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The Wingham Times, 1901-12-06, Page 11
I . i. TV, h7 T l P!' t"°rxa1 Yi 4 t C1ti11stwivej. Amr-omerlt ox our com, "-� ou Seem 1i; take-. it ue lit tit0f or v-'.. - `\ A. jp land• 11Avo thought the same. �alive� �"hye �� '�'s►w�'""!�K"�� •RRR•f•ORRRr i • • #Rf"RRi#.ffRRRf#R • # • • R#f i f . • . # fff#R1Ff.�.iifRiR�R#RRf1 g '71 _ #.f!#ARsf1fR•R♦Rl�f♦*.lRfR•.••RfRe.R,i4+**t1.: 1 +a Of Nn]lrS�lllat l>`IlOnl+lrtCilrtl[9�pel,atl a.>Ao.B _ ,� s •°t�»s, ,�,o»o+�w»ro»i»r•�»e�w wo»wrsw w«•enw»�»h+r»o.�»a�wM»o»ws »+"Tt.�o ri�lle two riled watehea the move- pnd Kell," said 'tile gOtlmuker. with With 11 b0d �� rlTiUti�� S�j� I�11]'itl it �� � y 'RR monis of the monk whilo tho - thusyrfe Rte. .�. y u timilc. advaiieod to e table, and, with a .�, f�R spokc, and they noticed that he oil- +,1ti'by, of course,'" returned ibe low bow, he awaited i,he ewpsror'a •�• q -We Gunmak °ti tercel his sledgo anc� tlro3o o to j�o�� eamPoskedlv. "ii'llllt al•dulcl 11 l'QAsuro,. 'There was aslludc3er er• ;e ., w11r<d Borodino. score of steel] men a3 he !lo to visa?ptfblo in the frames of those, wlloAN A—gs O ;f)' if •a< "Iturle", said the lieutenants After Conrad Drunonoff hold a swore be. . wished the prisoner. well, for well MOSCOW :the had ridden somelittle distance �l? 'a, 1 onl,'the knelt' their mi lit ruler' � Y fore ],who lievl y Y mighty :•. *�� ; ,>rwN' spa ; And at .the some time gA� 9 tvon- sntil.eca .tir11Qn 1 heat"d his elialloirme. ; will rand sternness of legal nurgose. tyre c:t:t c+nly by -••• fR g y a s�llauld haveas•Fr)'nthou lit of f•- CjI:e11'Tl'll; VII oti alai a wor'l 1 r + doyen l into ills Colic nion s fACQ, n" .,•— - # __*•. .Rf "you handle ilio stivortt lilte A mAg1- in- annum about slur return from t' , + f:R aR By SYL"NUS COBB, Jr. 49 Clan, By my $oul, I'd give all I own a n111rten Ilnnt," a S'r►Ail.rsd TRiAJ„ ; tivscripLion 4t our va. .• , f#�' 1 Ypf ooept9(•iM»Me»i�iM�•#»i»i•e•"e-�N�•�»�w.lMpe•i»e»�aMiw»eM»a»tip»�»fw.e»o»e»�.�,e»e.•,Jso attlllapreSentlitoillQnt,Illyealnmig" Ruritrsmiledathisbo''s eculiar It'tt)tit-s,l.tr,Vln1'tlCt•7•::::c'W } P In order to it dersta 4 the air- about our nuk n::z':a t f ��cooQs0o0oorgo�o4ee#�o�oeroo�r�o�#�o�o�f�•#�o•R•f000�oror00000000r000rfoRRfii000�of S10n And all, 1 Y COtlld l]a71dlQ t11Q eahCrness Af sYllr.CSS1Cq, Ullt lie �elt CntTlFtAnCea 11ndC'1' ttil1C11 (iUrIC tXi13' orings. •rNror0000Rr#oroffROR ,> tiU1IO. i r ,. ��� ,.,, .. _ + • .�� ,. • ," 4 sword as you n. a degree Qf pride In his words Clever- brought before the empi'rnr it will no strucl, wualy anu at ranci(nn, r.•rr I too , understand the weapon t.heless,. �* Thus far Baric had remained si- ric merely warding off his blows, un- passing well," returned the youth It tvAs toward the latter art of �'� ntcchsrrr} 10 "oback a few hours. �lititeersnxoz"�p"r'*:t:tc,l, lent but he. felt it Ili out . to speak P . 1 he autocrat ha11 occasion to send , now, y P til finally his arm sank, On the next modestly, `but I llafe worked hard the afternoon that Raric was same- tilt• 1110 su•rgeou, Rop;,n,, 1 ho ltrtd All ilio goon stylus $1. V191. "Sir caullt," ho said in a tone so 11 i moment leis sword fell from his to gain the science," » what startled by seeing some of the n114uticcl lit the clur•i, and as lie Was ;, , stern alto nt,,, lietsaid and with o nerveless grasp, and he sank, faint- Ah, tis not all science, the ofpi- imperial guard approaching his germ' tinge fn an>;averin" 'the 613111- "Kyrie 1�1ng, n, -read 1001{ so commanding that tl]d other ing, back into the arms of his at- eer added, "'That wondrous strength bouse, and ere long afterward his quemiauetl ►shun he die! to tl]osc wl]•1,ltelmiro rrr, ; „ 0 Tllnn� he was "I must tendants of yours Is u Bost in itself, mother came to him, pale and trem- conte•concernin�' his tardiness. lli;w;_ heaut}�, soli the large 1,t1nt speak one word. was hold Ili alYou 1 have provok- "And yet," said Ruric, "I have bling, and informed him that be was ll.iiswer was that he had been attend- bar tvo sell enables us to ca A quarrel with me, and you have CF APTER VI. seen weaker men than myself who wanted by the emperor's officers. cal" the Count Poillonafy. carry a stock that allows a a> rORL Tne Tett cizon. would overcome me •easily or, at "Oil," she groaned, with clasped `N And what ails the count?" asked splendid choice. ,t challenged me. I have no fear of s tt "Is he dead? asked Ruric start- feast who might overcome me," bands and tearful eyes, the will * iIc was well ester• CarALO= �Ex Mnlf 4cath Mien duty calls for my life, in tl tickly forward. "But they were not in this city," Y Y the emperor., ) L4 Y would not die thus, nor would `hold m 'son" uttered the Sugg take you from me now da,v," y suggested Olsa with' to peculiar �� : mother," the youth I' Yes, sla a follow being thus. Six Sop- ao $ "Ffear not, my mother, y 1'es, but he met tvitll an accident "'AIATIC"m unT.z.." arato times today since our swords magi., laying his chancl upon the shake of the head, confidently returned. "The emperor today." young man's arm. Surely you have True, Alarie. I am not in tlQ will not blame me when he knows "Look first crossed have I spared your nothing to fear. It was mono of Habit of mentioning -my own powers, all the particulars. But come, let us 'ye, BOPan%,• tiie younb �g� 0 our work, .no more than if on had but et I may*su that there is no PIP ruler cried, who saw in an instant y f, "Liar l" }' y S Y go in, that something unusual had hap- -"and t�vicc have I had you be run your sword to the heart of � a man to Moscow tylio is my superior Ruric found the officers, three of pened, "think not to co'llecal atop- xoacec,oana�toinoat$„ fore me tinnrmed," Ruric continued wird beast that had attacked you. �� in the use of any sort of offensive ahem, in the kitchen, and be asked thing from me. ��'hat is.it, now? TORONTO. But I did not touch his heart, arms. them if the sought him. +•, wltltoutoflOticing the interruption. quickly returned the youth. "I was The lieutenant readily admitted �� Y a -ire, .I meant not to hide any, - "I batt hoped this would have shottrt q Y y Y We seek Ruric Novel the gun, thing from you. The count has been p careful of that. I would have struck the truth of this, and then the con- maker,"re lied the leader nod in a duel•" you that I sought not harlri to you him upon, the head with the {fat of rersation turned upon the subject P engah ' and, furthermore, that you were no P P "1 am the Illau, sir. May I know "Ila l Was he challenged ?'' match for me at this kind of work," my sword, but I feared I might of the count and the course 'he lead what ismantect?" `'1o, sire, Fie Ras tbecballenger."' break his skull. pursued with respect to the event "Cannot you guess?'-' Sn "Out, fool!" yelled Damonoff, now "Ile is not dead et," answered which had just transpired. This 9. } g ,iso. And who was the other (fairly frothing with rage. "If you Y p «'b}, yes. I suppose it must be y `r+t not cross swords again sa so the Burg on as Itnrie pressed for- conversation lasted until they reach- on account. of the duel which was part ��01 humble gunmal;er, sire, nam - dare but do not crawl oft like u coward ward .and asked the question a see- ed the door of Iatric s residence, fought this morning." 1 and time. "Fie has onl fainted and having thatlked his friend for .,"� >, b ed Ruric Nevel. Y�.. "One word more," littered Ruric, from the shock of the blob, coupled his and, and e1pressed the hoe «1'•nd who � ?" w �':�"Th navel, soliloquized Pe- p P P Andwho wants me. ter:. "The name is fitmiliar." �zy jell paling for an instant beneath the with his own fears and passions." that at Some time hR might have �i , unmerciful insult of too senseless P g Who should want you but the His father was a captain in, the proeorvesnn,l seiel:lrn,:spro:d tongue that assailed him, and he "But will he'die?" Ruric asked, opportunity to return some ade- emperor?" last war with the Turks. lie rosea thlL coatiaW of roanod t stood proudlyerect while lies oke kneeling down b'y the fallen man's quato favor, the gunmaker. entered "Oh, they will not take my noble .from the ranks under Peodor and FARAFFEN `$ i "beforthesmen here assembled side• the house. boy •from me I" cried Claudia, catch- . was one of the bravest of the brave." � and before God I swear that thus "I cannot yet telly' the doctor The widow sat in her great chair ing the officer by the arm. "'fell `Captain. NT yel. Ah, yes. 1 re far I have spared you, but my own said, at the salve time wiping the by the fire. She was pale and anx- our good etaperor that Russia has member now. He and Valdai'were XAX life may be the forfeit if I trifle with blood away, which was, flowing free- ions. Her brow was supported by taken my husband from me; tbat,he the two who first mounted the. ram- Will t:aor t;etq a>sotatrls taowcan dna 1 lit, hands, and at every sound from fell lIt his eO1lntTy s Carse.. Tell him arts at lzfum. So the Old did ALCIt- &old proof. laraftoWax isalso uaufrli., you more. So now beware, YOU Y• P p a dozen 13th•! woqa ghost thortougo. Lull have sufficient tivarniltb:' "Bat why not robe the wound without she would ,start n with a m boy was not to blame"- es read." diroctiono.+u ear•h bound r,aol:agc. Y P p Y } Sold oPorywhblo. Perhaps the count really over- now?" suggested the monk. "Now frightened expression and listen. "flush, mother," interposed Ru- "Yes, sire.. Poor Xevel was shot IMP1.ir1A1.OIL CO. looked the facts of which lduric had is the best time, for the place is not At length the sound of bells struck ric. "bear not yet." a month afterward while leading his spoken. In hies tin. overnab7e raga yet inflamed, and while he is thus in- upon her ear.. They came nearer Come, said the leader. `Ii is ,brave company against' a, whole he may leave fancied that'twas one sensible he will be free from pain." and nearer, and they stopped at her growing late; 'and Peter will not squadron of Turkish infantry, while accident that had worked. against 'the surgeon at once saw the door. Slee would have arisen,. but brook delay." Valdai came home and got acolo- " h ld t° tl h 1 d 1 1 !" ' "----� + ; :him. However, lie started forward truth and propriety of this, and,lie s e eou no . kL l . er Ian a Iiut they will not larm tem nel s commission" once more and mado a furious longe proceeded to act upon the sugges- clasped she bent eagerly forward the Mother frantically Cried, cling "And afterward received a title," at his antagonist. tion. Having, selected a probe which and listened with. a frantic interest. Ing note to Iter son. added Peter. "Now," he gasped, "pia}' your Appeared aulicaVe, he examined . Soon the door opened. Surely no `rNo, no, Inv motile hest you "Yes, sire." sT%ia ® VIGOROUS. » the wound. Ruric watched him ea- one but he would enter without easy here until -I return. And then, .- "And this maker is this dap - best, for my sword's my own. Y � But Ruric spoke not. He saw that geTly and with ra painful expression. knocking. Site' started to her feet. turning to the ward, he added, taints son?" Every Organ of the Body coned the count was stronger than before . "I do not, -think this wound is The. inner floor opened. A male "bead on, and I will follow." "Yes, sire.' up and invigorated by - - for his rage seemed to give hint a mortal," the surgeon reported as he form stood before her. "Now, rest you easy, my dear " "And: methinks Valdai left a maniac's ower—and that he was carefully felt his way along the. "illotller!" mother." And .. with these words child." "1 P course the tcel had taken. "It has "Ruric 111y boy! Safe l" Ruric gently set her back into her- "He diel; sire" a daughter, who is earnest only for life or -death. Ile § Y , , , a struck quickly and furiously, and Massed below the right lung and on She tottero Cd forward and sank chair and then hastened out after now with Olga. She is 'his ward." .''his movements. were strange.and un- fly severed some of the smaller. blood upon the bosom of her noble son, the otlieers. In the entry. he put ou. "Yes, yes. And -the count four lit reccdented. Iie threw tt all rules 've'ssels. I think, with proper caro, and while she wound her arms tight bi: bonnet and rc Il• se and then fol- a 'duel with 'young Novel and got 1 of exercise and cut and thrust only he may recover." ly about him she. murmured her loweri his r•nminrtors out to' the' beaten, eh?" . , i in wild madness. Twice Ruric came "Tliaink God P' fervently ejaculat- thanks to God. street, w!,ers, iood a double sledge, , Before the surgeon could answer w. ' nigh Being run through. He lost all ed�Rtiric, with His hands clasped. By and by the widow became more tti•il l+ two iInT.,r s lttodlecl.an- 0 � r �' � a page entered the chamber and an- � �:�,.� • � , run of his opl,oticnt's play and But why so an ious? asked Ur- calm, but still there was an earnest, •1'ou "m to luok. upon the kill- ; mounted that the Duke of Tula V i.1 quickly saty than he must put a stop zea. "Y ou were ready enough to eager look of fear upon her face. i+,(' or it !1'r�i;+n rinbletnen as a very ;, wished to see his imperial master. t I 0 to the conflict or run the risk of accept his challenge." Ruric saw it, and he knew well what �� .+'1 +; ; r," smd nr;r• Of the officers,: The emperor directed that he ; .r , i t •-P . leaving a childless mother in ,his "Aye, else you would have called it meant. alter the 'had titrted ort the!] way. should be admitted; and ere long �. home to see that day's Sim sink. me coward," returned the gunmak-. " Mother.," he said, "the count is � . y § y �� Ts he dead, then: Ru ie ciuiL-k- afterward the proud duke entered "Will you give o'er?" he asked as or, with a flashing eye. Had I re- not dead. 1 asked. the apartment. rte was a tall, stout he structhe ount's point clown. fused to meet him that fatal word - ".\ nr wounded?" she uttered y "The doctors ihink his Case It crit- man, with light hair and blue eyes, � Mr. F. W. Meyers, King St. E., Berlin, i"Never! Submit to such as you? would have met meat, every turn. I quit... y and eagerly. ieal one. .B'11t; that is not the thing. and not far from five and forty years Ont.,. says. I suffered for five years Bah I'.' knew that such a man as he was no "Yes; badly. Rut, listen, I could You would have killed him if you ' of age. His bearing was haughty, I R t ,1palpitation, l Quatro a linin neii ts �fe� reattn. A few moments more the conflict cope -for me at any game where not help lt. And thereupon he re- could."". though he was forced to a show of I l lasted. One more opportunity he strength of arm and slot lit of hand lated till the cireumstances connect- ,r.Y b III one hoc of 1liitbtun's heart and Nerve pp y g g 1o, no. By heavens, tis not so! respect now that he was before his t Palls completely removed all these dis- I had at Damonoff s, heart, ,and Ile were required. So I meant to dis-, ed with the conffict� '� When he lido'+. �Il who were present w111 swear. that master. i trrssin; syn,ptoins. I l,are not Yuffered spared him. All present saw it save arm him and theli give'ltim up his, concluded, his mother -pondered a I'tried to spare him." ! and feel stron�sincelat ci',s r'or�ns ,sleep well fe madman. life,. believing that such a move 'few moments, and then she said:. «Zrer dell" xeturned the officer. r "Fool!" uttered the monk, who ltrSnld end the combat. You know "Surer, •m -son I will try to ' t Y I Milburn Heart dart Nerve ,,Ila core Y Y., Y e shall see about that wlleri the I all diseased arising from weak heart, trembled from head to foot with et- how, I labored to sparQ hien. But I suffer -nothing. from this, even come.to' the palace. Perhaps you I worn out nerve tissues, or x atery blood. t 1 citement his hu a bell shaking like could not. Yet I would not have the should 'tile wicked man die. In all p` P To >?r ro�Tii,t;rn. 1' - inuy ba clear; but, upon my soul, I i a bag of jelly. "Will you throw life of a follow, being, a countryman; you acted upon the defensive. hrom would not willingly occupy your away your own life, Ruric Novel? upon my Bands in such a quarrel.; the first he has only been intent on place" ovee000eoeooseoeao �>, ^ �� •c�a.�ooeoe®000©aeoeooao®o®oost Shall I tell your mother you left her MY father died fi bting for his coon- 'attacking you, and on the baittl`.e- Ruric cared not to argue, ithe point 0 of our own will?" try, and so -would I die if my death grround he would clave killed you if with those who knew nothing about • ' This mention of his mother called must come from the- hand of man. he could." "the circunlstanees, so. he remained i ��• • the last lingering doubt from Ru- But to die thus wpuld be a curse "Hart surely, he would, `mother. silent during the rest of the ride. It s d�• + tic's mind. Again he struck the op- upon my name, and to inflict such Aye, he would not have hesttated to was near sundown when they reach- • ,�'d iU T-- y a h ` death upon another would be.Ie'surae stab mo in the bock could he have b • �'�'' ! l T U E `�' n d posing point down, and then e P ed the `imperial palace and Ruric } ressed his own Dint upon the � pY memory." gained the opportunity. He was 1t.as conducted at once into the em- _ A. "� �® • count's oosome He avoided the "I be, you, my son," the monk mad beyond ail self control,'and his peror's presence. i °j THE E U � H ESS i heart—he tried to avoid.the vitalg3 said. "Only if the count dies ;:you eagerness to kill me was only equal- , The Emperor Peter was in one of ♦ e•,' but 'her threw his arm forward, and should not allow 'such feelings as ed by Iris ebagrin at being overcome -the smaller, audience chambers, sit- o OF DEVONSHIRE. « Y 1' his glittering, blade passed through • yon mentioA to overcome you. 't in by one whom he had hoped easily to Ling at a large table covered with the fool's body.. With an expres- .,noway are you to blame for this. conquer. ntr le velvet lteavil wrou-,ht with A Refficlrkabie -ell Ot, ��,��"True fatliei`. I''ou s eak trul " After tiffs Ruric went to his'sho 1 p Y � e' No cion of pain upon his featured he, t Pt goicl, and upon' either Hand. stoou • started'back and rested his reciting added the surgeon. "The •young': but Paul manifested no great oma- some of his private attendants. IIe w` oint upon the trodden snow. The man has acted most nobly; and no tion_unon beholditoz butt. ivtts a t"ottng plan, not yet so old as Here is the best offer ever made in this community. By a very excellent ar- p` p blame can be attached to lam" y rangement made with th3 FamilyHerald and Weekly Star of Montreal we are • g count came furiously on again, but „_•„ lZuric by Some three years, but his enabled to offer Tier Wr.reasAar TimEs awl that great ramlly Yager, the R,uric seemed somewhat relieved ""`"" " "'"" '" "` ` "`= """ "" Familyherald andWeekly Star for one year for the small dam oa $1.75 and ill - by already ware a mature look. o elude o each subscriber tl pee beautiful premium pictures of which the follow - by these assurances, and, having Iles frame was solid, but not lur;;c, a ingIsabrief description. seen the count's wound dressed and being rather slight than otherwise • «• g Better stop tl]tt1; a a KING EDNVAItD VII,—True to life, a beautiful portrait, size 13 x. Asthl B� a assisted in beminb the insenssiblC ill physical bulk. His dress betraved A 21 inches, on beautiful heavy whlto satin finished paper fortraraing. This portrait d i7 p form to the sledge, lie tools Alaric's Gough now Fvitlt ,; �, rtegh�rCrlCe and careless and w'ats • has been taken since his accession to the throne, and is the very latest and best coffered arm and proceeded to his a, few tlorieS of "" mak, " ' • obtainable. It cannot be had except through the IlAHILY HnnAti) Awa Too many Asthma sufferers give up p P ra : ` in marked contras' Witb the rich � wrnICLY STAR; each picture bears the pKing's autograph. This picture has the w+ .t...,ea . h their' seare'h for 'cure, believing that own team. D r. Wood s . cff"» ,• �� garb;a dl' his attendants. SttClt was ♦ great merit of being the first taken after the King's aweession, and has therefore . ,theft, particular case is beyond the con- "Who is that monk?" asked the � fa"° 1't'Cer nl' Itttssia yet ,1 OttLll, sittall • an historical Tattle that no other picture can possess. trol•of scientific treatment. Norwa Pine r . it is only necessary t6 point 011 lieutenant . r,a they entered their y � in rratrne alnd c:arcoleas of those graces • �, QUEEN ALEXANDRA,—An exquisitely beautlfut pt,turo of the remark- Ixuch to .a new -hove in Dr. Chase's Syrup than let +� dory beautiful and good Queen Alexandra, also taken state the l�inRIa accession Sledge. Flo '®D��g w•h is h lad to mane tip the sum of to the throng. Itis tho same size as that of the Icing, the two formh,•qq a It and. [Syrup, of Linseed and Turpentine, tilt "I only knaty thin he is called 11 run on t o end voo t•t lire, but still able: to bear the some pair oP ptaturos that alone would sell tar many times the subscript[on price one great remedy which has proven „ y, _� , ,,, ' • of pa or and [elutes., lits emciency not only as a prompt re- Vladimir, returned Ruric. I have perhaps in Broil" NO l MY aslalrs of a. grcot nation upon Itis •. r�liet, but also AS a, thorough cure for +- • o portrait of the Iiinq and Consort fatten at tl,o second or anceeedinq a(t• lasthma, only aeon him ogee before. Have Puna y chi t r S P n eft- Slta►tlideTs. 1Cithln that head work- : ♦ tins can havo one fract[on of the taluo of tato first. '.these go down to history. � I, Urn. deorge. �tudden, Puttlamvilie, you Over'soon him ere this P' tTlOil. or 'Cion- eel it mighty brain, and in that bas- � THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSI IRM_The Renowned Galaaborou;tl tyle• rOnt., says,— z feel` ill my duty to re- "Yes; several,titnes about our bar- , Zyr�up. oin beat u heart thirsting more for ♦ tare. Sold at auction sale in London twenty -live years azn for 210,5.)), Commend Dr. Chases Syrup of Linseed rael:s.. Ile has been there when suinpt:ion. T1s stolen by clever thieves hidden for over twenty-four ears and delivered to its and TuroeAtlne, its Y had the asthma the good of Russia than for self or years our poor follows have been awonderful lUn ,.L owner on payntcut of ,000 reward and since sold toMr. J. I'ierporlt Morgan feat . do me " p aiY ,��•., kindred, b75,00t1. g'ood.bA, bad; Iii 8 persuadedime o some a dyinw. 110 seems to he a J "' w " e '!."his, in brio!, is the history of one of romium, picture,;, avhiclw, byt � sick a a hcaltYl 1eInQd . '; "�<.w Matic stet Ste lien U=011 and th p try this remedy, x did so, and it cured � � � � 11 clever stroke of enterprise, the ubliahers of tho Family Herald have xeoure.l Cor I cn,s^ ;Doti hearted man anal, T �uclge, Chas, carr~, the M �- , k.. .; surgeon there, and he also saw+ the • their subscribers. The picture s lLx:i,3 to ten colours, and is reproduced line for I 7t is impossible to Imagine a tetter nitd intelligent." .�• .,, ', . • line, colour for Colour with tho original. Copies of the reproduction are now,sotd 'trea'tanent for asthma than Dr" Chase z q ,r » tVGrst kinds of %,r x a. 1) It Of I ala] there, Ile met the ♦ to New York City, �Tontreal and Toronto for aiZ each,�and this is the ptetura Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. It Z llgree witb yeti there, our hero , s ,�'' "7M• �'�`3 dIIk0 s eye, and a peculiar sensation ♦•, Far illy Herald zatlWerlbers are going to get Ab4oltiwly free toxether with tti.+ � l Aoothes the excited nerves, clears the said, "I tllilllt ltd la a good man, but Coughs 2tllCtCblCiS * ti a' of fear racy through his mind as be ♦ pletures of the lung and Queen, bronchial tubes, gives prompt tenet to there is nevertheless a rn aster tvllen others fail, Is t..at not big. value? Call at Tris TmEs `Oliioe land see samples the frightful s, g1va; and, when used y Y , ,• o Sae's the Stern, throotening espres- of theso t,ort,ittftll pictures, rer'uiarly, thoroughly and permanently about film whtCli I cannot solve. Price:25c. �tJG. All C1er,LICr.,. tion that rested upon Olga's face. You want Tutu tV114011AM .TuArA for the looal nems, and you want thst aurea 'asthma. 25 cRnts, 01 dealers', of Ills countenance is familiar to mer "Sire," great paper, the 1f"amlly lieraid foe its It a ei of iCdrnttnaon. nates Co., Toronto, and et I cannot tC1I tvlicre oar when wild + spoke the leaden of • ceding, Its agricultural pages atotla nra page tnyiiy t[ mai the uu oitipbi I- have seen Ilial, v+ , afro e " -ted ilio prisoner , price. rrtwt O! a ,V,'�" {�1t " frt� , oai iuwuion, li'.:nra.sess, x: tt �fR» ���,5�3 t� y��'us� 7 A Wr61�rA � I tYilthora lour lvevel stands befarti � litIng orSend your swtbsoripttnu tl "A 11 addCcl Alarie ac C1nieldy and headarto dad dy* I i,A._ Few• t �r TIMES �.r y� ear r . ttat 1 pia ptnreitct3 p•v."ect :r,l •!r., I You, , Ger f �M�:r O1(' I�Va�r ® �°� �� witca h me'. Ilam ver rsure t i t I haver vrtnsat6 :.;..1'Y�. .. • _.. ` "AbY uttered deter ttliStln! Rite l . and,a Turpentine. + , ' irti<es lair; eus t,,. -yrr, mV LA Wi , 1 urpenti In®e soon tiled,+ man under different cir- . VILL$ r/at•. ��e�il+rt�� +i•i�oov�+�.ov�uw►�s �o�►�r.��,����r�r�►,r�ro