The Wingham Times, 1901-11-29, Page 6J",
in thiA dirtvtictn. Ile sll�'%MtQd that
T Him VIVO* Rulollaess VeMure.
Tried Dr, Pitcher e�,nipA,nt mon w'.0% tirrayinw appar- Ali American copltallst who has
UBERALI , ATI t atus go through the country frora, made a fortune ruoulag far into tlie
As a Last Res Ir vt* rarin tc, fatal in much thi &tire., *�w,.y millions 111ces. to tell a story of ]its first
as -venture and how he saddened
vulf I (to, thv.,r-h'ai Imicl inos alt prepvai business THEY ARE SELLING FAST4
"I in uls bAve been opened A Toronto Lad Exporlonce. With I ' the local grocer. At this time lie was
........ ... • 11114 Famous Specialist's Back- Iloa. John Dryden expvessed him. fond of frequenting a, public salesroom
ache Kidney 'tablets. sr,4ft as beta; much interested in near tits home where all sorts of bar -
MAN '. ALD SLOCK. What IIIA PC.,1vio.15 sl)Nikers had �,ntld. gains were offered.,
For nittuy years in the hospitals of b �arl,%, on t1w subj �Ct or this flan One day I notteed several boxes of If you haven't one of our beautiful Diener
Tile" W511 1 4 open every evening until L)etroit and as professor of Genuo- U On- Jwe ks(1,tL,, and was elati. to learn that soap of a certain brand which I had
01WHOU dov,
ary Diseases in Michigan Qoliege of been sent to buy at the corner Sets you have missed thu, chief of the minor
All Libc-ralWro invite(I to drop in arid Medicine of that city, Or. Zina I Pitcher 1 a-, (1,411.ilttt was b.4n,� obtain, often I y joys, of life. For the. nice dinner set adds
1'eePi',o information pertaining gave cartfol thoughtandcowideration to ed in r� 1-arcl to methock of extvrm:n- grocer . I thought to myself. "That
to thfk eampfli? 11. iseasts of the kidrtey�., bladdur, ana sting th- p-st. Wh�m tit(- scale f! . .'st will go clicap,11 so I ran to the gr9cery, brightness to the meal and makes possible the
As every vo o is demired for IhA' ad- aplxnxx.�d it was a diclticult mat0r
and received a premise front the man enjoyment of this most important daily function.
VRTt(V'nl(1nfnf gond govArnment, every tit (,,Iiar-e to buy as much of the soap
LilicraliRasktAirellend his aid in sup- to It -ad tliQ., wople to Soo the a cortain figure as I could furnish.
J)Orting our cnddidats. and i'u wa;.-i rmly rvcvwly that rrultOf courseh � c
iiiyor suspected that I JUST THINK IT OVER.
gXDwr! IIUV� hcu impressed with could furnish ally of It.
% l`zAXX Or EXORANCTM-81 acres. 2 thegravitiy of tho ei'wit'oti. Efforts I returned to the salesroom, and As a further inducement we will for thirty
railes from. Wingham, in Turnborry Tv.
it w-on't t1pIrf. much monov to got this small havk4 b -en p -it fc.r'h in ilut way of when the soap was put up I bid It Ill,
14 . days give a reduction in Dinner Sets such as
arm.vvithbi,ij lown,en rtnblebouso, and educatin,,; lind it wasl Ictincked down to tile. "My
yountrorchwd. $1 d will securp it. Ali- nain a
IV to A linlunige, . Pa �tnte raid. Loan di II.- felt that c.Cn.i(R.ra1b'e e was demanded, arid when I - ve Will surprise ),oti. We. have s double motive in
Agent. Chisholm Block, ilighinn.
it In a shrill voice everybody laughed, lieadw•ty hail bnln n=de in the 4:xco- this, that is, to sell them, and save packing them
tLon of clfec,.ive r=,Q-dl�s, but It(- felt tot- I was then t; fly eleven years of away. Our Christmas goods will soon be in
X :5
OIR SALE. Farm one half mile from West -
F ffeld post office, in East Wawauosh, 100 that the best re3xuzdy of all was self Amuse(] as they wore at the sale, the and we must make room for them, Call and
alzrPs. 95 cleared, bank barn, frame house, well
:renred, (-.Iran soil and well cultivated. Good help, and in ander to help themselves bystow.ders -were amazed when I bid In see -how interesting we can niake it for you. It
orcluird. firin stock form, $3,5W. Apply to A. t tlw� p.�.cple mast know how. Ile stat- the whole lot of twenty-two boxes. I
DulmnRe, real estate agent, Chisholm block,
ed that his work was chiefly educa- had thein carried over to the grocery will pay you. 0 0 6 0
tine, Law was well. enough in a way and received the price agreed upon.
ANTED—Reveral persiniq of character The grocer wore it weary look when he W and good reputation in each state (one as a preventative, but was not equal
in this eounty reouired) to reps: sent and ad- &DDAIRD heard )low I lead obtained the soap.
vertime o1,1 e�;tablished wealthy Inwineq- houqe R5. to education. Ile * b3lieved that fruit Ile stild:
of PI -her
8 '8.0 we bt brought toget "Well. I guess I could have done that
and impressed with the danger of myself," L
-with o 8 ble in pash
en 8
�`dae a r I �Rin me
. ...addressedggrowers shwald
i_t fr-ni h,.
sties �c�i
ly In d Re So profoundedly impressed was ht!'with car: ss trea;ttm?nt of the p_sU,_Froni I replied that I guessed he could, too,
d Orr she 'Ic ed
. . It
ricem ine i e
p. r. In ..t.. B a.0 ic.r.. thousands of people the knowledge h#ehad on the subject but he hadn't.
a 8 V nildin the fact that man)
ufEt r f rtan swine form of kidney derange' he, was hopaful tha4t the ravages,
SALE, 10s} ncres,fij miles from Wing- went vho were unable to avail thern-
FORham; school on lot, '/:i mile from P. 0, t itould b:!fore veTy long be checked. Man Who Named America.
Brick house, bank barn, and convenient out- ,elve, of the- setvi(es of a specialist, that Few Americans are aware of the fad
he decided to give to humanity at large Probably thu best course -%vu to ex -
buildings, 80 Acres In good, cultivation 50 or that the name of their continent is due
6D acres of slash, good land when �Ieare ; ne hi., famous prescription for Kidney Dis- FALL GOODS
chance for fin energetic man who is n r, afraid eAses, under the name of Dr. Pritcher's tend knowledge bearing on the sub- to a. German scholar. In 1507 Martin
of work. Will be sold at a ri�a Apply to Backache Kidney Tablets. Jpct to thc! people and make them NIT,Idseemuller, also known as Hyla- MILLS has just opened out a
A. Dulmazo, Real Etare and
n Loan Agent, complete stock of Fall and Winter
Chisholm Block, Wingliam. It is of these tablets that Mrs. May interested in their mvn protection, comylus, of St. Die, in the Vosges, Goods, which will be cleared out at Special Low Prices. In ReAdy-made
Goddard, 33z Adelaide street West, Ter- Great stress was- laid dpon men tra'n- edited a book called "Cosmographies Clothing, I have bought lar e] in Men's ate Boys' Suits, Overcoats and
F OR SALE. -On the Wroxptpr ravel road, onto, speaks in •-the following terms:— ed in the business of fumigating and Introductio," In which
ilch he gave a trans -
2 miles from Belmore, 136A, acres of good ,'After eiijoy:ng the most perfect health I Reefers,
land, 60 cleared, balsmee ash, eedav and elr*, for many yt-ars it was a sore trial for me spraying trees, Another method in lation of Amerigo Vespueel!s descrlp-
lowish lard, that will ba the very best when MEN'S SUITS. Special at $4.50 and up. See our special value at
cleared. Twoginxillfi-iimf-hotiseF,bnnkbai-n: to realize that my health Was (ailing. I which he believed was sending coon- tion of his v6yages. 87.59—up-to date pattern good weight, regular $10.00 suit.
34� mile from school. Will be mold ver M 6 That was Ju - st the time when Ameri-
a, cherix, had. in the first place, acute pains in the patent i n a road throughout' the
or exehnnap for a 60 -acre lot. Arp T to , small of my back, and was losing flesh go's tame filled the world, while C016m- ALSO YOUTFVS AND BOYS' SUITS. Special values.
.D.uhn.noe, Beni Estate and Loan Ageni, Chis- ' province for the purpose of imparling
1. Block, Winglian) rapidly. Then otbercomplications;arwe, bus' disgrace overshadowed his merit, See our MEN'S OVERCOATS. Special line to clear at $4.00. Good
which so weakened me that itwas only with definite inf01-=.%tiDn on the subject. and evidently his name had never heavy weight, size.4 ranaing to 44. Also an up -to date stock of Dress
FOR SA LE. -In the fine township of Howick the greatest amount of determination that He advised that suitable spray pumps reached the quiet village in the Vosges Coats, Youths' and Boys' Reefers from $2,25 up.
100 acre-- of choice land. Mue brich resi' I could atten& to, my work. I tried a b�, provided by manufacturers, and when knierigo trumpeted forth his own
denca, larg�e bank barn and out -houses. Aboat number of remedies and consulted several - Also a complete stock of Lndle§' and Men's Waterpreof Coats. The
80 acres in good state of cultivation. office; that they should lb� instructed so fax glory. So Hylacomylus proposed that,
xnte money can be barrowed fToln this office; physicians without obtaining more than celebrated Mandleberg goods, sewed seams, assorted colors. Price frorri,
it pay betterto go into del)t for the full price temporary relief, and as a last: resort I as p.--ssibla, to produce a machlae that since the new continent was, after all, $3.75 ,Up.
ofaf=thnntorent Apply to A. Duhnage, thoul:ht I Would try Dr , Pitcher's Bacfc. would m2et the demands of the pub- not a part of the Indies, no name would
A RWinghailr eal Estate Bud Loan rent. Apply
Chisholm Block, n0ficial suit It better than that of his famous Blankets and 71,annels I In Blankets we have special value.
ache Kidney Tablets. Their be lie. Mr. Dryden b.�Ii�,ved that the
fiction was almost instantaneous, and the explorer, Amertgo. These are made of selected wools,
n,-,c.r lay with oar nurseries,
resultg highly gratifying.' The pain in chief da - was read far and wide, and
my back disappeared in a short time, and care should thi�refore be exer- The book and will give the best wear. See these goods before purchasing elsewhere,
so quickly was the proposition accepted prices to suit tyle purchaser, Also a line of WOOL BLANKETS to clear
and my general health improved greatly. cized in tlic selection of nursery stock, that, when later on he true discoverer at $2.50. 'See our FLANNELETTE BLANKETS at 76c palr—SpeclaI. Also
I am now feeling fine, and am glad to
Hare you a Cutter 7 Not only did he believe in a thorough was known, the name was already
have this opportunity of expressing my advised that rooted too I deeply In general use to extra values in FLANNEL SHEETING, white and gray. See our Gray Flati.
vali,,able a remedy. insp-,eticu, but further
appreciation of q
Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets all munwry stD-, kb;: subjected. to ti be abolished, and was even extended
mels in Union, All -wool and Homeipuns.
-,SE BLANKETS to select from. Yarns in all
That is np-to-date beth in style and are So cents a box at all druggists or sent tharo;t4gh fumigation prooces by hy- to the north part of the continent, while A large stock of HOP
mail. postage free. colors—single, two and three ply—made of pure wool, no shoddy or flyings
finish? If you arc, in need of one, we y lIylaca)niylUS L had only meant it for
The Dr. Zina Pitcher Company, Tor- dronyauic aoil gas. Throughout, Mr.
can supply you with any style or color. onto. Ont. Dryden expressed himself as feeling the present South America.—National in these goods. Guaranteed to wear. At 35c and up,
Geographic Magazine. Men's and Ladies' UNDERWEAR in Union, All -wool, Natural Wcol,
The workmanship is first-class. The confident that once the danger of the
material is specially selected and is San Jp-.,:t scale was realized, every Fleece Lined and Stanfored's Unsbrinkable All -wool Goods. These are the
Vor Tired Eyes. best goods known to the trade. Sizes from 36 to 46. Price right.
guaranteed to give good satisfaction. pYecautimi would bl taken to allay Eyes will be greatly strengthened by
",,an Jose
its pXogreas. putting the face (]own Into a glass or
111. - GANNEI R� 6 . eyecup of water the.first thing In the
Th U
ter. This Is somewhat difficult to do
Implement Agnt, Wingham, BABY'S. HEALTH. morning and opening them under rya -
T A m
at first, but If the water for two .;.c
Hon. John Dryden's Address at Lon- tbr I ee days be tepid and gradually made
The Teething Period Dangerous to Little colder by Imperceptible degrees until
N. ow Ift) r don—Meeting of Ontario. En- Oneit and Very Trying to Mothers. it Is no shock to put the face into quite
tomological Society. 'What inother does not look forward cold water -it will soon become quite AV
—T-vr with dread to the time -when baby shall easy and Is very. invigorating and re- r4W.�Vkl%
boteeth;uAt that time baby is rest- freshing. eatbie7r * ,0 Lyndon, Nov. 13.—Th- Entomolog.i- less, feverish and irritable, and frequent- if done regularly every day, this L
cal Scniety of Ontario b•gan its 'Sih ly there is souie disorder of the stomach. treatment alone will preserve the sight
f ual meeting to -day I i the focicty,s, The poor little sufft-rer is fighting one of Into. quite old age. There Is a ri-lit
ann the
Attire rDDM%vitb the his first battles in this old world of pain, and wrong way o of wiping eyes
X.M.C.Y.M.C..k. ba!ldiirg, after this, too, and the right way Is to
Presid-ent, Rev. Dr. Fyles, of Quebec, and if not aided'in his fight, may be pass the soft towel very gently from
overcome. Every wise mother helps $ AM For,--��
We have: everything read,v m the chair. the outer angle inward toward the
Tit-!, aftern=.i% session was taken the little sufferer as much as she call, nose.
to mee.r, the de'mands of the ARF
up with a c mtfer�n^p_ and discussion and the mothers who have been. most If after a long day the eyes feel sd'
Fail and tVin,er 9E,,i-;on. -ed that the seem dim when Al
h n I h- San Jo ze _�P_al n On'a'rio,whon successful in this respect have found hot find tit AlwFA mo"mTERSOmk"ON
addrnscss wire intdti by I -Toa. jobn that Baby's Own Tablets give just stich' one tries to read or to do a little ileces-'•
New Cummings Drydor., M'ui-ter of Agriculturc; In- assistance as the littla one need,. ills,.sary sewing for oneself. they should be
bathed with cold tea from which the
The Latent 11awn !al p—atar Fisher, of Freeman; D, W. J. Wright, Brockville, leaves have been removed.
Fletch-r, of O.ta%v:i, and Prof. Web- have used Baby's Own Tablets quite
frequently, and am much pleased with It Jarred 111ni,
m Walaah
iFitr, of Woostir, Ohio. Rev.DrXyles Tba
New Suilings & Trousering (president), orf tinebac, presided. them. I find them especially satisfae.- "Pleasant of
flices you. h0*e here," said
To Suit !everyone, and Inqp-ot9r Fi-�§ftir was the first tory during baby's first year. I have a policy holder who visited a life Insur.
r-p!akr. 11n referred to hi;, extensive used thein in teething, iu vomiting, id once office In the Postal Telegraph
travt�ls over the province indigestion and in the ilistird. building In New York to pay tits pre- MOW,
-Satisfaution GuEranned , for the colic it' fildi" mium. The windows overlook the City
purpo-,e. of investk-_tllnq fruit orch- f,rs or the stomach and bowels, usually Efrill park and the Nathan Hale statue. �t��
Bfith in Makilig and Price ard,;, giving somn very imrortantdir- accompanied by restlessness and fever. "Yes," replied the insurance man,
-?cti=3 regarding the San Joie scale, The action of the Tablets hit3 always "but the inscription on that hale stat-
wMch during the pa%t tit-," or four peen all that con1d, be dosired." ue. patriotic and Inspiring though it
0 111F, alung ond be made Warm y-ar5 linis b, enm-a a fo-m�dable source Baby's Own Tablets tire a. sweet.plear, Is, strikes a discordant note in the
and Nippy, and have the assurance of danger to fruit gr0 nigo that all childrt-ii will soul of one tubo Is underwriting risks
I.IrXish- nut little lom
that you are well dres-:Pd, c.r.o*Lted several instances of orcbrtrd, take readily. They can be crushed or on men's lives. Look at It—My only
-which were bit sl!6-h:ly affected in dissolved in water and administered mg -ret Is that I have but one life to
Yours truly, 1899 with the pest. These orchards with safety to even the youngest iufan. give in defense of my country.,
R. MIAXWELL. 1>,r,, a full enDp 1.. 1930. but in 1901 Guarantood to contrin no.opiare or ally
which of the poisonous stuffs that make the so. Dealing in Irnturer,
IT TAILOB. every tree was dead; all of medicines dailgerouH to —1 have an option on that 4* New and Nifty lines of Fall and Christmas
n A 1. went to show the necessity of P.,,mpt called soothint. Mr. Newed
Baby's Blank avenue house. r1ow would you V
action. in [lie matter of findiu-, and I ittle ones. If you do not find Baby like It for out, home, my dear? Goods. We have the latest and best line of
41, applying sui'.nbl(- romadi,2s. Th. pit. Own Tablets at your dniggist's, send 25 �I)-S. Newed—Oh. it's a pretty place,
Fisb,n, found 1"clit 0.,
parations whiv.1l' Mr. s to the Dr. N7,11itfins' Medicine 0 but you know It 14 said to Ile liniinted. JEWM�Y mid WOVELTIES ever shown in,
13 A' 7, Brockville, Oat., and a box will be sent MAnima, says she wouldn't set hor foot Wingham. Our GOLD W,4TCHES are of
Elk 7 177— most effective were a.4 follows: —
you by'mail post paid.
bit Crude p-trolcum. mixed with water Inside the door for any flLll()1ltlt Of
Z' 'in the$ rttiol of 15 the choicest patterns a'
per cent. of petro- money. and fully Guaranteed.
It -um to, 85 per wnt. of w4ter, whale Judson — Carrie, sometimes I think Mr. Newed—That settles it. I'll eloso
deal for It the first thing in the have no trouble selling them, after inspection.
F"', M. P 16 - the We ha
FA 4 t�, lif c.-,:[ soap, or a, mixture of the two, you aro a ninny,
Prof. Fletcher h-lieved that the Mrs. Judso-4 -- ,What, after, living morningo We will be right at the front this year with the
Progressiva stock br"dcrz, dair.-. present condition of affairs was due with you ao; Imanyt year,,sf. It can't be Arab Aluxle.
Men Latest Goods. Spectacles of all kinds.
tZ I poultrymen, grain, I "Ot an,[ in a large mi-a,%ure to the lack of possible. I admit; I might, have been Arab music has been di,scribed as the
grower.q, beckeupers,
Le knowledge on the part of the people. wl)cn I married you. singing of a prima donna who has rup.
fatal students, ard )ionic inakers GOO -GOO EYES TESTED FREE.
tared her voice In trying to sing a duct
F, II'"cmesideted that there wag filo ex- Buffalo NoNVA: The wheel eupersed-
find the articles and �,Lnswcrs to
questions in every issue of the cu,M for any body in this respect, as ed, th elloree-7nore or less—a. few with herself. V!,ach note starts from
somewhere between a sharp and a flat,
any information required might be ago, Tite auto, has superseded but does not stop even there and splits
a.- obtained. He deplored the year,- ...
n, ily e tile wheel, wil now ilt, isl winaunved, up Into four or more portions, of 'Which
FA I&C M E ;V11 -hort-6ighted po;!#cy of many farmers that flying inathinca an to ly-- oil no person can be expected to catch
and fruit growerA, who, rather than the market next spring. What next? more than one at a time.
take pains or expend a few dollars
D 0
f E
allowed fine otabards. to be ruined To Save Timb.
simply unequalled and indi.qpensable, !-T- -1 31-xt, --tairilvIl that they had strength. Studies—plenty of thein.
.1 sorr?
If you are not already a subscriber prce, - qy, I h,. Ohio Tired, of coni -se shr)is, atifl. week too. -IATTE,RSON
arid ROME MAGAZINE I)v 01-1 inrc-ads Or the P.�gt. llevr� Girl, rity Net. Visitor—No. I won't come In. Could
sat I see Mr. Jones for two minutes'!
Servant—What name shall 01 any,
samo problem in $ W, GEL
W 1), t,r, 61, Wooiter, Oh' Grotrilig! Yes, into weakness. bub il
to the most helpful, best printed and 1),)os not eat enough, Ituil digemt,; far Visitor—Professor Vondersplinkentdo=
beautifully illustrated fhemdr.s paper ft,4 eclitrontod tai opw2ople of On!ario. lees than onough. This condition Is so tleholmer.
pablished, we invite scrutinii M
y Of a IV, felt: that there Nva,; a great tile. - r, 1) seldom even, Servant -00b, suro yeld better step in
e I"111111t,11.111 J)ALrcnt4, Give her Ferrozona, and bring It Imid ye, seryl- Jeweller I I
s&"I copy. A post card will bring COMRY far iftliwoved niachincrywhith I ly
it fro& Iddr's, I a he firmly 1x4i.,ve,l ini4ht bo, rea,
.W,I. rhon wittolt her Appatito improve, hos
b'y expecte J�ijlij Lh, n-ar ful . ure 'ct+ oks v .0 lip.(4 grow ruddy, hot step Not seceilatirr,
irtilf W*,LLl11,�4WE1L6 06.,U.-ilted, (real work coud yio' I otistin, Iter r.piritP4 1)noyant. All this you nre at a loss for a multa. "bto
LoNDON, CANADA. I -) - expt.�eted f:,Olu rillitil"r the replilt of ofttlilg alld digesting no Block
crurle math'n!ry, N,,,xt to good niaeli- li!nklng lilorA, Rild theloby blo %void. do you ever apply to rout
O.S.—The subdeription prict-, tr izriory, trainod ii,11 W:.rc n1!V.dp(I tel wite?"
gt%,, H 11 ty, "No," ropllpd the Writer-, "I don't
VW YVILr, irwIllders also the superb %Vfiln,
,111'A Strengt
ttiiy tt amI,rysti,r4ftU-. work. Itntilittmi, I chivailo 1000. %�WINGHAM
Numbor, (!P rate thl,to in tinyo to. )Ier entlrt� ,Vocabulary Is
th�� pawl had JonvzIL'A rated the nottv:. fiat it todAy At A. L, : er)-�lllflg my way' moist of the Uluc.11—
I i