HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-13, Page 7TH, A I Tib ISFW"W— 'W1111111
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-f__._ ---•-•. � � � l S t .:.._. M �El�e t •i!��ij�ui iiP ..
L OFF, s» / "s INANAC�IAM '4:1Rf F. R he. hear tl O +�rrttt' fwic.l,tQ1 , M1;
,,I 4 S E4%l ,.,� v xuer tau 4t Irirc. (4w_ r�,;
I Mreutory GIV1M tiro Nainoli of 73rf actors _ . y o who is now iii. 'rlaW ' t ' kQ
That it! aceto of u t , t nititrltuou on zits mrd tail
���+' le r�
nga..ly 1f1161f6h f No dtaasae [s alder. of X'ur/t,larq,t ataVlf, Its ;1 errihlo 'lbi-1 isn't t ""Pias; 1�"y� (�. •.
y hitt fitctulla w iiot'trod, -
g'h Prices .Rex No diseaaa to 'early responsible for fI Cltktiwa, Dec. �, 1001. utilehow, that awful ibis bride ie A lady f otmt Roohew� er. <lgdad 1 rvo,
14rgor mortality. TO the laditor,-•Iii the fanning and io3'h that him, �tru;:gle Oti Baat
or Decrease. Consumptlon Is commonly its Outgrowth, We are ver sisal to know Ghat urs.
Thore is no. excuse for neglecting it, it raiiokin0 country, c•f Western Canada for ;lir,, can frees'" liR: for. Ranco is not itt,l,roving start it aG1Il earl- by catty of eiaaa34tat'ira
there are many ltuds, herd*, and gotten. Be a little. fore- fined to bed. 1rru lie % will regret vi Pb rail deelnred u:.
makes its presence known by so many large s�. ,i
�/ p signs, such as glandular tumors, .cuts -e0ua flocks, doui.e of them containing"many +:. llattcl�tl arid" }taevent it.: learn that,Tuhn Bell is still confined to and iritturad fxam°s�if
ilk Went lute Butter. eruptions, Inflamed eyelids, sore ears,'flak• as 10,000 to 1;3';000 head, the property of Veep' 1"Apo-CrLsolr tit: 1t1 t11t< house, the house, Altbong2t able at tittsttata to ger. �tf�at �v crt11c1 1lroxa M
oto, catarrh, wasting and general debility, age. mall or firm. There arta also many and n'hen. the cbildrm take co d let out for a drive. Alt', G'oodlvin Jttxs been Alis Multou• eras
^• �-�-^ l w—w4olo
Children of J. W. McGinn, Woodstock, studs, herds and flocks of from G4 to them breatbe•in the vapor duringtho confined to the hoose for uwbi a 00130. ; 1S{by aa? ii@�sap.t@rttly �;
Ont., had scrofula sores no bad they could 1,000 head.. eycrting, It fogs right to the throat, tel'
tsc in Wheat Shipped kions not attend school for three months. When In order to improve and maintain the ]'uat Sellers elle f,roia ]les.. illi . Another who pile been santervliat iurlis children.' Bila arl�tlixrexit tit, 0461
F p hosed of late is ,Toliii Rldout although he belt, a mother til refi.;l; • A' t
tregl, but Corn Fell Off Con. different kinds of medicines had been used quality of their stock is seems necessaryirritation subsides, the cou0lt quiets g �' �
to no purpose whatever, these sufferers were kept TO his office rlutlas. be one in finaglnati4b. ,
+ far the owners; to bu dorm and serious trouble iS .evented,
siderab.y d't>aiiu T,ast Year, cured, according to Iter. McGinnis voluntary y aiusually pure- P" The father of Charles A.dreir, cent.. r "AIWA.YO lacking tat +sl0M
testimonial, by bred breeding males, and sometimes a It never WIS to cure whooping cough, is 7 f. Taylor fi, won, anti Mrs. Geciran+ #hese SVAids mads my It
.---,_-, y • T'ap',.rrMi•,te+•e fs snl,i i•v invigists ever .�hei'p• :[p
Hood's Sarsaparilla lla few females, Heretofore 4 number of A R apo 1 kh lhne ltrit, wtt,ifa mind, audio bo ileal Sitipley, Passed away at him late Moine tit the ever ready jest camp j�f f
these have buten bought yearly from fore to hide illy lttl;tt u
iont;.eal, Nov. 28.•-F- om, the open. which has effected the most wonderful, r s,il-ne, wmolgte, ttr.s : ex-ra supplies of oresu• Oshawa, on Friday last week and they
radical and permanent cures of scrofula Canadian brooders, and all;() from. Amari t "'j2Sa+'nrean 1 q,r.±nfc Mustraaeduvl.klet cop fata- eye, and at tits ricer re .
or iiavigilan to fire diesel, .a Yaw mold and young, cans, mealy others have have been ur, i yYralagnf'i 'attsG iliS h�eung4�, ;,1 r t.iS•nro- wean down Vri Sakurdap to attend the tiny head, mournfully etre r , s0 to
a ago, there was shipped from'tb-a P fusieral. The daooased'was in his. usual :#lie little Man.: 'Bad -often U ioitob-
chased in Great Britain. Not .nearly as Unrommc•uded and kohl by A. L. IThinlitott, health until Taiesday,
x of Montreal to Rurope 1,580,821 """� _ - - " druggittt"Wiufrlratn. ,. aur, ill twelve elan must be it eery, bad Ltu17^ aaso-
marry pure •bred males are purchased an- _ - hours ho Svas tip more, '.t'lie defies of his 4eklt. I don't want to A.@@ lie'''•'
�bdxcri of cheese, 'tits eampaa'ed .Svlth with 71,168,000 bushels last year, anally na Fhoulil be, because rauclaers '�" �- ' ' " "� " „ ,
2,056,304 for the; same period last p y have found It dtiilcttlt to obtain Svltat SVhat. be ezclalme Cu
' .y'ciiw The deorease is accounted for already Wan glvicu, 1 Tile I -joust• of RA#u a Committee toot brain, Mr. Adair Svas•a rotired farmer not play' Lady Macbethl 'For heay. ,..
The reasariss for this disc's cmc hay@ Ncuye u[ �%fuRe, death Was due to tt plot of oleo'. on the
. vatriausly_. Qste rearsout givezR: is that Last yaa'r the shipments of oats they want atit, Pricy at rrhieli they con- at C11intOtt• on 'l'uf'rdsty ittAriiiugt, last, 'and has lived near rho town of Oshawa glee, why not?'
the high prictas� of last year wad the. Sider it Si ottld pay them to pay. ildany► week. They audited the accounts from for a few ears. He was of Irish de- `"'Y¢ ulurderessl' declared, cal`
frown Montreal to foreign ports y
tl refure, arca itow Uslila rauke-bred . air of nuthority reeoguixed by
�i'and11119 of. large ,stacks by Some of . amounted to 4,9.34,000 bushels, while 11 June to Decon,ber;. decided to place fire .scent, although a Canadian by birth, ' About the as a talc copy a! his Awn.
V grads; males: .y,
.the Lhuglish houses caused lasses, this year the Shipments were 2,453,• C aAttstlint:ce.on the driving shed .and,coit, having been born at Newtonville, ip hiss •oushman is loot a'murderess.
tv*ich, in a number of cases, ruined 000 bushels. Rye was exported this Iu llZtiuitolta, (Iutal'lV, fsluetllo, stud the tents; discussed the drilling of the well West Durhain, in the year 1826 thus his
year to the extent of 75fl,000 bushels Maritime Z'ruviuces also, ulore pure• at the House of Refuge and also as to petted age of ,5 aura. - • Zv .cat► she 4et ].ndy piAebeth,
jthe, holders, and then again the Ting, y , was of the res g y "' ,
bred sires should be used. than ,are at A`
dish peerple are oredited, with not con. and hint year the sUipm�ent timounte the advisal'nlity of iUV(;sti 1, ill a clothes The Rite gentleman was of a retiring onis
R ed to 500,000 bushels, l�rlat ares' lea creat le it ranchers n@ dryer for the winter tnurtths, There are "attire and never song;ht tiny position in One day in as London t411ade0hl�t'•'I�i „ r'
numtnsv ea much cheese, atom to tits
Wtelep prices at which .it was held,. Since Mr. Carnogtq, after giving i to rsi a 78 iutstatev now lit tlse Housq, The fol- ublielife.• lit pOlittra he was a Con eho> i3antiow, the strop mail,data...
other buyers .t.a ittlore readily • obtain 1 , g
The paotple thus; it is said, govt out away $40,000,000, has still $300,000,- . lowing iii the report of prodryce. groavu sdrvativo unci a member of the Metho• hAniled some change, and i>� the mictdlrr
sof the, ha+blt of eating,' ehaesb, and 000 left which bring9 him 15,000,000 what they wattt,'aucl to bring buyer stud ort the farut durits the )test ear assj er, rust uhtircli, Besides his bereaved wife
sellar directly togeyhar, :the Dutniutuu
g I y of it he saw sonsethla that Tookedt
'the handlerg this vea,r have failed to annually in dividends and interest. tiflecl to by N. ag or Freneh:-Orits, who survives,.there is a family of seven like a bad shilUng..Re pushed I* back
e establish the demand. the Hamiltont Spectator fears' he may Departmeut of Agriu itture decided to ;1110 bnshelts; lsnrle , ti5; beans, 9; oloc• chi'dreu left behind to mourn, across the counter, r'1; think diet Rai
(c issti? a, directory of the Canadian breed- , .
N The look of demaaid is partial, Ak3>Ll freest, to .suffer( .the. disgrace .. cif er a»eel. 8; oidut , 403 utaugolds, 1080; Ali old and respected resident of Hul,- IS bac,," he said
accounted for, a,Lso, by the lar 4r, dyipg unless; he rose rrectst the Morn- ere of pure-bred stock ill each province, p p; , ,50: tomalces lett townsh{ aused awa to. his rewoxit "'1\ousense,." :amid the flim eeper,
su• ar beets, 100; turnips, C , P P y l'
amount of home.,made cheese on - - Past of than city, or takes. stook arranged tclphabetivaliy, g'iviug suitable 8. carrots, 1;'; berate, .15; pursuips,,5 ; on Thursday, the 28th of November, at :R lilt an incredulous air„ l.t 'Kath up
data coucerum each sena licard and , thR shilling and tiled it to the little:
*lisp market, and by the grid_ iii ilio aaeav hotel' that is being built a ' ' (pliauls, 8; p intoes, L24;, tquash,, :5; the ago of 71. years, 7 months and 7
in Toronto.s l flock• . Ciroulltrs. were iwit chic to, all the I rr brass coin. tester that was screwed to
�4tx.i7it •isized stocks which were hold n Eng- s abbage, a f0 pearl ; mulifluwer, 100 days. It was known,generallythat Us flee side oG the counter. 'Then lie ten -
breeders in Cauaciai whose naw"s could
Qty, Relief; raspi,errlidrs, i0u0 gaajCl; citrons, was confined to the house and his illness tiered it again. "It's quite good," :ho '
Na leers than 4Ct5,000 packages of bw , ; .ICoi;62ts, oolds,.Aaarseness,'and other throat • a obtained: and those �vho foiled to 115; litiy, 18 conw; rutin fodd<•r, y1 ccoreF..seriuus, bat friends were surprised when said. "I can't bead it,"
ailments are Quickly relieved by eply eceivedaSutoudciraulat. finally, Thu S.eather w(sm ustlavurnbie for they learned. kit his demise. Tie was not Sandow smiled, and took it between
tex left' the part of Montreal the past that no one who desired to have his .,
iseloon, as compared with 253,000 a lone tablets, ten cents per boa. Alldruggists. grain but hity roots auf! veketatllcs ctid only well known in Hullott township its finger and thumb. You cant bend
name and .data -conceiniii his stock !t! May I try?" be asked.
,yoax`,a;go. Canadian butter was In —^ well.and are of excell••nt clu:ti:ty. We nut also in Clinton,having; lives %a the
publislied•in the direuturynii;;htUu over- "Certainly;' aaiti thw • Ins*,' with.
Lgtood denroaud in England throughout During the blizzard of '99 l: started' looked, it was announced iu the leading It)" The t td,'1trtYbuluaf ftarth ec,.+ttst ri ar pf t thu fawn for awUile some time ago. The grin.
the summier,'and prices realized were one day from t'ho central office of the . ' t t; late 14r. East was a native of Devoe- ,
agricultural.and weekly jouistals •ilii+t a rile strong man pressed, the alp OL'
l7e�y satisflaatary. Bureau of Charities to distribute r hs,u-e for In:tter divisiais of sexes. A• shire, Etiglntul, and came to America
directory, ryas being, •prttHureci, aucl that his forefluter -toward the UP of pile
In connection with the butter and money to ,some cases, reported for "iii- breeders were invited to send full iufor dumber of in-il'le trees .were roplacesl ubout the year 1851, and worked at what thumb and the spurious coin bent like
•, itheese trade it is said that the quart_ Strout relief." In an attic I found a; matiou regarding the breeds,and stuck and wt ro nyi1olied tr-ttli satire .deist yet was then known as "Little York." He tissue paper, i
kehe of milk converted into lair I:everal . died tcutu druu;elit, 1:' ware was a member of the Auglisan" church "Well," said the tobacconist dura
y poor widow, a seamstress, with, ono kept by thtm. This infurinatiou wan ,
j1lTaduets in Canada the past .,season child, a boy of Isiic. The room, was pltittl tt'NHF wel'L• ilia lilitllGt'El arta pre f10- and in a Conservative,. but never rounded, ' tt looks like a wrong ua n'
fares fell as 1 compiled in the form of a Uutletin which in,, well. Our fail plowing in clone and extreme. His wife died thirteen years after .all, Perhaps you wtu accept aift-
large as in 1900,but -that bold and bare; there) WAS( nd f irft the. contains the uames•and addresses of all " .
the ,;oil illhair condition for another eau tit Christmas titrio; and four child- other?"
it7.at into cheese and more into windows avers lease nate{ snow lay up- Canadian breeders. of pure-bred stuck •as �.„
utter. crop, t•au are idso tlead, the. surviving iuVra
� on• the floor T,iia boy had been leapt f h
ai as : t ese, could be.'obtaaued, and it berg being, William and Henry,of 01 n.
The grain men appear pretty, well in bad for trva Aay,s. to keep warm., directoryof the stock for sale tiii•furuislt• r A cirenta>r Rainbow.
I)leased with the results of the sea- as)ced the- nlsua uestions and ave B the assn a of the Industrial Ar- ton, Eldir nrd and George on the °home• d member of :t 'party who :mad* aaw
k q g ed by each, A copy pY thio°balietiu aitay ) P 1; r
aloli'a .Ouainess. The shipments of the woman two dollars. :All this befK Litrattiou Bill through: its ilual stakes, s iclitd, •Jdhn in Virginia, Mrs. lion. tlseent of Finsterreliora some yea m
'e ieut from the part amounted to fora, I discoverocl the bo 6uddenly be had .on application to Churchill, of llullett Mrs.' S. La rt g
y F. W. HODSO \ the Australian Government has placed a , Layrick, *go thus described a nose, sight whi.eTn
18,645,000 bushels, as compared with his head bobbed from. beneath the bed Live Stock: Commissioner. law upon the statute boobs, the working: '•►tDowriigie, Mich., Mrs. H Staubury delighted the tired climbers: The slag
11168,000 bushels a ear a a. Wheat clothes, and at ,si !> of the two bills+ of trliiult mill excite iuterestt•hrougla t•ht, and qrs. Little, of Detroit. we mounted the Finsterrehoru we:
y g g Departmeut of Agriculture, Ortawn• , were treated to the rare sight of 'sr oar
has ruled fairly high all summer,and his eyes became moons. "Gee -c-0, whobt world. Tho bill not Only compels Miss Vergusou of Cy oderioh, is note en-
It anyone Ra. suffered it has been : Mister I All that for us8 Then we reference of all td.,putes between Hui- 1--,ag,<l est 11odgetls Bro's. palace in the enlnr rainbow, the pll@nOmenon lasttAt
110 steam -ship companies in the law amu, give ,some W Tod Burn's mother loyers wad em 1 l�•v to a 001u eteut place of Miss Couch, who realmed her
nearly Halt an hour And forming >it
p WE LOOK FOR YOUR TRADE. �P p P ° complete circle. There v: ere ry a
jteight rates, which have been ruling. down istairs to buy coal. Can't we, l court wish power to eui'+arw• it: ur+lerm gu,mitiou oa aul;tarday last, , Miss Coach elcuds lying some 4,000 Peet belo�'io"`The experts of co-rst from the .port Mom? - The Rev.l Davi'r_d, M. Steoleji rt►tcl awstrils, bnt� tuiikes a strike or lock• it ill b. l roatl) uussed behind t t , c•ouns- the Aat glacier, and it wasonServing the public with care, atcJtt i er at this a ul y that the behatiYtil, brtlliaut!y eo"
•lop Montreal the past summer amount_ in;. the yadlfis' H'olnet.Jouataal for Dee out before or pending Such reference a : p p' ar store b her numerous
tion, honest goods and low prices, has j
•ted, to 4,05`9,000 bushels, as ca'm+pared eembertl i t given us a High position amongst the i misdemenuor, pnnnsliablcl, by a $uc� or friends, who will be pleased that she ring lay. A second elrele was also nisi- k•..
druggists of Canada. We look for your. imprison ineut, The court which will floes not intend to leave town. tile. We were near the sumtnit of the.
trade, and will use every endeavor to I pass upon these dispates is to be presid- s 1i ow as the season for Know has arriv- peal. when the first of the party iib-
�, s �'r , :� i make you a regular customer. ed over by a judge of the Supretue ed it is ••very one's fluty to see that the `orvod it, and from that pont the fAce
�� x Our supplies of pure Drugs,:,iedieiates, l .• of the mountain on the Gritusel rsit''is
,y r, Coiut, au�l will have most exteustvo siflowalks are clear and especially on the
v ��� L Toilet Preparations, Perfumes, Brushes, almost perpendicular, tiring us', e
Combs, Spopges, Etc., will ilitereit you. powerb, including the power to declare priucipul arreets. Tf househul-.lers tit onld ;piendtcl view.
;a* '�f PAwg's OELEatY Compom . l a Standard wage; rind to direct that otl> fullow the eaa mpie of our friend G. r;= CI `� f: ° ` a ;Ne are !fully prepared to fill your f or things belu;,r equal till employer Akill a •t itrt2 on I'tatteubury street, there w ItachterAnee,aote.'
YOU • . HEAD orders for this popular disease-banishut . I ' r + + Unionist over -non -un- wl,uhl be no cause for cow ilaiut. not always the great conduc
;` � ,• ;• .. P P k l;ir u preferen. t i t 1 TiIt fs o y f; '
/� „ `� :;i wediuiue. 1Luowing its powers and i tit lituorra m. Thert+ is no i,ppeal from A Yiukertou detective was here last that shines as a composer, thous ' X-
1 :; ` i//j� i;� virrnes, we strongly recommend It as tt i
s the iteoi,iuns of the court. weak, but uu what unsiuesd we ken iwt fortunately he often, labors lines' •sic
:A s ,'
trz,�l7 In ..I
NOISES i7 blood purifier, 7terve bracer nod ficslt deluslon that sticir is the cast'. (]ti titre
0 c builder, Paintt's Celery Cou,puuud iso - � ur will, not tell,
ALL CASES.OF occasion Bans Richter vrAs3itcsent su .
new remedy, it has been tested and Slee-
cessfull used in till arts of Canada, by a coucert.given by a brother rotillasel
D EAl3"" E3 R H Li" R D it`ll �� 5 � � 0 �sl'N1 t �a tens of housands, and has never failed. j 1 • at which the latter perforilwd a Inns
a CoLiN A. CAMPBELL, Druggist,0 and not particularly interesting wortr e
ARE ® i We nre-iufuruied thin Mr. A. G. Gil- 'cf tits own.
by our new invention, Only those born deaf are incurable. j 11•heu tate composition elute to kai�i c„•
_ , lx+a t, the manager of the great poultry
��� 8 0"E E IMMEDIATE' V + �r' department. of the Gweruntwit Arricul curl.. Richter f?$prtrsseai ll, c e Seism �a
s le �Ine iarwud Tx iwi[ iteiiiioa. I a very few words. "Well,” he Said.
Kick a do and he bites 017. tiu'ul Faint at Ott two has Ueea eugt ed too. bat written compositions to lief "
E. A. 1"fEFditSfibatll, OF f•3AL'1'Iflfi®b�'c:, SAYS,, Ttt reply to the complaint of The Wiar- (: g y !; 1 i',� ',••
B:1r.1r7totxr•., \IQ„ (tnrcit;o race. for the curning year to cuutiaut; h
e his de- a pile so high"-taislnis hand thi
Gentlemen: —Being entirely curet of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I gilt now -give you I ton- Canadian that. the Graurl Trunk i'He biteslFarttneut y ou and you kick him. '•Praetianl Poultry," in that
:a felt l,ist:ory of nay case, to tie used at %,our discretion. ! 3 J feet from the ground -"but I UAf bill:. r
About five years ago any right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting tvotse, until I lost branch lines tits neglected iii order to i haat Bowe magazine The Ca lead as ed theme"
my hearing in (itis car entirely, gratify Mr. liars' amb%tiou to make a The more you kick the More
I underwent a treatfnent for catarrh, for three months, without tiny success, consulted a until- Poultry Review. The "Turkey Dap+u•t
her of physicinus, a,nong others, the most etiainent ear specialist of this city who told nuc that revolittion in the main line and make Nicely Graded.
only nn opeamtiou could help uto, elle even that Duly teat orarily, that tits head noises would ( he bites and the nnore he blies meat" is now in the ohatrge of un expert, I It f9 still a tradition that the people
p mono for the shareholders, the Grand; Mr. W. J. Bell,•secretary•of rhe 1'itrl,ey, ..
then cease, but the hearittg•in the affected ear woukt he lost forever, y
I then saw yyour adrerGsemettt accidentally in a Ne.v York paper, incl ordered your treat. Trunk authorities deny that this or any of 'Manchester, England, should gibe at
�tneftt. After I ltacl used it only n few days according to your directions, rite noises ceased, and
i the more you kick. Each C;ub. Other departments in the paster � Liverpool with the proverb, "A. W1Lan-
to-day, after [ire weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been eucirely restored, I thq.nk yon other branch line has suffered .to gratify ; are: "Ducks and Geese," "Bautatu3 " '"
lieartity etre beg to remain i'ety tndy yours, Air, l Ia 5' ambition with re and t0 mAui+ > cllester man, it Liv el pool gentleman,
F. A. Wi,+RDfAN, y3oS. Broadway, Baltimore, Nl d. y 8 makes the other worse. "Poultry Ailments,". "Incubators and but, it Is.0ald, classification 1s flet Sok
Ott)* �YClbt9lteiLt does itot iWei f ere tvit:%L your 9G8761tl ocatepation. line development. These lines are work- , . y
�fzainiptition and at a r►omilxai ed just as satisfactorily as their unre• i' A thin bodymakes thill The Brooders," and "With Uncle ,.ant," strep ly marked in LnitCitshire as 'ia
advice free. YOU CAR CURE YOURSELF AT HOME east. ' This editor Says it will iia bigger and the old dans.
ALLEIGAGO ILL muiierative traffic will permit.. It. is W, hen stagecoaches 'dere running, a 1
INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLff�fG 5QG LA blood. Whin blood makes a . both year,
ever; and as itis now iso its. g , �
, AVE.,s t quite true that subsidies • have been 25th year, eve believe him '!.'hos0 of galtircl was .ince asked. Who has this t
granted by thel municipalities in the pasttht getter Inside, Billy:." Billy consilffec£ in body. Each makes the our readers who took the paperlast ' tits list and replied, "A get tlemon fra -"
for the construction of those. branches' � ,
are. tlinronghly satisfied with it, -and lAverpool, it anon Era Manchester. A-
�v but it ryas never apposed apposed whoa ttifep
other Worse. If Chert: is going .could not get aloner,
without 'it now. t isnp fro Owdham and u fellow frit
were vroterl that .the communities were
This journal as well illustrated; •full of 11'IgaiL9
to be provided with a service equal, to to be a chane the help must
t' that oil the main line; as some of those a 10 and at
knowledge written , experts.. she net 4naberea.
, '== ° rule at they Yearly aubscriptionof SOc, is '
who are agitating for a change seen to come from outside, Small Mabel bald t0ceiv.ed• a Parental
Travelling 1 ridiculously cheap. Low ars itis, how- Injunction to remember at least one
think. Travellin • on branch lines . ,
through districts that are (sparsely popul- Scott's Emulsion is the right over, .readers of this paper can get it at tiring the minister said at church, AnrY
a a specifal• rate of three years for $1.00. upon• her return .home esclatmed,
-�� ,- aterl is slow in all parts of the .world, heli. It breaks up such a A sample will be sent free by.adclressIng remember something!"
and jolting, shunting and banging are, ►r
suiil%an Pout�rd Review, Toronto,. • •That s right dent•, re#o!ned,ieir i,. '
no uncotnttion oxperieuces Railways COrilbination. First It sets the C r '
Out.., but the shortest and best way is to titer. "Now tet, nye what the minister
SLOES off FASHION are business institutions, and cannot be 5tOmacll rl�ht. Then It ori- said."
cteud $1.00 for three years.
'�,1�� t ' u ` t • a.� couduoted on phlauthropiC lines. They lie surd, 'spited 1lIAbe1, A,.Colle•
l it
riches the blood. That
+ si ,P `� rye, Wi•' When You want the highest give the best service they Can ttpon its tion will now be taken up.""
q•e�t; / ..' w spec style -fixe til -est beautifulchenn terms as they can, but it is not the Strengthens the body and it
finish combined rtith correct At;, . policy of an efficient railtsay wants; begins t0 r0`V ileal flesh.
y �Evtalence to the Coutrttry.
ir: '�'aiyd vy�• l ' �'�;���' 1
lig hii:rss and *.ear Mont to 11kisburse the revenues derived � � y The Territorial Legislature is *boat to Citizen-MadAm, achy do you per:tift
f 2 ` Y A stitiI1 body n1ll:es filch adopt an efficient wfinns of collecting
-'•1`� ""r ;�`J �� . .shoes that asc fashionably freta the paying, portion of their system � � in pnnetitng me with yeti' umbrella?
p •� Heretofore it
q 4. ` "a '� school taxes in arrears, .
�? ,*.j "fi v,�. Correct—no matter repot shoals to provide id@al sarviaos for branahas blood and rich blood makes a �tndaln� I want to wAk@ YOU load
x^ '` or style- that are in themselves unremtinerative.
has been necessary to go to• tiro expense Arutand i;e i can tltalik you for gtvtn{g
1;,,:' y strong body. Each makes the '
You can rt thein in the The farm'rnn the share of Lake On- �'' of advertising rind selling the laud,- olid uta• yout'seat. Now. sir, dorst you gar
' r -0t +sg Otliel better. This 15 the waythe process has been so complicated that' of and stay that tivomell haven't any '
tf a•. �':�, � r,sovere',gn shot. tario does not -wish to pity a larger
z < e•;; r i i . legal dig utea have Cee tioutl been on. utanners.
,a , c Sovereign" sbaes represent freight for. the transportation of his pro. Scott S Emulsion, flits the thin
p q y '
1` 1 ',`,�a� • •! i A;'V the hi�-,hest and 1•��l in shoo duct in -order that his brother faviner in tailed. The new law will provide that t
bOCl Oil Its fCet. l�o1V It Clad returns of overdutt faxes be -adtl ill fatoatlut(tir itis ainrite.
makin the Wi trtbn peninsula may got his ear. y , "yp;t." stuff young Mrs, Torktns.
1�iFi- h f , l . January of each year, and. a day' be nixed ., ,
3 t
Flexible, libttt, strong and ria(l to the market more cheaply. Anil I get along by itself. No need l.tuult;v laird to eoulty and tw"nade•
! the shareholders of the Grand Trani; . by a Juage of rile Snprente Court for nip rot, li•.,rr:4 every bight. yo at last t,
handsome. of Medicine. conftriniti it, ' boa th6 eturti'is con. t . , ,"
S ' f Laced or buttoned sl, aa3 $g.oc,
have looked sufficiently Tang, and have �,.__. S ln:trt to d U;t.t.
a and $¢.no. lcloltitd in vain, for dividends to justify This picture represents termed, tion laud on which the taxm tiro "Tien' wail" rejoined lilies Cayenne.
�" ' ► ' $3.5 v rile Trade 1lfarl: of ScotPs p , "' h y x
uu Aid reverts to tate Grown and the file ttt� .sin As bath As all'Ahat?"
Low shoes or O:trards $2.00,
the ntansgelnent iu thinking of their iu-
�s- �z,so And $g.00 dear hair. toreA;s uory and A(to)m as well as the in. � . Ismulsion and is on the' Governtii0nt pays tiro taxes to the muni• Y:xrllung;@.���
Rtandccl uta the soles teres of tele people wlio arc naw served wrapper of every bottle, cipt 11011. Tho Orown contiauea to own Citrt►t+�Ia
t n• he Milwa . Railway itien ttre often � t the land and pay the taxes, unless the Mlett•elss (arranging for the din
_ h t q y , ,+illi Sand W fret semple t f, ft
heard ttocltti in : that as .loci as railways + owners �edestlr it within One yetlx 8f for- liyltilet the grocer trend the mAc�trtat{!'
SOYERE10H SHOE ix 1 SCOTT ,s. BOWNE, , (•r:Jt•
�•+s'+. " I feature. .CLis.method lies alread rov .- r's, mtiittt; hitt Ot !ienC ri
oxt«ts there will •bei complaints 06ut tho t . ", „
I (lit tlil,; of t.it evl:e c1. t.ie: riot: 4 clt;arg• * 'fo.•t)N2't) CA'_V'AD-4,
i , t t , ct1 sncccs:ft 1 in re,gartl to lural ivapsove. fluty as ata or thein sthis was t:
. .n<l $t. all dru;;ists, t izle"lit taxfttion. i Lua.ulu t'ttti,
i•l. .f. ,'Rt G9'ir+l;ltittl-;
- �' t