HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-11-22, Page 9prw
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T ATTEN OURit .,/r: ► .. o d e 'sus t b Sxa on
a th T chb ingo a IsaldS far R1144
another page.Committee Rooms bay een opened _..... "udrpots. F[ 4 i
_ . -__ - ...--Awuil $e have cast Choir last shade 1
for this year. Here and there throe$ hour our stook of FISP,
C• REL'IABUM and TDP-TU-D41J1 Creeds. Ne ,
BLOCK. EVENTS Qd' INTEREST TO ALL QllR R£< D " ' • --The first alai hi at year came on need of >xgin or sending to the city for Bar-
T1Yoso will bey evening until Ngyeixtber 14th. seine. Wnor thorn gore. Preens xltlte w,-
Allelection clflyl -Seven applications for divorce bare Prices.
X111 Liberals Rro iuvitecl to drop 111 and
or receive information portainiug been filed at Ottawa. educed
to the canipaigil. What W ideawa$e Times Correspoudents Communicate -• Other '
As every vote is desired for the ad- Items Clipped From Our Exchanges.—Griffin will open out again ill a few cents,
vaneemolit of fiord government, every days in the old stand. 5 piece Flannelette 32 inches 2 dozen Ladles' Fancy Strip-
Liberal is asked to lend Itis aid in Sup, --•Serexal heads were split in Ireland wide, good patterns, feet ed Waists. lined ull
porting our gancliclnts, 'Vries Bell 11IoDoulYld is spending R few cobra, regular pile 0 7n, for.. fie through,,50,p regular value tit.
F.At;T \\'. W,1NO5Ii. 1iLUUYAL d^, OyQr an election .ggntf,at. . . - _ r
$1.u0, special for ..... • .. $1.26 '
T • N, - P g Mrs; F. B. Scott is still very ill with —H. IX.. Chisholm has some manicure 2 5 Cents.MEE - - - -
weeks with friends on the 10th. inflan,inatory rhoulnatism. pieces for sale. Soo advt. l0 Frozen Ladies' 131atk Wool $4.75.
Or THE Mrs James henry who has been. Charlie Coultes bas returned front his '—Huron County Council will meet in Hose, heavy ribbed, fast 10 lKen's Tweod Suit.i to 10
HURON COUNT COUNCIL. visiting fn Guelph for some time ro• summer's Igbours near Molesworth. Goderioh onDecembe Ord. black, good value at 35c, clear, goon, meth, well lin-
turned to her liqulo qn Monday. -Mrs. Daniel Lewis was in London a sale price • • 25e ed, rega1-rr6 find $7, far'R 1,.?!i
--Tito farmers ; eaping a rich her-
The Council 0 tl 0ounty of Huron Miss Aun19 Densmore and Miss Mary few days this week Attending her sister vest these days it le wood line. 8 cents. $ 00
will meet in th until Chamber in the rothergill are still seriously ill of fever, Mrs. Walker who is very. ill, 5 pieces Wrapperetto, new
town of Ggderi 1, on Tuesday, the 3rd lye and Mrs Will Bo d and family of Miss Barbara 7,'h nue who has spent . --Air, T, J, Mugllire real estate agent = 10 pair White Late Curtains,
„ . 8 y y patterns, fast colors, regal- ,1, h
day of ]December next, at 3 o'clock made the sale of u Yarm this week. ` - ai J yards long, wide, ucaw
Belgrave, intend moving to Rookwood the summer with relatives in Bluevale ar loc and 12, 2o, for ..... , . , $e edge, regular price $1.25,
p• m, W, LANE, Cleric, in the near future, and v'ioiuity left last week for Comber, ' -•-A guessing contest is ou at Herswell's F i special at , ... , , , , , .. $1.00
7Dated at CxOdericlY this 20th- Essex county where she will visit her grgcery ill the north end. See adv, $5.00. -- - -- -F-
day of November, 1901. 73LLmaker • a 10 Men's Heavy Frieze Ulst- 40 cents.
' Mr. Roy choesemaker has again mov- , sister 11ira, Wray a few months before --Mrs, Weir o. Turnberry sold a Cur•. l
y g cls, well lined, high collar,
oin%ng her brother Rev, RRbt, T1Yyune, key to Tsard's weighing oyer' 2S lbs, re„ 1 piece Tapebtry C a r P e t,
ed to town to spend the winter. He has I „alar price $6.00, salp..$5.00 choice new pattern, regul-
Guessing o e s t cello has purchased the Arthur Enter- —Hard times prevail in German and '
beer mAliillg cheese this season at Wal- P y I ar value 50C, special price. , l,Qe:
prise. relief works for Cha unom to cd 12 / cents.
I ton. P y are
Mr. Sproat has bought the store lie Mr, and Mrs Henry Diment of New under consideration. 10 pieces Grey Flannel, plain 59 cents.
!q?M Q° f° `p°v' R+4? °P° ° P g Hamburg are visiting Mr • Diments or twill, wide, regular price 1 dozen Ladies' Ni ht
now occupies from Mrs. Tufts and has, brother John Diment sr. this week.Mrs. --We wonder if all the hens are out 150, sale price ., .12Y_e pink, blue, whlto flan e1-
Every b ,ye of 25 cents also got the post office. Mrs. Tufts in- canvassing for Garrow instead of laying 35 Collis. ettes, regular price 75c, for 59e
John Diment has not yet recovered from
worth of g from my sore tends going to British Columbia for'tho eggs. _ - -- ----_
will be all ed ONE GUESS her long illness. 2 pieces Fancy Plaid Dress
winter. —See Mrs. Green's advt. in another P
on the Number of. I3LdNS IN Miss Annie Swan is spending a month Goods, wido nice finish, 25 cents,.
Prayer meeting in the Methodist with friends in: Fergus. s+ column. She is now in the Fisher block, regular price 50o, special I piece Halifax Tweed, wido,
THE JAR to be seen in, the church every night this week assisted by old post office stand, at • • . • , - , 35e strong, regular value 3,5c,
window. George Pocock is mov thug wook to ,__ ._ sale 5e
the Rev. Dr. Brown of Whitechurch. - D. Lou heed will nlovs into the price ., .. , , , , • ,
' dhe farm in East Wa nosh which ho g 25 cents.
The Prize will be a GUITAR. Mr. William Watson has been in New recently purchased from Wm. Linklater share being fitted up for him, next to A. $1.00.
ZITHER to the person guessing Carr's, in a few days. P Carpet, ,
nearest to the Plumber of beans. York state for the past two weeks call- Ernest Mills of Clintola is vYslting.;iel, 2. feces Union Car )Pt choice
ing rollers ill the interests of Mr. Mitch- atives here, —11' asle Park announces bar anis in Patterns, yard wide, x.....egul- 2 i pair Ladies'. o iLaced Books,
y $ ar 35c, to clear ..... ......25e riveted sole, solid, leather,
KERSWELL S GROCERY, ell. Wm. Robertsonaud'W. J. Duff drove watches, clocks, jewellery, etc. Read arpr
Next to Dr. Cpishol.n's. Miss Ella Saunby returned to her to Pinkerton, Bruce county this week. his advertisement in another column. 50 cents.
home in Dungannon on Monday last Whitfield Jermyn sold his farm on the —E, C. Clarke has rented • rooms in 10 dozen Men's plain, heavy, 19 cents.
s• •€• •4•• r •3• 0 • •• ..1•fi••1• •• •4••'..1• after a week's visit with Mrs, 'Watson. B line of Turnberry to Thos Holmes a the Shary block where he will open a all wool Shirts find Dr€Lw
Mr.Duncan llison started to school ers, all sizes, regular price ? 1 niece Fancy Plaid Tweed
.i• •' GENUINE " Business Education •i• ' short time ago and has purthasad John custom tailor shop until his sloop is re- 75e, sale price roe Dress Goods, wide, regular
•3• i• in London ou Monday last. Bosman's farm on the Bluevale road, built. - ---- 25c, sale price ....... . . ....19e
the ]rind our stud, its receive. Be •i•
•I• thorougjily prepared for the best sit •II• Mr. John Stewart has secured a situa Mr. Joe Pugh attended John Grang e ' 1.50,
•i. nations and •I• , —It is amus -
nation, t0 Se en hurrying
tion in Brussels and will commence ers sale near MoleaWorrh last week. `3,5C?
•3• •r 2 dozen Ladies' Wrappers,
+ work there on Monday 25th. towards the outslcir town to ambush PP ,
Mies Eliza Messer the guest of lined waist and sleeve,12 pair extra fine wool Blan-
E• • a fanner as he coin in with a load of
.p .o Mrs. Abe Proctor who has been laid Ailsa McLean, Win h , for a few days wide skirt, deep frill, regal• kets, "Florida," siza, 68x
'h d• up for the past two weeks, we are this week. wood. ar value $2.00,, our special 88, worth $4.00, for.. $3.50
.•b, pleased to say is ablo to be up again. Wa 1 t o x Burgess salesman in Kerr —There is to be a uew barber shop in price ..... .. . ......... $1.50
town. J. L. Constable is opening one i
+• = Bros store Wingham is laid off work 50 cents.
..yy.. WILL BE YOURS. WICOXETEI:. this week with a bad cold, in thenAicIionzie block, next to the Men's =
.g. Chisholm block. Mens 'Lined Kid Gloves, S ter o u R Working
Miss Elliott of Cllesley is the guest of °ihe weekly shipment of hogs to the spring batten, well made, Boots, pegged sole, regular
g f , ..., n- ..... va .'1 "5, for,... .... 1.00 .
Oliver Smith on HovvYelc street. Palmerston Pork factory was made on rho Fordwich Record reached the regular rico 75c, for ... , . 50e • ' rue y ,,. $
•F. Central Business College .+ S. B. McKelvie was in Listowel last Tuesday by Wm. Jewitt of Brussels. sixth volume on November 7th. The
Stratford Ont. r• Butter Eggs, Poultry, Dried,
+ ,1, week. /► alovv closed -in shied is being built Record is a breezy shoat and w0 wish it P a11eY Bach{ if You Want It. 'egg
plow our gradntites as teachers, Thns Miss Rebecca Wright of Jamestown at JolYilstons church. This vFill make it success. et price.
,1, pMany leading business colleges cni- ,t, b Apple, bought at highest that k
';• h.4 Cho best proof that our vers. is is 'sq, called at Mrs. J. Brethauer s last week. a great deal more comfortable for the The Glenannan public school will
'A' the very highest grade. Do not inn- s : Mrs. R. Fox, who has been visiting in horses during the cold winter mouths, hold their annual entertainment on Fri -
'f' a hno that all before
ss colleges are •nke. There's a big aiffer;•ueo. Get town, returned last w eek to her home in Dr. Agnew and J. Greer of Wing-' day evening, December 20th. Full par.•He 18 A R` " I)'
eon Caere. beforo ldeciding rv go .1. Brussels. barn attends tea -meeting in the titulars given later.
elsewhere. Our school offers ndvant-
n.tes not found elsewhere in Canada. + Mrs. Dickson, of Howick street, who Methodist ell, on Monday night. --Mrs. Young, mother of Mrs. Pere
+ Enter this month. if possible. Miss Wolfe -of Wroxeter is visiting "' y ' d
7 'iI, is with her sou, F. V. Dickson, celebrat.. Hill of this town, died at London on Wingham s Bri,htest Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton.
+ W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ,''r', ed 82nd birthday on Wednesday of last . her mother Mrs. Wolfe.- November 5th. See particulars in God-
+ •1, ivoek. Her daughter-in-law purchased Miss Cassie Powell visited at Walter erich correspondence.
.°1••3•.•fi•i•3••3•. .•i•,* •E••1••t•.•3•.4•....:- t••f a nice yellow chrysanthymum at the Patterson's on Sunday.
Wroxeter groan house about a week ago Miss Jean. Davidson of Wroxeter was —Tho School Board meets next Wed-
nesday evening to consider the applica- -
and last Wednesday took it home to visiting her sister, Mrs. Chris. Moffatt, tions for the vacancy caused by the -_-
Airs. Dickson, sr. It can be seen in the this week. E
Great window that faces the street. In his series of famous Biblical char- 'resigiYatiou of Miss Vaustone. g
Wm. Higgins of Turnberry was the actersi Rev. W. J. West took for his —The Imperial authorities have coni• 1 -r%,% iture Fnct
guest of R. Rann last Sunday. enbject on Sunday night "Esau" and mrnicated with the Canadian Govern-
■ IY meat in regard to the reorutiug of a
Mr. Armstrong was at Belmore on presented it in a lnarner which gained
Thanksgiving mounted force for service in South
• Tuesday. the close attention of his hearers. ,
Dolan Harris is taking his holidays and Jin1 Staples of Wingham was the Africa.
C. Reis is taking his place iu his absence, guest of Hartley Patterson ou Sunday. —We have not said anything about We desire to thank our customers "for the
Mr. Thos. J. Gibson, who has been The Thanksgiving services ill the our subscription list of late. But we patronage they have extended to. us during the
near Dauphin, Man. for some time, re- three appointments- of the Methodist are getting there jnst the same. We .
Offeringturned last Saturday.He".-expects to re- p est three ears. We have appreciated ver
church on Sunday last were largely at- brave not got u to our fernier mark of P Y Pp Y
turn in a couple of months. He .says • tended. Rev. I. B. Wallwin of Seaforth over fifty, but they are coming by the I much the way you have stuck to us, notwith-
the Glalatians are nice people. preached in ;Bluevale church in the score. standing the endeavor to belittle our business
Mr. Bolton, assisted by Geo. Paulin evening and a very large congregation Air. Griffin will open out in a few days
C and James Ballantyne, finished serve was p part of the methods and business.
y- present to listen to his remarks, in the old stanch. The to
J 0 N D IRS ing the Maitland -Smith cemetery last After the services were over many avail- building will be removed and a flat roof It assures us, moreover, that we still lead
1 Saturday. ed, themselves of the opportunity to put on over the first story for the win -
and that the largeness of our stock gives us the
Thos: Hemphill is ]caving lois store re- renew :their acquaintance with their tax. In the spring a largo brick block g g •
from Our Always modeled for the drugstore, it is said, former pastor. On Monday evening a. will be put up. privilege of selling the same goods a little
Y The Methodist children are practicing tea meeting was hold in the Bluevale —The delivery boys of St. Marys
Remarkable Stock. for the Xmas. entertainment. church which was a very successful 0110. have formed a union to. protect them- cheaper than our opponents. A look through is
When you see the goods yon wll Wm. Sanderson shipped over 2000 live Tea was served in the basement, and selves from delivering any purchases evidence Ythat we, if anything,exceed in beauty
turkeys from the C. P. R. •station here from six till eight oclock the festive bought after nine o'clock on Saturday of exhibit, workmanship and value.
agree that • we understate their'
last Monday. There were over, 100 salmon sandwich and lemon pie disap- night, It is a wise move as shopping
value. We do not need to advertise teams in the village and all that could be geared with alarming rapiaity, When, should be done before that hour. We have beers keeping pretty quiet in the
them to sell them—we do advertise seen at the station was turkeys and the practical side of man had received
full satisfaction his more aesthetic na_ Brussels Post: Ales. Bird ofWiugham, way Of booming our business, because we have
them .to give our many friends a teams. is visiting in Brussels this week. Miss a a
J. Brethauer returned last week from tui'0 was appealed to by a good pro- }peen. Dept at it, but now we are "Dina to work
chance and to make new friends. Libbie Ball, Of Wingham, was visiting
Waterloo,vvherolleattendedhis mother's gramme in the auditorium of the church Mrs. John Tait and other old friends through the newspaper and show you that tive can
Number 1. funeral. Music was furnished by the choir, the
a in Brussels during 1110 past week. W '`. • off little, and good foundation.
Handsome Tweed Dress Goods Frank Karmath of Mildmay was in string quartette consisting of Messrs. m. p a e, a
in grey, fawn and brown town on Monday. Ruttan and Cautelon and the Misses = Murr of Wingham spent Sunday in town.
shades, the correct materials Miss Flora James of Gerrie was in Hughes and the Ruttan quartette con- —Mrs. Green calls attention this week We da picture, framing while you Watt.
for Suitings, 4o inches wide, town on Tuesday. slating of Messrs. Leonard, Geo. and to a big millinoy sale; which she is . You may have picture home with you same day.
re alar value 45c, Thanks- g+ y
g Mrs. McArthur of Manitoba is the Chas. Ruttan and Geo. Eckmire. The verdin on account of the dole caused "
giving rice C In order to lease our customers and our
g g p • •. • • 29e guest of Mrs. Geo. Ilarris on the gravel. singing of the last named being particu- by removing the stock, Trimmed p
Number 2. John Wendt was in Mildmay on 'Wed- larly enjoyable. Addresses were doliv- untrimmed millinery and orders at re- competitors, we have marked our goods in plain :
Pretty Frena$ Wrapperettes, all nesday visiting under the parental roof. Bred by Reverends AlcKelvie of Wrox- dared prices. The boot and shoe stock figures and at the bottom price, such as
the new shades and pat- Gavin,Davidson has purchased a new eter, Hobbs of Wingham, Wallwin of has been removed also. :
terns, regular value 150, p _ driver. It is a dandy. Seaforth and West of Bluevale. Rev. —The Tliv > 5 received a compliment Odd Dressers for .............. $ 3 60
° Thanksgiving price .... • ... 'OG Air. Barber of Akrau, Ohio was in Hobbs of Wingham in his address on last w0elc on its accurate and fall account _ + Mattress for ...... , 1 95
"Music" struck of meetings. We receive man favor- k a happy chord and his y Couches in Velure for.......... 5 `25
Number 3. town on Tuesday, on his lather's busi- _
Floor Oil Cloth, good colors, 1u ness, who died on Tuesday, 19th Inst, singing of the old songs was irresistible. able comments on the newsiness of ourCommon Beds as low as ........ 14.a
yards wide, regular value Mrs. Wm, Yeo of Turnberry, who is Rev. Swan occupied the chair to the news as the poople realize mord and more r
50c, Thanksgiving price. , . • 350 at present visiting friends and relatives tatisfaction of all. The proceeds a- that the Tn-ixs is the people's paper. Bedroom Suites as tow as ....... 7 25
in Waterloo, is expected home this week. mounted to fifty dollars over and above Everybody reads the Tvum even if they - r Spring lieds as low as .......... 1213
Number 4• Willie Harris is recovering from facial the sabbath collections which is a very have to borrow it from their neighbors. + Extension Table ai low as ...... 3 '?5
125 yards Brussels Carpet, satisfaotory showing.
heavy weight, beautiful col- paralysis.
—The first coat of plaster in the new Parlor Suites, in velure covering. 13 25
ors, newest patterns, regul- Mr, and Mrs. Jas. E, Black were at ♦ Methodist church is about finished, and €• Easy Chairs, in velure. , .. , ..... '? i10
value $1,25, Thanksgiving nn AA Wingham on Tuesday. Tile license department Iles been po• the carpenter work is being pushed as 2
aDu Rev. Mr, Holmes of Brussels occupied titioned to remit the flue of a mall who fast as may be. Everything is being Few Kitchen Chairs left at...... 0
price ........ • ... , . , . , . , . P g P 1 Secrota r s for `? 75
the ulnit in the Methodist church oil was convicted of breakin , the law uu- worked towards conipletion by Decem- y ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' '
Number 5° Sunda 7'110 collection taken up in aid der peculiar circumstances. The p0• bor 249th. The men will be hero to put Good Arai Cha$i• .............. 90
11 Men's Heavy Canadian y' inthe seats on ]December 16th. The ? Rockers to match ... ,
Tweed Snits, well lined of tics running espouses amonuted,to titiouer 11ad been negotiating for the ! , , , , , , , , , , X15 ,
$20.70. purchase of a licensed hotel, and annow organ 1s expected to be finished by
throughout, double bronsted Walter Davidson of -Morris Was in ticipation had bought a barrel of whir• the time of the opening. You can make no mistake in buying
coats, warranted splendid en on Monday, at his father's, John key for stock. The seller, however,
wearers, bought to sell at @5 25 upholstered goods from us.
t' Davidson.avidsOii, changed his iniad, And the intendin •
$7,50, Thanksgiving price .. t The members of the curling elub mot purchaser laud to dispose of hisliquor as The royal train will not be exhibited We do just wll.lt we Say. We keep in
We start these Speelal Thatiks- in Jas, E, Black's store last Monday best he could. He sold part of it for Ori the. line of the C. P. R, in Western stock what we advertise.
iving Prices on ay, FridNOV. 22, evelling. The election of officers was as $49, and being informed upon, was fined Ontario as originally planned. Tho
R follows: )?resident,John vice $5() under the.licenso law• It is scarcely reason assigned is the unfavorable
Johngiven- )that an redress will be The assistant agent of the C. N. R. at 1,1 C: ' ' ". W Bt )on
BIG PRICES FOR 'GRADE. president, R. Black; seo.-treas., Jas. L', p Y
Black; rick es.Rao; eo, a Black, J g 5 i
. ON
%fray andThos.Rao; managers, R,Blacl;:,. b70epawa,lVlau,, is said to be ulisaiu ,R. I r
Jas. E. Black and Thog. Rae, The Children Cry for with $520 of the company's move ,1- "• ' f I s 1+
0tneotiau vias a smeess and the plAyerswhich• was intrusted to hirac to deliver in •--••- w .. i
aro going to Win all the games they eau j
. i AS% -O R ! A■ Wiun%peg. .
0 to