HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-20, Page 6T1111 1VING1Ii1i Ti
LS, MC. 201
es nek. Iin.‘ th..- lymt I are carriethartt
Th, d,
6om oTradeh.r.+, to'h .tr,* the eap.ain'A suite of,
apar 4 nt 11,1: %, eh a. rt-romn, e0. This,
-,.....--------•deck also Gnv.,s as a shelter to the
.. bridg4.‘ deek below, oo. which
as are the
TheIII... 1,133 Halal al. „,„ wrin. A.0,3es music, tx..*:na and the first.
Haelsetessa , ,
Xrerroved. uver user
Tho Leading Weekly
7 in Western Ontario
A.0eMt-monthly pablioation-oue of the
beet i Aifierfea-18 sent to any address
In Canada or the ITnited Stoke for
75c a Year
Send for our Circular containing
ternis for (flubs, 8,18o our list of pre-
Western Advertiser,
Guessing Contest
Every buver or, 25 cents
worth of goods from my sore
will be allowed ONE GUESS
on the Number of BEANS
) THE JAR to be seen in the
The Prize will be a GUITAR -
ZITHER to the person guessing
nearest to the number of beans.
Screw Steamer Ionian,
class smoking roora.' 'Th.t, first nuMed
apaxtmeintr :
Liverpool Journal of Commerce.
and tasteful, The pion%iue the
It ifit %IOW oloso,npon bait a century others in the saleon• and second-Cas
since the Allen line entered into a
music room; is by I3eehsten Tbe
contract with the Vanadian Govern.
mural decOretions are Louis XIV,
meat to. Tan high-ebtes, MAR and panels in ivory and gold, relleVed in
passenger* et -tuners - between this
the eentre with Wedgewood medal-
eennetry and Ile* Don, and since u. Velvet ple carpets and silk,
that time th' fire* have catered for
t:*p.:.• dry upholstery harmonize wi' h
the renniremente of the Onnadian
the eatneral scheme of the room, anal
eorap'eteasn effect which is as deli -
eat:: VI strik'rr. The.smoking saloon
rosembles that •rtif the Tunielan,
p1 aging use h, ing made •of Tyneeastle
eanvas ; in fact, the upholetery‘, etee
theehip has bienentrus'et
with the most gratifying results
to the fil"111 which achieved such
marked sueeese in the case of the
Tuniedart. .A, bar and lavatoriee are
included with the eePeintrotents, of
the smoking saloon, and in the same
"house" are the purser's and doe..
tor's quarters. The first class music
room opens into the grand entrance
hall, from which a. commodious stair-
way, with central landing, panelled
in mahogany and oak, leads, to th6
first ohms dining saloon on the ehel-
ter deck. Jiis apartment extends
the full width of the ship, tenol is
lighted by 22 ports commanding views
terward and to port and etarboord,
and two light shafts, while
illumination is provided by a lavish
previsien of electric lights contanied
In heavy out -glass globes. The eel].
item is in ivory and gold, and the wane
above the lounges are mahogany pan
hatted-cerved into heraldic shields,
eurrotraded by floral devioes, the
b•ing emblematic" of Great
lIritairt and Canada. Above the panel,
is a gold frieze, which harmonizes
capitally with the mahogany of the
furniture and NValls and the ivory and
gold ot the ceilings. Handsome side -
beards and a Bechstein piano com-
plete the appointments owleat is a
very handeorreg. saloon. Pantry and
service roams are, of course, provided
adjacent. The fie state rooms
aro on the shelter and main (leeks
and are arran,ged for one, two,three.
or four pnssengers. The fittings and
lavatory, tete , are in neeltageny, while
the upholstery is of crimson velvet.
Electric light, bells, etc., are, of
course, fitted throughout the ship.
The. seem'. lass aee..om=o intion *s "n-
ferior only in pint of luxury to that
provided for fitgt-elttes passengere.
The smok'ner saloon, a handsome and
eery apirtment, is on. the shelter
deck, and adjacent to it is an en-
trance: ee eocial hall, from. which a
roetny eleti mese eon -trent, ietetes lei' le
th•• dining saloon and music roomoon
• he m. device Da' h and lavatory ate
trade in Quell a manner that the
line hae et a "I'v inaintnined its poi.
• tion as •the or 'ni'' Unlr of comMuni-
oation b*tw Thump. and the great
English 1%,R Amerioan colony, This
• progressive and far-seeingPolley
providing traneportation in accord.
ante with ihe prospective needs at
freight and passenger business is
l'Inetrated by • the faet
• that during the past two years 70.000
tone of (shipping have been built for
the Allan line, These vessels, all of
which are sow itt Co lesion, are
the Bavarian Tunisian, Corinthian,
Sicilian, Ontarian, Oroadian, Huron.
tam, Pretorian, and Ionian. The last
named steamer arrived in 'the lider..
Rey from Messrs. Workman, Clarke
and Co.'s yard on the 15th ult.,
and sails on her maiden voyage to
Halifax and St. John, N.B., on the
21st inst. She is a twin-screw steam-
er of 9,001 tone gross, and embodies
all these features which the unique
t•xp-rienee of Messrs. .Allan has
found the host adapted to Canadian
trade requirements. Shc• is 490 feet
loge and 57 feet beam, the ratio of
length to width being about 8 1-2 to
1. Tide relatively great beam not
KERSWELL'S GROCERY only gives space for caramodtous pas:
Neat to. Dr. mutual:vs. • •senger quarters, but combined with
the foe'that the vessel, like all other
pmesetneeer steamers of the fleet, is
fitted with bilge keels, ensures that
the. Ionianwill b.: a teady sea boat,
with a minimumtendency to roll.
Externally the Ionian is a handsome
vossel, with one tunnel ' and four
masts, while the workmanship
thronghout hull, saloons, and engines
is of that substantial and high class
character .for which Messrs. Work.,
man, Clark: 'and Co. are famous. She
hes n cellular double bottom fitted
et et`, :end bul'rheatle carried up
,11 h er deck divide the ball in-
• min: weter-tight compartments.
pigment 'Agent, 7 Wingham, T0t vessel is built in excess of the
requi remente for the highest class of
the British Corporation, and also of
the Board of Trade rules for passen-
her 4,ttaviers, so that she is as safe
tee a ship can be. A feature of the
v., eel which first etrikes the visitor
1 is th renerone reenn • • in which pro -
Have you a Cutter?
Tbat is up -to -data both in style and
t tuts' h? If yon are in need of one, we
• can supply you with any style or color.
•• The workmanship is first-elass. The
materiai! is specially selected and is
guaranteed to give good satisfaction.
.Now for
Cold Weather
4 actuerat Theory cot Ineelitnee.
In. the qoutptee Winans of the Paris
Academyof Sciences0,4 ",'xCoeniga ha;
IMMO(' a sketch ot a 4eneral theory of
nieclutnisma, Uvery machine consists
of a number of material bodies, re.
eistances, Jollied together, reciprocally,
upon which natural terees act to pro-
duce dealred effect!, and the effect
may be either a state of rest or one of
MetIon. The resisting bellies and their
eonnections are the mechanism. Ito et-
feet is not lcnown until we define the
acting forces, The same machine will
produce different effects wording as
different forces play Imo it,
Machines are subject •to three et-
feets-etatie when the forces produce
equilibrium; kinetic when the result is
Motion, and, finally, dissociative when
the connections of the 'machine are
ebanged, 1.'he latter effect is usually
not considered, but It is essential to
mice it ieto amnia. A machine could
not be hnilt, in the first plaee, unless
it was eapahle et dissociation, n some
machines-40as, ter instance -the parts
are dissociated eery time thet" appa-
ratite operates. It is esirable to de-
sign most machines, however, so that
the dissociative effects do not come in-
to play during their operation,
1 na' ; • • ee , bien for
tt'l el ra*.e....arrere rierite
ar • r. at. ri ablyfree n unvn un -
b r •d that e:fe•deee• ample reorn :or
We have everything ready i prommailing, garne,,, Vii' te-
tt; Meet the demands of the meet dolt of all is the npper
Fall and Winter Season.
Demure et the CRld Data.
The cold bath In the morning is not
so popular as •It was formerly. There
• is much energy expended In the re-
• action and just at the time of day
when this energy Is at its lowest ebb,
Then, too, cold water has very little
cleansing effect. Very hot water
stimulates the nerves, which is the ef-
fect that we aro seeking from the cold
water. while it does not demand the
energy of reaction of the latter. The
duration of the morning bath should
be as •short as possible -hardly louger
than the mere application of the water
to the skin, followed by a brisk rub -
•Mpg. Hewever, many prefer a aloe
sponge bath in the =riling, and it
this is followed by a warm glow and a
feeling of well being it certainly is
beneficial. lany people are not strong
enough to react well. A. bot bath at
night Is most cleansing and restful.
General bathing, must be regulated by
Individual pesullaritles. -; Emma E.
Walker. Bt. D.. in, Ladies' Home Jour.
nal. .
New Overgoatings
The Latest Material
_New tuitings &Trouserings
••To Sint Everyone, and
$atistaction Guaranteed
Bottr in Making and Price
••••••••,=0......... •
Come along and be made. warm
and happy, and have the assurance
that you are well dremed,
Yours truly,
I have a pretty lot of Fancy Cups, Saucers, Plat
Vases, Table Sets, Berry Sets, iu glass and Min
Pitchers, Water Sets, Salt and Pepper' Cruet
Salads, Ruby Rose Bowls, Obeese Dishes, Oat)
ares, Glass Baskets, Pansy Cake Plate, Space too
small to enumerate.
• Headquarters for Nuts of all kinds. Candies by the
pound, also FanLy Candies by the pail.
Oranges, The old favorites, Bronco Brand, Valencia
and Mexican Oranges in abundance. Lemons, the best to
be had. -- Prices Very Low
pain.s hay.2 ben spared to
••••••1••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
cater for the conefort of this plass of
'Thai Co
Progressive stook breeders, dairy-
men, poultrymen, grain, root and *7.
fruit growers, beekeepers, egrieul-
Heal students, and home makers
find tho articles and answers to k
questions in every issue of the Se
s'reply attequalled and indispensable. 'is., strengthens, builds up and s
..: voyager. For third-elass passengers
watefcrrtable. and comm,odious quare
tem are provided,. a ball 'king to God!'" On being asked the reason
fur .such persistent praying he aw
a feature of .the •ace,ommodatioa
which will bemuch a.ppreciated. The es"
"ze fire broke out In Bagdad, and 'a
roves, which are exceedingly large, person came to me and told me that
• A Little T"o Late, ,•
The minister of a Scotch parish had
a great wish that an old couple should
become teetotalers, but they were In no-
wise eager' to comply, After much
pressing, however, they consented to
try the experiment. but laying down as
n condition that they should be allowed
•to keep a bottle of "Auld 'Kirk" for
medicinal purposes.
About a fortnight John began to
feel his resolution weakening, but' he
Was determined not to be the first to
give way. In' another week, however.
he collapsed entirely.
-Jenny, wornan.- he said. "I'Ve an
awfu' pain in my head. Ye mint gie
a wee drappie an' see gin It'll doe
Jae ouy guld."
guldman." she replied. "ye're
owre late o' asklu', for ever sin' that
bottle yam' into the 'loose I've been
bothered she wi' pattts'i' any held 'tis a'
dune, au' there's • La 4.* drapple left."
RN Alf utchisen
,rt. afILLs bas just opened out a complete stock of Fall and 'Winter
Goods, which will be cleared one at Special Low PlIce8 Ifl Readyeemde
Clothing, 1 have bOught largely in Men's ani Bnys' Snits, Overcoats and
MEN'S SUITS; Special et $4,50 and tip. See our special value at
S..7,50-np-to date pattern -good weight, regular 310.00 suit.
ALso YOUTH'S AND BOYS' SUITS Special values.
See our MEN'S OVERCOATS. Special line to clear at $4.00, Good
heavy weight, sizes ranging to 44. Also an 'up -to date stock of Drees
Coats. Youths' and Boys' Reefers from $2,25 up.
Also a complete stock of Ladies' and Men's Waterproof Coats. The
le7brauted Mandleberg goods, sewed seams, assorted colors. Price , from
Blankets and Flannels I In Blankets we have special value-
• These are made of seleeted sreOlSt
and will give the best wear, See these goods before purchasing elsewhere,
prices to suit the purchaser. Also a line of 'WOOL BLANKETS to clear
at $2.50. See our FLANNELETTE DLAISKETsi at 75e pair -Special. Aleo
extra values in FLANNEL SHEETING, white and gray. See our Gray Flan-
nels in Unkm, All•wool and Homespuns.
• A large stook of HORSE BLANKETS to select from. Yarns in all
uolors-single, two and three ply -made of pure wool, no shoddy or fiyinga
in these goods. Guaranteed to wear. At 35e and up.
Men's and Ladies' UNDERWEAR in Union, All•wool, Natural Wool,
Fleece Lined and Stanfored's Unshrinkable All wool Goods. These are the
best goods known to the.trade. Sizes from 36 to 46. Price right.
Ile Wan Selaolt.
An Arabic anecdote Illustrative of
the subtleness of selfishness, which
enables it to glide Into the, heart of a
saint. Is told of the holy Mohammedan
Ile said that for twenty years he had
never ceased imploring divine pardon
for laving once exelehned, "Praise be
You have used all 1,
(sorts of cough reme- 1
I dies but it does not 1
I yield; it is too deep i
I seated. It may wear
itself out in time, but
Iit is more liable .to
produce la grippe,
pneumonia or a seri-
ous throat affection.
I You need something I
I that will give you 1
1 strength and build 1
-up the body I
w.•1.1 lighted and ventilated, are
red with four tend eix berths, and the
prem seed, epee.: for third-ela.se trate
Idlers is a notable feature • of dile
chip. The Ionian Is .fitted for "le'i;
fir4t salons, passengers, 150 second
while there is accommodation
,.-„.r 1,500 third-elaes voyagers. Thus.
with a. eempltneent of Reeser -
eere and a crew:. of •200, the vessel
will have upwards of 2,000 souls on
beard. The command of. the. Ionian
has been entrusted to Captain Browr,
whose lens, experience of, the Cenatlian
trade, eonelened with his genial pe:e
somality, •has made him one of the
matt popular of Traneatlantio cap-
ta'ne. The winter serviee of the
Iklinn line will be conducted from
• City •rpeel to 1Ialifax sad St. •John,
N I', via by this I n (kr-
•:nalittn, Part ian, Ii•n, Numidian.
and Prolovinn,
' hen everything
1w ti do this w is no doubt s
I I fails There
1'1'1 aiIs.
tbout it. nourishes,
II' you aVe oot already a subscriber Makes the body strong and i
to the most helpful, best primed and
beetutifulte ilhistrated farmer's paper :4
Ft:Wished, •tve : scrutiny of a
sample copy. A post card will bring
it free. Address t
' "'cO., Lhet:fcd,
peeyear, atsv the supc.i.b
Xmas Number. •itt,
my shop had escaped, on which I ut-
tered those words. and even to this
moment 1 repent of having said so, b&
cause it showed that 1 Wished better
to myself than to others.'"
Apples troto-ieetY.
Toronto, Dec, 12.-0. C. j'ame.s, de -
pate' minister' of agriculture, had an
exhibition, in hie offiee yesterday, a
rather unique fruit exhibit, tonsisting
of a ease of apples which 'wag plucked
in the fall of 1900,kept in cold storage
till the close of the ran-American,and
since that time kept in ordivary stor-
age, varied with shipments from Duf-
f:11o. to Toronto and from Toronto to
Clobourg, and, lastly bath to Toronto.
fa ,vite of all this handling out of
eold storage, the apples appear as if
An Informal tretroenetben.
When Mark Twalo lived in Buffalo.
Ltc nitrile the llegiutintauce of 'some
110cl:hors under• peetdiar cirentn-
stances. Emerging from his house one
mornitm be saw something whleh
made him run ncrOss the street and re-
mark to the people tiro Were gathered t)
on the vertmda:
"My name is Cleraens. My Wife and
I have been intending to call on you
Mita make your acquaintance. • We owe
you an apology for not doing It before
bow. I beg your pardon for Intruding.
on you In this Informal meaner stud at
this time of day, but your house is on
firer* •
healthy, not only to throw they were of the crop of 1001, and it
off this hard cough, but to 1it% ninitst impossible to conceive that
foray the system against they wera p:eked from the trees fife
1 teen! /ninths ago, •
This bats been, 'perhape,the greatest
;less m of the l'art-Aturican in regard',
to frult, grid doublecee when the next
lattnp,..,* vita*, croft m thee the king of,
'eel, at drag on the market large
eneutitiee will tie held over in col
'etorege til , the following var.
andso e
Christ «as ift
Patterson, the Jeweler,
further attacks. If you are
run down or emaciated you
should certainly take this
tentoo:l.hing food medicine..
ll &t
iat itti,
.Sot a Boor Dreamer.
"What would you du If you bad a Wi-
llett dollars?"
"01." answered the Itinguld num "1
don't see wily 1 slimed expect to prove
any exceptiolt to the mile. I would
pyobtibly go to one of the usual ee,
typifies and either buy yachts or else
walk to save car fare."
Trouble's of Her Owl.
ellotress-Mary, Meryl I've Net bro-
ken my handgiaes. You kno'r bow utt-
lucky it is -sever; years' unhappiness.
Maid -- Oh, that's nothine
'Ow bout me? I've just mashed the
large glass in the' drawing room,"
A illemeealk
teindletly-/ believe in letting coffee
boil for thirty minutes. That'a the only
way to get the goodness (int of It.
• New Soarder (tneting his and letiV,
leg te--You have succeAtied admirably,
In plat* of Weddirig take In Holland i
merge. titernre edited. Theare I • itiowoiviiii,
'welding sweets are given --
i•tteleti round by children and areverv-
in neWer trinstned basket*.
Our goods are swell this year. We
have the choicest line ever shown in Wing -
ham. If you want a real up-to-date present
for a Lady or Gentleman—we have it.
Don't be afraid to come in and examine
stock, as we will show you Goods You Cannot
Buy Elsewhere in Town.
Our Gold Watches, Lockets, Charms
and Rings are commencing to go, They
are beauties.
Jeweller :11
Stone Block;