HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-22, Page 10sWWII }, t __, „�, •. -,l I : GU TINE. NOY, :?'fit I,,l,�l• Wit. A1VRQ1*t I%AAAA. lel X SUP14ORT Y ttituotital to the intereeits Of the Pro. ESTA.I;lLIWIXED 1872 Catarrh ('annot be Cured � • 'Pitt! elootion Ili lifer oat iu West Huron • t'iuce, Tt) have o}p3ned NeYv Otlturio O h I id re n Cry for To j � with LOOAL Ar1'1,I1 tT1cJ rh, aS t'liety cau- e Y'T`AN IN ? lel l•rt.M than two vti eekei tl.le oloutors will for settlement oariier would have been *`r ,t, ' TINES riot reach rho Seat Of the diiteaso. st. d+v have the kivib.� *o of chOositi , who (none S Out too soon, as there \vas i T Vro� , _ Catarrh is a blood or coliFtitatioilal P 1. Y 8 u IS 1 LBLI 1HEt> diseaso, anti its Order' to our,) it y011 must "x.P�tleta taitltit �lanl?liorieilrrole shrill replokna t1wal, during the noxt acs• great deal of tiulber in the ob!or harts _ it t a EVERY I; RIpAY MORN IfVi� I talto lutc�rttal remedies. hall's Oatarrh N tlLi3aY. NQ'i'l;llilil:R 23, krill. f Sion of the Lei lslataro. i of two sea.• and the b.)utn of 1I lhlituba hail oat TOWN ���tll,�TORY. -AT- Cure is talrou internally, anll aotsdiroot• suns this 00,113titneue has beeti without worked Of, and would not work off Tho T1111os. t?fileor BflaXor Black ly on tine blood and luueoui Surfaces. I1all8 Catarrh Care is not it quack r LUuti1 I30t.I l! :. it reim-st.inte.tive. Thy roasou is -well until it tea:* ne0essary f+)r the lumber- BAPTIST` CEIUROII---Sabbath services at WINGHAM, ONTARIO. 11IC"Itx ON sit?VEIRINgENT, . •he best . It was pin thl-q a one of 1.1.1011 to our re:e(lel'N, N0 NyetYe oiled not lneu to go into the Y►e�Y country, olid ll a 2u all(1 7 11,1, ul, `tiHlutltty Sp13oO1 At --�-- ilio best physicians ul tlli;l country' for �,lll a Mpeech at l�dhiborongh, Lord touch on it. Tho, question before the . thus oroato el. (leivaud for labor aud'farm : 2.:;30 p in, 4ieneral prayer meeting Tl:nus ob rSun.4curin1oN-41.90 per annuin to years, and is a roguhtr prescription. It lxarry said that he would like to sew eleotors is not 4%, nestipu of the past Produce, cuabtiu;; that vegiul�er to live. ort Wednesday ovoilings. Roy. J. J. Pat. nctvunee, ,1.,o if trot so paid, No pupor dircon is composed of too best toules known, i tersull, 13,4,,y tstor. W.J.Cllapinttlt, S.S. optioil of theoil till parr,ears al)l 1. are paid, except at tele combined with the best blond ptirlfiers, A �AYQr1,luwilt RCrlippAeaor business, me,,, histoh'y of the riding,, but a question of - Supelztlteudellt. tion a:t elNp liollo , -• Le+ � acting directs 011 the mucous surfaces. for England. Hu clainled that there what li•e etre electinga repIreseutat•ive At the l)buinro of i.ife, gal ane, other n Y This LTUODISTC41VROXI—Sabbathservices casual advertlsoments8eper1`Toupalieliinofor The perfect combination of the two in: skftld be more harmony oil current for. A Lib:ral has beell tile ropresoutit- This trying period in Ni ulnau', life at 11 a nl alum 7 p rn, Sunday Solieol at first i section, Be per, line for each subsequcut gredlents is what prorlaces shell wouder. qu�tious and less of the belligerent party tivo siu-m iS7 ),. so that if the Gritti will usually comes between the ages of forty 2:30 p in. Eplvorth Leaguo every Moll- Advertisements in local coluntus are charged fal results in curing Catarrh. Solid for and fifty years and i:+ tlharLed by ltlita clay evening. General prayer sleeting 10 ett per lino for first insertion, and 5 cents testimonials free, spirit. That the sub;;9stiuu of Lord is is otlly what shoaid be Oxpret0d' ility, 118th(!»elle, dizziness, irregular Oil Wednesday evenings, Rev. Richard per hneror(,aellsubsoggc+ntinitojtiw', F. J. C11ENl.Y & Co, Pro) s.. Toledo, O, Roloberry is a good one, we of Canada Jndging from, the iris(•, the Majority of moutblied, fitful appetite, forebodings of Hobbs, pastor. Dr, Towler, S. S. Advertisonielits of Lost, round, Stra ed, Sold by druggists, price 75o, know. Both in the Do.nouiou and On- tale eltwtors in. West Huron are in .favor evil, 1palilittltion of the heart Saud erintundent. �P t1rst Forms for and %0, co is for similar $1 Hall's Family Pills are t}le best. g is abs patio 1, Dr, Chase zs Terve c pod PlIrsuYTE11L'1N CHURon—Sabbath ser- iuontit. ttllldi governments we have, find u bus*- of tort linvt+rumdut,, and no nue) au find , is above all It nelson s medicine because v}ceb at it a m asci 7 m. Sunda CONT111, c7. RAT)ns—The following table shows Triumphed In iYuit. m " administration. Notably is the funis with then(, for beingso. it helps her safely through this tryeiul; - School at 1:30 m. General Sunday out, rates for the+ insertion of advertisements Tlgmiuiou guverllme;lit previous to 189(*, I Tntic its they stay, , sulci bluster tiN they period, It euriches the blood, strength. n et i P 1 prayer for specified periods:— 'file results of the judging in the lnorti4 the oouutry was in It bad state without a. will there has bueu no itoul Of the ad- Sus the nerve,, regulates the functions to 11 g on Wednesday evenings, Rev, sPACB. 1 FIS. 9i10. Sue. 1 Tin culture department at the Pali-Aulericau ? , D. Porrie, pastor and S. S. Superinten- One Column.,,,... 1..$00,00 $3530, $15.00 flim ]ea�:er, and ever ythiug iu a juuhble, I nlulistra;;,iou sucoessrully denounced. of the folninitie organs tend tones and dont, ;taifColumn ......... . 85,00 18,00 10,00 4,00 Exposition, wilioil were received by the prosperous N iuvigoratrs the whole body.. t,;unrterColumn ..... 18,00 10.00 9,00 2.90 Department of Agriculture, show an - while now we have a pros erous ad-' Ali atteul t lues boon lnade to coul)eet ST. PAUL'S CHURCH EWSOOPAL—Sab- Advertisements without s toeifle diredtiens ministration and everything running tit) Ross Government with rho \4abee Fashions bath services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sall- will Uo inyertdci till forbid snot charged nceard• other notable triumph for the Province York da School at 2:3Q p m. Generalprayer er fngly, Transient lidvert3somonts must be paid smoothly, pamphlet, but that question is bacotniug Y P Y inrivadvtulce, of Ontario, While the State of New / meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev Tum Jou Dl1PART3n.NT is stocked with an York secured more awards than Ontario, Turning to Ontario we find that tliu I a. dead issue with tlhw Conservative Win. Lowe, incumbent. o Shore, S. S. extensive ttssortlnent of all requisites for print- affairs here also are on a good business papers. • No one of our readers believe Superintendent. ilig, affording fncilitios not equalled ill the I our list is excoe led by that of filo other c, colmtyfor turningq out:first class work. Lnrga State, territory or country. Now York basis, The good of the country is Ross had anything to emu tt (til it as 110 0 t �/ CONOREGATIONAL CHURCH.—,sabbath type and a roprlato cuts for all st les of Post- sought. A surplus was shown last year has emphatically denied any knowledge Bridal Gowns: Styles Iii Making: services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday at•s,,Hand illy, etc,,, and the lat styles stylev.of received the gold medal for the largest stud the prospects for a larger one this of its issue. School tint 12m, Midweek . meeting;on inglce fancy type for the finer classes of print.number of varieties of fruit, but Ontario year are good. For the good of the The real question on tvhiwih ,our votes Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin H. was given tho gold medal for its goner- ' Flowers Fars, Seperate Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. Prior, pastor, Proprietor and Publisher T re ,country good business heads are needed, should hinge is, could any more be done IN C+ SALVATION ARxy—Sbrvice at 7 and 11 al display of fruits of superior excel - and we have them here in Ross and his towards the building up of our Province Skirts and 71a�e7ts a in and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and P, XENNEDY 141..,,. M. C. P. S. O. lence." In other words, New York won colleagues. England will do well to fol- than has been clone by the Liberal ' every evening during the weals at 8 tion•) (Gold Meanillist insMedicine. ASppecial in quantity and Ontario in duality. No low our example. Government. What de 'we vote for -- o'clock at the barracks, attention paid to diseases of Women and Child less than 20 gold medals, 32 silver mod- whenCHRISTIAN AND MxssIONA1IY ALLIANCE. ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p, m.: 7 to 9 p. m, cls, .38 bronze medals and 89 honorable Ivo vote for Mr. Garrote And the Youthful brides are; piriial to gowns —Meetings as follows: S. S. at 2.30 P. Ross Government? Has not the act of satin face, are de Chins that in. Fellowship at 4 R. MACDONALD mentions come to Ontario. Some of the .WE LOOK FOR YOUR TRADE. P p- P P• m•, and Sean- D , thirty years, and more especially the quits equals satin in b-ast quality as gelistietat S p. m1, every Sunday in ,notable victories won were gold inedals Past two or three ears been the most to exp:ase. The latte material h ails, Ritchie '§ Hall, Victoria St. Centre street I on honey, on wines, on general excel - tion, the public with care, sties• . P � years, � POST OFFicIE-.-In Macdonald Block: Wingham, -� Ontario, lence of all our fruit, two on cold-stor- tiou, honest goods and low prices, has prosperous our Province has known. however. Another fashionable selec- Office hours from 8 a m to 6;30 p in, e given us a high position amongst the The electors of this constituency as well tion. ii chiffon over taffeta. silk or Peter Fisher, postmaster. age apples of 1000, taken out on August druggists of Canada. We look for your as those of the other parts of the Pro- satin and a fe•w wedding (Tresses MECHANICS' INSTITUTE—Library and DR. .AGNF-W, 17, 1900, 97 per Bout. sound; also silver trade, and will use every endeavor to free rearming room in the Town Hall, medal for installation of exhibit, a simi- make you a regular customer. Tinea, have rand with pride the success have litcen made. wholly in chiffon, will be open,every afternoon from 2 to, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Our supplies of.pure Drugs, Medicines, of our competitors at the Pau-Amerioltu. Yokes im front are so=,wha,t of a 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to lar medal being awarded to California. Toilet Preparations, Perfumes, Brushes, There the had. to compete with all Am- feature and sleeves, though chiefly 9:30 O'clock. ' Miss Millie Robertson, Drugstore. Night calls answered atthe ffice. It is notable that Florida, Ca)1fOrnia," Combs, Sponges, Etc., will interest you.. erica, and yet catnepof vicborioug. Why lcmg, may M1011 to th:' el.b7ws, with librarian. VANSTONE. Delaware anti. other noted fruit-produe- PAINE'S CELERY CO�OUND. � TOWN CouNom—•Wm. Clegg, Mayor; . R,• ing States stand away (town on the list is this. We hove not file to look. 'Tho completion of underslreves, l.iains win. Holmes, Thos. Bell, RObt. Me- BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. in their total awards when compar- nrWe for full prepared popular tse-banishingll your success originated in the Agricultural vary much in lent; th, df course, ac- Iudoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, Private and Company funds to lona at lowest ed with Ontario. medicine. Snowing its powers and College at Gudipir. Ill the college that carding to fancy and ace cut either Geo. McKenzie, Ceancillors; J. B.,Fer- rate of interest. No commissionclini-ged. Mort. -virtues, we strongly recommend it as a tile Opposition worked against arid voted round or isquarey but the former b"usou, Cleric and Treasurer; Samuel alga s, town l an v©r Biooproperty bought and + For Over Fifty Tears. Youhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- g blood purifier, serve bracer and flesh against. If the Opposition had had style is by far mas'i; frequent. In lector. Board meets first Monday event An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs J)uilder, Poise's Celery Compound is no their waywe should now be as a Pro- view, moreover, of q present close tit- 'lug in eth•cll month at 8 o'clock. A. MORTON, _ Winslow's Sootliin Syra has been used new remedy, it has been tested and sec- g p cessfully used in all parts of Canada by Vince away behind the times. The ex- timg outlines, princess, gowns are more SCHOOL BOARD, --H. Keir; (chairman), BARRISTER, &c„ for over fiftyyears bymiliiollsof mothers tens of thousands, and has never failed. Porimeuts made there are made known in vrgue thanformierly.l Chiffon is Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. for their ehdebron white toethir)e, with Homutli Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell Wm. Wingham, Ont. COL1�1 A. CAntP13ELL, Druggist, throughout the Province and the bend- much used in trimming; fine tucks � perfect success. It soothes the child, Wingham, Out. Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures i fits given to all, and the results aro liarnlcmize with the present rage for Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. L. DICKENSON, wind colic, and is the best remedy for shown in the flue horses, cattle, grain, tucking; Passem nterie comes filet Meetings second Tuesday evening in each E • diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. CA;P.1DIa'ir3 COWING iIOJLE. fruit .etc. of the country.Those bene- mm,iss on, satin and choicest of ;.til, month. BARRISTER, ETC. Sold by druggists in ever The. latest returns of the Immi ration ' y part of the g fits are becoming so general that they is fine lace.: PUBLIC SCHOOL 7sEMiss R ober: 'I• , fllceSoli*Moyer lock, Hamilton. Monoytolonn, world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its Deptutment of Canada show that their Musgrove, Priugipal, Miss Robertson, Office=Mayor Block, 1Vinghant. Value is Incalculable. Be sure you ask ace crowding out the needs of the town- Miss R8 nolds Miss Far Miss for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and efforts to attract settlers to Canada, are BRIDAL VEILS, 3' + Farquharson, ship fair, The benefits are to be made Corny,, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson take no other kind. meeting with unbounded success. Some ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. -years ago, when the people would go to more general by a two weeks course a:. hithea'to, are oftenest of tulle and and BOARD oFl HEALTH—Mayor Clegg, Doctor of DentalSurgeryoftlhePennsylvnnia this winter and another in the spring, m•a cr wayDental CollegeWord has been received here an - the Northwest they would cross the lice y b gave tilt after ihebcereomom overt the ochaDmageniled Reading, Thos Greg- Dental of Dental Surgeonstof Ontario. io. Royal nouncing the death of Mr. Archibald when all may take advantage of the ex- „ over est Office, Wingham. to the States. The tide has turned. y, but rare ry, y, J. B. Fer usou Sec - These have returned and brought others periments by paying for their board. lace, particularly if an lieirlcbmti must rotary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical McIntosh of Virden, Man, who passed with them. The arrivals during the . Another way in which the success of haves its prestige a all its own. Orange Health Officer. away on the 24th ult., after an illness g T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., ase year from the United States have our Province has been reached is through buds and bbclssoms iarre extremes op- W. L.D.S. which lasted but two weeks. Mr. p y y p New method for painless ex- past all other years, the number on the liberal education in the schools of ular, yet for, the stake of variety, some PIANO AND THEORY, traction. No Cocaine. McIntosh was well and favorably known the country. Our system has been ac- brides select' T Special attention to the care and regulation here as he was a resident of Gorrie for June 30th being about 50,000, n jasmine and far brides- MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. of children's troth. Moderato prices and all a number of ears having been prop Owing to the war in South Africa and - corded first place among the schools of maids, a choice is biveto, among roses, and memUopr of the Associated Musicians of , in Beater B1oCl iWiugliam� performed'. Office years, P p the attractions from other colonies, the the world. A. chili. may enter our public ha., Ontario, violets or,orchids which are bertof)pupilsrPorrinstruct on on limited Nino and iii rietor of the Albion Hotel, Heart fell cumber from Great Britain has not been school, take up tha general studies for ;mPecial requisition this season. Theory. sympathy goes out to the widow and so eat. It is ho .ed, however, that the six, eight or ten years and then he is Special attention given to pupils preparing JOHN RITCHIE, daughter who are bereft of a loving P fitted for any calling in life. As there FURS for examinations. husband d kind d indulgent united inducements of the Dominion Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, ana ang and .Ontario governments will eats is scarcely a pupil `vile decides on his are, a. sub e,. Wingham, Ont. father.—Gorrie Vidette. greatly �,.et of unusual interest, life calling before he is fourteen years increase the number from the Old land. ba,cau�se. they will be sq much worn, I 1' JOHN CURRIE W1iraHAls, ONT. old, it will be seen that it is wrong to III J J. E�O�Utt r s, J , The number coming into the country not only in the way of garments but �I�IIIII ! • the child to eliminate any of the pre. I' LICENSED AUCTIONEER. the past year, to be exact was 43,162. as triminimgs on mnte23al, whether �) Honorary Graduate of (3£ these 31,162 arrived at ocean ports,scribed study before that age as the sub- I Ontario 'Veterinary Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a y jackets or dresses. C. C. Sha e s re- College. specialty. feet left Out may be the most important Office and Infil•mnr All orders left at THE, TibfEs office promptly and the balance, 18,000, came from the presentative display, has therefore y One for him. Though the Opposition corner of Victoria and attended to. Terms reasonable. 'United States. Those who came from awakened even mare attention than I Minnie Sts., Winghum. i have first denounced the Government � Day and night calls t isle United States etre among the best usual among fashionable, buyers,both VIII, promptly attended to. K{ settlers from tke Northwest. Of those for changing the books too often and these who ea•D: afford any expense and Telopbanoeonnection. ,M �', �• H. HELE l later for not changing the geography, it d , i �svho came by ocean ports 9,33T werethe very large classes who, wishing to �--.�..•,;; 3 English, 9 333 Irish 1 476 Scotch 520 is apparent to any student, or any rea- Classes in China. Painting. g h^ :well dressed, consider economy and �� R � � �� i;'• German 838 Scandinavian 492 French sonable person that the Government is Oil and Water Colors. , in fur, of all thi.thgs,:.r,eliability in the and Belgian, and 17,572 from other right in both cases. The changes that and anyone having live stock or .other Also a new revelation ]din for firing china. have been made were needed and not dealer censures satisfaction. City articles they wish to dispose of, should adver• Studio at her home, Catherine Street. too soon as Nye have pointed out before. European countries. belles are rapidly purchasing jaunty tise the same for sale in the Tjmzs. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if The change in the public school geo- little Etcns, tight fitting, with Juno youdonot etacustomer. We can't guarantee fraut•, high collars rounded at cor- that will sell because you may ash more E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN graphy has been made and can be users for the article or stock than it is worth. Send (,23� in either public or high schoolfor geo- ur xs and revers of o-ontrasting ftiVINOHA.\i urs. your advertisement to the Timm and try this There is a noted difference plan of disposing of your stock and other graphy purposes. It would be impos- Arndt}ler,style is 1altger, with a point articles. TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. in the style and fit of Pants we This signature is on every box of the genuine at the back and Juno front and both y Bible to keel it up to date any more than $ Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets it would a history,the latter, h the are mode in, Persian lamb, seal, otter m-t�-� r.P.ttl; nnthponsnred for Conservatory of Music male that always brings e0- t4e remedy that cures a eerld In one day � y y g p way, being brought up to 1896. The' or broadtail: Three quarter or long clots in seal fitter or Persian. lamb le back for another air. Opposition have made, great deal of HOLSTEIN DAIRY , VIOLIN AND GUITAR p p NOTES A1VL CUIiDTENT3. are stylish, with, greater demand, of . , fuss over the geography, and much un- Then there is the low price The Mail says that if a teacher were course, for the former, bacause less MISS CARRIE MOORE fair fault-finding because the change having added a separator to their plant, now W venture to add to or alter the instruc- was not made. The Opposition olio eapmsivla. ofler of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre- and better quality of cloth put pared rifter Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- tion in the text -books the school grant is rather wobbly, and if it is any indica- , LONG lB4OA5 CLA.RIFI `ID MILK berGuiof•pupils for instruction on violist and in them—cloth that wears would be withdrawn and the teacher tion of the policy of the Opposition if are vary falshian.able in black or brows Residence—o ositeR. C. Church, Win ham, Rued $10 and costs. The Mail can find t strictly the people, s Wingham. Our cobra ore kept pp g See our new p they here in power, the best thins; for bear, Alaska sable; stone marten, strictly clean, so that we are enabled to offer a000IS and rices. such offenders in every high school and absolutely clean mills, iced in summer, during JOB PRINTING, the electors is to keep them out and black or colored ,lynx, but collar- Juno, Tuly and August. collegiate institute in the Province. show their appreciation of a good Go. ettes Axe preferred by ocime, because 8 cents per quart, delivered once a day. indludi Books, ' Pamphlets, Posters, Bill T �.t a R coo �■ - Every intelligent teacher acids to and Heads, irculars, •&c,, &c., executed in the best dernment, stable in its ways by voting managed more easily. Mink, Hudson style of the art, at moderate prices, and oil Modifies the instruction given in the text for Mr. Garrow. Ba or Alaska• sable chinchilla or Er- � _ short notice. uc BOO$BINDYNG. WearePleased.>bl • ,;.,1 JJ YEtai•t.y books, and the late contains no prohibi• Another reason why we should sup- mine, fdr evening, are used and er- tint shy Books or Magazines fwith us Por ' � r RIE1%,CE tion agaiiast such a course. that" tr,, will have our proms attention 3 ` port Mr. Garrovr is because of their poli- mine, capes also for evening or rich 1 rices for Binding: any style will be given on -- cy to develop New Ontario. About brocado,lined with( ermine axe a choice n1 pplication to P g ; P THE TIMES OFFICE, r, , Ro 100,000 acres of excellent farm land have amcng the fastidious. Thlbet capes SOLID RUBB812 Wingham. t1 RaWy � � -9 W. W. �d been opened up for settlement by the ars' pdpula,r for young girls' evening w i $all �i�i; ana and scales PC, ad Government, and a railway is projected wear and for ,use at any time censer � a�"'�"� � � RAILWAY TIME TABLES. TRADE MARKS from North Bay to Temiscaming, which vative ladies may select cloth capes 5 RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. Bis Dreadful y Itellevell ui anti o r+viil give easy access to the land. Bub if lined with squirrel fur. Other capes �1 !RA ',a. LEAVI7 BOIL DESIGNS "'JJJ COPYRIGHTS &C. ]li!>y:^rive Irliorouxlxly Curets by Dr. we look back a few years we find that altirb for weJar at any ti=, are seed � ' Palmerston .............. 9,fi3 a,)n,•„ g, i;m, Anyone sonaing a sketch and descriptiontacp Ciil()9e's Ointment• in mmink, Persian lamb, dr most ole- London .................. 0.50 sari.... 3,iop.1 4iltakly nseertnu) dor opinion free tv,ether az the Opposition would have given this Kincttrdine..11.10 a.m... 3.10 inventin)r is probably patentnblo. Cdlnmanicd• Irs. A. McKnight, Kirkwall,�Uelling- goat of all, Hudson Bao or Alaska p-rn.... 8,88p.m. tionnetridtlyconndential. HandbookonPatents „ton County, Ont., writes:—"I feel it my same land, rich in minerals farming g WrIL ca_ry heave Loads ana AhenierII 8..OISY aunt trot, Oldest a roux for leeduring stents. + , B sable •with tails. Muffs are large And _ Kincardine ....9.49 can.. 8.56 a.m.... 8.10 � e. receive ,duty to let you know what Dr. Chase's and forest wealth, to the Dominion in' ba=r s}sa'i�e'• 'withstand hard service. Ieondon....... ... - 11.10 a.m.,., 7.55 p.m speeotalnotice,ewithoutcharge,iutbo p Ointment has done in a very bad case Palmerston .............. 2.45 p.m.... 8.85 p.m ��lL�1al��d Of eezema on our baby, We had tried Government and Ontario would have An a ger-Satisfactory. ea5p- R. T. SUTTON', Agent, Wingham. ♦� �1 d fe i 4 ring number of cures without any per- lost a revenue of man thousands of dol- A PROCLAMATION. fiding wheel tire. A handsornoly 111untratnd wdekly. 7.+radst cir. aerauent relief, but from the hour we •' Y i. ANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. A a ods of any acionttad weeknt. Tarns. e . te0mmcnced using Dr, Chase's Ointment It, Is not that a good reason for sup. ;: Ever set uairafit�ed. CANADIAN r,F)AVZ role y P• Can be fitted Toronto and East.. .. 6.57 .m.. •, 8.25 p..year �p r, months, $1. Sold by till neivsdoaldrs. there as great relief, untitidthe es vaspcat - potting the Government? Mr, Whitney date facilities for he modern and u to- t to any wh el. Toeswater 1.32 M .... 10.43 p.m: �r<ltC�Ir& 3G9L'fbadvrAy, NVW York only a few years ago called this '$the conducting a reliable ..6.57 Pno p.m. nrnrp�b )m, e, t,.:, n 1plete cure, 'We think It the greatest of y gafid p m. homily Ointments." land of the stunted poplar." But alter favor us•with you d Ctor's prescription, ontl Sona for Catatloguo, Toronto and f estt��� R .tep.m t •Wingham. $'*Mrs. was tt Stoddard, to ed d,with i, Ont.as sites: the Government have opened. it up and our best effort are put forth to make DUNLOP VIRE CO. ebronle eczema, for twelve years; used are making it a revenue•produeing that prescription ,vliat your physician % LIMITED. 1 intended it should be—professionally , X-ot n remedies Doctor that time, but like o s the Opposition leader would Y T PAYS .;got no relict. Doctored with lour or like to step in and have the honor o! correct in ti. �e minutest details. xOROxro„ , dive doctors, but found top Cure. I do. PAINS S CLLSRY COMPOUND. o . elded to try a box of Dr. Chasers Oint- spending the wealth the present Govern- This medicine is giving marvellous i Sound Iftent.,great relief.nd siI havefu Of the meat has laid the foundation for. "here results to sick people all over Canada. ' r Cavtats ar.,l Tmdr•ri4ark3 obtained. and all patent, is just as much business sense in keep, The cares affected b Paine's Cele � ��• ��4-t r��• , besueWi cheini et t.tt idnity ftlit NL68, My t9lmrte boxes, ,rid aril now completely P` Y r9 TO A� V 1„rRtuJL1f�E affiedisintheitiimedi•taviclnityofthePatent0i5ea Ourpd, and have. recommended it to Ing a good manager at the head of the Compound during, the past speaks#- � andmyracilities foriecerinxoxtentM areunsurpassed t Toy others. It is the best I have Aver , volum.)s in favor of the popular medicine, Send model• sketch or pdotagraph of invention wlti and it is worth its *eight in country s affairs as tlserar is aced for re. i P dascri tion iindstatementas taaPranra ea ctal)ned. Qw-d, 6 g eager in any Thousand who have suffered from Then- y ra�-Ttrac7,nratit,Y r:t/tY�,yrl,rnrxt,runn.erto fainin a suceeetlfnl ma matisln neural to nervous troubles and, rrit•� 1� patontablit,.1, and r,v fee ter rosccutln the Thvrs 1-0 nothing ter be compared with > neuralgia, _ _�. _ . _ �� THE � P a other business. As we have already dyspepsia stow sing the praises of the y{ �! y atpplldatia)t grill nr,h'5d oalrrdl Xbr .11,W t tree )East's Oivatmrnt ap n curt* for the. 10 AUNT Good 1YeiS rkfdlN t 011madd. "lava'Tokr (3utoti," eon• obstinate and tartttrinx akin dtit. said, the Opposition h4VO been ilsfable to medicine that has given them such stay be osea ted by tainiag full iniormalloti mnt )`roe. All COintnual- Its rurell t)fe often truly mares lay thelriingeir on a single neglect, or happy .results, our aid, Addr«ee, cations OOnbJderod b:i litrictl; FonA)idntlAt. s, 00c et box, at all de'nlnra, or stet of the Goverintnent that hard been de. A. L. RAxf1 To1Q Druggist, IFRAQ�N KI.f N R,. ROWI �"N noon# Sates & Co., Toronto, 'Win hrtm Ont. r i#�atr tN� PA'f'LrNt Alt(3tINd,MES � , BAitlelafar flld, ♦ s • on, 1.:i,. r,,. .w ar.'d:. 1,4141 .):r. It. r. 1 P f i 46