HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-20, Page 5VIAGE and Loan Office. '.(saignee and Accountant. on town and farm property. °ors north of Drs. T. a .1'. S. arget7. liesaleace—Oatherixte St. eTTI4D—Several perseas of charaeter and good reputation iu each state (one scouty retaairffid) to represent tied tal- olsi establisaca wealthy »$,9S la flatmate]. standing. Salary $18.00 week. ith expenses edditionnl, all payable in cash a wednesday direet!rom Wad daces, Dorse cattriaps furnIsnea, nen accessaryno. encos. gncloso self addressed etamped en. lope. Znautger,a1U0aztenguilding,oiticego, THE VINGliAll TOWS DEO. 20,•• NEWStin "um OUR NEIGHBORS Wi n WAWAWetni. X. Eutto COrleree s Orgailhilpg singing school at Ebenezer. It is baLly needed all the lingers have departed /min there. IleSsril. kf,eICeliele and It Taylor bltY9 r?tarulgt fivm ktaniteba, They re. Port imwitiz had t,oc4 trip. ur.Eisworth Jones taken his de. pasture for the, Yankee Soo, 14r. John Thompson will Bean have hie time in,with Mr, Jesepb. Washington. Next year he intends engaging 'with Mr. James Potter, neer Blyth. ALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNOCRTakr-fle, WINGHAIVI. it Night calla at Button Blook, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op. , posits Macdonald block. CHEAP MONEY. Xoney to loan on farm property at from. 4g to b per cent., with liberal terms of repayment. Apply to 1. VANSTONE, Wingham. MIAUCHLIN CUTTER Is made in one grade only. The very best material is used in its construction. Forljurability, Workmanship, Finish and Comfort, the McLaughlan Ieads, A full line of the different styles is kept in stook by. JOHN CAMPBELL, Implement Agent, - Wingham Saskatchewan Robes and Ganonoque harness always in stock. A Hustler Whip given with each outfit. I % , ,, 4 "If Music be the Food of Love, Play on" Said the immortal bard of Avon. But ' you, might as well play on A Good Organ. Or Piano. It is admitted by all those ; who have purchased from us that we keep the Very Best Instruanehts. We are role agents for the Thomas, Kaz'n,ete D. BELL, WINGHAM. Oposite the Bank. "HO T A IR" MAY have a slangy significance \ that will not prove very attractive if t: printed in our advertisement, when \the thermometer is "wee up," but "Christmas is coming" with its "way down" thermometer, when you'll be anxious to have the air heated just right. carried just where ou want it, and iu just the right quantities.NONE can' give you. better help. au we can if you wish to replace, model or repair the heating ap- aratus in your house. THERE'S NO BETTER 'Engin THAN t0 W for such work, no facilities perior to ours, nor less expensive. tot nunand us any time, but right tvi' is the right time fort right away inice. We can suit you in a new hOVE, HEATER on FURNACE. )-01IN BUGG SON bNE BLOCK, 1I1 -1..A.1/1 EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS What Wiciaavalce. trinlea CorrespondentCOMM1411003.0 Oth ; ' Items Clipped 'From Our Exchanges, nr.rwtl, Miss Grace Eanaden returned trona Toronto last week suffering from blood poisoning., There will bo Xmas tree under the auspices of Trinity church Sunday itaideStrY hell On Deo Ord. Burglars entered the store of Messrs. Anderson & Elder Wedneklay night of last week and helped themselyes lib- erally t overcoats, underwear, socks and silk handkerchiefs. Entrance was made by lowering the upper half of the window in the millinery work room. Messrs, Anderson & Elder have no idea of the exam:nit of their loss untilthey look through their steels. The burglars are supposed to be arnateure. Mr. Isaac Brown is confined to his father's home with typhoid fever. wtsTrxErm. Miss Annie Davidson of Goderich is at present a visitor at the home of Mr, and Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Moorish. Miss Henderson of Galt is at present visiting Mr. Wm. Rodger and other friends in this locality. • , The Tories iu this neighborhood seem to bb in the the lip over their defeat. DearsSiets. In, the timber limit, owned P. Am. ent awl his partuer, Mr. $n)ith, of Cold. water, firth° Parry Sound Distriet, there are ne lesS than 12,00) acres, with tied). er enough to keep aenill savving for 20 Years. The deinyears, intend putting up a mill, They aro only six or sevoik miles frout the railwity. they hare Wen offered $5,0007er the 14311(41: *ear% alone, but will not likely veil (le they think they cen handle it themselves, Last Friday evening another member of Geo. Lott's lankily, Mill street,. died, in the person of Ellen tittle, seeund daughter. She was a btight little girl 3 years old last October. The funeral was private. Three of t;he children7the old- est dan,gliter, sop - and the six months old baby, --were also doevo, hut favor- able progress is being inade toward re- covery' and wo hope the family who have been 'sorely afflicted will soon. be Out of qtiaraiitine. The many old friends of Dan, and Mrs. McCormick formerly of, lerussels, but now a Hamiltoft, will be interested in the fact diet their little daughter "Tot" has been ill in.the city hospital there for over five weeks. At one time there Was Cheer up! It might be worse. little hope or her reeevery but he is Special services commenced hi West- now on the mend. - field Church last Monday evening. Rev. Josias Greene of Clinton has consented to assist Mr. Kennedy in conducting TURN.RURRX. these meetings. Caron., N. W. T., Doc. 8,-01. The League held its annual election of To The gaiter of The TTILES. • officers on Friday evening, which result- Dealt SIR, --As my subseription to ed es follows: Pres,, Miss Laura Carr; your paperaitrl the Family Herald and lst vice, Wm. McDpwell; 2ud *ice, j. Weekly Star is just about expired, I Killqugh; 3rd vice, Miss C. McClintora;. feel that I should renew thentagnin. I 4th vim; Mies 31. Wightmau; secretary, enjoy the cOlunans of my native town F. Campbell; missionary treasurer, W. Peper very teach and it is a very much Steakhouse; treasurer, F. dem; organ- appreciatecle.reelely letter, Although it is ist, Miss Steakhouse. The Ladies Aid Seeiety peeked,four barrels of clothing for the Deaconess' Home, Toronto. The society here has a large membership and is doing a splen- did work. Coral)! Uorna! Corns! Tendereorns, painful corns, softcorns, bleeding corns. The kind of corns that other remedies have failed to cure—that's a good marry—yield quickly to Putnam's Painless CornExtrac tor. Patman's Corn Extractor has been a long thne at the business, experiences* in fact just know to do it. At druggists. MORRIS. Mies Lizzie Maunders is home from her millinery position at Zurich. A. T. Cole has purchased a well-hred Tamworth hog from Reid & Co. near the city el Ottawa. County Councillor Bowman was cal- led home from Goderich on Thursday of last week owing to the serious iliness, resulting iu the decease of his father. S. S. No. 5 was represented at the Co. Cooneil last Week by Trustee Johnston in the application for an abritration. Mr. Johnston. was opposed tolt and had his case well in hand. Arbitrators were appointed, however, -hi the belief that it would be the better way of settling the difference of opinion. West Huron was a big surprise owing to the big majority for the Hon. J. T. Garrow. Not even Mr. Foy could carry the riding though he boasts of having so much ginger. It must have lost its flav- or. Whitney, Matheson and Foy, but the greatest of these is Foy. Friday evening of this week the an- nual wheel entertainment will be held in Button's school house. The following has reference to Miss Alice Muter, a niece of R. McMurray, 4th line, Morris. Tho young lady it Will be remembered spent several weeks visit big at her uncle's a year ago: At high noon, on 'Wednesday, 4th inst., a very pleasant event took place at the rcsi- Here we are Again For trie Christmas —Trade litr. Prank Pratte, has engaged with Mr. Edward Jones, a Colborne. The young folio of ,Auburn had a Party at Mr. George Ifowatt's on Friday evening of last week. There wasa large crowd present and a very enjoyable time speut by all, dancing beiug the chief antneement.. Mr. James. Bruce is able to move around again and la looking hale Kul hearty. Mr. Hugh Bose hes returned home from 1VIanitoba, after au absence of eight months, ....... ............" SRAVORTIg• Mp. Joseph Foster, sr,, of Fairgraye, Miehigan, was is town this week. Mrs. Foster wee a resident of Stanley some 20 years ago, and is now renewing old acquaintanceships in that VioialtV. She intends spending the winter in Ontario. Mr, Archibald Somerville, of Me. Eillop, near Winthrop, delivered a load of lambs iu, town, last week, to Mr. George Dorrance, which averaged 150 pounds each. They were of the Leicester breed, and as their weight shows, were a fine lot. This gives McKillop the lead so far on the lamb question.—Mr. James Scutt, of the firm of Scott Brothers, returned home on Saturday front a very saccessf al lensiuess trip to Manitoba.—The bachelors of Seaforth have issued invitations for a grand clawing Intrty, in Cartino's hall, on the evening of Friday, the 27th. Miss Minnie Cummings, off W. Pick- ard & Company's, nulliuery establish- ment suffered a very severe and painful accident on Saturday uighs last. She was washing a pair of gloves with gaso line when the gasoline exploded and her hands on which she had the gloves were most severely burned. Miss Cummings I very near a week behind when it atrives had t'ke gasoline iu a dish, while there here. Perhaps sonie of any Turnberry was a lamp at the other side of the room friends wo,a1c1 like to know how times lint the ;caseates escaping formed, a gas, are iu the Wooly West. Well, We have had a yew bountiful harvest thli year. Grain awned on. very good. averaging from 30 to 40 bushels, to c the acre of wheat awl oats from 80 to 100 bushels to the nate. I just had 40 acres sot wheal in this kyear, as it was ley first year. I threshed it the other day and it averag- ed •303.1 bushels to the acre. Soule of my neighbors went 43 bushels to the aore. Mine was very heavy in the strummed that was the cause of not so lames yield, but it is a fine sant*. The Elevator Companies are going to make a stake of wheat if they could get zovery- thing their own way and they have very near got that. They got the .0.*P. R.. .Goinpany not to give the fanners Cart3,60 thee they brought wheat down to -186 VD .§.0thand a lot uf the farmers, had to sell as they had no granary room, where, if the C. P. R. had given the feuranere cars, they would get iiage per bushel clear ter their wheat. I think that the GGV- ernment, or who ever has the power over the C. P. R., should snake them give the farmer his share of cars instead of giving their agents orders not to give the. farmers any cars as they, dad this fail. Itis, the farmer that pays for the C. P. R..in the end, but it seems it is the Elevator Companies they favor. The farmers of this district are making arrangements to build a farmers' eleva- tor next year and then they can handle their own wheat to better advantage. This is a great place for allied farming, as a person gets a good price for most everything. Butter, '25c per lb.; eggs, 25e per doz.; potatoes were worth 50c per bush., but are down to 30e.: oats, 30ea bush.; hay, $7 per ton. There are goOdchances here for any young man, if he wants to got a start and eau do ' well. There is quite alot of land taken up hero this last year. There is (mite a lot of threshing to do yet in the distriet, but the weather has been fine, We deuce of David and Mrs. Winter. Rich- ! have no snow to speak of, just about 3 mond, when' their only daughter, MaryI inchee, and only about Metal degrees of Alice, was united in matrimony to And- frost. It is more of a steady tempera- rew Penny of Riehmond. The cete- tare than we have in Ontario. X 'might suony was performed by Rev, D. Balfour say that we have to pay a good price tor in the presence of about thirty guests, apples. They are worth from VI to 46.50 relatives of the bride and grnom. . per bbl. ...—.--s--seses.----e—e—ss:—.....-se. I have over one hundred acres ready for corn crop next spring. We use coal Torpid. Liv er for f,tel. We get it for 45.80 per toe, and the nom. for $1.115 Por sacic of 100 Is sometimes responsible for difficult di- lbs. There is a large flour mill in Moose gotten, that Is, DYSPEPSIA. Jaw that is a credit to any town of its When it is, size. I have just get 320 acres of land, What headache, dissinesS, donstipatton, 1 tun a mile .1,0 , t ni them, grout 012 What fits of despondeney, What fears of imaginary evils, coaduce milett front elevators, pat °Mee and a o with the distress after eating, the sourntts general store, ond. twmiles front as of the stomach, the bad taste in the mouth, schoOl, So 1 ani in a good location and and go forth, to make the life" of the silts like the country well. Well, I will con - fuer scarcely worth living! chide, wishing you success in bushiest; Dyspepsia resulted from torpid liver its and a Happy Christmas curl at Merry the ease of Mrs. Jones, 2320 N. 12th Sty New year. 1 relnahl, Philadelphia, Pa., Who was A gteat eafferer, Yours Iter statement made in her 77th year is truly, that she was completely eured of it attd all its attendant ashes and pales, as others have been, by a faithful am of _______ which bteatue ignited front the lamp, and .filleol the room with fire. The breath of the pines is the breath orlife" the cotasunintive. • Norway Pine Syrup contains the pine virtues and attar cures -coughs, colds bronchitis hoarseness, and all throat aud hang troubles, which, if not attended to, lead to Consumption. ca..ratToic. The dealt!. of Mrs. Mary Rance occur- red at her residence on Sunday •last. Mrs. Rance had lived hero all her life, ,oversixty years. She leaves three sous to anoarn her loss—William of Butte, Mont; Alfred of Horey & Co., and Charles, of Jackson Bros. The banns for a marriage to take place 7in St, Panl's church in about two weeks were announced by the rector. The brideile Miss Margaret Holmes of town, to ,Tas. Jos. Egau of Toronto. number in town have received invi- tations to an assembly given by the Bechelors in Seaforth on Dec. 27th; it is expeoted several will accept the invi- tation. Rev W. Wade and wife late of town, who have been spending the summer at West Fort William,have moved to their son's place in Westport, South Dakota. ' W. iCoats is quit: 'a pigeon fancier and has hOught a number for his nephevis, Randall Robertson and Char- lie Macpherson. W. T. O'Neil has secured the services ot Geo. SwalloW, the old-titne proprietor of the Hub grocery, to Midst him during 1, th Xmas trade, season. The Ontario Street church was re- opened on Sunday last, 'Rev. Seines Livingstone of Windsor preached morn- ing and evening. Rattenbury street servaces were evithdraven for tho day. An entertainment Wes held on 111OndaY evening, at which the resident ministers, and Rev. Livingston of 'Windsor mut Rev. Hobbs of Wiughaan gave addresses. The recent death of Mr. Alexander Monteith has removed from the coni munity a pioneer of nnron County who enjoyed in the highest degree the esteem and respect of Me ,neighbors. At the time of his death Mr. Monteith was '70 years and 8 months old. Itis last op- pettranee on the street Was on December 4, and on Monday hist he ,pasSed away. The deceased leaves a wife and two sons and four daughters—Alex, on tho hotne- stead, London road, Tackersmith ; Ben. ty on 3; Mrs, J. A. Dallas, on con. 2; • Mrs. (Do B. A. Slain:, Ann Arbor, Mich" and Misses Sarah and May, at horde. Ile Was a decided Seotohman, and was the only one who emigrated. to Cattada. Ile came out in 1850, ren woolen and sawmill bneiness at Attburn from 1860 to 1876. Ito theft moved to Tackersmith and then to Clinton five :Alms Gime:Va. years ago. The deceased was a life-long I Liberal, Ifood's Sarsaparilla Mist sets on an the digestive organs, cures dyspe*it„ and give perManSat rigor bee and tete to the who'* sista& bro .- J4 twelaty.inur years VapeXesselens be etereively teed kr all forms of Cm o.a, en ltd troubles. An Druggists. .,440poe Our dealings of the past are suffi- cient guarantee that What we say here is what we mean. We have come to another Christmas, the first in the new century, and we intend to exceed the past bargains. We extend a Icordial invitation to everybody to call and ex-, amine our stock, as we are satisfied that we can give them better prices than they can get elsewhere, as our expenses are light. CHRISTMAS •GROCERIES 4 4 FRUITS NOVELTIES CHIAWA 4 The stock as never so complete. A few of those cheap caps left, which will be cleared out regardless of price. Silk Handkerchiefs for, the ladies and geldernen. Gentlemen's Mufflers. Any of these thtngs will make nice Christmas present. ' Ift01....112411303.101411011.,.... Whitethurch. led We are prepared to pay the Highest C;zsh Prices for Saw Logs X44471. fee' Elton& ressant.. OPERATED BY The Canada Furniture 1Wfs, 111.01111.1.1•11•321.11 .....COMMUMilartiaind01.111 IVANICURE PIECES • These Goods are on Exhibition in our Window. "eeltAbell. "eivIest'Ve. H H ChIS i0/111 1104.444144mmess.....4.44m....m4"/' E have sotne odd pieces of MANICIME SETS which we are offering at much below the usual price. This is • a Special Sale and will not be for long. The pieces comprise NAIL PILES, ' -- TOOTH BRUSHES, BUTTON HOOKS, SHOE HORNS, SEALS /MD NAIL BRUSHES. Note these bargains: Pieces formerly sold at 500 for 350 g. " 750 45c " $1.00 " 700 $1.25 1, 8$0 " $1,50 " *1.00 e, $1.75 'it $1.25 41 44 4' 41 1 • • ft, Jewoler & Optician Opposite Bank of Hamilton. inmthno44440144.401.4smete...141444•4144444 Suits, Overcoats, "Promos, Pitney ew' Goods/t wi be to the advantve of VeAtb," etc., e uosv etoek. ;11.,e who intend pm -chasing' in that • usie otoek, and see the Pa --,-1Wnti.;:ti.1 • v ill Gents' Parniebitige titylisb eit. • ,tps, et°. • 4.4.4444.4.441.,•444444.4., ......7-7:-...11.4011440441.1444444406.41 tetra is Cal .i a0a. eo C ettlitliiCOLD IN 0.1414 DAV e nromo 'Quinine Tahletl, hIltAll ithe motley f s • o a :4 joy Your DillilOr I . , ‘trynig some of our Ohoiee IS, some prices of 1,vhieb. we .you below: ' efeteak 10e, Rib Roast 10e, in Roast 10e, Shoulder t ec. Rib Stew 7o, Head - e 8c, Lamb 10e, Diamond's rd Beef 10c, Fresh Pork 4 13e, Long Clear 18c. ' Tongue SW, Limili'a e 30c, jellet Tenderloin orn Beef 15e, Cooked ie al 25e, B. Brawns 15, it Slice iSe, Lard 140. eameeileesegeees.,se wo AmoND 13 ()TONER EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS What Wiciaavalce. trinlea CorrespondentCOMM1411003.0 Oth ; ' Items Clipped 'From Our Exchanges, nr.rwtl, Miss Grace Eanaden returned trona Toronto last week suffering from blood poisoning., There will bo Xmas tree under the auspices of Trinity church Sunday itaideStrY hell On Deo Ord. Burglars entered the store of Messrs. Anderson & Elder Wedneklay night of last week and helped themselyes lib- erally t overcoats, underwear, socks and silk handkerchiefs. Entrance was made by lowering the upper half of the window in the millinery work room. Messrs, Anderson & Elder have no idea of the exam:nit of their loss untilthey look through their steels. The burglars are supposed to be arnateure. Mr. Isaac Brown is confined to his father's home with typhoid fever. wtsTrxErm. Miss Annie Davidson of Goderich is at present a visitor at the home of Mr, and Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Moorish. Miss Henderson of Galt is at present visiting Mr. Wm. Rodger and other friends in this locality. • , The Tories iu this neighborhood seem to bb in the the lip over their defeat. DearsSiets. In, the timber limit, owned P. Am. ent awl his partuer, Mr. $n)ith, of Cold. water, firth° Parry Sound Distriet, there are ne lesS than 12,00) acres, with tied). er enough to keep aenill savving for 20 Years. The deinyears, intend putting up a mill, They aro only six or sevoik miles frout the railwity. they hare Wen offered $5,0007er the 14311(41: *ear% alone, but will not likely veil (le they think they cen handle it themselves, Last Friday evening another member of Geo. Lott's lankily, Mill street,. died, in the person of Ellen tittle, seeund daughter. She was a btight little girl 3 years old last October. The funeral was private. Three of t;he children7the old- est dan,gliter, sop - and the six months old baby, --were also doevo, hut favor- able progress is being inade toward re- covery' and wo hope the family who have been 'sorely afflicted will soon. be Out of qtiaraiitine. The many old friends of Dan, and Mrs. McCormick formerly of, lerussels, but now a Hamiltoft, will be interested in the fact diet their little daughter "Tot" has been ill in.the city hospital there for over five weeks. At one time there Was Cheer up! It might be worse. little hope or her reeevery but he is Special services commenced hi West- now on the mend. - field Church last Monday evening. Rev. Josias Greene of Clinton has consented to assist Mr. Kennedy in conducting TURN.RURRX. these meetings. Caron., N. W. T., Doc. 8,-01. The League held its annual election of To The gaiter of The TTILES. • officers on Friday evening, which result- Dealt SIR, --As my subseription to ed es follows: Pres,, Miss Laura Carr; your paperaitrl the Family Herald and lst vice, Wm. McDpwell; 2ud *ice, j. Weekly Star is just about expired, I Killqugh; 3rd vice, Miss C. McClintora;. feel that I should renew thentagnin. I 4th vim; Mies 31. Wightmau; secretary, enjoy the cOlunans of my native town F. Campbell; missionary treasurer, W. Peper very teach and it is a very much Steakhouse; treasurer, F. dem; organ- appreciatecle.reelely letter, Although it is ist, Miss Steakhouse. The Ladies Aid Seeiety peeked,four barrels of clothing for the Deaconess' Home, Toronto. The society here has a large membership and is doing a splen- did work. Coral)! Uorna! Corns! Tendereorns, painful corns, softcorns, bleeding corns. The kind of corns that other remedies have failed to cure—that's a good marry—yield quickly to Putnam's Painless CornExtrac tor. Patman's Corn Extractor has been a long thne at the business, experiences* in fact just know to do it. At druggists. MORRIS. Mies Lizzie Maunders is home from her millinery position at Zurich. A. T. Cole has purchased a well-hred Tamworth hog from Reid & Co. near the city el Ottawa. County Councillor Bowman was cal- led home from Goderich on Thursday of last week owing to the serious iliness, resulting iu the decease of his father. S. S. No. 5 was represented at the Co. Cooneil last Week by Trustee Johnston in the application for an abritration. Mr. Johnston. was opposed tolt and had his case well in hand. Arbitrators were appointed, however, -hi the belief that it would be the better way of settling the difference of opinion. West Huron was a big surprise owing to the big majority for the Hon. J. T. Garrow. Not even Mr. Foy could carry the riding though he boasts of having so much ginger. It must have lost its flav- or. Whitney, Matheson and Foy, but the greatest of these is Foy. Friday evening of this week the an- nual wheel entertainment will be held in Button's school house. The following has reference to Miss Alice Muter, a niece of R. McMurray, 4th line, Morris. Tho young lady it Will be remembered spent several weeks visit big at her uncle's a year ago: At high noon, on 'Wednesday, 4th inst., a very pleasant event took place at the rcsi- Here we are Again For trie Christmas —Trade litr. Prank Pratte, has engaged with Mr. Edward Jones, a Colborne. The young folio of ,Auburn had a Party at Mr. George Ifowatt's on Friday evening of last week. There wasa large crowd present and a very enjoyable time speut by all, dancing beiug the chief antneement.. Mr. James. Bruce is able to move around again and la looking hale Kul hearty. Mr. Hugh Bose hes returned home from 1VIanitoba, after au absence of eight months, ....... ............" SRAVORTIg• Mp. Joseph Foster, sr,, of Fairgraye, Miehigan, was is town this week. Mrs. Foster wee a resident of Stanley some 20 years ago, and is now renewing old acquaintanceships in that VioialtV. She intends spending the winter in Ontario. Mr, Archibald Somerville, of Me. Eillop, near Winthrop, delivered a load of lambs iu, town, last week, to Mr. George Dorrance, which averaged 150 pounds each. They were of the Leicester breed, and as their weight shows, were a fine lot. This gives McKillop the lead so far on the lamb question.—Mr. James Scutt, of the firm of Scott Brothers, returned home on Saturday front a very saccessf al lensiuess trip to Manitoba.—The bachelors of Seaforth have issued invitations for a grand clawing Intrty, in Cartino's hall, on the evening of Friday, the 27th. Miss Minnie Cummings, off W. Pick- ard & Company's, nulliuery establish- ment suffered a very severe and painful accident on Saturday uighs last. She was washing a pair of gloves with gaso line when the gasoline exploded and her hands on which she had the gloves were most severely burned. Miss Cummings I very near a week behind when it atrives had t'ke gasoline iu a dish, while there here. Perhaps sonie of any Turnberry was a lamp at the other side of the room friends wo,a1c1 like to know how times lint the ;caseates escaping formed, a gas, are iu the Wooly West. Well, We have had a yew bountiful harvest thli year. Grain awned on. very good. averaging from 30 to 40 bushels, to c the acre of wheat awl oats from 80 to 100 bushels to the nate. I just had 40 acres sot wheal in this kyear, as it was ley first year. I threshed it the other day and it averag- ed •303.1 bushels to the acre. Soule of my neighbors went 43 bushels to the aore. Mine was very heavy in the strummed that was the cause of not so lames yield, but it is a fine sant*. The Elevator Companies are going to make a stake of wheat if they could get zovery- thing their own way and they have very near got that. They got the .0.*P. R.. .Goinpany not to give the fanners Cart3,60 thee they brought wheat down to -186 VD .§.0thand a lot uf the farmers, had to sell as they had no granary room, where, if the C. P. R. had given the feuranere cars, they would get iiage per bushel clear ter their wheat. I think that the GGV- ernment, or who ever has the power over the C. P. R., should snake them give the farmer his share of cars instead of giving their agents orders not to give the. farmers any cars as they, dad this fail. Itis, the farmer that pays for the C. P. R..in the end, but it seems it is the Elevator Companies they favor. The farmers of this district are making arrangements to build a farmers' eleva- tor next year and then they can handle their own wheat to better advantage. This is a great place for allied farming, as a person gets a good price for most everything. Butter, '25c per lb.; eggs, 25e per doz.; potatoes were worth 50c per bush., but are down to 30e.: oats, 30ea bush.; hay, $7 per ton. There are goOdchances here for any young man, if he wants to got a start and eau do ' well. There is quite alot of land taken up hero this last year. There is (mite a lot of threshing to do yet in the distriet, but the weather has been fine, We deuce of David and Mrs. Winter. Rich- ! have no snow to speak of, just about 3 mond, when' their only daughter, MaryI inchee, and only about Metal degrees of Alice, was united in matrimony to And- frost. It is more of a steady tempera- rew Penny of Riehmond. The cete- tare than we have in Ontario. X 'might suony was performed by Rev, D. Balfour say that we have to pay a good price tor in the presence of about thirty guests, apples. They are worth from VI to 46.50 relatives of the bride and grnom. . per bbl. ...—.--s--seses.----e—e—ss:—.....-se. I have over one hundred acres ready for corn crop next spring. We use coal Torpid. Liv er for f,tel. We get it for 45.80 per toe, and the nom. for $1.115 Por sacic of 100 Is sometimes responsible for difficult di- lbs. There is a large flour mill in Moose gotten, that Is, DYSPEPSIA. Jaw that is a credit to any town of its When it is, size. I have just get 320 acres of land, What headache, dissinesS, donstipatton, 1 tun a mile .1,0 , t ni them, grout 012 What fits of despondeney, What fears of imaginary evils, coaduce milett front elevators, pat °Mee and a o with the distress after eating, the sourntts general store, ond. twmiles front as of the stomach, the bad taste in the mouth, schoOl, So 1 ani in a good location and and go forth, to make the life" of the silts like the country well. Well, I will con - fuer scarcely worth living! chide, wishing you success in bushiest; Dyspepsia resulted from torpid liver its and a Happy Christmas curl at Merry the ease of Mrs. Jones, 2320 N. 12th Sty New year. 1 relnahl, Philadelphia, Pa., Who was A gteat eafferer, Yours Iter statement made in her 77th year is truly, that she was completely eured of it attd all its attendant ashes and pales, as others have been, by a faithful am of _______ which bteatue ignited front the lamp, and .filleol the room with fire. The breath of the pines is the breath orlife" the cotasunintive. • Norway Pine Syrup contains the pine virtues and attar cures -coughs, colds bronchitis hoarseness, and all throat aud hang troubles, which, if not attended to, lead to Consumption. ca..ratToic. The dealt!. of Mrs. Mary Rance occur- red at her residence on Sunday •last. Mrs. Rance had lived hero all her life, ,oversixty years. She leaves three sous to anoarn her loss—William of Butte, Mont; Alfred of Horey & Co., and Charles, of Jackson Bros. The banns for a marriage to take place 7in St, Panl's church in about two weeks were announced by the rector. The brideile Miss Margaret Holmes of town, to ,Tas. Jos. Egau of Toronto. number in town have received invi- tations to an assembly given by the Bechelors in Seaforth on Dec. 27th; it is expeoted several will accept the invi- tation. Rev W. Wade and wife late of town, who have been spending the summer at West Fort William,have moved to their son's place in Westport, South Dakota. ' W. iCoats is quit: 'a pigeon fancier and has hOught a number for his nephevis, Randall Robertson and Char- lie Macpherson. W. T. O'Neil has secured the services ot Geo. SwalloW, the old-titne proprietor of the Hub grocery, to Midst him during 1, th Xmas trade, season. The Ontario Street church was re- opened on Sunday last, 'Rev. Seines Livingstone of Windsor preached morn- ing and evening. Rattenbury street servaces were evithdraven for tho day. An entertainment Wes held on 111OndaY evening, at which the resident ministers, and Rev. Livingston of 'Windsor mut Rev. Hobbs of Wiughaan gave addresses. The recent death of Mr. Alexander Monteith has removed from the coni munity a pioneer of nnron County who enjoyed in the highest degree the esteem and respect of Me ,neighbors. At the time of his death Mr. Monteith was '70 years and 8 months old. Itis last op- pettranee on the street Was on December 4, and on Monday hist he ,pasSed away. The deceased leaves a wife and two sons and four daughters—Alex, on tho hotne- stead, London road, Tackersmith ; Ben. ty on 3; Mrs, J. A. Dallas, on con. 2; • Mrs. (Do B. A. Slain:, Ann Arbor, Mich" and Misses Sarah and May, at horde. Ile Was a decided Seotohman, and was the only one who emigrated. to Cattada. Ile came out in 1850, ren woolen and sawmill bneiness at Attburn from 1860 to 1876. Ito theft moved to Tackersmith and then to Clinton five :Alms Gime:Va. years ago. The deceased was a life-long I Liberal, Ifood's Sarsaparilla Mist sets on an the digestive organs, cures dyspe*it„ and give perManSat rigor bee and tete to the who'* sista& bro .- J4 twelaty.inur years VapeXesselens be etereively teed kr all forms of Cm o.a, en ltd troubles. An Druggists. .,440poe Our dealings of the past are suffi- cient guarantee that What we say here is what we mean. We have come to another Christmas, the first in the new century, and we intend to exceed the past bargains. We extend a Icordial invitation to everybody to call and ex-, amine our stock, as we are satisfied that we can give them better prices than they can get elsewhere, as our expenses are light. CHRISTMAS •GROCERIES 4 4 FRUITS NOVELTIES CHIAWA 4 The stock as never so complete. A few of those cheap caps left, which will be cleared out regardless of price. Silk Handkerchiefs for, the ladies and geldernen. Gentlemen's Mufflers. Any of these thtngs will make nice Christmas present. ' Ift01....112411303.101411011.,.... Whitethurch. led We are prepared to pay the Highest C;zsh Prices for Saw Logs X44471. fee' Elton& ressant.. OPERATED BY The Canada Furniture 1Wfs, 111.01111.1.1•11•321.11 .....COMMUMilartiaind01.111 IVANICURE PIECES • These Goods are on Exhibition in our Window. "eeltAbell. "eivIest'Ve. H H ChIS i0/111 1104.444144mmess.....4.44m....m4"/' E have sotne odd pieces of MANICIME SETS which we are offering at much below the usual price. This is • a Special Sale and will not be for long. The pieces comprise NAIL PILES, ' -- TOOTH BRUSHES, BUTTON HOOKS, SHOE HORNS, SEALS /MD NAIL BRUSHES. Note these bargains: Pieces formerly sold at 500 for 350 g. " 750 45c " $1.00 " 700 $1.25 1, 8$0 " $1,50 " *1.00 e, $1.75 'it $1.25 41 44 4' 41 1 • • ft, Jewoler & Optician Opposite Bank of Hamilton. inmthno44440144.401.4smete...141444•4144444 Suits, Overcoats, "Promos, Pitney ew' Goods/t wi be to the advantve of VeAtb," etc., e uosv etoek. ;11.,e who intend pm -chasing' in that • usie otoek, and see the Pa --,-1Wnti.;:ti.1 • v ill Gents' Parniebitige titylisb eit. • ,tps, et°. • 4.4.4444.4.441.,•444444.4., ......7-7:-...11.4011440441.1444444406.41 tetra is Cal .i a0a. eo C ettlitliiCOLD IN 0.1414 DAV e nromo 'Quinine Tahletl, hIltAll ithe motley f s • o a :4