HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-12-06, Page 3I I t , �« r WINGRAN Ti R8 D W. 6) A tire the ffloo wmta t started Wooll itu=11113,awhlelQf leave Uyl'� NO rat soma& countrylly 4411Y they churchyard. sleep Na A HREE 1�#ONTH$ though tiro armut able t� 0"t sunder tare eotltrol of Mossre, Goo,'snore fatigued. -Wath has plowedfar nn u�riEiva"'" "ark to tim zi�,l1J� 09send ' •Small fol' aoino, time, on '.rues- 1 a ANlI A\O S Fr14P tbs.xn the, deep furrow of a grave. hotesheads a# the 1�ttaliialati day morning of last week about 8,30. y QQ Although. snort of as have nothing 114 nlrl�rty.•ninQ COM110 r Out .off A packers I Haeusltl to .eat, owd ab lepgl ' S4 ." - y. ., g. 1 n>fltla� Irl m l to4np h�e prices' It was not extinguished until the wholec p , eatauaii< to wear., and Of hod# Now England Festival Better Limed . F2UitAFAS ecdtl, yet Lii all our ossa atltlatsrwe taianu#atitnrrf. If •sa'rit<eltavo saW 1r tlfxact;l to 'da with the, tills a of the >vltock, valued nk 1,00Q rvtis practically p p lent,. but South Amorloa n Itietr� Wiped out. The cAliso of the fire its not than Her TheelA , .3 reel else effect of :successsful or blight. ' wineI Mvars thR c`stlt�sh In Citi 0i0— have not, than God array help thio know', also avec diseoYerod liter by per- ' Aj - w • . d Industry. We must, in all our oc- Mrs, white, of Beaverton, was dangatously who Ravel to han4i .over to. thous wb, +tone outside of the factory. The door .T= .-- . T , rejoice over the victories IiI from norrous trouble; had not ,slept a night have, n'ot li CloaiC the track far the Y '` cuprkitms for throe months • so low, friends ha tutoring tiro oti)co from the Braili tivawi a t +- cf the l'ow to -day, Tit:( earth IVA* t , given u' rail traind that rani, on bringing the • �„ �''. • r . � p hope of recovery' She began using Sout� work rind while a ata. raged in the auto, REST UNDER FAMILY ROOFTHEE. =a F�:. ,� •�' ,� � � cuce' oursed Rar man's make, and coca. AAmeriscaa Nervine and from the night she took ,wheat and the cotton acid the rice " ,r!orknlosi operated the maahinea eutira: ;sTM.z�, y 1• sionally this Boll revenges: itself qn us crit slept soundly, Sha put cwt flesh and the barley and. the ,oats and the ly unconscious of the fact. �` tY rapldly anti in A short while every syritpptom of '^--'^ '.ter- ,�% by ref refusing a bountiful liaxvP,st. I het trouble had left her, and although It is ave boys and' tho lumberf and. the leather Rev. Dr. Talmage Preaches Sermon suppose that, but for. the ain .the earth years. ago,shehasrneverhad Asign ofareturn, Ida. and everything for malt and every. cud sweet' prafts in > when a d naw L. Hamilton, wlrtgham. thing for beagt 1 i f A866"OLUTE of National Gon>;ratulativu ever 'the. Aohievetnents of Brain and wdyuld ee -fruits aiu wheat and corn Sg1a by A. Lift up yati,ti: eym, Q nation of ung s t will outwear it produces mullein, stalks and Can, Gods right b4a..4, at the glorioJ4 Hand During the Past Twelve two pairs of ads thistles. There is hardly a lilt. all, ]Levo stock in every house, that i§ prospects; Build larger your barns common rubbers, !-or three lock b_tween the forests of 1ltaine y public convey,.. for the harvests; dig dee • . , butldc�d and in ever Mouths—Toilers at the Plow and '' dpc,i' the vats years we have proved that with and the lagoons of Florida, batrva2n ante that is constructed and in every for the ,spoil of the vineyards; en- ���� the Hammer .and the Pen En- ship that is sailed. Wheal we see 'i he q f� you can Stub .the Rash 'orchards of New .Jersey forge Lha warehouses for rho mvr- �� eouraged. King ��(4��yn�-'Oi� hard-working man of the land living '" your f o a t� and the pines of Oregon, that has , . chandise; multiply galleries of art Lu, comfort,abla abodes, with luxuries Ear ; the! but you cannot stubtilerubbers, not sometimes shown its natural ulpal thr.ir tablas that once even kInns . Piuturl�M ar dt•,statue», Ad- j and total depravity. The thorn and n _ valid:, 0 nation of Gods right hand, 1 Genu 1 ne Washington, Nov. 24. —This, dl*- �� go n tt 1 ri e v , could scot afford, having the advan- I �' .p- thistle seem to have usurped the but rt.itaeinbor that national,' .wealth, pond and Sprague and Loadfellow . are S 1 a ri j.} o d g^s tags of tboirqugh education, of ae- if unsnnctilied moil, and nothing bat the• rebellfoa . i sunipttious waste, C G'!%L r tpry �p course of Dr, Talmage is a national upon the scle of, each rubber, of the plow can � uproot the evil oomplishmcmt and art, wa are all is moral ruin, is magnificent eves, is �p Ij congratulation. over the achievements with our ao }r» nup e�macy. But. Goll is good, Now, ready at this season to unite with splendid rottenness, is gilded death.! ' tho past righted name ��aa;��l�, tic9n in praise to God, far his good. Wog ,to( ,u% for the. wine vats iE of brain axed hand during if cease of our seaswls partially proves Little �� PIRs. twelve months. The tests arc: clo nt't allow y rill :-, f W be 4g, a %allure the .earth »eeM3 to repent '1 ; s' drunkennGse wcillowa' }n thous! Woe 4i dj�e I Cosrinthians ix, 10, '"lie that ceivecl by iutitattotss, of it the next summer in more muni_ Now I Caine to resale of the con. to as for tele harvests if greed sioldes p'laivyth should plow in ,hope" ; Is "s �'g Eicemt supply. quests of the pen, This is the sym- them I Wort to ud for the moro!mn- Must Bear ;;tt ntituro of ufall xli, 7, `He that smootheth Xing SLE�1YN�TQp ��L/JJ�� praise God for the''great harvests bat of the intellectuality. The paint- diso it, avarice swallows it! Woo to, with the hammer"; Judges y, 14, the best on the market, 6-inch,that have, been ;leaped this last er',s pencil and the ;sculptor's chisel, " for the citie,0 if misrule wall;4' "They Haat batadle the pan of the 0 -inch and 1" -inch topst N,vith year ! Some of them injured by and the philosopher's laboratory are them Woe to the land if God defy - w ritor:'}} Rolled 130g•e and Heels. The all brothers• to thei pen, and therefore fn crime- dcbavcbws• it I Our ani r, or insects or freshets were this may, be itseq as. a symbol, of in- - g � Y There Is ti table Teeing spread are carried in Stock,,and our mist as bountiful as usual, others far safety is in inora See t?aaSimite wrapper 8eiow". $ There are ncrass.tllo-top of the. two great ram- cicalcr cacti order them for you. inexcess of what ham ever beforetellectual advancement. churches, more free schools, more ser hes of mountains wlluch ridge this /�� T been gathered, while higher prices those disposed to decry everything good men• and more! good women, ♦rias e,nnn and as o the J. D. EKING CO.,imited American. having .seen Melrose read to �o as s"nar• continkmt;a table wdli}di reaches from have exclusive .� will help me,ke up for any decreased more conseei•ated printing presses, s a the, Atlantis Ea the Pacific sea. Glastonbury by moonlight, they more of the loriqus gospel'of the FOR l3EAUAditE. OOntal,of all supply, shire sign of agricultural s It fa the Thanksgiving table of , the yew' �� , never beheld" among ag an impressive San • of God, which will yat extir- CARTERS ,FOR DIIIIiaEst. � ltt.b�orr prosperity we have in the islet that structure, or, having steeliest through I'Y'�'LE FOR BILIOUSNESS, notion. They well eorcnsa from the cattle and hooses and sheep and swine pate all wrongs and introduce all '��� FOR TORPIDUVER. g the picture galleries of the Louvre .bleapedness. east•. ;cud• •rias ,yvdest atnv3.' iJla north ; and all farm animals have Burin the r FOR COMSTIPATION. and the Luxembourg, they are 'dis- But the preachers on Thanks ivin PILL and the 'south and spit at• it. of oxen t lien the mantle fell on him laist two yelara ftmcreaseil in value. g t; FOR SALLOaI:III(IN. b Y ire gypttans in their pag- Twenty million swine slaughtered gusted with our academies of art, Welcome,. TTlamksgiaiin. du !Who that lite E morning will not detain with long ,1 FORTHECOMiTEXI011 spar ave• me think tai New u peed the ox as n tiller this lash year, and yet so many boos It mal:gst met ,sick to hear Lhasa neo- y Eng•lu d' anise wcordhf sermons i:lleilt hearers from the home ' o c «un+,wc ,,., �.. theology, wo all like IVew England ai thtear• lamAs. ,, ple who have been to Europe comp i'1Moi 1 aY g left.. Enormous paying off uE farm home talking With u foreign accent- group. The housekeeporq will, be an- esrro Iaurel7voQ•etatpie i.sli+ Thamksgiving day. ,What nvaans PRILens, the King, found some mortgaga•s has spoiled tha old speech- gry ift the guests do not arrive until' and apingi foreign oustoms and talk - CURE SICK HEADACHE. the steady rush to ithe depots and( rich gold.anines; in his provimee, so cy s of the calamity howlacs. I: the a:u- the viands are cold. Set the o3iaiis (tl,e long raft trains darting their' he tairrmad all the. populatiola to dig_ cients in their fesiirals pvesented fag .of moonlight on castles by, the to the treble -� the easy choirs for ee. II think thea biggest fool in the Iluwte,rns along thetruckss of (lie; t?ima nn �fhe; minus. Tiila;,e wins Lhrfr re,;o:ciag•t before Cel•es, the got'_ ' grandfath-r and grandmother, if they. A Bad Breath Bast= and Lorvtill,. the Georgia slcighm-ted, and there Dante a great doss of rearm and tillage, shall we neg- country is the traveiledi fool. be still alivethef high ebstir £cr the Central, the Chicago Great Western, fianmitmie. ,One day the wife -of. the. lect• to rejoice in the presence of the But' considering the youth; o£ our youngt•st but not The least. Then if bad breaft ine'ans !a bad nation and the fact that compara- out, your hand( to take th^, fult L'he St. Paul and Duluth and the Ii;imiy. !itltriited him to a groat ban- great (God now? From,, Atlantic to put Lively few, parsons devote themselves atoma>cha .a bad digestion, a Sau.tllern railway? Ask the happy i queit, .oa>,tl he came in and sat dawn, Pacific let the American, nation cele- cup of thanksgiving. Lift it and bad liver. Ayces Pips are grdud3 in 'tile, New England farm': and There were pieces, of Old in the brats fthe victories of the plowk, entirely to literature, I think we bring it toward your lips, your have, great. Teasloo tel thank God for liver pills. the C111tC COII•� h'ause;; ask the villdbers, rvhvsc »ang : shagma cif ]bread and pieces {af .bold I crsmli� next Ea speak of the con- hands trembling with emotion, ancE Clea progre* of. our American, litera- af Praise in the marnfng will come in the f1hapa of biscuits and pieces qursbs of the American hammer. Its if i the: chalice shall overflow and; stipa>tioa�, 'ib�liouslless� ,dy.�• Gassers. Ars' historians have'! Svc not had over the Berkshire hills; ask all the of gold in the shape of joints o£ iron arm has fought its way down trickly a few drops on the table dc K' Psl sick headache. in the past ,such men as Bancroft and P � Plantations of rise South which have metci:, •atncl the King was disgusted, #,tom the bagialning to the pre -sent. not be disturbed, but lot it suggest] 35e. IAW druggists. „ „ a Prescott, us essayists Irving and adcggrted the New dlflegglaald ,careen o£. and Ole• said, I eammiclb aea,E this.". Umdcsl• its swing the city a� Enoch Prescott, to yor: the Wordrf of the psalmist and oy of thunksgiv' " Emerso-n, as jurists Story and Mar- " wansTenr®onstaoiceor.beavfl,a!beenglal settaaLg.apart a d Ln� iwieuBller can the people, said his rose, and £}Le faun•dlee of Tub11 Ca:n lead you' thankfully to ."say, DZy cup brown or rfCh bLek1 Then use Oh, .ft is a rc.at da of national Witfe :most suggestively, and then ,shall. and Dent, as theologians ISd` rtinne,.l) over."` g Y i y re -sounded, and the ark floated on the ; g poets I.Lerro- i p avards� ,lard Hod e, as �' BU0KINGHAM�S:DYEVoL.; err feaWfityl clap your hands, ye peo'Piq `they %Wont back to the tillage. deluge. At its clang ancient temples {slid Bryant, ci »culppac Powyxs soars. oronuaaun, on a.;t•. N.,.t ra., (uwu,i,'N.H. and shout aloud far .joyl Through the TO •got an appreciation ,of what spread their magnificence and char_ , .',. allgan.,pi as let there same down the, the American plow bels accomplished and Crawford and 1almer, as paint - P P iots rushed out fit for the battle. Its seri such mr.•n; est West and Colo and FIVE DOCTORS thunder of a notion's rejoicing! Blow I hake ayou. into the western wilder- iron fist .smote the marble' of Paros, � 9 Inman sad; $ynsett? And among the CRIED "HOPELESS (� , r � •�-®��trCd the .cornet! 'Wave. the palm mom• Hoke in the dense faaest I find am -A it roses in sculptured Minervus living American} what galaxies of in- VR1ED C' (I�PEL�SS'� iL6 3 ed% ibran+ches! `"Oh, ',that min would •a 'O&lect;tou of Indian wigwams. and struck the Psntelican mines un_ , praise .the Lord for His. f elleetual splendor and power! Ed, 'illtskh ib�lts of wan um the men laz- � � But Jacob DaWitta waeao goodness P gg ry quits without a tight for hlx lllfe, 'Kidneys. 4 ward E lestan and Will Carleton o �p� +� � t�, stud ttir His wauderftil works to the 113 Mom the skins of deeps, smoking —__�_. __�_.__... and Mark, Twain and Jahn Hendrick He pinned hit, faith to Dr.Agnew's ��••n (Jib children of men!" t7aTCur feathered calumets, or driven CurefortheHeart,anditaavedhlm. f Tt`-h by hunger I track their moc_ �I 9 (�'®D F3angs and:14Larfan Harland and Mar- y1sc worst ,things Things have marvellously changed. err77 E R caret Sang dater Time mas when, the stern edict of � eashas far away as the make the 6' seer and Stockton and jacobDeithfiv dHayIslana,hadbeentinder inter Iliac ,to ,con. � _' Y treatment with five doctors. Each in turn irin • (tend with 5s alae torr Governments forbade religious a,-_'. 4OrresL• echoes craz with ;their wild Churchill and Ilopkinson Smith and u his case as a hopeless case of Heart trouble, gientine. g °Y • DUTY I Irving Bachellerj and Julia, Ward said he might drop dead any minute. He fellin 'heaead,"o"itanurse, se'imblages. .Chase who, Glared, to be ilallew or fish in the avatars of the t EIowo and Amelia Barr a'nd Brander weight from 214 to 1 •� , 43 pounds, but he finned �•. ��� , usibad too. ev unloyal to their lung as to ai:,,' .still Cadre. Now tribas chatlenge,.and A Mowing Tribute to the Ster• his faith" to Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart, ;But :the 'turpentine knowledgy t. e loyalto the Head of , council fires blaze, and warboops ling Worth of Dr. Agnew' Matthews aid Thomas Nelson. Page and he declares he owes his life to it. From the y cuts t'he'kidneys,.in. and Elizabeth Stuart Phelps and Wil- first dose he found benefit. To-do says he never �' ! .flumes and �weakcrs the •unimerse were punished. Churches II ring, tan o chiefs lift the toam'ahawks Caitazerrhal Powder. Liam Dean Howells and a .score of felt better in his life. Y � 83 { ithcny, malce's (the awfully zilt�nt In warship , suddenly for ib t11 . After awhile vvagoms from �ulcl b A. L. B, milton, win aintef's life :a "tiara. the Atalac, A coast ilei_ Lo these Wben I know anything worthy of recon- others, ,some, of them• fixed stars and T Chant. p heard their doors swung open,. and; mendation I consider m due to tell it,"' - •^--- ---------►� geraua and arouble- Y Y some, meteors.; peso Dna W1lenac 1patntcr"s'backachcr,'its down upon a church aisle a score of fare fists. Hy day trees are felled, and sleeve James Murdock, of Hamburg, Pa. Auto far him to ntreafan lhekiclnc s, muskets thumped .as the leaders 11 by alight ,bonfires, keep off the wolves. .. Y J g A,s the pen has advanced our col• rra„tt'.n,{ oras \r'orking isititer. 1 R Y Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has cured leges and universities and, observa- Ath•r drawing off this l,ntdermilk ' } d th "G d "' Th' 'Lqe cabiatis risy and the teat trees SliTN { >A e, tem rairu arms. is • g me of ,catarrh of five years' standing. It is torics have followed the waving of wall twice or until tiles wadi wsatarruns. �DO A-1 S ku oust -cal of having the fathers, .the hegira to .t1hrow their branches in the certainly magical in its effect. The first ap- its plume. Our literature is of two off c;ear• Then work in salt to suit the P,fL husbands, .the sons and brothers • at path, of tine uonquerin;g white man. piicailon benefited meiinfive minutes. 8: kinds —that on foot and that on testa of your trade and set away for kill fix them u,3_4a'l:,e out theiinfla=ma'fiern the entrance of the pum its a sustain Farms are cleared. Stumg►s, the Bold by A. L. Hamilton, Wingham' the wing. By the former I mean the thetas or four hones, iheu rework and m:,td congestion, �nve ease to the aching 'which came down from olden .time, monuments of slain forests, crumble firm and substantial works which ask or Stam The interval rework betand b.tdi:. wheRi it uui,s absoluteJ,y _ necessaryand are, burned. Villages' appear A P• Mr.' T. Evansm, hire well -lemma Ip,0ritcr with smiths at the bellows, maBon» til from, them a Parthenon was rear- will go down, through! the centuries, salting and stamping allows the salt anal decorator, Sm -Oxford Sts Torontay that the, fattier or brother should sit Dint.,, •said: Abont•cight tveclMsago 1,ryas at the, end of the churrb pew; fully on the 'Nall, carpenters on the .,house- l ed whiter than. a palace of ice and when,• an the other band, I ,speak sulthothe seily n ptworkingrineato Lha whole mass, lalr,cn With an excrliciatingpaislasnybaclr armed to defend the 1>.el.pless por- top. Churches rise }n honor of the pure is an angel's dream. Damascus of literature on the wing, I mean ani the mixin fthealso insanes s ,over;the kidneys.. It'was so bad that nnr the newspapers of the, land. uniform mixing of the (:alt as well as Wfebad toapply lsat.oloths till the doctor, tion of the family. But now )low. Great Spirit %vho= the red men ig-,. and Jerusalem and Rome and Venice g � 'nara.nti p. � How •things have marvelously working oat auy escese of water. Nev- came.and'gave tn, a orphine. aihangedl. Severe pwalties are y worship. Steamers on the and Paris and London and Philade}- changed I We. used to, cry because Ave11c:said the trot:ble was duo to a stoats -,threatened ,against any one who lake convey merchandise - to her phis and New York and Washington g y er work batter when it is warm enough passing front the kidnev. to the bladder. wharf and carr had to he to school, Now chiidrtrf to bee but There are two are civ®ids lilywatcr was loaded with a brick dust shall imterr>zpt religioiss ',services, y cast the uncounted , but elle long protracted echoes of cry if they cannot' bo. Many of de posit and scalded on assin anal annually, .at the command of bushels that have come to the the hammer. LTn.der the hammer for the bu iter rtuity They are worth ri- • i passing. �,• them can intelligently discuss poli.- Hess and uuifortuicy and are worth re- Whilo in this condition I hcardofDoan s , the highest official in the United market. Bring, hither wreaths of .everywhere dwellings have gime up, tical topics lora before they have p Kidney► Pills and started taking then,. :.States, we gather together for wheat ilnd crowns of rye and let ornate and luxurious. Schoolhouse., seen, g myntber)ut, if you are looking for treads r;It%,asin mid havebee before ngitreief frons r ns th ialagiAng and holy warship. To- the mills and machinery of barn lyceums, hospitals and asylums have tic ballot bnear, teased byarticles for and reputation. hence. 14Iy urine fn nowelearattd does not day I would stir your souls to joy- and field unite their voices to cele- added additional glory to the enter livarn red • ' smart me and I feel better than in• ears, g g brate the triumph, for the wildermess the omy and ch Philosophy and as- p Y fol Eha�nks Lviu• while I speak of 'A' prise as well as tllc beneficence of the eve offer -One Hundred Dollars Reward hath retreated and the low hath Lronomy an<l chemistry have been so 1 fur any case of Catarrh that cauuot be the mercies of God and in ancon. P American people. Vaist public storks improved that he must; be a genius cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Pl lee These litt]s `ventionat way recount the conquests conquered. have been constructed, bridges have r U.11 -LIVER blaok.fellowe 0. of the plow, the hammer and fhe pen. farts of the country, under Indus_ been built over .rivers and tunnels d at Balint ss ilio knows nothing about F.WJe tlie�undersigned,�riu► a known F. act easily and naturally on Lha s stern.' them. pal caro shelf of tt poor mans cics,wrin it vay all bile and effete material. Most- of tlse implements of hus- trious tillage, have baoome an Eden tinder mounLairm and churches of library is more, practical, knowledge belieFs�hitnoperfectl st 15 years, and [:onatipntion, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick In bamdry have been superseded by cf £rufd.fulmess, fn rvllfch religion matohless beauty have ,gtnc+ up for than in 1.}Ly 400,0110 volumes of un- business trauerfeuus aunt able in al lr lxeadache, hcartbum, waterbrash—all diw tnodcrn inventions, but the plow stands As the trey of life and ecluea_ him tubo heist not where to lay his cient Alexandria, incl education is able to carry out any obligations made appear whoa they are used. Pride Sil& has never lost Its reign. 7t has fur- tionai advantarm as the tree of head, And the old theory is exploded passible for the most! indigent, and by their firm. rasved its way through seri the ages. knowledge of good and evil; anl one that because Christ was bornin a I no kr,Ii.slntun or congrc+s.l for 1 h W -8T & Tn Ax, 'Wholesale Druggists, Its victories have 1*,e the ed b the oe ofet eft farbfd better than are the right lm'AnScbsz W, must always worshiphim last fifty years has assemble..i which Wholesale Druggist0. s. Toiedc, U�uvx�T' it y ' a, •u hta4 not had ire it rail splitters and Hall's enturrh Cur., is rAlcon biternally, Persia, the flux of Germany, the gurnmmded by well cultured farms. Railroads of fabulows l:ngth hava farmers and drovers er men who acting dirt etily ulwu tern blo let and rfelestalks o£ Chinn, the rich grasses They were worked by your fathers, barn callnpletecl, over which western have been accusComed to toiling with 'mucous surfaces of th,i sy,taul. Price Hart of Italy. .Ii: Ilas� turned up the and parhap.s your mothers helped trains rush past the swift footed th.c hand and lhei foot, Toe• per ials �. S rid by u.l i)rugiists, mammoth of Siberia, Elie mastodons spread rite hay in theffedd. On their deer, making the frightcaiecl bird -3 to Testimonials free. To Eato of Egypt and tho, pine groves of headstones Are the names you bear. The grain fields have passed ',hair Iial1 r31�'a111iIy 1'tlls sero thti best. dart into •elle. heavens at the cattgll harvests above the vera of drought � I 111:�ssuly. Its ira11 foot has lsiarclted As, when you. were bsys, fu the sol- of thl amoka pipes, and the savage I and deluge. The freight cars aro not ago Alex, Srnith of rS�.tiinlP.v'twn yo tis The pain, nausea gild dis. where , Aloses wrote and tIom>,er try R>,;oon you song'llt for the htirvest y It of the steam tvhistl.. In hot i go s lirodu -ed a now g stir, imported Baal and Aristotle taught and Alex-: field with refreshnumts for your , large enough to bring down iha g g haste out" stational !nraustry Advance.-, *rain on the .seabatrcl. The canal from a foreign prier, w} i •h is veiled tress that Dyspeptics surfer b under mounted lti.s war charger. It fathers u'ncl totulct them takfsnx l'lleit' liter b:•rath the air of 10,000 filxaiuccs boat's stry crowded with bread.gi.uff,. Speltz arid lt'tleutl•1t•a RuKyian trtts or after every meal can 911 be }Lath rung its bolter on ir'orwt%flan no 11 apAl sound asleep under the ilei Bong tho'vaice of uncounted fate -, still more Cahadiuu built•,•. Ile has Sock removed by Bur wilds and ripped out the stumps of tories, her footstep Elle flash of whorl '""'""""""""'--"" - ""`" °"''�"""` , ... _. it Clow ter o treats In ttuvt•e•asiou lsnd it •clock Blood Bitters. the American forest, pusWil3r its way �et, buckets and tha tread of the shaft � has proven itst Ir to he it g vat N I(-lder TC to up and restores the through tills savannahs of the caro. `�� ��� ��T E and the• stamp of foundries. Tall: CURES PILES IN 5• DA 849 with ordinary eulrivttrit,lr. It's at, la.+ast • lina's and trembling 'in the grasp of , about antediluvian longevity! 1 think ©r. Agnew's Ointtnen•t might "0 per utast•. nivi)e pre due'tivwe tluut tints stornacl� tt5 normal condition so ®r. Von Stana Pineapple cure and for c•11i" p that It Cllo'eSts food WItl10Ut ells i`1'i:w Hainpahixe yeomanry. Am- lots are as certain 'to euro the, avcrngc of humatlr life LS ma:•c have a thousand te�tlll"y/Irtgp Lor t'a+yd sulli•rlar to c, L•lr Or a. criean civilization hath lessee step Inclltgstiort LLtid Dyspepsia dd9 now than ft over was, Through mr•el _ fie Cts merits as cos absolute 4ar1N,v, f r the quantity can l,n fad 4causing discomfort. with the rattle of its elevfses, and they YLre convenlont to carry anical facilities mea work so mueh cure Fos• Pine only, but It s wvl!hout t!,r (Imiger of over -heating;. Tho • KeESI! thon'i In our pocket— cures pert ationtly all tn�ah. 1 • • 1-lere s proof positive. CRs its b^ant hath- ridden thrift and tgkb bn he Whasto YLOIwM Stblrniltch faster asld accomplish no much more eit5r of ,skltr4 alltto sos Lao. +t aw is: rgnl,i to tsar. llllrlry for feed. An Miss AMAggie Splude, Dalhousie, N.D., national plenty. ivea you trouble-�•Yimmed- in A litetim,n that a man can afford AdAm don, at Detrnvare Ave. Chathan, 1 uur"ido t:valvr ryas thers trTing to *rota the following: "" I have been a I do not wonder that thn Japanese FA- to relief. to die now at forty years AV rv:�ll as cent., is A w�veyll knows Winn in the west, and what ! ""i uttat" for the purchase of what Mr, anfferer from .Liver Compltnt and Dys- and the. Cllinesn and the Iphonnicians They're soothing to thostotirach--they're rest- ciao of old at 000, 1 think t11n Av^r. he says of Dr. Agoovs Ointment eern easily :lie ; t,nnth lim on hand, but vwritli what r6• papsls for the past. two years and felt so par extollod husbandry ful• to the digestive organs—they restore lost a"fe �pf humast life Lu pe►fnE of aecol: _ v011led. '" I was troubled for A long time with',,tnli wtt hs,Ve not heQrd. Wiiy' not our Very ,miserable. 1 could not take mueh p power and vigor•-rthey not As agenttetamc••-they puts. Ian the reeemmendatsen of our leading food as it hurt me to eat. M friends or that Cia tirinaitus went from the Increase the flow of gastric 1uiceg And regulate plishm-nt is stow vquivalen:. to about drugg:gt 1 tried A bo - of this remarkable Sint- tarane•is l.et Mme inPorrlstion r:n this said, 'Why donrt yart.xtty B.B.B.' I diel rcal,qubahfp to the plow or that :Noah the bowels•• -lot you cat. most Anything your fancy .800 years, as sinter as I ran eAleulat.a. mento and nfteer applying for four dr five nights, { , wv yet -sir, and deal nitiongo,..tarls.it•lve:} tea, usl4ir We battles which nude such a , would like and prevent any distress After doiti " It ccnupletely Cured he of this trout' imme ate . 11, ..., ... ytiAnttttx tend Beetle! , Ii+tura t„Pit” ti tomrvtts a fanner b -fore he became, u so—make good blood -•-brain and brawn, Al In, all car ecu;pations And professions hent, nod I hearti! retonimend. it to a111ika I R, e � thing Itlike wltho,4t iteausingstte diioot*- sled:builder or that Hlmha runs in druggi+.x sell them, 3$e,. for.6o tablets. 8o w+ feel the, slick',' of a t;ripplv:l or sufferers," 35 cts. 70 • � Nva :.. ,t,• ui thys,s. ..t . .stt±t; a r :o t.omrR �Jprt,'t rite Ein l l 1pI{prvit► ; rvftli twelves yoke Solo lir A. L. Ithmilton, Wingham, ,a11sr>x^tl' ineCll;l4ifoal ell'terl)rI,P. NV'c - uo.cl uy A, L. lintnittati, Ningltam. ; il.; a ul, , I I