HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-06, Page 12r1l, THE t'1.1NGTIA t b t * - - - .. carnia listrtii thix we t It alioukl a. restantif u that basses; wa4 bis be i+a aessa- gA FEW Thu fAxuaer$ will $0011 be ai)le tt) 1xt ,t+u 1)y farm hunters, I.• ;, tiuu oC tilde tlraiunp twirl, tAl4e Button trade. a dozen of egg;$ for a ton of oof►l-- I �_,� .� , �;�,�. beginlaying n , 1t ` 131a0k and Na trfialal klottii aura tklese: are unless the hc+u$ be it over Cintt!, '! Aorwt i t the tth a `l l+�njuli nn Ter' . k a n C •Yront'!'Slitultslro p salpposad to tliillt i3 the trouble. ill cleared, gocxl huilsl li;'� )urgain, We l� --••.A, Kingston luau dropped cleac1 na' .: ti n Aoresat 'asst th Avarei+crate fiatnu+ �j n Our (�f , Dr. Chisholut has been oomp Ging the result of ilia exertions in shovelling 200 , pr at•itl bt, ►i) ;,;c'.tt+c+r. lira; bargainSuggestion Not � Come in Ou VsoreAbout the laoli for years. ` be only yet, rj mile from hr oar, P O andstore . p snow off the sidewalk in front of Ilia res, way to get over the trouble wAfla oewe1' y �- � (� llcresin the tlns�'CatcnHltit) of liott'iek 1il/jfi,nnt �}S idesics, but, there are a good' mall Wits u 100 c•learecl, in good hbape, Rplendit� 111tH t to Ottery tilt gXaxbaig;o to ;110 river. The ' buildings, corner fang;, can 1x+ bad ekes;). n p t ,• hamltes who will fie, er die frons the If yoti tt'aat to buy or sella fE t engmird 1,1 1) '� Suggestion. letter was Algid. carne cristae$, i at #1)iR ailit:e, r9.�ub))a6v, Ileal E4tata Agent, Christmas Suggestion. , r A communication: was read, from W14. WinghAiil. UClegg requesting the reduction of taxes ai410 0014 mai" be Qya+lit is A airxl►p bgti�iag ViWpCresolene, wlaic'A has been extensively Christimilas, ouAccountof warehouse being burned, isuse sox ttveatyfourwears. Alldtugglots. COAT FQUND, * aua 01.1 the oattuetsi will beoause of it Le- -�--�- 1lQessls. ?. UoLaohlau & Co. of ing idle. y A. light colored ream x ctvr+t•cuttb olid past• of It as moved b M:cKpiusis and Bell _the Canada, Bukilles$. College Chatham, giozvee; nu Of ,the poc`cketily, ontOi tc beii1etll kit sOnumr Spend a little, time with us and you will get a llslBt of, Bensitale hints. g Our, Fur. Prices mean Big w � Ont..have always Advertised in, rt very 'aa leave the same by provintg property stud We are making prices for same of the most wantable lilies very unusual as p Dent.. be anade a start fora big Christmas business, If you are in doubt as to, the capacity than a. xtldttoGioll. Of b0 per effectual way, their latest departure' paying pxpcnses, i ,sing to antclne who has iau the oat moil mill and tlse remission li y I' WM, txpa�r, I� urs to bi We want Y oL1 • ; of taxes on warehouse from time of fire. 1s certainly a poser and iriustoarry g;ra Rt Win �haiu P, O. of your table for Christmas dinner, Seo what we bac a from G,QQ tip to «el share In. this, advantage Anti-•Cilrried. Voigio Wvirh ilio young mail or woulau $13.50, Nothing will be more appreciated than All Gat;, Quarter Cato,` n o ca and ing tet I�clenzie-AxoIndoo--That a great of �v�io contemplates taXziul; i� court;•+ of Pt)listled iiarkers, Prices within the range of everybody. A fixe assort• urge-t u t ll p g y QT i �' , A $10 be mads to Mrs. ,Axel, as oharft..-- shorthand or'business training They �^ Inept of A I� 'J; N` u ii. N I T iT R �' anti; as Indies' Work Baskets the first: chance, y tire giving; testimonials from a number Parlor Tahle3 and Odd Cb:sirs, i11 white enamel. �1 bundle of those Bata- CiL1T19d. Notice is here-by given that the partnership ' ^, a of former pupils whose s0ftries Average heretofore sub,Ristini; between its, the guider• boo Tables Fla •a5c our Couches are just what. yo want, Qul' 1' ..510 Ala�t:a ~able Ciiper nex, xepulEr rI1QAldGE C101pt1TTEE, `' $2760, And one of those will appear eaoll 'ills been this fitly dig the olvled by` nuvunl consent; F D It 0 0 ?v1 S U I T r S are quick sellers, li(1,0o, Rnocial, 26.G0. The following accounts were rec4m- weel;. They further allow where the All debts owing tooiesoidpnrtnersllipnreto • We have already started to store Dods to be delivered Christmas Lye• FilealtriO Seal with yoke, regular mended to be aid b the Finance Com- be paid to David Lou •tic Il b whom tits buns 3 is A22.40, special . 18X0'. p • T earnings of their pupils who pIaCHCl , the Haid Tart anotia al unci all claims i)f ainst For a Neat, Pratt l�aSinatl�t Xmas l the Ralicl pnrtncrship sin to ba preRbntacltothe Gift ' Astripitki and Sertl Capaxfut+;regal- mlttee: during; ibe last year- alone, reAoh nearly, said David Louglived, by v+1)om ilio same will + ye , come t0 iar 615.00 special, $10.00. Wing;liani Elec. Light Co , .. 40 04 ($200,000,) Two Hundred Thousand Dol. by Ratttecl. J. L. Davis, supplies...... ..... s0 Dated sit Wliaghain this 21st clay of, Nurem- a 4 Special Coon.:co ts,•Np 1,Geuts, Wits. R,obgrtsou, salary......... iG 00 lars,. They are results that must have a bcm,1901. REST BALL ,%e � � � �n C t $ tolling effect in decid%n .the prospective Witness S SiRncd W .T, SCOTT, RESIDENCE—P ATMCK ST. T V V regular $u0. , Jus. Nelson, labor on street,.,,.. g g R, VANSTONE. 1 f4 DA.PTD LOUGHS D O� B. Graoey s fotmor residence, 20 Ladies' Astrfcmn Coats. npeaial Smith &Pet ck, supplies.. G 00 pupil. _ -- tvlloronightCalls will receive Furniture Dealers prices from 14,50 to $50.00, George Mason, stationery, eta.. , 8 55 prompt attention, OR BALE•-•A splendid 100 nese turn), dl Coats, very fine, V. ti anuorman, services, revision rult�. L' miles from town, on thel4th eoncosaipu o� and Gn(�e�"�ia�ers., `2 Peratnit Lamle 10 ,)5 EastWawanoch is offered for sale; wellfenced h�a.0(1 efi0li. Voters' list , . ..... .. ,... . v , J. B. Fergtpson, services, revision tIART1t—InEaet Wnwattoslt, 011 N <)mber l0acren valuable cedar; never-failim sl>riIli! 0 Stt1+IH surfs,$.GO, �10.00� and , 99 2G 28th, ilio wife of David Gurria; a son creels; n money malting farm home fit n most Vows list .... ....... . . Closer—Iu Hawick. on Norc+mber , the desirable lostu fty• brick house, good large bank +►!�4♦000 0♦���♦ ♦♦♦♦��♦�� 4tlO�O♦00�♦1��♦�N�ON♦♦O♦1 • A. Sanderson, teeming and water- wife of ,Tames Gibson; a daughter, barn and out•bulldings. Farms so near this + ing street....... 11 00 HUxmiaa• 111 Cranbrook, on November 20th, Apply l fiowlt ore, sura to al, reaRa in value, + Apply to A. Dulwage, ileal Esfata Agent, Hanlla & Co.,, supplies , .F. 85 the wife of John Hunter; a daughter. Wingham• ♦ �e URGSS Hoak &Ladder CO , services 7 50 Vi@wAnr—Tn Grey, on November 2501, thq GOODS. Johu acrandrett; wood.... . 6 19 wIfo of So1m Dienary; a sod. ♦ After the 1 J, D. Burns, supplies 0 GG DZED. Jeno. Moffatt, statute labor, tp. F.►nxracn—in West Wnwanpsh. on December At extraordinary prices ` to 'Purnberry... .. 1 50 ard, Wm. wesloy Farrier, aged 70 years, 8 ll// ♦♦ maker room for our. display of Tp. Tumbeiiy, taxes, less $2,00, . 3 2A months and 20days. Insurance Prt-mium, National I. CAMYNDLT-1n McKillop, on November 24th,, Catherine McDonnkl,.;wife of James Campbell, p Christmas goods. Fancy goods. W. on ,10,000.. ... , 427 05 V ` aged 47 years. ♦ . W, J. Greer, supplies, w.w, . , 1 50 ♦. xT wire rax yoir it>,sT. 5 6fi-inoll $om•PaputYa, i Cheviots, P. Morden, repairing ceiling' of - ♦ ♦r"1 Broadcloths and Beavers,in fill, hall.... , ... , .... .. 1 80 NOTICE 1 J. V �. C &NADAGF BUSINESS T OLLEG thw SnP�ST R11fl�lPa�. Just the+ Andrew Hood, Labor on streets. , 19 9b ( • unodtr frnl Winker Snits, and Jits. ''Brock, " 16 68 Will give you fit this and succeeill issues of We too bus t0 Mote ;•ices Heavy Skirts. Bold ill the Chas. Barber, " " 75 this ipapart testimonials from foe f its farmer y p ♦' o The Annual Meeting, of ti students, whose combined s tries art, over rox!nilYir scaly at $1.25 per yard. —Carried'.. - $21000 per annum—a aver a of $2,750 onch. � � � but we invite every. person. to ca.I Also 20 niticea aEsorted, from Bluevalaj Chpe$e and Bu r Faetoi?y Whnt do you ttlink of it stags every issue and inspect our new stock of Crock.- bob bob to 750. Satur.4y; age. Newton—BMcKenzial—ThaC the farm a Company, Li ted, of titin parer. $ : ♦' properties receive the usual exemptions, if circum %,,.,e not permit of your ery, Consisting of and the exam tions nude . bylaws be Will be ]xe Id in thepm�o,fs' Ha11, Bluevale,on taking our rogu r urges, remember flint wep teach Bookkee Shorthand and Pounian. j —TEA AND. DINNER Monday,28rdDeeember,1901 ship BY MAIL• If you cannot reach us we can jj + �`!-*�q1 made.=Carried. rcu,ch oll. SETSVII GGK M [■ LI at 1.80 o'clock p. mthe submission of the - �+ troll. our Catalogue or Muil Conroe + ' A. Council adjourned. Annual Report. The decision of the question Circulars. ♦ --TOILET SETS, ASSORTED of whether butter or cheese shall be made • during the incominff year. The election of It CULUOSS. Board of Directors, and the transaction of any St. Paul, Minn., April 19, IM. I�ANCX CHINA In Carpets, Rugs and Cur• other business that may come before the meet• Mu. D. AlcLsoar.�x, ♦' IN COBALT, B'LVE _ ♦ j The directors of the Culross Mutual In Chatham Ont, ♦ ' thins, Ready-wear Clothing, g' By seder, afind orris in,—'!t is Impossible exp bre for mo . ♦ AND GOLD, i.. Fire Insurance Co. met in the'town lull, JOHN BURGESS; Secy. to find words in which to esprens my ap• ' Booth and Shoes, Blankets, Teeawater, oa Nov. 93rd. Ali members Bluevale, Dec. ard,1001. i tireointiott of your institution, rte I Don- We have all Our aces Christmas ' -♦ Rxler the time spentin learning the art of ' i Bookkeeping and Bhorthand has nor¢ t Sheetings and Mantles.. befog present and the president.-in tilt - R i Fruit and Peels, just stressed. • r chair. NOTICE T O CREDITORS than amply repaid e, nor p esen ttlpally r i You will be •interested 1• and fivanclalty. Ione my present os All applications were examined and tion and success i ani now ivied I your lip �TAKEr I�TOTIOE that Alexander lnitlt of the thorough training I received sen eri in your y j*OLl 'once come. lilt, I TAKE of Wingl)am in the Coin colleen I And el me t experience that %to aCCoptCd, y of Duron most e)wontial element in business. to � ?1r'�1'6�'�Q•'N.'♦+� �, lbass laude an assignment of is estate and j early at . F.eid—Ballttgh—ThaC by-law No. eifectk to the in trust for I creditors, sur- tlnderstantl bopkkeeping nnc1I Wineskin- Shop "' �� r suint to R.. S. 0.,189 Ch cr 147 and Amend- diclly yny that I hnvu diel no difficulty ♦ • r,• mein¢ n, by-laity • to levy and Colla .t ,vhntevtir in handling a set of books. ♦ ! sag ActR and that ing of ]lis creditors To yotFtiY men pr.avmnon rho dewire to +. f )i\iucrensing{ Res4rve Fund and fox -will be hold at 901, Mc$i1111011 Bl(ls;„ fit themu;elver: for ratppilsiltle positions. I �� r earner.of:Jprdan + ld Melinda Stre¢ty in the RIFFIN S other purpose, ba nOW read a first, City of •lotonto on Wednesday, the 4th day of �vouldreCoiiwtr fid ilte)n iiyall mY+rtuR to second and rthfrd time. and 'passed. Decefnbr r,190I, Tot-onto, #3`o'cloclr,%it th¢ afternoon to take a pourRu tltrotlgh, your institution. e apppoI t inspectors, provide for their rerauner_ malt 'best wishes for your success; iris- ' f M C I N 0 ®® Carried. ati0n and dixpORe of tilt estate. . f a • All oreditoira must file their claims, Properly Yaur, ainceroly d ♦♦ ♦O♦♦�O♦.♦♦♦♦♦.♦♦.1 ♦+♦<J Ii♦�♦♦♦♦40♦♦♦t ♦♦♦♦♦+♦4♦ / ♦ Reid—Donaldson—That• as there► ie verified and vouched kith me on or before the U n:s A. UAMI MY,, ' ? + 2£th day. of D'ecetnber, 1901, ,titer which date I formerly of Dresden, Ont, $28.41 on the treasurer s books for 1$98 shall distributo the osteate, having reference Bhtee this letter was written, Mr. Cninpbell and 1589 that should have been cancelled only to such claims as I shill have had notice hd.4 beat. itdvanced from the ,position of it "t NOTab. a of, ant to that of manager at double the salary and $16,06 levied on 'premium - notes CHESTER E. T. FITZC#1tIRAL'U, received then. What tive havci done for him we Rey. A. E. Prior preached in the Cor,- • where parties have left the country, that ' Trustee. can do for cLAOothipro. Continued Story Ahout Pills t I p 900 Mcliinno$B1dg.,TDronto, Ont. D. MCLAGHLAN ,� CO., Chatham, Out. gr gtational church at Listowel oil. Sun-1 said amounts be now written of€ the i day last. 1 books. Carried. Theuety St, Helens English church Ballagh-McDouald—Tbat A.. But- �villbeopenedfor divine service onDeO. ehait's priutfrga taccot. of $1.72' be prod. ® Aro you losing flesh? 15th. Rev. R. lq: Shams of''Woodstock Carried. 111 qvb;; Resildit will be the preacher. The sacred The following inslgectors were flp- ' Hast* is your appetite? concert on Monday evening will be an pointed for 1902;-Geo. Cruickshank;20 � � Poor, ell i Well, why don't yon i attraction. Wingham; Thos. Malcolm, Kiulougl,; -a give Iron Tonic Pills a trial? Rev. A. B. Going of 'Stratford,, who Jiio. McRae, Toeswarer; Robert Grant : , You say that you have tried so The Havas to have preached in the Methodist Teeawater; Wm. G. Moffat•, Teeswater; practical experience in Fur bus+ink"is shown -iri Beery gurtnent many things, but without the desir- church on: Sunday, last, did not come Frank Henry, Whitechurch; Samuel ed result. a.nd every fsect,of1� ur to be seen in osis big stock. ro11 Pill oWing to Rev. Ra Hobbs' illness. Mr. Braden, giiiluar;; Wm. Artl;ou, Glen- _ Well, that is just exactly what. Jno.:Kovr took the service in the morn- annau; Jno. McDenzie, holy roo'd'; J110. The Claims ,"'of the Gurdon Fur' Stock � ° most of our best customers said be- • ` ing and Mr. Jno. Buchanan in the even- N. Lygau, Purple Grove. t fore tine they tried Iroh Tonic Pills, i' . 1, ing, Meeting adjourned to meet on the last ,(fin your eonsi(teratlon .ire not to be measured by what can be Tonic t and S We persuaded there to snake a ii' e l f ' Miss Maggie Melville, returned liiis- Saturday in Dec. tt%latl:tin the nevtispaper'/, -We try to iul�ress,the .fact that only good trial; and now we aro receiving Oiir , - D. MCINTOSII, Secy-Treas. FareAre t and here an h t s' • - •e remarkably ow — I thanks ill the shape of sales' mado ■ sionary. to AfrfOri,, ails speak in the Con !�. tl. t a uc,h al ,l �rlced: ' Pills p grregittional church coming Sunday but there's no lna"gunitnit likeI seeiIng, through their recommendation. ; ` ISS + morning. Miss Melville is a bright and. MINOR LOCALS. ' Are you in need of a tonic ? earliest woman, and knows how to brink We Stand 'Bate Ot � Our `Furs.' Try a box. . r � •• i out the interesting things in connection • with her'work in Central Africa You -Tile Scottish concert 0u Jflunary 9. If an urworthy Fur flndq place in on) stock, . its not your Use ;e ) —See Ball Bros. adv for a Christmas fault and not •your` o s- Our I+'ilrt are wAde in such a way* from will miss a "good 'thing" if you fail to - + Put up in boxes—about 00 in a box—at 25e i i' attend the morning service. Rev. A. gift. such btock that, tberks no excuse foil abvtlllbg' but entire satisfap; each, 5for S1,00 Will be sent post paid Marg;rett will preach in the evening, on -See what Hutchison says about fruit Lion. We s' ldtilj;,bla a a complaint And never a dissatisfaction ; � on receipt of price. � we don't.do �u,tnel)t,lli`1.t WAY. Our burs Lire Fashionable, Dur, x "The Call of the Bride," This may be for Xmas.ti .. .. .. , the last time you will have too- 0 or- able and Comfortab!*As hd yotl pay only for the ;li urs--•nvthiing'tor � • t z. y pp� Santa Clans is beginning to look over the name. A lzirgoel`Atoek than you usually sec, and louver prices t tunity of hearing Mr, Marg;rett oil his his stooldn trade. for the same r ullli't f �•' 1 m a q i . t rvott e'er ran across' 1� e'give a'TW(7 Al LY Hamiltona" Drunisf winth�0t1 present visit to 1in>Yham. Evers body-Blankets again is the tally of Geo. t cordially iavitel to these evangelistic years guarantee Kith better coats. Manners in his adv;, 1p i�d fvd d4 ��► O/d R.�i►tie 1vd V b�'�►� N+"`� services. . —Mrs. (Dr.) Wilsson has been quite ill y�. y �e VT t? 9 a y "d �. � O1: `� Store O yen CLAiM FOR DAMAGES. but isim ronin sly htl 9 P_very might' --The Wfngham flax milts are adver- • IgyNeglect of Health Regulations the Town tided for sale il]t the'dtiilies. Direct Importer. •. l.)iiring`Deceniber. Ma h / } Ratti vp Against a. Claim for Damages •••-W. J: Scott has ol;ened a, restaurant —Not much Bu'si'ness None. • , next door to A. 11. Carrs feed store Tlie December meeting of the Town - The School Board will hold its reg- ,ARE 0f;Ouncil tof�kplace an Moutlaq evening;.ANY alarmeeting next Tuesday' evening.' �� There was. little business dote as all An attempt to make wlifskgyc out of tgtAre 1t11xious to get upstairs where � . �• �� r �flow prr=Yt'iler Iso is was speaking. Thor tvae watermelons is befu#� made in Baltimore �., � EAD e rte .itaitiit d'atnagT(ra for c1fR�•atH tali- •--••Young & Sons liaise an interesting t You ' - �%;;%"0 a t ion a l n'r . r� a� j; trflt rt1,i Yravi t')itt c,r,ax-1)nol ou Patrick talk about heating stoves in their adver- : e stetvr,'tot+lichth 7.r.uistallecl att0u. tisement'��ii�Week. DEAF e � +; t•„, oI'�/�� �` ,.,,,� • ;,� Ts wanted here••- yes--wanted At oneee- •'fol there's a stin arid' 4/1• lree tiutas the poet Beason. , ... No person without a. permit will be ALL CAS=S C) Chill in-this Decein'b'er afY that i5fo lises all gorts 'd trouble to - batt t ductio certain taxed and the allowed to land in Natal or Cape Colony ' eXc•.itt tloD4 W , • y • w'tr tis t , o 1' The ieduction of c; �, care passed. ',Cita iuxaritnce after �anuaxy 1,1002, DEAF�' HEARINthe marl whose house has IZOt of 11.• ro er heatifl a arl�tl'S ' . prit-0)lin rte tit” Irtttionill Iron �Vorlt, Air, 11. Davis was the first mat to pre- �� d®4Jt\r1i � ��g9 You'll et alt that 1S coliilri to Olt if y �r eat- g y you buy one of our h 1vA y'?r.0 r. stent us ;stili a calendar ids 1002—the . in stoves,. The quality at the rice is oils powerful ar utilentw by our itctviitveiltton• Only those born deaf are incurable. p a . .. 4 *1'l:cs ll irll,ers present were AfAy0i Royal I1lsuranee Compal�y`. � y Cl a7ld Mesarg. Holmes, XoWtott, _,, HEAD NOISES � EDl� " it ILc$enzie, Maallidoo and hull. Wingtitfitn is it �viudy town any. , Troubles W2j " Wroxeter Star. Never mind �� • The miii'dWS Of last motlug wt:.r y' _ V. A. WERf1flAN, fYp kEA1.i1M m,Ti, spYsl ' ' Brat'. Ilea we have the wherewithal to li�r.i•i�fahm, ata., :ltarctt 30, tgt,i. • . IsN)tJehi�)); - -netor; etit,eely eared of deafn4s.4, thnithato your treatinint, I will nbty give you ,Are bound to increase as the whiter advrances, if otl are •fib nod and, tendo slack nr our trot;* with, a full li%toty of my ease, to be tined at your discretion. � i ootiSi43L nicat4tion vti 6 read fr0tn Mrs. , About five years ago illy sight ear began to'sing, anti thi I kept oil getting worse, ;nail T lest _Mr, Fred Seyfort liaa miotadwiah Aty'i,earitigillthiscarentirely. deli rc arCCi �tsr its'stinging blast. l��iJllr filYnaCe 10t'.cdS'Y olaltitut" that bar family had 0011" I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three lnonthte, without Ally success, roiisttited a t+mn• .� � r! y tx r • i his family to, Mr. SegPert has %(!rbf physic)an4, Rittong others, iltrnfost .utinentearspecialist of thiscity. Who told me that pairs, let tis Ili, It up flow, vV a are the argeSt SiClVF: r� aI'''Ci htherfa while playing ata p 't�Ottlwl �� � � 7yt', accepted the.iYtTsfticlll'ol superinf@ndet.t sooty All bperatioif caf)Id bets u,at, nrt<l tacit that pulytetn )arat•ily, tltattitcheadnoiscYtwbtttr1 tt�tsswl l ofiG Patrick street, lien then cease, butlhe hearil,giYi the affected car would lie lost iforevcr. house iti town. We study' Four convenience and rocu 1, r , tt P1: tr et, o, $org in the now chair ractory in that town. I theft saW yye'itr a ive-f mmealt aeclilenially lit a Now York paper, and ordered your treat. • � �' ro lA n,.vy Ineht. After I Itad used it only a few dayq according to year directions. the noises ceased, Rud airs and erfor 1, won't, at the least Possible expense and a gaeaaui lttinl t work ttYr)ni'lY illness a Cllnere Catite oat o11 Monday h�aratilyafnitrlUcgiariiiWW a .ltcariaf"ttthe �uldiseased gburi ear has )eentlltirelyreRtaYcd. Xtltati>Gyott � l� ` � 1� V y lratva'mrl rn' 17+rt'1 tr, t>fiatrl „it • Tsui s +1#i lttA eoluniUs oIi thtj editorial e y roadway, nalthnore, Ud. io once to y Cf 'l, #3 a?�lta` t' etxtaar0W 4608 atayt intda, ere' It- th, 0tca 1 $' u' l ae A,.it"I Ala, ,sb e,11 1'ir!r+t) a tins,.;+„�a• ar' years +fw'ial'ar 13y half. •'G�0 wnAiflerif tTsO•cilan a • � +f” 9/ » �iaatrti orearpt'ilflay�,.' •- ' to, tttsstalis tatiKdw arab isQe be0iu>ts0 tri expancliligz i�fetvli,*a;v3cttilaYfeand tit i+nry"ie><ististittl r a Boarrl Off 0r WAS it i'•tirliwltive of tilts Liberal policy YOU ' AN CURE YOU ZELF A NODE INTERNATIONAL AURAL OLIN-Ids 696 LA SALLE AVL1 GWIPA0% ILL, ra laser`., sod Wa>,1�'.ks r•lma � j «� , tis • , a. 7t v 1 , :A•. S 5.. •