HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-13, Page 10T4 #Ma` t1` I X (3, It .11i .t�.h,.'1 D1i',C, 11'rD lNr. .,'•- FORE IJMIa ION S. � Aral' 1uo1 y orllor trat199edons of Oto . Mo `. a r r �� �' �^ ,. �F,.,r � t 1 i`;.1 �" ��' I �A%lla�.s ll;,Il� 197J 41at'f •y,•wx .._.,,.,,,."... &Dortimant for tlis1 fltiCMl }t+rir at19t t 1t1�Pt1, M ■ Cry y , r "..v+a� f.t �1 TIMES, r+ An old ge ,»itblrCjttt7i+li$ll);i4t:1",73.4:,brim{ grower •', a THE Y1IMP IMES• 'Fork Sun l) ,.t Ihta Iac1\vcri have pr,xr.l+rally �eitil- ' paOPxelxTeU ti.)ewtt fre):11 f `::inn, but. tl:a i, wr**t. in by $ti,3i,Ialll titan for tho flavin yfur hip ���� a IS PUrLl$ IW palled to li+:c+ 40 a1.a0ttl' J, 11'�,ill?ti�t`r stet uc'reas++c.f lip to which h Cbu)rihasut,t s1it�,E7+t I+.tare utttlli• EVERY FRIDAY MORNING elft rt)an. ,rho,tut �h for flan b+'Trt�rtrieilt l 1 lit g h year i•+ dallart- 'ff+ t r 'r '1r , 7> ' _ A,r._ feionities uuim )x L! c 3,:•'1 1, .. 1.3, i it)1 " mont. nrrangeti with the Uniroti Staroa a The Timea Office Beaver' Block want to oainluit su ((nf tht• \Yol,tl tuitt, t+tln i1tuN to its txiu . + --- -- �; I :Ltteutic:u np•.:i :t, t�ttuuCt;v that 'cuuttaiult � plait for t1tc+ t12I111T1iP«t•atiutt of the ex- wIN(#I3AX, Px'1+,A.RIA. tion of whit,),,, lily dal xinWA ANA) V011.14VWTY. oua•gnarrar of rho, +,wor!ci'a ii-opt;lstion, oha111:r+of money ordeia and Do.itul 1)oteis Ltprlsx"CI•ItTat u--Sabba,tli services at of horror. Ho want.. '�Ix, � botween rhes two eoun tries, tho result l I a 2l) alit 7 p 2n. :,t111day School at T)slcu4 ov l;i uscnxrrlo;r--tl-W per annul), tit administered by a skilled p2+ '.Cho rates.., alttt Luc st r t1F t,nrxt(;iun ult\aa , e £itratford Ileruld hoped to till- beitt that till aL loeluelit ,sus 001140 to t r,30 p 111, to anfxtLl prayer meeting timit)ico, t1..Sll if not so pend, id paper dlscwt n 4ap Lx "grand C�onaerYntive victory" is, tiv%t tho Fznprrrtl is guit+rly` onaoting tk" fi on W� )dllosday ovoiAxxgs. Rev, J. J. Pat- tluutxt tit nil tile arrears are paid, oxcopt at the the presence, t f iriunde. Tutt in yr eft H r n And do "bran, tbnt 114(v titer i,lvs Nlia Lia viololitlr suppressed 74 r. wht'1'Qblt t13D UAiitoli SCtiGes pttj'f tLll CH14Q13, l <.<� .,p.LatE1x, �!,J,lil2a 113x11, r�i�,wC'j• Option A7)VkORT1bINr2 h'AT1Ga, +Ile al and O ]ler gantloman. does net f:eae arta p mirut+y orders and posted notes ilrAwn up- Suporintv.nleut. rnsuul aclvi+rtisolueutH sa pc+r No 1 ,n1•lNlino for Lie thinks that "the soul," fco,,f^i 'riK''t1 majority over ill-. .i0yaplt XeW nl(1SItfJ.S Ir,'I«), `.1'iIN repOrti i8 til&t - , + 'Irtitlallk'1'tlotl,aopel•liI1p for e7lcSubsequentt tht+ra iR to be it} ev,-r, T ou it by the Daulhlloal of t;anttda in fixe ME'rFIOT)ISrCIIUl2UI1-Sabbatllscrvlcea. insertion.all inviwumant which ito longer T3ot; itt till) lit It elect lull, with the+ aid of v i roTincial CtLpi. , tate Biers `ne w:ta our 45, so that his t•itl, it, 00110 ;u of NYtfstorn Edat,ution, same u)t,Til2er as if the ordars were Ca be 2i 0 a u1 tutu 7 p th League eery X at 1 Advertr linen for ill, local waitron arechargedpleasure, Iuay aubur ulloq a new ati 1i7, y i 2 ; 30 p l)1, Epworth LOaguO eVOry ,flan- 0 etx, pc+r lino for A. st inaortion, nnci 6 conte T1w l ofii.rmorx 11of orel tha out -break paid in i110 Dominion itaolf, This til' da ovolung. General prayer meeting por line for each dubsequellt insertion, brammeled life." Thia makes 1pi'a40�eats of succuss, ill view of the rig- rets. e)uoat practically melds to the list Y Wednesday 1 Y R Advertisemouts of Lost, Pound, svn+•,.+ ativw t411 � ttti+ V"ry tllitt * Thu �" 1 y on Qvouings. Rev. Richard- Stra act, differeuco, Jo1,11son thouo;lit 'th i11.} tido of sentiment against the )Lass c^ t'' Y Farms of solus thirty thousand oflle:er in 1-101m,,, pastor. Dr, Towler, S. S. $up- arSt inontlii mid bo cents Rent, and etenvli m. Sequel) most ulisavtltlo oxitatencu even tl '`'7tOVernment, are Tery dill)," w•x1)trd lire l,ltf Hoatheli . omples Cott- � , '..•.reel tato ;Teheols 7ui11 Co':it�es asCub• the LTtxitad States ripen wliivll rile E+xilltaucleut, )l)oltth, ox oro. -drivel, and andel'-fed den' p 1`fobRdy over tried to rob Ontario of a Can:ldiatl I'untofiiva Department may PRrSnvTl nLSN CuiInou--Sabbath ser- ourratev for the Insertion nlofvandvo tisemeel is was. bettor tha21 no e�istanco Ia all. J :,shed, of which China could be so edit- vices at 11 a m and 7 p ill. Sunday for specified periods:It foot. of her territory. All that Sir John I,;titrd t)s t0 be able to stand be�id0 civil- 1+taua motioy orders and postal nottis, School at .11: 30 p 1l), Gonornl prayer aPrvi . I ret. Guo, ti eco. ileo old gesitleman fa 73. It will, be i11 ore Xitiodonald slid was to labor to establialx iz.id intiting. The propmal startled and t 'ina da reudars a shnilu servioo to the utcotipi; on Wednesday evenings, Rev, ouo Colun,n.,400-00 $05.0o ;15,00 tilrb litff to 11altr froth him u„aiu •thein he the l,Onitdaries ;uf the+ province begond „roctaced vaus�•xYativl2 oppasitinu Arid United States. D. Perrie, pastor and S. S. Stlperin. en- QuarterCoi nin ::..: Bu oxo 10.00 00iq.000 00 J;W 8D. Porhaps lie may ,than tell us th>v all 4rlpstiou of doubt._Guelph Herald, dent. Advertison,onts without s ec{fie directions old age, after can xotivo lift even with The lWald baa a very rlioo way of l�enco Me ft•arfal htivt)c of last sera, Tho Chrlstmsn Dlnuor ST, PAUL'S OHUItCH, EPISCOPAL.-Sgb- will be insorted till forbid alai charged accord. g ' , 3 Y lChimp. bas be,m tauth, by tiflictiou. bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun. ingly. Ttttllsiont advertlsotnents inust bo puid imilaired faculties, is rost.- :Loronto• • putting it, but it fol. -eta that many of In spite of the fact that the word c a „ for in advance, i its fencer.cedars in Eramoaa to:vunhi Now it s: •in1s the schools ure to be rzs- tlyspopsla rueaus literally bad (look, it meeting op i w en s a evening. p Rev, c, THA JOnsDrem i t of i liIS rhos ed with an inn, p p mlilished by Itnptirial dearen. n al.i not l,ra fear tot niixuy to Itt trio Y g' q t 8for print, aomember that Sir John said; "Not y Win. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S'. S. ing, affmdbw facilitieii not equalled in the one foot of the land not one stick of the Who are to be the tc'achors in thoso blatue on the cook if tht y begin the . Superintendent. county -tor turning out Arst clams work. Large ' schools? China cawiot for sane ve;xls ' Christnktio Diiiiier with little appetite typo anti ot�t )ropr)ate oats foi- all styles of Poyt. COW 1tEGATIONAL CHURCH. -Sabbath e):v, I3itnd Y111L4, otc., anti the latest styles ofPATIENCE � � ® y timber, not one ounce ofthe minerals, , and curl iG with distress or naunat It services at 11 a m and 7 p 1l). Sanday ollofyto feints type to rho finer classes of print. 1 furnish then, herself. The X.isFliouarlas shall the little tyrant (Sir Oliver Mowat may not o r t fat any to t clo tr}tut-lot ing. PURSE CONE ) will be asked, indeed ham already been , ns iiapo so fur rho sake of the gook! The School at 12m. Midweek meetfugnou H, B. ELLIOTT ever control•" That's the way Sir John asked to take charge of China'ei edach- disoaee dyspepsia indicates it bad Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin Proprietor and Publisher put it. -Stratford Beacon. tion. But the 11I1 siOniLl':ca .t aI11)ot till Il atotnach, that is a weak stomck, rather Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E, Prior, pastor. . d still suffered the untold mutter. than a. bad cook, and for a weak stomach SALVATION ARat7-Strvice at 7 and 11 P. KENNEDY, X. t).. M. O. P. S. O, he that are st part of some of T+he Ottawa Y.]d.C,A, Board has ex- aside from the+ir cern \ro71r. �Vliat Te• J. MomberoftileBritish Xeclical Assoein, the mor® violent phases of KitlneyY cla►ded W. T. Stead's "Review of Ro- mains but that they shouldask the Home thorn is nothing also conal to Roods a n; and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and ( cial disorder. Doctors couldn't our* -- Sarsaparilla. It gives the at©)nach vigor every evening during the week at 8 ,tttentiGold ia to diseases ses of Womol 811188e d but South American Kidney Cu�tta views" from the reading -room of ill,,) church to send out u)ore men? Aud . and tone, cures cdyrlptapsia, creates O'clOvk at the barracks. ren. Office flours -1 to 3 p. m.: 7 to a p, ll). put him to rights. institution, owing to its -pro-Boer attitude they wilL Probnbly never before has : appetite, and mailing eating the pleasuro CHILISTIAN AND MISSIONA1tY ALLIANCE. Adam Soper, of Burlc's Falls, Ont., was for five Steed is in very ill -repute just now with tubi► an opportunity and responsibility , it should ba. -Meetings its follows: S. S. at 2.30 P. TSR. MACDONALD, Tears a grcat sufferer from a most aggravated w ill. Fellowship at 4 p, m., and evali- D form of Kidney disease. To use his own words: �r 'itis own. countrymen. He lives in. Wim- come to the church, If we call supply Itankruptoy Froin Little i.eul,s. golistic at \u' p, m., every Sunday in Centre Street "I decided m try some of the patent medicines. «� bledon whore tho poet Swinburno also ehristian teachers wbo can take the con- Ritchie's Hall Victoria. St. 1 was recommended a use South American ICs & resides. Not ion ado the pro -Boer trol and Yam ehristian complexion to Ic is possible to lose ninth by Tittles. POST OrnCE-In Macdonald Block. W7i'gh117ri Ontario. nay Cure. I received great benefit from one g p p A classic Baso is that of the royal ;;eau- bottle, and five bottles completely cured me -and ournalist wentlor a walk on the Surrey the education of China for some years, Office hours from 8 a m'to 6:30 p M. there has never been a symptom of kidney dis• ' 7 y ary which, \vats .repleted of its stores by Peter Fisher, postmaster. order since that time," 86 downs and chanced to meet Swinburno, who can estimate t11e result? a succession of °couo rat Demo Ariel took MECILi.NICS' INSTITUTE -Library said 1DR. AGNS W, free xoadiil Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Winghnm. "who iii intensely anti -Boer, he accosted The missionttries who wore drivou out one grain away, and another rat came g room in the Town Hall Physician Surgeon, oto. the pobt. The poet stared at him, fail. of China have now nearly all returned, 'and took another grain :,way." Sofor- -will:45 o clock elle every aft eveninfrom 2 to g from 7 to DOf StoMacNi„]lt etBlo��,s over vexed J. E. Davie, ins tri recognize him, whores. on Stead and have been kindly received b the Italics of n Last Tribe. ice, « �� • � P �� T y tunes are dissipated, and reputations are 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, A valuable archaeological find has, su- r, I am W. T. Stead Oh, said Chinese. Tho native Christians rallied destroyod, and hew dtlt in ruined, and librarian. VANSTONE. *' 'Swinburne, in a tone of withering die• i about them as might be expected. TowN CoUNom-Win. Clegg, Mayor; • . jnrt been rade near the ancient towxL gust, "Are'sou Steele? I thought it Those native christiaus ,,tree gone throe-. WmBARRISTER., SOLICITOR, ETC. . Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- of .`iTovgorod, in the Russian province of �� character itsolf lost -by little extrava- gancvs, little indiscretions, iittlo uegli-, Indoo, G.. A. Newton, John A. McLean, Privateam Company funds to lotus at lowest that name, on the banks of Luke limen. crawled! gh the furnace, and by the discipline of antes little obliquities. Geo. McKenzie Councillors; J. B. Fer- rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort - miction will be butter and more souse- g ' q t gages, town and farm lar party bought and The articles 'found include hundreds of' The Sioux City, Ia., school board has Benjamin Franklin was a great acono• guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel sola. Office, Beaver Block, Wfnghum. 1 orated men, and tuore efficient workers Youhill Assessor; Win. Robertson Col- Sfnt arrowhands, spearheads, axeheads: lifted up a ranch room where the schol- mist, net alone of money but of time. lector. �Eoard meets first Monday even- r A. MORTON, of .late, flint fiishllook9 aurl an enormous ars can purchase hot dishes at minimum among tueir own people. In that re- He acid: "Tu teach a young main to cJ . p epeot the mission will be inure prosper- r y iss in each month a.t 8 o clock. BARRISTER, &e,, masa of crockery and sunrise fra•mFtnts,, sates, and everythin. is sold for chocks + shave himsol., 1r: as good as to give hili n .SCHOOL BOARD. -H. Kerr, (chairman), ornamented in the same style as those, ons because of ,what has happoue:d. which can be obtainer in small amounts. puma of6 old." He had refereitce to theWinglinin, Abraham, J. J. Elliott,Tlliott, J. J. win Ilnnl, Ont. From Central Iridin conies word that inutt+s as \vF;11 as tho dimes it Costs to Homuth, '%Vm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm. rains Have anaiu failed. Only sixteen found previously in other parts of .rho Ninety bops and girls eau be served in f. Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary,. Wm. same province. The discovery lima been, te4, minutes, and the hot lunches, which mpatronize the barber. Robertson; ,Ferguson.inches of mitt fell instead of the ninety Treasurer J. B. For T� L. DICKENSON, made by M. Parodolsky, of the at.. BARRISTER, ETC. onfy cost a trifle, are claau and the food Eliha Burritt stopped the leak in his Meetings second Tuesday evening fu each L • Petersburg University, a son of the, inches usual i>i that province. As a rt,- of the nest. This seems to ye another time and taught himself a daaau laugn- month. archaeologist who originally studied. movement towards the simplifying of ages. Lriadstcno was equally wisefor atilt the crop has not been sown, and PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A.1-1. SolicitortoBankofHamilton, Moneytoloan, , there will be no crop in March. There Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Office -Meyer Black, always in�isteci upon, 3lonsekeepiag, for in large cities, where he road Plato in his carriage between Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss the existence in the neighborhood of the mon either take their lunches or get 1s Tear of both bread and aster famine. Carleton'Ierrace and the Parliament Oornyn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson RTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Lake Hmon of a numerous population them down town, the midday meal is Itmay be appeals will acme again for buildings. and Miss Reid. A during the stone age, a theory which help, and no doubt Canadians Out of a BOARD. OF HEALTH -Mayor Clegg, Doctor of Dental Surgery of,the Pennsylvania prepared largely for the school children. A prosperous man ascribed his success Dental College and Licentiate of the Roval thus receives satisfactory proof. The 3u Chicago and many of the large cities ill business to his habit of permitting no cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- over Post Office, win l)am, articles found are all of one class and ` Duals as they did last year. , S co-operative dining rooms have been particle of material to be unproductive, reQa ; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical date, indicating the existessce of a i` Even so dreadful ti cahuuity has been s Established Tehich will provide food for over -ruled to the conversion of many He expelimentod mud elaborated until Hoalth Officer. T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., considerable tribe, which must have three Th two or ree thousand at a meal. e lie found a method of disposing profit- W. L.D.S. ' 4 souls. Many thonaud of children New method for painless eseither been wiped Ont or have migrated- Average. cost of meals at such places is 0 7 ably of every atom left over. PIANO AND THEORYA traction. No Cocaine. to other regions before attaining any thercd cdurin the lost famine aro Special attention to the care and re :� tont twelve and a half sante apiece. under christial. instruction. They aro There is a Inan in lrew York who has of children's teeth. Mocleernte ricesgandiall higher stage of culture then. that of the * in bank a goodly quad of honey which MISS SARA L�GUISE MOORE, L.C.M. work carefully and skilfully performer'!. Office stone ago. j also taught iudustrial arts by which c� , . in Beaver Block, Whighaim. IIow•a This? thev can support themselves. �9Pe have he calls his tis but ffind. When and member of the Associatad Musicians of tom ted to needless expenditure b the Ontario, is prepared to recetve a limited num- tempted I` ber of pupils for instruct: �n on Piano and in we offer One Hundred Dollars Reward in this office at tea prosect time specious p 1 specious pled, "'Tim but a pickle, or a Theory. fOHN RITCHIE, O h 1f I(.1 re n Cry ill for for anv'case of Catarrh that cannot be speoimesss of beautiful rugs of oriental Special. attention given to pupils preparing eJ i cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. patterns woven by these children. They quarter, or a dollar," he denies himsolf, for examinations. R. C. Church, Winghnm. GENERAL INSURANCE ,AGENT, CAST � /ems as�®� � ap i'. J. CHIsDIEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O. n r and drops the amount he would have Winghnm, Ont. l��i $�y� We, the undersigned, have knows F. find a large market in Lugaud for such g spent into at portable bank which is fill - j, Cheney for the last 15 years, and work. sd with amazing frequoncy. This 1s I ,+ �+ .�OHN CURRIE, WINGRAm, ONT. 1 believe him perfectly honorable in all A11 things are working towards the II'Ii'��I� J. Elliott, J. - 'business transactions and financially world's up -lift and evangelization. Dae way to stop the leak. li�llll,,l li ■ r LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Honorary Graduate of Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a able to early out any obligations made More serious than any prudential mat- illi I Ontario Veterinary p R. P, A2ACKAY, I c� i Iii 6� _ Y terinary s straits. o 'by their firm. ter are the littlt) leaks in life by which ,Ill t,� College. pA11 orders left at Tnm Tli(ms office promptly VEST & TRIIA%, Wholesale Druggists, p Office and Infirmary attended to. Terms reasonable. vital energy is squandered and moral f corner of 'Victoria and 'Toledo, O. WALDING, CINNAN &; MARVIN, r , e Minnie Sts. Win lium. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Far Over Arty Tears. force is diminished, imperceptibly, it I; , ,`, g - Hall's catarrh Cure is taken internall, An Old and Well -Tried -Mrs may bo through what we sometimes re- (pi , , promptly attendedtots H� > H H�L� y y Y g 7iii i Fr acting directily -upon the blood anti 'Winslow's Soothing Snip has been used gard as inconsequential acts. Lack of Telephone co ection. mucous surfaces of the system, Price for over fifty years bymillionsof mothers V5o• per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. for their children while teething, with order in our methods of labor; ygiene, Classes in China Painting. t 'Testimonials free. perfect success. It soothes the child,, encs to the "minor morals" of hygiene, FAR E Biu Oil and Water Colors. 1 ' Hall's Family Pills are the best. softens the gums,, allays all pain, cures and the "major morals" of honesty and Also anew revelation kiln for firing china. wind colic, and is the best remedy for truth; the practical repudiation of per- and anyone having live stocic or other'- Studio at her home, Catherine Street. articles they wish to dispose of, shooed adver- t. , diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. sonal responsibility ; the neglect of tise the same for sale in the TmEs. Oar large .,,, _ � �•-�•--•�� The body of John Grey, an unmarried Sold by druggists in every part of the circulation tells and it will bestranga indeed C mean of 30 years of age, was found in a world. Twenty -fide cents a•bottle. Its duties which .,rise from our ethical and you donotgetacustomer. Wecan'tguarantee E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN Al swamp on a farm adjoining his father's, value is incalculable. Be sure you ask religious nature -these are the leaks that you will sols bocauso you may ask more for the article m stock the Tr TES and t Send fVINGHAM There is a noted difference for Mrs.. Winalow's Seething Syrup, and which we must stop or be bankrupt in your advertisement to the TlacEs and try this in Amaranth township. by a trapper talo no other hind.plan of disposing of your stock and other, who went out to ascertain his catch. ' the world's eyes, and in God, s.-Satur• articles. TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. day Evening Post. in the style and fit of Pants we tress's dead had been pierced by a bnl- let, through the forehead. He had left Post 0111ce Department. I �-��-� examinations. for Conservatory of Music Pupilsars Ae0- it : The report In ThisL�ealtty. t= -t_ make that always bring Lome live days before, but his family p t of the Postmastor-General , p for the fiscal year ended the 80th Jana The medicine dealers in this lace sayV1111N AND. GUITAR■ pie bac,: for another pair. *were not ,, and frequently h of of temper- Y ' that there is nes preparation on thH 0 U'" H I N DAIRY � p ate habits,, ire uentl left the ,arm 1901 waa issued on Wednesday of last p p Then there' is the low price - market to -day that has anything like MISS CARRIE MOORE i for a few days. It is said that the week, alyd shows great extensions of the such au unormons sale as Dr. Chase's having added a Separator to their plant, now of London Conservatory of Music will be pea• and better quality of cloth put. young man had been paying attention to service throughout the whole of the Sidney -Liter Pills. Would this arcd after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- q y the daughter of a neighboring farmer, Dominion. During the year lacreased eztroardinary demand for Dr. Chase's CLALUI[F'IED 3IILLK �Gi itar.pupils foi instruction on Violin and 'fiat that his advances were not accept- facilities were giTen to the public in Kidney Liver Pills continue and Residence-oppositein them -cloth that wears gradually inoremse if people were not to the people of Wingliam. Otir cows are kept It. C. Ohureh, Winghnm. able to the young woman. Finally her i various M ass, no lass than 619 miles of barn benefitted and cured b their iso? strictly clean, so flint wo are ea,tabled to offer See our new goods and prices. B y June, July clean milk, iced in summer, during JOB PRINTING feather consulted a lawyer, and •Gee it additional railway being utilized for Certainly not. One ill a dose, 25 vents June Jutvy and August.tl � � H� K Y , y, Y �P , is said, was notified that he Iwonld be mail purposes. The total annual mile- a box. 8 cents per quart, delivered once a day. Including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill lr n age that the mails aero carried b rail - Heads, Circulars, &c., &c. executed in the best the farmer zs daughter. Thin is said t0 R of the pro. shoe of the art, at moderate prices, and on prosecuted if he did net ceat!e annoying S Y + exceeded the total mileage p short notice. h , a0 a •:+,."ti• g An American sojourner in the Phillip BooAn1ND.ma.-Wo are pleased to announce " Y} s �" � have preyed on. Grey's mind. vious year by 16,962 miles, The total that any Books or Magazines left with us for F }"wN h }i=j•slxjtj,y ' ";t'Jd 1? Y ices ears in a recent letter to Friends ext Dunlop prom t attention ate' ' miles o that the mails were carried bhome-, B:ices , ,vin Have our n �*c } ' g y `cI want to go home. I want ie r B ding in alis style will be given an Prices o In ' stage routes exceeded the total mileage application to some washing done, To allow you how ;;OLID RUBBER THE TIMES OFFICE, Nervous F$�2� Ghe of the previous year by no less than bad, I sent, you under separate cover a Wingliam. 460,$09 miles. Tile frequency of the ArN liQlcorcidef and collar just back from t. '�'l �t RAILWAY TIME TABLES. - a 87�31E1 Fag, D�SpPs3t mail cervico tests increased for 347. post, the lanuclry. Take the handkerchief a 3i !L� RpaTc Mahiss ' offices, while 227 now postoffices Wore GRAND TRUNS 1tAII.' AY SYSTEM. DRBIGNS The Suf4erfai7:s of a Unnincim 3uts ant and bury it, and save the collar as a + G -- opened, and 13,875,500 more letters Wert. y r p ���® TRAINS LHAVE roil F,^,OPYF 3GWT� &C. grereoinr lty lWoz: Y" anti Lx+ 6anVenil'. T1t0 dont pretend t0 got 1119 AA +�/ Animlo sending a elcctrh and desert ttion map hanstina Drain NVork-Dr. Chase's carried than in the previous year, 1110 y y Palinurston , 0.56 a.m..,, 8,55a.m, gtitekly aseortnin Der opinion free vv�iethor art• dirt Ont of our clothes here. The take London ..... ....... 6.60 a.m..., 8.10 1n. invention 1s probnbly patentable. Co;nlmtntca i Nerve I� ood Cures, number of postal notes issued and paid ,t,n` 2 1 Kineardine..11.10 a.m... 8,10 p -m 8.86p.m. itonA strictlycatedonttat. IIandboolcon Patcnts them down to the river, hard water and W 11I Caters nee Vy IJaa1$' mild ARRIVH NRoM sent free. 0111cst n oncy Yor itevurinq patents, dy pe�isim or Indigo tion he and usua usually during the soar increased from 7E9,250 partly salt, souse them in, take them out withstand hard service. Kincardhle ....0.49 a.m., 8,56 a.m.... 8.10 p,m 1'utenti tagen t a•ough Munn w, Co. L•oaotve $ R London ................. 11-10 a.m,,., 7,65p,m apectal06ticc,,v,tIl ut01arae,inthe to 877,G99, the aggPegate value o4 the Palmerston............ 2.46 m..., s•1is p.In : SCR 0�•. t , t found together, and have a common y anti lay them on boards, and with stones Aix ever -satisfactory,,, easy- p• �4 Ci��9+b�� - Cause la an exhausted cone{tion of ttitl year's iasue being $1,459,015, an increaso bat them full of holes and pound the riditiz wheel tire. R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Winghnm• CR 9+l, o nerves. Modern headache powders of $10$,849, This branch of the service CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. A tlnndnomely f11u;arntod ,vocals. jai a vte � a are simply ltarcot{CS that deaden the battalia off. Then 1110 smooth them - i au anon aY any nrlcntttln l•,ur;tnl. +o was fnati orated in the month of � = ,:eery 5ef guordflteed:. To MRAINs r,.. 6.5) FOR yn;l nn,radenitts, year • .rate months, $1. iTw13+ - afflicted nerves, They :Ire hn.pmful 6 _ out with tL plank," Toronto and ]last..,...,. 5.57 a.m.... 8.25 p.m, ■ „ ,., pt „J }t and frequently dangeroue. The rials ;August, 1898, the total sale of postal 1 Can Ile fitted to any wheel. Teeswater .............. 1.82p,)n....lo.461)in 1MUJ� ' J ,..fitQ:,nt.,l.t i;,' sOr k -" +IiVaV 't0 effect A thorough titre in t0 re" ....,_ _. _...,.._.... >..�.- -_ .-_ _ .; - ARRIVE FROaf r.••,• •, r �+, ." ,:?i � -.`.. \ti r;9: .r. L) t;. store the nerves by such treatment sa note.; that month being 2,717, whilst for Solid for Cataloguo. Teeswater...... 6.57 a.rn.,...s.25 p.m. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, the month of Julie 1900 it was 66,609. Toronto and East ...,.. 1,82 p.m .... 10.48 p.m, Xr. Soseph Utraux, ;:L Metcalf street, During the year 596 new postal note$90 f DUNLOP 7fRE C(9. J. H. BEEMER, Agent, WinRham. Ottawa, oat., °writes : 10 -TO � LIMITED, 'x "i wan nervotn, hard headan,- and of:Ices were established, being an 2l),y� train, f99- I was rn:tttt his :at s71)tilt and cteaso for thm twelve months from 3,140 T H '� TON TC+Ito:tlo, IT - could not sleep, :try appetite was PAYS j pcmr, and I ttuffernd feces. nervous d2+u- to 8,756. In the money' order branch poUt<n1f"� SE A RICiI99 PI1W TO fi. KAIi pepsin. Ll ttlor businestl carps,.worried 76,10 More money' orders were issued WITR A GOLD CLAIM , a • ' stnfl irritated Tne. .Atter having timed. ,• , than f l) tha previous Fear. The icggxe• Than sL 'VIM of Or, Agadw s Liver Pills to t1w ff Caveats sad Arens illstk+ Obtained and all patant, t)r. Chatit,'s Ilerve Pood for about ttvo Lis mall If his Xarves ware ail dil6rdered +�+r` �► j► ��-•�� ��+II � � rI-�� � `` business conducted he HODEIi t'f g F8E9. My *months, x can frankly Aar that I feel gate Yalve of the money' orders for the through Over -,Work and Road Iftrtlin. � /,,+V Al_!V-C I .1,I E afice)eintheimmetliate vicinityoftltr_1'ateataface Hite a new manal00 veli rafind to s good, year amounted td $17,$34,2x7.$7, wing T'hetc things induce Constipation, $illatfsness � Scad model,tsketchor �t to epr,`•°btnai vettinaaKs d '~ ,< i r,•rtt and tilt•ett well, and this trt•:it- g !� t 1 1 tr haFi still',• thenhd lrtc� wo:lrlorfullY• sir aa1'MYtnCd Over t110 previouu ;vier' of and Sack Iinsdacho, 'I'hd dnaioat lure is the � eche.? t.eH nHdstntemr„tas read, anemias claimed. IT�t best acrd. The mast cure is the host desit'FL1s{ei t &NN, r'rldfwln bv,)u tr++,t„ )• a). •1,'Inioll n• to, s ire ve P4106 fro r*. rtftfnly the $1,747,198.53,nnci ail iliolrease of $4 874 �ul x , , nnci tiv tte tot prceecatiaq trs cera. A va stable compound is the safest curd. y_ __._- _ _ _ IN H E{ ... , 1'" 1 Fl�ntuGth, « t b+• •awf%E sire rasrd4ctnl� I ever need', anti I !thy $07.$6ovtir the value of tim taoiley Dr. Aghe* s ere parry' etable. You Cala 1 Q PAi��T 6QQi� ll�i f pplica ion it- It ;ci J •clttball eras{ ci VtOr," � 146 1)rcTTut+r 1 n F+nt to sive full eredi , tAlCd thdfLi cal time whhdtliVE�ati ar. r [T the domes 1 Afars. aft free E r i►1r+�re it is dor. cnrd'e2'x iftetiied for the stat. striding 30th y I mss be iFfibttrr� tiyy tt tort inr,.rsat c ." Crnn»1tnM Dr. 'Ham's Novi n Ptrt4.1. 1")(i ranf+s 11 are SM611, 1110 tastb is palatable, 40' pills YO our sid Ad , raltatct '0.1'.+'r, •::l ,ern , ' 1; ,i:tiat. " UM • d bexva for .'.:> ), st cell d(alrrit rttttm, 1>3�1t3, the,fret ybat•c)f tl,iti C rtn4r� ots.t tart Pinel ds els. gi 11119 t'AT9141 11140690, li I* NOWlwotw, laittrit 41t C4., Toronto. +*011e Ad milL$Mtl%tiblll, The pGNifa SIM Soltlby A.U11afrullton,191aA•hnm, $tiittnrt►tsr Mil. T ,j ME e t►=:^ Li•1�lixx?wex•rt►:r, ri. c. I A t a A- •r