HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-06, Page 12r1l,
* - - - .. carnia listrtii thix we t It alioukl
a. restantif u that basses; wa4 bis be i+a aessa- gA FEW
Thu fAxuaer$ will $0011 be ai)le tt) 1xt ,t+u 1)y farm hunters,
I.• ;, tiuu oC tilde tlraiunp twirl, tAl4e Button trade. a dozen of egg;$ for a ton of oof►l-- I �_,� .� , �;�,�.
beginlaying n ,
1t ` 131a0k and Na trfialal klottii aura tklese: are unless the hc+u$ be it over Cintt!, '! Aorwt i t the tth a `l l+�njuli nn Ter' . k a
n C
p salpposad to tliillt i3 the trouble. ill cleared, gocxl huilsl li;'� )urgain,
We l� --••.A, Kingston luau dropped cleac1 na'
.: ti n Aoresat 'asst th Avarei+crate fiatnu+ �j n Our
(�f ,
Dr. Chisholut has been oomp Ging the result of ilia exertions in shovelling 200 , pr at•itl bt, ►i) ;,;c'.tt+c+r. lira; bargainSuggestion Not � Come in Ou VsoreAbout the laoli for years. ` be only yet, rj mile from hr oar, P O andstore .
p snow off the sidewalk in front of Ilia res,
way to get over the trouble wAfla oewe1' y �- � (� llcresin the tlns�'CatcnHltit) of liott'iek 1il/jfi,nnt �}S
idesics, but, there are a good' mall Wits u 100 c•learecl, in good hbape, Rplendit� 111tH t
to Ottery tilt gXaxbaig;o to ;110 river. The ' buildings, corner fang;, can 1x+ bad ekes;). n p t
,• hamltes who will fie, er die frons the If yoti tt'aat to buy or sella fE t engmird 1,1 1) '� Suggestion. letter was Algid. carne cristae$, i at #1)iR ailit:e, r9.�ub))a6v, Ileal E4tata Agent, Christmas Suggestion. ,
r A communication: was read, from W14. WinghAiil.
UClegg requesting the reduction of taxes ai410 0014 mai" be Qya+lit is A airxl►p bgti�iag
ViWpCresolene, wlaic'A has been extensively Christimilas,
ouAccountof warehouse being burned, isuse sox ttveatyfourwears. Alldtugglots. COAT FQUND,
* aua 01.1 the oattuetsi will beoause of it Le- -�--�-
1lQessls. ?. UoLaohlau & Co. of
ing idle. y A. light colored ream x ctvr+t•cuttb olid past• of
It as moved b M:cKpiusis and Bell _the Canada, Bukilles$. College Chatham, giozvee; nu Of ,the poc`cketily, ontOi tc beii1etll kit sOnumr Spend a little, time with us and you will get a llslBt of, Bensitale hints.
Our, Fur. Prices mean Big w � Ont..have always Advertised in, rt very 'aa
leave the same by provintg property stud We are making prices for same of the most wantable lilies very unusual as
p Dent.. be anade a start fora big Christmas business, If you are in doubt as to, the capacity
than a. xtldttoGioll. Of b0 per effectual way, their latest departure' paying pxpcnses,
i ,sing to antclne who has iau the oat moil mill and tlse remission li y I' WM, txpa�r,
I� urs to bi We want Y oL1 • ; of taxes on warehouse from time of fire. 1s certainly a poser and iriustoarry g;ra Rt Win �haiu P, O. of your table for Christmas dinner, Seo what we bac a from G,QQ tip to
«el share In. this, advantage Anti-•Cilrried. Voigio Wvirh ilio young mail or woulau $13.50, Nothing will be more appreciated than All Gat;, Quarter Cato,`
n o ca and ing tet I�clenzie-AxoIndoo--That a great of �v�io contemplates taXziul; i� court;•+ of Pt)listled iiarkers, Prices within the range of everybody. A fixe assort•
urge-t u t ll p g y QT i �' , A
$10 be mads to Mrs. ,Axel, as oharft..-- shorthand or'business training They �^ Inept of A I� 'J; N` u ii. N I T iT R �' anti; as Indies' Work Baskets
the first: chance, y tire giving; testimonials from a number Parlor Tahle3 and Odd Cb:sirs, i11 white enamel. �1 bundle of those Bata-
CiL1T19d. Notice is here-by given that the partnership ' ^,
a of former pupils whose s0ftries Average heretofore sub,Ristini; between its, the guider• boo Tables Fla •a5c our Couches are just what. yo want, Qul' 1' ..510
Ala�t:a ~able Ciiper nex, xepulEr rI1QAldGE C101pt1TTEE, `' $2760, And one of those will appear eaoll 'ills been this fitly dig the olvled by` nuvunl consent; F D It 0 0 ?v1 S U I T r S are quick sellers,
li(1,0o, Rnocial, 26.G0. The following accounts were rec4m- weel;. They further allow where the All debts owing tooiesoidpnrtnersllipnreto • We have already started to store Dods to be delivered Christmas Lye•
FilealtriO Seal with yoke, regular mended to be aid b the Finance Com- be paid to David Lou •tic Il b whom tits buns 3 is
A22.40, special . 18X0'. p • T earnings of their pupils who pIaCHCl , the Haid Tart anotia al unci all claims i)f ainst For a Neat, Pratt l�aSinatl�t Xmas l the Ralicl pnrtncrship sin to ba preRbntacltothe Gift
' Astripitki and Sertl Capaxfut+;regal- mlttee: during; ibe last year- alone, reAoh nearly, said David Louglived, by v+1)om ilio same will + ye , come t0
iar 615.00 special, $10.00. Wing;liani Elec. Light Co , .. 40 04 ($200,000,) Two Hundred Thousand Dol. by Ratttecl.
J. L. Davis, supplies...... ..... s0 Dated sit Wliaghain this 21st clay of, Nurem- a
4 Special Coon.:co ts,•Np 1,Geuts, Wits. R,obgrtsou, salary......... iG 00 lars,. They are results that must have a bcm,1901. REST BALL
,%e � � � �n C
t $ tolling effect in decid%n .the prospective Witness S SiRncd W .T, SCOTT, RESIDENCE—P ATMCK ST. T V V
regular $u0. , Jus. Nelson, labor on street,.,,.. g g R, VANSTONE. 1 f4 DA.PTD LOUGHS D O�
B. Graoey s fotmor residence,
20 Ladies' Astrfcmn Coats. npeaial Smith &Pet ck, supplies.. G 00 pupil. _ -- tvlloronightCalls will receive Furniture Dealers
prices from 14,50 to $50.00, George Mason, stationery, eta.. , 8 55 prompt attention,
OR BALE•-•A splendid 100 nese turn), dl
Coats, very fine, V. ti anuorman, services, revision rult�. L' miles from town, on thel4th eoncosaipu o� and Gn(�e�"�ia�ers.,
`2 Peratnit Lamle 10 ,)5 EastWawanoch is offered for sale; wellfenced
h�a.0(1 efi0li. Voters' list , . ..... .. ,... .
v , J. B. Fergtpson, services, revision tIART1t—InEaet Wnwattoslt, 011 N <)mber l0acren valuable cedar; never-failim sl>riIli!
0 Stt1+IH surfs,$.GO, �10.00� and , 99 2G 28th, ilio wife of David Gurria; a son creels; n money malting farm home fit n most
Vows list .... ....... . . Closer—Iu Hawick. on Norc+mber , the desirable lostu fty• brick house, good large bank +►!�4♦000 0♦���♦ ♦♦♦♦��♦�� 4tlO�O♦00�♦1��♦�N�ON♦♦O♦1 •
A. Sanderson, teeming and water- wife of ,Tames Gibson; a daughter, barn and out•bulldings. Farms so near this +
ing street....... 11 00 HUxmiaa• 111 Cranbrook, on November 20th, Apply
l fiowlt ore, sura to al, reaRa in value, +
Apply to A. Dulwage, ileal Esfata Agent,
Hanlla & Co.,, supplies , .F. 85 the wife of John Hunter; a daughter. Wingham• ♦ �e
URGSS Hoak &Ladder CO , services 7 50 Vi@wAnr—Tn Grey, on November 2501, thq
GOODS. Johu acrandrett; wood.... . 6 19 wIfo of So1m Dienary; a sod. ♦ After the 1
J, D. Burns, supplies 0 GG DZED.
Jeno. Moffatt, statute labor, tp. F.►nxracn—in West Wnwanpsh. on December
At extraordinary prices ` to 'Purnberry... .. 1 50 ard, Wm. wesloy Farrier, aged 70 years, 8 ll// ♦♦
maker room for our. display of Tp. Tumbeiiy, taxes, less $2,00, . 3 2A months and 20days.
Insurance Prt-mium, National I. CAMYNDLT-1n McKillop, on November 24th,,
Catherine McDonnkl,.;wife of James Campbell, p
Christmas goods. Fancy goods.
W. on ,10,000.. ... , 427 05 V `
aged 47 years. ♦ .
W, J. Greer, supplies, w.w, . , 1 50 ♦.
xT wire rax yoir it>,sT.
5 6fi-inoll $om•PaputYa, i Cheviots, P. Morden, repairing ceiling' of - ♦ ♦r"1
Broadcloths and Beavers,in fill, hall.... , ... , .... .. 1 80 NOTICE
thw SnP�ST R11fl�lPa�. Just the+ Andrew Hood, Labor on streets. , 19 9b ( •
unodtr frnl Winker Snits, and Jits. ''Brock, " 16 68
Will give you fit this and succeeill issues of We too bus t0 Mote ;•ices
Heavy Skirts. Bold ill the Chas. Barber, " " 75 this ipapart testimonials from foe f its farmer y p ♦' o
The Annual Meeting, of ti students, whose combined s tries art, over
rox!nilYir scaly at $1.25 per yard. —Carried'.. - $21000 per annum—a aver a of $2,750 onch. � � � but we invite every. person. to ca.I
Also 20 niticea aEsorted, from Bluevalaj Chpe$e and Bu r Faetoi?y Whnt do you ttlink of it stags every issue and inspect our new stock of Crock.-
bob bob to 750. Satur.4y; age. Newton—BMcKenzial—ThaC the farm a Company, Li ted, of titin parer. $ : ♦'
properties receive the usual exemptions, if circum %,,.,e not permit of your ery, Consisting of
and the exam tions nude . bylaws be Will be ]xe Id in thepm�o,fs' Ha11, Bluevale,on taking our rogu r urges, remember flint wep teach Bookkee Shorthand and Pounian. j —TEA AND. DINNER
Monday,28rdDeeember,1901 ship BY MAIL• If you cannot reach us we can jj +
�`!-*�q1 made.=Carried. rcu,ch oll. SETSVII GGK M [■ LI at 1.80 o'clock p. mthe submission of the - �+ troll.
our Catalogue or Muil Conroe + '
Council adjourned. Annual Report. The decision of the question Circulars. ♦ --TOILET SETS,
ASSORTED of whether butter or cheese shall be made •
during the incominff year. The election of It
CULUOSS. Board of Directors, and the transaction of any St. Paul, Minn., April 19, IM.
In Carpets, Rugs and Cur• other business that may come before the meet• Mu. D. AlcLsoar.�x, ♦' IN COBALT, B'LVE _ ♦ j
The directors of the Culross Mutual In Chatham Ont, ♦ '
thins, Ready-wear Clothing, g' By seder, afind orris in,—'!t is Impossible exp bre for mo . ♦ AND GOLD,
i.. Fire Insurance Co. met in the'town lull, JOHN BURGESS; Secy. to find words in which to esprens my ap• '
Booth and Shoes, Blankets, Teeawater, oa Nov. 93rd. Ali members Bluevale, Dec. ard,1001. i tireointiott of your institution, rte I Don- We have all Our aces Christmas ' -♦
Rxler the time spentin learning the art of '
i Bookkeeping and Bhorthand has nor¢
t Sheetings and Mantles.. befog present and the president.-in tilt - R i Fruit and Peels, just stressed.
• r chair.
NOTICE T O CREDITORS than amply repaid e, nor p esen ttlpally r
i You will be •interested 1• and fivanclalty. Ione my present os
All applications were examined and tion and success i ani now ivied I your
lip �TAKEr I�TOTIOE that Alexander lnitlt of the thorough training I received sen eri in your
y j*OLl 'once come. lilt, I TAKE
of Wingl)am in the Coin colleen I And el me t experience that %to
aCCoptCd, y of Duron most e)wontial element in business. to � ?1r'�1'6�'�Q•'N.'♦+� �,
lbass laude an assignment of is estate and
j early at . F.eid—Ballttgh—ThaC by-law No. eifectk to the in trust for I creditors, sur- tlnderstantl bopkkeeping nnc1I Wineskin-
"' �� r suint to R.. S. 0.,189 Ch cr 147 and Amend- diclly yny that I hnvu diel no difficulty ♦
• r,• mein¢ n, by-laity • to levy and Colla .t ,vhntevtir in handling a set of books. ♦ !
sag ActR and that ing of ]lis creditors To yotFtiY men pr.avmnon rho dewire to
+. f )i\iucrensing{ Res4rve Fund and fox -will be hold at 901, Mc$i1111011 Bl(ls;„ fit themu;elver: for ratppilsiltle positions. I �� r
earner.of:Jprdan + ld Melinda Stre¢ty in the RIFFIN S
other purpose, ba nOW read a first, City of •lotonto on Wednesday, the 4th day of �vouldreCoiiwtr fid ilte)n iiyall mY+rtuR to
second and rthfrd time. and 'passed. Decefnbr r,190I, Tot-onto,
#3`o'cloclr,%it th¢ afternoon to take a pourRu tltrotlgh, your institution.
e apppoI t inspectors, provide for their rerauner_ malt 'best wishes for your success; iris-
' f M C I N 0 ®® Carried. ati0n and dixpORe of tilt estate. .
f a • All oreditoira must file their claims, Properly Yaur, ainceroly d ♦♦ ♦O♦♦�O♦.♦♦♦♦♦.♦♦.1 ♦+♦<J Ii♦�♦♦♦♦40♦♦♦t ♦♦♦♦♦+♦4♦ / ♦
Reid—Donaldson—That• as there► ie verified and vouched kith me on or before the U n:s A. UAMI MY,,
' ? + 2£th day. of D'ecetnber, 1901, ,titer which date I formerly of Dresden, Ont,
$28.41 on the treasurer s books for 1$98 shall distributo the osteate, having reference Bhtee this letter was written, Mr. Cninpbell
and 1589 that should have been cancelled only to such claims as I shill have had notice hd.4 beat. itdvanced from the ,position of it "t
NOTab. a of, ant to that of manager at double the salary
and $16,06 levied on 'premium - notes CHESTER E. T. FITZC#1tIRAL'U, received then. What tive havci done for him we
Rey. A. E. Prior preached in the Cor,- • where parties have left the country, that ' Trustee. can do for cLAOothipro. Continued Story Ahout Pills
t I p 900 Mcliinno$B1dg.,TDronto, Ont. D. MCLAGHLAN ,� CO., Chatham, Out.
gr gtational church at Listowel oil. Sun-1 said amounts be now written of€ the
i day last. 1 books. Carried.
Theuety St, Helens English church Ballagh-McDouald—Tbat A.. But-
�villbeopenedfor divine service onDeO. ehait's priutfrga taccot. of $1.72' be prod. ®
Aro you losing flesh?
15th. Rev. R. lq: Shams of''Woodstock Carried.
111 qvb;; Resildit
will be the preacher. The sacred The following inslgectors were flp- ' Hast* is your appetite?
concert on Monday evening will be an pointed for 1902;-Geo. Cruickshank;20 � � Poor, ell i Well, why don't yon
i attraction. Wingham; Thos. Malcolm, Kiulougl,; -a give Iron Tonic Pills a trial?
Rev. A. B. Going of 'Stratford,, who Jiio. McRae, Toeswarer; Robert Grant : , You say that you have tried so The
Havas to have preached in the Methodist Teeawater; Wm. G. Moffat•, Teeswater; practical experience in Fur bus+ink"is shown -iri Beery gurtnent many things, but without the desir-
church on: Sunday, last, did not come Frank Henry, Whitechurch; Samuel ed result. a.nd every fsect,of1� ur to be seen in osis big stock. ro11 Pill
oWing to Rev. Ra Hobbs' illness. Mr. Braden, giiiluar;; Wm. Artl;ou, Glen- _ Well, that is just exactly what.
Jno.:Kovr took the service in the morn- annau; Jno. McDenzie, holy roo'd'; J110. The Claims ,"'of the Gurdon Fur' Stock � ° most of our best customers said be- • `
ing and Mr. Jno. Buchanan in the even- N. Lygau, Purple Grove. t fore tine they tried Iroh Tonic Pills,
i' .
1, ing, Meeting adjourned to meet on the last ,(fin your eonsi(teratlon .ire not to be measured by what can be
Tonic t and
We persuaded there to snake a ii' e l f '
Miss Maggie Melville, returned liiis- Saturday in Dec. tt%latl:tin the nevtispaper'/, -We try to iul�ress,the .fact that only good trial; and now we aro receiving Oiir ,
- D. MCINTOSII, Secy-Treas. FareAre t and here an h t s' • - •e remarkably ow — I thanks ill the shape of sales' mado ■
sionary. to AfrfOri,, ails speak in the Con !�. tl. t a uc,h al ,l �rlced: ' Pills
grregittional church coming Sunday but there's no lna"gunitnit likeI seeiIng, through their recommendation. ;
` ISS +
morning. Miss Melville is a bright and. MINOR LOCALS. ' Are you in need of a tonic ?
earliest woman, and knows how to brink We Stand 'Bate Ot � Our `Furs.'
Try a box. . r � •• i
out the interesting things in connection •
with her'work in Central Africa You -Tile Scottish concert 0u Jflunary 9. If an urworthy Fur flndq place in on) stock, . its not your Use ;e )
—See Ball Bros. adv for a Christmas fault and not •your` o s- Our I+'ilrt are wAde in such a way* from
will miss a "good 'thing" if you fail to - + Put up in boxes—about 00 in a box—at 25e i
i' attend the morning service. Rev. A. gift. such btock that, tberks no excuse foil abvtlllbg' but entire satisfap; each, 5for S1,00 Will be sent post paid
Marg;rett will preach in the evening, on -See what Hutchison says about fruit Lion. We s' ldtilj;,bla a a complaint And never a dissatisfaction ; � on receipt of price. �
we don't.do �u,tnel)t,lli`1.t WAY. Our burs Lire Fashionable, Dur,
"The Call of the Bride," This may be for Xmas.ti .. .. .. ,
the last time you will have too- 0 or- able and Comfortab!*As hd yotl pay only for the ;li urs--•nvthiing'tor � • t z.
y pp� Santa Clans is beginning to look over the name. A lzirgoel`Atoek than you usually sec, and louver prices t
tunity of hearing Mr, Marg;rett oil his his stooldn trade. for the same r ullli't f �•' 1 m
a q i . t rvott e'er ran across' 1� e'give a'TW(7 Al LY Hamiltona" Drunisf winth�0t1
present visit to 1in>Yham. Evers body-Blankets again is the tally of Geo. t
cordially iavitel to these evangelistic years guarantee Kith better coats.
Manners in his adv;, 1p i�d fvd d4 ��► O/d R.�i►tie 1vd V b�'�►� N+"`�
services. .
—Mrs. (Dr.) Wilsson has been quite ill y�. y �e VT
t? 9 a y "d �. � O1: `� Store O yen
CLAiM FOR DAMAGES. but isim ronin sly htl 9 P_very might'
--The Wfngham flax milts are adver- •
IgyNeglect of Health Regulations the Town tided for sale il]t the'dtiilies.
Direct Importer. •. l.)iiring`Deceniber. Ma h /
Ratti vp Against a. Claim for Damages •••-W. J: Scott has ol;ened a, restaurant
—Not much Bu'si'ness None. • ,
next door to A. 11. Carrs feed store
Tlie December meeting of the Town - The School Board will hold its reg- ,ARE
0f;Ouncil tof�kplace an Moutlaq evening;.ANY
alarmeeting next Tuesday' evening.' ��
There was. little business dote as all An attempt to make wlifskgyc out of
tgtAre 1t11xious to get upstairs where � . �• �� r �flow
prr=Yt'iler Iso is was speaking. Thor tvae
watermelons is befu#� made in Baltimore �., � EAD e rte .itaitiit d'atnagT(ra for c1fR�•atH tali- •--••Young & Sons liaise an interesting t You ' - �%;;%"0 a t ion
a l n'r . r� a� j;
trflt rt1,i Yravi t')itt c,r,ax-1)nol ou Patrick talk about heating stoves in their adver- : e
stetvr,'tot+lichth 7.r.uistallecl att0u. tisement'��ii�Week. DEAF e � +; t•„, oI'�/��
�` ,.,,,� • ;,� Ts wanted here••- yes--wanted At oneee- •'fol there's a stin arid'
lree tiutas the poet Beason. , ... No person without a. permit will be ALL CAS=S C) Chill in-this Decein'b'er afY that i5fo lises all gorts 'd trouble to -
batt t ductio certain taxed and the allowed to land in Natal or Cape Colony '
eXc•.itt tloD4 W , • y •
w'tr tis t , o 1'
The ieduction of c;
�, care passed. ',Cita iuxaritnce after �anuaxy 1,1002, DEAF�' HEARINthe marl whose house has IZOt of 11.• ro er heatifl a arl�tl'S ' .
prit-0)lin rte tit” Irtttionill Iron �Vorlt, Air, 11. Davis was the first mat to pre- �� d®4Jt\r1i � ��g9 You'll et alt that 1S coliilri to Olt if y �r eat-
g y you buy one of our h
1vA y'?r.0 r. stent us ;stili a calendar ids 1002—the . in stoves,. The quality at the rice is oils powerful ar utilentw
by our itctviitveiltton• Only those born deaf are incurable. p a . .. 4
*1'l:cs ll irll,ers present were AfAy0i Royal I1lsuranee Compal�y`. � y
Cl a7ld Mesarg. Holmes, XoWtott, _,, HEAD NOISES � EDl� " it
ILc$enzie, Maallidoo and hull. Wingtitfitn is it �viudy town any. , Troubles
W2j " Wroxeter Star. Never mind �� •
The miii'dWS Of last motlug wt:.r y' _ V. A. WERf1flAN, fYp kEA1.i1M m,Ti, spYsl '
' Brat'. Ilea we have the wherewithal to li�r.i•i�fahm, ata., :ltarctt 30, tgt,i. • .
IsN)tJehi�)); - -netor; etit,eely eared of deafn4s.4, thnithato your treatinint, I will nbty give you ,Are bound to increase as the whiter advrances, if otl are •fib
nod and, tendo slack nr our trot;* with, a full li%toty of my ease, to be tined at your discretion. �
i ootiSi43L nicat4tion vti 6 read fr0tn Mrs. , About five years ago illy sight ear began to'sing, anti thi I kept oil getting worse, ;nail T lest
_Mr, Fred Seyfort liaa miotadwiah Aty'i,earitigillthiscarentirely. deli rc arCCi �tsr its'stinging blast. l��iJllr filYnaCe 10t'.cdS'Y
olaltitut" that bar family had 0011" I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three lnonthte, without Ally success, roiisttited a t+mn• .� � r! y tx r • i
his family to, Mr. SegPert has %(!rbf physic)an4, Rittong others, iltrnfost .utinentearspecialist of thiscity. Who told me that pairs, let tis Ili, It up flow, vV a are the argeSt SiClVF: r� aI'''Ci
htherfa while playing ata p
't�Ottlwl �� � � 7yt', accepted the.iYtTsfticlll'ol superinf@ndet.t sooty All bperatioif caf)Id bets u,at, nrt<l tacit that pulytetn )arat•ily, tltattitcheadnoiscYtwbtttr1
tt�tsswl l ofiG Patrick street, lien then cease, butlhe hearil,giYi the affected car would lie lost iforevcr. house iti town. We study' Four convenience and rocu 1,
r , tt P1: tr et, o, $org in the now chair ractory in that town. I theft saW yye'itr a ive-f mmealt aeclilenially lit a Now York paper, and ordered your treat. • � �'
ro lA n,.vy Ineht. After I Itad used it only a few dayq according to year directions. the noises ceased, Rud airs and erfor 1, won't, at the least Possible expense and a
gaeaaui lttinl t work ttYr)ni'lY illness a Cllnere Catite oat o11 Monday h�aratilyafnitrlUcgiariiiWW a .ltcariaf"ttthe �uldiseased
gburi ear has )eentlltirelyreRtaYcd. Xtltati>Gyott � l� ` � 1�
y lratva'mrl rn' 17+rt'1 tr, t>fiatrl „it • Tsui s +1#i lttA eoluniUs oIi thtj editorial e y roadway, nalthnore, Ud. io once to y Cf 'l,
#3 a?�lta` t' etxtaar0W 4608 atayt intda, ere' It- th, 0tca 1 $' u' l ae
A,.it"I Ala, ,sb e,11
1'ir!r+t) a tins,.;+„�a• ar' years +fw'ial'ar 13y half. •'G�0 wnAiflerif tTsO•cilan a • � +f” 9/ » �iaatrti orearpt'ilflay�,.' •- '
to, tttsstalis tatiKdw arab isQe be0iu>ts0 tri expancliligz i�fetvli,*a;v3cttilaYfeand tit i+nry"ie><ististittl r
a Boarrl Off 0r WAS it i'•tirliwltive of tilts Liberal policy
sod Wa>,1�'.ks r•lma � j «� ,
tis • ,
a. 7t v 1 , :A•.
S 5.. •