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The Wingham Times, 1901-12-20, Page 4
, iE A lwlij� r to ' .'�JIE WING110 NETS, 1)1`4' ", ,n 05 1901. It is ft4y'to wise f er tuey4wt. WIN(laktAil9t UAIiUX C UxroltVs- ��+oirAldlM��NffiaSlwwil�lM�•e�bl�iN•il�w'�R►X41►��►•IAI�QHIr�O�1iI��W►iM49R!!1iRIa1�01NQ� , They were strangwo and: they, t04* as Winghani,, Dec. 19, 1001 _ in. p'lattr r 1o0 lbs„ .. . , 1 03 to 2 50 1+'ai1 eat ,. 0 w0to073 D t ,i K ThePopular tore ��7;llero's neo fGllt likE, tar lxiu relic." Spl�ngWlteat„ ,,.. ... o 0o to 0.00 JptA� � IIaS. �I, Derr"Ile needsa 141,9sl?"e whosupsChats. .. . . ........ . ... ... ' ' Q 44 tE,', � 4N soup with the. ds xl. Baxley .... . , .. 00 45 to 0 00 ,.,... _ � , �o�ac��mlm*a��w�o�r,aot�t�l�oe��aea�•-ere►���s���am�ee�amy��►�a4��•ao�,a����e�a�c�t7r , � !'`Past the kala for your country's sake PEja :. , .... , . 0 7a to 0 , t+ �> Turkeys, drawn . , , 0 09 to 0 10 and pav-lay-pay." „ t l'1 Ii 'C7DIES, N.I. W.•• --•Noise -- Iucompeteucy, � Dtucks, per air rr o5 to a oa� � . 06111STMAS. CHRISTMAS Ct�I�IS� ra. Goeso, , ATOMIZERS. � y, s e devil sheariu � Eggs per doz . • ° � 0 10 to 0 1a Time is here. Tou'd think; � The little folks, and big � Draws near and � your g p 040 to 000 _ Whiskey Butter...... 0 10 to 0 1G• LEATAER P=FU1k1:E CASES, It was the case ai'- the g ' the. pig••••-Maoh noise and little wool, Wood per cord „:, , 2 00'to 2 25 _ �i so if } otl'd QAlta fl look into Yolks too, ekpeot Santa, Claus , crossly begins to a assert stye LI A BIER BRUSH ,4NU Hay per tole.,., .,. .,-. $' S0 to 0 00 '• onr Chinaware Department, to bring them Domethlnq at The stork+ in which to buy CiOMId CASES, Somebody ought., to present our es- .Potatoes,perbushel .,,, 0 25 to 0 30 0Chriatmaa time, 1Ve'l>. tall There's A display of art, athis Ston,, where you wi LEATHER F.&NOY CASES, teemed eouueil with a ready reckoner. Tallow per lb ............ 0 05 to 0 05 , • We : profusion of ,pretty tbinc s to you something abd won't find tho large;it, brightest E . BRUT ETES, Wxughr4m. lead a b:tiei ease �i,,swelled Lard • . , .. , . , , .. , 0 14 to 0 14 OF ES, RINDS, head, and we had to take ottr lioai3o, . Dried Apples per lb ... 0 Oi3 to 004 . • greet the eye an every hand, ass: y`oA to keep it a secret; ': and most representative stock .. . .and, Wool . , .� G Ao to G 90 WISh bot 14s flyl�apt�nmako pocket- hie S a eaanta Aat our store. us has npacked ' aG your catlaw +ilLiOTH BR> TSHES We have the finest crystal ynalace in I ivo FIo s, er cwt. OF ALL S.INDa, Western (>ntaiio, Clucltens.... ..... +.„ 0 30 tof0 40 4 Ver DRY1,OOOQa Butpeopleot who have glass houses are CHINAWARE • T likely talked about. ® YOU. CHIN ETES 1 uud exceed.' • - AWARE CAN AT Whena horse dies his owner pall , � OSE � '.• ingly 'eorfeet, Our new q 6D Barrels of Candies, stock of Fancy Ties f'br La. ' ��1 ,generally realize soiztething out of his • Dinner. Sots, X5.00 D p. „ ,. „ � f� Campbell's hide, LOAN, ASSURANCE AND ��� Tea Sets, $3.00 up. Old 7.im'e broken Cion dies and Gents, See them.REAL ESTATE AGENT.- • dy is pure candy, 8 lbs. for Prices 20cWill the solitary voter who opposed • Toilet Sets, Z,OQ up, 25c. Pure • Sugar Mixed the la -law in Ward 3, please stand' up, "A nein broom sweeps olean, but an atticl yin = Table Sets, Cups and Sau- Handsome Rugs, $.1,50 to y Lens the corners.' , Candy, 4 lbs. for 25c, Ro DRUG STORE. i We are like the man who thought he • A - =' cars, Plates, Cake Plates, or i ' $5.Q0. • • al Mixed Candy, o lbs far Chenille Curtains. and could lift himself 'by his boot straps. Assux&wcn titut aivnsures, • Cabarets Cheese Covers, ace, 45c, Cho4. Dra s, Taffies ' • WINGRAM. — _ _ p Table Covers. Or like the smart Alt ck who tiled to . RnAr, EsrAmx < sales that: satisfy. i `, r and Cream. Candie$ galore, Silk Table "Dra es, Chair get ahead of the three Acari man lit his LOAvs, money that's Moderate, 6 e1 y White opal (x00da, decor- C TO ADVERTISERS. office -Corner of Minnie and Patrick a atGl - J. D For and Piano overs, : • own game. Glove Bores, Handker• � Coats, Caperines,Rttffs, •• Notice of changes must be left at this Or like the country' boy at the circus Streets. WINGHAM. • thief Boxes Collar Boxes NUTS cap %,. etc, m office not later than Saturday noon. ° «ho was promised a free ticket if h© ® Quit Boxes, Cracker. Jars, All new stock. Gauntlets, Gloves and n ` The copy for changes must be left would carry water for the elephants, ,9 t homeFridayafteruoon5 andSaturday ® Bis Jars', Trays, Plates, Vas- Filberts, per pound .....150 Mitts for, Men, Women and � not later than Tuesday evening, OLb GRIAMS. • .� es, etc. Prices from 15c to Almonds, soft shell, per lb,20c Children. Casual advertisements accepted up T. J. MAGU��•� w 35c• �'Valnuts Grenoble per • to noon Thursday of each week. • , P We have a very large ,ave Stook markets. ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, p Peanuts, fresh, per Ib ...15c ,� , p r steel. of Plain and Fahey • ESTABTd6EED IM Tordxito, Dec, 17.—At the Western INSURANCE AND. LOAN AGENT. • es Table Sets Vinegar Bot- a hag . • • • dkerchiefs sl cattle yards this morning the receipts P Bohemian a s, Vine a Vas- Mixed Nuts per lb • • 1`' I3eln Stitched Handker., F J: 9I �TTj�jjljj�jlR tMES0 _ yancints ReuisxtndNotes Collected. poo. • ties, Water Seta ,satin finish .9A� j P9 9j�ilijlllj jtl`vera 91 carloads of live stock, iixclnding veyancins done. • ' ehiHfs, each 5 cents, • 8 R ELLIOTT, PIIDLIBHEn AND P80.PRIETOtt 1,500 hogs, 1,400 Cattle, 1,300 sheep and OI'FICE—Ovtir D. M. Clordon'a store. A ed Rose $owls, etc., at price3 Lace Trimmed Handker-, ! -- , RESIDENCE—Leonoldstr,:et. i• that should arouse the monq lambs, a dozen calves, aha°'a dozen chiefs each 5 cents. — • g CaliforniaOraet f Navels Muslin Linen Lace and ` a. • Davie instinct of every wo- o + � miloh cows. � large, jucy, sweet fruit, 40c + , • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1901, man. a dozen, . •• Silk Handkerchiefs in great a ' Trade was good all venue; the �! • 7 conditions of cattle are unchanged, but B L '' N K ET ',a AC A,' N ' s, smaller (suit but = _ variety. • Mexican t there was an advance m lambs and heIf you re for 1 lieve ug kis tha come • GAMES heDattes, Figs, Apples nand u • p VOICES OF THE PEOPLE. hogs. Everything sold early. oG a ge • Cranberries.a PP SHOESs 5 `' S7iaFclitor does not hold himself responsible All the cattle in the abovero0iepts that an be found in town; and we make Crokinole, Food board, Pickles, Salad Dressing anti • forthe0 inions expressed by correspond- • well finished ........90C. Sauces. Bring your feet Wltl,, you • ents. Nor does he alwayo hold the same were not for sale here, about a couple the statement without fear of contra- • / and treat them to a pair of. • views -,is expressed by correspondents. of hundred were being shipped through. diction. ® i'arehessi (folding board 25C • Wingham Dec. 18 1901, ( g ) • Pickled Olives, per bot.. , .15c good Shops or Slippers. R + Following is the range of.qutations: • Checkers (handsome fold- Pickled Onions, per bot. • • 15c 84C • FOUNDRY FrLICI"1-IES. ltd Per Cent. Off For Cash ® Backer's Cocoa, per tin...350 S s.far Children, lipper di •,• CATTLE. On Robes and Fur Coats. ®' �' ing board) ....:.... , 20e Bensdorp's Cocoa, per tili.25c up. Slippers fur brg sulks, ,Heard on tato Street Corners. .shippers, per Cwt..:... 4 50 $5 25 131 < value in Whips 'Trunks VAllses, ® FOIL COm tete 90C ; . � Busted! Butcher, choice do..... 4 00 5 25 g P . , . Vt nHonten's .......Per 30c �5C t0`$], GO, ` told you so. Butcher, ordinary to Bails, Single and Double harness. • ° Imperial Dutch Cocoa, DOLLS • .a Whore are o. at. good•• • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • 3 2a 4 00 Repairing neatly' and promptly done. • per tin ..... . ....... .100 Butcher, inferior ...k .. 2 75 3 25 , p 5; , ' � � ® � COFFEE Chocolate per cake 10 200 China. 7)olls, Kid Dolls, Three strikes And out. _ Mince Meat per pk 15c s>aEEr aNn LAafBs. CEO. C. MANNERS. • _, g • Java and Mocha Blend 40e. , Bi Dolls Small Dolle Dress• t # I,lid you Aver get left? Choice ewes, per cwt... 2 75 3 00, HARNESSMAKER o Gelatine Rocks and 150 ed Dolls, Pretty Dolls Chea M They were two of a kind. Butchers' sheep, each... 2 00 3 25 •• Blum al Bl on Blend . 40c. y P w X, I. W.—Neto investors wanted. Lambs, per cwt... • 23 50 00 42100 api`tal OC Dol ls, Drills Heads. edt $1.25 •� Bucks.... ice .... . C Blend • • 3 *,What fools these mortals be! The sticks usel by Swedish Settlers in 0 'Perfe... .. 3 ,_ r "Man was made to mourn.". MILSERS AND CALVES. Maine for steering or preserving their m PerfCet ..............25c. Dolls Heads..."5e to lOc s "The people like to,hn humbugged. Cows, each .... , ....... 90;00, 45 00 equilibrium when bdescending hills on O Calves, each • .......... 2 00 10 00 their loo wooden skates or skies have �! W. --Negotiated cn.wind. g ®a®fS®• •a•e•o•®m•••••••s®foe®®doe®•���i• !••A®®• ®�1®W®C�m�®•®�®&®®®O•©0®®Q�m•®O p. "We pitxd too dear for our whistle." gods' been made hollow, for ilio °purpose of •• • Choice hogs, per cwt... 6 00 F, 25 smuggling t • `' «The mountain labored and brought Light hogs, per cwt.... 5 75 6 00 go g vhiskey fmi5t ,rite Canadian Jno & Jas M Kerr. MACDONALD BLOCK, WI•NCHAM. Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr. � i • Heavy hogs, per cwt... 5 75 6 00 side of the -boundary Every method of • ! :orth a`mouk; .. _ _ •' denly become interesting in Qtitario... ®Itli14i•�6HQ110•temA•i®O®®®Imo•e.�d•�®®®®®O®O®O®OAlIm00®�0� •O©O�+Ota�e!• e are all in, a same whatever. Sows y u • _ - the t.. i sus.` .�'• 00 4; N. I. VP No investigationoa Stags, per cwt ... • • 0 00 2 J carrying cog ra an xquor as s a •^�,' }�+d++♦++�+++4 9 � 4♦♦<14�A♦ <f♦♦�4i41�0�4t♦0�4®O♦4�� �� ��4 ak�4�� O�F140'♦4� � / O♦O.... +040 a♦............O♦4O?•fit♦404.404.♦44♦.... ••14.0..4.001-0♦4......44d.4b. ■ kY Y 1 4, k + Butter locl�® + + 3 ° A . oma 0 + .. ° + ¢ each, Snow Shovels at 30e e h, g 4 p • _ •a. cu Sleighs frons 25c up. + x ♦ ♦ChIrlstm---as pl Go carts at 20c and 25c eaeh. ♦ $ Window Shades from 25c up. + + '. Pillow Sbam holders at 20e each. + � � �j �J + with � CLAUS 2 cans Salmon for 25c. 3 -OP♦ cans Salmon for 25c. + 1 + + 2 pounds,Baking Powdef far, 25c. + Apt + .. g or 25c, o �Y+ + - silver for 50c. l pound of Grand Mogul Tea f + LU Set of Knife I+ or and Spoon at 25C Only a few more days in, , whish a set, SOA .P Ssic + ! z Z •► Teaspoons at 'L5c a E'igzen. We Carry the Largest Assortment of ++ to do your purchasing for Christmas a Tablespoons at 5e a ch or 50e a dozen. Soaps shown in Wingham. t and acre have just what •you need for Butter K •ves an -ickle Forks at 25c. + + Mickel Cr mb T y and Scraper for 5'Oc. Baby s Own Soap at l0c z cake. + presents for all—old'and young.' Nickel Cr b ray and Brush for 75c. Soothing Cream Skin Soap at 10c a cake, + ' + Ebony han "Erasor" for 15c. White Palm Soap at l0e a box. e+• n l : : 'T'he following are a few of 'the „ Nail File for 15c. Liberty Complexion Soap at 15c a box. Wingham's Favorite + many bargains we are offering : " , Button Book for 15c. Lanolia at 9e a cake or 25c a box. + L „ 11 "Darner" for 25c. London Bcuquet Soap at 5c a cake. + Pianist 3 °. " " Tooth Brush for 25c, Complexion Soaps at l0c a cake, ♦ + - and t 5c er 10 er e. t Buttermilk a Glycerine at c a k N - •...�.•"•. + ♦ Pine Tar ,Soap a a cake, + .:�..._ z�cY wok, . , 4 FANCY + moss M60,RE♦Pin Cushions, DOLLS! DOLLS! �► + Umbrella Shawls: Dust Pans for 8c and 15c. VVe have handsomely dressed Dolls, + i. ♦ lea Cosey. Milk Strainers at 10c each: Kid Dolls, Large Dolls, Small Dolls, . + * Will render popular + Whisk Holders; Story Cake Tins (just the thing for Christmas Rubber Dolls, Jointed Dolls, Hair Pin Holdars, and, wedding cakes) at 25e a set. selections on the . 'ti"' ♦ Fascinators. • Wash Basins 'at 8c each. Seo our Bride Doll in the window C Match Holders. Pot Lids at. Se each, Piano this week and Souvenir Roval -Visit„ Match Safes at 5c each. Mouth Organs at 5e, 16e and 25e: " + and.- 'tketi" :': All colors of Tovi el Rings. Steamers for 30c. Violin Strings at 10c each, �'fZday ` 2 -inch Satin Ribbon at l0e a yard. ween Brand Hair Ping at 15 + each. See our new "Vassar" Comb for 20c. Q, -�f -Xt We j�+ „ 4 -Inch Silk Ribbons at 15c a yard, Q C dozen• x; a 4 -inch Neck Iiihba7ns.(best silk) fol` 200. Tea Kettles at c e + + :Zephyr in all shades at 8e an ounce. a GR,ANI TEHair Brushes for 250, 36e and 5.0c. W,ARE Tooth Brushes at 5e, 10c, 15c and �20c. + 4' BAll atten des ofdiffer. ntWool at So an otinee. p a Ho 9 for 75e. laCalling d for 15c and 17c a package. + ` xTopsg( hs and 80c, Tea ltettl., p Writing Paper at 20r a box, You have pleasure + Cushion at 25e, 40c, Large Boxes in blue & white Paper for 85c. ' Japanese Csbibn Tops at 75c 85e and $,1.00. Tea Fettle No, 8, for 50c. g ( ) . ♦ P Wash Basins at 25c eaeh, g p x` while making your ♦ Table Drapes for $2.00, $1.50 and $1,00, r = Writing Pads at 6c, 10c, , Xing EdwardV11 Box "Gf Paper 25c, a bo Dippers at 2ue. 15c and e. � •�,, c. Piano Drapes at $2.00 and $5.00 each, _ p- 'Envelopes at 5c and 1 a package, lii�°L'ilil�en� and P&1 a at 75C E'ACh, d $5C. �M p ];asci Drapes. at 75e and $1.00. + + = Little Shaver (complete) for 85c. + e after Ou Bake Tina at 5e and STUPPED T'7�D :�iNY1V�CALS �' pleasure Little Shaver (stamped linen for gentleman's � � • riogS, Cnts; Itnt>brtg, ole., only ♦. get home with then ♦ _shaving pied) at 15C each. $ ROASTING PAD'S � xae and ere a�amt � + E CSV' +'L ler in t a r • nrixel �o>rtlii�eg 1Dsi11 �clist for YGe. _ ERV To Ros,sti 'Ybu1' Chir'istmacx DinbM.�.:s...; Gem Covered Fi. Doll CradteB for 30e. = The G Roasting Pan, Tey Watches at 50 each, To Sad Irons and Stands at 6c and lOc. Gold Plate 'Bracelets at 500 and 9i.00 each. square tyarG sh�I C. w'i�1-dead a good Sized turkey, y Z Children's Rings for 100, Vic and 25e, ventilated cover, worth and c>c. A Itring gatl.ranteed for three years which We 75 Maglc Lanterns for Me and 50e. Toy Guns or 5c i c an 5c. r arra selling fbr 50c, 5 foot Clothes "orse i"or+$1.2at We bane a, large number of Toy lashes, Links and Cup' Clothes Lines at 100 each, � pieturE�'Boolts and many other Toys too rlurneroue to IBtlttotw at 25e A PSU''. of Cuff r 150 each. mention. SeeingIs 'believing'. Como and see the ,,. Asti ,.liftc+l's at Ladies' and Children's ]Bracelets In sterling Corn; 'Poppers at 10c each. bargains Cor .yourself. ►y;4i*Fi...i4*4J i•# t 4i iii4 ♦4 i 1i .......... aV ♦���1�iir i1h �i �►♦ ♦♦ � 1r�r♦s1��1►'�� � PW + ...:, e