The Wingham Times, 1901-12-06, Page 5r t.
t"l, 1s 1Y1"
laoine of Mr, and Mrs. Jan. Ferguson, , purchased an ialt'ireFt in a valuable tint• 10$. 1"t+47'
NE WS FROM OUR MOB`ORS High street, f)ti WednPday, at dxe b+r Bruit In Nortlitirn Ontario. He will
oclook Rev. Mr. Duulo aster of the continue to be a, resident of Brussels . 5
CorlvDYu11Di31tc, Assignee and Accountant. ' when their youngest daughter MiFo Ad however, At the T ixision COurt-here tai t weslc e.
Real Estate and loan OfficeBa the
Money to loan an toaa n 11
and farm property. ° elaide M., was ultiW4 in marriage to. Dr, ,MoNAughton, Medical -Health Omcer T 4ft t Fa`D I
Office --Two doors north of Drs T. R+ +'
Uhtaltolm'skiurgery. i;twtdonce—CathDrine st, Audiey, son of Aide as attired * aft@ is ds too to ie for
rF p stili anti family
y 847 ociEG+ ►, ROS*
EVENTS n INTEREST TO ALS. OUR iiEAflERS, PlQhneswllle. The bride was attired in A q upRANiEE
FOIi HAI M 100 nor farm in Morris Tp, 5 A blue ,gray dress with Silk waist and when ill with typhoid fever.
miles from 'Win ham, 05 aetDs olcarcd, NUlN D ;.
f•,cad clay loam soil, co horns seeded down. -looked very pretty. Thero were nR at- j X THE
Bank barn Wx7% hon barn SOs40. boy poo 12x tentilants and only the rel4tives of the
24. Comfortable loo e, good orohar , A de- What W idetzwako Times Correspondents Communioato •-•- Other r
ff aided bargain at $4, HasY terms, Apply to p'a des were present. the happy cetyl@ #O>Gi7ttI6. „ rl M r n 1,
iJ A. DulmagN, 12:11 atnto 'Agent, Chisholm's Items Cli ed From Our Exghsra es, will live ou the 1 #th cOircassiOla Of Gad• N 111f11 ••11tt11 11PAs
Block, winaltrua. pp S Christmas trees and outertainments THE pNpFA9Tu
Crich township. will soon be on deck. ,,, fA R
WALKER BROS, & BUTTON. TLI:SWATLR. ST.HZLIFINS, ki nambcr oftyle factory bands are 3Liae L. Michie is getting on nicely 4q fila WQRLD 8
takiuk temporary/' situations ui other aY •long attack of bronchitis, '
UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM.. Miss Tochor left last }veok on an ex- Mr "Robinson 'Woods has gone on a factories until the organ factory reauule® A shooting match for turkeys took We aro flee sole sgepts tl'r these `
Night calls at Button Block, or fifth tended visit to Palmerston, • Woodstock vis' to liar nlothat lir Stauid3y, Its: full staid' after the dautar,or ar@ ra- place at County Councillor Bowman's goods iu town,
door south of
`Bobool. Houtm. Shop Op- and other. points, She will not. lisle d, auras Joynt has been engaged as paired; on Friday afternoon of last week 7, ",
{ posite Macdonald block, return until January, ocher in Zion school for 1902, eke Rattenbury first saav the lt„ltt 1)f' Recently Alex, Forsyth, East gravel ' We linve just received a, limited
Mr. C. Sewers is erecting a frame Miss Maggie iiueilauan has just clay in Minton in the year 1840 and )sig rents, Solid seven pigs, 51. months old, number id tbose
+ house on his farm oil the 15th con. The recovered from al; attRck of quinsy, 06th birthday was on Sunday lasr, the that weigbod 1,400 pounds, They wore ,
CHEAP O N EY s site is a beautiful one and no doubt Mr. Henxy Horne has purchased the houso :14th inst to which we wish lntu puny Chester-Ta>riworth breed, I' I >i 0 f + I A
Sewers and his family will enjoy life in and lot owned by Hugh Ander+on. id@ happy returns. Ika's stories are mmol. f 1. IT li 0 G It A I' 11 1•r'' L '
ret@ J,t natees Of S. S. No. 5, knt7ivn as
s —r their new home. tastes possession on May let. oua and many un, intemoting tale glut Ito ylie Alegi; rcitool, '5th' line, Bove engaged ; +S 11 I 'C E B 0 X ID S
Money to .loan on farm property at Mr. John, Viiledtine arrived home. We understand M. Anderson, is going tell of the early days in Ol utun or vv it :art, rn•-snmore, now attending the God- W high we will tell at 20 cents as
from 43 to d per cent„ with liberal from O;veu Sound on Thursday last to li%in Iao4.dou with lila, cuter, in Huron. rrid h ,•,ol .rl School, ae teacher for next
terms df repayment. Apply to where he had been Working in the freight aleyFarkor, who hos. booll 111,1S Mrs. Millar of the base line,, -wboit in yelir rt: *u sul.try of 8340 lung as they laat. We
R. VANSTONE, sheds for some time. His leg was injur- i ' roving very. slowly. - tawn mi Saturday met with all nccident >L p. 0,1 itsossy aro getting stra:v out hstvc 'oe'tgti£ttl Child's Sets' at l'SG,
Wwgham. ed by a truck falling on it and though no here was a largo load of mail with which will lay her up for a while. Ow! ' Me and 50c, Call and, see them.
_ Gheaa d1,ys. L, P.'ristn, R. Thneli #tad
bones were broken John thought it best rweels out
hnntiug rabbits s oarcuitd lug to isle slippery condition of the side• Harry Gownan eac:l have a big cutting
+- Y
to come home walls: near the rgwn 111111, fell itl,jiirilii, the boa' an:. blo•ver. A lot of rain is being
Messrs. Currie and Davidson have homas Whoa is lake and §tug s muscles of her right arm severely, -I olind'l at lidine this fall, °
Is made in one grade only. The very been drilling on the 4th con. for some swamu. They had a sug6ossful d and We uudorstond that the Crealy Oroam- R. B. unci firs. Alcock, Gth line, gave rfl Pethick.
s best material is used in its construction. tin}@. They drill04 A well ,78 feet de@P .captured over sixty rabbits, cry building has been sold :tn(l will be the 5 dung people a party on Friday
' - For Durability, Workmanship, Finish - for Dougald McTavish, one 78 fact deep fI ` run under. a iespouaiblc company next evnuiu Inst. It :vas a regular roaster ]
and Comfort, the McLaughlan leads. for Jos; Pannell, one 100 feet deep for / year. ` fd:r Sotto at least, even in November. The Best Of • i%4/ ooklioS
: A fall line of the different styles is D. MOgiggan; cue over 50 feet for Thos. Nrx>LL. Master Stuavtart Jacksoa son of TbOs• Everything, puts;ed off pleasantly.
kel f in stock by B. Aitkin and anotlier over X10 feet in John XcDermott,shipped.a car of, cat- Jackson, jr., thti. unng aupr:tiuO singer, ' . ; Cltirk and W. B. Wilkinson one -- Tkl>
• depth for D. Ritchie. In Pannell's well tle from Ethel On Mouday. to Toronto, took part in a ;$,vcclt concert iu Lusk- (lay last :week gathered a good supply of
JOHN CAMPBELL, tlaa drill passed through 30 feet' of rook Anew harness maker has baenengag- now on Tuesday night; Miss Jessde big- pro zSions, consisting of flour and meat,
and at McKig; an's through 85 feet of ed by George M. Mitchell, our hustling Lachlan the noted Scotch vocalist, was and Solna money which will be spent inWestern
Implement Agent, Wiagham rock. Ethelite, the leading. attraction. bnying wood fair the Misses Fleming,
''3 Prof, Grant was here and gavea zeno I nlurged s
photoscope entertainment in Eckmier's _ - ' " _
SaskatchewanRobes and Ganonoqug. BRIL4)ORE. Hall. AXTJF4TFlirLn. :„ids
• I,,,,,_oved
harness always in stock. A Hustler Wm. Edwards has bills out, asking Veterinary Dentist Cx. A. Gook, wife Mr. an,l Mrs. George Oarroy; of Wil'-,Rheu ”
Whip given with eaeli outfit• for logs, shingle bolts and other timbor, and daughter, -.of Stayner, have been were visitors sit the honor of Mr. wid P
i' Our teacher, kr. Ireland, visiteSl his , , Th Leading Weekly
visiting at Geor ,d+ Dobson s, in Ethel. Mrs. Jamas Hoover lust sack. No other disease makes one feel so old, in Western .Ontario
« home near Arthur last weep. It is hinted that Robert Dilworth may Miss Mar Wi htatan has returnod It stiffens the Joints, produces lameness, +
t If Music be the food of Love,
A ' Mr. and Mrs. James'Lamonby visited take a whirl at the next municipal elect- home frons visiting friends nt '4inghnil. and makes every motion painful,
friends in Wingha>•ia on Sunday last. lou for the Reevosa chair, It is sometimes so bad as wholly to dish-
!! Messrs. William and Marvin MoDow. % ,
P1 a y . Q n The sacrament off the 'Lord's Supper The revival services, which were quite all arrived homy on Satardsty after flak- blew, and it shout dDever.ben c lectedhad it I''! ; V i AN 3, -' '. i ill E.
W observed it ills McIntosh church successful, have closed. Rev. Mr, Cur. I iug in the excnr,iou to Mauitolm, after a severe attack of the grips ldr3.
Said the immortal bard of Avon. But on Sgnday laet, ry, assisted by Rova Mr. Lake, worked Miss H. Staokhousw returned' hor.te
Hattie Turner, Bolivar; Alo.; had it so A Qati-niu;itlrly ubli lRtiAn—nnH:of thq
you might, as well play ou The•childreu of the Methodist church hard after visitingher mother, at Plumas,
Sunday school ase practicing for their severely she could not Litt anything and best in A'ssarica—is aeuti to tLay address
Mrs. Hugh 111icNeil is uiOviug buck to Manitoba. could scarcely get up or' flown stairs; V7. in C,uiada or the Unitod States for
A' r•'1_ a ®Y. ea aunual Christmas entertain out. Ethel, having, disposed pC their farm Miss Fauuie Robertson, who made her H. Shepard, sandy Hoose, Conn., was laid
ice. Good Mr, and Mrs. W. E.. Luoas viajted at stook,• ate„ on Wednesday afternoon of l;homo at the rt sidenoe of Mr, Alex. MUT- up with 'it, was cold even in July, and 6 5c e Year
` Mrs. Lucas' home at Ethel last week. last week. 4 'ton, left last sack to visit friouGs at could' not dress himself.
' Or Piano. It is admitted by all those Miss, P%AJV, of Gorrie, visited her, According to testimonials votnntn, r
Archie Lamont, John Bishop, nodi W. Dalosk,ino, alZanitoba" given, these sufferers were oertnarsanl;j. Stin:i for our Circular containing
who have,. purchased from us that we frlentlh'iss';CJhittiok.laBt Snuday. , and J. Cooper `arrived book front their Messrs. Robert and Ardiia Tanney re- relieved, ne others have been, by terms for Clubs, als s oar list of pre-
keep the Very Best Instruments.' We Rey. 14fr. and Mrs. McConnell, -Of fall hunt last week, and brought seven. turned home front Mtinitrsba last vr+rk, s "! wtts.
! are solea ants for the Thomas Karn etc. Michi an who have beers Ti.itin Mr.:
g , , g , g c1 "r with them. We aro leased tO weld:d,nse them Loma Hoods SarsaparLt;. ""
P. annxEas :
1 l Bremner, Mrs. McConliell's father, to-1 During the past week oar wt11 known again.. All are booking its though thd, Which corrects the acidity of the blood
turned home last weep, Mr. McColl- on which rheumatism deptnds and build:l
D, BETEL, TING'HAM. ownsman, William Simpson, has- been Prairie Province a; rood with tboui. up the whole systema Western Advertiser,
nell occupied the pulpit.-Of the Presby- on the sink list with pneumonia;, W 1r. Win Roblawn, who spout a, few HOOD'S PILLS care eoa°trp6thYn, Price is ten% LONDON? ONTARIO.
Opposite the Rrnk•. terian church on the .previous Sunday hope hQ will soon be as well as eve Intwlths around Winrllusil, 11ts ttrtiaed
and. preached a very acceptable sermon. H. F. McAllister shipped • a oar of our I home. -
Ws•be,able to report that to London this week, and delivered •two h Air. T. Ir. Taylor is paying ,,u tl)
.•;s [G y - ' Mr. Bremner is slightly improved in loads to Blyth and one to Seaforth, lie visiting with friends ill Wiu- stns.
H O T health. y s I j y t P g d i y Waidad
also sent a car of live turkeys eastward. I The other 'day. the sullies nod Othdr L Jz!
AI R !! ___. ,._____ Wednesday of last week Mrs. Gord- !!!!II members of the church assein'uled at thti
ner's mother passers that bourne from i house of hir:t. A. B. Carr where they sill
Dir and Mrs Jos. Higoms and Mr whence no traveller returns. The funer• I spent a busy ,fay snaking up clothing
(. MAY have a slangy significance al took place at Mitchell on Friday, Mr. I fur the deaconess hosnu in Toronto. We e are prepared to pay the Highest Cash-
' Elijah Higgins were away last weep •and Mrs. Gorduer sittcudiug: uudeistand sill worked well b the goat
that will not prove very attractive if y g'
at Hensall attendivg 1' weddiuA of one a
f. Tinted in our advertisement, when , John Kellner arrived home frons Col- amount of searing dune. Gout for she Prices for Saw Logs-
p• of their nephe:vs +'
' 'the thermometer ie "way up," but credo on Monday Queuing of lasyweah• ladies.
''Christmas is corrin Mr and Mrs Wm ',Mc$ersie, of Glen He looks well and shows that that State in-
, with..its Farrow, left to visit Mr Monteith, of the It is rumored thht attother wetldin- +
"way down" thermometer, when Thames Road near Exeter, to Monteith, evidently agrees with him: He saw will soon take place around Wesdeld. Buffen " essaista
you'll be anxious to have the .air ' Postmaster Spence and wife and says Mr. Robert Johnston and Mrs. Git-
who is at nude ofMr. Mcgersio is that the are both much improved in I OPERATED BY
heated juat right. carried just where y P sou still. continue poorly, both beiug
dangerously ill. Th
you want it, and in just the right health. aged people• t tip, Canada Furniture MTs Limited.
Mr Chas Kitchen is visiting his brother, s
quantities. Fred, iu Kent. He is expected home in' A rooeptioil party was held at the IIr'sl. Geonta Tothorgill and daughter
home of Isaac Gill on It"Aday evening of Mary, are both oil tho mend.
NoNE can give you better help y
i; P a few days.
than we can if ou wish to replace, last week in honor of William Gill arils 14frs. Robert coney spent Thanks- _
F * P Mr David Weir, one of'tho Best senna bride. The nuptial knot Was tied the giving Willi her father at Galt.
a remodel or repair, the Beating ap- meu..of this. comunity, left this week WQd?nacduy previous by Rev. D'. B. Me- 8 Mrs. Richard Phalen was summoned
t paratus in ,your house. for Moncries where he will probably put 1 ?
TS1RE's NO BETTER TL:tE TitAN in the winter in the saw-milling business Rao, the bride being Miss Mary J. Cur , td Napatee last weal[ owing to the .seriJIV
N O W for such work, no facilities with Will Palmer. Success Dave. nochan. Mr. 'and Mrs. GiII will live ou ons illness of her sista,r, cubo ,has since ANI vp ay E have some odd pieces
their farm on the 10th con. May •their died. of MANICURE SETS
superior to ours; nor less expensive.' Miss Louisa Higgins is spending this sail over the matrimonial sea be one of : '
Command us any time, but right _week with Misr McMichael in Wroxeter. Mrs. A. Robinson ttuct' son Nelson,P I Duft E S
' , which we are offering at much i
now is.the right time for right away The revival services in the Methodist success and hit eladve is, the wish. 01 `Salto friends.
with Stratford and T '
their numerous rabaiives'tlud friends. Salton frietds. belUw the usual price. This is '
service. church are growing' in interest. Rev.R. _ Mrs McCrillocli, of Sunshine, who a Special Sale and will not be
We can suit you in a 'new J. Garbutt of Gorrie preaches a very -
STOVE, HEATER on FURNACE., earnest sermon every' evening. The CLINTON, avis calling au friends ill her Old nuiglr- for long. The pieces comprise
.,y borhood, hits returned home.
a; attendance is increasing and some have; A very pretty home' wedding took
expressed a desire to be followers of plane at the residence of Mr. and Mrs t NAIL FILES, s
JOIRAT Christ. Arthur Twitchell'at high noon Wedues- I BRUSSELS. r TOOTH BRUSFIl;S
Arrangements have been made to hold 'day last week when'their second dau;fi• '
& 1 0.11.V- the annual Christmas tree and,entertain- y. A, Hewitt tivill probably go to ginger-
_ tar Alice became the arida of air. C&eort,e BUTTON HOOKS,
went for the S. S. ou Christmas eve.' Marshall 'who has for a few nionths ding this week a take eha s of the
STONE BLOCK, boarding and Sala stables he has pur0hae- SHOE HORNS,
_ l& Practices aro now the order of the day+. been a resident of Clinton and has be-
come well and favorably known. The ed e n the wall knoavu ill Gentler. SEALS AND
The Kincardine people will find Mr.
bridal party entered the parlor. Its t1fe. „ „ NAIL BRUSHES.
BLYTH. Hewitt all right and we hope he will
" Mrs: Win. 'Sims spent the Tbaulrgiving wedding march was being played by snake the same success of the business
Miss Mabel Twitchell and took their Note these bargains
holidays at the home of her parents in his pr6decossor did. Mr, ' Howitt is no
stand before au evergreen bank, the novice at the; work be is undertaking.
Rev. anti Mrs. Wm. Penhall and the rowan berries which-dotted, inhere and Brussels, lead ,lie right
the Queen's Hotel, ® , Pieces formerly sold at 50o for 35e
Jas, 13, S,tret$oit lace o
• there malting a pretty contrast. The s S 1{
. .Misses Pethall spout the Thankgivm his ght leg broker at the These GOOD are on ' " 750 " 450
n n
holidays at the home of Mrs. Penhall's brido was given away by her father,
Epjo.y our Donner Y while Rev. Alex. Stewart, performed the ankle last Monday in a very simple Exhibition in our . . , d, " $1.00 tl 700
parents in Loudaii. manner. He had taken th tam and , " $1.25 " 850
Little May Ashbury died at the home ceremony Alice
which made Georgy wife.
call agon and gone out to the- 14th e con. of Window.
" " $1.50 " 1.00
of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ashbar in Oak- n; Alice T vitchell man and Mrs.
re for a load of tove ood. He jump• 11 n Ow' " ` $$1,75 " 81.25 t
d X71
i y Elsie the .little dau =hter of Mrs. Ftib- Grey s cv ,
' urns Twas morals of last week the lungs. some manner tato the
the limb dein tela
- 1 er and fuiiiil .have with congestion of g
Mrs..i q b g y batt, Albert street, has been seriously ill ed off the load to the ground L McNeil
' By trying some of our Choice
Diphtheria was the cause of death, -p .}
Cuts, some prices of which w@ Mr, and y Mr. J,L.Courticdl, w,io has beau under damage stated about. "Chisholm Jewe le & Optician
' the sympathy of many Blyth friends in the tweaoher for three weeks euflerin brought hiiu to town and' a physician t1 1,
give you beloavo g' raredAfor:tile broken sniemberr ® ®Oppocgte 83d of "tamilton
Beefsteak 10c Rib'Roaat,l0o, theitilereavemertt. '.+ i r
+ Police court was held In Alyth on soMany, , it 1. re much better. Last Sattirday+ Edward Garvin, who
Surloin Roast 10o, Shoulder presidia Many :will regret to learn that Alias
i Saturday forenoon. The g Mor+i arlane Of Stratford . who has beefs recently became a roaidenb of Brussels, - - --
Roast 80. $.ib Stew ie, Head ` ' . had the misfortune to dislocate the
. - 'magistrates were: Reeve Sinis, N', H,
cheese 80, Lumb lt[i0 D1WnOJlWs a guest at limas of the Hisses ]lines, is
Young and B. W. Sloan. .Cne Principe' laid up with art.1al aralysis at her 'second fingei' of his right hand while
PxessOd Boef 10.0, IYxesh Pork actors iii t1>e 17olibo court scene were p p assisting In but0hering hogs at NY. Ellis. Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Caney
70c niicl 180; Long Clear 180, 1T home. gg gall. last O
Anthony Eu gill, of East Wawanosh, L. Y2, Harvey, druggist, who bought
bests ate,, alio txuw in stock.
Lunch Tongue 30o, Lamb's. and Robert Kelly, of 'Wingiran, who Har friends would like to 'sea Mrs, H. out the business of It wi I be to
Tongue 800,. Jellot Tenderloin were gathered'in oil Friday night by Hunt recover from her , ailment; she is Sumer, hall tAkeila partner the th,)so who Intend Lu'c-lie si )g in a of
200, , . Cooked suifeitng limn an attack of partial pal s' p i 1L ug in filet
Corn Beef 15g Constable White and placed in the lode• i Bison Of l . liiurstle of St. Themed, i-ON' :
Loaf Veal 25o, `, Browns 15, up for being drunk and disorderly, stud alysis from which we hope elle Unity soon ! who will take charge f of the Brassells `` = )inti to inspect Out' stock, and see the
Iiidhey+Slice iso, Lard l #o. using abusive encs obseeiiQ languag@. recover. store, 1 Intest sty' ler,
Tit. RClaud lies been oil the sick hat. g Winter , . g
Both pilsonera placed guilty and ware . Andrew Bur ess, of Boissevain Man., !rte.4.tbu ill Canis la amisiun 6 St h
fined o' nits 8$2.50 costs each or, 15 days II. Xer1 has been laid up this woek i
is here oil a holida visit. He is a brotlr
ill jail. Haggit paid his fine, but Belly with a sore' 3.uee resulting from a fttil' y + Clips, :.ems.
nND I had On MOney and was sent to jail,
whflo working oil the root at the organ ar t0 Junles Burgess.
factory.. George x ,i0hardtsot itat4 1)ur0hased isle.
— . We are sorry to loarii that Thos, East Alex. 'Ellis property oil filbert street.
„.. ,I'N CHER Children Ory fdr, of the gravel road isoeriowayta and it paying$226therefvr.It. Rkiiarasoni;nd C + + r+site
+f is leafed
that lie oatin0t f600 ler. •Pauiilyr will luskke their home there. Geo. rr r
+ ' ae r A quiet home wedding Occurred At the' It is atittetl' 'Haat Philip Ameiit I,,"n'
• r' k'