HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-06, Page 10f�r , 1 1`A11CCr]g1+9 ? 187".—.w ._ Hove that i J 1 \l CO ll + ha,t any laa:aterial .c•haalge Matt takArl •1 . � (ili11C�1"'Qli �''v1^ ffl11'f,place aluoa fila vote was recorded, Thtt 7S>G+il�rl<gl+�+r Ay, thou aro \rclealll,+,heat>t'tl',i delicious 111E WINUM v pert it Ilse a e n, bucite was. thetxortly �, ,,. CA T I a ilii Ylls l�vi�l►IAA�G w, ,llllJiia7 Wltc n breath, oloc9a be'>in to wear tl.t rile. 1%. Jt-XLLI(y:T,VV1Q WR ANDP.)RO ntwxOR` ach(u it was but it is the only 11 u beg iii. the prospects But the Pritish .Are HoMmtng EVERY FRIDAY MORNING soitlt•af, 1'RiIa. . DUCE EC Of enforcing prohibitory legislation. TheM Into Narrow Areas. `jr0.WN DIRF4,�ir�'llRY. —AT-•+ And surra grow lueolk, all.l tho laeek EUBUR 6, tool .. Tho Timos Qilletl, Beaver' Block Stills gvow brior, -< AVE LOOK Fail; y(lllR TRADE, ,.,. """--- WINGIIAN, ONTARIO. And trite ,year stuilos ai it drilws near its TUX! YOTS carr z'rolisitlzzoN. KITCHENER REPORTS, CAPTURE B.krTIsTCHuraa Sabbathservicosat death, T� Serving tllo ublio with care n --•- . 14 tllnarltl 7 m. Sunday Suhaolat Twty, 0OrSunscnlrrION--0,00perAnnumin Wind Of the Suuuy $until! Oil, still The decision of the 1 rivy Council that it , tteu• 2:20 p III. General pray -or meeting advaulco 11.60 it not so paid. No paper discon delay - .-.. tiou,, honest lords and low prices, has 1 hu V411 110 lacer Ambition Stated by OII. Wealiesda eveuings, Rev, J. J. Pat- optiontinued tit all arrnalrs alt paid, ezeept at filo the act passed by the. Manitoba G liquor given. us a high position aillougst the a �Iun N, uteri ,;tndbnr •—Aut+,nom y P , S S option ta> the inttallslwr, 111 the tray ivoids and in tht) golden tersou,B.A ,pastrr. W,J.Cha man ARVL•MT16iNct RATi.s, — Legal and other ra lit for prohibiting the o q druggists of f~auncla. Wei ]Doll far ottr y Stlpexilltezldet3t, ensue] udvel ttselupnts 8c pot Nonpsnip] lilts Lor 'N+ali valid, has awaL-elled tllo teutperance trade, and will use every endeavor to rt ']heir Lo,ct z'raviat pn R it>t wt MEr1ioDIST CzTURozI— Sabbath sof t iros H3'st il,sertioll, fie per file nor 1., 0 I subspqupnt Like to at Rood old a+ o reloasecl Iron] Woplo thrQughout the Province to re, wale you a regularoustonw.r. no—elle 0411stt J1ugt cy Insertion. Our supplies of pure Drugs, lslediciuos, at 1l a in and 7 p ill, Sunday- School At Advurtisemmlts in local columns are charged Care, mewed action. It is their intention to Toilet PleparatlOus, Perfumes, Brushes, C104r out err sootlt 2:30 p ut. Epworth Longue every Mon. 10 ctm, p fort aclfo r first tent insertion, and 5 cents Journeying iu long serenity away. Uvo the Ontario Goyeroxxellt pass. the I Combs Sponges, Btu, will interest lou. Arrlpt►. day evolliug. General prayer lueotiut per ' ' oil Wednesday, evenings. Rev. Richard Ac19e1't1 rnituati of Lost, Found, Strtiy•eel, , same ltCt Aq Mltnitoba llai. f P.rzNE'S C1:LEltY CO.IIPQUICD, 2 y ,FS Furins foil S,ttn or to Reltt,and similar x1.00 for In sneh a bright, late quiet, would that I The Obstacle seems to be, Can the law 1 Londpn, Nov. tJ.olt 11 t orrt< silt' � Hobbs, Dr. Powlor, S. S, Sup moutlh°"th and 50 cooks for each subsequent Might wenr out life like thee, 'mid NO are folly preoancd to fill your cleat of ilio Zlnzes at Irctol4a ays CONTRAC7.RATns—Tho followingtablosllows bowers and brooks, are aliforeed? There is no doubt expres, orders for this popultir disease-bnnishing the Boers are being gradually Cell- PREsurrruLkx Orwitoii—Sabbath ser- ourrotes for 0w insertion of udvertisamcnitts sed than Prohibition would be a good medicine. Knowing its powers and vices ac i1 it In and 7 p in, Sunday fort sppcifipa periods; And, dearer yet, the snushiuo of kind I� virtuei, Ave strongly , filled Ila 11at'1'U1Pel area$, ?ltd aro COIL- - thing for the Province. Everyone ud- blood unifier, tie vo bracer its sequently less 'able to avoid the School at l W:30 p m. evenGenings, l ixraev, One Collo ii"....,.,..�Otioti ;pit °Op Qi ;�, looks, P meeting ell We esday eveulnt,s, llov. And ulnare of llilul voices over nigh; suits it would be. But whorl peopla builder. Pititle's Celery Coulponurl is llo British troops, " Zook at the lack of enforcement Of k!te lletV remedy, it Ilan been tested and enol D. Porrie, pastor and S. S. Superinion• Half Cohlmn..,,,,,,,, &,.00 18.00 10.00 4,00 g + (Zuarterpolumn ..... 18.00 10,00 0.00 2.00 And when lily last saucl twinkled in the J Zliero aro affil ,0 recognized cant- dent'. Advortisoments without s eeifiu directions license system they wonder if prohibi- cessfuliy user] in all parts of Gauada by Inundoes and bunds ill the field, the ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAT,84b• willboinserted till forbid and charged it card. glass, tion world bo any better C:1fireetl, It i4 tens of GOL>\ A lids, and CAaIPBELL,'Drl7 err,tiled rltllllller of 1x1eI1 Twenty-six l each rallgiui�; from bath services at 11 a m and 7 p in, Sun- f i lin advance. 'Itt ndvurtisenlonts nnlst be paid Pass silently from mon, as thou dost true that the ]inuor ra ottl,l not b.t sn Druggist, r0 to 400. i w enty-six of these day School at 2:30pm„ Goneral prayor THE Sou DisPAUTMENT is stocked rvitll an Nass. P. Wingham, Ont, forces are in the Trikilosvaal, 31, in meeting on Wednesday O'Pellillg. Rev. extpnBive tpF,iybrtniellt of all rogniBltpBibr p1.111t- Iposed to .be bt a hotel,aud the act of suing- the Orange River Colony, and 13 Wm. Lowe, incumbent. I++'. Shore, S. S. ing, affording facilities not oquglit ct in file —William Callen Br anti. . Iteral Soltbula. count for turnin out first class work. Large Kling as well as selling would ha; C ,o be in Cape Colony. Superintendent. y - Professor Robertson of the Depart- Scouts all over typo and nIF, me cuts Por altatyles of Post• i dept tai eget. So that we may assume it P cr the country infprin cONQREC}ATIONAL CHURCH.—Sabbath err, Hnnd Bills, etc., and the latest raty 1pB Of i `B E ® R 1 DEN lvonld ba twice ae onsy to enforce pro- meet of Agriculture of the Dominion, the burghers of the movenjoltts of ser vices at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday lhoicc fancy type for the fhler 'classes of print• a has been takin-a westward tour. Speak- the Britisli columns, and the Doers School at 121n. Midweek. meeting'on H. B. ELLIOTT, �O� ��a�� �' - Ilihitiou. m aro generally able to move rif before _ t We doubt the advisability of unsafe illg Oil the subject of manulll training lie Wednesday evenings at H O'Clool.. Gavin Proprietor and Publisher y passing the British troops reach them. Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. the act without an expression of public axpressed himself as highly satisfied The separate -commandoes in -the Such cases aro not hopolesswhen the SALVATION ARUY--Srrvice at 7 and 11 J P, KENNEDY M. ir., s C. Medical O, Night treatment is resorted to. South, ,opinion. Then if•the people say by their with the work done iu the manual train. Southeast Trausvaul aro near a til and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and tMenlber of the British ne. Asocial hundreds of so-called Cure has cured Ing schools of Winnipeg, as well as those enough togothe}+ to conewl;rate at tion,) Gold Medallist in Medicine. hildl hundreds of so-cdllntl +'ln,eurablos.'• ,votes that they want prohibition, uuou g P g' 24 hours' notice acid to ,i:t tial in every evening dining the lvoeli at 8 attention paid to diseases of Women and Child Relieves In silt hours. them will be laid the res nsibilit of others established throughout Canada. 1 o'clock at the barracks. ren, Orrice hours—I to 4 p. n1.: 7 to 9 p. 1n. Po Y numbers the British colunuas• The ower andeffectivenoss There aro seventeen towns in which r CHRISTIANAIiDMISSIONARYALLIANCE. P auforoinR the law. And there is no use The only course open to the Brit- —Meetings as follows: R. S. at 2.30 p, R. M,ACDONALD, of Squib American Rheumatic Cure is in the trying to enforce the law without the manual training is done sudor the Mac- ish, says the correspondent, is 'to in. Fellowship at 4 p, m., and evan- D quickness with which it acts and the almost active co-operation of the people. Donald fund; there ere 38 instructors "]lustre the Boers, and grRdU[1,lly lightning change '• for the better In the Rhea• p p golistic at 8 p, m„ every Sunday ill Centro Street matic Victim after taking a fern doses. It seems and instruction is given to over 7,000 extend the cleared areas. Tito rr prl: , From past votes, two. 01 which have is slow, but it 'is sure, and' t71c•rC Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St, Wingh:un, next to incredible—but there is no deception—it's boys. POST OFFICE—In Macdonald Block. Ontario, work is apparent, and every step taken toward been had in this decade, we judge the y is no justification for the impatience Office hours from 8 a rat to 6:30 Ill, recover is a permanent one. History repeats Professor Rubertson made some sag• sliowll at• ]ionto in regard P Y, P, y , P people want prohibition, The Dominion i,ard to the pro- peter Fisher, postmaster. -itself daily in firs wonderful treatment—it never plebiscite gave a majority of 39,224 for gestions by which he thought the rural gross of the campaign. 11'IECHANICS' INSTITUTE—Library and DR. AGNS W, fails, 84 schools of out cc: uutry ?night be made The ca 1 espolulent urges the need free reading room in the Town Hall, Physician, .Surgeon, etc. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, 6Clc., ham. prohibition in Ontario, 71 ridings gave a of more Ilton. [To says that Lt will :majority for prohibition out•o189. easily more offxcient. He thought that present the "strilciug arm" 01 file ` ill be open every afternoon from 2 to Office—Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' the schools of today aro too bookish; the 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to Drug Store. Night culls ansrvored at tiro otnee. The following gave majorities against y, British forces numbers 45,000, 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, The) Cost of ,.►Idle. prohibition curicnla of .114 elementary BCltoOls were Joubert 'cai,tared. librarian. R VANSTONE, Professor Haocker of the Minnesota ` devised with a view• to ultimately pro. TowN COUNCIL—Wm. Clegg, Mayor; experiment station hats for nine ears Zile three Toroutos voted nay, the. to- London, Nov. 29. --Lord Kitchener, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. P y a during doctors, lawyers and other pro- Win. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- tel Me - majority being 251. Hamilton y 1 in a despatch. front I retoria crated Privil60one, Company foulaq to loan rat lowest been settling this question by abtual f y + Iudoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, P gave a majority of 1 532 London 895, fessioual men. Professor Robertson the 27th, reports that Gen. Tinox has Goo. McKenzie Ceancillors; J. B. Fox- rate•ofinterest. No commission charge Mort• demonstration seer recently graven Burn- J , , , , ga 6•�es, town and farm •propersy bought and Ottawa 698, and Kingston 412. Essex sum. - would remedy ttiatters by mal.ing the captured o members of Bthe tom- ra,ison, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel sold. Office, Beaver Bloclc. Wing mary of his work, In brief it is: "The schools more in keeping with ill. re- mando who escaped after the, recent l gave a majority of 2,419 against the pro' P b fight. The prisoners include Con>- Youhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- first your 100 pounds of mark cost 60 sed chane, the Waterloos 1,960, East gmrements of rural life. To ettfect this mandato Joubert, who is wounded. lector. Board meets first Monday even- J• A. MORTON, cents while the rice of feedstuffs was. " 2 object a garden should be nue of access • ing� in each month at 8 o'clock. BARRISTER, &c„ p Prnee�317, Nipissing 98, North Perth J g w•Itat ow noors ltegniro. SCHOOL BOARD: H. herr, (chairman), about the same as now, and tile yield of 353, Prescott 1,454, Russell 575, Wollatld orie�s of - the public school. By this London Nov. 29.—The 'Times ycs- Thos. Abraham, J, J. Elliott, J. J. winglutno. Ont, the herd averaged very fair—naulely, ° g menus all opportunity conk] be afforded terday c uo , , , 6,000 pounds of mill:, or 180 pounds of X149, and Lincoln and Niagara 175. l tea an interview in a Nall- Homuth Wm. Monro Thos. Boll Wm. These, with a majority of 73 in East of examining the various requirements tes newspaper with a man named Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. L. DICKENSON, buttor fat. The second yeti• the cost 'York of Plaut and soil. Such methods would Sandberg, who is described as in Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. E• } complete the list of constituencies aide-de-camp of the Boer Command- Meetings second Tuesday evening in each BARRISTER, ETC, was about the sumo, Gl cents per 100 render the pupils more compotout to fol- voting rap,>ainst prohibition. ant -General, Louis Botha: Sandberg month, SolicitortoBankofHamilton. Moneytoloan, Pounds of milk, but in flys third year it. Turning to the constituencies in favor low up rural pursuits in after life. ]i,ts'bcen lecturing on the contiut rat PUBLIC ScHoOL 'LEACHERS.—A. H. 1piHce—Meyer Block, Winghum, was reduced ''18 oCn 'parr 100 pounds, Of prohibition, ther`ois' almost an un- "Howeyor" says Dr. Robertson, "a to collect Door funds. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Miss Reynolds, 1lTiss gar nhlarsoll, Miss • with the same cows and prices and feed - better state of affairs in education is Sandberg declared in the interview y g feed - broken snecession of the alphabetical list Cornyu, Miss Vaustone, Miss Matheson RTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. stuffs the same. ?:l•o only diti'eren0 io dawning, and the school ]louse is bound that the ultiuurt.c Victory of the A from Addington to West York. No less g, and Miss Reid. was that they had calculated the percen- Boers was certain. Asked n -hat DoetnrofDeutnl8ur eryoftllePennsylvania than 23 gave prohibition majorities to become more and more a centre and peace terms.the Boers would accept, BOARD Cr HEALTH—Mayor Clegg, Dental gollego and Lgicentinte of the Rovn1 tage of protein and selected the food. reaching four figures. These are.—Al- source of the .influences, methods and he said they would agree to ora con- (chairman), C. J. Reading, Phos Greg- College t a yea Wins -eon of outario. Ofitec! staffs where this was sold the cheapest. t. coma 1,247, Bothwell 1,106, North Bruce training which miike for intelligence, clition only—that the British quit cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- t 248 West Bruce 1,198, Dundas 1,373 practical ability and the righteousness of South Africa. LT.o added: rotary; Dr. J. I•t. Macdonnld, Medical He said he did not care for earbohyd- - Health Officer. ��T r HOLLOWAY, D.D.S. rates, fats, etc., no protein is the only. East Gre 1180 North Hastings 1,190, g t • "Their recognition of our autono- vV .� T. ) , cod citizenship. L.D.S. essential part to look after, The Cows y , r +. my would be insuLiCicut. \\'e inttst Npw methcxl for painless ex. ' East Huron 1,046, West Huron 1,125, I hope ere long to see a large num- be masters of the Cape as well as of traction. No Cocaine. require on an average two pounds of PIANO AND THEORY. Specialattentionto the care and re tlaltion „ ber of rural schools, each with a Darden the Transvaal." of children's teeth. Moderate , ]rices and air P P y East LAmbton 1,576, South Leeds 1,247, roteiu per da Muskoka and P Sound 1 133 North Attached to train children into a know The Icing's colonials. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.C.M. work carefully and skilfully performers, Office { airy , , in Beaver Block, whlghanl. Found at Last. Norfolk 1,314, East Northumberland 1,- ledge of plant life and a love of mating. London, Nov. 29,—Iiitig Edward and member of the Assoctat>d Musioinns of 681 South Oxford. 1,397, South Perth 1 - ing plant life. At first that might be has consented that tile regiment of Ontario, is 1lrepared to receive a limited num- A liver pill that is small and sure, that ber of pupils for instructi3n oat Piano and in acts gentl quickly and thoroughly,- ' n . ra be n b having a competent itinerant colonials which, with the permission Theory. rOHN RITCHIE, y, g Y 028, East ,, oterboro 1,062, Prince Ed- gu y o P of 1•Ir. Brodrick, the Secretary of S ecint attention given to pupils preparing v that does not gripe. Laxa-Liver Pills t ward 1,327, South Simcoe 1,082, North Ins to visit feu schools giv- State for War, Col. Wallace is rail- for examinations. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, possess these Qualities, and area sure Wellin..ton 1,037, East Wellington 1014, iu half a day's time to each, A fur- Re_aidence—omosite R. C. Church,winghnm• cure for Liver Complaint, .Constipation, o g y ing in commiuunoration of ti.0 cow Winghnm, Ont. North Grey1163 and North Went. ther need of Canada where teachers are lonial troops who fought with the Sick Headache, etc. British re ulars in South Africk and TOHN CURRIE, WIN6HA)tr OxT. worth and Brant 1,014. actually engaged• in teaching at rural g I�I� ` +� u ' which is to be named the Fourth 11110511 llllli�• J. I V. S, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. €. Prohibition majorities of three figures schools is a place where they can be fit-Elliott,t � City of London Imperial Ycomtal.ry �IIII��I ted for this work to give the better class shall bear the additional. title of the I I ; Honorary rradunte of Solos of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a "..i were cast by 44 of the electoral districts. I11I Ill 11 Ontario etorinar special.y Addington gave a majority, of 512, South of education. Short courses in instrue- living's Colonials. ' uI, College. y Ail orders left at THE Timis office promptly / 1If o tion are provided in Germany and in a 'I Office and Infirmary attended to. Terms reasonable. Brant 6„0, Brockville 539, Cardwell 523, �,.' corner of Victoria and 1 Carlton 428, Cornwall and Stormont "x52 few places in England. Such would be Not Worth Subshly. i ; ' �" Minnio Sts. Win••han1. 1 - the most valuable her which education London, 29.—Lord Brassey, �Ii!I; Day and 'night cans �+ ` East and West Durham 758 and 909 re- P Nov.r It,7 promptly attended to. MRS. W. H. HELE r speetfully, East and `Vest Elgin 267 and xa rural schools could have. Later on speaking at the London "Chamber of Telephone connection. a ricultural colleges would be the very Commerce yesterday afternoon on Classes in China Painting'. 640, South Essex 355, Froutenao 150, g the needs of the navy said that Great Glengarry 366, South Grenville 226, greatest benefits for teachers in rural Britain had not received an adequate FARMERS Oil and Water Colors. r. South Grey 647, Haldimand and Mouk schools." return from a naval point of view Also a new revelation kiln for firing china. 234, Halton 622, East and West Hastings - for the amount spent in ship subsi- and anyone having live stockr or other Studio at. her home, Catherine Street. �% I S For Over Fifty Years. dies. In spite of the L 573,000 ($2,- ulitickes they, wish to rlispogo of, should adver- 232and 385 respectively, South Huron 865,000) paid to four companies circulatthe itilmtelLranittnvillbestrun oindur eed�f E. 781 West Lambton 790 the Lauarks An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Nis since 1887, not one of the vessels + C. ES'TEiLE GRIFFIN you do not elacus out i Ws can' indeed i North and South 911 and 581, Leeds and Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used thus available was fit for anything'that ycumin. sell because you may aslrmore fifty y ymill wINOHAaI for over fif ears b xonsof mothers for the article or stock than it is worth. Send • . Grenville 735, Lennox 641, Middlessex for their c"Jdren while teething, with except scouting. ]do urged that here your advertisement to the TimEs and try this There is a noted difference ' East 922, Middlessex North 526, perfect success. It soothes the child, after the Government Insist that al plan of disposing- of your stock. and other • 'TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. reserve cruisers be designed with the articles. in the style and fit of Pants we Middlessex So 696, Middlessex West softens the gums, allays all pain, cures view of Carrying a protective belt Pupils {irepared for Conservatory of Mesio y 866, South Norfolk. 584,WestNorthnmb- wind colic, and is the best remedy for when called on for war service. -� examinations. diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste, ��+ make that always ' brings peo- errand 671, Ontario North 822, South Sold by druggists in every part of the �� 0 L I N AND GUITAR P P Ontario 773, West Ontario 838, North world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its The Arladne Investigocion. le back for another air. Oxford 346 West Peterboro 577 South value is Incalculable. Be sure you ask Victoria, B.C., Nov ^9 09— Oxford HOLSTEIN 'DAIRY MISS C ARRIE MOORE Then there is theloW price t ' for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and tionai evidence is being produced at p - . Renfrew 310, North and East Simeoe take no Other land. wellington, pTew Zealand, in con- having added a separator to their plant, now of London Conservatory of Mtlsic, will be pre- - offer 963 and 292 respectively, North and ( • Eared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num• and better +, Uallt of cloth Put' Lit nection wit,. the loss of the steam Earl of pupils for instruction on Violin and y South Victoria 703 and 647, South Wel- NOTES AND COaf>wtENTs• yacht Arfadne. George -Rumford, CLAS•IVIED MILK Guitar. 3ingtbn 464, South Wentworth 889, and Under the heading, "Whitney is Es- T. C. Berry and A. rrelco are under Resideuet,—opposite R.C. Cllureh, Wingllnm.• in them—cloth that wears „ arrest, charged with casting the ttt strictly clean of thit'am. re r cowsenable are kept See our new goods and prices. North York 621 The following consti- treme, The' London News, Indepencl• strictly clean, so that'we are enabled to offer TOB PRYNTING, vessel .away, having wrecked the ves- absolutely clean mills, iced in summer, during !J tnencies gave prohibition majorities of eat, says: The most ardent supporters sol to defraud ' the underwriters. Jund, July and August. I includin- Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bili R less than one hundred:—Bent 75. Peel of Mr. J. P. 'Whitney, the Conservative Mumford was paid $2,000 by 1:erry 3 cents per quart, delivered once a dry. Heads, Circulars, &c., &b., executed in the best W E YS ' R N ■ 89, North.Renfrew 94, and West York leader, must admit what in most of his to wreck the vessel, tviifch was in- short of tilt) art, at moderato prices, and on 92. These figures show the varying bal- speeches lie is a bit extreme at times; 8uredfor $50,000. The vessel was Bool.BlNnrNa.—we are pleased to announce valued at $25,000 I'MA ' a J1 that any Boole, or Magazines left with us for s: ,' ' r; �': s once of public opinion throughout the that in the heat of action he does Mal ec Binding, will have our prompt attention +' ;'r* k:CPk:+w.EN4E Province, and there is uo reason to be- acme statements which o est a trifle 9 Prices for Binding in any stylo will be given on ,7.. g I archasei• of liattlo Abbey. Dun O o upplicationto y:,� too far, and whfi^h are not entirely con- London, Nov. 24i.-- The mystery g �_i THE TIMES OFFICE, Wfr1g11am. sistentwith facts. In Ridgetown yester- surrounding the sale of Battle Ab- SOLID RUBBER � # • Rheuarlatie'warped LIMbs, day afternoon he described this fair Pro- bey at, public auction has been soly- e" y r RAILWAY TIME TALES. !; vine as being dragged down beneath ed by the announcement that Sir �� qy X Augustus Frederick Webstor, Bart., �,w ar fa. ,� �j � !`I RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. Pain andSuffering.the de thB oP New York Cit the dig- _ - l7f TRADE: MARtts l�• is the purchaser. The new owner • ---_ ace of which has been the shame of TRAINS LEAVIS trop DealoNS - 131 is a descendent of Sir Thomas Web- + ; o•�® �-a t Palmerston .............. 6,53 a,n. g.MA.m. COPvf;iGmTz Q:C. the civilized world. It seems unfortun• ster, who bought the Abbey frons i i!L eh -s .1 London .................. 9,50 aa1t.... 8.10 m. Anyone sending a sketch and ttescrthtinn ntap ,. Not a Traeo of itheumatipm Left Viscount, lhpntagtto in 1719, and ', c J Kincardine..11.10 a.m... 8.10 p -m.... 8,wpan• ftitaki ascertain PrOour rof inlonbio00co altertrn After L'ainr; Dr. Cltaee'x Kidney. std for tis all that a responsible man a9 ARRIVE prnam tlonsstrletlycon6dontinl. IInndbookon Patents 1 Air: Whitney is should retake use of such whose family retained possession of 'Will carry heavy loads and Kincardine ....0,40 a.m.. 8.55 n.m.... 3,10 p,m sent free. Oldest n envy for Incuring entente. Liter Pills. it for 108 years, • London ............... 11.10 n.m,,.. 7.55 p.m Patents taken ttuirough Dtunn P Co. roeelve extreme language. As a matter of fact withstand hard service. 7 Palmerston .........:.... 2.45 pon., ,. •8.38 p.m specfatnotice, without chnrgo, In tI1 If you are a sufferer from rheuma- y„ I R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Wingllnm. '��y p��q. 'tism it Is possible that you have tried this is not tine, Nett/ York has been U. rratbsport wroclrbd, i An eveY ,atisfaCtOrj)• easy- "` if♦ i many remedies without reaping much the most corrupt city, in a most corrupt Matiila, Nov W9.--' The United riding wheel tire. CANADIAN PACIFICI. RAILWAY. benefit. Judging from the numberIIAINs LEAVM Pelt A bande0mply 11h1rM,rntAd werkly. I.eriaest elk• land. Itis worst governed city in States transport; Wright\'Fright has been Every seer guaranteed. , Toronto apnd East........ 0,57 a.m.,.. 3.25 p,m. enlatton bf any tYelontaeA y.nlra,il, fibrins. 8ti e Of cures that have been reported, Dr. 1 Teeswater ... .. 1.82 p.m,...10,48 p.m, year- Lonr months, g1, sow by all tsewsdealers. tivrccked in the Straits of Darinan.� MURK p Co p,la�r,ylp, ' ChaeC's 1%ldnCY-Elver Pails must be the United States. Make a Careful ex. Can be fitted t0 any Wheel '' aiiniva 1Pl.eAi Otaetllr'ndvey, l � B 1 She will probably turn out to boa S'' . a Teeswator..,...0.57a.m ..8.25p,m. ' I about the best medfclne obtainable for amination and a strict, honest eompari• total loss. `.Che Wright strttclt on M Toronto EAB....... 1.32 p.n1....10:43 p m, nrtuir,, olfrp. M, r cr„ w,• , i rheumatism. It cures thoroughly, by son, and you will find that the adminisr an uuch.arlcrcch noels at tl�u ellti allee , bona for CaGtlogno. J. H. BEEMZt , Agent, Wingham. Iridding the bkood of uric acid poisons, - the cauee of rheumatism and severe tration lit the very best State in the of Sen Jacinto and sank in 15 l � DUNLOP TIR£ CO. � body palm. Union is cilrrupt and vile compared with foot of water. "1`0 raise her it will 1l,ir. S, Mann, 9tittsvino, Carleton Co„ the administrrtion in Ontario; further t'''t'tlive wrcekfng rnachinury which r ' tint., 'writer.: "I was aflllCted with ' is not available here.. rolloNro, I 1 PAYS �/ rheutnatfsm, had. severe pafnis in the that in all Citnada, in all Aivories,, there ? 111 d .l� 1 4 knees,, hip joints and across tate back, is no other State, city or Province where lt+•visr„ Old Creed. • Tthrurnatlsm remedles did not help and ublic afTaiYs areas clean as in out own sand I began using Dr. ChaNe ff XIdnC17- p :'.:tiltirw,ton, Nov. 20.--A suction a CaVeatSitha Trade-Markli obtalred.:thd *11�pntanl Llvcr Pills, which have slnee eomplete• Prpvinee. There is a long cry between t, f f , .. r;)1111111 t t e,± of 20 appointed to � `t �+ A T��T t � 17 r �7 v ol3ee is in theimmadtata vAch,ni �SafthcP ��n'Of NICs ly eur(.4 mck, There is not the least Presbyterian i �� .till V G rb 1 1 a Y s,t e trace of rheumatism left, and I arts no the corrupt government in New York , c ,•; r 'rhe creed d of the. 1 arldmyfadiliNesforscru-ingpsltertsareunsurrassed ltmg('r• subject to billousnriaet, headache 01ty and affairs in the Province of On- f h).,•ch "'Ot• het'e y++:atet'tlay slid began - Send tion i on,'akenThorp;potographcl',tA titin mitt tilt, proiirahmry %,toll:, 'iThlu scsaton dascra ttonnndat eemcn+asteadv etateaclalrnad. ttlncl rsfmtistlCh slC-kntrrrt, tv}Iiclr formerly ttlrlo. lir. Whitney is eXtrerne. lltih•l�a N,arnn•te made nN tYs: ,, t attacked me frequently." i nrked soveral horn's On tilt pro- pateilfnhiCn,/, and r•r• re for prwmdt in+ the 17x, c'haitA'sl Til(Arc+y-i.1VAr I't11b hake "� 1),rt'attioti of to naw stai'eln0nt of alto -tel cion im-111 0103 Js eair-rt ,i,• •rrat7EA* appllca �a largor pale bV far than any olmilar r /�{ �+ r:wltrilw of tho c•ilnvelt, but thews 'taus To PATENT 006d loll= par0rl 'ICdlotr0d. Irlvs+roe f;ulnit;' r+h. C h I ICS f @n Ci I i�r ' r may be soburai by twining fold faf0rrnbtlen ight free. Ali feir nlupl- IMme,ly, Thsy/ rare gvlstt otttt7lab dls• ir.) cor)clt+areae or 1rrtlnn Ieaclicd,'lhtr our aid. Address; tutlsslSapfx)Int. Oram pill a dos., 2 i eentx A, scction will laleot again to -clay. Thar PA79WT gttCORD, MES , int, 1boxY t.t ^ll rlt•nirr r, dri I:dmeanilots,13'At4M4k Co., Torollto� ASTO R Alb CleMirri3ttlr w& T i tr ♦ ♦ Otic. 4 tg. rridt► 1k k"JJtilf"laxy'+ .%U.&I. •.�.