HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-13, Page 8♦ �,, a ,'+��. . L k'"• I :s� .• ". / + »• '� 1 it 7 , i 1\q t� jj WVI' ►EI'ii�A I I 1 ���� DEC. �tx1i 111��. NOTir'H AN 4•0301r,"iT• . the, ,rt+iy beet istate in the Valor is from, th,,r northwest, antl during UACH A Vambaldgv-, blass•, barber has been corrupt aired vile oompared with the, three or four days following it will ' fin"d #«0- for refu,.;4W to shave a col., administration in Qritarlo; further, opr;'ad east;and (Pautit over most: *red Uarvard ratmileut. The race that 10 all Canada; in all Amerion, *f the country. Hilipl. ozu the North ARE question is certainly it degree better thane+ 1,sJPQ, Qtbex',, State, city or vrov- A,tla:atio will haws rough and danger., In the N(; th. Dr. Merrill tells agood 1000 where- public affairst aro a,s clean pus at tills time, TA tib,e place to bat:, C R fl S S • C U T stw8 along the sallxa line. A 8outU, , aist in our olvxq •Itrovinpe. There Is a .A, reaotionlary storm Inriod is Clue Ct_ SAWS r and AXrZ at Hight J)rlece, .eXQ gentleman wrote to Harvard long' olry,betwc'•e'tu the. corrupt govern- the k- cl last thrays of Decomber, .dur.. compllzinin;, that there. waw P, "nigger" went 1st Now York City and affairs -14 tog which. tim-i cold will relax the ff in. his son's class. Dr. Hale replied, the PrPvtnce of Ontario. Mr. WLitnoy barometer (fall I>xogress vely from Sole agent for Saskatchewan }r" Xy de;,lr sir, you steed have no fur. 11 extreme." t ,i `w"Ist to east, and storms of raixu and _ Robes, Overcoats and Gauntlets, worry. An examination, has just ,.--. '94-ow will xc'rsult in lanoy localities b�^ux held, and the negro is in theas the, stormy Aonditiwns march east.. A I'R.00LANA,TIOX. • Cirst division of the class, and your ward across the country. The year GIVE US .A TRIAL. stn is: in the fourth division.," IWe possesss all the modern and up•to;r will camel to its olose with rising barer date facilities for conducting a reliable aimier, clearing skies and change to r ■ fartd flrst•olass drug business. When you m�uolt colder generally, Of course,. .A. J. � ! hlteehgeh Tl,,, Christian Advocate, of New favor us with your doctor's preiioription, intelligelit readers, incl dbacrvora of 1 4 York, in its issuct of last week, calls our best effort Aro pill forth toy xurke weather Irhanotnena will understand. the attention of its readers ta, the intended what your physician that storms areas end weatherebamms' iutelided it should bo—professionally foot that the great majority o ftheisl correat in the minutest details.. are, thin„% to W studied in, txartslt-- N O T I C F do not know how to pronounce the PAI;JA'SCfi.LBUT Coru'ouvD, they stave from west to east like the _ name of their own President. Ou the This inedieine is giving marvellous orest ol; a flood or overflow, with ;ofice gi t. t -NO realiing noose advertising any enter- y of the chase maalatrate him. reaulta to sick people all over Canada. very different kinds of 'weather pre. mmat or matter by whiell puone•y is to be self, wa are told that the name !s The cures affected by Paine's' Celery by any person or muse will. be inseprtea va !ling In the extremes of the ctuuii_ *" x Ttact•;a without ehargo, creept that pronounced in three syllables, the Compound during the past spealta the,jobworkfor the Nnrae13donoinTHU P b volumes infavorofthepopularmedioiue.' try elk: the wind time-lwnrmer, Io�v Qiltel., Ono notfce+Ivill lie given gratis of first syllable beim, premaunced like Thousand who have suffered trout rhea- barometer and fair to east, actual ze 1n protportion to the. importance of the "rose, ' the flower, and being accent- matiam . neuralgia, nervous troubles and event. Infitr=v, the prices for these locals ! g, + storms and precipitaltian in lite gen, 'will tavariabiy be;i coots poi' line. Poaitiveis ell--I'�ase-e-volt, 1'Vo fear tliat quite dyspepsia now sing , the praises of the l.r., with! Tit meter and change 'k. aawcteviation from these figures, except in case medicine that has given them such �' barometer aR contrasts 0450 lines and upwards, No no. a muxab�r of Canadlanq baw, been to fair and colder• coming clown from foto will ba ohar>;ed les, than enc. liappy results., n. guilty also. the north-west. But all these can- t .s "A, I,. HA iIII.TON, Druggist, t • « Winwliam Out. ditions come' and .run their courses � k+' XIND.ERGARTEN Mornings . in nrxiods clearly laid donvn In our0 F The rural free delivery postal ser storm diagram§ and explained in our SCHQ0L_.o> 9 to I2. vlee, kas had aphenomaer:al growth in ;FOSECt4STS FOR DECEMBER. 'forecasts. We can appeal :to reason yr' the United. States within the last _ _ and intelligte'nce,' but never . to igno'r_ Rive years. It bagiisi with an `appro- ante and prejudice. Terms Very Reasonable. pxiation of .910.000 ; this year the ap_ ;By Rev. Irl R. hicks. propriation ,for the service is $31300,- Decemb r begins in the midst of a Aretivning l ngland'* x1139, ��•_ `y 19-1- p i4__ � 1p" - ]1[Rs, A. E. PRIOR. E. Patrick St. 000, an(! $6,000,000 is to ba allied for reouiar storm ipariad, near the centers Now come° the central ceremony of ir- i"" i� 7� i"- it 19 i✓ r- �C_ i47_ 1110�_ _ next year. 'There art now ,some 6,000 of the Meroliry and Venus disturb`. all—the coronation itself. See, there ' A-4 routes in opaxation, nn:i it it predicted anew, A ldw barom=ter, with gener-• •-is St, Edward's Crown, made of t`vo that within the next five years the ally threetenin ' weather .and active crossed arches rising from aeircle of- entire f ��//��''''���77 the esitire country will be under the s armee will spread over much of the gold over a cap of crimson velvet THE TIMES announces IJ�i® fol" l - _ system, Statistics shave that the Gauntry Pram[ west to east, by the 1st lined with white taffeta and turned rural free delivery has greatly in- and 2nd, and rains, will have turned . up with ermine. At the intersection I1R FRT(!>- creased postal business, and it is ex- to ,9uohvl and sle'at in the west and lowing clubbing oilers 0 f of the• arches is a globe of gold, sur- „-= pmted that in a very few years the north, with a high barometer, bliz- mounted' by a cross patee adorned Came into our shop the p system will ba an a paying basis. zard,amd cold wave comping into.vie*f, with throe large oval 'pearls. -The . other day, and after leav- fxdm they' narth-)Vest, Soiree of the..whole Crown: is richly jewelled, and• 1.901-1902 . heaviest and most general sleet is always present at :ever coronation A?x ing us an order for a suit y y + Tha3e. staunch temg,ramce journals, s+tdrms of the wam,ter Will .most.likely. though some monarchs,notably of clothes, said it was worth The, Taranto World, Mail and Em- transpire' inside• the Mercury brace,. 'Queen Victoria, had other crowns. i3@ Eire, $am'lEd7 Spectator, Woodstock shdwin by the,. storm) dialgram. to be made for actual use. der at least Tim.s and a fa,v others, are in_ central ont]te 5th,. extending. near The 1 � � � � S_ .7 _ Queen s;x or St, Ed'th s Cr•'own, FIVE tensely interested in the qucstioa of the middle of the month. The moan so called from Queen Edith, wife .of DOLLAR'Spr ohibition just now: They are be- bsinq on. the celestial equator on the Edward the Confessor, was matte for coming so excited lest Premier Ross, god heavy atormrs, with, electrical Mary of Modean.; wife -of. James II. " re'u>es to pass a p ol:ibi cry lacy That phenom na. southwalld are likely to I0 to not unlike the King's Crown o ' ai Till January 1903, one would almost believe rites were ocmtinue until after that dente. baize made of twig crossed arca�es over obt To have a suit made to really int earnest in the matter. When g Threatening and unsettled tiventhet a velyeL. cap, 'acid is studded• with is mel for ............. �'rtv ' your satisfaction, and in Mr. Ross dors pass such a law there std ; t?JL minty be generally expected, with re_ dhnuir•,md.s, will b� a different kind of, fireworks ndwed storm; of sleet 'acid snow abou The Archbishop first las the It c, the latest fashion. What p but it will be just p y ex laded at him, the 5th and 6th, These are reactieri- Crdwn on , the' al.tair and prays that Times.till end of 1902........ . .......................1 00 O we .can, do for one, we do about as effective. Tian. G. W. Ross cry �st•'oirm, ,digs',• calling for falling. khr. 'ming may ba cra',vned with all will b•� fou:nd at his post when want_ or' all. ' barometer, change to warmer and princely virtues, and then, Times and Weekly Globe, with two ma nifieient pictures, avill p Y the Bing y g p' oil, and the paapi'e of Ontario will be rain, turning to blUzardti of sleet; lri1ng seated in Edward's chair, "The Duke and Duchess of York," and "The Farm - 'ile�tt, 'ey IIs and see. given whatever mcalsure he deems in , snR w and. cold wave• just b hind rho places the Graven reverently on His Pets," till January, ist,.1903 ..................... 1 80 Q� CLARU the best interests of the whole peop!e. reaReflwbarompeter and higher, Maj:sty's head. Instantly the vault_Ci —Tilsanbarg Liberal, te�mpaxature. Look for some boreal c>3 roof of the Alibe Times and Weekly Witness ........................... 1 60 y re-echoes the . r a. T g weather fiver 'mast arts of the eGun-',shouts of the congregation, "God Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium 1 75 P Toronto Saturday Night has betas- try baFtiveen the 5th' and 6th.. save the Icing!" the trumpets sound, P :0n and a:bdut the 9th another low and b n Times and 'Weekly Mail and Empire ....:.... . .......... 1 75 Now he fire is over I am upstairs in Y p• "' ..,. fan to inquire, of the various chnrit- ' , Y pre'cemcerted signal, the. tri the SIT BLOCK. i barometer will start eastward from gums at the Tower and in the Park Times and Western Advertiser 1 50+ Y able and temperance organizations ~vesterm estrelnes, it will row ra ids arc fired. At the samme moment too V having institutions in thei city, as to g p Times and Weekly Sun. ......... . ...................... 1 75 m what provision( could, bet made for the ly warmian', and by the 11th marked all, the peers ire, the Abbey 'put on f storm disturbances will be organized their coronets anti the Bishops their Times and Daily Globe ............................... 4 35 ( ��� �/01l a temporary ,sheltering and treatment caps•—Mrs. Belloc_Low:ndes, in Xmas r u o r��'�9 of an intoxicated woman, a stranger, and starting ich their east Li T-Imes and Toronto Daily Star, till Janauary 1st, 1903 .. 2 50 PPw alt's. , found upon the streets. The aston- B ey' '. From 'about Wednesdayf es Timers' the lith �c Saiturda , the .14th these Tim find Farm Advocate ......................... 1 85• :. ishing faetf was brought', out that the ' y + Wonders of the Hearts, Salvation. Army, through it Rescue storms of rain, sleet, snow and gales All the blood in the human bode Times and Daily World ....... . ...................... 3 00• ! Cook" a Q� Department was' the only institution will pass over the country to the At- passes through the heart in shout three Times and Daily News ^ 25• + T rontopi in a Position to play the lantic caas't. We caution; our readers minutes. • The heart beats 70 times a ' ' ' ' � ' ' � ' � ` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " f , against thel passible blockades of sleet seGbied. 4200 times an hour,100,800 times Times and Daily Mail and Empire........::......'...... 4 35• temperance organizations, so and a r a day, throwing out 2J ounces of blood , In your kitchen part of Good Samaritan in such a case.] I � All thee tem � g � and snow: 'sit, this s'toQrYb p^triad, a Aecond, 666 lbs. an hour, "r% tons a ° Times and Youth's Companion ......................... . 2 75• ' y n? If you called, all the women's societies of one gainst the sweeping -cold wave day. It is only when supplied .with kind or another, the- churches with almost sure(, to follow the storms. The pure, rich blood that the heart, an organ 6 - r , e worrying thong without moxth Atlantic sea and .coasts will b2 inches long by 4 inches wide, can their great incomes andt,munigipa.lity accomplish this enormous amount of 1_ "'�,. ef-change atonee. Life is of leagues and missions, fall down visited ,severely by twimter solstice �vOTk and rebuild its Own wasted tlffaUfB. * With the Toront Daily Star subscribers will get .a beautiful Nt^�_-. short to admit of any utterly befare the concrete problem abortus about this time. See the Dc- Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the most picture of King Edward VII, in nine colors, by ,paying $2.50, or on ` cemptbar solstice (brace in the storm effective treatment available for heart Payment of $4.00 the premium ' with the Star will be a book, ;o uble in the kitehen. We at what a to dei with an erring and e. Picturesque Canada." aifictions because it forms new, red sd ul w and can prove that friendless fellow-mortal. So far as diagrxrlm. corpuscles in the blood and gives to it The balance of the year is included FREE in case of all writ " y the only choice From above 'the 10th to 20th of Dea that life sustaining quality which is weeklies to New Subscribers. �� t they were concerned, THE FAVORITE R I T E far such; a ocrmbar •each• year there 1.9 marked necessary to the health of every or • person( tivas bettiveen the i'Y 6�• streetand the cells. No doubt a great tonaeney to boreal, north-westerly " Surpasses All Others. To deal of good world amongst the do- bales, with ldw barc'metric area° It .is stated that the Iiin;g and Bake, to Broil, to Roast, to proved and unfortunate, work of eduthward: Peculiar magwtic and Queen have approved of the follow_ which the ublie neve , electrical disturbaQices often attend Ing verse being added to the Nart Boil, as well as being More P . rl hears i,s card ried an by individual; members of the these storms, the cold, blizzardous idnal Anthem: Durable, Convenient . and churches and of various temperance winds even from the north-west 'fre I'm P'LI'rlitIcit peace serene, Economical in the U3e of and philanthropic assoblations. Yet' quetatly eh•argin'g h1l starts of exposed ?deep Thou our Gracious 'Queen, +' abj cls with electricity. Volcanic amd With: her abide ; Fuel. the fact xemaina that the Women s May Heaven's oy n sunshine, fair We could extent( the list, but it is not necessary. We can kifne of Down ]Draught Air Christian Temperance Union, the seis'm!e disturbances ia�re alsd , very est Gn her everywherex Tight Heaters. Young Womcn',a Christian Associatioir common during this winter ;solsfice. hear Thou, thy people :a' (prayer, give yon clubbing' rates for any newspaper or magazine published. 4 . FOR SALE BY and other ,sacietles of the class havcf peracid• God Gave vie Queen. Every subscriber will receive a copy of the Handsome Illustrated I! ` not, in their corporate capacity, made( 1''xdm. abav t the 16th to 18th is an- In, one of the +Toronto ohurches on CANADIAN ANN UAL for 1902. The above are ny provision for lending u helping other reactionary' period. and Sumday it was introduced. The lana+ our F i x r D R A T E: 8', marked down so as t0 admit of no hand to) one, int urgent need of phys!'_ `touching the• 17Lh it will turn, much va.tion. is likely .,to bacome popula BERT M Q N Eli a r, 1ltEYER IILOCK. cal para before spiritual! guidance. In wormer, :the barometer will again espeoialiy when the coilsort of the ('eduction. Therefore, there is no age asking for cheaper rates. heaven',, name,, what do ;soma of these 1p)i to :storih readings, and more Sovereign is the universally, beloved When we can Afford t0 give cheaper rates :7 one, we can give The WinAham Times 1.00 "charities" exist for if they , cannot raise and sndvi w0l visit many see-. Queern. Alexainar'ti,. them to all. Perform the molt elementary duties tian9P ill; thea' eaatw(ard ,transition Call at or address The MontrealWANA enjoined by the,go;spelt across the country, iT aok for more •cold and high nor3:h_westerly winds '1 i ,�"� acm the, heels of these storms, lasting i �/�'�7�1 Daily ds..�'v':.t it V Herald 3.03 Under the heading '!Whitney'is up to about the .21st. The posit! of I Colinhed. THE TI11.1i•JJ' si • Extreme, the London News, Inde-i sun, and plane.ta for December will no And a Splendid Pfctum of pendent, ;says,W-"'The most ardent sup- doubt play on. important part in the ' � �� --� ��-�• ��« W� �gl] am •, Ontario O porter,, of, Mr. J. P. 'Whitney,the Cion- general pheadm.ena for the month, • ' it I had a Most stubborn cough rtl , O ?s ENre Edward V11. • .50 :sarvativo loaders must admit that in aside from the regular perturbations ;for nary gears. Ip deprived nv; must of his specehtsa he, is it bit etc- of. diel planetary equinoxes. ; then sleep and I gr«'w:cry thea. 1 Total . $q.50 , their tried quickly C .:y 7� isactoral, . � ,,reme, at times',• that In the heat of Tlup etxlmisl,atioiu aE the winter .sol.. :and 1vac.gttlekly Curc:,> = notiba, he► does maker soma statements stlG4 stormes will fall about tare Vul.i I R. N. Marin, pall i4ills, Tenn. the 23rd ALL FOR $1.70" lvhicli;gellus,taa•,triflestoofar, and Gam atdrrar p2a•iod, central .on which are tot entirely ecusistont with 24th and `126th, the moony (sasses ltd - Sixty years of cures + facts, In Rldgetowxi ye ,terda ' atter- p•4rigree, greatest declination; north Thfs is the greatext roatbfuntleir after eve? ^ Y and such testimony as the ti as b say Canadian leuruab aa+i to err noon lie ,described this i air I+roviriao and Lull, ,with earth just other turn. or rice i he Dail c ifera i Piir`oeF�f'i°Y g ora epi '<irrwd lselceath rho ing p:)Int in hez orbit, This will in all - a�SOVe ila`Vet taught us tV111t t aid been 1, icaiistgl'1,iLera ed in prk,4�it lids depths, of New York City, the disgrace prcbal ility be one Rot the most active Ayers Cherry �eCtoral e R p;ip erof kstern - +Ca:meta. It fs rpory a Front fn+nity aewspatper. of whieh; haA been' the ,shame of the storm, pirlodli in. D.eeembar, If anoTr Will do. r' rtaelp day giving full tiews of the gnrld, and also devoitUK inaeip space to matters of l.eeuliar in• civilised "worldr4 It ,seem., unfortunate far Christmas should not already v�r� 1- � ! y � fbarat to the fnrnit . Its compncrcial intetl,- W e know its the eat"' grutefswinpletevidreliabio, far tib all that: a re§pepnaiblc man as . have fallen, it; ilkay b x+ensRnably pry St cough remedy ver s THIT xr:rr.'s I'ORTlzat'r is the h�.t vvvi .Dir. Whitney is ;should, make use of p^•eted In marry parts, of the. country . $ y c'fti othew till of afliliii.a�'ya 'Itf,41're'. Such extrema language. As a matt6r franc Monday,,the 93rd to Thursday, Malde. Ind you will say try IX ritw• Yraw:er% rind is art one of Ila • < h of t1d portrait4 mconillia.pl of fact thO 1M not, true Nacv York tlu� 26th. Christmas) Day will be a. Sof (too, after you try It. a rrgr:lar trice of 1 err lr..r;a�.p 1, o, ,,,,:: ha;cl beers this most; corrupt city in a irmawy day iiia many ateetioxl,s, Watch y tht fiberalpty our ort p• i. sf :f.. , i,4,• . There ;g cure i�nevery drop. mast corrupt Iarlu. It is trio rvoret °:rid rde+:t. If y'G'a don't have It your. Arpzimsrs wxstt�.tirr�.+t�:::tat'to governed city in thcl United Stater.. spit, read t1Nw ielegral,hic r'epovtei j• Th a• rrseaatr �„ enan�h rut xn ordtna + iv THE .I JX1.Ct► aiCCS n careful examination!, aYlfT tx .„'ralav ytptlr avec• arLd other RouYStrle9t�q ij �ia*dsgatto °0.11rnoeeleoo lbleaal - E It kaa sa baria . , � � +etrxet, ho7te.sL• ror:�tTariAon, and you Abut Chl'istll'a1x clay the i'ram,t of a ; �'�; ��� ao�'�.u, ' i ba Sanllxd lmadlog rale . ®r o u•"yi illi ilii C�n>�,i>L�r. will ctii:d that the adminlstratiott in cclel veal+. will e, ON&At e.. e