HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-13, Page 12A vowro"4r o A FEW iol a son; Wvi" at St. H" om on.Arse eat rile '4001 11 'It '1',* '114 tl I I Frear W"a ab; fxwna &-,?,ftka evening, all C10A W 111gt to I 2 0 0 A,,�,;r 1,*tJ1f 11 WfIlb" it �O �ot winglism Aud �u o prayer meeavgli are iiow be. yot. 1J liffle from lWkool. P. ju. ind Store. 680,003 0* -a Nrpin. tgaiu were bolaW wAd% by the Methodist church instead , :Sugg 111. no Township, of H Avidic weekly pr. until tho 129, AV10rQ"11rM11r-11d!I . 11 , M a, ,SWr0rApy._Th6 prol.1noW, (?t q%e ay(r weedul in good 14114 •�ujl ingo, otornor torin, =uu bstk4tl11'Be"taxy Of the Swid4y School AAOQia, now obur-ch 10 completed- OIJega 1h Mill Milof CuIrow; f 0 8, hrlie 501 oonCa ;QverSDacreaticto vislw winsham on SuOdAY .44 1�ay. Xr. Jackson Secretary of thehic:bitsYea y it"turell for -Ion 0 1. onrell 12 110NOrw; t.116yes 1�0 5 Xonday 0$ this week, AddreW4 WOTO Provizol-Al Sunday School Aosoolat ; or 1. ) 'Oo' 'b' of note; I's i�lltcdi �'��. , delivered in the X lillllty . ,otbodi4t church Ou prombed 14 the Presbyterian church. on water: 01 T water mtAtioll; Q .Voudgy "suing by ROT. 14r. VIU1111 And Sunday Morning Inst and in the. Xetho.gcod I am; III be a V pp to Christmas H, t4o Secretary Rey. I Xr. ;a*son, ROT. 4irit chi3rob in the eveniug,. Mr. T. U411 in , I I I to out And,' stggollign iut3ror sella fariu. enquire lgt to b ucte4l oervice in the Metliodiot A� D laing val Rstato!% c with us and you Will get a I Uobbs Opening oond I'vilt, Spend & little t1in lost of se ted its chairman. 11, he avid he wished lie cmild be, & boy church on Sunday. woriilnX, Wiligham, pliq k1jig prices for, some of the most, wantable 141115 very 404b 0 0. gsAin that lie might have advantages Of a qtar�. fora _ne5o, If yoll are In It a V 1 00 ONO. L Ill& Qhriatma.5 NO the youth of today, Rev, Mr. Frizell To jpr60 to Y64 thab DO. of yo1w ta, 64114s hineil, i66 w11at we hm o Prom Me fur 011i. I an right U1111MUR people -were in, o'a Ointment Is A cortain said Piles, -c-hrabsolute cure for each 14 pair of 813,50, Nothing will be more appreciated than all Oak, Q W1 lie and every 'form of Itching, A light clolore inn's overcoat a,", -onees. Polished Rock Prices within the range of everybody, A ' tereated ilk trillilli 19 Of tile Young blocilingandprotruding piles, gloves in the poo C f don the At c Owner era, I Of or 0) October 21%t. pointed out E1110 All dONVU 01r011,911, the the manufoLoturors have guaranteed M Scores *;ion f -ro h tient of ART FURNITURE such as Ladies, W(A ig property and timotelelaIn thodaily pross and ask yourneigh- Ott have the on, 11dkerchiefs Ages, records Nvero kept 41that tielo child- boramlylialtheythlitkof1t, Youp-nuroltand a in expenses, WSf, GRAY, Parlor Tables and Odd Chairs, ill white 01naiiiel. A bundle of 1-10 tils-) spoke Of' tile getyour monev back it not (lured. 60c 0% box, at 'V, ren may boo Tables at 35c; our OouebeN are just What you want, Our allcloalera or:PbMAN80NBATX5 & Co..Torolito, V. 0, B E D I Z 0 0 14 $ U I T 44 S are quick sellers, Aturday we will begin our gy�it()M Of has' s. 011n�fflent eve it llor, for this we on 0 09 A IV D K F, R C 1I. -I E F helps and gt,�ti w N 0 1 C E. Wellave already atarted to store goods to be delivered 'Christina should not have the hollts NVO are favored n e a 6 in "real earnest. Vie SPt%kur Cle; SALM-SX0 rrimro Millin Stock 10 For a Neat, Pretty, rasjoatinA Xmas Gift, CoMe to' with todgy, ar"Y For,',llts o I y l, a Notice Is hereby, that the partnership e12 d Q o 6 cent kousandla of handkerchiefs "0 attOutive- share, Nit 3 /XT? heretofore subsistink between us, the under- ounded his Voints Nybir;h WO. soon for selling. P a. Sy. �11 y followed, by ate and '>ro , , igned, as Blikers in he Town of Willgham, wAl go on stile - broldered RN, Be Scot Ont. em ioucle. 'Tho I OnArtugs: Tao land has been this day disso vea by mutual consent. Ali debts owing to th - saidpartnerk4lit Yl iedi lt� whom tg are ATRICK ST. and lace trimmed from Ire. n0101, Secretary, Air. Jacksull, is the be paid to David Lou e bull! I BALL BRO60'.T vi RuSIDIONCE-P nesswill be continuet , wk a claims.against 'a former residence, land To make this opening %silm speak- NOTICE TO CREDITORS, L UOrg--ox or, 0 right man.for tile place, a plet the said partnership ar 4o be presmiti.,d 1o,"1,1,,1,1, 'A ght calN will receive Furniture Dealers more interesting to you we or, his personality giving -,e to his. snid Da Lough&A, -,vhoiu tile me prompt attention. ,Viug for( NOTICE is hereby given ursuAnt to R. S. 1). set lie 0. 1867, Chap. 189, Boo 58 the al arsons hav- D.t H will put on Special Sale the statemeateAshe presents them. ted Wiangliam. t 21st day of Noyeni- and Undertakers. 0 - ing claims against then of arles Gilles- ber, fol.1 wing. said the Arst convention in America WaS e, late of the Town of nglairn in the; Witness 1901 V. ness' jBign W. J. SCOTT. H 20 doz. Swiss embroidered held in 1882; in 1857 the first Was held in , ounty of Ruroni P2oduqe M built, *lie died R. VANS ONE. DAVID Lou(., BEP 1 on or about the soventh da, f November, A. Handkerchiefs, full set of Canada at Kingston. From 1805. dated D,, 1901, are required to son by post Trapald samples, - all, perfect, reg- or deliver to Si._ Vans, ne, 8 'citor for he Ad. the Provincial convention. He showed minist �91 efo the 18th day of,' their addresses ane - + alar price 20c, 25a and how the Township, County, Provincial January, 1902 NOTICE. + • 30a. Choice an Saturday 00"VeationS We s0riutions all a fun ement of particulars I , .. + 15 cents. and luteruativilill re of their claims and t a -at re, of the security + if any) held by 11 .only and that The Annual Meeting of the vitally 0.0nueeted, all with the one nilu- after the 4%id d-ly It a' I I ctstrra rixi will -pro - lit, t e a a + This will be your chance Sunday School Icor?; was owilto dispart ri lte a of e deceased Bluevale Cheese and Butter Factory + A ..idol LO-) t; r thu He maid the Su among the parties P titl tl re a for Christmas goods. far below what it should be. Re be Bard only t thecla-ma I tell Company, Limited,. have notive. ► lieved that the S. S. Work must be plan- Dated this 1244 day of December, 1001. Willbe held in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale,on K I D OL 0 V E S secular h, VANbTONE, neo more After the s7stem Of thO Winglinin P. 0. Monday, 23rd daybfDecember,1901 + V Ire A Kid Glove Clearantie to school. Just as graded lessons are need- Solicitor for the lilministratrix. at 1.80 o'clock p. in.; for the submission of the + so they are A The decision of the question + ,nn t ed in the secular schools, "por' reduce our big stock, Creat rollic',r butter or cheege shall be made + needed in the S. S. . He said tlieseculur NOTICE TO CREDITORS.: (luring the incoming year. The election of a + chances for Christmas Gloves Board of Directors, and the transaction Of any Sunday other business that may come before the meet - for ISaturday'ONLY. school cane out of the first TAKE NOTICE that Alexander R. Smith of jag I we got. back to that blia Town of Winglism. in the County of Huron + We are too busy to quote p.. ices, 41 School wid unti By 01,40.1. 200 pairs of assorted Kid has made till assignment of him estate and JOHN BURGESS, Sy! but we invite every person to, call Gloves, black, tan, brnwn, system its power Was much has e)yectq to main, trustforillis creditorstile'lldr. He. compared the schools of 30 years suant to R. S. 0., WK, Chapter 147 and Amend- Blitevale, Dec. 8rd, 1901. + and inspect our new stock of Orocji:7 6. 6%, 6Y4, regular price ini Aots and that a meeting of ]its creditors 000, $1.00. $1.25. Will I a + hose of the present day, show- Nvl I be held at Room 4150, McKinnoiA ery, consisting of soll in two lota 4t 60 and ago with t Bid ' THE WESTERN + improvement in ofJordan and Melinda Streets intt,- + in that. there had been ), on Wednesday, the 4th d C37 of Toronto, or of + -TE A AND DINNE R 75 cents. some Ways, and retrogression ill others. De.cember, 1901, at 8 o'clock in %a afternbop to appoint inspectors, provide for their REAL ESTATE + W 4k Don't miss this chan6e on He referred to the excellent S. S.litemture an ion and dispose of the estate. ner- + BE' T 8, 1, �V 'perly A. Saturday., All creditors mustfile their claims, pro EXCHANGE + -TOILET SETS,' and denounced the Pansy and Elsie verified and vouched -with me on or before the 789 bund it., + 28th day of December, 1901, after NVItichdate I -FANCY CRI3.;A Let us show, you what We books as " trash. He said those who + 6 shall distribute the esteate, having reference Agei2ta . LOIN If - IN COBALT, BLUE can do for you in Furs,- Bilks, planned the u6i, church had little only to such claims as I iltil V. had notice Vanted Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, thought of where the r e a 1 work OHESTER E. T. riTZGERALD, In everydistrict . AND GOLD. district n the unties of Hur.' Trustee Readywade Cluthing, Parses, was and roundly scored the churches for dOD McKinnon Bldg., Toronto, Oni: oil and Bruce o as ' t us in getting We have all our new Christmas -tains. putting w much expense oil the audi. farms foz sale r e Lange and in assist- + Na pins, Carpets and itig, Purchasers ut by us, Fruit and Peels, just arrived. in buying L torium and giving little attention to the farms in- these counties. During the STOCK WEL ASSORTED. Sunday School department. He showed year over 100 farms have been present how the present 1088on system had :;;47,,p mlol off itur list of farms for sale and ox- bigotey and jealousies change, and. we oxpect to sell over 500 broken down Shop early at IM I atw.tw- the churches. Rev. Mr, Patter- farms during the conibig year, We + led 1 . I haVe over 4-00 names on our list of llproa, -Jr,11 prayer and Rev. Prior XT -TMZ, rAT rau BEST IN WHn END. spootive bvyers." We Nvant none but olosect jhv L-_uubing, CANADA BUSINESS �0*tLEIGE) reli%bleau munications from these oolluties should + .A,M, ON 3 2'. -4 R0.1"FFIN" AT d U -%2- 4 onergetv, agents. All com- CHATH. be addressed to JAmrs BURROWS, Man - PERSONALS. will give yon in this and succ imues of Illig'ap r, or F. R. TALBOT, Inspector of 4. a efstimollials from of its former age ........... b4+4+ .................. 44+0 at. .t.!'r, We shallbe glad to have contributions to . Nvho.4e combined alaries are over Agencies for the counties of Huron and this column from Any of our readers. If you $11,000 paralinum-an ave go of V,150 each. Bruce, Box 244, London. it Watch. every issue have visitors or Purpose going away rotirseli, What do you think of send a note 0 that of this paper. the snaps in �Iilli�ery at &top in and tell us, or us J)on't missy Mp U Ir If r an -,iil not permit of your 0 q, Mrs. Greens while the Bale is going n. takingoar regal- co . ties, remombor that we *. treae 0 a 9, r n and Penman- \*Drm,xnD.-Wss Bessie dai,.ghter of I 31rz, J. J. Sullivan is visiting friends ship - ill. 0 o reach us we can HIS weather suggests Christ- cirouln'till, mind reach you. igue or Man - Course T V 1,�;Jr. Flair, Minister of Railways, n Chesley. Writt, for our atal( why was. Christmas brings to -6-ortu. d whil sktting, as ulso it am oil Le Mjvj. ater was visit- -.D. Boss of Teesw the many friends to whom we 'Pi Ilarpvr who plunged into the v ing.'i J'vwn this -week. Nott- -,rbar tills one says. Did you Seethe alive he Inst`! Look out; for the lleit` would, like to, 'send a Gift in. to r, Xr. Creelman, who wits Daiiatill Stewart of TuwLtO is Callillo rVh, F..,in, Snu Istrept Lighting Co., 'skating with Was Blair, got out, though Boston, May 4th, 1,809. Is it so many people" Sil 0 rememberance of this greatest not without an effort to save his tom- oll'Old friends in. town. To- Whom it may Concern. -As I have IkIrs. 'Win. Ferrior of St. Holells Ivhose dt!,iivV&greHtbenefIt from'the coursewhich ve-i-ware at Smith & Pethick's? day of all the year, and as a !panion. Mr. Crpelman was formerly in vory ill. I teA& in the Canada Business pleasure taken of our high esteem. Ithe Imperial bank at Listowel and has to recommend that institution to iSte favor )insbaud (lied recently, it, ohatliam, Ont., it gives me much pleasure "Oil Because v While tIls is ver y true , it is Teemvator News: Uis,4. John), of able consideration of allwho meditatesuch. visited several times in Winghara, of Wiugham -visired.frielids, in town Ittl6t 1 a ceruse. given Vy. Mr, XcLachlan's equally true that very often Tj1EpOULT11-T S31,oWThe date for week. effieteaf. staff is of that thorough and e Hamilton wants to heJP the elloied of girt is most pre- rhey get 'it good and it. is ti l@ srnual Poult and Pet Stock Show Mr. NV. M. B(310en, rel) tative of to those who, are fortunate enough. to re- r"'ell - 3, calve it. Witness the hundreds of yount, ce) .9 we rx JActury Nvas in, ebrated Ro er Bros'. 1847 yoUin yoU C hofC was It It W th, k�Al f the Goderich the Palmerston PO plexing. Realizing this. 1 0 _., t. mon sn&Nvomen who excellent pqsi� a heating last town this week. tions in all of the principal cities of this oultry faneie r­014111flr Goods, have wade Lip a -list of suitable • p continent. Tuorway week orgaftiktti011 was com- Mr. A. S. Johnston, of Sillicoo street, Sincerely, fj articles Of this kind and, sub. W. WALTERS, Trees. pleted for the holding ofthe Show Oil has retarned from a visit to friends in (Formerly of Norihivood, Ont.) No High School Principal in Ontario Is cent- mit it for your inspection. Look it over; it, will help you. Call pec. L164t, Jan. 1st and 2nd. The of- -Loudon-Loudon Free Press. mandhig Such h salary as Mn Walter Is. have a look. To do this does notmean that 11011 are ex - r• t4mff trill Consist ofi-Fres; A. M. Mr. W. 0. Irvin, of Dwidn'll- nailed on Tile cjiulbined earnings of the SM of our in and tire, William Wnrnoch; 2nd vice, usonFriday. He was }:leaped tolearm pupils-whowere placed during the�q t nr pected to make a purehase. N8 Bro's. 1835 Goods, milve-sent a sum close to TWO H MID Wallace rChus Knights; secretary, Oliver of the Liberal victory in West Huron. THOUSAND DOLLARS 1$?00,000Y. Penuingunn, treasurer, F. E. Bingham; Mr. R,.Beattie alid I TiCe are hams Does it pity to attend THE BES ? Out. aad all hre- guaranteed to be LADIES, PURSES, HAIR BRUSHES, T. S. Howriej D. MOLAORLAN & CO., Chatham, WALLETS, MILITARY BRUSHES, directom, ooliu Cal-lipbell, from their wedding tone gild linve. taken - WO CONSUNIPTILVES. - genuine. If you have not se-. CARD 'OASES, LEATHER TRAVELLING J. lultdy,,& Belcher, D. Postlethewaite lip residence attire Brunswick House, U. J)Oig,W.:KcCreat J.Postlethewai� Tile undersigned having been restored to lected your Cbristmas Gift, FANCY CASES. CASES li, e Mr, Duncan Stewart of Brussvls, form health. by simple, meons, after suffering for DRESSING OASES, BRUSH, COMB AND Roberbioki, 'Wesley XcLeau, J. 11anro, erly in Campbells drug HILOre -res in town and glVe US it call and see what we P h, A ,'LIMES., MIRROR COINIBINED that dread disease Conitninvt"on, is noxious to 'Jos. Whitely, A. MacAllan, Jr. on We-dnesday. He has been attending ninke known to his fellow sufferers the ineans (French and Crown. Goods, PURSES from Be UP. the College of Pharmacy. of cure. To those who desire it, he will can show you. ranging frem. 50 U13) PAit=Ts To Br.&=, .-Printipal Me fully send (free of charge) a Potty of the pre- ratil of the Seaforth Public School Mrs. Thomas Holmes, Of Whigbam. soription used, which they will find a cure for ption, Asthma Catarrh llrorichtw and Mrs. (Dr.) Kinsman and daughter, t�104uanlldlnalt throat and lung, Dinlaldleoh Be Writes a long letter to tile txpoaitorl * liopes all sufferers will try his remedy fis It is e - o -)r, Holmes' f Sarnia, were visitors at r e desiring the preae] As L '""amiltoo, Diumist wiflu"hafill invaluable. Thos shdWing the Position Of the 14011001 at th during the past week. -Brussels Post. which will cost them nothin and nio� He cohipares, the Clinton, a blessing, will please adtoss, Re. examinations. .."Win am and Seaf.0tth results for the Miss Annie Simpson who was in Mor- WAILD A. WILSON, Btooklvu, Now V;oa7 gh row's drug store has gone to Bellerys, post seven years. He adds that if he secured a good had had the power to prevent unprepar_ Montana,,%Nhelre she has see , n2nm W led Pupils from writing the showing situation, as manager of a large tirne ,would be better. This is a fact often store- • h e Re U- Ig t` 0 odouring in & teacher's life, - A parent Mf with a lazy Son or daughter, or With a XIISGROVE-In Winghlim, on December 8th, tho wife of A. H, Musgrove , a dao tht stupid child, or some inferior one lacier- Now,n-At Westaeld, •on kovem tlke�r8bl, t., Without a ef • at Write 01i tile ,,ife cltfrhos, Noble ; a son. ee thitt he or she mil thev he is qualified or not. of Will. Conn; a dallVhter. AN (lozrN-In Irintosy, an lidcrinber 16th, rho wife exam whe WALkin-TARast. wfiwanwdi, onDeceldbar The tenotber advises against it, but the. Isaac Walker -, it daughter. Practical experience in Far buying !a Bhowd !,a, every garment pareut hihW& as lie claims that it v4ll a 0 , Cub,os-4, oil November taro, and every t iece of Pi ur to be seen !I! our big stooki Heniffng S to ve t, of. DonfillLsoix,, a daughter. 'be prm!dee nIyw.,ty. Tho, child fa-ls th go T - .. Cullom, on Dcolvieber Bid, t 'feof.j neeliter'; a, daughter, k" & �rheli the teacher is blame(I for 0 se=!, oil December Ord, The Claims 'ot the Gordon Fur Stock is wanted heee-�—yes, Wanted at'onde�for there's a sting and not havinr t wife or a daughter. . promises all sorts of trouble to reentage. and be. is December slit that promi MAUUXED Ott Your Consi'leration Ikee not to be measured by what can. be chill in this b0tt(r Pf, oauso that child did not stleceed. It, N Vast Wnwtinolsli, at the told in the newgpaper. We try to impress tile fact that only good the man whose houge has not �tOt a proper heating aparatus. OXI;5ld6r(.,d that the fault 18 in t.ho of the btide's sdator Mrs. Peter never c ma"on, on Detembpr 11th, Mr. iK Tiplady of F urs are toutid liere, and that such are r6markably low priced- fou ll get all that i's coming to you it you buy one of our heat - child. The teftefier must -TIP, and bear. Collingwood tomi�i,.;MiLggiestefnofwlngliam- Loy, D. Petrie performed the ceremony. - _ but there's no urgamert like spoing. itorbekickladOut- Re 0111111101tIMIDIftill- WAt,grit-SNimn-At the home of thebride's ing stoves. The quality at the price is our po\VerrUl argument - Them. by Rev B. CoupItind Mr Elishts Walker, OVEAst it - Them. are 11 1001at many uuVftsO11abI0 ;t We Stand Back of Our Furs. paretitg, though they; do not think so. lwawallolsh, to Viss, Mary Snell, of 11ullett. i's the comparison, Your li e Here PAV0.1,-`V VUPI+4� t,)n Decombot, Tf a6 unworthy Fn r finds place in our Atook, its not you &&rorth Winglialn, tine, wi­e of Will. gou, ageti 61 Zvears tind fatilt anti not yoat- lo:�s, Out, Flips are orale In such a. way -rom ClintonI f - Am bound to inareasi,- as the winter adValle,�-s if you are not passed' passed passed Y filontils 24 17 This fmj(,�tll I.Vill ICRVO hill- I:ItO T0,1041delles, lot such stock that there no exeuso for anvthing but entire �atlsfae- If ydut furnace needs ra- n lay i aftex noon at 3 61c o3elc tilpl. Wo have. a complaint and never a dissatisfaction; well prepared for its sti Td 1wry 26 1, this (V Ot riging blast. 25 -01, _t IvL 1896 28 28 trothallievilit 'J2 pairs, let us fix it up t e 11 31131 we don't do hasinem that way, Our Pars are Fashionable, Dar low. We are the largest st6ve repaMng, in 1897 47 Bill Dttnftn Anderson, agod 64 yvaln*. in 1894, 27 81 23 ;�Iwr-lu Bolgrave, an DeCeMbOr Dill, Zen- able ntid Cot%fortable, and You pay only for the Furs -nothing for in If409 16 go 21 Jamin Wra rl , atria zA year s• �(qnVvr Oth, the naine. A lorger stock than you usually see, and lower prices house ill town. We study your convenience and procnire re. TA Igo 25 19 25 Ows'.46 n B"I fla"Vo. oyl, t)(4. 1111) 1wh wile Of k7ftiam Owf!11% aged V for the mnie quality than you ever ran actOgs We 91" A TWO pairs and perform, work at the least possible expense and an - 1A 1901 23 yonrs anti fl months. LoW,-Ili ' Nnn 70MIK-P ftffi, Vd tl clava. ears. �&uuf`Arlt(ie with, the bett• er coAtS. Total — noy9lince to YOU. 181 170 173 Wfwey, third am of Gfogn obdual,3P J4na, I T 19. �9me b i�� I C Lott, jFred 8 years 2 montlfill 4'ud&9 from this 0110 w(,uld think that wtt,f.1Avs---ri Nu+i0s,1"V, ib _"b, "VStore Open&MgrrMarks,wife ofRVOI dililuml, aged (XI WkWham was behind, brit had two Moro L", lip jitntithl; and 13 da5. D M oRDO Every Night yom bean given it would luwa shown 20 Y%trimt-Ift Morrie, 6n beeemb(-r 6%, 1 Y* , jr e ung onso 0harl" wheelOr, I Wirect Importer. Mring Occembe stud 29 Ard Mittal Our 01%lioling, Of *ad 14 days.