14o feet long, with a relating to this carried out. Referred to
roadway sixteen feet wide, and a side- road and bridge r olnmitteo. .
walk six feet wide, Both of these bridges Tho supplementary' report of the
shouldbe of.steel, on concrete abutments. finance committee was passed.
The commissioner reported in detail The executive committee recommend-
the orders which, he had issued since his ed a grant of $25 to the. Huron Poultry
June report, amounting in all to $2,861.- Association for the year 1002. • They had
07. The largest amount were $137.50 to exaniined four applications for the poen
Daniel Campbell for rebuilding the' tion of; jail sti genu and believed each of
Chambers bridge on theboundary Huron the applicalita'Was qualified: to fill the.
and Brume counties (Huron's half of position. No action was recommended
vest) ; $650 to Frank Getteridge for exec, regarding the bequest of A. A. Donee for
eating and tweeting two abutments for a three months' license as auctioneer. It
the Mitchell bridge On the boundary of was recoln:nettde that the treasurer's
Turnberry and XIowick;. $165.76 to P. request regarding his seouritles hegrant-
Ament for lumber delivered at the ed;that the county ray for the main=
Brussels bridge; 4816 to the Hamilton tettance of Florence Kelly in St. John's
Bridge Co. for erecting the industrial Home and that of Abe Brown
superstructure of the ltiitchell bridge on ie. Victoria Industrial Home; and that
the bounden' of Turnberry and Howiclt; urinal grant of $15 be made to the Walton
$271.70 to the Stratford Bridge Co. for public library for 1902.
erecting a steel bticige on the irostudary The report was passed.
of Howick end `Wallace ('Huron county's '1` he 'County property totiltriittee re•
half of cost) ; $300 to 1 raulc Gutteridge ported that they )tad 'visited the stew
as Huron county's share of the cost of jailer's i'esidOhee and found, the building
oreciting two abutments for a bridge en oocupied by the jailer attd hitt family
the boundary Of Howick and Wallace. • and appareiitly well suited for tlie•per-
.A. deputation was heard in support of pose. it was f000 lltetaded that the tip.
the sehuol petition from Belgreve; also' E plication for' a telephone at the residence
a delegation opposed to said. petition. of Turnkey Henlleraoti be deferred to the
Dr. Whitely withdrew his application d'a binary Beaaiii(an. The nolntnittec had
for the position of jail surgeon, j eaauiined the registry office and found
The special committee roam +' G etrerythitag in good order. The court.
Pelson ek, Go., Kingatttu, Ont.
':Rau to nitist;Set •
Goillenb.srg, Dee. 11. — The Uity
Criuncil hasricer led to adop.: system.
,tic effort$ to p•ovirle the working
cia•c6e5 wtUI enitr•h1 lie ' Zoite refining
amenec•anc•nts 111 artier f.e. offset, the
tc!ni(zi.:itio.i 2 of saloon.K, A jo,,nt
c+>nitni•:•e•iata of coun:e1 loss and woyk_
imrr.txi.n bets agr:ed to, begin the re-
fs -mu by p.oviclag niu is i:i. the Parks
and publ:o Pqua,r'..9, iiltic•at' cotsce.rts,
evening v;• 1:..1 to the r llseurns,lmzli.i.
e?pts Pirtygrubn.IS, tvti•"f•a cililarrrt Wi 1
b • t.auielit g:en1os, municipal r t 11lei.ic
fiell•i, fest; .tls r'3 diifrinnnt k:n,d•31..a
In re • tet viz and lht• ripening o. really
new bran: itee of the erainic library.
Walker Bros.
bridge site betwuetn Ci.lberne and
Goiierich township::. They measrued
theatres= and exauainecl the locality .to
Ernest Duff bas arrived home from
ATttuitoba. -.
Hy. Bicids and daughter are home on
a visit to his invalid mother, llfrs. Peat -
laud, and other relatiyep.'
Mfrs. Tkos, Pentland is home from
visit to her son, Rev. S. V. Peutlaal(l.
The friends of ¥i s..Jane.Pentlandwill
be pleased' to lean that she is feeling
somewhat better:at present,
Jos. A. ¥allough has, returned from
London, having diaposed`of bis oaries4
of horses, except one team; he is now.
t he ilossesssor of Lady Lee, a choice driver
formerly owned by W. P. Milligan.
Messrs. Turk and Kerby, the; ,evangel,
lists lelto are holding revival meetings in
Luoknow, held a service here on •Wednee
day, 11th Inst, at 2 p. iln., • '
Anniversary services will be held at
theCrewe appointmentonthe '22udifittt
Rev, T. R. McNuir has invited the ex:
pastor, Rev. B. L. Hatton, to preach the.
anniversary sermon. A. concert will be
held on the i'ollovting night.
Miss M. Weilw,obd;and .James Tigers,
the teachers in ouriscjtool, are engaged kr-,
fur text year.
W. P. Milligan, formerly of this place,
but now of Torouto,'hes purchased a fine
stupid brick resicleuce iu Parkdale, for
$1'125. When are you going to get the
housekeeper, Pritchard?
. Mr, Wilson hast loved into. •town, and
is living in Jno. Glenn's. bause.
The Methodist Sunday school willhpId
its anniversary oa New rear's night., 'r
Site's asWhite as st klhost.
As pale us.a lily. L. matter of pride?
Certainly not, Strength! Color!
Eudtirauce! 'That,,'S What every wort tut
-•St i
wants. Good - clrgt.ori, perfect
assimulation. Bouyaney andv1ut is the
right of , every woman. She need not
laclt ihese•if she will only use
Ferrozoue: It makes ' blood, giver
appetite, gives strength to the nerve(
color to the cheeks. and (brightness t
the eyes. A box of Ferrozone tablets
at Ones transmittable into a
aid streugrh. There is power ,R'
Ferrozoue, Try ft and see if it is noel
Sold only by A. L. Hamilton, 4.
by our new<inveution. Only those born deaf are incurable.
BAT.TrltORF,\td., Mare„u, .r23Ur.
Centluue,t: — i3ging entirely cured of,dcaiuess. thaukS to your treatment, I tcil*r_ ' ow give vett
3 full litstory of my case, to be used et your discretion.
About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept oft getting worse, until I lost
my hearfttg iu thi5 ear entirely.
I erucic,•wenta tt eatnieh't for catarrh, for three months. without any success, consulted a limn,,
hero) physicians, among' others, the most eminent car specialist of this city, who told me that
only nn operation. could help die,, and even that only temporarily, that the bead noises would
then erase, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lest forever,
I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper. and ordered your treat
trent. Atter had used' it only afew clays -according to your directions. the noises ceased. and,
to -day. after five weeks, my ha trlpg in the diseased ewr rias been entirety restored, I thank you.
' heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours.
Ir: A.'VERMAN, ;3o S. Broadway, Baltimore, 'Wel.
twOAMI'tt•etitubanit..doe,S-nt'otilttierferepw ith JOvow*lt8U¢(iti.OccUpcet•inl..
E ad iccifrce.al YOU CAN' CURE. YOURSELF ATHrclfl'I t tt`t► t haul
• IN.T' [ AT 0[tlAL AURAL i;LINIS, 596 LA SALLE AVE., OftWAffl, ILL. -
Sold itt Win 'ham by 'Glc”. J. QUER.
The Indoor -bicycle
A light, comfortable shoe
that looks like a dress ;hoe
and feels like a bicycle shoe.
It is the only slioe that's as
easy as a bicycle shoe and
doesn't look like one.
Made of fine kid with noise.
less, slipless Elk sole and heels.
A perfect shoe for met or
women to wear indoor —
especially adapted for those
who stand -- salespeople,
nurses, housewives anyone
on their feet.
Can be worn all winter with
Price, $3.or,, ui3.5o ; melt's
or women's.
Stamped on the sole,
"Sovereign Shoe