HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-22, Page 11I
0 ME WING11111 T N Ir. 2'?, 1901.,
eO,'llP0`LQ WMI me in II)e ManuTac. turn from the 4reinlln, tie as
'"o Iv versed in the use of Clio sword, lox
ture of arms, and from my labor I him now, however, if any had
one 1100 not
del -11-0 4 handSOlne 1DOOMe. You called.•
inow it all. And now, it other ob. "041y the mouk-,^` returned Paul, Me is accounted a fair swor4s-
stacles were removed, would you kwithout seeming to consider that
"Aye; so I thought. But it =.at.
give me your hand and become mine there was any
Oe Gunmako-ar thing Yory buport4ut At Your
4. for IM), in the vidt. tars not to me. The thought had
0 "Ayo, Ruric," the noble girl an, "Do you mean the black monk— not entered my mind before, save
%! OP -4 ,
I v A - that I supposed swords, wo-pld be the
90 with beaming' eyes and a I'llidimir?" asked. the young linan) Only weAponsthought of, I-losrover, Door.
Of MOSCO-46W P• yful expression. of countenance.
1,tere you reduced to the lowest es. slarlin r, ITe called here Orsa will settle it with You. I have
•tote of poverty, so long as your gen. given him. no directions at all save Our haadvamely Na
0 A 0 B.V SYLVANUS COBB, Jr. "Yo", in
0 about themiddleof the forenoon,
orous, puro soul was cc I should Ile wanted one of the small daggers' to serve me as lie thinks proper and
tral.'d 100 lix4gO (,74taI04
only be the more anxious to act upon the understanding that
-.000 .0 M 00 .... ?Ile to lift you with the pearl baft.11 pw, if I have given offease to the count will 1�3 sent you onappli-
"And did you lot him have one
..... u 011, my love knows only the
I. -would do the same again under Patton.
heart wbere.on it. is secured, and for ((Certainly. Ile paid me 4 due,
The girl Uptirted, ana ere iong, lloflau,,,ac. MU;wnaT mean you!" my future of I ask only the ats for it sold would have paid, provocation, Y on understand now?" This atilt place Me larz#st
'Afterward Ruric entered the apart- "I will tell you, Yesterday the truth of my husband's. love." bad I beeli willing to take it." 'or' - Oil do, sir," returned Urzen in a
anent. Ile walked quickly to where count came to my dwelling accom- "Bless you, dearest I" Ruric mur- C(And, did, he make any couvorso, choking tone. and choleest jewelry stock
Rosalind had orlson, to her feet, all, panied by 'Stephen Urzen. He had mured, clasping the fair being to tion "Then wait a moment, and I will In Canada afyour disposal.
'taking one of her hands in both his, a paper drawn, up by the dupe own his bosom, And for it long while "Yes, Re Asked me why. the Count givo you.4 message to Orsa.1 We are do(n,,,, Pusiness on
,own, he pressed it to his lips. He Thus Epeaking, Ruric went to his the closest possible margin 7
)land in which I was made to say, or, Rosalind's, hend lay pillowed upon Damonofr camp here yesterday
formed speech tPOn f their desk, and um the bottom bf the
had had a well fo . rather, by which the writer said, the shoulder of the man she so, fru- "Ha I Row did he know o of profit, guarantee safe
his lips when lie entered the room, that he , dsolaimed all pretensions IY, fondly loved. visit?" iiiissive lie had received from the. d
but 'twas gone. now, He could only to your hand and that lie wished . That was not the time for bring- "He was waiting at' the irin fora count he wrote: eilvery of goods and ,cheer-
.gaze into the lovely face before him not to marry you; that. he freely IN,, forward 49ulits, and fears. Rn- sledge when be. o eflielird. the count 1, Dear Alarle-1 send this 4`y you by the lame folly refund money if you
and murmur the name that sounded gave you to 13 . eck freely
sic had y cciuv and that bore It to, me, and you are horebyient- are not thoroughlysatifflod.
so sweetly to his cars. But the eine- Upp concerning the impediments that the subject." 4 ersing upon p
meaning many questions in his mind and companion powered to act for me as you, may deem proper.
in the sphere of his own social circle -1 shall be governed strictly by your arravgemcnts.r,
tions of his soul became calm at some companion when he wished. stood in the way of their union, but "And 414 .he ask you any 1,,uels"
pi, Having written this,. he showed it. -R-Vrte JaM.
lie kept them to filmself now. At Lions touching the particulars?
length, and then he spoke with more And this I wits aske
.4 to 81,
freedom. the count?" length be arose to take his depar- es— many. to Urgon and asked him if he would, Yonre and Adefatdf $14r.,
"Lady," he said after be boa talc- 'T es, by the duke's orders." ture, and he simply said h bear it to the lieutenant. An af-
�a as he drew And ow answered oil firmative reply was given, and then,
on his. seat, "you will pardon me for "Oh, it cannot bel" uttered the the maiden to his, sj4Q; 0,ff,?1VD TORONTO.'t
q told him the whole story, from
this visit when you know its cause, fair girl, trembling. !'You will not allow the duke to beginning to . end, 'I found that he simply folding the note in the oppo- .Established 10$4.
and you will pardon me, too, if I "And he further assured me that gine your band away ?PP knew something of their purpose site way from' the original fold,- the
speal, plainly what.1 have to speak.'-' Um 4 Never,11 uric." from what he gunmaker superscribed it anew to'
if . Ako boa requested him to ob- accidentally over- the lieutenant and handed it to his
"Surely; sir"- tain my signature thereto, so that !,If lie asks you for your, liond In board, and, rather than. have, him .go visitor. Urzen took it, and, with a
0h, call me Ruric. Let us at lie might receive your hand without bestow upon any of his . fribuds, you away full of surmises, I told him stiff bow, but without speaking, lie
Least not forget the friendship of imp.diment." will tell ltim'�—
childhood." That my I heart is not mine to turned and left the place.
f the messofi too?" AYS THETRE
"Then I am not a lady," said Ros- "So that the count might receive g cc or. I told him. 41.1 That evening about 8 o'clock 6
my hand?" ire and that my ban es, my most sledge drove up to'Ruric's door, and
alind, smiling, without it a cannot go that happened, from .the shoving of Al HEAVEN-BOR1111
"No, Rosalind." aric Orsa entered the house. He
I" "But the duke asaured me only "Oh, bless' you, Rosalind, bless the, paper which the duke had drawn A lady Ili Welting of her faith lot Dl%�
"Ali, Ruric called the youth aside and informed Von Stiarills Pineapple Tablets q=110
up to the departure o
yesterday that I should be troubled you! God keep and guard you the angry him that the -arrangements bad all they" 0A mwAvr-m-soRm. "MALISILAN
As we were in childhood," whir- man
no more with the count. May there ever!' been made. Chronic Dyspepsia was her 41crodav,v
pored the youth. not be some mistake?" There was one warm, arddnt pies= "�nd what did the monk say?" 1Damonoff is in a hurry," he said, and they I Qurod her.
"In all lint years," returned Rosa- Ruric asked very earnestly. Dr. Von Stan 's Pillen pple Tablets is not a loaf
"There can be no mistake on my sure of lip to lip, and then Rurie, Ul . 0 "and we have appointed the meet- tedioustreatment. The y,.%-orkinnature's way—
lind in the same low tone. part. The instrument was in the Novel turned, away and "Why, he said be know the count
"And I may wear the was. soon in ing at 10 o'clock tomorrow fore- quickly. effecti%-c!y and harmlessly. They're
and that lie was a proud, reckless handy*to carry, Take one or two jifter eating,
age in my heart?" same 'in- duke's own hand," the open court. Here he entered his fellow and worth but little to . soci- noon, It will take place at the bend they pre) -c -lit stomach distress, cure the woM
I cannot cast it from mine if I "But you did not sign it?" slddge, and then drove to the bar- of the river just bdyond'the Viska cases of indigestion and 1)yspepsin, keep the
would.,, "Ask me if I took my own life _ racks in the Xhitagorod, where he ety; that was all, He aid not seem hill." nerve centreq %%t-11 in hand, and -they're . pleazant
to care much about it any1tay-,;OUI to take, '1',y n,
box—you'll prove them "at
if I made a curse for all I loved." inquired for Alaric Orsa, a lieuten- y "And the weapons?" asked Ruric.
"The image of childhobd, dear be said be should have done just as - btaven-born r " too. 6o tablets, 3,5c. ia
Rosalind?' 'qt is strange," the maiden mur. ant of the: guard. The officer was "Swords," returned
you did and that every law of Jus- rned Orsa. "Tile bold by A, 34, Hurnilton, Wingliam.
"A e, save that it has grown to mured, bowing her head a few mg- quickly found, and as he met Ruric ince would bear you 0 . outs He had count will bring his own, and he
Aye, I ments. ."And yet," she added, look- his esalutation was warm and cordial. gives you the'privilege of selecting•
manhood, dear Ruric!l more curiosity,than interest;
What more could he ask for love? in I' coinpanion�s face, He was a young man, not over five L, bough such a one as you choose."
",%up into ler the duke would be an . d twenty, and one of tb�p finest am "I thank you, Alaric, for your
He had not aimed at this confess' o not think sure all his sympathies arc
with YOU."
so Soon, but he put it not from him treacherous." looldng soldiers in the guard. kindness thus for, and you may rest
"He - may be," 'answered Ruric. A'Alaric," said the gunmaker after "�Tcry well, returned Ruric. "It assured that -I shall be prom A good lookinc
-Ie gazed a moment into the t Pt.11 homeand poor look.
.now. 1 4 thinks
but little what the monk "Suppose I call here in the Ing h ]kind Ili the
Me knows how lightly our noble he first friendly salutations had e morn- worst kind of r, co=.
.fair maidens kindling eye, and as thinks about it, though I biliation.
emperor holds empty titles, and, Passed, "I may have a meeting with would ing for you?" suggested the visitor.
he saw the lovelit tear gatheri rather have him know the truth if "I should be pleased to have you 14E
!n(r perhaps lie. fears if this matter came Conrad, Count Damonoff. He ha
most 8
there and the happy [anile working to the imperial ear and you should sought a quarrel—insulted me i s he must know anything, for I would do 10.1) Euire -a
its way about the rosy Ii s M claim the right to marry with whom grossly—aimed a blow at my head— not be misunderstood." "I will then. I shall be along in Harnes sll
in the joyous dimples he "Ere ufiderst4nds it all
You pleased Peter would grant your and I knocked him down. You can now me 'good season with my sledge, and we hot nnl,3,r rhak" thellarnen anti tba
'opened his arms and clasped the master, and I trust you are not of- roe 't.k better, but makes the
lautbersuft and toil
liable, puts Mn can
prayer; hence he wished to got my judge as well as I what the result will both reach the ground togoth- I
fondly loved one to bis bosom. fended at the liberty' I took in tell- 1 dition to last t.ffl,o as 1
, claim set aside. so that he may have must be." er. A udit ordinarily would.
"Oh, I am not deceived in this!inn
Sold evorrwhereahcuns-all
U.N. ly
st one.
he murmured. "Speak, deare. a clearer field in which to move. 151ost assuredly he vvill challenge ot at all, Paul; not at I all." Thus it wts arranged, CMA then
Do you know how the duke's affairs you!" cried the officer excitedly. Orsa took his leave. I I K 1`1%. 1<!l A L
"I cannot forget the love of the Vere the conversation
stand tit present?" So I. think,' resumed Rurid Aro When Rurio returned to his teat
ha and the work was rcsumodipnpe�-
py times agone," the noble girl
Rosalind thought awhileereshe calmly. "And, now, will you 0.
re gazing Up through her bap- sery by the fireplace, be noticed that his Ive
I answered, and then, while a startled mein the event?" Ionce. It was past 3 o"clock wben mother watched him narrow1v P
pytears. "Oh,how and many Tid Y
many 11 0 Ur
expression came to * her face, she IINVith pleasure. 111-arle's mother came And informed interest.
an hour have I prayed to God that with than' ordinary,
those days might return and that said: "I itay' refer his messenger to him that a gentleman in the house He had once made up: his I mind that Horse.- a
Muric, I do remembdr'now that Yon?" would speak with him.
the one. true heart of earth I loved hewould say nothing to his mother Chzvra cc I
might be mine once more. Rurie, between the duke and young Dome- 'Yes, surely. And. bow shall I, "Is it Stephen Urzen?:' asked the about the affair until it was over,
noff there is some matter of dispute. act? What will YOU do?" youth.
why, should I hide the truth or whybut as the time was set and thb hour
There is some question of proper- "Knock him clown again under His mother said it was.
set it aside? To me thou art all in PP . drew nigh his mind wavered. When
ty. the same provocation!' "Then bid him come out here." it was over, where might he be?
all. - I have no one else to love and "Ali I" uttered the youth earnest- "I understand. You wish to re- Claudia retired, and in a few rnO- But he was cut short in his reflec- CURES K.M.: M
none to love me else save the noble.
girl who brought you hither. 1 can ly. 'iHow is that?" tract nothing?" ments more the gentleman made his Lions by the voice of his parent. Dr. Agneiv's Ointment can
c(Wby, as near as I can under- No. Listen; I will tell you an appearance. "Ruric,"'she said, and. her voice
tell you no more." stand it there wa. a dispute be- since I seek your aid." Ruric Novel, he said, bowing count its cured patients by,
Happy Ruric I Happy at that mo- o trembled while she spoke, "you, will the thousands.
tweon the duke and the elder Damo- And thereupon' Ruric related all very stiffly and haughtily, "I bring
tent, forgetting all else but the g that had occurred at the time of the a message from the tD pardon me for prying into your af-
love that gleamed out upon him noff concerning the ownership of Count Dome- fairs, but I cannot hide from myself But in no one skin disease has is so manr
b- that something of more t this tenacious skin disorder which has baftled
then, he clasped the cherished o Drotzen, the estate on the Don, in counts visit to his shop.' nolf." than usual almost marvellous cures as in cases of Eczema--
ject ardently to his bosom. Rkluga, and since the father's death "Good," uttered Alaric as tho "Very well, sir," returned the
moment is the matter with YOU. many n physician in seeking after a cure. One
But the moments flew on, and at Conrad has maintained his family glinmaker,finishod." "He must chal- gunmaker proudly, "I am ready to NVlly are these men' calling to and application puts out the fire, tai; -es away the
length his mind 'came to the sub- claim. YOU know the duke and. the lenge you, and then you'll punish receive it." fro? And why are you so thoucf1it. itchitig. Stinging sensation, and after a low api-41-
0 cations the eruptions begin to dry up, diminish.
feet of his visit. old count married sisters, find this him. He's too proud now. He can Thereupon Urzen drem, a sealed ful and moody? You know a moth. and eventually disappear entirely. The beauty -
I estate belonged to them." handle some of his lilytops who as- note from his pocket and handed of the treatment is, it las
aves no scar or trace ol!
"Rosalind," he said, holding one it or's feelings, and you will. pardon a the trouble—but a skin astolt as baby's. Curew
"And now, suggested Ruric, sociate with him, and perhaps lie to Ruric, who took it and broke the
of her fair hands in his grasp, "you* 60 mother's anxiety!` piles in four to six nights. 35 cts. .a
know the Count Conrad Damonoff?" 'may not the duke mean to comprcl= thinks he can do the game when he seal. He opened it and read as . fol- TU ;:Le (ONTIN171tD. T. 1-TnmiIwi,'WJnt.,hnm.
"Ayel""returned the maiden, with mise this matter by giving your comes out among the harder men. lows:
n� nature has for the time leveled all distinctions of
a shudder. 'ille is here very often; hand to the count and taking Drot- But never mind, I will be punctual Ituric Novel—An Insult of the most Aggravating
ray zen in exchange?" and faithful." 51
and he hasforcea'himself upow between us. Your blood alone can wash out
10h' I cannot think sol the Ruric reached home just as his costo
companionsbip when, if he had I the stain. I would not murder you outright, a•
maiden returned, earnestly. "The mother was placing the board for In no other way but this can I reach you. my
sense he must have known I liked duke would not do that. He is kind dinner. He often went away on friend , the bearer of this, will make all arrange- TH"E XING,
It not." meets. u• you dare not meet me, may so, that all
to me, I am sure. He loves me as business, and she- thought not of may know who to the coward., DAMOKOFF.
'Ile is a suitor for your hand, is though I were his own child. I asking him any'questions. he not?" When Ruric had read the missive, THE QUEEN
pl"v liq and
"He was o but be is not now" know he does, for in a thousand he crushed it in his hand and gazed
"Not now?" repeawaRurie, with ways he has shown it. He is mind- CHAPTER IV. its bearer some moments in the face
ful of my comfort and antic' ates THE cuAtmimE. without speaking. THE DUCHESS
surprise. "What mean. you?"
my ever, o; I Te Is In the afternoon Ituric retired to
"Why, simply that he has asked y want. No, n "Will you answer?" asked 'Urzen. ♦ OF DEVONSHIRE.
the duke for *y hand and that. he deceiving any one, be must be de- his shop$ where. he went at work He spoke more softly than before,
Pil ceiving the count." upon a gun which had. been ordered for lie saw something in the gan♦ -
,%vas answere��iY'..% negative:' i some days before. As yet he had ='s face wMch lie dared ♦ A
de ' 0 answer . Ruric started as the new suspi- maker's Ten
Tid you �eetuk cion flashed upon him. -Mad the said nothing to Paul concerning the :provoke. A 2arkabl'e Offer#
him so?"
duke sent Damonoff upon that mis- affair of the;jday bqfoSe sine his rf- Are you nequallited with AlaTid Here Is the best offer ever made In this continarlity. By a very excellent ar-
�'No;,�but so tlio fluke assured Me Sion on purpose to got him into a ranement made with thi Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal ull
Orta, a lieutenant of the guard?" enabled t4 offer T" WINSITAN TI,,IrS And h&t gicu, Family ' ' 'it"
quarrel? "By my soul," thought the "Yes, air; I know higi ivell." Paver, the
10amily Aerald And Weekly Star for one year for the small, sun, of $1.75 and in -
youth to himself, the duke knows "Then lot Inn refer you to. him. elude to each subscriber three beautiful Premium Pictures of which the follow -
that I have taught the word play,
Ing Is a brief description.
HMyfe will make 01 necossary artange-
FA 7�
71 EDWARD VIL—True to life, a beitutifulp8irtralt, Size IS x
24 Inches, on beautiful heavy white satin ftnl.ihed paper for fratning. This portrall;
So be thinks 0A ro bound by Ili.,; plans. 1 trit has been taken since his accession to the throne, Anti is the very latest and beat
count would
and he knows that the tents, and I shall held 1113.,,If ♦ ICING
it rts in this match for me. st that is
Ib cannot be had except through 010 R&MILY 111MRAtD &ND
in this subtle mariner to make Incisfactory!)
VJ b an instrument for ridding him of a 4'Yos, sir." WENICLY STAh; each Picture bears the Ding's Autograph. This picture has the
To Nudwh t merit of being the first taken After the King's 4--easslon, and has therefore
plague Ill But the youth was care- Then you and, I need have no gn"ItIstorical value that no other picture can possess.
I more to say,"
Th6 cough that hurts, the cough that Cresswell, March 28, 1901.
gets ti fill riot to lot Rosalind know of this.
ght In the chest is dati:p getting 0 QUEE N AL)39ANDRA.—An exquisitely beautiful pletitre of the remark -
deeper and deeper Into the bronchial Ile knew she would be unbag.Y if The T. Milburn Co., Limited, "Only on one point," said Urzen ably beautiful and good Queen Alexandra,'Also tAken kens nee the ICIng's acCAS.416n
tubes And Is malting directly for the VIi to the throne. It Is the same size as that of the Muq, the two forming A hand -
lungs, to become pneumonia, IntIAMIna. Toronto, Ont, th some little sbow 'f confusion, she kneir that a duel was like y to o 1011' 0 some pair of pictures that alone would sell for many times the Subscription price
tion of the lungs or consumption. corno oft between himself and the "You are the challenged party, and :. of pper and pictures.
Dear Sirs)—1 Write to silly C)
Such Coughs Are Sometimes referred to*�nt. tile" vou will have the choice of weapons. 0 unpm 0 portralb of the Xing and Consort, taken at the second or suceeerlingsit.
ito as "aravilyard coughs,- because they # call have one traction of the value of the first, These go down to history.
Usually bring their victim to that last After some minutes of compara- I havo msedftrdook Blood the, count has not mentioned this
Vesting place. Tari, DUCAnag. or DEVONSM11131—The. Renowned GaIrvAbotoagh Pic
Live silence. Ruric toucheLl upon a with excellerfi, results. Last —mind you, lie hot not, but I as # tare, Sold at auction sale Ili London tweaby.ilve years ag6 for aio,5)J.'
Dr. MaWn Syrup of Vitseea anti point which lay very near his heart. spring my daughter got all Mn his friend deem it no more than 0 stolen by clover thieves hidden for over twenty-four years and -
t1l'arpentind has long been known as delivered to Itq
".Rosalind," he said, taking both right to speak of it -1 trust you owner on payment; of $:6.000 reward and since sold to Mr. J. Vierpont Atorgaa for
mother's favorl-te remedy for down and was very thlix suld 1 $75,000.
bronchitis, coughs and colds. tit gains her -hands in his own, to is one weak,
will choose a gentlemonIg weapon. This, In britt, Is the hl[StnrY of onto of blis reenlum olabilreA, which. by
In popularity every day and now has point upon which we have we i clever stroke of enterprise, the rUblislidrs of the
by far the largest sale of any stinliar �ve never Ili tile use of the pistol or the gun Dmally Hemid hsve aeeatad for
would have 11 ace was covered with lie is not verged." their Subscribers. The plebure s 22x2i in ton colours, And is reproduced line tot
vitparatloft. spoken, and I know you w or red I
line colour for Colour with, the orl nal. Cbpitlis Of the reproduction Are now Sold
Tt 106s12fl9 016 Mlitnogs In the thest, - hie speak plainly find candidly. You spots ard sl, large boll fom.od on While you imagine I am, �' said 0 In Row York City, Montreal'aildl * W dach, and this Is the pletutj
allays the lnllarniiirttloz�, cures the 001 0 ()tohtb fur -s
and pi -events pneun,onl,%, oonsix d know situa lily father and hor cheek. I procured 2 bottles uric. with a contemptuous curl of 0 Family Herald subscribers are going to get &b4olatuly free together witili tai
eenm0tiOn you : Pidbares at the Xittg and,Qae6n.
and otter ling troublin. 25 to, all father 8, c by side, bnt of B. R. B , and by the time she the lip, for lie know that the man Is that not big vAla6i Call fit Tag Tnigs Me And sec. sampl6s,
these bamitliftil, pletilre.j.
dealers', or Lildinanson, cities Cb„'oma in ALI 0 fell, while 011ra returned ♦ You wAnr, Tan WIRGIUSI TIMUS for thel local news, and you want that
ronto, had finished thom. the spats and was vino. ire could by the fel- •
to. is 0. -or Ill eminent set low14 very looks that Dmnonoff liad
e-0.4 o-0.0-4.0 fee.;*.
, J,
boil disappoared gild she lists groat Paper, the Vanwy y6eaia, for Its zit Ragan of xanarm news and fmywir
ices, your father roceivoatitt, can
tI commissioned him to broach this reading. Its agricultural pitg$$ Ai,4 worth 111,%Ay tit
a noble estate from the grateful Fe- got strong And flashy Stgalti. I matter, Price. y1as tea
Of FlAnsced -odor, while my father was only for- I comider I Z 8. the bast blood Of course you are, returnea Vr- bring or send your subseriptida 4j
gotten; hence our stations are now Madjolne k110WI1. V01A. THE T1M9:S Orrior..
widely different. Yot I am not pooti 90A. DAVIDSON, 'iArd tho. court is most excellent -
X0 other ragn in they ampira can