HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-13, Page 2: WINGRIA TI DECI ( 9 r � hE �,{I r� little, �+ plearle(k guilty of'rptfdabbling�r lu green da was seuteuced JW I r9�1- SANCTUM MILL to pay a flaw of $1�1 d give bonds for hie goo 1, .WbaviCux. � ef L Pxmffra from our Exon, n est r ofClodnrviilo, eras ""' p8 `l %" Mr, Satzluel Rol,@ nmumnnunnuuuuuuuunt(tnauuauu in town l 011day ail $Fray hoine front re All Caves. Deninttrk K im Agricultural country. Clinton, Vile rEa lze ape t several days fu - About tivF-fonrtbttt of tho poliulntlou tile, lieu of the «Test arca by@•rlttr•tion ( �- 1, ,!, .,�a ON ti 1 w l Ivy OP P 0 ST 4 L. ,are +rnsxt(r:r t iu thr t itltir,;tion of the $oil rvlifa�li vvtie setticct at t :,ptrllai grgstrrdtzy ti A24ix littt►xt! x4 # I Aiit4Y. Mx, T a ,• t, ' ' _>. Thun- is nothing lil.o AsthivalHlie. It u)et !trityl a mica amid-otxnE;i;t)Iitondr4 t Uilburla s Sterling Hca ilii �'$w(terh - THAT l . ... R" ll, inll 4 instant rvdief, oven, in the ,vort-t T'� hil. a t>• Ir 1tgE tat aE 1+ltzT srtn in 1 1$ g lti U 11 t)lirNtt irrxm isr. r» lief .fr:)Jt Monthly „ , t2s titid lc•ai're lit) bod afta• ,,!Yenta 4 t t cases. l t tutee when All E lee tails. atli». l• lt(i.l ' the little ..n,xt x of hit left wilaiever, 11• k•n=•e vull get ltiiftw,ll,;l, F� M M 'Mata Its v. C, l ,, WBLLS, t)i Villa ltait)tl; lit the NYis E)i' the saw ,Ctrs k�iit•t)10 stud :;0 vvotr;, �11f dealt rs, � � , Wtlpo. III., says: .•'Your trial !tattle of ui.f�pe(l gra off'. ZYiiire ui 011,1 144 ter Tintert; l�•r1>,ttt?I: n(•tr(+ , i• r i iolrvoort I I dititor Ittl��' rrY+ ) l'yxn+ rapidly l r>. roI key met with a very `l aiti,ul nuti uo ortuu• � �{htegitt1 e.,? arationf As A T e u()nt-r tt�? vent ho' ,ta•, an ra till. unrt)tl by atA menldoizt pu ,, Sunday, i2tgllf; of latzk ����Ing4Pe dratloltlNa- a �.1t R^s• putrid Howard : ell oiz of Mr. kite henweek. I by + a s RI1dI1oWe of - q A u {tile Ifor tNtndi.om 16QIedesp to 1 of Onliit'A. : bwol tl. chi oh nndpt cid utallvaatea had the ' t lttoS�kRl7>a • ,. Hvm twin curer! I rttvv yang advHrtls@• Pgvte.i ot? k.xetcr ,net xrit?t a pa)nfal sidetv$lk, breakin his left a little beigvr rttt its ft r the caro of this dreadful and .accident a4 Tuosdgy molming of last the hip. trutnetithig disease, Astlimit, and thou- �.. 1 week by breaking Ilia leg` at t ie aukie �1Qm�CesAigeStio>1,Ch�rfill , � Whrttu i' O over spoken yaurst!lves, but Mr. Alex. Pentland, one of the pioneer rNs;olvt•d tt) {tivP 3t a trial. To illy while ,ilayin,� :at a gtanie Eli football on. QCaS dtt(IHsSt.G011t€ilns neither settlers near, Dungannon, passed ov ray • atKtunislar.Hnt, fire t2•ittl acted like a the sal3ooI g;roElnds. Although not colt- g j , (�plQill,xpfp�;rit' X1Ari�`1Tie1'�,�t• is r��' TIM cl2ur11). R e,tEl alt: a,,ftlll sizo bgttl.@•" sidered serious he will be unable to have on Tht,rslay moaning, Nqt. 281 tie 4)'11' WA7ti1,C OTIC< funeral taking place on Saturday after- -the sr r use of the limb for some time, , rnoon at 2 0 ¢look• the e lu yin Itnd re- '��1 /�,, r �w n• i EEty. I:la• Diorrlsehslel>, On xllttrsday* orohiz?g Nov 2Btagrri@ lativea have the size ire ayutpo,tby of �/ G►i Raablri: of tlio C011 9- Bulla Israel, � had n ilnrrovr escape ;!rout a serious con* t+iui.r man friends. f ' X0vi,'�•ork TM 11 11141. y rflx,finttu + ) fiagfratfon ill our town. About six ! • •/� If a child eats.;ravenously, griuds the It�c.wSXa or EVERY I`Rk. TAFT BROS'. MEmt ixr CO., *clock ill the eYelliiig Mrs. T. Wright tooth at night a' d plots its linea, you "&;4e Sete � F4Vt;ltiY .-,; a at33lwf aO$F GHl:tlrntcn: Xoul Astlttt'alene is an uaticcd that bar kitchen was list fllligg may be al asta twill, it has woruis and 81Lfud 'wrcQdodmr �� xcel'eltt ri>2utvly for ,tlsthitta tthd 1lav 1~'over, tit d it; GUit)position alleviates all with emolie and notified the inaii who should ad,nfn266e � Dr- Low's Iyle4sant j% � ar �®���t�a s��! +�'• !roil,. rr «hiEh cwubine with Asthma. immediately began searching{ for the Worm Syrup, this remedy coutalus its m9�ru)ar Ft,1 own, cathartic. �, After having it carefully analyzed, P14);vv­ I's is atstonishiugr and wonderful. fixe, when it was discovered in n heap of ad, we call state that Asthmalene contatus no rubbish in the storeroom of Mr. Doupe. A sadden death occurred near $evil Aperfecti?etrledy farConsiipa- ! apilxnn. ulorphiuw, chioxafotni or ether. �'rxY rrt:i� yours. , worth, on Monday of last. week. Mrs. tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Rpm. DR.. MORRIS WECHSLER. Meutel and physical vigor follow the Aiary Simpson who apparently h¢xeto• Womis,Convutsions,>:everish- �# use of atfller's Coznglaalid7ij2 Pills. IIliBS3 and Loss OF %SEP, f ` X. Y., Feb. 1, 1001. Sold by Colin A. ikmpbeli. fore was in the bust of health, stepped I T0,AST0' > AVON SP$Ii+QS, ( Da. TAFT Bnos. li zorvlxx Co. Came 'Warden Tinsley's department outside onto the ;.verandah. when she fell t T)'AQ$italle Signature of Gentlemen: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having; tester! the has seized 15 pair of partridges cousigv- forward, expiring almost instantly. She wonderful effect of your .A sthmalene, for the cure of .Asthma. My wife hat been ed b t was lin her 70th y ar. afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having'exhausted my, own y a dealer Yrozlt.Powasean, Out. to � � PTF't^l '0,,'1313 C�. t5actorls, is put %pin cue -size vottlos only. It' skid as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon yetirtivindovr on 180th a Toronto gentleman because the birds Gu Friday morning while handling; a � ,a�atis�l,� s+a �� ;�fi i is not soli labr,ik, Don't a,losf c»ycao to street, Now York, I at ovee obtained a• bottle of Asthwalr•lle. My sulfa conimt nred were wholly euolosed in a. bot;, upon shot gin, Robert � onnett, of Harrioton, � 1Si you saytTiing elan ,S rho plow or promise tiutE't9 taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a -radical implroveuient, va hiuh vvvas the deceptive iuscxi tion. a young Ind acU dental! diachar•red the i ° _ R ," is "just se roo3'( ssr_a ('sr i aazwer overt' grr» After using one bottle IterA-thine has disappeared and she is eni'arely fzee from till t� p„ p g ' y " v '° t w " `'^ Pase1' AC iia ghat yon gob G•!n- i•T-O-S�-T«u, .. symptoms. I feel that I ran consistently recolumpild the medicine to all who are One box of groceries. The sale of weapon,. the cout"sats lodging is 'the I - k� partridges M. tae•...Q„ao affiicted with this distressiug disease. p g;es is prohibited, and the Ia.% re- thigh of his oompaiiiou, Ed, SteinAelier, EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Yours respectfully, O. D PHELPS, M. D. quires that they must be packed spas to Dr. McCullough e4ritdted the shot and be open to view in transit, aerlqua results urd a 10.1pated. Da. TAIrT 13ROS. Mr•.nrall:x Co. Feb.. �, 1001. Mrs. qtr , � n • rt+ ti?'_ 1'.2.•�'. `.«�''�',�:W.s::i�•`". '� Gentiemeu: I vas troubled with As,hina for 22 years. I have tried ituiuereus Mrs..Mury A.. Harper of lot 8, cones• For Cuts,. Wounds, Chilblains, Cha .- �'� ` -remedies, but they have all failed. I run ueiress your advertisement and st;Erteii sion 7, Ciinloss township and widovr of ed ,Hands, Rheumatism, Stlfi Joints, ' with a trial bottle. I found relief at otteo. I havt> t=fi+ce purchased your full-sizE+ the late John Harper died very suddenly Coughs Scalds, Gplds, agyt Bites rd'e6e}'ellowutQil bottle, and I aim ever grateful. I have family of four obildreu, and for six yours �'I was unable to work. I am now in the hest, of health and am doing; business every y tit remedy. qu iliquda last weak of !gear,' failure, ,will be found •tin excelle say. This testimony you can snake such iso of as you see tit. She was in her usual health and was en. Price 0 cents. All dealers. Vic,. , . . y.. � ,. F Home address, 2,05 Rivington street. S. RAPHAEL, y gaged in her household duties when the. On Monday of; last week W. Gray,. � ° � � a � �° Ciro, 67 East 129th St., New York City* sudden messenger oi: death came, and. is ' con, 18, Hullett, Ayes assisting at a straw a fe`rtniuutes she'tad passed to the catting bee and whils removing; some BLOOD rOl S' ON 3 TRIAL BOTTLE SENT AB$OLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. great beyond. She su s in her 85th year that accumulated! uIIder .t12C machine t Y and touch rb$ )ectod iR. the community. tt If you ever contracted any Blood Disease you are never safe unless the virtt8 or DonotDelay. Write at once, addressing; DR. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE 1 h y had the misfortn}ie to get his richt poison has been eradicated from the system. Attimeeyou see alarming sympptoms, o but live In hopes no serious results will follow. Have you any of the fol owing CO., 7$ East 130th St., N. Y. City, If Soar chid is Made peevish and does thumb caught in t�e cogs, thereby loos- symptoms? Sore throat, ulcers oil the ion ue qr in the mouth, hair failing out, ach. • not thrive aL dogs of Miller's Worm ing the greater I:ar! of his thumb.. dyapaltla itchiness totmach, s xualkweakness zindic 2 nlotches suof theosecondar es r ata e. smut, Sold by all druggists. > p0p y (;• Powder+ aetsaafgttally will Cnl'e, sole! i trust fo luck. Don't ruin your system with the old fogy treatment -mercury and The following, from a Toronto papoi', potasti-vibleh only suppresses the symptoms for a time onlytobreak onto ainwhen by Colin A. Campbell. i iia yin domestic life. Don't let quacks experiment on yo. Our NEW METHOD --- - ---- refers to a young lady, Eveil known topT1KIs: T is guaranteed, to cure you. Ourgraarantces are b�cizetlt Rev. rv. Millyard of Exeter r::ceivod many at Molesworth, who, in the happy illy borate boimae that the disease will never return. Thousands of patients word lat t Week -that his son, Rev. J. E. have been already cured by our NEW METHOD TREATMENT for over 2Dyeare, , event recorded extoild beat w6hes: c and uo return of thedlsease. No experiment, noa,,patch osi. J. 1.Iiilytird of Morpel la, had. met with n "At the resideiwe of Mr. Jchn 'Talbot, v tire carr 'rho worst cases solicited. p ° rat a cr terious itek-id lit oil Thanksgiving Wyton, on .Thil.4kouiviu Day,' Mr. Tal- day. It seems he was drivinghome bot's daughter: � arena, was yil arried to rINT fro+u Sc. 7'nanias, where he had gone to . l' >t t1 MY tr ou ;� ' Mr. Harry Painigt:l, of Toronto. blies t„ meet his sistvr-in-jaw, when the horse � , OVERlido It If'' u neem brain fomes a will cure you• and metra a matt ; + Mand Panne! f. Loudon ante<i 6$ � z; of you. Vader its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified sothuk + - ran aiway and thPew both out ftf the a• ^tttrimples, blots ea and ulcers disappear; the nerves become, strong as steel, so • . (( r bridesmaid, and;. Xii. Joseph Talbot, ori. Cita nervousness bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eves become bright, a rlk,>, i!)e lady CECiipl d vi'ith a.lAW blight » the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sex- or of the bride,. WAS bH6t man. ua1•systents are invl• orated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system i t 1. fit jnrios but Mr. Blallyard did not fare a0 �r• The various or ens i)ecomo natural and manly. You feel ourself a man and 1.uosP The T e nt r the rid c> 1, X17} o For. 11dr.. stud Mrs. IIaunel will. reside in s y writer ilio_ t�oflU was tttllt� w(•il,sustaiuiug;sevrtreinjuriesandttbGd ig marriage cannot boa failure. we invite all the a�lictedtoconsult its conSdeatiatly _ Toronto. F and free of c ar e. Dont let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned al+ttk:ng; Up, dollars WX WIJ, CU:CL YOU OR NO PAY. his is PROVED by the fact that the BUSINESS in British Troop Oil Liniment is una)tr. lg fire treat acid cur9 NI,RVOUS DUBILITY, SrXUALWrDARNESS, EMTS- The �TUgdSttrClt Waggon- Co, have passed b w ,BIONS, SYPHIItIS, GLEET, STRICTURR, VARICOOLLE KIDNEY and -r habltaiars of the world USE it. p y any IinimenOoil thenittrket ate 1314ADDERDISE'.l,SE3, and all diseases peculi rto=anandwoman.Curesguaran- t(g ret (! r() remain iu':1�('ooclsGoek if their to -day. It is comportd of healing;, �;� teed. r Now manufactured in three of the great countres, VIZ ; t`,00thin and Y r' "I '•A.reyou avictim? !lave you lost hope? Are you contemplating t a:a,st axil:. uG it; iitieci t,t X5,000 for 10 years; - F g vegetable oils and �� 1 R M extracts. It le tit ti ill Iar a bottles. a' � 1 !imirr[age? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weals - Canada, United- States and Germany, )t ate ulry loan them $10,000 tit 4 per P , p ` � 2 t c 4ness? Otir New Method Treatment will curoyou. Consuitastion. a for the small prlC o 25 cents• rrec+. No ,natter_ who has treated ti, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge - for , The Canadian Pacific Railway have over 200 is use ! luetit. 1lnyable in 20 years; if the city also cha_ le enable. tt3ooksFreo,�heGolden Monitor” [illustrated]onDisea s'oi � iii hu � s the 't�'oodbnrn Mills site for $2,000 The people of Hallet believe in the ! men 'i)iseases oti women" a"£he,Wages of Skull "Varicocole, Stricture and CGloet >a They I;tIOW a GOOD thing All sent Free sealed. •y ..• •, and preseutg"it to file Wagon Company, good old adage that -it is not well for , man to livo alone " : No modiclne sent Ll. 0. 1). Wo names on boxes or envelopes, E4rylhing ,90DIVE OF ITS ADVAATA:G3i'1,S : Notict of tt ),�-levy to .grout this aid to or Eaeniai: either, � confi'Jcs:t'izi. Qv9stim fist.. rd Cost of Treatment, FREE, for Rome Cure. the Woodstock Wagon and Mauufactur- for that matter, and have been putting � visible writing stars to finish. Portability, weigh only 15 pounds. , it into Practice- Recently Da iss Ida ^' I � Ing{ Co. has beers given in the Council. 1 _ r?)lanifolding, beats them ail. Alibrnment, posit v and permanent. ,I a �,'e KEROM Dnratimity, hardened steel parts. Sitnpitcity,800partsas against14W! !lie Seutiitel•Reviery opposes the bonus, Britton, the hlgltly estt>etnrd ciRag;btere WAuuANTED by, a well known Canadian Company here to back it up. � so it is not likely to ,get the necetwiry of Mr. John BHtton, was marixed to 148 SHELBY BY STS DETROIT MICH. f throo-fifths vote. Mr. B. Emersoit of Aldinf,oba; and a �,p .e If ilia, ohildFeu require physic ttone few days since Vr. I. M. Adams and ° � 4 �' ° 1° p ° � " � � +► • acts t,o Bice as Miller's Worm Powders; Miss Wbo4tlAy were united ill matri- 'YOU W ASTP, that Intteh if you BUY any OT,HFIR, Lind yutl F 0 very pleasant to talco. Sold by Colin A. ninny's bonds, rhile last week Mr. Cumpbeli. Misha Walker, o East Witwanosh, and krT C3 +'T SO GOOD a maehinz l Misty U. Snell; � rht'or of Gao. Snell, A pretty event took place at the taxi- . ,,JUD PrInti-11"r 'S` E WILLIAMS NCF4 � . Lim ted deuce a! the brido's n3atiier, Iiawtllorne Fere made one. .All these were solemn. today. MONTREAL. P. Q. Bank, on Wednesday morning, Nov. ized by Rev. T. 1. Coapland. • 20th, when. Mr. 11. R. Finlay, - of' Rapid Probably one of the worst exhibitions In this progrsr$sing ale a business firm cannot t>fford t0 use • City, Manitoba and Miss Madge Finlay of Cruelty that fins ever come to our were. united iii matrimony, ilia caro- hearing was enacted by a young man of Poor. printing; The quality of ;its stationery is the index to its mony being performed by !lir. F. J. oat- .town last week. We will withhold the worth. Customers and the public ;generally want ho be' ttelr on, M. A., of Lucknow. While wed niime this time but if lie again reheats Sign than neat and attractive printing. THE TIMES ding march was being played by Mrs. A. an net of the kind vve shall ceroduly presses are prepared to furnish just what is wanted in - R, .Allen, of Ingersoll, the bride, who make his name polio. After capturing was given away by her brother, Mr. R. a sparrow he di ,estod the poor little g= ' _ } Finlay, entered the room weariwa creature of all its feathers and thou r r 0�• � � gown of white silo, organdie,with whito suhjeeted it to ail Aindt of tortnre be- 09L�° ehifPon trininting , and carrying attho>S• fore coating it out ii3to it 1"reeziilgc at- ' tetter Heads Statements or bouquet of wbite, rores and similax, modphere to perish from the cold. Such0,1 t E shtilnaful and barbarous cruelty id m dis-1+ UedS Memerandums .t �'1 �' FF:S grace and Can anIy too attributed to an gig r• ,g g- y� find � E .6*r: inhuman and heartless wretelt.•--•Exeter f{D 170aUs Clllfe�d es ' AdvO+eate. And t� t For Wants Z11c1 Cilittia;ea, The essential lung -healing principle of Hid all Office Supplies. the pine tree has finally been success- .. ; a1'felaa . fully separated burl'refinedinto a perfect A. Good' rtgaisnera a etq cuugh medicine,•• Dr, Wood's Norway' VOW. fine Syrup. Said by all dealers on a grarantee of stltiefaction, Price 2b• !'► �+ o After an illness 4f oi2ly boon, a iveeli'ti cents. r 3 . f If d�► �1 I t"ti p I X6'9 g 1 duration An old pioneer aur. resident of . Perhaps no detyth batt occulted ill Cheap R moo' }� 1� i4 Illi Tuckerstuith, has died in the person of L"xeter thAt has s Profoundly affected r' ' , +: mois derate ot price, yott will theta best kind to hate the ibest. get bfv printing, eer nnd 1 escrilptie John Crawford, Huron road. He was every one AvUh sai:rovr *a that of Mrs'yaeility of the advanced age of 84 ears 8 mole• Jaines V. Itussell, whase spirit took its tnpning Out good work in the shortest time. Thts office Is equipped', ' the and 14 days, t; Mr. Crawford was of flight on Thursday night, Nov*.. 28th. fist jobbers, elird atld pA t r Cutters stapling Machine Abd i Irish descent and was born in the coup• T'.tto deoeagod ha& given birth to twins t It' r IT all mon . � convcnionCes. , • , ty of ,Autr1M, Xrelaud, iii the year 1817, ori i't ovember the 14th and was apparattt- t corning to this eottutry with his parents ly tin a fair Wit tR recovery, when she ` in 1837 ltnd i< catiag at Il<ingntotl, At 20 wig 35Pert;ome by ,:hills and taking it YOU WANT Yearn of age he jeuled the na at Fort tarn forthe worse !,,pee(! ill a state of "'• Aind Henry, and the year lollownig they semi-co7uselouprit,6s from 'which shot Programmes Wedding Stationery oatue ul) to Tudkorsmith lit Huron+coult. wet+er recovered. Mrs, Bussell, Whose ty and took up it farm ou the London maiden naino was. Sarah Mary Sweet, Catalogues Businoss Notices toadtttl cleated, Iii 185fl h e mate married % little south ter of Mr. TfZos. Sweet, residing n , WO Jane Cin lisle, of Be ee Iwhioh was then gill 'tylia ear. - uz ybut novr c airs ago taws, was marvied about lendar5 or Aut;tirlrl Bills Tto far !tits (adutl,ttt t`gre+ctrt, I26atauiantai, JuiotirtMr fY6>k$,iibtatdai".. MOrbit and Barbdrd " , and she has since made' CAU. Shdild. `Iltay baai++h bait►. tad s $1660, nod Prolong 1ife GIN VS A 4d ><+t.it ks ntt6 riv�k rtliell N6 tttatter w t'a thrmatter, Ane M, di-rea with a; familybf,silt obildren�--Mgrs. Exeter !ler homd, the'was a kind neigh. " v • ,t.,.d. 'PaMt MuiittlW Arad• !$ti thousand terra- S. T. Jackson ofti le Mrs, Cl, bot lovin mother and true ixieltEl h%tbeltilinnb(ta°udat]:xai r2tcapYarkGiNt: ' 11'r t dr I[ont$itii, 2ttt1 coat„ ,illi llfra;• J'a,area,..B. ilia wilt aged .2G yearn, 10 nilt>rxtilit• e.itd McLean, both of Tilckersinitht 4mas ail. 24 clays. Besides the sortowltig husband. T H E TIMES OFFICI r the hoiuestead, WllliatA Z. in Ripley, au& two babes, she lotLysit a family of and Rtilbert C„ now sattsudirtg the Oct. foe it, the oldest of whioli being only ' t Iege of Ast%,waoy in To>tonto, It, yaarw of itge.