HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-06, Page 8_ - . 1 y ' } 7A • Il ' THE WINGRAM TIMES, DEC, 6; 1901, GREAT EXC EMENT THE BRANTFORD CASE, X1rd�luulf ,�puaq r'rsRorwrl. �' ""� lWeak and Neryo,,S Whose who plead the cause of the ' llxpt�tert Rt . I„ Haxtliltoln'a •"" """ older and maturer niinistera frequently Drf,,:g• ore, Another Insect Founa in the Nook of - �--�- remind their hear(}'.. that a lawyer is �^^ Mr. l• raneis Find ---The Uyster•. MAGISTRATg DA1QPH1bI 1S DT�PLOR- 'wArsh more to his clients or a doctor to 8lITIIIIl),l,Y, >t? 1;b413E1i `Itis,. lona Ora�vlrc, ' ABL4 0XI)ITION, his• patients whet. be has grown old, r,.> "ism w 73ox at vera kerne will be Orron tl.dlz txhen he eves young. And this % Away Arta t+toly leo. .�.~ • ," , D�SPIT4 bii~1iI0AL TRVATMENT, rill A'1- statement may be true bui; it to not Forxo.oaate as an ufailing remedy izt Nov. 19, -Another iaiyect, smaller ' �" �' vA aAatra WSAxkn A'ND woAxim, uxTIL trite, simply because the practitioner has ' diseases arising rom the impairment than; tho first one discovered, was 1Ii; Cgt1Ln saArtaltxAY sletN Ills Nae..:, grown old. Experience certainly counts, 'W bloody brain or l rye tomo. It Aures rem::.ved yesterday morainir from the ervax�s Diseases, rain 1,'ag, Mr. James Dauphine, of East bridge• but if a. roan does not increase in know- oblorwa, Lusa oY Appetite, D apepsia; wrllizi on till neck of Mr. l'xancis water, or as he is better known as ex-. ledge As he grows in years his experience lzheuraitti8m, lI rG Disease, I+'emalo roved, fort strcci, reference to which Counoillo# Dauphine, has been a atok will. not certainly commandauccsas. Lot 'C'iompWilte, Hea cho, Loss of Vigor, zE as made yes4xday. This. will serve man for the past three years. His health 4 lawyer or it doctor cease to read and 001lat'ipp�a►tion, Al Kidney, Livor and to inter, ify the mystery surrounding gradually forsook him, until by degrees study, and ho will soon be standing, upon m[3i.ta 1:41 Troubl Pe'rozono, .a Blood flit• cors:�. � ,,.....,. f� r zzzt. ileal histo. trachrs Builder, Tonic :< 1 Brain Vigor, y he was forced to give up doing all kinds the +'dead line" that has proved fatal to A box coutai:lg 21 closes of these . that r ugh tc thlalr li beyond the range of work, He consulted a physician and many a minister. But let him put as wonderful prepwAtieu will be given cf A o',sibility. Th-,� iateresi in the oc. tool. a large quantity of medicine, but much time, study and energy into his Away Absolutely Free to hll who wish to C;;t : zlu� is still very great, MiY (heal it did liim no good and he gradually business after he is gQ or 60 as he did in 9r,a}ze advantage if this generous oi%a m"r. will mat admit t11e o+a9ibilii of ' At A. L. Hamilt Ws drug store, 'Piing- l' y grew weaker and weaker, His duties m his younger clays, and the probability is t^iy :it' ^r.t bang fcrZtnd in the growth stn, Dec. 7th. a magistrate necessitated his doing much be will be more sought after. than he j- You are. invity to come for a box. r, f•; rred to, but there are a great Ming, and being an excellent penmau ever was in earlier life. The lesson is +T R A 4ko many pctilile tivlto incline to the cpin+t in his days of good health it came very obvious, No preacher should presume IVI E c� XINDERGARTh Mornings ion that possibly tho doctors ire mis_ hard to him when his hand shook so to trade simply upon capital acoumulat- takcln, and who strongly believe that much he could scarcely keep it steady ed in his youthful_ days. If he does, he C�tQgl _.0 9 t0 I2. the insects are responsible for the eno»gh to sign his own name. His will cortainly become bankrupt, and growth which they think: is cancer- daughter, seeing his deplorable condi- justly so, The preacher must make full Terms Very Reasonable, c•us. There were some who allowed, tion, advised him to try Dr. 'Williams' proof of his ministry by laying a broad that perhaps; the first insect found pink pills and after a bit of ggC LU B, I G', axing he and deo foundation of knowledge, Its. A. E. PRIOR. E. Patrick St. obtained entrance into the wound es, p i ' � was induced to try them. There tivae building wisely upon it, and making pR 6ALE.-Iof3acr . in E. Wawanosh, ane teinally, but now that a second in- no noticeable change in his condition life-long additions to the superstructure. ,vlteat and stock f rm, G miles from Wing- sect similar, to the firsi has b,'= until he had started takin Stam. Ban l .barn, c fortable frame house, taking'the third -Canadian Baptist. over loo bearing fruit ees. River forms the found, they refuse to ba convinced by box. From that on the improvement acasterly boundary of s lot making it a very $!turf Runge .Qmia for Drier Hauting, fmwv desirable stock farm. small payment down what the doctors may say about it. was rapid. He grew stronger every day , And easy terms wills ure tiffs big farm. Ap- Medical .,nen, %,ttack the storywith Tl.e 1 orontA Stu,. is advocating a O'F F E V1yto oC .Duhi�slolntR oloEstnt ggennt.and Con. much torte, and tivhen it eves refer. his appetite increased, the weariness law restricting :the.use of the long and lassitude departed from his limbs, range xifle in doer hunting, This ac. - red to in, the presence of one of them some of the lustre of his youth returned � ' 6' _ �ORSAI,E.-Corn' farnt,avithschoolortlot flan is inspired, by flue xcpo'rt of e { 8 mites from tivu, in Tarnberry 7Tp he vigorously denounced it axed was to his eye, and by the time five boxes Bank barn40xo, la eframehouse; good soil. not .particularly rntbusiastic .about `vete used twelve fatal ,shooting. accidents ,which 1 gnexcellent grain rm; will be sold cheap , Wei Dauphine ;elta new And on easy terms. The situation of this 1qt the enlightenmrent cf any person who man. The weight of years olid ills occurred in the Maine woods daring saakesitaverydesi bleproperty. Appl to might the it credence. In an event -the preseatc deer hunting season. In it �►� SIG A. Dulmat;e, Re - tate and ..Agent, �, � y + burden of sickness have rolled from his an able art'ucle 'on the subject The :halm. Stock, Wins m. another insect was found yesterday shouldera,'his hands are now steady and when the swcllinra ext Mr. Reed's neck Star says; his pen can run as rapidly as ever. He +,Tho new rifles, which are finding '''��11 q' •"ir was being dressed, Mr. J. It. Firth, attributes his cure to the ministration of THE TI ES anno N.nees the f ol- who is ver well-known in Urantford their way into everybody's hands are y + a good wife ani Dr. "Williams Pink more po`vnrtul than most people' _ and the reliabi'i.y cf tivhose story may Plus. �• Dauphine is 78 years.of age, think. Th: o.k- r da a Toronto man l b3 depended upon, was washlag and y y but feels as . nag and vigorous as rhe took n hemlock railway tie, eight Iowlllg e+lu.bbing otters for, f _ syringing the zvotind when the little did years ago„apd is ever ready to praise islet lone, and tired into the end of f insect was discovered. It was alive in the warmest terms this health -giving_ it. The bullet sped through the tin_ (� •� Came into our shop the and coanmenead to crawl slowly away. qualities of Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. 1s7��'190 • The creature was capazred laced in , b rs whale length, came out the far oilier day, and after leav- 1i Dr: Williams Pink Pills aro the an empty b�:t1e and brought• to the curl, and went lie cites Lei, know what in- us an order for a suit friend of the weak and ailing. They distance after that, This is the kind t Expositor .offica at moon. b �r, ,]Tlrtlt • r� surpass all oilier medicines in their tonic, of grin with which nevi ai•e popping of clothes, said it was worth stated positively the tthere. could be strengthening qualititte, and make weals at dear forty, fifty or eighty yards no mistake flits time. The press re- distant. Xo ordinafry tree is a cover �” ,gr' ► - - - .. at least and despondent people Aright, active and prey, -?native who visited the Rend ltralthy. These pills ,are sold by, all I behind which a' hunter can safely U=' -s and' wh emcinifed info all the dealers iu medicine,. or can be had by! take shelter, for such a bullet may circumstances before, was credulous, mail, postpaid-, at 50 cents per box or P + pass through two or three trees. Suck FIVE DOLLARS and to Mrs. R^ed advanced the theory six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the weapons ar,o not suited to the pur- � Till anuat I Q'' that the ins-ect must have crawled in_ D.. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, The ln�.� for. • .. , Y , �• ,�• To have a suit made to to the wound. This being disproved out. fare. sof sport, but are meant for war_ to the •satisfaction of flit•. Firth, be fare and for target use. A great deal year satisfaction, and in ofl-money has. been invested in the, brought the insect to the Expositor WINTER PAIR PROGRAM.. , purchase of these modern rifles, and the latest fashion. What office yesterday, and it was examin ed under a maw a !;root deal more will be se spent Times till end of 1902 ...... . .. . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . • .P1 1% we can do for one, we do magnifying glass of unless the use of short-range rifles for all. average power. That it was sin in_ Evcyn#s. at the Frig Show( of Stock in is imposed upon deer -hunters. That Times and Weekly Globe, with two: magnifieient pictures, . .IF sect is bayond doubt, and the. theory Guelph During December. deux-hunters would resent the inter- "The Duke and Duchess of Ybrk;" and ,The 11'aC[Ii - Try ns and see. first the medical men that the supposed fere'nce we do not doubt, although Pets," till January 1St 1903 ... . ......... 1 50 ' fir$t insect eves s ---- piece of b.••ae or , C, The executive of the Provincial Win_ the make no long-range use of those >t �J a L ' n g g Times and Weekly Witness ............................ 1 60• � gleed is disposed of. The insect, Mr. rex• Fair, tq•ba held in, Guelph an the long -ran a rifles. Firth said; eras much smaller' than Times and Tamil • l ii 13th 14th and 15th ot_ .next month y Herald and Weekly Star, with premium 1 75 the first cn : found, but it was still ' have made the final arrangements for Now the fire is over I am upstairs in large' enough to ba easily recognized A Clydebank Iaddle was a visitor to a Times and Weekly Mail ;and Empire .................. . . 1 75• i the SHAW BLOCK. as some kind of a brig without even the program The ordeii of events will Langside laddie the other day, and as b3 as follonvs'; laddies will the Times and Western Qdperriser ........... . . . ......... . 1 50 the ald of a glass. It was about y began to boast about Tuesdayevening-F. W. Hodson Times and Weekly . the Size of a smell Asa, and looked g , the qualities of their respective resideu- y SAII . , .. .. . .................... . 1 75• ■ Ottawa, and Px*f-. G. E. Day, Guelph, ees. The Clvdebank Hjaa ° a r �� e ' much like a spider., Its body was youngster held his Times and Paily Globe ,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4 35' avu You a ver small a. the, raising of bacan hogs, illus- o�vn ver g y proportionately. There y well till the Glasgow laddie w •Times and Toronto Daily Star, till Janauar 1 a trated by living specimens. �• asked „De ?„ „ ,+ y et ... app_ared to ba Eon. legs, claws or , ye hoe an infirmary?" No , , 1903 .. 2 50' ' Wednesday afternoon -Prof. G. D. reluctant! said the Clydebank bo Farmers' i feelers on eacli side of the body ;these , y y. Times and Patmers Advocate ............:........ Day and 'Han. John Dieyden on' 1>20 •'Do ye hae electric cars?" "Not yet," Times land Daily World - ' f• were thick and pmrerful. ]Illi Firth: eattl15 raising' ; Messrs. J. H. Grisdale said the Clydebank boy, more brightly, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 00 t said that, he seas not a medical man, , °Cooking Stove 1 bat Ly-- ?�.zar that no such thing was Ottawa' A. W. Smith, Maple' Lodge, "but we're getting them l" "All, weel, Times and Daily News ...................... . 2 25' said John Campbell, Woodville, on h , • • • .. • . . Irnc. °m : adiral ii7sEors. He had air wen ye get the cars yell suns got all Times and Daily Mail and Empire.... , ......... , . 4 35 } in. • _ mutton, sheep raising., in8.rma " said the Glasgow bo re- ' ' ' ' ' ' p ming that the doctors ry, g y ' ~ in the matter, but Wednesday evenb*-Public meet. fiectively, "for ye'll need it." -Glasgow Times and Youth's Companion ......................... g2 75. r " '"r lie . if, € "ins , it • ,. ps uiession zvho wished to ing, with speeckes by Hon„ G. Wt Evening Times. 8C' 9Py'c alull„ withraak ! Rress, Hon.. Jobst Dryden, Hon. Syd- i a� -memn, a x ild do.so at his home c¢ cr'�?&. .allm Life is � 2'm -_ �ee-L _ L Hord Exposi_ my Fisher, and Dr. Jas. Mills. Stops the Cough a With the Toront Daily Star subscribers .will get a beautifpl st=rm to admir, of arl-.- u� I Thursday forenoon -Poultry ice_{{ and m ork s off the Cold. picture of Kin Edward VII in ninb colors b g 02.50, or on. tures and demonstrations by F. C.IlaastiseBromo-QaiuineTabietscure.acold in ayment of $4.00 the premium—with the by will be a book - and cr�ile in till; liifCheiT,. `& Hare, Ottawa ; A G. Giibtrt, Ottawa; i one,"7. - .1 C-% -Pal Price :a cents, +• Picturesque Canada." l knCW and: can p7rave tImt- W. R. Graham, Guelph; L. Baldwin, , , The balance of the 'year is included FREE in case of all :�� a!'t xxx�itsrxIIs97edlctns. Toronto; G. RJ Cottrell: Hilton;Slier• !w° boys have been lined in the weeklies to New Subscribers. ' � "j 54i'"k T:.diroc: and combined action p 1 Woodstock police :court for creating a 61 u T--: . tj: i� ,ir�r and kidneys, Dr. Butterfield, tendon; h. H. fimelt, j disturbancein College Avenue Aietho- N,rrzoirs Pills will Wdville; L. Jarvis, 112ontrea'1, and! Sarpsasses. All Othre'rm Th ,, 7 ,dist ;Sunday isebool, It .seems that a T r � ?arllytts" -� r , �y complicated ail- Joan. Anderson, •GueipAt. ! number of b liva*okeen f10 on" Balz2,- to Broil, tits liiy=, to �t�iv ,�, �,a Tea, by any 'Thursday aSteixiomsi -Cattle car_ oSs aging : Boil, as well ag beilr xi ` r "l tit ' ' r� =,a belloe its y , in this Sunday sekool for some time . � � a g • cases addresses b 7'rro!f, G. N' Da f'r •t>� +1�- i'" - POT! av`,iia=7 i4Ta�-ea' AACL pppulasity. 3, - Durable, Convenient ate. past, and it became such a burden to the l.z«iise' r+z`*'•" x•pnipiaan=, Bright s ;Guelph ; H. A I''oulds, Bxantford ; A. ;, :school that there was nothing to do bill: , C6rICmiCa1 its fire i9"Se Cr a.. .M hpi3e° crier; At�vznach , W. TYsrm, Guelph. Fuel. tit'±;��,� pS431'rista=, aeon thoroughly' Thursday evening --Swine corcaser! pnnishthexiugleaders, Two boys were; F r rw.r*,+ v r a = iii; axafltii^..ne, ; addresses b• >sccord�g;summonad to appear in corirt, ::ve:,Jl of ,� k. W. Hodsoaa, Ottaava; 'They leaded: riot We could extend the list, but it is not necessary: `V`e can A rine of ]0lauvti Iirtxa�^a~ ytr �, J. W. Flavell; ; Tori,v ; C. Z'. liiode;rs, P give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. °' p guilty and the Tlrlti f%atrrrerr Hrantfr�rd ; { . C . L. Wilson, Inger. case was st omod -ontil riext morning, I+lon SAM: lls" 'r�;ll. but, theyvanie back a little while afterl, Every subscriber will receive a dopy of the Handsome Illuatrated > }max+¢rico • M with th-6r tatkters, Aud i hQbrSathers inti CANADIAN A N N U A L for 1'902. The above are BEnor MOO A. ,1'ritiay �f"i"f':Pt"lour dairy •eat3l •-z3.cl. . Q' c r iKi `tit i y�r' '81i . r, s e..3 � IPM. ,�1'yfln+'y Fisher, .'brat'. '4nate44 `filth 't)*,'�r '0A$ 'III TO TOAdy to Aur i' z x D R A T E s, marked down so as to admit of no - ,+.a +': 17 1T, 7� xi. Gu:tlpri, And 1'raf. J. W. , pleat :gt4 , 11ke ='Xi�strate let tale NEVE0� , k; � p y ,tee, , �w, h,� Sys o with h fug reduction, Therefore, there is no use asking for cheaper rates. 1e i l,rftr tray::, r) to va. tifiarif, ca!Cam,i;.r�theirfatiiexs3xt.tlxopfiy kha xnsiuoy for When we can afford to give cheaper rates to one, we can give rv>' ti,.•y Ir J 11. •. (�ri�dak i3s,tatva;their:tiA'e'�editzla, thelu to all. [r = The Wir��.i��lM t�t� r>." ✓ -� ,.. ` r'" .:.s'r�• .�.. iprlr'! p , "'c 3'«+x.•1. #:T:i7dt,*gird, :lull A. W. - 9 Call at 'or address ` y�.•/ lo .Yr✓TI, Q i - .v. e..mwa� ',,,. __ •A� alf.r imels.! r ,. fP r • r Jr 1"i AsX, :Ari•] an Qwtii a 1 I aiA ,lite s= r :. ��y��y. //�� •'� I _ Inse a, - °? �r= it µ^A"1 tS's7rx!"" /'dlLatire:3 A. � Il X, THE T'I�ti2� ,... y - ,. ,,. ,' 'i r19 ry. S,. j Aad7 +fin y� _ �r �y +�� J.nehaiii F d�!# ���mU �'•�•s,,, d, �: _.....__.__ _._ .. ,t:•;� o;;.�tti'isl£r and B #"!i'JiYYz,j; t13A•� i " r� r�"n9 �.%� etlVr�j+' �Ivtt�,17f:$`1'3 #111.4 a0 f Ontario, h, : , lr y, r .t i r1n iN#+e S+f#4#19a 1a iCl1CA ' p_ ;r :., v!''i•.,ti.° frr249,X.'s r;},�;•4cit? rlx> i.`.� ap[:�.r l'� `h+��',yt}Y�Ar �Y' �.✓• ...'SIFt,�• i �a,su. 7rsi'.��l.Gri"e;ti%t9,51.�'SiXi,,.fir4•r.�r}l::tNl'' � p�'�' '�'i1X�4,5irii%S.�i�%r�I`yi�" _ ,•.•a %tV1t}! this r'*%t9ldl ,.n�1 it,i�tfeC d►rJeyh .i. w „ .r ALSVia FOR�P r " c Ayrtyr . /'fI' 'er f °A 3. 1��,fG+/;FYI rJ FX, tr.Xgrr, t;i>rlt tl t+Y, Jle,40, ! .lam "3 e e1!` Ar,^,gb il''`�'�, 7L ..,, "rI%it' f I �.+.t •.�' fY'', .rl�RJ►� i4�1�,�3Ut +.t -7 '.+� :!*!•.�''.�{,�irr4 � :•.�+' :?f/ „a .:r?, ° ,..! Aw/ i,7 +,"vlh°d°% r<Xl ii71tr'.I ' ,.:._.,,... _.... ....... - , r %iii Thi® is !'se p-, �• . �.. ,, �� .reds by s»y __: J f "/ ! _ "tV •s-'14 Osow ±r, �` ;, i ..r y %%A: r�iJa',w.'.f' 3,r�ii!' Ili i 1 i�4.4i y�" Y1" 9 YAiCYt1 9fYiTMfH 'a.:.y t.i'. itwttasacC ail Sf V �•kr'!J% St h s, k , • 4 wiry,, t t7ttsdfstel * v - ` - t r 1iMKrtC xth+ yl� v i/a' ' �! rw ,�,t +ice '#,#4,••e�P4?-, iYi + �... ;v .` t•i /i � �,''J�lin r wi;'i r�r' Xl �'• ,,�y y� .Anmla. it IIs lr3fF >r J w_. tyn MF iia/ "iii, • foie✓ s iP:r; fis'1 • �,!:, t dpi r3! flew i ,/!43'. I ^,irlfil will, .f ' » ISM�r /. ; r ,' ` � ""+ ,,• .._•- . e '' . YNR ;!N" 'i'•-'`�irl1!r.. Y `� k!!� ,.y'�5;.+�,y�' •Ir ,irk.i��� 'ZIV„` �/i,£.e�.+M�A!nP'�+t.i, f Meh ils7 aifi” fix 1 , ` 9 eirrrntiiiZxttar9 o+a „ ••s r . n t. , r + r r 1 ttnrr�l: to .ti ffawt �"° �! M�., 1i.9�.�'►•'� y/ f ,,�i.i 3 xike1.sl Caeai.l� sI •par . '�` t �4i wi w, !x" v iM+ - �.s,d " I i f': ; t �, j f.• Y 1'.j�. i At �y y y, 1+ ! i r".il.r7PJi •'r� #`+• ,/'i*' Jf rr _u�r�l .,�rl".�1�"1".'�'w�.� - —_ tot !�' _ .y :9t if 'y [�K, +.b+►+A• ► ,M , :x�r(s ham' ,+� ! . 4l+�r1 i ' ir`I�f41 ' i" - ' rr it Now pftwto ys,r.. r, t � ;�!• IrII _._ � +� � ,..w.,, IFir b ,W.. WIAO a '6 J(.� �,•4+Y; .�'��,rIId% ,�(. ,/I/�:�t ,t�1 f ,/. ! twrercd fa0i ttltl.►49•.«+11F ,. .. . .. . - ✓1t1��+ i.l� �� T . ` WJ ipf 4f ,,0 iP, ,s, ')tl'ghs 1 r �+, a _tRlfip,,. �1�' 'M� �-.. i. r1J�. jir.si Jj k f it+f ons sit'rr r •r .,�. - � � + ees dart +tliMt�i► ••r •' __._. � �-�►es f ill�itiM�MIMiM,tf'il Ot