HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-06, Page 941
T11 WIN ill
D0Jr. Third,—Arinto Leaver, Baripara sd two 000ns lying In a bollow troiI
Styles, Howard Slilell, Harvey LuiI Tbty wore in -a 4=m4ut coaditIon xQ he
Sr. Second. ---Mabel Mowbray. Tessa time nothing is left of them but tuo fur ash and
Anderson, Launt Currie, Ratle Shiell, and t400ll. Re Price THE NEW VOR
NEWS FROM OUR NE UNDO, or, B114 Walker, Wilburn Forgnoov� OAottire4 thei� easily. No doubt by t
Maggio Siliell, John Kerr, John Abram, Among the shipInwilts ai the station
EVENT $,- OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS., James Ferguson. last week were A. car of bogs to Pahners-
Jr. Second.—Willie Styles, Garfield ton, by Win. Jewitt, and a car of Inalb-
Slioebottom, L'ruest Linklater, Maxwell or to Toronto, by Duff &- Stew'art. The Great
Abram. Cheese Company Also shipped a car of R010- M__
What Wideawalge Times Correspondents Communicate — Other Sr. Part IT, --Earl Elliott, George choose lastweek. I . I .
Walker, Pearl Deacon. The heavy snowfall of last week
ztems Clipped 'From Our Exchanges. Jr. Part 1J.—Mary Elliott, George rendered slaigIllug a I ssibilii� fora
Currie, short time. The amt a p tooliladvant. MAKINGsale
J Part L—Gwondoliue Currie, Sammie Ago of the weather in e favorite pu,,
MORRIS. G"NAXNAN, Styles, Walter Pocock, Daniel Ferguson times of snowballing sleigbriding.
We are pleased to hear that our form- Report of Glonanuan school for the Eva, Linklater, Tile hill At Stewart's was a favorite The LadiQs, Misses and Children's Coats are
or Reeve, A. Mooney, who is located. month of November. Names in order Agnes S. Grieve, teacher, meeting place.
near Weyburn, N-W,T., has had a very of merit. a 6. ordered out. We want the room for other goods,
successful year, having 5,200 bushels of Fifth class,—Jelin Hutton George and to make a speedy clearance, offer them at the
wheat and 1.500 bushels of oats on his Muir, WINGUAIN11 JUNCTION.
farm. May this good luck continue,. Sr, Fourth.—Bessio Aitken, Peter Muir,, The following I the re U. S, s. Roy. Wrey R. Smith, of Dunham, oe- following reduced pricg�sthe profit is yours. Pv�-
a , port of
Chester Dunkin, Ida Elliott. No. 8, Tarnberry and Morris, for the oupiod the pulpit in the Mothudistl par
ris, atio-i for Winter should include a call here.*
Jr. fourth.—Maurgie Muir, Charlie month of November. The names arc church oil Sunday, In the morning the
How to, Got tip au Appetite. Aitken, Bt -rt Elliott, AdAfe Dunkin, Roy arranged in order of merit; children of the Sunday school were et; -
Distaste for food often follows Grippe, Rutherford. 4th Clogs—Ethel Ferguson, Olive poelally addresse 1,
and fevers, and is associated with a 6 Ladies, fleavy 131nok Cloth Coats, ..... regular $,4.00, sale price $3.145
Third.—Mar Aitken, - Etta Elliott, Cruikshank, Robert CriliktI Leo Tile Minto Hockey Club have organiz-
general weakness of the system. To I y Misses Beaver Coats ill Black or Blue.. 5.00, 4.00
impart f& real zest for food, and give, Mabel Elliott. Elliott, Chester Walker, Flo Martin, ed for the coming season witi, tile fol- Ladies' Pawn I'Nieze Coats. well made . r. W., 04 8.90
power to the. stomach to digest and Sr. Second.—.Walker Rutherford, Har. Rose Casemore,lowing officers: Manager. Elwin HocL- Ladies' Black Beaver Coats, lined ...... 14 7.50, 11 6.00
Assimilate,, iio remedy call equal old Hutton, Willie Casemore, Roy. Ellis 3rd Class—Pearl Vaustone, C I a r,& ill��; captain, Clarence Thompson; Ladies' Navy Beaver Coats, lined.... • . 8.00, 110.50
Ferrazone. This is a new and cat;,
OtIv. Hummell, Percy Hogg. Bert Martin trorunirer, Leroy Alexander. They par- 8.00 64
idscOvery. It strikes at the root of Children's Frieze Coats, well made_.. 21.0
disease and by removing the cause, cures Jr. Socoud.—Robbie Aitken, James Fred Tipling, pose renting rink, and will commence Ladies' Black Astrachan Curl Coats.. . 9.00'. - 7.00
quickly anct permanently, Ferrozone Aitken, Andrew Wallace, Ella Elliott, 2nd Class—Lillie Hogg, Bert Elliott Prhotico as soon as the ios will pw- Ladies' 171awn Beaver Coats, linod ...... 16 7.60, If 6,00
quickly enable you to oat And digest Edgar Baird, Aggie Wallace, Lillie Moffat, Gershon Ferguson, Hart- mit. Ladies' Green Beaver Coats, lined ..... it 8,00 Of
anything, Mr. A. L. Hamilton druggist, 0.40
call tell you a great deal more about Part II—Ethel, Casemore, Lillie Baird nail Walker, Annie Walker. Air. John Moore, of Owen Sound, is Ladies' Black Astrachan Curl Coats .... I 1 6.50, 5.00
Forrozone, how it cures and why it Agide Rutherford, Leo Bok, Helen Senior Part 2nd—Ethel Tipling, Alba spending a few days in town renewing Ladies' Black Beaver Coats ............ 49 7,00, 5.50
cures. Call today and. see. him, Rutherford. I Hogg. old acquainiancas. He was formerly a Ladies' Fine Quality Beaver Coats..... 10 10.00, 8.V)
Sr, Part I.—Waltor HawkA, Bella Junior Part 2nd—Pearl Walker. resident of Listowel, but is not enjoying
Eadie, Ada Elliott, Thomas Wallace, Senior Part Ist—Ariel Ferguson. the best of health.
JAMESTOWN. Robbie Muir, Mabel Baker.. George Case Junior Part lilt, No. I—Johu Walker, Mr. S. E. Beckett, of Knox College, 111fen's anti Boys' Ready-to-wear Clothing in great variety.
Miss Maggio Walsh of Toronto June. more, Annie Hutton. George Cruikshank, Willie McKenzie, Toronto, formerly principal of the Pub- Two thousand dollar stool;: to choose from. We are -waiting acid
'tion, spent Thanksgiving at Mr. Samuel anxious to show you our stock.
0 Jr. Part I—Elmer Aitken, Maggio Mae Elliott, Robert Hogg. lie school here, preached in Knox church
tovell's, her uncle. Aitken. Junior Part 1st, No. 2—Alfred Fowl. on Sunday evening, presenting the Men's 18teefers, well made, tweed linQd, good fitters, $3.50,
Alexander Wright and Miss Louisa B. Pearson, teacher. Percy Martin, Wilfrid Walker, Viol- claims of the Student's Missionary So- $4.00,$4.50,45.00.
Volker both of Morrisbank spent Sun- c et Miller, Minnie Walker, ciety.
day at the home of her father Mr, Chris. Average attendance for the month, 25. Mr. Sidney McCallum has returned Men's Dress OVercoats, fashiounble and up-to-date,
Walker on the 4th line of Ho -wick. Miss Annie King spent last week with N. J. IsBiSrmt, Teacher. home from Weepawa, Man., where he $3.00, $6.00, $7,00,,$7.50, $�. 00, $9.00, $10.00, "Siz).00.
as been residing for the past few '3'UsteIrs, 0, $7, $8,
George Linton of Brussels and Miss friends in Goderich. h1ens Frieze weed lined, $1.
Mabel Wright of Turnberry spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Beecroft silent months. He has resumed his former Boys' Reefers, nice stylish Coats, tweed lined, $2.00,
day at Jas. Slillson's. last week in BelmorQ and Wroxeter. RLUBWALE. situation with Messrs. Thompson BrOK.1 $2.25, $2. 50, $8.00, $3.50.,
Miss Martha Wheeler of 4th Turnber- Mr. Albert Tisdale, returned * from Harry McHard, who spent the past Rev. J. A. MacDonald, editor of the s, nicely made and well lined, it good fir.
rY is visiting her sister Miss Rose on the t , months ill Owen Sound, is visiting Westminster, will preach Knox church Men's I Suit
second of Gray. Dakota on SatuMay. The boys are all his home hero. guaranteed, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8 00, 010,00,1;12.00.
home now. anniversary sermons here on Sunday
�There was a large attendance at the next,, Dec. 8th. Boys' Suits in 411 the latest styles, prices ranting' t'ius-
Editor Kerr and Baristov Blair of Rev. Hastie is visiting in Toronto this
rue Thanks-ivin� service which Was held in
4 sels are to address the y6ung people week. 0 .� Air, Jas. Osbono has. been laid lip for $1.7 5, $2.00, $2.50; $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00.
14 Victoria Hall next Sunday oiling on Mr. Duneau, Anderson is doing as well the Presbyterian church oil the after, tile past few weeks with a severe attack
I behalf of the Bible Society. noon of Thanksgiving Day, Rev. F. of Brignts discaso, and his death is
Boots, 61koes. Overshoes and 11tubbers in tho best
as can be expected. Avery serious oper,
Swann, of the Methodist church, preach, expected momentarily. makes. We are sellin- the celebrated GRANBY RUBBERS.
Mr. Peter McEwen Jr. urnberry ation was performed oil him on Satur- a
and Miss Maggio Scott 6f MO'GHN"Orth day, whichproved •ver� satisfdctory. ed a good sermon appropriate to the oc. Anotli(�p shipment of Ladies' Fine Rubbers just received.
spent Thanksgiving evening at Peter The followin•
g is the report of the casion. The collection taken up was 1,4pecial at 85 cents.
Scotts oil the boundary. standing {of the pupils of S. S. No. 0, devoted to local . charities. I WROXETER.
A quilting bee was hold at Peter Scotts East Walwanosh for November. Among those ron otitwPoints who Mr. J. N. Allen, our druggist, moved.
on Tuesday afternoon and a small partyV iftli class.—Millie Elliott.
visited *in Bluovtit on Thanksgiving his drugs, etc. to the Hemphill block
illthe evening. The young ladies were Sr. Fourth.—Bella McDougall l(da Day were: Mrs. D. all,, of Wingbam, last week. Mr. Thos. Hemphill has
invited in the afternoon as the quilts Rintoul, David Johnston and Raymond at J. Raby's; Mr. in Mrs. Eugene Me- fitted up the store especially for Mr. He --t 0 -.161ARD G 0.
belong to Miss Ella. Elliott, Robert Mowbray. Donald, of Winghn at Andrew Hot- Allen. This is now one of the best
Walter Wright and Andrew Diann Jr. Fourth.—Willie Shoebottom, Alex mos'; Alice Dui; Of Forestville, 'Lu(I M. fluislied stores ju town.
have �ffi.th returned from Manitoba. 11. Elliott, of Wiligham, tit R. N. Duff's. Mrs. Neil White and children were tit' Wiftham's BflAhte.�st Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton.
Mowb,ay, Roy Anderson; George Kerr.
Thel,;.'tih look as if the country Agreed Sr. Third.—Stanley Elliott, Herbert W. H. Burgess has accepted a position! Harristorf last week, visiting friends.
Hanna's store, Wingliam,
with em. Shiell, Carrie Deacon. in J. Bredianer and J. Cowan attended
Albert Craig spent the Thanksgiving I
court at Gurria onjuesday. Thorn was
season in Walkerton. n hog case on the docket, which brought
Collector Mooney will be in Bluevalo out a great man . y farmers. His, Honor
oil December 10th, to receive taxes' from Judge Doyle, reserved his decision,
those who have not paid up before that Mrs. W. M. Robinson of Ann street is
date. the guest of friends in Wilighaat
-THE. Mrs. Win. Patton is very ill at pro. present.
sent, Miss Jarvis of 'looswater called at
Mr. A, Braig, Bluevale's wagggo
nuiak- Mrs. J. Bliethauer's last Friday.
er, is away on a trip to Temiscamiugne• Mror Si y
rs. C. Rola of Ann street is on the
Tom Short and family 114ve moved to sick list at presentatid little Aral Reis
wis Gorrio. is down with the measles.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Burgess while Mr. Geo. Harris moved the body of
on their honeymoon trip yisited Mr- his late son, Robert,to the new cemetery
Burgess' numerous relatives in and near last week. Itis said he has paro'hased a -Days
Bluevale, Mrs. Burgess is a native of full lot and will likely move the body of
Ridgetown. - The young couple will re- his mother.
side in Boisewaiii, Mani, where Mr.
BUY W. S. McKeroher has leased Mr
Burgess is established in business.
Thos. Gibson's dwelling on Mill street.
Harry McHardy hold % a raffle On' It is expected that he will move into it
Thanksgiving- Day. 'The prize was aaftee.t4p liblidays.
Will have his or her purchase laid aside for Christmas. gold watch. The winner wear's n happy Mrs. J. J. Hiscoxs of Teeswater call -
This is the best time of year to make your selection of Christ- smile, while you can spot a loser instant, ed on hersister, Mrs. Goo. Allen at the We are giving Special
ly by the way he bites the end of his C. P. R. station and friends In town.
mas presents. We are not so crowded with customers and mustache and the mournful, far -away - Miss Merle Manu of Teeswater was Prices on
the stock hriot ot been picked over a dozen times a da it look in his eyes. the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Allen
y , as Mr. John Munn and John Murih, jr., at the C. P. R. station.
'ell *ill be nearer Christmas. We have some exceptionally fine have returned home from Manitoba.
;.4 Mr. Greenly, near Lal elet was the
W Miss Nesbitt, of Listowel, spent Sun- guest of Henry Armstrong oil Thanks -
lines .to 'show YQU�t- 'Year.. We surpassed our former
day at George McDonald'& giving day. COUCHES, LOUNGES,
record in buyi Akhat our customers may have a large Miss Jessie Robertson, of Wroketer, is Central
Win. McDonald of the Grand
visiting in the village this week. Her block, who has been away in East MATTRESSES,
stock to choose, from and at a reasonable pr,ice. We enumer- friends here tire pleased tv see her looking. Wa-.Vanosll, gave us a short call and re -
ate below a few of the lines so well after her recent trip to the west. turned to the latter place at the be- EASY CHAIRS, SPRING BEDS,
Mrs. Win. Sellars attended the fuller• imling of the week.
at of her sister, the late Mrs. James
TIT. Thos., Hemphill; ars was atBlue-
Stanley, of Kinburn, last week: Vale last week on business.
CELLULOID GOODS. Miss Cole, of Kinburn,
is Visiting The school concert given last week by FANCY ROCKERS
at Joseph Leech's. the teachers was a decided success in
Oar Cellulrud Goods are the Miss rianuiePatterson, of Wingliam, every respect. The receipts were a
WoI shoW you some fine finest ever shown in Wingbam. was visitinir friends in the village last little over $30. Those who were not
–Souvenirs" of Wingbam in See Glove Cases, Handkerchief week., there missed a treat. Our $3.75
The friends here of Mr. Hab. Edward Barnard of Sanderson street
Paperweightd, Hangers, etc, Cases, Necktie Boxes, etc. of Owen Sound will be pleased to hear Burgess' moved into his new dwelling last week, COUCH
that lie has been appointed to the posi- Mr. Alex. Brock of Owen Sound was
tion of Inspector of Public Schools for the guest of his mother, Mrs. Win.
S. Wpst Grey. Wood of, Ann street last week. Is a Puzzler.
CHINA PIECES. Mr. A. McEwen and Miss Black, our Mr. And Mrs. Greer of Wiarton visited
We have a line of the Latest p,)pular -school teachers, have been rm' at James Paii1in's last week. COUCHES, FROM $3.75 TO $35.00.
engaged for the coming year, Mr. Mo- - Goo. Paulin has returned hove from
If you Are it lover of Fine Novels, such as "Lords of the, Ewen at a slight increase of salary, his visit to Wiarton, where his sister,
China -this Is'where you can be North," "David Harual," "Afar- Rev. R. S. G. Anderson of Wroxeter, Mrs. Greer lives.
suited acid d without fe,Wng ket Plae-.," "Sky Pilot," "Blank officiated at the baptism, of Rena Jean, Mrs, Henry Allen returned to her
infant daughter of Rev. W. J. and Mrs., to
Rock," "Tile Man From Olen. West, in the Preebyterian church oil Wine. ill Witighaill, oil Monday evening. 'At- Good line of all kinds of
vour purse. hilo here she called on many friendAlf`
garry," etc. Thanksgiving Day. --niture.
The children of the Presbyterian Sun-
day school aro: preparing .for their an-
nual concert, which will be given in the 1 6% A. W. CHASES Do. Easiest way to get proper
Then we can show you Dolls, Toys, Doll Carriages, Forester's Hall on -the evening of Fri- %'AATAflRH GURE . III.
day, December 27th. is sent direct to thtwollseased
Picture Books, Books and all the other nicknacs of a firstclass lling oil TA.j by the Iniproved Blower. tocallat our store,
I Mrs. Doilil of Varna, was ca Heals tha ulcers, cleari, the &It price is YJ
Fancy Goods Store. old friends in the village last Friday. ex. stop dropping In the
ehtaat and r anant cures
Many who know her some years ago ns calarth :I ay F&of. Blovter
Be sure you call, heai All dtsilern, or Dr.
Miss Agglo Tyndall weI to goo, her %ledidin* Co,, Tomnto and Buffids.
bushusas colleges throughout Ontario --A young man named Connors, the
'A T for the 0 'Sullivalls, of Montreal, solesupport of five brothers And sisters, Post Office
O.�,, ISWhile walking through 3aekton's was eaten b;% woly6s; about fifty miles
0 = 0
VN alker Bros,
& Bixtton_ . �